/* * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, * the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, * and to distribute those combinations without any restriction * coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License * restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover * modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into * a combined executable.) * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stddef.h> #include "common.h" #include "repository.h" #include "index.h" #include "hash.h" #include "git2/odb.h" #include "git2/blob.h" #define entry_size(type,len) ((offsetof(type, path) + (len) + 8) & ~7) #define short_entry_size(len) entry_size(struct entry_short, len) #define long_entry_size(len) entry_size(struct entry_long, len) #define minimal_entry_size (offsetof(struct entry_short, path)) static const size_t INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE = GIT_OID_RAWSZ; static const size_t INDEX_HEADER_SIZE = 12; static const unsigned int INDEX_VERSION_NUMBER = 2; static const unsigned int INDEX_VERSION_NUMBER_EXT = 3; static const unsigned int INDEX_HEADER_SIG = 0x44495243; static const char INDEX_EXT_TREECACHE_SIG[] = {'T', 'R', 'E', 'E'}; static const char INDEX_EXT_UNMERGED_SIG[] = {'R', 'E', 'U', 'C'}; struct index_header { uint32_t signature; uint32_t version; uint32_t entry_count; }; struct index_extension { char signature[4]; uint32_t extension_size; }; struct entry_time { uint32_t seconds; uint32_t nanoseconds; }; struct entry_short { struct entry_time ctime; struct entry_time mtime; uint32_t dev; uint32_t ino; uint32_t mode; uint32_t uid; uint32_t gid; uint32_t file_size; git_oid oid; uint16_t flags; char path[1]; /* arbitrary length */ }; struct entry_long { struct entry_time ctime; struct entry_time mtime; uint32_t dev; uint32_t ino; uint32_t mode; uint32_t uid; uint32_t gid; uint32_t file_size; git_oid oid; uint16_t flags; uint16_t flags_extended; char path[1]; /* arbitrary length */ }; /* local declarations */ static size_t read_extension(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size); static size_t read_entry(git_index_entry *dest, const void *buffer, size_t buffer_size); static int read_header(struct index_header *dest, const void *buffer); static int read_tree(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size); static int read_tree_internal(git_index_tree **, const char **, const char *, git_index_tree *); static int parse_index(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size); static int is_index_extended(git_index *index); static int write_index(git_index *index, git_filebuf *file); static int index_srch(const void *key, const void *array_member) { const git_index_entry *entry = array_member; return strcmp(key, entry->path); } static int index_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const git_index_entry *entry_a = a; const git_index_entry *entry_b = b; return strcmp(entry_a->path, entry_b->path); } static int unmerged_srch(const void *key, const void *array_member) { const git_index_entry_unmerged *entry = array_member; return strcmp(key, entry->path); } static int unmerged_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const git_index_entry_unmerged *info_a = a; const git_index_entry_unmerged *info_b = b; return strcmp(info_a->path, info_b->path); } static unsigned int index_create_mode(unsigned int mode) { if (S_ISLNK(mode)) return S_IFLNK; if (S_ISDIR(mode) || (mode & S_IFMT) == (S_IFLNK | S_IFDIR)) return (S_IFLNK | S_IFDIR); return S_IFREG | ((mode & 0100) ? 0755 : 0644); } static int index_initialize(git_index **index_out, git_repository *owner, const char *index_path) { git_index *index; assert(index_out && index_path); index = git__malloc(sizeof(git_index)); if (index == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; memset(index, 0x0, sizeof(git_index)); index->index_file_path = git__strdup(index_path); if (index->index_file_path == NULL) { free(index); return GIT_ENOMEM; } index->repository = owner; git_vector_init(&index->entries, 32, index_cmp); /* Check if index file is stored on disk already */ if (git_futils_exists(index->index_file_path) == 0) index->on_disk = 1; *index_out = index; return git_index_read(index); } int git_index_open(git_index **index_out, const char *index_path) { return index_initialize(index_out, NULL, index_path); } /* * Moved from `repository.c` */ int git_repository_index(git_index **index_out, git_repository *repo) { if (repo->is_bare) return git__throw(GIT_EBAREINDEX, "Failed to open index. Repository is bare"); return index_initialize(index_out, repo, repo->path_index); } void git_index_free(git_index *index) { if (index == NULL) return; git_index_clear(index); git_vector_free(&index->entries); git_vector_free(&index->unmerged); free(index->index_file_path); free(index); } static void free_tree(git_index_tree *tree) { unsigned int i; if (tree == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < tree->children_count; ++i) free_tree(tree->children[i]); free(tree->name); free(tree->children); free(tree); } void git_index_clear(git_index *index) { unsigned int i; assert(index); for (i = 0; i < index->entries.length; ++i) { git_index_entry *e; e = git_vector_get(&index->entries, i); free((char *)e->path); free(e); } for (i = 0; i < index->unmerged.length; ++i) { git_index_entry_unmerged *e; e = git_vector_get(&index->unmerged, i); free((char *)e->path); free(e); } git_vector_clear(&index->entries); git_vector_clear(&index->unmerged); index->last_modified = 0; free_tree(index->tree); index->tree = NULL; } int git_index_read(git_index *index) { struct stat indexst; int error = GIT_SUCCESS; assert(index->index_file_path); if (!index->on_disk || git_futils_exists(index->index_file_path) < 0) { git_index_clear(index); index->on_disk = 0; return GIT_SUCCESS; } if (p_stat(index->index_file_path, &indexst) < 0) return git__throw(GIT_EOSERR, "Failed to read index. %s does not exist or is corrupted", index->index_file_path); if (!S_ISREG(indexst.st_mode)) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to read index. %s is not an index file", index->index_file_path); if (indexst.st_mtime != index->last_modified) { git_fbuffer buffer; if ((error = git_futils_readbuffer(&buffer, index->index_file_path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to read index"); git_index_clear(index); error = parse_index(index, buffer.data, buffer.len); if (error == GIT_SUCCESS) index->last_modified = indexst.st_mtime; git_futils_freebuffer(&buffer); } if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to read index"); return error; } int git_index_write(git_index *index) { git_filebuf file; struct stat indexst; int error; git_vector_sort(&index->entries); if ((error = git_filebuf_open(&file, index->index_file_path, GIT_FILEBUF_HASH_CONTENTS)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write index"); if ((error = write_index(index, &file)) < GIT_SUCCESS) { git_filebuf_cleanup(&file); return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write index"); } if ((error = git_filebuf_commit(&file)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write index"); if (p_stat(index->index_file_path, &indexst) == 0) { index->last_modified = indexst.st_mtime; index->on_disk = 1; } return GIT_SUCCESS; } unsigned int git_index_entrycount(git_index *index) { assert(index); return index->entries.length; } unsigned int git_index_entrycount_unmerged(git_index *index) { assert(index); return index->unmerged.length; } git_index_entry *git_index_get(git_index *index, unsigned int n) { git_vector_sort(&index->entries); return git_vector_get(&index->entries, n); } static int index_insert(git_index *index, const git_index_entry *source_entry, int replace) { git_index_entry *entry; size_t path_length; int position; git_index_entry **entry_array; assert(index && source_entry); if (source_entry->path == NULL) return git__throw(GIT_EMISSINGOBJDATA, "Failed to insert into index. Entry has no path"); entry = git__malloc(sizeof(git_index_entry)); if (entry == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; memcpy(entry, source_entry, sizeof(git_index_entry)); /* duplicate the path string so we own it */ entry->path = git__strdup(entry->path); if (entry->path == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; /* make sure that the path length flag is correct */ path_length = strlen(entry->path); entry->flags &= ~GIT_IDXENTRY_NAMEMASK; if (path_length < GIT_IDXENTRY_NAMEMASK) entry->flags |= path_length & GIT_IDXENTRY_NAMEMASK; else entry->flags |= GIT_IDXENTRY_NAMEMASK;; /* * replacing is not requested: just insert entry at the end; * the index is no longer sorted */ if (!replace) { if (git_vector_insert(&index->entries, entry) < GIT_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_oom; return