Commit a53bc51b by sakundu

Merge branch 'main' of into flow_scripts

parents bd96fa01 91564014
......@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ CodeElements/Plc_client/
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ portions of Circuit Training.
## **I. Information provided by Google.**
The Methods section of the [Nature paper]( provides the following information.
* “(1) We group millions of standard cells into a few thousand clusters using hMETIS, a partitioning technique based
on the minimum cut objective. Once all macros are placed, we use an FD method to place the standard cell clusters.
Doing so enables us to generate an approximate but fast standard cell placement that facilitates policy network optimization.”
......@@ -21,9 +20,6 @@ To perform this clustering, we employed a standard open-source library, hMETIS,
which is based on multilevel hypergraph partitioning schemes with two important phases:
(1) coarsening phase, and 2) uncoarsening and refinement phase.”
Therefore, at least one purpose of clustering is to enable fast placement of standard cells to
provide a signal to the RL policy. The Methods section subsequently explains how the clusters
are placed using a [force-directed]( approach:
......@@ -42,39 +38,99 @@ The [Circuit Training FAQ](
including all necessary settings. For detailed settings, please see Extended Data Table 3 from our [Nature article](
Internally, Google pays for a commercial license, but non-commercial entities are welcome to use a free open-source license."
Finally, the Methods section of the [Nature paper]( also explains the provenance of the netlist hypergraph:
* **"Synthesis of the input netlist.** We use a commercial tool to synthesize the netlist from RTL. Synthesis is physical-aware, in the sense that it has access to the floorplan size and the locations of the input/output pins, which were informed by inter- and intra-block-level information."
## **II. What *exactly* is the Hypergraph, and how is it partitioned?**
From the above information sources, the description of the [Grouping]( process, and information provided by Google engineers, we are fairly certain of the following.
* (1) Clustering uses the hMETIS partitioner, which is run in “multiway” mode.
More specifically, hMETIS is **always** invoked with *nparts*=500, with unit vertex weights.
More specifically, hMETIS is **always** invoked with *npart* more than 500, with unit vertex weights.
The hyperparameters given in Extended Data Table 3 of the [Nature paper]( are used.
(Additionally, Circuit Training explicitly sets reconst=1 and dbglvl=0.)
* (2) The hypergraph that is fed to hMETIS consists **only** of standard cells and “fixed”
(i.e., specified as monolithic clusters of vertices, using the .fix input file mechanism of hMETIS) groups of standard cells.
* (2) The hypergraph that is fed to hMETIS consists of macros, macro pins, IO ports and standard cells.
The "fixed" file generated by [Grouping]( process, is also fed as .fix input file to hMETIS.
* (3) All hypergraph partitioning applications in physical design (of which we are aware) perform some kind of thresholding to ignore large hyperedges.
Circuit Training ignores all hyperedges of size greater than 500.
Before going further, we provide a **concrete example** for (2).
* Suppose that we have a design with 200,000 standard cells, 100 macros, and 1,000 ports.
* Suppose that we have a design with 200,000 standard cells, 100 macros, and 1,000 IO ports.
* Furthermore, using terms defined in [Grouping](, suppose
that each of the 100 macros induces a *group* of 300 standard cells, and that the ports collectively induce 20 *clumps*,
each of which induces a group of 50 standard cells.
that each of the 100 macros induces a *cluster* of 300 standard cells, and that the IO ports collectively induce 20 *IO clusters*,
each of which induces a cluster of 50 standard cells.
* Then, there will be 100 + 20 = 120 groups, each corresponding to an entry of the .fix file.
* Then, there will be 100 + 20 = 120 clusters. Each element (macro pin, IO port or standard cell)
in these clusters corresponds to an entry of the .fix file. The cluster id starts from 0 to 119.
* The number of individual standard cells in the hypergraph that is actually partitioned by hMETIS is 200,000 - (100 * 300) - (20 * 50) = 169,000.
* Note: To our understanding, applying hMETIS with *nparts* = 500 to this hypergraph, with 120 entries in the .fix file,
will partition 169,000 standard cells into 500 - 120 = 380 clusters. All of the above understanding is in the process of being reconfirmed.
* Suppose that each macro has 64 macro pins. The hypergraph that is actually partitioned by hMETIS has
200,000 + 100 + 1000 + 100 * 64 = 207, 500 vertices. Although there are both macro pins and macros in the hypergraph, all the nets related to macros are connected to macro pins and there is no hyperedges related to macros. Each hyperedge in the hypergraph cooresponds to a net in the netlist. Note that Circuit Training assumes that there is only one output pin for each standard cell, thus there is only one hyperedge {**A**, **B**, **C**, **D**, **E**} for the following case.
<p align="center">
<img src="./net_model.png" width= "600"/>
<p align="center">
Figure 1. Illustration of net model in Circuit Training.
* *nparts* = 500 + 120 = 620 is used when applying hMETIS to this hypergraph.
## **III. Break up clusters that span a distance larger than *breakup_threshold***
After partitioning the hypergraph, we can have *nparts* clusters.
Then Circuit Training break up clusters that span a distance larger than *breakup_threshold*.
Here *breakup_threshold = sqrt(canvas_width * canvas_height / 16)*.
For each cluster *c*, the breakup process is as following:
* *cluster_lx, cluster_ly, cluster_ux, cluster_uy = c.GetBoundingBox()*
* If ((*cluster_ux - cluster_lx) <= breakup_threshold*) && (*cluster_uy - cluster_ly) <= breakup_threshold*))
* Return
* *cluster_x, cluster_y = c.GetWeightedCenter()*. Here the weighted center of cluster *c* is the average location of all the standard cells in the cluster, weighted according to their area.
* Use (*cluster_x*, *cluster_y*) as the origin and *breakup_threshold* as the step, to divide the bounding box of *c* into different regions.
* The elements (macro pins, macros, ports and standard cells) in each region form a new cluster.
The following figure shows an example: the left part shows the cluster *c<sub>1</sub>* before breakup process and the blue dot is the weighted center of *c<sub>1</sub>*; the right part shows the clusters after breakupup process. The "center" cluster still has the cluster id of 1.
<p align="center">
<img src="./breakup.png" width= "1600"/>
<p align="center">
Figure 2. Illustration of breaking up a cluster.
Note that the netlist is generated by physical-aware synthesis, we know the (x, y) coordinate for each instance.
## **IV. Recursively merge small adjacent clusters**
After breaking up clusters which span large distance, there may be some small clusters with only tens of standard cells.
In this step, Circuit Training recursively merges small clusters to the most adjacent cluster if they are within a certain
distance *closeness* (*breakup_threshold* / 2.0), thus reducing number of clusters. A cluster is claimed as a small cluster
if the number of elements (macro pins,
macros, IO ports and standard cells) is less than or equal to *max_num_nodes*, where *max_num_nodes* = *number_of_vertices* // *number_of_clusters_after_breakup* // 4. The merging process is as following:
* flag = True
* While (flag == True):
* Create adjacency matrix *adj_matrix* where *adj_matrix\[i\]\[j\]* represents the number of connections between cluster *c<sub>i</sub>* and cluster *c<sub>j</sub>*. For example, in the Figure 1, suppose *A*, *B*, *C*, *D* and *E* respectively belong to cluster *c<sub>1</sub>*, ..., *c<sub>5</sub>*, we have *adj_matrix\[1\]\[2\]* = 1, *adj_matrix\[1\]\[3\]* = 1, ...., *adj_matrix\[5\]\[3\]* = 1 and *adj_matrix\[5\]\[4\]* = 1. We want to emphasize that although there is no hyperedges related to macros in the hypergraph, *adj_matrix* considers the "virtual" connections between macros and macro pins. That is to say, if a macro and its macros pins belong to different clusters, for example, macro A in cluster *c<sub>1</sub>* and its macro pins in cluster *c<sub>2</sub>*, we have *adj_matrix\[1\]\[2\]* = 1 and *adj_matrix\[2\]\[1\]* = 1.
* Calculate the weighted center for each cluster. (see the breakup section for details)
* For each cluster *c*
* If *c* is not a small cluster
* Continue
* Find all the clusters *close_clusters* which is close to *c*, i.e., the Manhattan distance between their weighted centers and the weighted center of *c* is less than or equal to *closeness*
* If there is no clusters close to *c*
* Continue
* Find the most adjacent cluster *adj_cluster* of *c* in *close_clusters*, i.e., maximize *adj_matrix\[c\]\[adj_cluster\]*
* Merge *c* to *adj_cluster*
* If *adj_cluster* is a small cluster
* flag = False
## **V. Pending Clarifications**
We call readers’ attention to the existence of significant aspects that are still pending clarification here.
While [Gridding]( and
[Grouping]( are hopefully well-understood,
......@@ -83,17 +139,11 @@ we are still in the process of documenting and implementing such aspects as the
* ***Pending clarification #1: Is the output netlist from synthesis modified before it enters (hypergraph clustering and) placement?***
All methodologies that span synthesis and placement (of which we are aware) must make a fundamental decision with respect to the netlist that is produced by logic synthesis, as that netlist is passed on to placement: (A) delete buffers and inverters to avoid biasing the ensuing placement (spatial embedding) with the synthesis tool’s fanout clustering, or (B) leave these buffers and inverters in the netlist to maintain netlist area and electrical rules (load, fanout) sensibility. We do not yet know Google’s choice in this regard. Our experimental runscripts will therefore support both (A) and (B).
* ***Pending clarification #2: Are large nets ignored in hypergraph clustering (and hence placement)? If so, at what net size threshold?***
All hypergraph partitioning applications in physical design (of which we are aware) perform some kind of thresholding to ignore large hyperedges.
Our implementation of hypergraph clustering takes a parameter, *net_size_threshold*, and ignores all hyperedges of size greater
than or equal to *net_size_threshold*. The default value for this parameter is 300.
* ***Pending clarification #3: How does hMETIS with nparts = 500 and a nonempty .fix file create so many standard-cell clusters (soft macros)? What explains the variation in cluster area, given that hMETIS is run with UBfactor = 5?*** For example, the Ariane example data shown in Circuit Training’s [test_data]( has 799 soft macros, although in practice Ariane synthesizes to only approximately (100K +/- 20K) standard cells along with its 133 hard macros. Furthermore, in the Circuit Training data, it is easy to see that all hard macros have identical dimensions 19.26(h) x 29.355(w), but that the 799 soft macros have dimensions in the range \[0.008 , 14.46\](h) x 10.18(w), implying areas that vary across a ~1500X range.
* **[June 13]** ***Update to Pending clarification #3:*** We are glad to see [grouping (clustering)]( added to the Circuit Training GitHub. The new scripts refer to (x,y) coordinates of nodes in the netlist, which leads to further pending clarifications (noted [here]( The solution space for how the input to hypergraph clustering is obtained has expanded. A first level of options is whether **(A) a non-physical synthesis tool** (e.g., Genus, DesignCompiler or Yosys), or **(B) a physical synthesis tool** (e.g., Genus iSpatial or DesignCompiler Topological (Yosys cannot perform physical synthesis)), is used to obtain the netlist from starting RTL and constraints. In the regime of (B), to our understanding the commercial physical synthesis tools are invoked with a starting .def that includes macro placement. Thus, we plan to also enable a second level of sub-options for determining this macro placement: **(B.1)** use the auto-macro placement result from the physical synthesis tool, and **(B.2)** use a human PD expert (or, [OpenROAD RTL-MP]( macro placement.
## **III. Our Implementation of Hypergraph Clustering.**
## **VI. Our Implementation of Hypergraph Clustering.**
Our implementation of hypergraph clustering takes the synthesized netlist and a .def file with placed IO ports as input,
then generates the clustered netlist (in lef/def format) using hMETIS (1998 binary).
In default mode, our implementation will also run RePlAce in GUI mode automatically to place the clustered netlist.
# **Grouping**
Grouping is an important preprocessing step of clustering.
The grouping step in Circuit Training requires as inputs:
the post-synthesis gate-level netlist (standard cells and hard macros)
placed IOs (ports, or terminals), typically at the borders of the chip canvas
the grid of n_rows rows and n_cols columns of gridcells, which defines the gridded layout canvas
The purpose of grouping, to our understanding, is to ensure that closely-related logic is kept close to hard macros and to clumps of IOs. The clumps of IOs are induced by IO locations with respect to the row and column coordinates in the gridded layout canvas.
the post-synthesis gate-level netlist (standard cells and hard macros),
placed IOs (ports, or terminals), typically at the borders of the chip canvas,
the grid of **n_rows** rows and **n_cols** columns of _gridcells_, which defines the gridded layout canvas.
The purpose of grouping, to our understanding, is to ensure that closely-related standard-cell logic,
which connect to the same macro or the same clump of IO (noted as IO cluster), belong to the same standard-cell clusters.
## **The Grouping Process**
In the Circuit Training approach, a given SRAM’s immediate fanins and immediate fanouts (with respect to all of the SRAM’s pins) comprise a group. One group is created for each SRAM in the design.
The grouping consists of three steps:
- Group the macro pins of the same macro into a cluster.
In Circuit Training, the netlist consists of four building elements:
standard cells, IO ports, macro pins and macros.
The following figure shows an example of netlist representation in Circuit Training.
The left part is the real netlist; The right part is the Netlist Protocol Buffer
representation in Circuit Training. The solid arrow means the real signal net and the dashed
arrow means the virtual nets between macro A and its macro pins.
We can see that the macro pins and the related macro are both basic elements in the netlist, whereas there is no pins of standard cells. Thus, it's necessary to group the macros pins of the same macro into a cluster, because the macro pins of the same macro will always stay together during macro placement. Note that only the macro pins are grouped and the macro itself is not grouped. For example, in this figure, **D\[0\]**, **D\[1\]**, **D\[2\]**, **Q\[0\]**,
**Q\[1\]**, **Q\[2\]** are grouped into **cluster_1**, but **cluster_1** does not include macro A.
<img src="./macro_example.png" width= "1600"/>
Then, all of the IOs (ports) that are in each row-grid or column-grid of the boundary of the layout canvas are put into clumps. There is one clump for each row-grid or column-grid of the boundary that contains at least one IO. A group is then comprised of the union of immediate fanins and immediate fanouts of a given clump.
- Group the IOs that are within close proximity of each other boundary by boundary,
following the order of **LEFT** <span>&rarr;</span> **TOP** <span>&rarr;</span> **RIGHT** <span>&rarr;</span> **BOTTOM**. For the **LEFT**/**RIGHT**(**TOP**/**Bottom**) boundary, we sort the all the ports on the boundary based on their y (x) coordinates in a non-decreasing order. Starting from the first IO port on the boundary, we group the IO ports within each **grid_height** (**grid_width**) into an IO cluster. For example, in following figure, we have three IO clusters on **TOP** boundary and two IO clusters on **RIGHT** boundary. The **grid_width** and **grid_height** are calculated based on the **n_cols** and **n_rows**:
- **grid_width** = **canvas_width** / **n_cols**
- **grid_height** = **canvas_height** / **n_rows**
Note that “immediate fanins” is equivalent to “transitive fanins up to level K_in = 1”, and that “immediate fanouts” is equivalent to “transitive fanouts up to level K_out = 1”. It is our understanding that both K_in and K_out are always set to a default value of 1 in Circuit Training. However, other values might be applied.
<img src="./IO_Groups.png" width= "1600"/>
**Tie-Breaking.** If a given standard-cell instance can belong to two or more groups, we break ties according to the following, ordered criteria: (1) when in the regime of K_in > 1 or K_out > 1, assign to the group with topologically closer (i.e., fewer levels away) macro or port; else (2) assign to the group induced by a clump containing lexicographically smallest port name; else (3) assign to the group induced by a macro having lexicographically smallest macro name.
## **A Simple “Cartoon”**
The following cartoon was recently provided by a Google engineer to explain the grouping process. In the cartoon, there are three rows and four columns of gridcells. There are also three clumps of IOs and two hard macros. As a result, in the cartoon we see a total of five groups. To our understanding, a given SRAM hard macro is not part of the group (of standard cells) that it induces. And, a given clump of (placed, fixed) IO ports is not part of the group (of standard cells) that it induces.
<img src="./Cartoon.png" width= "1600"/>
- Group the close-related standard cells,
which connect to the same macro or the same IO cluster.
Suppose that we have a design with 100 clusters of macro pins (i.e., 100 macros) and 10 clusters of IOs.
Before we grouping the close-related standard cells to these clusters of macro pins or IOs,
we assign each cluster with a cluster id from 0 to 119.
Then for each cluster, we traverse the netlist and assign the same cluster id to the "immediate fanins" and "immediate fanouts" of its element (macro pin or IO).
Note that "immediate fanin" is equivalent to "transitive fanins up to level K_in = 1", and that "immediate fanouts" is equivalent to "transitive fanouts up to level K_out = 1".
It is our understanding that both K_in and K_out are always set to a default value of 1
in Circuit Training. However, other values might be applied.
In our implementation, we traverse the netlist in a depth-first-search manner.
All the elements (standard cell, macro pin or IO ports) with the same cluster id form a cluster. Each cluster is recorded in the ".fix file" that is part of the input to the hMETIS hypergraph partitioner when the standard cells are grouped into soft macros.
The part id of each cluster is the same as its cluster id.
Note that a macro does not belong to any cluster, thus is not fixed
when we call the hMETIS hypergraph partitioner.
## **How Groups Are Used**
Each group is recorded in the “.fix file” that is part of the input to the hMETIS hypergraph partitioner when the gate-level netlist is clustered into soft macros.
