Unverified Commit 00d083e4 by Yucheng Wang Committed by GitHub

Cythonize V1.0

parent 05951de7
# distutils: language = c++
"""Open-Sourced PlacementCost client class."""
from ast import Assert
import os, io
import re
import math
from typing import Text, Tuple, overload
from absl import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import traceback, sys
import random
import numpy as np
from circuit_training.grouping import meta_netlist_data_structure as mnds
from circuit_training.grouping import meta_netlist_convertor
from circuit_training.grouping import meta_netlist_util
# Compile: cd Plc_client_v2 && python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace && cd ..
# Cython
from cython cimport view
from libcpp cimport bool
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libc.string cimport memset
cimport numpy as cnp
cnp.import_array() # needed to initialize numpy-API
"""plc_client_os docstrings.
Open-sourced effort for plc_client and Google's API, plc_wrapper_main. This module
is used to initialize a PlacementCost object that computes the meta-information and
proxy cost function for RL agent's reward signal at the end of each placement.
For testing, please refer to plc_client_os_test.py for more information.
python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
* Can numpy arrays be optimize further?
# Block = namedtuple('Block', 'x_max y_max x_min y_min')
cdef class PlacementCost:
# str as general purpose PyObject *
public str netlist_file
public float macro_macro_x_spacing
public float macro_macro_y_spacing
# meta information
public meta_netlist
str init_plc
str project_name
str block_name
float width
float height
int grid_col
int grid_row
float hroutes_per_micron
float vroutes_per_micron
float smooth_range
float overlap_thres
float hrouting_alloc
float vrouting_alloc
float macro_horizontal_routing_allocation
float macro_vertical_routing_allocation
bool canvas_boundary_check
float grid_width
float grid_height
dict node_fix
dict node_placed
# store module/component count
int port_cnt
int hard_macro_cnt
int hard_macro_pin_cnt
int soft_macro_cnt
int soft_macro_pin_cnt
int module_cnt
# indices storage
vector[int] port_indices
vector[int] hard_macro_indices
vector[int] hard_macro_pin_indices
vector[int] soft_macro_indices
vector[int] soft_macro_pin_indices
vector[int] macro_indices
# modules look-up table
dict mod_name_to_indices
dict indices_to_mod_name
dict macro_id_to_indices
dict port_id_to_indices
object modules_w_pins
dict hard_macros_to_inpins
dict soft_macros_to_inpins
# store nets information
int net_cnt
dict nets
# update flags
# density
object grid_cells
object grid_occupied
# congestion
object V_routing_cong
object H_routing_cong
object V_macro_routing_cong
object H_macro_routing_cong
float grid_v_routes
float grid_h_routes
# fd placer
dict soft_macro_disp
# miscellaneous
list blockages
list placed_macro
bool use_incremental_cost
object node_mask
def __init__(self,
str netlist_file,
float macro_macro_x_spacing = 0.0,
float macro_macro_y_spacing = 0.0):
Creates a PlacementCost object.
print("Creates a PlacementCost object")
# str as general purpose PyObject *
# Check netlist existance
self.netlist_file = netlist_file
assert os.path.isfile(self.netlist_file)
self.macro_macro_x_spacing = macro_macro_x_spacing
self.macro_macro_y_spacing = macro_macro_y_spacing
# use google open-sourced parser
self.meta_netlist = meta_netlist_convertor.read_netlist(self.netlist_file)
meta_netlist_util.set_canvas_width_height(self.meta_netlist, 10, 10)
# store nets information
self.net_cnt = 0
# [Experimental] Net Data Structure
# nets[driver] => [list of sinks]
self.nets = {}
# modules to index look-up table
self.indices_to_mod_name = {}
self.mod_name_to_indices = {}
# Set meta information
self.init_plc = None
self.project_name = "circuit_training"
self.block_name = netlist_file.rsplit('/', -1)[-2]
self.hroutes_per_micron = 0.0
self.vroutes_per_micron = 0.0
self.smooth_range = 0.0
self.overlap_thres = 0.0
self.hrouting_alloc = 0.0
self.vrouting_alloc = 0.0
self.macro_horizontal_routing_allocation = 0.0
self.macro_vertical_routing_allocation = 0.0
self.canvas_boundary_check = True
# macro to pins look-up table: [MACRO_NAME] => [PIN_NAME]
self.hard_macros_to_inpins = {}
self.soft_macros_to_inpins = {}
# Placed macro
self.placed_macro = []
# not used
self.use_incremental_cost = False
# blockage
self.blockages = []
# default canvas width/height based on cell area
self.width = math.sqrt(self.get_area()/0.6)
self.height = math.sqrt(self.get_area()/0.6)
# default gridding
self.grid_col = 10
self.grid_row = 10
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
# initialize congestion map
self.V_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.H_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.V_macro_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.H_macro_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
# initial grid mask, flatten before output, not used
self.node_mask = np.ones(shape=(self.grid_row, self.grid_col))
# store module/component count
self.port_cnt = len(self.port_indices)
self.hard_macro_cnt = len(self.hard_macro_indices)
self.hard_macro_pin_cnt = len(self.hard_macro_pin_indices)
self.soft_macro_cnt = len(self.soft_macro_indices)
self.soft_macro_pin_cnt = len(self.soft_macro_pin_indices)
self.module_cnt = self.hard_macro_cnt + self.soft_macro_cnt + self.port_cnt
# Update flags
# FD: store x/y displacement for all soft macro disp
soft_macro_disp = {}
self.node_fix = {}
self.node_placed = {}
self.macro_id_to_indices = {}
macro_idx = 0
port_idx = 0
# read netlist list into data structures
for mod in self.meta_netlist.node:
if mod.type == mnds.Type.STDCELL:
# standard cell, not used
self.std_cell_cnt += 1
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO:
# unfix macro
self.node_fix[mod.id] = False
# macro placed
self.node_placed[mod.id] = True
# [mod.id] ==> index
self.macro_id_to_indices[mod.id] = macro_idx
macro_idx += 1
if mod.soft_macro:
# soft macro
self.soft_macro_cnt += 1
# hard macro
self.hard_macro_cnt += 1
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.PORT:
# fix ports
self.node_fix[mod.id] = True
# port placed
self.node_placed[mod.id] = True
# port
self.port_cnt += 1
# self.port_id_to_indices[mod.id] = port_idx
port_idx += 1
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
ref_id = mod.ref_node_id
if self.meta_netlist.node[ref_id].soft_macro:
# soft macro pin
self.soft_macro_pin_cnt += 1
# hard macro pin
self.hard_macro_pin_cnt += 1
# read net information
if (mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN or mod.type == mnds.Type.PORT) and len(mod.output_indices) > 0:
self.nets[mod.id] = mod.output_indices.copy()
self.net_cnt += mod.weight
def get_netlist_obj(self):
return self.meta_netlist
def __read_plc(self, plc_pth: str):
Plc file Parser
# meta information
_columns = 0
_rows = 0
_width = 0.0
_height = 0.0
_area = 0.0
_block = None
_routes_per_micron_hor = 0.0
_routes_per_micron_ver = 0.0
_routes_used_by_macros_hor = 0.0
_routes_used_by_macros_ver = 0.0
_smoothing_factor = 0
