Unverified Commit 19d47bef by Yucheng Wang Committed by GitHub

Update README.md

parent 4a58ce2a
...@@ -13,12 +13,22 @@ python -m Plc_client.plc_client_os_test ...@@ -13,12 +13,22 @@ python -m Plc_client.plc_client_os_test
``` ```
## HPWL Computation ## HPWL Computation
Given a net $i$, its wirelength can be computed as the following:
HPWL(i) = W_{i\_{source}} \cdot [max_{b\in i}(x_b) - min_{b\in i}(x_b) + max_{b\in i}(y_b) - min_{b\in i}(y_b)]
$$ $$
HPWL = \\
\end{align*} where $W_{i\_{source}}$ is the weight (default to $1$) defined on the source pin.
The total wirelength of the netlist can be computed as the following:
HPWL(netlist) = \sum_{i}^{N_{netlist}} W_{i\_{source}} \cdot [max_{b\in i}(x_b) - min_{b\in i}(x_b) + max_{b\in i}(y_b) - min_{b\in i}(y_b)]
$$ $$
## Adjacency Matrix Computation ## Adjacency Matrix Computation
The adjacency matrix is represented as an array of $[N_{hardmacros} + N_{softmacros} + N_{ports}] \times [N_{hardmacros} + N_{softmacros} + N_{ports}]$ elements.
For each entry of the adjacency matrix, it represents the total number of connections between module $i$ and module $j$ subject to all corresponding pins.
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