......@@ -26,8 +56,7 @@ Each group is recorded in the “.fix file” that is part of the input to the h
We provide [(an example)]( about the usage of our grouping scripts.
Basically our grouping scripts take follows as inputs: (i) [(setup_file)](
including enablement information (lefs/libs), synthesized gate-level netlist (*.v), def file with placed IOs (*.def); (ii) n_rows and n_cols determined by the [(Gridding)]( step; (iii) K_in and K_out parameters; (iv) global_net_threshold for ignoring global nets. If a net has more than global_net_threshold instances, we ignore such net when we search "transitive" fanins and fanouts. After
running grouping scripts, you will get two files *.fix and *.fix.old. The ".fix.old" file contains the IOs or macros in the corresponding group while *.fix file only contains standard cells in each group.
running grouping scripts, you will get the **.fix** file.
# Thanks
We thank Google engineers for Q&A in a shared document, as well as live discussions on May 19, 2022, that explained the grouping method used in Circuit Training. All errors of understanding and implementation are the authors'. We will rectify such errors as soon as possible after being made aware of them.
......@@ -85,5 +85,11 @@ $$
Notice a smoothing range can be set for congestion. This is only applied to congestion due to net routing which by counting adjacent cells and adding the averaged congestion to these adjacent cells. More details are provided in the document above.
## Placement Util
**Disclaimer: We DO NOT own the content of All rights belong to Google Authors. This is a modified version of and we are including in the repo for the sake of testing. Original Code can be viewed [here](**.
## Observation Extractor
**Disclaimer: We DO NOT own the content of All rights belong to Google Authors. This is a modified version of and we are including in the repo for the sake of testing. Original Code can be viewed [here](**.
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Circuit Training Team Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Coordinate descent placer library."""
import os
import time
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, List, Text, Tuple
from absl import logging
from Plc_client import placement_util_os as placement_util
from Plc_client import plc_client as plc_client
import numpy as np
NS_ORIENTATIONS = ['N', 'FN', 'S', 'FS']
EW_ORIENTATIONS = ['E', 'FE', 'W', 'FW']
class CoordinateDescentPlacer(object):
"""Coordinate descent algorithm to place nodes."""
def __init__(self,
plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
cost_fn: Callable[[plc_client.PlacementCost],
Tuple[float, Dict[Text, float]]],
epochs: int = 10,
use_stdcell_placer: bool = False,
stdcell_placer: Text = 'fd',
node_order: Text = 'random',
accept_bad_stdcell_moves: bool = False,
stdcell_place_every_n_macros: int = 10,
optimize_only_orientation: bool = False,
cell_search_prob: float = 1.0,
k_distance_bounded_search: bool = True,
k_distance_bound: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
"""Creates a CoordinateDescentPlacer.
plc: The placement cost object.
cost_fn: The cost function that gets the plc and returns cost and info.
epochs: Number of epochs (iterations) in coordinate descend algorithm.
use_stdcell_placer: If True, places stdcells using stdcell placer.
stdcell_placer: Standad cell placer.
node_order: Order of nodes to place using coordinate descent. Choose
random, descending_size_macro_first, random_macro_first.
accept_bad_stdcell_moves: If True, accept stdcell moves even if it leads
to a higher cost.
stdcell_place_every_n_macros: Run stdcell placement for every n macros. If
None, run stdcell placement once after all macros are placed.
optimize_only_orientation: If True, only search for best orientation of
the hard macros.
cell_search_prob: The probability to include a neighborhood cell to
search. When it is 1.0, descents at the steepest direction.'
k_distance_bounded_search: If True, only search best locations within k
grid distance from current placed location. Does not apply to FD stdcell
k_distance_bound: If k_distance_bounded_search is True, only search within
a neighborhood of at most k_distance_bound grid distance. If not
spesified, it is set to max(cols, rows) // 3.
self.plc = plc
self.cost_fn = cost_fn
self._epochs = epochs
self._node_order = node_order
self._stdcell_place_every_n_macros = stdcell_place_every_n_macros
self._cell_search_prob = cell_search_prob
self._cols, self._rows = self.plc.get_grid_num_columns_rows()
self._k_distance_bound = k_distance_bound or max(self._cols,
self._rows) // 3
self._use_stdcell_placer = use_stdcell_placer
self._stdcell_placer = stdcell_placer
self._accept_bad_stdcell_moves = accept_bad_stdcell_moves
self._optimize_only_orientation = optimize_only_orientation
self._k_distance_bounded_search = k_distance_bounded_search
if self._cell_search_prob < 0 or self._cell_search_prob > 1:
raise ValueError(f'{self._cell_search_prob} should be between 0 and 1.')
# Turn off incremental cost calculation if placing stdcells.
if self._use_stdcell_placer:
# Get legal node orientations.
self._node_to_ori = {}
for node in self.plc.get_macro_indices():
if not self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(node):
# TODO(wenjiej): Find orientation when a node is not placed initially.
# Needed only when running CD from an empty grid.
assert self.plc.is_node_placed(node)
cur_ori = self.plc.get_macro_orientation(node)
if cur_ori in NS_ORIENTATIONS:
self._node_to_ori[node] = NS_ORIENTATIONS
elif cur_ori in EW_ORIENTATIONS:
self._node_to_ori[node] = EW_ORIENTATIONS
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected orientation {cur_ori} for node {node}.')
if self._use_stdcell_placer:
# If node order is random, will shuffle node orders for each iteration.
self._ordered_node_indices = placement_util.get_ordered_node_indices(
self._node_order, self.plc)
# Exclude fixed macros with pre-determined locations.
self._ordered_node_indices = [
m for m in self._ordered_node_indices if not self.plc.is_node_fixed(m)
self._soft_macro_indices = [
m for m in self._ordered_node_indices if self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(m)
if self._use_stdcell_placer:
# Only include hard macros in self._ordered_node_indices.
self._ordered_node_indices = [
i for i in self._ordered_node_indices
if not self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(i)
]'Total number of ordered nodes: %d',
len(self._ordered_node_indices))'ordered_node_indices: %s', self._ordered_node_indices)'Cost of initial placement: %s', self.report_cost())
def find_best_location(self, node: int, mask: List[int],
locations: List[int]) -> Optional[int]:
"""Given a soft macro, search the best location."""
best_loc = None
best_cost = float('inf')
for loc in locations:
assert mask[loc] == 1
self.plc.place_node(node, loc)
new_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
if new_cost < best_cost:
best_loc = loc
best_cost = new_cost
return best_loc
def find_best_location_orientation(
self, node: int, locations: List[int],
orientations: List[Text]) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[Text]]:
"""Given a hard macro, search the best location and orientation."""
assert orientations
best_loc = None
best_ori = None
best_cost = float('inf')
for loc in locations:
for ori in orientations:
self.plc.place_node(node, loc)
self.plc.update_macro_orientation(node, ori)
new_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
if new_cost < best_cost:
best_loc = loc
best_ori = ori
best_cost = new_cost
return best_loc, best_ori
def find_best_orientation(self, node: int,
orientations: List[Text]) -> Optional[Text]:
"""Given a hard macro, search the best orientation."""
assert orientations
best_ori = None
best_cost = float('inf')
for ori in orientations:
self.plc.update_macro_orientation(node, ori)
new_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
if new_cost < best_cost:
best_ori = ori
best_cost = new_cost
return best_ori
def _get_row_col_from_cell(self, cell: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return cell // self._cols, cell % self._cols
def _get_cell_from_row_col(self, row: int, col: int) -> int:
return int(row * self._cols + col)
def _k_distance_bounded_locations(self, curr: int, k: int,
locations: List[int]) -> List[int]:
"""Find k grid distance bounded locations from current cell."""
curr_row, curr_col = self._get_row_col_from_cell(curr)
bounded = []
for c in locations:
if c == curr:
# Always include current location to search.
row, col = self._get_row_col_from_cell(c)
if abs(row - curr_row) + abs(col - curr_col) <= k:
if np.random.random() <= self._cell_search_prob:
return bounded
def place_node(self, node: int) -> None:
"""Given a node, greedily place the node on the best location wrt cost."""
if not self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(node):
orientations = self._node_to_ori[node]
if self._optimize_only_orientation:
# Placing and unplacing macros cause wiered problems in FD.
# See cl/316830807. Avoid unplacing for orientation optimization.
best_ori = self.find_best_orientation(node, orientations)
self.plc.update_macro_orientation(node, best_ori)
# Unplace the node from its current location to prepare placing node.
curr_cell = self.plc.get_grid_cell_of_node(node)
mask = self.plc.get_node_mask(node)
locations = [i for i, m in enumerate(mask) if m > 0]
if not locations:
# FD or DP are run between macro moves (_stdcell_place_every_n_macros).
# They may place stdcells in a way that invalidates prior macro locations.
# Stay with previous macro locations in this case.
locations = [curr_cell]
'Cannot find feasible locations for node %d. '
'Use its current location %d.', node, curr_cell)
if self._k_distance_bounded_search:
k = self._k_distance_bound
# Increase search scope until there is at least one feasible location.
while True:
bounded = self._k_distance_bounded_locations(curr_cell, k, locations)
if bounded:
locations = bounded
k += self._k_distance_bound
if self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(node):
best_loc = self.find_best_location(node, mask, locations)
self.plc.place_node(node, best_loc)
best_loc, best_ori = self.find_best_location_orientation(
node, locations, orientations)
self.plc.place_node(node, best_loc)
self.plc.update_macro_orientation(node, best_ori)
def place_stdcells(self) -> None:
"""Place stdcells."""'Place stdcells using %s', self._stdcell_placer)
old_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
old_coordinates = [
self.plc.get_node_location(m) for m in self._soft_macro_indices
if self._stdcell_placer == 'fd':
# Use default FD schedule.
# Use current stdcell location to incrementally change stdcell locations
# between iterations.
placement_util.fd_placement_schedule(self.plc, use_current_loc=True)
raise ValueError(
f'stdcell placer {self._stdcell_placer} is not supported')
new_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
if new_cost > old_cost and not self._accept_bad_stdcell_moves:'Bad stdcell placement moves not accepted.')
# Revert to old node coordinates.
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(old_coordinates):
self.plc.update_node_coords(self._soft_macro_indices[i], x, y)
def optimize(self, epoch: int) -> None:
"""Performs one iteration (epoch) of coordinate descent on all nodes."""'Starts optimization in epoch %d.', epoch)
start_time = time.time()
node_indices = self._ordered_node_indices
if self._node_order == 'random':
for i, node in enumerate(node_indices):
if i % 25 == 0:'Number of nodes placed by CD: %d', i)
if (self._use_stdcell_placer and self._stdcell_place_every_n_macros and
(i + 1) % self._stdcell_place_every_n_macros == 0):
# Always run stdcell placement after all macros are placed.
if self._use_stdcell_placer:
self.place_stdcells()'One iteration of coordinate descent takes %f seconds.',
(time.time() - start_time))
def report_cost(self) -> Text:
proxy_cost, info = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
wirelength = info['wirelength']
congestion = info['congestion']
density = info['density']
return ('(Objective cost, wirelength, congestion, density): ' +
'({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f}'.format(proxy_cost, wirelength,
congestion, density))
def place(self) -> None:
"""Place all nodes using coordinate descent algorithm for some iterations."""
# Run stdcell placement at the beginning of the optimization loop if needed.
# Use stdcell locations from initial placement.
if self._use_stdcell_placer:
prev_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
for i in range(self._epochs):
self.optimize(i)'Cost after %d epochs: %s', i + 1, self.report_cost())
curr_cost, _ = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
if (prev_cost - curr_cost) / prev_cost < 1e-3:
prev_cost = curr_cost
def save_placement(self, output_dir: Text, plc_filename: Text) -> None:
"""Saves a placement with current plc."""
proxy_cost, info = self.cost_fn(self.plc)
wirelength = info['wirelength']
congestion = info['congestion']
density = info['density']
plc_filename_with_cost = 'cost_{:.4f}_w_{:.4f}_c_{:.4f}_d_{:.4f}_{}'.format(
proxy_cost, wirelength, congestion, density, plc_filename)
output_plc_file = os.path.join(output_dir, plc_filename_with_cost)
placement_util.save_placement(self.plc, output_plc_file)
# TODO(wenjiej): Enable saving plc view.
# placement_util.save_as_svg(self.plc, f'{output_plc_file}.svg')
\ No newline at end of file
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Circuit Training Team Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Circuit training Environmnet with gin config."""
import datetime
import math
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Text, Tuple, Optional
from absl import logging
from Plc_client import coordinate_descent_placer as cd_placer
from Plc_client import observation_config
from Plc_client import observation_extractor_os as observation_extractor
from Plc_client import placement_util_os as placement_util
from Plc_client import plc_client as plc_client
from Plc_client import plc_client_os as plc_client_os
import gin
import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
# from tf_agents.environments import suite_gym
# from tf_agents.environments import wrappers
ObsType = Dict[Text, np.ndarray]
InfoType = Dict[Text, float]
class InfeasibleActionError(ValueError):
"""An infeasible action were passed to the env."""
def __init__(self, action, mask):
"""Initialize an infeasible action error.
action: Infeasible action that was performed.
mask: The mask associated with the current observation. mask[action] is
`0` for infeasible actions.
ValueError.__init__(self, action, mask)
self.action = action
self.mask = mask
def __str__(self):
return 'Infeasible action (%s) when the mask is (%s)' % (self.action,
def cost_info_function(
plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
done: bool,
wirelength_weight: float = 1.0,
density_weight: float = 0.5,
congestion_weight: float = 0.5) -> Tuple[float, Dict[Text, float]]:
"""Returns the RL cost and info.
plc: Placement cost object.
done: Set if it is the terminal step.
wirelength_weight: Weight of wirelength in the reward function.
density_weight: Weight of density in the reward function.
congestion_weight: Weight of congestion in the reward function used only for
legalizing the placement in greedy std cell placer.
The RL cost.
ValueError: When the cost mode is not supported.
Notes: we found the default congestion and density weights more stable.
proxy_cost = 0.0
if not done:
return proxy_cost, {
'wirelength': -1.0,
'congestion': -1.0,
'density': -1.0,
wirelength = -1.0
congestion = -1.0
density = -1.0
if wirelength_weight > 0.0:
wirelength = plc.get_cost()
proxy_cost += wirelength_weight * wirelength
if congestion_weight > 0.0:
congestion = plc.get_congestion_cost()
proxy_cost += congestion_weight * congestion
if density_weight > 0.0:
density = plc.get_density_cost()
proxy_cost += density_weight * density
info = {
'wirelength': wirelength,
'congestion': congestion,
'density': density,
return proxy_cost, info
class CircuitEnv(object):
"""Defines the CircuitEnv class."""
def __init__(
_plc_client = None,
netlist_file: Text = '',
init_placement: Text = '',
_plc = None,
create_placement_cost_fn: Callable[
..., plc_client.PlacementCost] = placement_util.create_placement_cost,
std_cell_placer_mode: Text = 'fd',
cost_info_fn: Callable[[plc_client.PlacementCost, bool],
Tuple[float, Dict[Text,
float]]] = cost_info_function,
global_seed: int = 0,
is_eval: bool = False,
save_best_cost: bool = False,
output_plc_file: Text = '',
make_soft_macros_square: bool = True,
cd_finetune: bool = False,
cd_plc_file: Text = 'ppo_cd_placement.plc',
train_step: Optional[tf.Variable] = None,
unplace_all_nodes_in_init: bool = True):
"""Creates a CircuitEnv.
netlist_file: Path to the input netlist file.
init_placement: Path to the input inital placement file, used to read grid
and canas size.
create_placement_cost_fn: A function that given the netlist and initial
placement file create the placement_cost object.
std_cell_placer_mode: Options for fast std cells placement: `fd` (uses the
force-directed algorithm).
cost_info_fn: The cost function that given the plc object returns the RL
global_seed: Global seed for initializing env features. This seed should
be the same across actors. Not used currently.
is_eval: If set, save the final placement in output_dir.
save_best_cost: Boolean, if set, saves the palcement if its cost is better
than the previously saved palcement.
output_plc_file: The path to save the final placement.
make_soft_macros_square: If True, make the shape of soft macros square
before using analytical std cell placers like FD.
cd_finetune: If True, runs coordinate descent to finetune macro
orientations. Supposed to run in eval only, not training.
cd_plc_file: Name of the CD fine-tuned plc file, the file will be save in
the same dir as output_plc_file
train_step: A tf.Variable indicating the training step, only used for
saving plc files in the evaluation.
unplace_all_nodes_in_init: Unplace all nodes after initialization.
del global_seed
if not netlist_file:
raise ValueError('netlist_file must be provided.')
self.netlist_file = netlist_file
self._std_cell_placer_mode = std_cell_placer_mode
self._cost_info_fn = cost_info_fn
self._is_eval = is_eval
self._save_best_cost = save_best_cost
self._output_plc_file = output_plc_file
self._output_plc_dir = os.path.dirname(output_plc_file)
self._make_soft_macros_square = make_soft_macros_square
self._cd_finetune = cd_finetune
self._cd_plc_file = cd_plc_file
self._train_step = train_step
self._plc = create_placement_cost_fn(plc_client=_plc,
netlist_file=netlist_file, init_placement=init_placement)
# We call ObservationExtractor before unplace_all_nodes, so we use the
# inital placement in the static features (location_x and location_y).
# This results in better placements.
self._observation_config = observation_config.ObservationConfig()
self._observation_extractor = observation_extractor.ObservationExtractor(
# print(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno, '\n', np.array(self._plc.get_node_mask(13333)).reshape(35,33))
if self._make_soft_macros_square:
# It is better to make the shape of soft macros square before using
# analytical std cell placers like FD.
self._grid_cols, self._grid_rows = self._plc.get_grid_num_columns_rows()
self._canvas_width, self._canvas_height = self._plc.get_canvas_width_height(
self._hard_macro_indices = [
m for m in self._plc.get_macro_indices()
if not self._plc.is_node_soft_macro(m)
self._num_hard_macros = len(self._hard_macro_indices)
# sorted by size
self._sorted_node_indices = placement_util.get_ordered_node_indices(
mode='descending_size_macro_first', plc=self._plc)
# print(len(self._sorted_node_indices))
self._sorted_soft_macros = self._sorted_node_indices[self._num_hard_macros:]
# print(len(self._sorted_soft_macros))
# Generate a map from actual macro_index to its position in
# self.macro_indices. Needed because node adjacency matrix is in the same
# node order of plc.get_macro_indices.
self._macro_index_to_pos = {}
for i, macro_index in enumerate(self._plc.get_macro_indices()):
self._macro_index_to_pos[macro_index] = i
# Padding for mapping the placement canvas on the agent canvas.
rows_pad = self._observation_config.max_grid_size - self._grid_rows
cols_pad = self._observation_config.max_grid_size - self._grid_cols
self._up_pad = rows_pad // 2
self._right_pad = cols_pad // 2
self._low_pad = rows_pad - self._up_pad
self._left_pad = cols_pad - self._right_pad
self._saved_cost = np.inf
self._current_actions = []
self._current_node = 0
self._done = False
self._current_mask = self._get_mask()
# print(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno, '\n', np.array(self._plc.get_node_mask(0)).reshape(35,33))
self._infeasible_state = False
if unplace_all_nodes_in_init:
# TODO(b/223026568) Remove unplace_all_nodes from init
logging.warning('* Unplaced all Nodes in init *')'***Num node to place***:%s', self._num_hard_macros)
def observation_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Space:
"""Env Observation space."""
return self._observation_config.observation_space
def action_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Space:
return gym.spaces.Discrete(self._observation_config.max_grid_size**2)
def environment_name(self) -> Text:
return self.netlist_file
def get_static_obs(self):
"""Get the static observation for the environment.