_overlap_threshold = 0.0
# node information
_hard_macro_cnt = 0
_hard_macro_pin_cnt = 0
_macro_cnt = 0
_macro_pin_cnt = 0
_port_cnt = 0
_soft_macro_cnt = 0
_soft_macro_pin_cnt = 0
_stdcell_cnt = 0
# node placement
_node_plc = {}
for cnt, line in enumerate(open(plc_pth, 'r')):
line_item = re.findall(r'[0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+', line)
# skip empty lines
if len(line_item) == 0:
if 'Columns' in line_item and 'Rows' in line_item:
# Columns and Rows should be defined on the same one-line
_columns = int(line_item[1])
_rows = int(line_item[3])
elif "Width" in line_item and "Height" in line_item:
# Width and Height should be defined on the same one-line
_width = float(line_item[1])
_height = float(line_item[3])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['Area', 'stdcell', 'macros']):
# Total core area of modules
_area = float(line_item[3])
elif "Area" in line_item:
# Total core area of modules
_area = float(line_item[1])
elif "Block" in line_item:
# The block name of the testcase
_block = str(line_item[1])
elif all(it in line_item for it in\
['Routes', 'per', 'micron', 'hor', 'ver']):
# For routing congestion computation
_routes_per_micron_hor = float(line_item[4])
_routes_per_micron_ver = float(line_item[6])
elif all(it in line_item for it in\
['Routes', 'used', 'by', 'macros', 'hor', 'ver']):
# For MACRO congestion computation
_routes_used_by_macros_hor = float(line_item[5])
_routes_used_by_macros_ver = float(line_item[7])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['Smoothing', 'factor']):
# smoothing factor for routing congestion
_smoothing_factor = int(line_item[2])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['Overlap', 'threshold']):
# overlap
_overlap_threshold = float(line_item[2])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['HARD', 'MACROs'])\
and len(line_item) == 3:
_hard_macro_cnt = int(line_item[2])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['HARD', 'MACRO', 'PINs'])\
and len(line_item) == 4:
_hard_macro_pin_cnt = int(line_item[3])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['PORTs'])\
and len(line_item) == 2:
_port_cnt = int(line_item[1])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['SOFT', 'MACROs'])\
and len(line_item) == 3:
_soft_macro_cnt = int(line_item[2])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['SOFT', 'MACRO', 'PINs'])\
and len(line_item) == 4:
_soft_macro_pin_cnt = int(line_item[3])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['STDCELLs'])\
and len(line_item) == 2:
_stdcell_cnt = int(line_item[1])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['MACROs'])\
and len(line_item) == 2:
_macro_cnt = int(line_item[1])
elif all(re.match(r'[0-9FNEWS\.\-]+', it) for it in line_item)\
and len(line_item) == 5:
# [node_index] [x] [y] [orientation] [fixed]
_node_plc[int(line_item[0])] = line_item[1:]
# return as dictionary
info_dict = { "columns":_columns,
return info_dict
def restore_placement(self, plc_pth: str, ifInital=True, ifValidate=False, ifReadComment = False):
Read and retrieve .plc file information
NOTE: DO NOT always set self.init_plc because this function is also
used to read final placement file.
ifReadComment: By default, Google's plc_client does not extract
information from .plc comment. This is purely done in
placement_util.py. For purpose of testing, we included this option.
# if plc is an initial placement
if ifInital:
self.init_plc = plc_pth
# recompute cost from new location
# extracted information from .plc file
info_dict = self.__read_plc(plc_pth)
# validate netlist.pb.txt is on par with .plc
if ifValidate:
assert(self.hard_macro_cnt == info_dict['hard_macro_cnt'])
assert(self.hard_macro_pin_cnt == info_dict['hard_macro_pin_cnt'])
assert(self.soft_macro_cnt == info_dict['soft_macro_cnt'])
assert(self.soft_macro_pin_cnt == info_dict['soft_macro_pin_cnt'])
assert(self.port_cnt == info_dict['port_cnt'])
except AssertionError:
_, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
_, line, _, text = tb_info[-1]
print('[ERROR NETLIST/PLC MISMATCH] at line {} in statement {}'\
.format(line, text))
# restore placement for each module
# try:
# # print(sorted(list(info_dict['node_plc'].keys())))
# assert sorted(self.port_indices +\
# self.hard_macro_indices +\
# self.soft_macro_indices) == sorted(list(info_dict['node_plc'].keys()))
# except AssertionError:
# print('[ERROR PLC INDICES MISMATCH]', len(sorted(self.port_indices +\
# self.hard_macro_indices +\
# self.soft_macro_indices)), len(list(info_dict['node_plc'].keys())))
# exit(1)
for mod_idx in info_dict['node_plc'].keys():
mod_x = mod_y = mod_orient = mod_ifFixed = None
mod_x = float(info_dict['node_plc'][mod_idx][0])
mod_y = float(info_dict['node_plc'][mod_idx][1])
mod_orient = info_dict['node_plc'][mod_idx][2]
mod_ifFixed = int(info_dict['node_plc'][mod_idx][3])
except Exception as e:
print('[ERROR PLC PARSER] %s' % str(e))
# extract mod object
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_idx]
mod.coord.x = mod_x
mod.coord.y = mod_y
if mod_orient and mod_orient != '-':
if mod_orient == "N":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.N
elif mod_orient == "FN":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.FN
elif mod_orient == "S":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.S
elif mod_orient == "FS":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.FS
elif mod_orient == "E":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.E
elif mod_orient == "FE":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.FE
elif mod_orient == "W":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.W
elif mod_orient == "FW":
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation.FW
if mod_ifFixed == 0:
self.node_fix[mod_idx] = False
elif mod_ifFixed == 1:
self.node_fix[mod_idx] = True
# set meta information
if ifReadComment:
print("[INFO] Retrieving Meta information from .plc comments")
self.set_canvas_size(info_dict['width'], info_dict['height'])
self.set_placement_grid(info_dict['columns'], info_dict['rows'])
cpdef float get_area(self):
Compute Total Module Area
return self.meta_netlist.total_area
cpdef int get_hard_macros_count(self):
return self.hard_macro_cnt
cpdef int get_ports_count(self):
return self.port_cnt
cpdef int get_soft_macros_count(self):
return self.soft_macro_cnt
cpdef int get_hard_macro_pins_count(self):
return self.hard_macro_pin_cnt
cpdef int get_soft_macro_pins_count(self):
return self.soft_macro_pin_cnt
cpdef __get_pin_position(self, int pin_idx):
private function for getting pin location
* PORT = its own position
* HARD MACRO PIN = ref position + offset position
* SOFT MACRO PIN = ref position
assert (self.meta_netlist.node[pin_idx].type in [mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN, mnds.Type.PORT])
except Exception:
print("[ERROR PIN POSITION] Not a MACRO PIN", self.meta_netlist.node[pin_idx].name)
float pin_node_x_offset
float pin_node_y_offset
float temp_pin_node_x_offset
float ref_node_x
float ref_node_y
# PORT pin pos is itself
node = self.meta_netlist.node[pin_idx]
if node.type == mnds.Type.PORT:
