Commit 92296798 by sakundu

Added README for cadence scripts

Signed-off-by: sakundu <>
parent 2cc61eae
# Synthesis, Place & Route (SP&R) using Cadence Genus and Innovus:**
Here we provide all the required scripts to run logical synthesis, physical synthesis using Genus and Genus-iSpatial, and place and route using Innovus. The [](./ file can be modified to launch the SP&R run using Flow-1 and Flow-2. Use the following steps to
- Launch Flow-1 set the **PHY_SYNTH** environment variable to *0* in the ** file
``` export PHY_SYNTH=0 ```
- Launch Flow-2 set the **PHY_SYNTH** environment variable to *1* in the ** file
``` export PHY_SYNTH=1 ```
- Start the SP&R run use the following command
``` ./ ```
**Synthesis:** The [*run_genus_hybrid.tcl*](./run_genus_hybrid.tcl) is used to run the logical synthesis using Genus and physical synthesis using Genus iSpatial. It utilizes the **PHY_SYNTH** environment variable to determine the flow. Minor details of each synthesis flow are as follows.
- Logical synthesis using Genus (Flow-1): We use the *elaborate*, *syn_generic*, *syn_map* and *syn_opt* commands to generate the synthesized netlist. This synthesized netlist is copied into the *netlist* directory.
- Physical synthesis using Genus iSpatial (Flow-2): We use the *elaborate*, *syn_generic -physical*, *syn_map -physical* and *syn_opt -iSpatial* commands to generate the sunthesized netlist. In this step we provide the floorplan def with placed macros and pins as an additional input compared to Flow-1. This def file is generate in Flow-1.
- Physical synthesis using Genus iSpatial for Circuit Training (Flow-4): This is same as Flow-2 synthesis flow. The only difference is that the input def file does not include macro placement information.
The command to launch only the synthesis run is as follows.
# export PHY_SYNTH=0 #For Flow-1 uncomment this line
# export PHY_SYNTH=1 #For Flow-2 uncomment this line
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_hybrid.tcl
**P\&R:** The [*run_invs.tcl*](./run_invs.tcl) is used to run the place and route using Cadence Innovus. The netlist and constraint generated during synthesis flow are used in this step. It also utilizes the **PHY_SYNTH** environment variable to choose which flow to run. Minor details of each P&R flow are as follows.
- Flow-1
- We use aspect ratio 1 and a utilization value in the range of 40% to 60%. All the pins are placed on the left side of the floorplan and the floorplan def file *\<design\>_fp.def* is created and copied into the def directory for place and route. The following command is used to place the pins.
### pin_list contains the name of all the top level pins. Here Y1 < Y2. LAYER1 and LAYER2 are two horizontal layer above M1 or metal1 or met1 ###
editPin -pin $pin_list -edge 0 -start {0 Y1} -end {0 Y2} -fixedPin -layer {LAYER1 LAYER2} -spreadDirection clockwise -pattern fill_optimised
- We use default HALO width based on the enablement for all the macros using the following command.
### HALO_WIDTH is 2um for ASAP7 and 5um for NanGate45 and SKY130HD FakeStack enablements ###
- The *place_design -concurrent_macros* command is used to place the macros and the def file *\<design\>_fp_placed_macros.def* is created and copied into the def directory for synthesis using Flow-2.
- It uses *place_opt_design*, *ccopt_design* and *routeDesign* commands for placement, CTS and routing of the design.
- Flow-2
- The *run_invs.tcl* script utilizes the *.def* file generated by the Genus iSpatial flow as a starting point.
- Similar to Flow-1 it uses *place_opt_design*, *ccopt_design* and *routeDesign* commands for placement, CTS and routing of the design.
The command to launch the P&R run is as follows.
### Make sure you have run the synthesis synthesis step. run_invs.tcl uses the output files generated synthesis ###
# export PHY_SYNTH=0 #For Flow-1 uncomment this line
# export PHY_SYNTH=1 #For Flow-2 uncomment this line
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
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