Static observations are invariant across steps on the same netlist, such as
netlist metadata and the adj graphs. This should only be used for
generalized RL.
Numpy array representing the observation
return self._observation_extractor.get_static_features()
def get_cost_info(self,
done: bool = False) -> Tuple[float, Dict[Text, float]]:
return self._cost_info_fn(plc=self._plc, done=done) # pytype: disable=wrong-keyword-args # trace-all-classes
def _get_mask(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Gets the node mask for the current node.
List of 0s and 1s indicating if action is feasible or not.
if self._done:
# reset the board
mask = np.zeros(self._observation_config.max_grid_size**2, dtype=np.int32)
node_index = self._sorted_node_indices[self._current_node]
mask = np.asarray(self._plc.get_node_mask(node_index), dtype=np.int32)
# print("current node mask: \n", mask.reshape(35, 33))
mask = np.reshape(mask, [self._grid_rows, self._grid_cols])
pad = ((self._up_pad, self._low_pad), (self._right_pad, self._left_pad))
mask = np.pad(mask, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
return np.reshape(
mask, (self._observation_config.max_grid_size**2,)).astype(np.int32)
def _get_obs(self) -> ObsType:
"""Returns the observation."""
if self._current_node > 0:
previous_node_sorted = self._sorted_node_indices[self._current_node - 1]
previous_node_index = self._macro_index_to_pos[previous_node_sorted]
previous_node_index = -1
if self._current_node < self._num_hard_macros:
current_node_sorted = self._sorted_node_indices[self._current_node]
current_node_index = self._macro_index_to_pos[current_node_sorted]
current_node_index = 0
# YW EDIT: get observation
res = self._observation_extractor.get_all_features(
# self._plc.set_routes_per_micron(44, 44) Does not do anything
#"####### Observation Extractor #######")
# print(res)
#"####### End #######")
return res
def _run_cd(self):
"""Runs coordinate descent to finetune the current placement."""
# CD only modifies macro orientation.
# Plc modified by CD will be reset at the end of the episode.
def cost_fn(plc):
return self._cost_info_fn(plc=plc, done=True) # pytype: disable=wrong-keyword-args # trace-all-classes
cd = cd_placer.CoordinateDescentPlacer(
def _save_placement(self, cost: float) -> None:
"""Saves the current placement.
cost: the current placement cost.
IOError: If we cannot write the placement to file.
if not self._save_best_cost or (cost < self._saved_cost and
(math.fabs(cost - self._saved_cost) /
(cost) > 5e-3)):
user_comments = ''
if self._train_step:
user_comments = f'Train step : {self._train_step.numpy()}'
placement_util.save_placement(self._plc, self._output_plc_file,
ts ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
ppo_snapshot_file = os.path.join(
placement_util.save_placement(self._plc, ppo_snapshot_file, user_comments)
self._saved_cost = cost
# Only runs CD if this is the best RL placement seen so far.
if self._cd_finetune:
cost = self._cost_info_fn(plc=self._plc, done=True)[0] # pytype: disable=wrong-keyword-args # trace-all-classes
cd_plc_file = os.path.join(self._output_plc_dir, self._cd_plc_file)
placement_util.save_placement(self._plc, cd_plc_file, user_comments)
cd_snapshot_file = os.path.join(
placement_util.save_placement(self._plc, cd_snapshot_file,
def call_analytical_placer_and_get_cost(self):
"""Calls analytical placer.
Calls analystical placer and evaluates cost when all nodes are placed. Also,
saves the placement file for eval if all the macros are placed by RL.
A tuple for placement cost and info.
if self._done:
# Only evaluates placement cost when all nodes are placed.
# All samples in the episode receive the same reward equal to final cost.
# This is realized by setting intermediate steps cost as zero, and
# propagate the final cost with discount factor set to 1 in replay buffer.
cost, info = self._cost_info_fn(self._plc, self._done)
# We only save placement if all nodes by placed RL, because the dreamplace
# mix-sized placement may not be legal.
if self._current_node == self._num_hard_macros and self._is_eval:
return -cost, info
def reset(self) -> ObsType:
"""Restes the environment.
An initial observation.
self._current_actions = []
self._current_node = 0
self._done = False
self._current_mask = self._get_mask()
return self._get_obs()
def translate_to_original_canvas(self, action: int) -> int:
"""Translates a raw location to real one in the original canvas."""
up_pad = (self._observation_config.max_grid_size - self._grid_rows) // 2
right_pad = (self._observation_config.max_grid_size - self._grid_cols) // 2
a_i = action // self._observation_config.max_grid_size - up_pad
a_j = action % self._observation_config.max_grid_size - right_pad
if 0 <= a_i < self._grid_rows or 0 <= a_j < self._grid_cols:
action = a_i * self._grid_cols + a_j
raise InfeasibleActionError(action, self._current_mask)
return action
def place_node(self, node_index: int, action: int) -> None:
self._plc.place_node(node_index, self.translate_to_original_canvas(action))
def analytical_placer(self) -> None:
if self._std_cell_placer_mode == 'fd':
raise ValueError('%s is not a supported std_cell_placer_mode.' %
def step(self, action: int) -> Tuple[ObsType, float, bool, Any]:
"""Steps the environment.
action: The action to take (should be a list of size 1).
observation, reward, done, and info.
RuntimeError: action taken after episode was done
InfeasibleActionError: bad action taken (action is not in feasible
if self._done:
raise RuntimeError('Action taken after episode is done.')
action = int(action)
if self._current_mask[action] == 0:
raise InfeasibleActionError(action, self._current_mask)
node_index = self._sorted_node_indices[self._current_node]
self.place_node(node_index, action)
self._current_node += 1
self._done = (self._current_node == self._num_hard_macros)
self._current_mask = self._get_mask()
if not self._done and not np.any(self._current_mask):
# Please note that _infeasible_state is not reset in reset function so,
# the caller of step() is responsible for resetting it.
self._infeasible_state = True'Actions took before becoming infeasible: %s',
info = {
'wirelength': -1.0,
'congestion': -1.0,
'density': -1.0,
return self.reset(), self.INFEASIBLE_REWARD, True, info
cost, info = self.call_analytical_placer_and_get_cost()
return self._get_obs(), cost, self._done, info
# def create_circuit_environment(*args, **kwarg) -> wrappers.ActionClipWrapper:
# """Create an `CircuitEnv` wrapped as a Gym environment.
# Args:
# *args: Arguments.
# **kwarg: keyworded Arguments.
# Returns:
# PyEnvironment used for training.
# """
# env = CircuitEnv(*args, **kwarg)
# return wrappers.ActionClipWrapper(suite_gym.wrap_env(env))
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Circuit Training Team Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""A class to store the observation shape and sizes."""
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Text, Tuple, Union
import gin
import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
TensorType = Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor]
FeatureKeyType = Union[List[Text], Tuple[Text, ...]]
GRAPH_ADJACENCY_MATRIX = ('sparse_adj_i', 'sparse_adj_j', 'sparse_adj_weight',
class ObservationConfig(object):
"""A class that contains shared configs for observation."""
# The default numbers are the maximum number of nodes, edges, and grid size
# on a set of TPU blocks.
# Large numbers may cause GPU/TPU OOM during training.
def __init__(self,
max_num_nodes: int = 5000,
max_num_edges: int = 28400,
max_grid_size: int = 128):
self.max_num_edges = max_num_edges
self.max_num_nodes = max_num_nodes
self.max_grid_size = max_grid_size
def observation_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Space:
"""Env Observation space."""
return gym.spaces.Dict({
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=100, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=100, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=100, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=100, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=100, shape=(self.max_num_edges,)),
high=self.max_num_nodes - 1,
high=self.max_num_nodes - 1,
high=self.max_num_edges - 1,
low=0, high=3, shape=(self.max_num_nodes,), dtype=np.int32),
low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_num_nodes,), dtype=np.int32),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_num_nodes,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_num_nodes,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_num_nodes,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_num_nodes,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,)),
low=0, high=self.max_num_nodes - 1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.int32),
low=0, high=1, shape=(self.max_grid_size**2,), dtype=np.int32),
def _to_dict(
flatten_obs: TensorType,
keys: FeatureKeyType,
observation_config: Optional[ObservationConfig] = None
) -> Dict[Text, TensorType]:
"""Unflatten the observation to a dictionary."""
if observation_config:
obs_space = observation_config.observation_space
obs_space = ObservationConfig().observation_space
splits = [obs_space[k].shape[0] for k in keys]
splitted_obs = tf.split(flatten_obs, splits, axis=-1)
return {k: o for o, k in zip(splitted_obs, keys)}
def _flatten(dict_obs: Dict[Text, TensorType],
keys: FeatureKeyType) -> TensorType:
out = [np.asarray(dict_obs[k]) for k in keys]
return np.concatenate(out, axis=-1)
def flatten_static(dict_obs: Dict[Text, TensorType]) -> TensorType:
return _flatten(dict_obs=dict_obs, keys=STATIC_OBSERVATIONS)
def flatten_dynamic(dict_obs: Dict[Text, TensorType]) -> TensorType:
return _flatten(dict_obs=dict_obs, keys=DYNAMIC_OBSERVATIONS)
def flatten_all(dict_obs: Dict[Text, TensorType]) -> TensorType:
return _flatten(dict_obs=dict_obs, keys=ALL_OBSERVATIONS)
def flatten_initial(dict_obs: Dict[Text, TensorType]) -> TensorType:
return _flatten(dict_obs=dict_obs, keys=INITIAL_OBSERVATIONS)
def to_dict_static(
flatten_obs: TensorType,
observation_config: Optional[ObservationConfig] = None
) -> Dict[Text, TensorType]:
"""Convert the flattend numpy array of static observations back to a dict.
flatten_obs: a numpy array of static observations.
observation_config: Optional observation config.
A dict representation of the observations.
return _to_dict(
def to_dict_dynamic(
flatten_obs: TensorType,
observation_config: Optional[ObservationConfig] = None
) -> Dict[Text, TensorType]:
"""Convert the flattend numpy array of dynamic observations back to a dict.
flatten_obs: a numpy array of dynamic observations.
observation_config: Optional observation config.
A dict representation of the observations.
return _to_dict(
def to_dict_all(
flatten_obs: TensorType,
observation_config: Optional[ObservationConfig] = None
) -> Dict[Text, TensorType]:
"""Convert the flattend numpy array of observations back to a dict.
flatten_obs: a numpy array of observations.
observation_config: Optional observation config.
A dict representation of the observations.
return _to_dict(
\ No newline at end of file
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Circuit Training Team Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This class extracts features from observations."""
from typing import Dict, Optional, Text, Tuple
from Plc_client import observation_config as observation_config_lib
from Plc_client import plc_client
import gin
import numpy as np
class ObservationExtractor(object):
"""Extracts observation features from plc."""
def __init__(self,
plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
observation_config: Optional[
observation_config_lib.ObservationConfig] = None,
default_location_x: float = 0.5,
default_location_y: float = 0.5):
self.plc = plc
self._observation_config = (
observation_config or observation_config_lib.ObservationConfig())
self._default_location_x = default_location_x
self._default_location_y = default_location_y
self.width, self.height = self.plc.get_canvas_width_height()
self.num_cols, self.num_rows = self.plc.get_grid_num_columns_rows()
self.grid_width = self.width / self.num_cols
self.grid_height = self.height / self.num_rows
# Since there are too many I/O ports, we have to cluster them together to
# make it manageable for the model to process. The ports that are located in
# the same grid cell are clustered togheter.
self.adj_vec, grid_cell_of_clustered_ports_vec = self.plc.get_macro_and_clustered_port_adjacency(
self.clustered_port_locations_vec = [
for i in grid_cell_of_clustered_ports_vec
# Extract static features.
self._features = self._extract_static_features()
# done
def _extract_static_features(self) -> Dict[Text, np.ndarray]:
"""Static features that are invariant across training steps."""
features = dict()
return features
# done
def _extract_normalized_static_features(
self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Normalizes static features."""
# done
def _extract_num_macros(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
features['num_macros'] = np.asarray([len(self.plc.get_macro_indices())
# done
def _extract_technology_info(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Extracts Technology-related information."""
routing_resources = {
for k in routing_resources:
features[k] = np.asarray([routing_resources[k]]).astype(np.float32)
# done
def _extract_initial_node_locations(self, features: Dict[Text,
np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Extracts initial node locations."""
locations_x = []
locations_y = []
is_node_placed = []
for macro_idx in self.plc.get_macro_indices():
x, y = self.plc.get_node_location(macro_idx)
is_node_placed.append(1 if self.plc.is_node_placed(macro_idx) else 0)
for x, y in self.clustered_port_locations_vec:
features['locations_x'] = np.asarray(locations_x).astype(np.float32)
features['locations_y'] = np.asarray(locations_y).astype(np.float32)
features['is_node_placed'] = np.asarray(is_node_placed).astype(np.int32)
# done
def _extract_node_types(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Extracts node types."""
types = []
for macro_idx in self.plc.get_macro_indices():
if self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(macro_idx):
for _ in range(len(self.clustered_port_locations_vec)):
features['node_types'] = np.asarray(types).astype(np.int32)
def _extract_macro_size(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Extracts macro sizes."""
macros_w = []
macros_h = []
for macro_idx in self.plc.get_macro_indices():
if self.plc.is_node_soft_macro(macro_idx):
# Width and height of soft macros are set to zero.
width = 0
height = 0
width, height = self.plc.get_node_width_height(macro_idx)
for _ in range(len(self.clustered_port_locations_vec)):
features['macros_w'] = np.asarray(macros_w).astype(np.float32)
features['macros_h'] = np.asarray(macros_h).astype(np.float32)
# done
def _extract_macro_and_port_adj_matrix(
self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Extracts adjacency matrix."""
num_nodes = len(self.plc.get_macro_indices()) + len(
assert num_nodes * num_nodes == len(self.adj_vec)
sparse_adj_i = []
sparse_adj_j = []
sparse_adj_weight = []
edge_counts = np.zeros((self._observation_config.max_num_nodes,),
dtype=np.int32) # issue with determine max_num_nodes
for i in range(num_nodes):
for j in range(i + 1, num_nodes):
weight = self.adj_vec[i + num_nodes * j]
if weight > 0:
edge_counts[i] += 1
edge_counts[j] += 1
features['sparse_adj_i'] = np.asarray(sparse_adj_i).astype(np.int32)
features['sparse_adj_j'] = np.asarray(sparse_adj_j).astype(np.int32)
features['sparse_adj_weight'] = np.asarray(sparse_adj_weight).astype(
features['edge_counts'] = edge_counts
# if not enough edges
# print("edge_counts ", np.sum(features['edge_counts'])) # 16624
# done
def _extract_canvas_size(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
features['canvas_width'] = np.asarray([self.width])
features['canvas_height'] = np.asarray([self.height])
# done
def _extract_grid_size(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
features['grid_cols'] = np.asarray([self.num_cols]).astype(np.float32)
features['grid_rows'] = np.asarray([self.num_rows]).astype(np.float32)
# done
def _get_clustered_port_locations(
self, grid_cell_index: int) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Returns clustered port locations.