return node.coord.x, node.coord.y
# Retrieve node that this pin instantiated on
ref_node_idx = node.ref_node_id
# if ref_node_idx == -1:
# print("[ERROR PIN POSITION] Parent Node Not Found.")
# exit(1)
# Parent node
ref_node = self.meta_netlist.node[ref_node_idx]
ref_node_x = ref_node.coord.x
ref_node_y = ref_node.coord.y
# Retrieve current pin node position
pin_node_x_offset = node.offset.x
pin_node_y_offset = node.offset.y
#macro orientation affects offset
if ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.N, mnds.Orientation.R0, mnds.Orientation.NORMAL]:
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.FN, mnds.Orientation.MY, mnds.Orientation.FLIP_X]:
pin_node_x_offset = -1.0 * pin_node_x_offset
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.S, mnds.Orientation.R180, mnds.Orientation.FLIP_XY]:
pin_node_x_offset = -1.0 * pin_node_x_offset
pin_node_y_offset = -1.0 * pin_node_y_offset
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.FS, mnds.Orientation.MX, mnds.Orientation.FLIP_Y]:
pin_node_y_offset = -1.0 * pin_node_y_offset
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.E, mnds.Orientation.R270]:
temp_pin_node_x_offset = pin_node_x_offset
pin_node_x_offset = pin_node_y_offset
pin_node_y_offset = -1.0 * temp_pin_node_x_offset
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.FE, mnds.Orientation.MX90, mnds.Orientation.MYR90]:
temp_pin_node_x_offset = pin_node_x_offset
pin_node_x_offset = -1.0 * pin_node_y_offset
pin_node_y_offset = -1.0 * temp_pin_node_x_offset
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.W, mnds.Orientation.R90]:
temp_pin_node_x_offset = pin_node_x_offset
pin_node_x_offset = -1.0 * pin_node_y_offset
pin_node_y_offset = temp_pin_node_x_offset
elif ref_node.orientation in [mnds.Orientation.FW, mnds.Orientation.MY90, mnds.Orientation.MXR90]:
temp_pin_node_x_offset = pin_node_x_offset
pin_node_x_offset = pin_node_y_offset
pin_node_y_offset = temp_pin_node_x_offset
# Google's Plc client DOES NOT compute (node_position + pin_offset) when reading input
return (ref_node_x + pin_node_x_offset, ref_node_y + pin_node_y_offset)
cpdef float get_wirelength(self):
Proxy HPWL computation w/ [Experimental] net
total_hpwl = 0.0
for driver_pin_idx in self.nets.keys():
x_coord = []
y_coord = []
# extract net weight
weight_fact = self.meta_netlist.node[driver_pin_idx].weight
# iterate through each sink
for sink_pin_idx in self.nets[driver_pin_idx]:
if x_coord:
total_hpwl += weight_fact * \
(abs(max(x_coord) - min(x_coord)) + \
abs(max(y_coord) - min(y_coord)))
return total_hpwl
cpdef float get_cost(self):
Compute wirelength cost from wirelength
# avoid zero division
if self.net_cnt == 0:
return self.get_wirelength() / ((self.get_canvas_width_height()[0]\
+ self.get_canvas_width_height()[1]))
return self.get_wirelength() / ((self.get_canvas_width_height()[0]\
+ self.get_canvas_width_height()[1]) * self.net_cnt)
def abu(self, xx, n = 0.1):
xxs = sorted(xx, reverse = True)
cnt = math.floor(len(xxs)*n)
if cnt == 0:
return max(xxs)
return sum(xxs[0:cnt])/cnt
cpdef float get_V_congestion_cost(self):
compute average of top 10% of grid cell cong and take half of it
occupied_cells = sorted([gc for gc in self.V_routing_cong if gc != 0.0], reverse=True)
cong_cost = 0.0
# take top 10%
cong_cnt = math.floor(len(self.V_routing_cong) * 0.1)
# if grid cell smaller than 10, take the average over occupied cells
if len(self.V_routing_cong) < 10:
cong_cost = float(sum(occupied_cells) / len(occupied_cells))
return cong_cost
idx = 0
sum_cong = 0
# take top 10%
while idx < cong_cnt and idx < len(occupied_cells):
sum_cong += occupied_cells[idx]
idx += 1
return float(sum_cong / cong_cnt)
cpdef float get_H_congestion_cost(self):
compute average of top 10% of grid cell cong and take half of it
occupied_cells = sorted([gc for gc in self.H_routing_cong if gc != 0.0], reverse=True)
cong_cost = 0.0
# take top 10%
cong_cnt = math.floor(len(self.H_routing_cong) * 0.1)
# if grid cell smaller than 10, take the average over occupied cells
if len(self.H_routing_cong) < 10:
cong_cost = float(sum(occupied_cells) / len(occupied_cells))
return cong_cost
idx = 0
sum_cong = 0
# take top 10%
while idx < cong_cnt and idx < len(occupied_cells):
sum_cong += occupied_cells[idx]
idx += 1
return float(sum_cong / cong_cnt)
cpdef float get_congestion_cost(self):
Return congestion cost based on routing and macro placement
# print(np.concatenate([self.V_routing_cong, self.H_routing_cong]))
return self.abu(np.concatenate([self.V_routing_cong, self.H_routing_cong]), 0.05)
cpdef (int, int) __get_grid_cell_location(self, float x_pos, float y_pos):
private function: for getting grid cell row/col ranging from 0...N
int row
int col
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
row = math.floor(y_pos / self.grid_height)
col = math.floor(x_pos / self.grid_width)
return row, col
# def __get_grid_location_position(self, col:int, row:int):
# """
# private function: for getting x y coord from grid cell row/col
# """
# self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
# self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
# x_pos = self.grid_width * col + self.grid_width / 2
# y_pos = self.grid_height * row + self.grid_height / 2
# return x_pos, y_pos
# def __get_grid_cell_position(self, grid_cell_idx:int):
# """
# private function: for getting x y coord from grid cell row/col
# """
# row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
# col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
# assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
# return self.__get_grid_location_position(col, row)
# def __place_node_mask(self,
# grid_cell_idx:int,
# mod_width:float,
# mod_height:float
# ):
# """
# private function: for updating node mask after a placement
# """
# row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
# col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
# assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
# hor_pad, ver_pad = self.__node_pad_cell(mod_width=mod_width,
# mod_height=mod_height)
# self.node_mask[ row - ver_pad:row + ver_pad + 1,
# col - hor_pad:col + hor_pad + 1] = 0
cpdef float __overlap_area(self, object bbox_i, object bbox_j, bool return_pos=False):
private function: for computing block overlapping
x_min_max = min(bbox_i.maxx, bbox_j.maxx)
x_max_min = max(bbox_i.minx, bbox_j.minx)
y_min_max = min(bbox_i.maxy, bbox_j.maxy)
y_max_min = max(bbox_i.miny, bbox_j.miny)
x_diff = x_min_max - x_max_min
y_diff = y_min_max - y_max_min
if x_diff >= 0 and y_diff >= 0:
if return_pos:
return x_diff * y_diff, (x_min_max, y_min_max), (x_max_min, y_max_min)
return x_diff * y_diff
return 0
cpdef __overlap_dist(self, bbox_i, bbox_j):
private function: for computing block overlapping
x_diff = min(bbox_i.maxx, bbox_j.maxx) - max(bbox_i.minx, bbox_j.minx)
y_diff = min(bbox_i.maxy, bbox_j.maxy) - max(bbox_i.miny, bbox_j.miny)
if x_diff > 0 and y_diff > 0:
return x_diff, y_diff
return 0, 0
cpdef void __add_module_to_grid_cells(self, float mod_x, float mod_y, float mod_w, float mod_h):
private function: for add module to density grid cells
# Two corners
ur_x = mod_x + (mod_w/2)
ur_y = mod_y + (mod_h/2)
bl_x = mod_x - (mod_w/2)
bl_y = mod_y - (mod_h/2)
# construct block based on current module
module_block = mnds.BoundingBox( minx=mod_x - (mod_w/2),
maxx=mod_x + (mod_w/2),
miny=mod_y - (mod_h/2),
maxy=mod_y + (mod_h/2))
# Only need two corners of a grid cell
ur_row, ur_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(ur_x, ur_y)
bl_row, bl_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(bl_x, bl_y)
# check if out of bound
if ur_row >= 0 and ur_col >= 0:
if bl_row < 0:
bl_row = 0
if bl_col < 0:
bl_col = 0
# OOB, skip module
if bl_row >= 0 and bl_col >= 0:
if ur_row > self.grid_row - 1:
ur_row = self.grid_row - 1
if ur_col > self.grid_col - 1:
ur_col = self.grid_col - 1
# OOB, skip module
for r_i in range(bl_row, ur_row + 1):
for c_i in range(bl_col, ur_col + 1):
# construct block based on current cell row/col
grid_cell_block = mnds.BoundingBox( minx=c_i * self.grid_width,
