Commit accb0e85 by Ravi Varadarajan

Update README for nvdla testcase in all enablements

Signed-off-by: Ravi Varadarajan <>
parent 59cd0afe
# **Synthesis, Place \& Route (SP\&R):** We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla) on the [ASAP7](../../../Enablements/ASAP7) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of NVDLA design with 128 memory macros on ASAP7 using commercial and open-source tools.
- [**SP\&R Flow**](#spr-flow)
- [**Cadence tools**](#using-cadence-genus-and-innovus)
## **SP\&R Flow:** The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla/) on the ASAP7 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub]( We use the [fakeram]( generator for the ASAP7 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/ASAP7*](../../../Enablements/ASAP7/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:** [run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .v files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl) (changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc*](./constraints/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:** [run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the NVDLA SP\&R database with 128 memory macros using Cadence flow.
<img src="./screenshots/nvdla_Innovus_asap7.png" alt="nvdla_cadence" width="400"/> <img src="./screenshots/nvdla_Innovus_asap7.png" alt="nvdla_cadence" width="400"/>
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators. <!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
<img src="./screenshots/Ariane136_ORFS_SPNR.png" alt="ariane136_orfs" width="400"/> -->
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here]( To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/
4. uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
<img src="./screenshots/Ariane136_ORFS_SPNR.png" alt="ariane136_orfs" width="400"/>
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# **Synthesis, Place \& Route (SP\&R):** We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla) on the [NanGate45](../../../Enablements/NanGate45) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of NVDLA design with 128 macros on NanGate45 using commercial and open-source tools.
- [**SP\&R Flow**](#spr-flow)
- [**Cadence tools**](#using-cadence-genus-and-innovus)
## **SP\&R Flow:** The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla/) on the NanGate45 platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub]( We use the [fakeram]( generator for the NanGate45 platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/NanGate45*](../../../Enablements/NanGate45/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:** [run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .v files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl) (changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc*](./constraints/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:** [run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the NVDLA SP\&R database with 128 memory macros using Cadence flow.
<img src="./screenshots/nvdla_Innovus_ng45.png" alt="nvdla_cadence" width="400"/> <img src="./screenshots/nvdla_Innovus_ng45.png" alt="nvdla_cadence" width="400"/>
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators. <!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on Nangate45 enablement is shown below
<img src="./screenshots/Ariane136_ORFS_SPNR.png" alt="ariane136_orfs" width="400"/> -->
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here]( To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/
4. uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
<img src="./screenshots/Ariane136_ORFS_SPNR.png" alt="ariane136_orfs" width="400"/>
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# **Synthesis, Place \& Route (SP\&R):** We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla) on the [SKY130HD](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD) platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R).
Here we provide the setup to run SP&R of NVDLA design with 128 macros on SKY130HD using commercial and open-source tools.
- [**SP\&R Flow**](#spr-flow)
- [**Cadence tools**](#using-cadence-genus-and-innovus)
## **SP\&R Flow:** The screenshot of the design using Cadence Flow-1 on SKY130HD enablement is shown below. The 256x64 SRAM memory dimension is weird. This is the memory we have generated using the [bsg_fakeram]( memory compiler.
We implement [NVDLA](../../../Testcases/nvdla/) on the SKY130HD platform using the proprietary (commercial) tools **Cadence Genus** (Synthesis) and **Cadence Innovus** (P&R), and the open-source tools **Yosys** (Synthesis) and **OpenROAD** (P&R) (Soon, we will update the OpenROAD flow details). The required *.lef* and *.lib* files are downloaded from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts (ORFS) [GitHub]( We use the [fakeram]( generator for the SKY130HD platform to generate the 16-bit (256x16, single-ported SRAM) memory. All the required *.lib* and *.lef* files are available in the [*Enablements/SKY130HD*](../../../Enablements/SKY130HD/) directory.
### **Using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
All the required scripts are available in the [*./scripts/cadence/*](./scripts/cadence/) directory.
**Synthesis:** [run_genus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_genus.tcl) contains the setup for synthesis using Genus. It reads the .v files based on the list in [*./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl*](./scripts/cadence/rtl_list.tcl) (changing the order of the file may cause errors). The timing constraints are provided in [*./constrains/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc*](./constraints/NV_NVDLA_partition_c.sdc) file. To launch the synthesis run please use the below command
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
We also generate a synthesized netlist, which is available in the [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory.
**P\&R:** [run_innovus.tcl](./scripts/cadence/run_invs.tcl) contains the setup for the P&R run using Innvous. It reads the netlist provided in [*./netlist/*](./netlist/) directory. To launch the P\&R run please use the below command.
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
Below is the screenshot of the NVDLA SP\&R database with 128 memory macros using Cadence flow. The 256x64 SRAM memory dimension is weird. This is the memory we have generated using the [bsg_fakeram]( memory compiler.
<img src="./screenshots/nvdla_Innovus_sky130hd.png" alt="nvdla_cadence" width="400"/> <img src="./screenshots/nvdla_Innovus_sky130hd.png" alt="nvdla_cadence" width="400"/>
This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators. <!-- The screenshot of the design using ORFS on ASAP7 enablement is shown below
<img src="./screenshots/Ariane136_ORFS_SPNR.png" alt="ariane136_orfs" width="400"/> -->
### **Using OpenROAD-flow-scripts:**
Clone ORFS and build OpenROAD tools following the steps given [here]( To run SP&R using OpenROAD tools follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Copy [*./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz*](./scripts/OpenROAD/ariane.tar.gz) file to *{ORFS Clone Directory}/OpenROAD-flow-scripts/flow/designs/nangate45* area.
2. Use command *tar -xvf ariane.tar.gz* to untar *ariane.tar.gz*. This will generate *ariane136* directory which contains all the files required to run SP&R using ORFS.
3. To launch the SP&R job go to the flow directory and use the below command
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/
4. uses the **RTL-MP** (RTL Macro Placer) for macro placement. If you wish to run macro placement using the older **Triton Macro Placer**, please use the below command:
make DESIGN_CONFIG=./designs/nangate45/ariane136/
Below is the screenshot of the Ariane SP\&R database with 136 memory macros using the ORFS (RTL-MP) flow.
<img src="./screenshots/Ariane136_ORFS_SPNR.png" alt="ariane136_orfs" width="400"/>
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