This function returns an approximation location of the ports in a grid
cell. Depending on the cell location in the canvas, the approximation
grid_cell_index: The index of the grid cell where the cluster port is
A tuple of float: Approximate x, y location of the port cluster in the
grid cell in the same unit as canvas width and height (micron).
col = grid_cell_index % self.num_cols
row = grid_cell_index // self.num_cols
if col == 0 and row == 0:
return 0, 0
elif col == 0 and row == self.num_rows - 1:
return 0, self.height
elif col == self.num_cols - 1 and row == 0:
return self.width, 0
elif col == self.num_cols - 1 and row == self.num_rows - 1:
return self.width, self.height
elif col == 0:
return 0, (row + 0.5) * self.grid_height
elif col == self.num_cols - 1:
return self.width, (row + 0.5) * self.grid_height
elif row == 0:
return (col + 0.5) * self.grid_width, 0
elif row == self.num_rows - 1:
return (col + 0.5) * self.grid_width, self.height
return (col + 0.5) * self.grid_width, (row + 0.5) * self.grid_height
def _add_netlist_metadata(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Adds netlist metadata info."""
features['normalized_num_edges'] = np.asarray([
np.sum(features['sparse_adj_weight']) /
features['normalized_num_hard_macros'] = np.asarray([
observation_config_lib.HARD_MACRO).astype(np.float32)) /
features['normalized_num_soft_macros'] = np.asarray([
observation_config_lib.SOFT_MACRO).astype(np.float32)) /
features['normalized_num_port_clusters'] = np.asarray([
observation_config_lib.PORT_CLUSTER).astype(np.float32)) /
def _normalize_adj_matrix(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Normalizes adj matrix weights."""
mean_weight = np.mean(features['sparse_adj_weight'])
features['sparse_adj_weight'] = (
features['sparse_adj_weight'] /
(mean_weight + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON)).astype(np.float32)
def _pad_1d_tensor(self, tensor: np.ndarray, pad_size: int) -> np.ndarray:
if (pad_size - tensor.shape[0]) < 0:
print("padding not applied", pad_size, tensor.shape[0])
return np.pad(
tensor, (0, 0),
return np.pad(
tensor, (0, pad_size - tensor.shape[0]),
def _pad_adj_matrix(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Pads indices and weights with zero to make their shape known."""
for var in ['sparse_adj_i', 'sparse_adj_j', 'sparse_adj_weight']:
features[var] = self._pad_1d_tensor(
features[var], self._observation_config.max_num_edges)
def _pad_macro_static_features(self, features: Dict[Text,
np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Pads macro features to make their shape knwon."""
for var in [
features[var] = self._pad_1d_tensor(
features[var], self._observation_config.max_num_nodes)
def _pad_macro_dynamic_features(self, features: Dict[Text,
np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Pads macro features to make their shape knwon."""
for var in [
features[var] = self._pad_1d_tensor(
features[var], self._observation_config.max_num_nodes)
def _normalize_grid_size(self, features: Dict[Text, np.ndarray]) -> None:
features['grid_cols'] = (features['grid_cols'] /
features['grid_rows'] = (features['grid_rows'] /
def _normalize_macro_size_by_canvas(self, features: Dict[Text,
np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Normalizes macro sizes with the canvas size."""
features['macros_w'] = (
features['macros_w'] /
(features['canvas_width'] + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON)).astype(
features['macros_h'] = (
features['macros_h'] /
(features['canvas_height'] + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON)).astype(
def _normalize_locations_by_canvas(self, features: Dict[Text,
np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Normalizes locations with the canvas size."""
features['locations_x'] = (
features['locations_x'] /
(features['canvas_width'] + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON)).astype(
features['locations_y'] = (
features['locations_y'] /
(features['canvas_height'] + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON)).astype(
def _replace_unplace_node_location(self, features: Dict[Text,
np.ndarray]) -> None:
"""Replace the location of the unplaced macros with a constant."""
is_node_placed = np.equal(features['is_node_placed'], 1)
features['locations_x'] = np.where(
self._default_location_x * np.ones_like(features['locations_x']),
features['locations_y'] = np.where(
self._default_location_y * np.ones_like(features['locations_y']),
def get_static_features(self) -> Dict[Text, np.ndarray]:
return {
key: self._features[key]
for key in observation_config_lib.STATIC_OBSERVATIONS
def get_initial_features(self) -> Dict[Text, np.ndarray]:
return {
key: self._features[key]
for key in observation_config_lib.INITIAL_OBSERVATIONS
def _update_dynamic_features(self, previous_node_index: int,
current_node_index: int,
mask: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Updates the dynamic features."""
if previous_node_index >= 0:
x, y = self.plc.get_node_location(
self._features['locations_x'][previous_node_index] = (
x / (self.width + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON))
self._features['locations_y'][previous_node_index] = (
y / (self.height + ObservationExtractor.EPSILON))
self._features['is_node_placed'][previous_node_index] = 1
self._features['mask'] = mask.astype(np.int32)
self._features['current_node'] = np.asarray([current_node_index
def get_dynamic_features(self, previous_node_index: int,
current_node_index: int,
mask: np.ndarray) -> Dict[Text, np.ndarray]:
self._update_dynamic_features(previous_node_index, current_node_index, mask)
return {
key: self._features[key]
for key in observation_config_lib.DYNAMIC_OBSERVATIONS
if key in self._features
def get_all_features(self, previous_node_index: int, current_node_index: int,
mask: np.ndarray) -> Dict[Text, np.ndarray]:
features = self.get_static_features()
return features
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def nodes_of_types(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
yield i
i += 1
# done
def get_node_xy_coordinates(
plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]:
"""Returns all node x,y coordinates (canvas) in a dict."""
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def get_node_xy_coordinates(
node_coords[node_index] = plc.get_node_location(node_index)
return node_coords
# done
def get_macro_orientations(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> Dict[int, int]:
"""Returns all macros' orientations in a dict."""
macro_orientations = dict()
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def get_macro_orientations(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> Dict[int, int]:
macro_orientations[node_index] = plc.get_macro_orientation(node_index)
return macro_orientations
# done
def restore_node_xy_coordinates(
plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
node_coords: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float]]) -> None:
......@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ def restore_node_xy_coordinates(
if not plc.is_node_fixed(node_index):
plc.update_node_coords(node_index, coords[0], coords[1])
# done
def restore_macro_orientations(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
macro_orientations: Dict[int, int]) -> None:
for node_index, orientation in macro_orientations.items():
plc.update_macro_orientation(node_index, orientation)
# done
def extract_attribute_from_comments(attribute: str,
filenames: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
"""Parses the files' comments section, tries to extract the attribute.
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def extract_attribute_from_comments(attribute: str,
return None
# done
def get_blockages_from_comments(
filenames: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[List[List[float]]]:
"""Returns list of blockages if they exist in the file's comments section."""
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def extract_sizes_from_comments(
if canvas_width and canvas_height and grid_cols and grid_rows:
return canvas_width, canvas_height, grid_cols, grid_rows
# done
def fix_port_coordinates(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> None:
"""Find all ports and fix their coordinates.
......@@ -182,12 +182,13 @@ def fix_port_coordinates(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> None:
# print("node to fix:", node)
# done
# The routing capacities are calculated based on the public information about
# 7nm technology (
# with an arbitary, yet reasonable, assumption of 18% of the tracks for
# the power grids.
def create_placement_cost(
plc_client: None,
netlist_file: str,
init_placement: Optional[str] = None,
overlap_threshold: float = 4e-3,
......@@ -300,20 +301,21 @@ def get_node_type_counts(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> Dict[str, int]:
counts['HARD_MACRO'] += 1
if node_type == 'MACRO_PIN':
ref_id = plc.get_ref_node_id(node_index)
# print("ref_id: ", ref_id)
if plc.is_node_soft_macro(ref_id):
counts['SOFT_MACRO_PIN'] += 1
counts['HARD_MACRO_PIN'] += 1
return counts
# done
def make_blockage_text(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> str:
ret = ''
for blockage in plc.get_blockages():
ret += 'Blockage : {}\n'.format(' '.join([str(b) for b in blockage]))
return ret
# done
def save_placement(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
filename: str,
user_comments: str = '') -> None:
......@@ -372,9 +374,12 @@ def save_placement(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
if user_comments:
info += '\nUser comments:\n' + user_comments + '\n'
info += '\nnode_index x y orientation fixed'
# print(info)
return plc.save_placement(filename, info)
# TODO: plc.optimize_stdcells
def fd_placement_schedule(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
num_steps: Tuple[int, ...] = (100, 100, 100),
io_factor: float = 1.0,
......@@ -415,7 +420,7 @@ def fd_placement_schedule(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
log_scale_conns, use_sizes, io_factor, num_steps,
max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor)
# not tested
def get_ordered_node_indices(mode: str,
plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
exclude_fixed_nodes: bool = True) -> List[int]:
......@@ -456,7 +461,7 @@ def get_ordered_node_indices(mode: str,
ordered_indices = [m for m in ordered_indices if not plc.is_node_fixed(m)]
return ordered_indices
# done
def extract_parameters_from_comments(
filename: str) -> Tuple[float, float, int, int]:
"""Parses the file's comments section, tries to extract canvas/grid sizes.
......@@ -476,6 +481,7 @@ def extract_parameters_from_comments(
fp_re =
r'FP bbox: \{([\d\.]+) ([\d\.]+)\} \{([\d\.]+) ([\d\.]+)\}', line)
if fp_re:
# NOTE: first two argument contains origin coord but not used
canvas_width = float(
canvas_height = float(
......@@ -494,7 +500,7 @@ def extract_parameters_from_comments(
return canvas_width, canvas_height, grid_cols, grid_rows
# done
def get_routing_resources() -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Currently we only use default parameter settings.
......@@ -512,6 +518,7 @@ def get_routing_resources() -> Dict[str, float]:
# done
def nodes_of_types(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost, type_list: List[str]):
"""Yields the index of a node of certain types."""
i = 0
......@@ -523,7 +530,7 @@ def nodes_of_types(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost, type_list: List[str]):
yield i
i += 1
# done
def num_nodes_of_type(plc, node_type):
"""Returns number of node of a particular type."""
count = 0
......@@ -532,6 +539,7 @@ def num_nodes_of_type(plc, node_type):
return count
# not tested
def extract_blockages_from_tcl(filename: str,
block_name: str,
canvas_width: float,
......@@ -606,7 +614,7 @@ def extract_blockages_from_tcl(filename: str,
index += 1
return blockages
# done
def get_ascii_picture(vect: List[Any],
cols: int,
rows: int,
......@@ -636,7 +644,7 @@ def get_ascii_picture(vect: List[Any],
ret_str += ' -' + '-' * 2 * cols + '\n'
return ret_str
# done
def get_hard_macro_density_map(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> List[float]:
"""Returns the placement density map for hard macros only."""
# Unplaces all standard cells and soft macros, so that grid cell density
......@@ -660,7 +668,7 @@ def get_hard_macro_density_map(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> List[float]:
return hard_macro_density
# done
def save_placement_with_info(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
filename: str,
user_comments: str = '') -> None:
......@@ -755,8 +763,9 @@ def save_placement_with_info(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
info += '\nnode_index x y orientation fixed'
return plc.save_placement(filename, info)
# done
def create_placement_cost_using_common_arguments(
netlist_file: str,
init_placement: Optional[str] = None,
canvas_width: Optional[float] = None,
......@@ -847,7 +856,7 @@ def create_placement_cost_using_common_arguments(
return plc
# done, but need verify
def get_node_locations(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> Dict[int, int]:
"""Returns all node grid locations (macros and stdcells) in a dict."""
node_locations = dict()
......@@ -866,7 +875,7 @@ def get_node_ordering_by_size(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> List[int]:
node_areas[i] = w * h
return sorted(node_areas, key=node_areas.get, reverse=True)
# not tested
def grid_locations_near(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
start_grid_index: int) -> Iterator[int]:
"""Yields node indices closest to the start_grid_index."""
......@@ -894,7 +903,7 @@ def grid_locations_near(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
yield int(new_col + new_row * cols)
# not tested
def place_near(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost, node_index: int,
location: int) -> bool:
"""Places a node (legally) closest to the given location.
......@@ -913,7 +922,7 @@ def place_near(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost, node_index: int,
return True
return False
# not tested
def disconnect_high_fanout_nets(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
max_allowed_fanouts: int = 500) -> None:
high_fanout_nets = []
......@@ -925,7 +934,7 @@ def disconnect_high_fanout_nets(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost,
# not tested
def legalize_placement(plc: plc_client.PlacementCost) -> bool:
"""Places the nodes to legal positions snapping to grid cells."""
# Unplace all except i/o's.
......@@ -963,10 +972,44 @@ def main():
test_netlist_dir = './Plc_client/test/'+'ariane'
netlist_file = os.path.join(test_netlist_dir,'netlist.pb.txt')
init_placement = os.path.join(test_netlist_dir,'initial.plc')
plc = create_placement_cost(netlist_file=netlist_file, init_placement=init_placement)
plc = create_placement_cost_using_common_arguments(netlist_file=netlist_file, init_placement=init_placement,
grid_cols=10, grid_rows=10, congestion_smooth_range=2.0, overlap_threshold=0.004, use_incremental_cost=False)
plc = create_placement_cost(plc_client=plc_client, netlist_file=netlist_file, init_placement=init_placement)
# plc = create_placement_cost_using_common_arguments(netlist_file=netlist_file, init_placement=init_placement,
# grid_cols=10, grid_rows=10, congestion_smooth_range=2.0, overlap_threshold=0.004, use_incremental_cost=False)
# save_placement(plc, "save_test", 'this is a comment')
# plc.nodes_of_types()
# node_xy_coordinates
for i in nodes_of_types(plc, ['MACRO', 'macro', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']):
NODE_XY_DICT[i] = (100, 100)
restore_node_xy_coordinates(plc, NODE_XY_DICT)
# print(get_node_xy_coordinates(plc))
# macro_orientation
for i in nodes_of_types(plc, ['MACRO', 'macro']):
restore_macro_orientations(plc, MACRO_ORIENTATION)
# print(get_macro_orientations(plc))
# write out new plc
save_placement(plc, "save_test", 'this is a comment')
# needs more testing
# num_nodes_of_type
print("num_nodes_of_type 'MACRO':", num_nodes_of_type(plc, "MACRO"))
# get_hard_macro_density_map
print("get_hard_macro_density_map: \n", get_hard_macro_density_map(plc))
print("get_hard_macro_density_map in ASCII: \n", get_ascii_picture(get_hard_macro_density_map(plc), *plc.get_grid_num_columns_rows()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
"""Open-Sourced PlacementCost client class."""