maxx=(c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
miny=r_i * self.grid_height,
maxy=(r_i + 1) * self.grid_height)
self.grid_occupied[self.grid_col * r_i + c_i] += \
self.__overlap_area(grid_cell_block, module_block)
cpdef get_grid_cells_density(self):
compute density for all grid cells
# by default grid row/col is 10/10
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
grid_area = self.grid_width * self.grid_height
self.grid_occupied = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.grid_cells = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
for node_idx in self.macro_indices:
# extract module information
node = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
# skipping unplaced module
# if not module.get_placed_flag():
# continue
node_h = node.dimension.height
node_w = node.dimension.width
node_x = node.coord.x
node_y = node.coord.y
for i, gcell in enumerate(self.grid_occupied):
self.grid_cells[i] = gcell / grid_area
return self.grid_cells
cpdef float get_density_cost(self):
compute average of top 10% of grid cell density and take half of it
occupied_cells = sorted([gc for gc in self.grid_cells if gc != 0.0], reverse=True)
density_cost = 0.0
# take top 10%
density_cnt = math.floor(len(self.grid_cells) * 0.1)
# if grid cell smaller than 10, take the average over occupied cells
if len(self.grid_cells) < 10:
density_cost = float(sum(occupied_cells) / len(occupied_cells))
return 0.5 * density_cost
idx = 0
sum_density = 0
# take top 10%
while idx < density_cnt and idx < len(occupied_cells):
sum_density += occupied_cells[idx]
idx += 1
return 0.5 * float(sum_density / density_cnt)
cpdef bool set_canvas_size(self, float width, float height):
Set canvas size
self.width = width
self.height = height
# Flag updates
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
return True
cpdef get_canvas_width_height(self):
Return canvas size
return self.width, self.height
cpdef bool set_placement_grid(self, grid_col:int, grid_row:int):
Set grid col/row
print("#[PLACEMENT GRID] Col: %d, Row: %d" % (grid_col, grid_row))
self.grid_col = grid_col
self.grid_row = grid_row
# Flag updates
self.V_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.H_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.V_macro_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.H_macro_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape=(self.grid_col * self.grid_row))
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
return True
cpdef get_grid_num_columns_rows(self):
Return grid col/row
return self.grid_col, self.grid_row
cpdef list get_macro_indices(self):
Return all macro indices
return self.macro_indices
cpdef void set_project_name(self, str project_name):
Set Project name
self.project_name = project_name
cpdef str get_project_name(self):
Return Project name
return self.project_name
cpdef void set_block_name(self, str block_name):
Return Block name
self.block_name = block_name
cpdef str get_block_name(self):
Return Block name
return self.block_name
cpdef void set_routes_per_micron(self, float hroutes_per_micron,
float vroutes_per_micron):
Set Routes per Micron
print("#[ROUTES PER MICRON] Hor: %.2f, Ver: %.2f" % (hroutes_per_micron,
# Flag updates
self.hroutes_per_micron = hroutes_per_micron
self.vroutes_per_micron = vroutes_per_micron
cpdef get_routes_per_micron(self):
Return Routes per Micron
return self.hroutes_per_micron, self.vroutes_per_micron
cpdef void set_congestion_smooth_range(self, float smooth_range):
Set congestion smooth range
print("#[CONGESTION SMOOTH RANGE] Smooth Range: %d" % (smooth_range))
# Flag updates
self.smooth_range = math.floor(smooth_range)
cpdef float get_congestion_smooth_range(self):
Return congestion smooth range
return self.smooth_range
cpdef void set_overlap_threshold(self, float overlap_thres):
Set Overlap Threshold
print("#[OVERLAP THRESHOLD] Threshold: %.4f" % (overlap_thres))
self.overlap_thres = overlap_thres
cpdef float get_overlap_threshold(self):
Return Overlap Threshold
return self.overlap_thres
cpdef void set_canvas_boundary_check(self, bool ifCheck):
boundary_check: Do a boundary check during node placement.
self.canvas_boundary_check = ifCheck
cpdef bool get_canvas_boundary_check(self):
return canvas_boundary_check
return self.canvas_boundary_check
cpdef void set_macro_routing_allocation(self,
float hrouting_alloc,
float vrouting_alloc):
Set Vertical/Horizontal Macro Allocation
# Flag updates
self.hrouting_alloc = hrouting_alloc
self.vrouting_alloc = vrouting_alloc
cpdef get_macro_routing_allocation(self):
Return Vertical/Horizontal Macro Allocation
return self.hrouting_alloc, self.vrouting_alloc
def __two_pin_net_routing(self, source_gcell, node_gcells, weight):
private function: Routing between 2-pin nets
temp_gcell = list(node_gcells)
if temp_gcell[0] == source_gcell:
sink_gcell = temp_gcell[1]
sink_gcell = temp_gcell[0]
# y
row_min = min(sink_gcell[0], source_gcell[0])
row_max = max(sink_gcell[0], source_gcell[0])
# x
col_min = min(sink_gcell[1], source_gcell[1])
col_max = max(sink_gcell[1], source_gcell[1])
# H routing
for col_idx in range(col_min, col_max, 1):
col = col_idx
row = source_gcell[0]
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
# V routing
for row_idx in range(row_min, row_max, 1):
row = row_idx
col = sink_gcell[1]
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
def __l_routing(self, node_gcells, weight):
private function: L_shape routing in 3-pin nets
node_gcells.sort(key = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
y1, x1 = node_gcells[0]
y2, x2 = node_gcells[1]
y3, x3 = node_gcells[2]
# H routing (x1, y1) to (x2, y1)
for col in range(x1, x2):
row = y1
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
# H routing (x2, y2) to (x2, y3)
for col in range(x2,x3):
row = y2
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
# V routing (x2, min(y1, y2)) to (x2, max(y1, y2))
for row in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2)):
col = x2
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
# V routing (x3, min(y2, y3)) to (x3, max(y2, y3))
for row in range(min(y2, y3), max(y2, y3)):
col = x3
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
def __t_routing(self, node_gcells, weight):
private function: T_shape routing in 3-pin nets
y1, x1 = node_gcells[0]
y2, x2 = node_gcells[1]
y3, x3 = node_gcells[2]
xmin = min(x1, x2, x3)
xmax = max(x1, x2, x3)
# H routing (xmin, y2) to (xmax, y2)
for col in range(xmin, xmax):
row = y2
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
# V routing (x1, y1) to (x1, y2)
for row in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2)):
col = x1
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
# V routing (x3, y3) to (x3, y2)
for row in range(min(y2, y3), max(y2, y3)):
col = x3
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
def __three_pin_net_routing(self, node_gcells, weight):
private_function: Routing Scheme for 3-pin nets
temp_gcell = list(node_gcells)
## Sorted based on X
temp_gcell.sort(key = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))
y1, x1 = temp_gcell[0]
y2, x2 = temp_gcell[1]
y3, x3 = temp_gcell[2]
if x1 < x2 and x2 < x3 and min(y1, y3) < y2 and max(y1, y3) > y2:
self.__l_routing(temp_gcell, weight)
elif x2 == x3 and x1 < x2 and y1 < min(y2, y3):
for col_idx in range(x1,x2,1):
row = y1
col = col_idx
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
for row_idx in range(y1, max(y2,y3)):
col = x2
row = row_idx
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
elif y2 == y3:
for col in range(x1, x2):
row = y1
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
for col in range(x2, x3):
row = y2
self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
for row in range(min(y2, y1), max(y2, y1)):
col = x2
self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] += weight
self.__t_routing(temp_gcell, weight)
cpdef void __macro_route_over_grid_cell(self, float mod_x, float mod_y, float mod_w, float mod_h):
private function for add module to grid cells