GIT_SUCCESS; } /* look if an entry with this path already exists */ position = git_index_find(index, source_entry->path); /* * if no entry exists add the entry at the end; * the index is no longer sorted */ if (position == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { if (git_vector_insert(&index->entries, entry) < GIT_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_oom; return GIT_SUCCESS; } /* exists, replace it */ entry_array = (git_index_entry **) index->entries.contents; free((char *)entry_array[position]->path); free(entry_array[position]); entry_array[position] = entry; return GIT_SUCCESS; cleanup_oom: free((char *)entry->path); free(entry); return GIT_ENOMEM;; } static int index_init_entry(git_index_entry *entry, git_index *index, const char *rel_path, int stage) { char full_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; struct stat st; int error; if (index->repository == NULL) return git__throw(GIT_EBAREINDEX, "Failed to initialize entry. Repository is bare"); git_path_join(full_path, index->repository->path_workdir, rel_path); if (p_lstat(full_path, &st) < 0) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to initialize entry. '%s' cannot be opened", full_path); if (stage < 0 || stage > 3) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to initialize entry. Invalid stage %i", stage); memset(entry, 0x0, sizeof(git_index_entry)); entry->ctime.seconds = (git_time_t)st.st_ctime; entry->mtime.seconds = (git_time_t)st.st_mtime; /* entry.mtime.nanoseconds = st.st_mtimensec; */ /* entry.ctime.nanoseconds = st.st_ctimensec; */ entry->dev= st.st_rdev; entry->ino = st.st_ino; entry->mode = index_create_mode(st.st_mode); entry->uid = st.st_uid; entry->gid = st.st_gid; entry->file_size = st.st_size; /* write the blob to disk and get the oid */ if ((error = git_blob_create_fromfile(&entry->oid, index->repository, rel_path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to initialize index entry"); entry->flags |= (stage << GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGESHIFT); entry->path = rel_path; /* do not duplicate; index_insert already does this */ return GIT_SUCCESS; } int git_index_add(git_index *index, const char *path, int stage) { int error; git_index_entry entry; if ((error = index_init_entry(&entry, index, path, stage)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to add to index"); return index_insert(index, &entry, 1); } int git_index_append(git_index *index, const char *path, int stage) { int error; git_index_entry entry; if ((error = index_init_entry(&entry, index, path, stage)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to append to index"); return index_insert(index, &entry, 0); } int git_index_add2(git_index *index, const git_index_entry *source_entry) { return index_insert(index, source_entry, 1); } int git_index_append2(git_index *index, const git_index_entry *source_entry) { return index_insert(index, source_entry, 0); } int git_index_remove(git_index *index, int position) { git_vector_sort(&index->entries); return git_vector_remove(&index->entries, (unsigned int)position); } int git_index_find(git_index *index, const char *path) { return git_vector_bsearch2(&index->entries, index_srch, path); } void git_index_uniq(git_index *index) { git_vector_uniq(&index->entries); } const git_index_entry_unmerged *git_index_get_unmerged_bypath(git_index *index, const char *path) { int pos; assert(index && path); if (!index->unmerged.length) return NULL; if ((pos = git_vector_bsearch2(&index->unmerged, unmerged_srch, path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return NULL; return git_vector_get(&index->unmerged, pos); } const git_index_entry_unmerged *git_index_get_unmerged_byindex(git_index *index, unsigned int n) { assert(index); return git_vector_get(&index->unmerged, n); } static int read_tree_internal(git_index_tree **out, const char **buffer_in, const char *buffer_end, git_index_tree *parent) { git_index_tree *tree; const char *name_start, *buffer; long count; int error = GIT_SUCCESS; if ((tree = git__malloc(sizeof(git_index_tree))) == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; memset(tree, 0x0, sizeof(git_index_tree)); tree->parent = parent; buffer = name_start = *buffer_in; if ((buffer = memchr(buffer, '\0', buffer_end - buffer)) == NULL) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } /* NUL-terminated