from ast import Assert
import os, io
from platform import node
import re
import math
from typing import Text, Tuple
from typing import Text, Tuple, overload
from absl import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# Check netlist existance
assert os.path.isfile(self.netlist_file)
......@@ -86,6 +87,9 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
self.hard_macros_to_inpins = {}
self.soft_macros_to_inpins = {}
# Placed macro
self.placed_macro = []
# unknown
self.use_incremental_cost = False
# blockage
......@@ -101,12 +105,13 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
self.grid_row = 10
# initialize congestion map
# TODO recompute after new gridding
self.V_routing_cong = [0] * self.grid_col * self.grid_row
self.H_routing_cong = [0] * self.grid_col * self.grid_row
self.V_macro_routing_cong = [0] * self.grid_col * self.grid_row
self.H_macro_routing_cong = [0] * self.grid_col * self.grid_row
# initial grid mask
self.global_node_mask = [0] * self.grid_col * self.grid_row
self.V_routing_cong = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.H_routing_cong = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.V_macro_routing_cong = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.H_macro_routing_cong = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
# initial grid mask, flatten before output
self.node_mask = np.array([1] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row))\
.reshape(self.grid_row, self.grid_col)
# store module/component count
self.ports_cnt = len(self.port_indices)
self.hard_macro_cnt = len(self.hard_macro_indices)
......@@ -238,7 +243,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
soft_macro_name = node_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
# soft macro pin
soft_macro_pin = self.SoftMacroPin(name=node_name,
soft_macro_pin = self.SoftMacroPin(name=node_name,ref_id=None,
x = attr_dict['x'][1],
y = attr_dict['y'][1],
macro_name = attr_dict['macro_name'][1])
......@@ -290,7 +295,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
hard_macro_name = node_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
# hard macro pin
hard_macro_pin = self.HardMacroPin(name=node_name,
hard_macro_pin = self.HardMacroPin(name=node_name,ref_id=None,
x = attr_dict['x'][1],
y = attr_dict['y'][1],
x_offset = attr_dict['x_offset'][1],
......@@ -347,6 +352,9 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# mapping connection degree to each macros
# all hard macros are placed on canvas initially
def __read_plc(self, plc_pth: str):
Plc file Parser
......@@ -486,6 +494,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# extracted information from .plc file
info_dict = self.__read_plc(plc_pth)
......@@ -562,18 +572,20 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
for macro_idx in (self.hard_macro_indices + self.soft_macro_indices):
macro = self.modules_w_pins[macro_idx]
macro_name = macro.get_name()
macro_type = macro.get_type()
if macro_type == "MACRO":
if not self.is_node_soft_macro(macro_idx):
if macro_name in self.hard_macros_to_inpins.keys():
pin_names = self.hard_macros_to_inpins[macro_name]
elif macro_type == "macro":
# use is_node_soft_macro()
elif self.is_node_soft_macro(macro_idx):
if macro_name in self.soft_macros_to_inpins.keys():
pin_names = self.soft_macros_to_inpins[macro_name]
for pin_name in pin_names:
pin = self.modules_w_pins[self.mod_name_to_indices[pin_name]]
......@@ -581,10 +593,17 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
if inputs:
for k in inputs.keys():
if macro_type == "MACRO" or macro_type == "macro":
if self.get_node_type(macro_idx) == "MACRO":
weight = pin.get_weight()
macro.add_connections(inputs[k], weight)
def __update_init_placed_node(self):
Place all hard macros on node mask initially
for macro_idx in (self.hard_macro_indices + self.soft_macro_indices):
def get_cost(self) -> float:
Compute wirelength cost from wirelength
......@@ -619,6 +638,36 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_soft_macro_pins_count(self) -> int:
return self.soft_macro_pins_cnt
def __get_pin_position(self, pin_idx):
* PORT = its own position
* MACRO PIN = ref position + offset position87654321
assert (self.modules_w_pins[pin_idx].get_type() == 'MACRO_PIN' or\
self.modules_w_pins[pin_idx].get_type() == 'PORT')
except Exception:
ref_node_idx = self.get_ref_node_id(pin_idx)
if ref_node_idx == -1:
if self.modules_w_pins[pin_idx].get_type() == 'PORT':
return self.modules_w_pins[pin_idx].get_pos()
# cannot be 'MACRO'
# print("ref_node_idx", ref_node_idx)
ref_node = self.modules_w_pins[ref_node_idx]
ref_node_x, ref_node_y = ref_node.get_pos()
pin_node = self.modules_w_pins[pin_idx]
pin_node_x_offset, pin_node_y_offset = pin_node.get_offset()
return (ref_node_x + pin_node_x_offset, ref_node_y + pin_node_y_offset)
def get_wirelength(self) -> float:
Proxy HPWL computation
......@@ -626,7 +675,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# NOTE: in pb.txt, netlist input count exceed certain threshold will be ommitted
total_hpwl = 0.0
for mod in self.modules_w_pins:
for mod_idx, mod in enumerate(self.modules_w_pins):
norm_fact = 1.0
curr_type = mod.get_type()
# bounding box data structure
......@@ -636,8 +685,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# NOTE: connection only defined on PORT, soft/hard macro pins
if curr_type == "PORT" and mod.get_sink():
# add source position
for sink_name in mod.get_sink():
for sink_pin in mod.get_sink()[sink_name]:
# retrieve indx in modules_w_pins
......@@ -645,12 +694,12 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# retrieve sink object
sink = self.modules_w_pins[sink_idx]
# retrieve location
elif curr_type == "macro_pin" or curr_type == "MACRO_PIN":
elif curr_type == "MACRO_PIN":
# add source position
if mod.get_sink():
if mod.get_weight() != 0:
......@@ -659,11 +708,10 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
for sink_name in input_list:
# retrieve indx in modules_w_pins
input_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[sink_name]
# retrieve input object
input = self.modules_w_pins[input_idx]
# retrieve location
# print(self.__get_pin_position(input_idx))
if x_coord:
if norm_fact != 1.0:
......@@ -733,6 +781,9 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_congestion_cost(self):
#return max(self.get_H_congestion_cost(), self.get_V_congestion_cost())
# TODO need to test if cong is smaller than 5
return self.abu(self.V_routing_cong + self.H_routing_cong, 0.05)
def __get_grid_cell_location(self, x_pos, y_pos):
......@@ -745,13 +796,70 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
col = math.floor(x_pos / self.grid_width)
return row, col
def __overlap_area(self, block_i, block_j):
def __get_grid_location_position(self, col:int, row:int):
private function for getting x y coord from grid cell row/col
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
x_pos = self.grid_width * col + self.grid_width / 2
y_pos = self.grid_height * row + self.grid_height / 2
return x_pos, y_pos
def __get_grid_cell_position(self, grid_cell_idx:int):
private function for getting x y coord from grid cell row/col
row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
return self.__get_grid_location_position(col, row)
def __place_node_mask(self,
private function for updating node mask after a placement
row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
hor_pad, ver_pad = self.__node_pad_cell(mod_width=mod_width,
self.node_mask[ row - ver_pad:row + ver_pad + 1,
col - hor_pad:col + hor_pad + 1] = 0
def __unplace_node_mask(self, grid_cell_idx:int):
private function for updating node mask after unplacing a node
row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
def __overlap_area(self, block_i, block_j, return_pos=False):
private function for computing block overlapping
x_diff = min(block_i.x_max, block_j.x_max) - max(block_i.x_min, block_j.x_min)
y_diff = min(block_i.y_max, block_j.y_max) - max(block_i.y_min, block_j.y_min)
x_min_max = min(block_i.x_max, block_j.x_max)
x_max_min = max(block_i.x_min, block_j.x_min)
y_min_max = min(block_i.y_max, block_j.y_max)
y_max_min = max(block_i.y_min, block_j.y_min)
x_diff = x_min_max - x_max_min
y_diff = y_min_max - y_max_min
if x_diff >= 0 and y_diff >= 0:
if return_pos:
return x_diff * y_diff, (x_min_max, y_min_max), (x_max_min, y_max_min)
return x_diff * y_diff
return 0
......@@ -888,6 +996,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# Flag updates
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
......@@ -911,6 +1021,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# Flag updates
self.V_routing_cong = [0] * self.grid_col * self.grid_row
......@@ -1292,7 +1404,6 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
for mod in self.modules_w_pins:
norm_fact = 1.0
curr_type = mod.get_type()
# bounding box data structure
node_gcells = set()
......@@ -1312,12 +1423,13 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# retrieve sink object
sink = self.modules_w_pins[sink_idx]
# retrieve grid location
elif (curr_type == "macro_pin" or curr_type == "MACRO_PIN") and mod.get_sink():
elif curr_type == "MACRO_PIN" and mod.get_sink():
# add source position
source_gcell = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*(mod.get_pos()))
mod_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[mod.get_name()]
source_gcell = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*(self.__get_pin_position(mod_idx)))
if mod.get_weight() > 1:
weight = mod.get_weight()
......@@ -1329,9 +1441,9 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# retrieve sink object
sink = self.modules_w_pins[sink_idx]
# retrieve grid location
elif curr_type == "MACRO":
elif curr_type == "MACRO" and self.is_node_hard_macro(self.mod_name_to_indices[mod.get_name()]):
module_h = mod.get_height()
module_w = mod.get_width()
module_x, module_y = mod.get_pos()
......@@ -1412,35 +1524,131 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
self.H_routing_cong = temp_H_routing_cong
def is_node_soft_macro(self, node_idx) -> bool:
return self.get_node_type(node_idx) == "soft_macro"
Return None or return ref_id
return node_idx in self.soft_macro_indices
except IndexError:
print("[ERROR INDEX OUT OF RANGE] Can not process index at {}".format(node_idx))
def is_node_hard_macro(self, node_idx) -> bool:
return self.get_node_type(node_idx) == "hard_macro"
Return None or return ref_id
return node_idx in self.hard_macro_indices
except IndexError:
print("[ERROR INDEX OUT OF RANGE] Can not process index at {}".format(node_idx))
def get_node_name(self, node_idx: int) -> str:
return self.indices_to_mod_name[node_idx]
def get_node_mask(self, node_idx: int, node_name: str) -> list:
def _get_node_mask(self, node_idx: int, node_name: str=None) -> list:
Return Grid_col x Grid_row:
1 == placable
0 == unplacable
(100, 100) => 5
(99, 99) => 0
(100, 99) => 1
(99, 100) => 4
Placement Constraint:
- center @ grid cell
- no overlapping other macro
- no OOB
module = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
temp_node_mask = np.array([0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row))\
.reshape(self.grid_row, self.grid_col)
if module.get_placed_flag():
hor_pad, ver_pad = self.__node_pad_cell(mod_width=module.get_width(),
# row, along y-axis, height
for i in range(ver_pad, self.grid_row - ver_pad):
for j in range(hor_pad, self.grid_col - hor_pad):
cell_region = self.node_mask[i - ver_pad : i + ver_pad + 1,
j - hor_pad : j + hor_pad + 1]
if (cell_region == 1).all():
temp_node_mask[i][j] = 1
return temp_node_mask.flatten()
def get_node_mask(self, node_idx: int, node_name: str=None) -> list:
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
canvas_block = Block(x_max=self.width,
mod_w = mod.get_width()
mod_h = mod.get_height()
temp_node_mask = np.array([1] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row))\
.reshape(self.grid_row, self.grid_col)
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
# print(self.grid_col, self.grid_row)
# print(mod_w*mod_h)
for i in range(self.grid_row):
for j in range(self.grid_col):
# try every location
# construct block based on current module
temp_x = j * self.grid_width + (self.grid_width/2)
temp_y = i * self.grid_height + (self.grid_height/2)
mod_block = Block(
x_max=temp_x + (mod_w/2),
y_max=temp_y + (mod_h/2),
x_min=temp_x - (mod_w/2),
y_min=temp_y - (mod_h/2)
# check OOB
if abs(self.__overlap_area(
block_i=canvas_block, block_j=mod_block) - (mod_w*mod_h)) > 1e-8:
# print(i, j, self.__overlap_area(
# block_i=canvas_block, block_j=mod_block))
temp_node_mask[i][j] = 0
for pmod_idx in self.placed_macro:
pmod = self.modules_w_pins[pmod_idx]
if not pmod.get_placed_flag():
p_x, p_y = pmod.get_pos()
p_w = pmod.get_width()
p_h = pmod.get_height()
pmod_block = Block(
x_max=p_x + (p_w/2) + 1,
y_max=p_y + (p_h/2) + 1,
x_min=p_x - (p_w/2) - 1,
y_min=p_y - (p_h/2) - 1
# overlap with placed module
if self.__overlap_area(block_i=pmod_block, block_j=mod_block) > 0:
temp_node_mask[i][j] = 0
return temp_node_mask.flatten()
def get_node_type(self, node_idx: int) -> str:
Return Vertical/Horizontal Macro Allocation
Return node type
return self.modules_w_pins[node_idx].get_type()
......@@ -1449,6 +1657,25 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
print("[INDEX OUT OF RANGE WARNING] Can not process index at {}".format(node_idx))
return None
def get_node_width_height(self, node_idx: int):
Return node dimension
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'macro', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE FIXED] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'macro', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE FIXED] Could not find module by node index")
return mod.get_width(), mod.get_height()
def make_soft_macros_square(self):
......@@ -1599,58 +1826,310 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
return macro_adj, sorted(cell_location)
def is_node_fixed(self):
def is_node_fixed(self, node_idx: int):
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE FIXED] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE FIXED] Could not find module by node index")
return mod.get_fix_flag()
def optimize_stdcells(self):
def update_node_coords(self):
def update_node_coords(self, node_idx, x_pos, y_pos):
Update Node location if node is 'MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT'
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'macro', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Could not find module by node index")
mod.set_pos(x_pos, y_pos)
def update_macro_orientation(self, node_idx, orientation):
Update macro orientation if node is 'MACRO'
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO'".format(mod.get_type())
+" are considered to be ORIENTED")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Could not find module by node index")
def update_port_sides(self):
Define Port "Side" by its location on canvas
def snap_ports_to_edges(self):
def get_node_location(self, node_idx):
Return Node location if node is 'MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT'
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE PLACED] Could not find module by node index")
return mod.get_pos()
def get_grid_cell_of_node(self, node_idx):
""" if grid_cell at grid crossing, break-tie to upper right
return self.modules_w_pins(node_idx).get_location()
mod = None
def update_macro_orientation(self, node_idx, orientation):
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO'".format(mod.get_type())
+" can be called")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Could not find module by node index")
def get_macro_orientation(self):
row, col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*mod.get_pos())
return row * self.grid_col + col
def get_macro_orientation(self, node_idx):
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO'".format(mod.get_type())
+" are considered to be ORIENTED")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Could not find module by node index")
return mod.get_orientation()
def unfix_node_coord(self):
"""In case plc is loaded with fixed macros
def unfix_node_coord(self, node_idx):
Unfix a module
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Could not find module by node index")
def fix_node_coord(self, node_idx):
Fix a module
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR FIX NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'"\
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR FIX NODE] Could not find module by node index")
def unplace_all_nodes(self):
def __update_node_mask(self):
TODO: should we reload the placed node?
self.node_mask = np.array([1] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)).\
reshape(self.grid_row, self.grid_col)
for pmod_idx in self.placed_macro:
pmod = self.modules_w_pins[pmod_idx]
if not pmod.get_placed_flag():
p_x, p_y = pmod.get_pos()
prow, pcol = self.__get_grid_cell_location(p_x, p_y)
c_idx = prow * self.grid_col + pcol
self.__place_node_mask(c_idx, pmod.get_width(), pmod.get_height())
def __reset_node_mask(self):
Internal function for reseting node mask
* All four sides cannot be used for placement
self.node_mask = np.array([1] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)).\
reshape(self.grid_row, self.grid_col)
def __node_pad_cell(self, mod_width, mod_height):
Internal function for computing how much cells we need for padding
This is to avoid overlapping on placement
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
cell_hor = math.ceil(((mod_width/2) - (self.grid_width/2)) / self.grid_width)
cell_ver = math.ceil(((mod_height/2) - (self.grid_height/2)) / self.grid_height)
return cell_hor, cell_ver
def place_node(self, node_idx, grid_cell_idx):
Place the node into the center of the given grid_cell
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR PLACE NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'"\
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR PLACE NODE] Could not find module by node index")
assert grid_cell_idx <= self.grid_col * self.grid_row - 1
except AssertionError:
print("[WARNING PLACE NODE] Invalid Location. No node placed.")