# Two corners
ur_x = mod_x + (mod_w/2)
ur_y = mod_y + (mod_h/2)
bl_x = mod_x - (mod_w/2)
bl_y = mod_y - (mod_h/2)
# construct block based on current module
module_block = mnds.BoundingBox( minx=mod_x - (mod_w/2),
maxx=mod_x + (mod_w/2),
miny=mod_y - (mod_h/2),
maxy=mod_y + (mod_h/2))
# Only need two corners of a grid cell
ur_row, ur_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(ur_x, ur_y)
bl_row, bl_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(bl_x, bl_y)
# check if out of bound
if ur_row >= 0 and ur_col >= 0:
if bl_row < 0:
bl_row = 0
if bl_col < 0:
bl_col = 0
# OOB, skip module
if bl_row >= 0 and bl_col >= 0:
if ur_row > self.grid_row - 1:
ur_row = self.grid_row - 1
if ur_col > self.grid_col - 1:
ur_col = self.grid_col - 1
# OOB, skip module
for r_i in range(bl_row, ur_row + 1):
for c_i in range(bl_col, ur_col + 1):
# construct block based on current cell row/col
grid_cell_block = mnds.BoundingBox(
maxx= (c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
maxy= (r_i + 1) * self.grid_height,
minx= c_i * self.grid_width,
miny= r_i * self.grid_height
x_dist, y_dist = self.__overlap_dist(module_block, grid_cell_block)
if ur_row != bl_row:
if (r_i == bl_row and abs(y_dist - self.grid_height) > 1e-5) or (r_i == ur_row and abs(y_dist - self.grid_height) > 1e-5):
if ur_col != bl_col:
if (c_i == bl_col and abs(x_dist - self.grid_width) > 1e-5) or (c_i == ur_col and abs(x_dist - self.grid_width) > 1e-5):
self.V_macro_routing_cong[r_i * self.grid_col + c_i] += x_dist * self.vrouting_alloc
self.H_macro_routing_cong[r_i * self.grid_col + c_i] += y_dist * self.hrouting_alloc
for r_i in range(ur_row, ur_row + 1):
for c_i in range(bl_col, ur_col + 1):
grid_cell_block = mnds.BoundingBox(
maxx= (c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
maxy= (r_i + 1) * self.grid_height,
minx= c_i * self.grid_width,
miny= r_i * self.grid_height
x_dist, y_dist = self.__overlap_dist(module_block, grid_cell_block)
self.V_macro_routing_cong[r_i * self.grid_col + c_i] -= x_dist * self.vrouting_alloc
for r_i in range(bl_row, ur_row + 1):
for c_i in range(ur_col, ur_col + 1):
grid_cell_block = mnds.BoundingBox(
maxx= (c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
maxy= (r_i + 1) * self.grid_height,
minx= c_i * self.grid_width,
miny= r_i * self.grid_height
x_dist, y_dist = self.__overlap_dist(module_block, grid_cell_block)
self.H_macro_routing_cong[r_i * self.grid_col + c_i] -= y_dist * self.hrouting_alloc
cpdef list __split_net(self, source_gcell, node_gcells):
private function: Split >3 pin net into multiple two-pin nets
splitted_netlist = []
for node_gcell in node_gcells:
if node_gcell != source_gcell:
splitted_netlist.append({source_gcell, node_gcell})
return splitted_netlist
cpdef get_vertical_routing_congestion(self):
Return Vertical Routing Congestion
return self.V_routing_cong
cpdef get_horizontal_routing_congestion(self):
Return Horizontal Routing Congestion
return self.H_routing_cong
cpdef void get_routing(self):
H/V Routing Before Computing Routing Congestions
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
self.grid_v_routes = self.grid_width * self.vroutes_per_micron
self.grid_h_routes = self.grid_height * self.hroutes_per_micron
# reset grid
self.H_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape = self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.V_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape = self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.H_macro_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape = self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.V_macro_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape = self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
for mod in self.meta_netlist.node:
curr_type = mod.type
# bounding box data structure
node_gcells = set()
source_gcell = None
weight = mod.weight
# NOTE: connection only defined on PORT, soft/hard macro pins
if curr_type == mnds.Type.PORT and mod.output_indices:
# add source grid location
source_gcell = self.__get_grid_cell_location(mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y)
node_gcells.add(self.__get_grid_cell_location(mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y))
for sink_idx in mod.output_indices:
# retrieve grid location
elif curr_type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN and mod.output_indices:
# add source position
mod_idx = mod.id
source_gcell = self.__get_grid_cell_location(
for sink_idx in mod.output_indices:
# retrieve grid location
# hard macro for macro routing congesiton
elif curr_type == mnds.Type.MACRO and not mod.soft_macro:
module_h = mod.dimension.height
module_w = mod.dimension.width
module_x = mod.coord.x
module_y = mod.coord.y
# compute overlap
self.__macro_route_over_grid_cell(module_x, module_y, module_w, module_h)
if len(node_gcells) == 2:
self.__two_pin_net_routing(source_gcell=source_gcell,node_gcells=node_gcells, weight=weight)
elif len(node_gcells) == 3:
self.__three_pin_net_routing(node_gcells=node_gcells, weight=weight)
elif len(node_gcells) > 3:
for curr_net in self.__split_net(source_gcell=source_gcell, node_gcells=node_gcells):
self.__two_pin_net_routing(source_gcell=source_gcell, node_gcells=curr_net, weight=weight)
# normalize routing congestion
for idx, v_gcell in enumerate(self.V_routing_cong):
self.V_routing_cong[idx] = float(v_gcell / self.grid_v_routes)
for idx, h_gcell in enumerate(self.H_routing_cong):
self.H_routing_cong[idx] = float(h_gcell / self.grid_h_routes)
for idx, v_gcell in enumerate(self.V_macro_routing_cong):
self.V_macro_routing_cong[idx] = float(v_gcell / self.grid_v_routes)
for idx, h_gcell in enumerate(self.H_macro_routing_cong):
self.H_macro_routing_cong[idx] = float(h_gcell / self.grid_h_routes)
# sum up routing congestion with macro congestion
self.V_routing_cong = [sum(x) for x in zip(self.V_routing_cong, self.V_macro_routing_cong)]
self.H_routing_cong = [sum(x) for x in zip(self.H_routing_cong, self.H_macro_routing_cong)]
cpdef void __smooth_routing_cong(self):
Smoothing V/H Routing congestion
temp_V_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape = self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
temp_H_routing_cong = np.zeros(shape = self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
# v routing cong
for row in range(self.grid_row):
for col in range(self.grid_col):
lp = col - self.smooth_range
if lp < 0:
lp = 0
rp = col + self.smooth_range
if rp >= self.grid_col:
rp = self.grid_col - 1
gcell_cnt = rp - lp + 1
val = self.V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] / gcell_cnt
for ptr in range(<int>lp, <int>rp + 1, 1):
temp_V_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + ptr] += val
self.V_routing_cong = temp_V_routing_cong
# h routing cong
for row in range(self.grid_row):
for col in range(self.grid_col):
lp = row - self.smooth_range
if lp < 0:
lp = 0
up = row + self.smooth_range
if up >= self.grid_row:
up = self.grid_row - 1
gcell_cnt = up - lp + 1
val = self.H_routing_cong[row * self.grid_col + col] / gcell_cnt
for ptr in range(<int>lp, <int>up + 1, 1):
temp_H_routing_cong[ptr * self.grid_col + col] += val
self.H_routing_cong = temp_H_routing_cong
cpdef bool is_node_soft_macro(self, int node_idx):
Return if node is a soft macro
return self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].soft_macro
except IndexError:
print("[ERROR INDEX OUT OF RANGE] Can not process index at {}".format(node_idx))
cpdef bool is_node_hard_macro(self, int node_idx):
Return if node is a hard macro
return self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].type == mnds.Type.MACRO \
and not self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].soft_macro
except IndexError:
print("[ERROR INDEX OUT OF RANGE] Can not process index at {}".format(node_idx))
cpdef str get_node_name(self, int node_idx):
Return node name based on given node index
return self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].name
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE INDEX] Node not found!")