# TODO: add check valid clause
if not mod.get_fix_flag():
# update flag
self.__place_node_mask(grid_cell_idx, mod_width=mod.get_width(), mod_height=mod.get_height())
def can_place_node(self, node_idx, grid_cell_idx):
return self.get_node_mask(node_idx=node_idx)[grid_cell_idx]
def unplace_node(self, node_idx):
# update node_mask
Set the node's ifPlaced flag to False if not fixed node
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR UNPLACE NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR UNPLACE NODE] Could not find module by node index")
if not mod.get_fix_flag():
# update flag
# self.FLAG_UPDATE_NODE_MASK = True # placeholder
print("[WARNING UNPLACE NODE] Trying to unplace a fixed node")
def unplace_all_nodes(self):
Set all ifPlaced flag to False except for fixed nodes
for mod_idx in sorted(self.port_indices + self.hard_macro_indices + self.soft_macro_indices):
mod = self.modules_w_pins[mod_idx]
if mod.get_fix_flag():
if mod.get_placed_flag():
self.placed_macro = []
# update flag
def is_node_placed(self, node_idx):
mod = None
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
assert mod.get_type() in ['MACRO', 'macro', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE PLACED] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL',".format(mod.get_type())
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE PLACED] Could not find module by node index")
mod = self.modules_w_pins[node_idx]
return mod.get_placed_flag()
def disconnect_nets(self):
......@@ -1661,7 +2140,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
return self.netlist_file
def get_blockages(self):
return self.blockages
def create_blockage(self, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate):
self.blockages.append([minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate])
......@@ -1678,8 +2157,32 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
return self.mod_name_to_indices[pin.get_macro_name()]
return -1
def save_placement(self):
def save_placement(self, filename, info):
When writing out info line-by-line, add a "#" at front
with open(filename, 'w+') as f:
for line in info.split('\n'):
f.write("# " + line + '\n')
# if first, no \newline
for mod_idx in sorted(self.hard_macro_indices + self.soft_macro_indices + self.port_indices):
# [node_index] [x] [y] [orientation] [fixed]
mod = self.modules_w_pins[mod_idx]
f.write("{} {:g} {:g} {} {}".format(mod_idx,
mod.get_orientation() if mod.get_orientation() else "-",
"1" if mod.get_fix_flag() else "0"))
HEADER = False
f.write("\n{} {:g} {:g} {} {}".format(mod_idx,
mod.get_orientation() if mod.get_orientation() else "-",
"1" if mod.get_fix_flag() else "0"))
def display_canvas( self,
......@@ -1709,22 +2212,35 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# Construct module blocks
for mod in self.modules_w_pins:
if mod.get_type() == 'PORT':
if mod.get_type() == 'PORT' and mod.get_placed_flag():
plt.plot(*mod.get_pos(),'ro', markersize=PORT_SIZE)
elif mod.get_type() == 'MACRO':
elif mod.get_type() == 'MACRO' and mod.get_placed_flag():
if not self.is_node_soft_macro(self.mod_name_to_indices[mod.get_name()]):
# hard macro
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.get_pos()[0] - mod.get_width()/2, mod.get_pos()[1] - mod.get_height()/2),\
mod.get_width(), mod.get_height(),\
alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='b', edgecolor='darkblue'))
if annotate:
ax.annotate(mod.get_name(), mod.get_pos(), color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=FONT_SIZE, ha='center', va='center')
elif mod.get_type() == 'MACRO_PIN':
plt.plot(*mod.get_pos(),'bo', markersize=PIN_SIZE)
elif mod.get_type() == 'macro':
ax.annotate(mod.get_name(), mod.get_pos(), wrap=True,color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=FONT_SIZE, ha='center', va='center')
# soft macro
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.get_pos()[0] - mod.get_width()/2, mod.get_pos()[1] - mod.get_height()/2),\
mod.get_width(), mod.get_height(),\
alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='y'))
if annotate:
ax.annotate(mod.get_name(), mod.get_pos(), wrap=True,color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=FONT_SIZE, ha='center', va='center')
elif mod.get_type() == 'MACRO_PIN':
pin_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[mod.get_name()]
macro_idx = self.get_ref_node_id(pin_idx)
macro = self.modules_w_pins[macro_idx]
if macro.get_placed_flag():
plt.plot(*self.__get_pin_position(pin_idx),'bo', markersize=PIN_SIZE)
# elif mod.get_type() == 'macro' :
# ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.get_pos()[0] - mod.get_width()/2, mod.get_pos()[1] - mod.get_height()/2),\
# mod.get_width(), mod.get_height(),\
# alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='y'))
# if annotate:
# ax.annotate(mod.get_name(), mod.get_pos(), wrap=True,color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=FONT_SIZE, ha='center', va='center')
......@@ -1740,10 +2256,15 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
self.connection = {} # [module_name] => edge degree
self.fix_flag = True
self.placement = 0 # needs to be updated
self.orientation = None
self.ifPlaced = True
def get_name(self):
def get_orientation(self):
return self.orientation
def add_connection(self, module_name):
# NOTE: assume PORT names does not contain slash
ifPORT = False
......@@ -1813,6 +2334,12 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_fix_flag(self):
return self.fix_flag
def set_placed_flag(self, ifPlaced):
self.ifPlaced = ifPlaced
def get_placed_flag(self):
return self.ifPlaced
class SoftMacro:
def __init__(self, name, width, height, x = 0.0, y = 0.0): = name
......@@ -1860,7 +2387,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
return self.x, self.y
def get_type(self):
return "macro"
return "MACRO"
def get_connection(self):
return self.connection
......@@ -1892,11 +2419,18 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_fix_flag(self):
return self.fix_flag
def set_placed_flag(self, ifPlaced):
self.ifPlaced = ifPlaced
def get_placed_flag(self):
return self.ifPlaced
class SoftMacroPin:
def __init__( self, name,
def __init__(self, name, ref_id,
x = 0.0, y = 0.0,
macro_name = "", weight = 1.0): = name
self.ref_id = ref_id
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.x_offset = 0.0 # not used
......@@ -1908,6 +2442,12 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def set_weight(self, weight):
self.weight = weight
def set_ref_id(self, ref_id):
self.ref_id = ref_id
def get_ref_id(self):
return self.ref_id
def get_weight(self):
return self.weight
......@@ -1956,7 +2496,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
return self.weight
def get_type(self):
return "macro_pin"
return "MACRO_PIN"
class HardMacro:
def __init__(self, name, width, height,
......@@ -2038,12 +2578,19 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_fix_flag(self):
return self.fix_flag
def set_placed_flag(self, ifPlaced):
self.ifPlaced = ifPlaced
def get_placed_flag(self):
return self.ifPlaced
class HardMacroPin:
def __init__(self, name,
def __init__(self, name, ref_id,
x = 0.0, y = 0.0,
x_offset = 0.0, y_offset = 0.0,
macro_name = "", weight = 1.0): = name
self.ref_id = ref_id
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.x_offset = float(x_offset)
......@@ -2053,6 +2600,12 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
self.sink = {}
self.ifPlaced = True
def set_ref_id(self, ref_id):
self.ref_id = ref_id
def get_ref_id(self):
return self.ref_id
def set_weight(self, weight):
self.weight = weight
import numpy as np
import sys,os,traceback
import pandas as pd
import sys
import os
import traceback
import argparse
import math
import re
from random import randrange
from absl import flags
from absl.flags import argparse_flags
from absl import app
from Plc_client import plc_client_os as plc_client_os
from Plc_client import placement_util_os as placement_util
from Plc_client import observation_extractor_os as observation_extractor
from Plc_client import environment_os as environment
from Plc_client import observation_config
from Plc_client import plc_client as plc_client
except ImportError:
......@@ -28,10 +38,10 @@ Example:
--height 356.640\
--col 35\
--row 33\
--rpmh 10\
--rpmv 10\
--marh 5\
--marv 5\
--rpmh 70.330\
--rpmv 74.510\
--marh 51.790\
--marv 51.790\
--smooth 2
$ python3 -m Plc_client.plc_client_os_test --netlist ./Plc_client/test/ariane133/netlist.pb.txt\
......@@ -46,6 +56,18 @@ Example:
--marv 5\
--smooth 2
$ python3 -m Plc_client.plc_client_os_test --netlist ./Plc_client/test/0P2M0m/netlist.pb.txt\
--plc ./Plc_client/test/0P2M0m/initial.plc\
--width 500\
--height 500\
--col 5\
--row 5\
--rpmh 10\
--rpmv 10\
--marh 5\
--marv 5\
--smooth 2
* Clean up code
* Extract argument from command line
......@@ -53,6 +75,7 @@ Todo:
class PlacementCostTest():
""" Canvas Setting Reference Table
......@@ -81,7 +104,6 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
- GRID_ROW = 5
def __init__(self, NETLIST_PATH, PLC_PATH=None,
width=0, height=0,
column=0, row=0, rpmv=10, rpmh=10,
......@@ -100,15 +122,14 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
self.MARV = marv
self.SMOOTH = smooth
def test_metadata(self):
print("############################ TEST METADATA ############################")
# Google's Binary Executable
self.plc = plc_client.PlacementCost(self.NETLIST_PATH)
# Open-sourced Implementation
self.plc_os = plc_client_os.PlacementCost(netlist_file=self.NETLIST_PATH,
macro_macro_x_spacing = 50,
macro_macro_y_spacing = 50)
# NOTE: must set canvas before restoring placement, otherwise OOB error
self.plc.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
......@@ -141,27 +162,29 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
assert self.plc.get_congestion_smooth_range() == self.plc_os.get_congestion_smooth_range()
assert self.plc.get_congestion_smooth_range(
) == self.plc_os.get_congestion_smooth_range()
self.plc.set_macro_routing_allocation(3.0, 4.0)
self.plc_os.set_macro_routing_allocation(3.0, 4.0)
assert self.plc.get_macro_routing_allocation() == self.plc_os.get_macro_routing_allocation()
assert self.plc.get_macro_routing_allocation(
) == self.plc_os.get_macro_routing_allocation()
except Exception as e:
_, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
_, line, _, text = tb_info[-1]
print('[METADATA ERROR] at line {} in statement {}'\
print('[METADATA ERROR] at line {} in statement {}'
.format(line, text))
# test get_macro_adjacency
plc_macroadj = self.plc.get_macro_adjacency()
plc_macroadj = np.array(plc_macroadj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plc_macroadj))),\
plc_macroadj = np.array(plc_macroadj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plc_macroadj))),
plcos_macroadj = self.plc_os.get_macro_adjacency()
plcos_macroadj = np.array(plcos_macroadj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plcos_macroadj))),\
plcos_macroadj = np.array(plcos_macroadj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plcos_macroadj))),
......@@ -172,35 +195,42 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
# test get_macro_and_clustered_port_adjacency
plc_clusteradj, plc_cell = self.plc.get_macro_and_clustered_port_adjacency()
plc_clusteradj = np.array(plc_clusteradj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plc_clusteradj))),\
plc_clusteradj = np.array(plc_clusteradj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plc_clusteradj))),
plcos_clusteradj, plcos_cell = self.plc_os.get_macro_and_clustered_port_adjacency()
plcos_clusteradj = np.array(plcos_clusteradj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plcos_clusteradj))),\
plcos_clusteradj = np.array(plcos_clusteradj).reshape(int(math.sqrt(len(plcos_clusteradj))),
for plc_adj, plcos_adj in zip(plc_clusteradj, plcos_clusteradj):
assert(np.sum(np.nonzero(plc_adj - plcos_adj)) == 0)
except Exception as e:
print("[MACRO AND CLUSTERED PORT ADJ ERROR] Mismatched found -- {}".format(str(e)))
"[MACRO AND CLUSTERED PORT ADJ ERROR] Mismatched found -- {}".format(str(e)))
print(" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
print(" +++ TEST METADATA: PASS +++")
print(" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
def view_canvas(self):
def view_canvas(self, ifInital, ifReadComment):
print("############################ VIEW CANVAS ############################")
self.plc_os = plc_client_os.PlacementCost(netlist_file=self.NETLIST_PATH,
macro_macro_x_spacing = 50,
macro_macro_y_spacing = 50)
self.plc.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
self.plc_os.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc_os.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
if self.PLC_PATH:
print("[PLC FILE FOUND] Loading info from .plc file")
# show canvas
self.plc_os.display_canvas(annotate=False, amplify=False)
def test_proxy_cost(self):
print("############################ TEST PROXY COST ############################")
......@@ -209,8 +239,11 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
# Open-sourced Implementation
self.plc_os = plc_client_os.PlacementCost(netlist_file=self.NETLIST_PATH,
macro_macro_x_spacing = 50,
macro_macro_y_spacing = 50)
print("overlap_threshold default", self.plc.get_overlap_threshold())
if self.PLC_PATH:
print("[PLC FILE FOUND] Loading info from .plc file")
......@@ -220,7 +253,7 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
# self.plc.restore_placement(self.PLC_PATH)
print("[PLC FILE MISSING] Using only netlist info")
......@@ -238,10 +271,10 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
self.plc_os.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc_os.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
# TODO: [IGNORE] Setting blockage has no effect on proxy cost computation
# TODO: [IGNORE] create_blockage must be defined BEFORE set_canvas_size and set_placement_grid in order to be considered on the canvas
if False:
self.plc.create_blockage(0, 0, 400, 400, 1)
self.plc.create_blockage(0, 0, 200, 200, 1)
self.plc.create_blockage(0.0, 100.0, 300.0, 300.0, 1.0)
self.plc.create_blockage(300, 0, 500, 200, 1)
......@@ -249,27 +282,41 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
assert int(self.plc_os.get_wirelength()) == int(self.plc.get_wirelength())
assert int(self.plc_os.get_wirelength()) == int(
assert abs(self.plc.get_cost() - self.plc_os.get_cost()) <= 1e-3
print("#[INFO WIRELENGTH] Matched irelength cost -- GL {}, OS {}".format(
str(self.plc.get_cost()), self.plc_os.get_cost()))
except Exception as e:
print("[WIRELENGTH ERROR] Discrepancies found when computing wirelength -- {}, {}".format(str(self.plc.get_cost()), self.plc_os.get_cost()))
print("[ERROR WIRELENGTH] Discrepancies found when computing wirelength -- GL {}, OS {}".format(
str(self.plc.get_cost()), self.plc_os.get_cost()))
# Density
assert int(sum(self.plc_os.get_grid_cells_density())) == int(sum(self.plc.get_grid_cells_density()))
assert int(self.plc_os.get_density_cost()) == int(self.plc.get_density_cost())
assert int(sum(self.plc_os.get_grid_cells_density())) == int(
assert int(self.plc_os.get_density_cost()) == int(
print("#[INFO DENSITY] Matched density cost -- GL {}, OS {}".format(
str(self.plc.get_density_cost()), self.plc_os.get_density_cost()))
except Exception as e:
print("[DENSITY ERROR] Discrepancies found when computing density -- {}, {}".format(str(self.plc.get_density_cost()), self.plc_os.get_density_cost()))
print("[ERROR DENSITY] Discrepancies found when computing density -- GL {}, OS {}".format(
str(self.plc.get_density_cost()), self.plc_os.get_density_cost()))
# Congestion
assert abs(sum(self.plc_os.get_horizontal_routing_congestion()) - sum(self.plc.get_horizontal_routing_congestion())) < 1e-3
assert abs(sum(self.plc_os.get_vertical_routing_congestion()) - sum(self.plc.get_vertical_routing_congestion())) < 1e-3
assert abs(self.plc.get_congestion_cost() - self.plc_os.get_congestion_cost()) < 1e-3
# NOTE: [IGNORE] grid-wise congestion not tested because
# miscellaneous implementation differences.
assert abs(self.plc.get_congestion_cost() -
self.plc_os.get_congestion_cost()) < 1e-3
print("#[INFO CONGESTION] Matched congestion cost -- GL {}, OS {}".format(
str(self.plc.get_congestion_cost()), self.plc_os.get_congestion_cost()))
except Exception as e:
print("[CONGESTION ERROR] Discrepancies found when computing congestion -- {}".format(str(e)))
print("[ERROR CONGESTION] Discrepancies found when computing congestion -- GL {}, OS {}"
print(" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
......@@ -280,26 +327,43 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
# Google's Binary Executable
self.plc = plc_client.PlacementCost(self.NETLIST_PATH)
self.plc_os = plc_client_os.PlacementCost(netlist_file=self.NETLIST_PATH,
macro_macro_x_spacing = 50,
macro_macro_y_spacing = 50)
print("****************** miscellaneous ******************")
self.plc.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
self.plc_util = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
self.plc_os.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc_os.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
print("get_macro_indices", self.plc.get_macro_indices(), self.plc_os.get_macro_indices())
print("get_node_name", self.plc.get_node_name(NODE_IDX))
print("get_node_location", self.plc.get_node_location(NODE_IDX))
print("get_grid_cell_of_node", self.plc.get_grid_cell_of_node(NODE_IDX))
print("get_node_location", self.plc.get_node_location(NODE_IDX))
print("get_macro_orientation", self.plc.get_macro_orientation(NODE_IDX))
print("is_node_placed", self.plc.is_node_placed(NODE_IDX))
print("get_source_filename", self.plc.get_source_filename())
print("get_blockages", self.plc.get_blockages())
print("get_ref_node_id", self.plc.get_ref_node_id(NODE_IDX), self.plc.get_ref_node_id(NODE_IDX))
print("get_node_mask\n", np.array(self.plc.get_node_mask(NODE_IDX)).reshape((4,4)))
print("can_place_node", self.plc.can_place_node(0, 1))
print(np.flip(np.array(self.plc_util.get_node_mask(0)).reshape(35, 33), axis=0))
print(np.flip(np.array(self.plc.get_node_mask(0)).reshape(35, 33), axis=0))
print("****************** miscellaneous ******************")
# self.plc.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
# self.plc.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
# self.plc_os.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
# self.plc_os.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
# NODE_IDX = 22853
# print("get_macro_indices", self.plc.get_macro_indices())
# print("get_node_name", self.plc.get_node_name(NODE_IDX))
# print("get_node_type", self.plc.get_node_type(NODE_IDX))
# print("get_node_location", self.plc.get_node_location(NODE_IDX))
# print("get_grid_cell_of_node", self.plc.get_grid_cell_of_node(NODE_IDX))
# print("get_macro_orientation", self.plc.get_macro_orientation(NODE_IDX))
# print("is_node_placed", self.plc.is_node_placed(NODE_IDX))
# print("get_source_filename", self.plc.get_source_filename())
# print("get_blockages", self.plc.get_blockages())
# print("get_ref_node_id", self.plc.get_ref_node_id(NODE_IDX), self.plc.get_ref_node_id(NODE_IDX))
# print("get_node_mask\n", np.array(self.plc.get_node_mask(NODE_IDX)).reshape((4,4)))
# print("can_place_node", self.plc.can_place_node(0, 1))
def test_proxy_congestion(self):
......@@ -308,20 +372,31 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
self.plc_os = plc_client_os.PlacementCost(self.NETLIST_PATH)
# set rpm
self.plc.set_routes_per_micron(10, 10)
self.plc_os.set_routes_per_micron(10, 10)
self.plc.set_routes_per_micron(self.RPMH, self.RPMV)
self.plc_os.set_routes_per_micron(self.RPMH, self.RPMV)
self.plc.set_macro_routing_allocation(10, 10)
self.plc_os.set_macro_routing_allocation(10, 10)
self.plc.set_macro_routing_allocation(self.MARH, self.MARV)
self.plc_os.set_macro_routing_allocation(self.MARH, self.MARV)
self.plc.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
self.plc_os.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc_os.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
if self.PLC_PATH:
print("[PLC FILE FOUND] Loading info from .plc file")
print("[PLC FILE MISSING] Using only netlist info")
temp_gl_h = np.array(self.plc.get_horizontal_routing_congestion())
temp_os_h = np.array(self.plc_os.get_horizontal_routing_congestion())
......@@ -347,36 +422,325 @@ class PlacementCostTest():
print("MATCHED!!! **********************")
###################################################################### EXTRACT ROUTING CONGESTION
self.plc.set_macro_routing_allocation(0, 0)
self.plc_os.set_macro_routing_allocation(0, 0)
temp_gl_h_rt = np.array(self.plc.get_horizontal_routing_congestion())
temp_os_h_rt = np.array(self.plc_os.get_horizontal_routing_congestion())
temp_os_h_rt = np.array(
temp_gl_v_rt = np.array(self.plc.get_vertical_routing_congestion())
temp_os_v_rt = np.array(self.plc_os.get_vertical_routing_congestion())
temp_gl_h_mc = (temp_gl_h - temp_gl_h_rt).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
temp_os_h_mc = (temp_os_h - temp_os_h_rt).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
# H Macro congesiton = H Total congestion - H Routing congestion
temp_gl_h_mc = (temp_gl_h - temp_gl_h_rt)
temp_os_h_mc = (temp_os_h - temp_os_h_rt)
temp_gl_v_mc = (temp_gl_v - temp_gl_v_rt).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
temp_os_v_mc = (temp_os_v - temp_os_v_rt).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
# V Macro congesiton = V Total congestion - V Routing congestion
temp_gl_v_mc = (temp_gl_v - temp_gl_v_rt)
temp_os_v_mc = (temp_os_v - temp_os_v_rt)
# print("GL H MACRO Congestion", (temp_gl_h_mc).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW))
# print("OS H MACRO Congestion", (temp_os_h_mc).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW))
print("H MACRO Congestion DIFF", np.where(abs(temp_gl_h_mc - temp_os_h_mc) > 1e-5))
print("H MACRO Congestion DIFF", np.where(
abs(temp_gl_h_mc - temp_os_h_mc) > 1e-5))
# print("GL V MACRO Congestion", (temp_gl_v_mc).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW))
# print("OS V MACRO Congestion", (temp_os_v_mc).reshape(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW))
print("V MACRO Congestion DIFF", np.where(abs(temp_gl_v_mc - temp_os_v_mc) > 1e-5))
print("V MACRO Congestion DIFF", np.where(
abs(temp_gl_v_mc - temp_os_v_mc) > 1e-5))
print("H Routing Congestion DIFF", np.where(
abs(temp_gl_h_rt - temp_os_h_rt) > 1e-5))
print("V Routing Congestion DIFF", np.where(
abs(temp_gl_v_rt - temp_os_v_rt) > 1e-5))
####################################################################### BY ENTRY
# self.plc_os.display_canvas()
print("**************BY ENTRY DIFF")
print(temp_gl_h_mc[0][6], temp_os_h_mc[0][6])
r = (CELL_IDX // 35)
c = int(CELL_IDX % 35)
print(temp_gl_h_rt[CELL_IDX], temp_os_h_rt[CELL_IDX])
print(temp_gl_v_rt[CELL_IDX], temp_os_v_rt[CELL_IDX])
def test_placement_util(self, keep_save_file=False):
* Read same input, perturb placement and orientation, write to new .plc
"############################ TEST PLACEMENT UTIL ############################")
assert self.PLC_PATH
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR PLACEMENT UTIL TEST] Facilitate required .plc file")
self.plc_util = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
self.plc_util_os = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
# node_xy_coordinates
for i in placement_util.nodes_of_types(self.plc_util_os, ['MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT']):
NODE_XY_DICT[i] = (randrange(int(self.plc_util.get_canvas_width_height()[0])),
# macro_orientation
for i in placement_util.nodes_of_types(self.plc_util_os, ['MACRO']):
# ********************** plc_client_os **********************
# placement_util.restore_node_xy_coordinates(self.plc_util_os, NODE_XY_DICT)
self.plc_util_os, MACRO_ORIENTATION)
# fix ports
# write out new plc
self.plc_util_os, "save_test_os.plc", 'this is a comment')
# ********************** plc_client **********************
# placement_util.restore_node_xy_coordinates(self.plc_util, NODE_XY_DICT)
self.plc_util, MACRO_ORIENTATION)
# fix ports
# write out new plc
self.plc_util, "save_test_gl.plc", 'this is a comment')
# This is only for node information, line-by-line test
with open('save_test_gl.plc') as f1, open('save_test_os.plc') as f2:
for idx, (line1, line2) in enumerate(zip(f1, f2)):
if line1.strip() != line2.strip():
if not re.match(r"(# )\w+", line1.strip()):
print("PLC MISMATCH (GL, OS)\n",
line1.strip(), "\n", line2.strip())
raise AssertionError("false")
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR PLACEMENT UTIL] Saved PLC Discrepency found at line {}".format(
# if keep plc file for detailed comparison
if not keep_save_file:
print(" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
print(" +++ TEST PLACEMENT UTIL: PASS +++")
print(" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
def test_observation_extractor(self):
plc = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
netlist_file=netlist_file, init_placement='')
plc.set_canvas_size(300, 200)
plc.set_placement_grid(9, 4)