def get_node_mask(self, node_idx: int) -> list:
Return node mask based on given node
All legal positions must satisfy:
- No Out-of-Bound
- No Overlapping with previously placed MACROs
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
canvas_block = mnds.BoundingBox(minx=0,
if mod.type in [mnds.Type.PORT, mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN]:
mod_w = 1e-3
mod_h = 1e-3
mod_w = mod.dimension.width
mod_h = mod.dimension.height
temp_node_mask = np.array([1] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row))\
.reshape(self.grid_row, self.grid_col)
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
for i in range(self.grid_row):
for j in range(self.grid_col):
# try every location
# construct block based on current module dimenstion
temp_x = j * self.grid_width + (self.grid_width/2)
temp_y = i * self.grid_height + (self.grid_height/2)
mod_block = mnds.BoundingBox(minx=temp_x - (mod_w/2),
maxx=temp_x + (mod_w/2),
miny=temp_y - (mod_h/2),
maxy=temp_y + (mod_h/2))
# check OOB
if abs(self.__overlap_area(
bbox_i=canvas_block, bbox_j=mod_block) - (mod_w*mod_h)) > 1e-8:
temp_node_mask[i][j] = 0
# check overlapping
for pmod_idx in self.placed_macro:
pmod = self.modules_w_pins[pmod_idx]
if not self.node_placed[pmod_idx]:
p_x, p_y = pmod.coord.x, pmod.coord.y
p_w = pmod.dimension.width
p_h = pmod.dimension.height
pmod_block = mnds.BoundingBox(maxx=p_x + (p_w/2),
maxy=p_y + (p_h/2),
minx=p_x - (p_w/2),
miny=p_y - (p_h/2))
# if overlap with placed module
if self.__overlap_area(bbox_i=pmod_block, bbox_j=mod_block) > 0:
temp_node_mask[i][j] = 0
return temp_node_mask.flatten()
cpdef str get_node_type(self, int node_idx):
Return node type
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
if mod.type == mnds.Type.STDCELL:
# standard cell, not used
return "STDCELL"
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO:
return "MACRO"
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.PORT:
# port
return "PORT"
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
return "MACRO_PIN"
except IndexError:
# NOTE: Google's API return NONE if out of range
print("[WARNING INDEX OUT OF RANGE] Can not process index at {}".format(node_idx))
return None
cpdef get_node_width_height(self, int node_idx):
Return node dimension
node = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
return node.width, node.height
cpdef void make_soft_macros_square(self):
make soft macros as squares
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_idx]
mod_area = mod.dimension.width * mod.dimension.height
mod.dimension.width = math.sqrt(mod_area)
mod.dimension.height = math.sqrt(mod_area)
cpdef void set_use_incremental_cost(self, bool use_incremental_cost):
self.use_incremental_cost = use_incremental_cost
cpdef bool get_use_incremental_cost(self):
return self.use_incremental_cost
cpdef list get_macro_adjacency(self):
Compute Adjacency Matrix
# NOTE: in pb.txt, netlist input count exceed certain threshold will be ommitted
int macro_cnt
int row_idx
int col_idx
list macro_adj
# do some update
# adjacency matrix: [MACRO] X [MACRO]
macro_cnt = self.hard_macro_cnt + self.soft_macro_cnt
macro_adj = [0] * (macro_cnt) * (macro_cnt)
for pin in self.meta_netlist.node:
if pin.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
# row index should be order of discovery of the reference node
row_idx = self.macro_id_to_indices[pin.ref_node_id]
# col index should be from the ref node of output_indices
for output_idx in pin.output_indices:
output_pin = self.meta_netlist.node[output_idx]
# only between MACRO_PINs
if output_pin.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
col_idx = self.macro_id_to_indices[output_pin.ref_node_id]
macro_adj[row_idx * macro_cnt + col_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
macro_adj[col_idx * macro_cnt + row_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
return macro_adj
cdef get_macro_and_clustered_port_adjacency(self):
Compute Adjacency Matrix (Unclustered PORTs)
if module is a PORT, assign it to nearest cell location even if OOB
int row
int col
int row_idx
int col_idx
list macro_adj
list cell_location
dict port_to_rc = {}
dict rc_to_clustered_port_id = {}
list rc = []
int clustered_port_cnt = 0
# do some update
# adjacency matrix: [MACRO + clustered ports] X [MACRO + clustered ports]
macro_cnt = self.hard_macro_cnt + self.soft_macro_cnt
#[Grid Cell] => [PORT]
for port_idx in self.port_indices:
port = self.meta_netlist.node[port_idx]
x_pos, y_pos = port.coord.x, port.coord.y
row, col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos)
# prevent OOB
if row >= self.grid_row:
row = self.grid_row - 1
if row < 0:
row = 0
if col >= self.grid_col:
col = self.grid_col - 1
if col < 0:
col = 0
if (row, col) not in rc:
# new cluster
clustered_port_cnt += 1
rc.append((row, col))
# [PORT.id] => [Row, Col]
port_to_rc[port.id] = (row, col)
# sort by col, this function cannot be used under cpdef
rc = sorted(rc, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
macro_adj = [0] * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt)
cell_location = [0] * clustered_port_cnt
for v, k in enumerate(rc):
# add cell location
cell_location[v] = k[0] * self.grid_col + k[1]
# [rc] => [cluster id]
rc_to_clustered_port_id[k] = v
for pin in self.meta_netlist.node:
if pin.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
# row index should be order of discovery of the reference node
row_idx = self.macro_id_to_indices[pin.ref_node_id]
# col index should be from the ref node of output_indices
for output_idx in pin.output_indices:
output_pin = self.meta_netlist.node[output_idx]
# only between MACRO_PINs
if output_pin.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
col_idx = self.macro_id_to_indices[output_pin.ref_node_id]
macro_adj[row_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + col_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
macro_adj[col_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + row_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
elif output_pin.type == mnds.Type.PORT:
col_idx = rc_to_clustered_port_id[port_to_rc[output_pin.id]]
# relocate to after macros
col_idx += macro_cnt
macro_adj[row_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + col_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
macro_adj[col_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + row_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
elif pin.type == mnds.Type.PORT:
# row index should be order of discovery of the reference node
row_idx = rc_to_clustered_port_id[port_to_rc[pin.id]]
# relocate to after macros
row_idx += macro_cnt
# col index should be from the ref node of output_indices
for output_idx in pin.output_indices:
output_pin = self.meta_netlist.node[output_idx]
# only between MACRO_PINs
if output_pin.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
col_idx = self.macro_id_to_indices[output_pin.ref_node_id]
macro_adj[row_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + col_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
macro_adj[col_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + row_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
elif output_pin.type == mnds.Type.PORT:
col_idx = self.port_id_to_indices[output_pin.id]
# relocate to after macros
col_idx += macro_cnt
macro_adj[row_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + col_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
macro_adj[col_idx * (macro_cnt + clustered_port_cnt) + row_idx] += 1.0 * pin.weight
return macro_adj, sorted(cell_location)
cpdef void unfix_node_coord(self, int node_idx):
Unfix a module
object mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type in [mnds.Type.MACRO, mnds.Type.PORT]
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', ".format(mod.type)
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Could not find module by node index")
self.node_fix[node_idx] = False
cpdef void fix_node_coord(self, int node_idx):