# Manually adds I/O port locations, this step is not needed for real
# netlists.
plc.update_node_coords('P0', 0.5, 100) # Left
plc.update_node_coords('P1', 150, 199.5) # Top
self.extractor = observation_extractor.ObservationExtractor(
plc=plc, observation_config=self._observation_config)
print("############################ TEST OBSERVATION EXTRACTOR ############################")
assert self.PLC_PATH
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR OBSERVATION EXTRACTOR TEST] Facilitate required .plc file")
# Using the default edge/node
self._observation_config = observation_config.ObservationConfig(
max_num_edges=28400, max_num_nodes=5000, max_grid_size=128)
self.plc_util = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
self.plc_util_os = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
if self.PLC_PATH:
print("[PLC FILE FOUND] Loading info from .plc file")
print("[PLC FILE MISSING] Using only netlist info")
self.extractor = observation_extractor.ObservationExtractor(
plc=self.plc_util, observation_config=self._observation_config
self.extractor_os = observation_extractor.ObservationExtractor(
plc=self.plc_util_os, observation_config=self._observation_config
# Static features that are invariant across training steps
static_feature_gl = self.extractor._extract_static_features()
static_feature_os = self.extractor_os._extract_static_features()
for feature_gl, feature_os in zip(static_feature_gl, static_feature_os):
assert (static_feature_gl[feature_gl] ==
print(" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
print(" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
def test_place_node(self):
print("############################ TEST PLACE NODE ############################")
self.plc_util = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
self.plc_util_os = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
self.plc_util.set_routes_per_micron(self.RPMH, self.RPMV)
self.plc_util_os.set_routes_per_micron(self.RPMH, self.RPMV)
self.plc_util.set_macro_routing_allocation(self.MARH, self.MARV)
self.plc_util_os.set_macro_routing_allocation(self.MARH, self.MARV)
self.plc_util.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc_util.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
self.plc_util_os.set_canvas_size(self.CANVAS_WIDTH, self.CANVAS_HEIGHT)
self.plc_util_os.set_placement_grid(self.GRID_COL, self.GRID_ROW)
ordered_node_gl = placement_util.get_ordered_node_indices(
mode='descending_size_macro_first', plc=self.plc_util)
ordered_node_os = placement_util.get_ordered_node_indices(
mode='descending_size_macro_first', plc=self.plc_util_os)
assert (np.array(ordered_node_gl) == np.array(ordered_node_os)).all()
# Initialize Placement
NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX)).reshape(self.GRID_ROW, self.GRID_COL), axis=0))
self.GRID_ROW, self.GRID_COL), axis=0))
self.plc_util_os.place_node(NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX, CELL_TO_PLACE_IDX)
self.plc_util.place_node(NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX, CELL_TO_PLACE_IDX)
# place node NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX @ position CELL_TO_PLACE_IDX
NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX)).reshape(self.GRID_ROW, self.GRID_COL), axis=0))
self.GRID_ROW, self.GRID_COL), axis=0))
self.plc_util_os.place_node(NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX, CELL_TO_PLACE_IDX)
self.plc_util.place_node(NODE_TO_PLACE_IDX, CELL_TO_PLACE_IDX)
def test_environment(self):
print("############################ TEST ENVIRONMENT ############################")
# Source:
def random_action(mask):
valid_actions, = np.nonzero(mask.flatten())
if len(valid_actions): # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test
return np.random.choice(valid_actions)
# If there is no valid choice, then `[0]` is returned which results in an
# infeasable action ending the episode.
return 0
env = environment.CircuitEnv(
self.plc_util = placement_util.create_placement_cost(
# print(np.array2string(env._current_mask.reshape(128, 128)), sep=']')
env_os = environment.CircuitEnv(
# print(np.array(env_os._plc.get_node_mask(13333)).reshape(33,35))
# print(np.array(env._plc.get_node_mask(13333)).reshape(33,35))
assert (env_os._get_mask() == env._get_mask()).all()
obs_gl = env._get_obs()
obs_os = env_os._get_obs()
for feature_gl, feature_os in zip(obs_gl, obs_os):
if not (obs_gl[feature_gl] == obs_os[feature_os]).all():
print(feature_gl, feature_os)
print(np.where(obs_gl[feature_gl] != obs_os[feature_os]))
print(" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
print(" +++ TEST ENVIRONMENT: PASS +++")
print(" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
def parse_flags(argv):
parser = argparse_flags.ArgumentParser(description='An argparse + example')
parser = argparse_flags.ArgumentParser(
description='An argparse + example')
parser.add_argument("--netlist", required=True,
help="Path to netlist in pb.txt")
parser.add_argument("--plc", required=False,
......@@ -401,17 +765,42 @@ def parse_flags(argv):
help="Grid row")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
def main(args):
if args.plc:
PCT = PlacementCostTest(args.netlist, args.plc, args.width, args.height,
args.col, args.row, args.rpmv, args.rpmv,
args.marh, args.marv, args.smooth)
PCT = PlacementCostTest(NETLIST_PATH=args.netlist,
PCT = PlacementCostTest(args.netlist, args.width, args.height,
args.col, args.row, args.rpmv, args.rpmv,
args.marh, args.marv, args.smooth)
PCT = PlacementCostTest(NETLIST_PATH=args.netlist,
# PCT.test_metadata()
# PCT.test_placement_util(keep_save_file=False)
# PCT.test_place_node()
# PCT.test_miscellaneous()
# PCT.test_observation_extractor()
# PCT.view_canvas()
# PCT.test_proxy_congestion()
# PCT.test_environment()
if __name__ == '__main__':, flags_parser=parse_flags)
......@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ node {
attr {
key: "x"
value {
f: 399
f: 300
attr {
key: "y"
value {
f: 399
f: 300
attr {
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ node {
attr {
key: "height"
value {
f: 50
f: 200
attr {
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ node {
attr {
key: "width"
value {
f: 50
f: 200
......@@ -96,31 +96,31 @@ node {
attr {
key: "x_offset"
value {
f: -25
f: -75
attr {
key: "y_offset"
value {
f: -25
f: -75
attr {
key: "x"
value {
f: 374
f: 0
attr {
key: "y"
value {
f: 374
f: 0
attr {
key: "weight"
value {
f: 1000
f: 1
......@@ -141,31 +141,31 @@ node {
attr {
key: "x_offset"
value {
f: -25
f: -75
attr {
key: "y_offset"
value {
f: 25
f: 75
attr {
key: "x"
value {
f: 374
f: 0
attr {
key: "y"
value {
f: 424
f: 0
attr {
key: "weight"
value {
f: 1000
f: 1
......@@ -186,25 +186,25 @@ node {
attr {
key: "x_offset"
value {
f: 25
f: 75
attr {
key: "y_offset"
value {
f: -25
f: -75
attr {
key: "x"
value {
f: 75
f: 0
attr {
key: "y"
value {
f: 25
f: 0
......@@ -225,25 +225,25 @@ node {
attr {
key: "x_offset"
value {
f: 25
f: 75
attr {
key: "y_offset"
value {
f: 25
f: 75
attr {
key: "x"
value {
f: 75
f: 0
attr {
key: "y"
value {
f: 75
f: 0
\ No newline at end of file
# Placement file for Circuit Training
# Source input file(s) : ./output_ariane_NanGate45/22cols_30rows/g500_ub5_nruns10_c5_r3_v3_rc1/netlist.pb.txt
# This file : ./output_ariane_NanGate45/22cols_30rows/g500_ub5_nruns10_c5_r3_v3_rc1/initial.plc
# Original initial placement :
# Date : 2022-08-26 08:27:04
# Columns : 22 Rows : 30
# Width : 1357.360 Height : 1356.880
# Area (stdcell+macros) : 1448306.937872215
# Wirelength : 3264054.817
# Wirelength cost : 0.0540
# Congestion cost : 0.8487
# Density cost : 0.6405
# Fake net cost : 0.0000
# 90% Congestion metric: (0.01363636363636364, 0.0006827604141139862)
# Project : unset_project
# Block : unset_block
# Routes per micron, hor : 11.285 ver : 12.605
# Routes used by macros, hor : 7.143 ver : 8.339
# Smoothing factor : 0
# Use incremental cost : False
# To view this file (most options are default):
# viewer_binary --netlist_file ./output_ariane_NanGate45/22cols_30rows/g500_ub5_nruns10_c5_r3_v3_rc1/netlist.pb.txt --canvas_width 1357.36 --canvas_height 1356.88 --grid_cols 22 --grid_rows=30 --init_placement ./output_ariane_NanGate45/22cols_30rows/g500_ub5_nruns10_c5_r3_v3_rc1/initial.plc --project unset_project --block_name unset_block --congestion_smooth_range 0 --overlap_threshold 0 --noboundary_check
# or you can simply run:
# viewer_binary --init_placement ./output_ariane_NanGate45/22cols_30rows/g500_ub5_nruns10_c5_r3_v3_rc1/initial.plc
# Source input file(s) : environment/test_data/ariane/ariane.txt
# This file : environment/test_data/ariane/init.plc
# Date : 2022-03-13 09:30:00
# Columns : 50 Rows : 50
# Width : 1599.99 Height : 1598.8
# Area : 1244102.4819999968
# Wirelength : 0.0
# Wirelength cost : 0.0
# Congestion cost : 0.0
# Block : ariane
# Routes per micron, hor : 70.33 ver : 74.51
# Routes used by macros, hor : 51.79 ver : 51.79
# Smoothing factor : 2
# Overlap threshold : 0.004
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ runtimes. Gridding enables hard macros to find locations consistent with high so
Gridding determines a dissection of the layout canvas into some number of rows (**n_rows**) and some number of columns (**n_cols**) of _gridcells_.
The choice of **n_rows** and **n_cols** is made **once** for each design. Once the dimensions **(n_rows, n_cols)** have been chosen, their values define a gridded canvas, or _grid_, and remain fixed throughout Circuit Training for the given design. The detailed algorithm is shown as following.
<img src="./Gridding Algorithm.png" width= "1600"/>
<img src="./images/Gridding Algorithm.png" width= "1600"/>
The gridding algorithm starts with the dimensions **canvas_width** and **canvas_height** of the layout canvas, as well as a list of **macros**, where each macro has a width and a height.
Macros are not rotatable. The area of a macro is the product of its width and height.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ After macro packing, we can calculate the **empty_ratio** of current _grid_, i.e
the number of empty _gridcells_ over the total number of _gridcells_ (**n_rows** * **n_cols**).
A _gridcell_ is claimed as an empty _gridcell_ if the intersection area of placed macros with it is less than 0.00001 times its area.
Next we calculate the **hor_waste** and **ver_waste** as described in following algorithm.
<img src="./Calculate Waste Ratio.png" width= "1600"/>
<img src="./images/Calculate Waste Ratio.png" width= "1600"/>
To calculate horizontal waste **hor_waste**, we calculate
- **width_tot_macros** = the sum of widths of all macros in the design
......@@ -75,3 +75,237 @@ To our understanding, the foregoing procedure results in grids that are of simil
We thank Google engineers for May 19, 2022 discussions that explained the gridding method used in Circuit Training.
All errors of understanding and implementation are the authors'. We will rectify such errors as soon as possible after being made aware of them.
# **Grouping**
Grouping is an important preprocessing step of clustering.
The grouping step in Circuit Training requires as inputs:
the post-synthesis gate-level netlist (standard cells and hard macros),
placed IOs (ports, or terminals), typically at the borders of the chip canvas,
the grid of **n_rows** rows and **n_cols** columns of _gridcells_, which defines the gridded layout canvas.
The purpose of grouping, to our understanding, is to ensure that closely-related standard-cell logic,
which connect to the same macro or the same clump of IO (noted as IO cluster), belong to the same standard-cell clusters.
## **The Grouping Process**
The grouping consists of three steps:
- Group the macro pins of the same macro into a cluster.
In Circuit Training, the netlist consists of four building elements:
standard cells, IO ports, macro pins and macros.
The following figure shows an example of netlist representation in Circuit Training.
The left part is the real netlist; The right part is the Netlist Protocol Buffer
representation in Circuit Training. The solid arrow means the real signal net and the dashed
arrow means the virtual nets between macro A and its macro pins.
We can see that the macro pins and the related macro are both basic elements in the netlist, whereas there is no pins of standard cells. Thus, it's necessary to group the macros pins of the same macro into a cluster, because the macro pins of the same macro will always stay together during macro placement. Note that only the macro pins are grouped and the macro itself is not grouped. For example, in this figure, **D\[0\]**, **D\[1\]**, **D\[2\]**, **Q\[0\]**,
**Q\[1\]**, **Q\[2\]** are grouped into **cluster_1**, but **cluster_1** does not include macro A.
<img src="./images/macro_example.png" width= "1600"/>
- Group the IOs that are within close proximity of each other boundary by boundary,
following the order of **LEFT** <span>&rarr;</span> **TOP** <span>&rarr;</span> **RIGHT** <span>&rarr;</span> **BOTTOM**. For the **LEFT**/**RIGHT**(**TOP**/**Bottom**) boundary, we sort the all the ports on the boundary based on their y (x) coordinates in a non-decreasing order. Starting from the first IO port on the boundary, we group the IO ports within each **grid_height** (**grid_width**) into an IO cluster. For example, in following figure, we have three IO clusters on **TOP** boundary and two IO clusters on **RIGHT** boundary. The **grid_width** and **grid_height** are calculated based on the **n_cols** and **n_rows**:
- **grid_width** = **canvas_width** / **n_cols**
- **grid_height** = **canvas_height** / **n_rows**
<img src="./images/IO_Groups.png" width= "1600"/>
- Group the close-related standard cells,
which connect to the same macro or the same IO cluster.
Suppose that we have a design with 100 clusters of macro pins (i.e., 100 macros) and 10 clusters of IOs.
Before we grouping the close-related standard cells to these clusters of macro pins or IOs,
we assign each cluster with a cluster id from 0 to 119.
Then for each cluster, we traverse the netlist and assign the same cluster id to the "immediate fanins" and "immediate fanouts" of its element (macro pin or IO).
Note that "immediate fanin" is equivalent to "transitive fanins up to level K_in = 1", and that "immediate fanouts" is equivalent to "transitive fanouts up to level K_out = 1".