Fix a module
object mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type in [mnds.Type.MACRO, mnds.Type.PORT]
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', ".format(mod.type)
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR FIX NODE] Could not find module by node index")
self.node_fix[node_idx] = True
cpdef bool is_node_fixed(self, int node_idx):
Return if a node is fixed
object mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type in [mnds.Type.MACRO, mnds.Type.PORT]
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', ".format(mod.type)
+"'PORT' are considered to be fixable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE FIXED] Could not find module by node index")
return self.node_fix[node_idx]
cpdef void update_node_coords(self, int node_idx, float x_pos, float y_pos):
Update Node location if node is 'MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT'
mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type in [mnds.Type.MACRO, mnds.Type.PORT]
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR UNFIX NODE] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', ".format(mod.type)
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Could not find module by node index")
# only update if node is not fixed
if not self.node_fix[node_idx]:
mod.coord.x = x_pos
mod.coord.y = y_pos
cpdef update_macro_orientation(self, int node_idx, str orientation):
Update macro orientation if node is 'MACRO'
mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO'".format(mod.type)
+" are considered to be ORIENTED")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Could not find module by node index {}".format(node_idx))
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation[orientation]
def update_port_sides(self):
def snap_ports_to_edges(self):
cpdef (float, float) get_node_location(self, int node_idx):
Return Node location if node is 'MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT'
mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type in [mnds.Type.MACRO, mnds.Type.PORT]
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR NODE LOCATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO', 'STDCELL'".format(mod.type)
+"'PORT' are considered to be placable nodes")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR NODE PLACED] Could not find module by node index")
return mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y
cpdef get_macro_orientation(self, int node_idx):
mod = None
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
assert mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO
except AssertionError:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Found {}. Only 'MACRO'".format(mod.type)
+" are considered to be ORIENTED")
except Exception:
print("[ERROR MACRO ORIENTATION] Could not find module by node index")
return mod.orientation
def place_node(self, node_idx, grid_cell_idx):
Place the node into the center of the given grid_cell
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
# TODO: add check valid clause
if not self.node_fix[node_idx]:
x_pos, y_pos = self.__get_grid_cell_position(grid_cell_idx)
mod.coord.x = x_pos
mod.coord.y = y_pos
self.node_placed[node_idx] = True
# update flag
def unplace_node(self, node_idx):
Set the node's ifPlaced flag to False if not fixed node
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx]
if not self.node_fix[node_idx]:
if mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO:
self.node_placed[node_idx] = False
# update flag
print("[WARNING UNPLACE NODE] Trying to unplace a fixed node")
def unplace_all_nodes(self):
Set all ifPlaced flag to False except for fixed nodes
for port_idx in sorted(self.port_indices):
if self.node_fix:
self.node_placed[port_idx] = False
for mod_idx in sorted(self.macro_indices):
if self.node_fix:
self.node_placed[mod_idx] = False
# update flag
cpdef bool is_node_placed(self, int node_idx):
return if node is placed
return self.node_placed[node_idx]
def disconnect_nets(self):
cpdef str get_source_filename(self):
return netlist path
return self.netlist_file
cpdef list get_blockages(self):
return self.blockages
# def create_blockage(self, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate):
# self.blockages.append([minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate])
cpdef int get_ref_node_id(self, int node_idx):
ref_node_id is used for macro_pins. Refers to the macro it belongs to
if self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].type == mnds.Type.PORT:
return node_idx
return self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].ref_node_id
cpdef void save_placement(self, str filename, info=""):
When writing out info line-by-line, add a "#" at front
with open(filename, 'w+') as f:
for line in info.split('\n'):
f.write("# " + line + '\n')
# if first, no \newline
for port_idx in self.port_indices:
port = self.meta_netlist.node[port_idx]
f.write("{} {:g} {:g} {} {}".format(port_idx,\
port.coord.x, port.coord.y, "-",
"1" if self.node_fix[port_idx] else "0"))
HEADER = False
f.write("\n{} {:g} {:g} {} {}".format(port_idx,\
port.coord.x, port.coord.y, "-",
"1" if self.node_fix[port_idx] else "0"))
for mod_idx in self.macro_indices:
# [node_index] [x] [y] [orientation] [fixed]
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_idx]
f.write("{} {:g} {:g} {} {}".format(mod_idx,\
mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y,
mnds.Orientation(mod.orientation.value).name if mod.orientation else "-",
"1" if self.node_fix[mod_idx] else "0"))
HEADER = False
f.write("\n{} {:g} {:g} {} {}".format(mod_idx,\
mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y,
mnds.Orientation(mod.orientation.value).name if mod.orientation else "-",
"1" if self.node_fix[mod_idx] else "0"))
def display_canvas( self,
Non-google function, For quick canvas view
#define Matplotlib figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8), dpi=50)
if amplify:
# Plt config
ax.margins(x=0.05, y=0.05)
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
# Construct grid
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, self.width, self.grid_col + 1),\
np.linspace(0, self.height, self.grid_row + 1))
ax.plot(x, y, c='b', alpha=0.1) # use plot, not scatter
ax.plot(np.transpose(x), np.transpose(y), c='b', alpha=0.2) # add this here
# Construct module blocks
for mod in self.meta_netlist.node:
if mod.type == mnds.Type.PORT and self.node_placed[mod.id]:
plt.plot((mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y),'ro', markersize=PORT_SIZE)
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO and self.node_placed[mod.id]:
if not mod.soft_macro:
# hard macro
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.coord.x - mod.dimension.width/2, mod.coord.y - mod.dimension.height/2),\
mod.dimension.width, mod.dimension.height,\
alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='b', edgecolor='darkblue'))
if annotate:
ax.annotate(mod.name, (mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y), wrap=True,color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=FONT_SIZE, ha='center', va='center')
# soft macro
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.coord.x - mod.dimension.width/2, mod.coord.y - mod.dimension.height/2),\
mod.dimension.width, mod.dimension.height,\
alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='y'))
if annotate:
ax.annotate(mod.name, (mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y), wrap=True,color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=FONT_SIZE, ha='center', va='center')
elif mod.type == mnds.Type.MACRO_PIN:
macro = self.meta_netlist.node[mod.ref_node_id]
if self.node_placed[macro.id]:
plt.plot(*self.__get_pin_position(mod.id),'bo', markersize=PIN_SIZE)
if saveName:
if show:
FD Placement below shares the same functionality as the FDPlacement/fd_placement.py
cpdef void __initialization(self):
Initialize soft macros to the center
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
# put everyting at center, regardless the overlapping issue
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_idx]
mod.coord.x = self.width/2
mod.coord.y = self.height/2
cpdef (float, float) __check_OOB(self, int mod_id, float x_disp, float y_disp):
Check if soft macro could move out-of-boundary
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id]
cdef float mod_x = mod.coord.x
cdef float mod_y = mod.coord.y
cdef float mod_height = mod.dimension.height
cdef float mod_width = mod.dimension.width
# boundary after displacement
cdef float x_max = mod_x + mod_width/2 + x_disp
cdef float y_max = mod_y + mod_height/2 + y_disp
cdef float x_min = mod_x - mod_width/2 + x_disp
cdef float y_min = mod_y - mod_height/2 + y_disp
# print(x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min)
# determine if move
if x_min <= 0.0 or x_max >= self.width:
x_disp = 0.0
if y_min <= 0.0 or y_max >= self.height:
y_disp = 0.0
return x_disp, y_disp
cpdef (float, float, float, float) getBBox(self, int mod_id):
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id]
cdef float x = mod.coord.x
cdef float y = mod.coord.y
cdef float width = mod.dimension.width
cdef float height = mod.dimension.height
cdef float lx = x - width / 2.0
cdef float ly = y - height / 2.0
cdef float ux = x + width / 2.0
cdef float uy = y + height / 2.0
return lx, ly, ux, uy
cpdef (float, float) _check_overlap(self, int mod_u, int mod_v):
float u_lx
float u_ly
float u_ux
float u_uy
float u_cx
float u_cy
float v_lx
float v_ly
float v_ux
float v_uy
float v_cx
float v_cy
float x_dir
float y_dir
float dist
u_lx, u_ly, u_ux, u_uy = self.getBBox(mod_u)
v_lx, v_ly, v_ux, v_uy = self.getBBox(mod_v)
if (u_lx >= v_ux or u_ux <= v_lx or u_ly >= v_uy or u_uy <= v_ly):
# no overlap
return 0.0, 0.0
u_cx = (u_lx + u_ux) / 2.0
u_cy = (u_ly + u_uy) / 2.0
v_cx = (v_lx + v_ux) / 2.0
v_cy = (v_ly + v_uy) / 2.0
if u_cx == v_cx and u_cy == v_cy:
# fully overlap
x_dir = -1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)
y_dir = -1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)
return x_dir, y_dir
x_dir = u_cx - v_cx
y_dir = u_cy - v_cy
dist = math.sqrt(x_dir * x_dir + y_dir * y_dir)
return x_dir / dist, y_dir / dist
cpdef void __add_displace(self, int mod_id, float x_disp, float y_disp):
Add the displacement
if self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id].soft_macro:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_id][0] += x_disp
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_id][1] += y_disp
cpdef void __update_location(self, int mod_id, float x_disp, float y_disp):
Update the displacement to the coordiante
float x_pos
float y_pos
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id]
x_pos = mod.coord.x
y_pos = mod.coord.y
x_disp, y_disp = self.__check_OOB(mod_id, x_disp, y_disp)
# for debug purpose
# if debug:
# with open('os_debug.txt', 'a+') as the_file:
# the_file.write("{} {} {} {} {}\n".format(
# mod_id,
# x_pos + x_disp,
# y_pos + y_disp,
# x_disp, y_disp
# ))
mod.coord.x = x_pos + x_disp
mod.coord.y = y_pos + y_disp
cpdef void __move_soft_macros(self, float attract_factor, float repel_factor, float io_factor, float max_displacement):
Compute all forces for one iteration
float max_x_disp = 0.0
float max_y_disp = 0.0
# map to soft macro index
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx] = [0.0, 0.0]
self.__attractive_force(attract_factor, io_factor, max_displacement)
self.__repulsive_force(repel_factor, max_displacement)
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
max_x_disp = max(max_x_disp, abs(self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0]))
max_y_disp = max(max_y_disp, abs(self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1]))
# normalization
if max_x_disp > 0.0:
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0] = (self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0] / max_x_disp) * max_displacement
if max_y_disp > 0.0:
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1] = (self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1] / max_y_disp) * max_displacement
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.__update_location(mod_idx, self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0], self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1])
cpdef (float, float) __checkPinRelativePos(self, int pin_u, int pin_v):
compute relative pin location
float ux
float uy
float vx
float vy
ux, uy = self.__get_pin_position(pin_u)
vx, vy = self.__get_pin_position(pin_v)
return -1.0 * (ux - vx), -1.0 * (uy - vy)
cdef void __repulsive_force(self, float repel_factor, float max_displacement):
compute repulsive force
float x_d
float y_d
float x_disp = 0.0
float y_disp = 0.0
int mod_u_idx
int mod_v_idx
for i in range(len(self.macro_indices)):
mod_u_idx = self.macro_indices[i]
for j in range(i + 1, len(self.macro_indices)):
mod_v_idx = self.macro_indices[j]
x_d, y_d = self._check_overlap(mod_u_idx, mod_v_idx)
# No overlap
if x_d == 0.0:
x_disp = 0.0
# x_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 / x_d
x_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 * max_displacement * x_d
# No overlap
if y_d == 0.0:
y_disp = 0.0
# y_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 / y_d
y_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 * max_displacement * y_d
# print("debugging: ", x_disp, y_disp)
self.__add_displace(mod_u_idx, x_disp, y_disp)
self.__add_displace(mod_v_idx, -1.0 * x_disp, -1.0 * y_disp)
cpdef void __attractive_force(self, float attract_factor, float io_factor, float max_displacement):
compute attractive force
float x_disp
float y_disp
float force
float x_d
float y_d
int driver_pin_idx
int driver_macro_idx
float weight_factor
int sink_pin_idx
int sink_macro_idx
for driver_pin_idx in self.nets.keys():
# extract driver pin
driver_pin = self.meta_netlist.node[driver_pin_idx]
# extract driver macro
driver_macro_idx = self.get_ref_node_id(driver_pin_idx)
# extract net weight
weight_factor = driver_pin.weight
for sink_pin_idx in self.nets[driver_pin_idx]:
sink_macro_idx = self.get_ref_node_id(sink_pin_idx)
# compute directional vector
x_d, y_d = self.__checkPinRelativePos(driver_pin_idx, sink_pin_idx)
# if connection has port
if self.meta_netlist.node[sink_pin_idx].type == mnds.Type.PORT \
or self.meta_netlist.node[driver_pin_idx].type == mnds.Type.PORT:
force = weight_factor * io_factor * attract_factor
force = weight_factor * attract_factor
x_disp = force * x_d
y_disp = force * y_d
# add displacement to driver/sink pin
self.__add_displace(driver_macro_idx, x_disp, y_disp)
self.__add_displace(sink_macro_idx, -1.0 * x_disp, -1.0 * y_disp)
cpdef __fd_placement(self, io_factor, tuple num_steps, tuple max_move_distance, tuple attract_factor, tuple repel_factor, bool use_current_loc, bool verbose=True):
Force-directed Placement for standard-cell clusters
# store x/y displacement for all soft macro disp
self.soft_macro_disp = {}
if use_current_loc == False:
for i in range(len(num_steps)):
if verbose:
print("[OPTIMIZING STDCELs] at num_step {}".format(i))
attractive_factor = attract_factor[i]
repulsive_factor = repel_factor[i]
num_step = num_steps[i]
max_displacement = max_move_distance[i]
for j in range(num_step):
if verbose:
print("[INFO] number of step {}".format(j))
self.__move_soft_macros(attractive_factor, repulsive_factor, io_factor, max_displacement)
def optimize_stdcells(self, use_current_loc, move_stdcells, move_macros,
log_scale_conns, use_sizes, io_factor, num_steps,
max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor):
self.__fd_placement(io_factor, num_steps, max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor, use_current_loc, verbose=True)
\ No newline at end of file
# setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
"plc_client_os.pyx", compiler_directives={"language_level": "3"}
\ No newline at end of file
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