It is our understanding that both K_in and K_out are always set to a default value of 1
in Circuit Training. However, other values might be applied.
In our implementation, we traverse the netlist in a depth-first-search manner.
All the elements (standard cell, macro pin or IO ports) with the same cluster id form a cluster. Each cluster is recorded in the ".fix file" that is part of the input to the hMETIS hypergraph partitioner when the standard cells are grouped into soft macros.
The part id of each cluster is the same as its cluster id.
Note that a macro does not belong to any cluster, thus is not fixed
when we call the hMETIS hypergraph partitioner.
## **How Groups Are Used**
Each group is recorded in the “.fix file” that is part of the input to the hMETIS hypergraph partitioner when the gate-level netlist is clustered into soft macros.
## **How Grouping Scripts Are used**
We provide [(an example)]( about the usage of our grouping scripts.
Basically our grouping scripts take follows as inputs: (i) [(setup_file)](
including enablement information (lefs/libs), synthesized gate-level netlist (*.v), def file with placed IOs (*.def); (ii) n_rows and n_cols determined by the [(Gridding)]( step; (iii) K_in and K_out parameters; (iv) global_net_threshold for ignoring global nets. If a net has more than global_net_threshold instances, we ignore such net when we search "transitive" fanins and fanouts. After
running grouping scripts, you will get the **.fix** file.
# Thanks
We thank Google engineers for Q&A in a shared document, as well as live discussions on May 19, 2022, that explained the grouping method used in Circuit Training. All errors of understanding and implementation are the authors'. We will rectify such errors as soon as possible after being made aware of them.
# **Hypergraph clustering (soft macro definition)**
**Hypergraph clustering** is, in our view, one of the most crucial undocumented
portions of Circuit Training.
## **I. Information provided by Google.**
The Methods section of the [Nature paper]( provides the following information.
* “(1) We group millions of standard cells into a few thousand clusters using hMETIS, a partitioning technique based
on the minimum cut objective. Once all macros are placed, we use an FD method to place the standard cell clusters.
Doing so enables us to generate an approximate but fast standard cell placement that facilitates policy network optimization.”
* **“Clustering of standard cells.** To quickly place standard cells to provide a signal to our RL policy,
we first cluster millions of standard cells into a few thousand clusters.
There has been a large body of work on clustering for chip netlists.
As has been suggested in the literature, such clustering helps not only with reducing the problem size,
but also helps to ‘prevent mistakes’ (for example, prevents timing paths from being split apart).
We also provide the clustered netlist to each of the baseline methods with which we compare.
To perform this clustering, we employed a standard open-source library, hMETIS,
which is based on multilevel hypergraph partitioning schemes with two important phases:
(1) coarsening phase, and 2) uncoarsening and refinement phase.”
Therefore, at least one purpose of clustering is to enable fast placement of standard cells to
provide a signal to the RL policy. The Methods section subsequently explains how the clusters
are placed using a [force-directed]( approach:
* **“Placement of standard cells.** To place standard cell clusters, we use an approach similar to classic FD methods.
We represent the netlist as a system of springs that apply force to each node,
according to the weight×distance formula, causing tightly connected nodes to be attracted to one another.
We also introduce a repulsive force between overlapping nodes to reduce placement density.
After applying all forces, we move nodes in the direction of their force vector. To reduce oscillations, we set a maximum distance for each move.”
The [Circuit Training FAQ]( adds:
* **"How do we perform clustering of standard cells?** In our Nature paper, we describe how to use hMETIS to cluster standard cells,
including all necessary settings. For detailed settings, please see Extended Data Table 3 from our [Nature article](
Internally, Google pays for a commercial license, but non-commercial entities are welcome to use a free open-source license."
Finally, the Methods section of the [Nature paper]( also explains the provenance of the netlist hypergraph:
* **"Synthesis of the input netlist.** We use a commercial tool to synthesize the netlist from RTL. Synthesis is physical-aware, in the sense that it has access to the floorplan size and the locations of the input/output pins, which were informed by inter- and intra-block-level information."
## **II. What *exactly* is the Hypergraph, and how is it partitioned?**
From the above information sources, the description of the [Grouping]( process, and information provided by Google engineers, we are fairly certain of the following.
* (1) Clustering uses the hMETIS partitioner, which is run in “multiway” mode.
More specifically, hMETIS is **always** invoked with *npart* more than 500, with unit vertex weights.
The hyperparameters given in Extended Data Table 3 of the [Nature paper]( are used.
(Additionally, Circuit Training explicitly sets reconst=1 and dbglvl=0.)
* (2) The hypergraph that is fed to hMETIS consists of macros, macro pins, IO ports and standard cells.
The "fixed" file generated by [Grouping]( process, is also fed as .fix input file to hMETIS.
* (3) All hypergraph partitioning applications in physical design (of which we are aware) perform some kind of thresholding to ignore large hyperedges.
Circuit Training ignores all hyperedges of size greater than 500.
Before going further, we provide a **concrete example** for (2).
* Suppose that we have a design with 200,000 standard cells, 100 macros, and 1,000 IO ports.
* Furthermore, using terms defined in [Grouping](, suppose
that each of the 100 macros induces a *cluster* of 300 standard cells, and that the IO ports collectively induce 20 *IO clusters*,
each of which induces a cluster of 50 standard cells.
* Then, there will be 100 + 20 = 120 clusters. Each element (macro pin, IO port or standard cell)
in these clusters corresponds to an entry of the .fix file. The cluster id starts from 0 to 119.
* The number of individual standard cells in the hypergraph that is actually partitioned by hMETIS is 200,000 - (100 * 300) - (20 * 50) = 169,000.
* Suppose that each macro has 64 macro pins. The hypergraph that is actually partitioned by hMETIS has
200,000 + 100 + 1000 + 100 * 64 = 207, 500 vertices. Although there are both macro pins and macros in the hypergraph, all the nets related to macros are connected to macro pins and there is no hyperedges related to macros. Each hyperedge in the hypergraph cooresponds to a net in the netlist. Note that Circuit Training assumes that there is only one output pin for each standard cell, thus there is only one hyperedge {**A**, **B**, **C**, **D**, **E**} for the following case.
<p align="center">
<img src="./images/net_model.png" width= "600"/>
<p align="center">
Figure 1. Illustration of net model in Circuit Training.
* *nparts* = 500 + 120 = 620 is used when applying hMETIS to this hypergraph.
## **III. Break up clusters that span a distance larger than *breakup_threshold***
After partitioning the hypergraph, we can have *nparts* clusters.
Then Circuit Training break up clusters that span a distance larger than *breakup_threshold*.
Here *breakup_threshold = sqrt(canvas_width * canvas_height / 16)*.
For each cluster *c*, the breakup process is as following:
* *cluster_lx, cluster_ly, cluster_ux, cluster_uy = c.GetBoundingBox()*
* If ((*cluster_ux - cluster_lx) <= breakup_threshold*) && (*cluster_uy - cluster_ly) <= breakup_threshold*))
* Return
* *cluster_x, cluster_y = c.GetWeightedCenter()*. Here the weighted center of cluster *c* is the average location of all the standard cells in the cluster, weighted according to their area.
* Use (*cluster_x*, *cluster_y*) as the origin and *breakup_threshold* as the step, to divide the bounding box of *c* into different regions.
* The elements (macro pins, macros, ports and standard cells) in each region form a new cluster.
The following figure shows an example: the left part shows the cluster *c<sub>1</sub>* before breakup process and the blue dot is the weighted center of *c<sub>1</sub>*; the right part shows the clusters after breakupup process. The "center" cluster still has the cluster id of 1.
<p align="center">
<img src="./images/breakup.png" width= "1600"/>
<p align="center">
Figure 2. Illustration of breaking up a cluster.
Note that the netlist is generated by physical-aware synthesis, we know the (x, y) coordinate for each instance.
## **IV. Recursively merge small adjacent clusters**
After breaking up clusters which span large distance, there may be some small clusters with only tens of standard cells.
In this step, Circuit Training recursively merges small clusters to the most adjacent cluster if they are within a certain
distance *closeness* (*breakup_threshold* / 2.0), thus reducing number of clusters. A cluster is claimed as a small cluster
if the number of elements (macro pins,
macros, IO ports and standard cells) is less than or equal to *max_num_nodes*, where *max_num_nodes* = *number_of_vertices* // *number_of_clusters_after_breakup* // 4. The merging process is as following:
* flag = True
* While (flag == True):
* Create adjacency matrix *adj_matrix* where *adj_matrix\[i\]\[j\]* represents the number of connections between cluster *c<sub>i</sub>* and cluster *c<sub>j</sub>*. For example, in the Figure 1, suppose *A*, *B*, *C*, *D* and *E* respectively belong to cluster *c<sub>1</sub>*, ..., *c<sub>5</sub>*, we have *adj_matrix\[1\]\[2\]* = 1, *adj_matrix\[1\]\[3\]* = 1, ...., *adj_matrix\[5\]\[3\]* = 1 and *adj_matrix\[5\]\[4\]* = 1. We want to emphasize that although there is no hyperedges related to macros in the hypergraph, *adj_matrix* considers the "virtual" connections between macros and macro pins. That is to say, if a macro and its macros pins belong to different clusters, for example, macro A in cluster *c<sub>1</sub>* and its macro pins in cluster *c<sub>2</sub>*, we have *adj_matrix\[1\]\[2\]* = 1 and *adj_matrix\[2\]\[1\]* = 1.
* Calculate the weighted center for each cluster. (see the breakup section for details)
* For each cluster *c*
* If *c* is not a small cluster
* Continue
* Find all the clusters *close_clusters* which is close to *c*, i.e., the Manhattan distance between their weighted centers and the weighted center of *c* is less than or equal to *closeness*
* If there is no clusters close to *c*
* Continue
* Find the most adjacent cluster *adj_cluster* of *c* in *close_clusters*, i.e., maximize *adj_matrix\[c\]\[adj_cluster\]*
* Merge *c* to *adj_cluster*
* If *adj_cluster* is a small cluster
* flag = False
## **V. Pending Clarifications**
We call readers’ attention to the existence of significant aspects that are still pending clarification here.
While [Gridding]( and
[Grouping]( are hopefully well-understood,
we are still in the process of documenting and implementing such aspects as the following.
* ***Pending clarification #1: Is the output netlist from synthesis modified before it enters (hypergraph clustering and) placement?***
All methodologies that span synthesis and placement (of which we are aware) must make a fundamental decision with respect to the netlist that is produced by logic synthesis, as that netlist is passed on to placement: (A) delete buffers and inverters to avoid biasing the ensuing placement (spatial embedding) with the synthesis tool’s fanout clustering, or (B) leave these buffers and inverters in the netlist to maintain netlist area and electrical rules (load, fanout) sensibility. We do not yet know Google’s choice in this regard. Our experimental runscripts will therefore support both (A) and (B).
* **[June 13]** ***Update to Pending clarification #3:*** We are glad to see [grouping (clustering)]( added to the Circuit Training GitHub. The new scripts refer to (x,y) coordinates of nodes in the netlist, which leads to further pending clarifications (noted [here]( The solution space for how the input to hypergraph clustering is obtained has expanded. A first level of options is whether **(A) a non-physical synthesis tool** (e.g., Genus, DesignCompiler or Yosys), or **(B) a physical synthesis tool** (e.g., Genus iSpatial or DesignCompiler Topological (Yosys cannot perform physical synthesis)), is used to obtain the netlist from starting RTL and constraints. In the regime of (B), to our understanding the commercial physical synthesis tools are invoked with a starting .def that includes macro placement. Thus, we plan to also enable a second level of sub-options for determining this macro placement: **(B.1)** use the auto-macro placement result from the physical synthesis tool, and **(B.2)** use a human PD expert (or, [OpenROAD RTL-MP]( macro placement.
## **VI. Our Implementation of Hypergraph Clustering.**
Our implementation of hypergraph clustering takes the synthesized netlist and a .def file with placed IO ports as input,
then generates the clustered netlist (in lef/def format) using hMETIS (1998 binary).
In default mode, our implementation will also run RePlAce in GUI mode automatically to place the clustered netlist.
We implement the entire flow based on [OpenROAD APIs](
**Please refer to [the OpenROAD repo]( for explanation of each Tcl command.**
We have provided the openroad exe in the [utils]( dir. Please note that [The OpenROAD Project]( does not
distribute any compiled binaries. While we build our implementation on top of the OpenROAD application, our effort is not associated with the OpenROAD project.
Input file: [setup.tcl]( (you can follow the example to set up your own design) and [FixFile]( (This file is generated by our [Grouping]( scripts)
Output_files: [clusters.lef]( and [clustered_netlist.def]( for OpenROAD flows; [cluster.tcl]( for Cadence flows; [ariane.pb.txt]( for clustered netlist in protocol buffer format.
Note that the [example]( that we provide is the ariane design implemented in NanGate45. The netlist and corresponding def file with placed instances are generated by [Genus iSpatial]( flow. Here the macro placement is automatically done by the Genus and Innovus tools,
i.e., according to Flow **(B.1)** above.
## **Thanks**
We thank Google engineers for Q&A in a shared document, as well as live discussions on May 19, 2022, that explained the hypergraph clustering method used in Circuit Training. All errors of understanding and implementation are the authors'. We will rectify such errors as soon as possible after being made aware of them.
......@@ -1861,6 +1861,9 @@ We updated the detailed algorithm for [gridding](
In constrast to the open-source []( in Circuit Training repo, which still calls the wrapper functions of plc client, our python scripts implement
the gridding from sractch and are easy to understand. The results of our scripts match exactly that of Circuit Training.
**September 21:**
We updated the detailed algorithm for [grouping]( and [Clustering]( Here we explictly shows how the netlist information such as net model is used during grouping and clustering, while the open-source Circuit Training implementation still calls the wrapper function of plc client to get netlist information.
## **Pinned (to bottom) question list:**
......@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ Figure corresponding to point five.
3. For each two pin nets we update congestion values.
#### *Computation for Smoothing:*
When a macro overlaps with multiple gridcells, if any part of the module partially overlaps with the gridcell (either vertically, or horizontally), we set the top row (if vertical) or right column (if horizontal) to 0.
1. **Congestion smoothing = 0.0**
1. Return the grid congestion that is due to net routing: no smoothing is applied.
......@@ -203,6 +202,8 @@ When a macro overlaps with multiple gridcells, if any part of the module partial
#### *Computation for Macro Congestion:*
When a macro overlaps with multiple gridcells, if any part of the module partially overlaps with the gridcell (either vertically, or horizontally), we set the top row (if vertical) or right column (if horizontal) to 0.
- For each hard MACRO:
- For each gridcell it overlaps with:
- For both horizontal and vertical macro routing congestion map:

24.1 KB | W: 0px | H: 0px


10.3 KB | W: 0px | H: 0px

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -211,16 +211,16 @@ while allowing soft macros (standard-cell clusters) to also find good locations.
<!--## **Reproducible Example Solutions** -->
## **Baseline for Circuit Training**
We provide a competitive baseline for [Google Brain's Circuit Training]( by placing macros manually following similar rules as the RL agent. The example for Ariane133 implemented on NanGate45 is shown [here]( We generate the manual macro placement in two steps:
(1) we call the [gridding]( scripts to generate grid cells (27 x 27 in our case); (2) we manually place macros on the center of grid cells.
## **A Human Baseline for Circuit Training**
We provide a human-generated baseline for [Google Brain's Circuit Training]( by placing macros manually following similar (grid-restricted location) rules as the RL agent. The example for Ariane133 implemented on NanGate45 is shown [here]( We generate the manual macro placement in two steps:
(1) we call the [gridding]( scripts to generate grid cells (27 x 27 in our case); (2) we manually place macros on the centers of grid cells.
## **FAQ**
**Why are you doing this?**
- The challenges of data and benchmarking in EDA research have, in our view, been contributing factors in the controversy regarding the Nature work. The mission of the [TILOS AI Institute]( includes finding solutions to these challenges -- in high-stakes applied optimization domains (such as IC EDA), and at community-scale. We hope that our effort will become an existence proof for transparency, reproducibility, and democratization of research in EDA. [We applaud and thank Cadence Design Systems for allowing their tool runscripts to be shared openly by researchers, enabling reproducibility of results obtained via use of Cadence tools.]
- We do understand that Google has been working hard to complete the open-sourcing of Morpheus, and that this effort continues today. However, as pointed out in [this Doc](, it has been more than a year since "Data and Code Availability" was committed with publication of the [Nature paper]( We consider our work a "backstop" or "safety net" for Google's internal efforts, and a platform for researchers to build on.
- We do understand that Google has been working hard to complete the open-sourcing of Morpheus, and that this effort continues today. However, as pointed out in [this Doc](, updated [here](, it has been more than a year since "Data and Code Availability" was committed with publication of the [Nature paper]( We consider our work a "backstop" or "safety net" for Google's internal efforts, and a platform for researchers to build on.
**What can others contribute?**
- Our shopping list (updated August 2022) includes the following. Please join in!
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ We provide a competitive baseline for [Google Brain's Circuit Training](https://
**What is your timeline?**
- We showed our [progress]( at the Open-Source EDA and Benchmarking Summit birds-of-a-feather [meeting]( on July 12 at DAC-2022.
- We are now (late August 2022) studying benefits and limitations of the CT methodology itself, as noted in [this Doc](
- We are now (late August 2022) studying benefits and limitations of the CT methodology itself, following a thread of experimental questions as noted [here]( and [here](
## **Related Links**
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