tree name */ tree->name = git__strdup(name_start); if (tree->name == NULL) { error = GIT_ENOMEM; goto cleanup; } if (++buffer >= buffer_end) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } /* Blank-terminated ASCII decimal number of entries in this tree */ if (git__strtol32(&count, buffer, &buffer, 10) < GIT_SUCCESS || count < -1) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } /* Invalidated TREE. Free the tree but report success */ if (count == -1) { /* FIXME: return buffer_end or the end position for * this single tree entry */ *buffer_in = buffer_end; *out = NULL; free_tree(tree); /* Needs to be done manually */ return GIT_SUCCESS; } tree->entries = count; if (*buffer != ' ' || ++buffer >= buffer_end) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } /* Number of children of the tree, newline-terminated */ if (git__strtol32(&count, buffer, &buffer, 10) < GIT_SUCCESS || count < 0) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } tree->children_count = count; if (*buffer != '\n' || ++buffer >= buffer_end) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } /* 160-bit SHA-1 for this tree and it's children */ if (buffer + GIT_OID_RAWSZ > buffer_end) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } git_oid_fromraw(&tree->oid, (const unsigned char *)buffer); buffer += GIT_OID_RAWSZ; /* Parse children: */ if (tree->children_count > 0) { unsigned int i; int err; tree->children = git__malloc(tree->children_count * sizeof(git_index_tree *)); if (tree->children == NULL) goto cleanup; for (i = 0; i < tree->children_count; ++i) { err = read_tree_internal(&tree->children[i], &buffer, buffer_end, tree); if (err < GIT_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; } } *buffer_in = buffer; *out = tree; return GIT_SUCCESS; cleanup: free_tree(tree); return error; } static int read_tree(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { const char *buffer_end = buffer + buffer_size; int error; error = read_tree_internal(&index->tree, &buffer, buffer_end, NULL); if (buffer < buffer_end) return GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; return error; } static int read_unmerged(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t size) { const char *endptr; size_t len; int i; git_vector_init(&index->unmerged, 16, unmerged_cmp); while (size) { git_index_entry_unmerged *lost; len = strlen(buffer) + 1; if (size <= len) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to read unmerged entries"); if ((lost = git__malloc(sizeof(git_index_entry_unmerged))) == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; if (git_vector_insert(&index->unmerged, lost) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to read unmerged entries"); lost->path = git__strdup(buffer); if (!lost->path) return GIT_ENOMEM; size -= len; buffer += len; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { long tmp; if (git__strtol32(&tmp, buffer, &endptr, 8) < GIT_SUCCESS || !endptr || endptr == buffer || *endptr || tmp > UINT_MAX) return GIT_ERROR; lost->mode[i] = tmp; len = (endptr + 1) - buffer; if (size <= len) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to read unmerged entries"); size -= len; buffer += len; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!lost->mode[i]) continue; if (size < 20) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to read unmerged entries"); git_oid_fromraw(&lost->oid[i], (unsigned char *) buffer); size -= 20; buffer += 20; } } return GIT_SUCCESS; } static size_t read_entry(git_index_entry *dest, const void *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { size_t path_length, entry_size; uint16_t flags_raw; const char *path_ptr; const struct entry_short *source = buffer; if (INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE + minimal_entry_size > buffer_size) return 0; memset(dest, 0x0, sizeof(git_index_entry)); dest->ctime.seconds = (git_time_t)ntohl(source->ctime.seconds); dest->ctime.nanoseconds = ntohl(source->ctime.nanoseconds); dest->mtime.seconds = (git_time_t)ntohl(source->mtime.seconds); dest->mtime.nanoseconds = ntohl(source->mtime.nanoseconds); dest->dev = ntohl(source->dev); dest->ino = ntohl(source->ino); dest->mode = ntohl(source->mode); dest->uid = ntohl(source->uid); dest->gid = ntohl(source->gid); dest->file_size = ntohl(source->file_size); git_oid_cpy(&dest->oid, &source->oid); dest->flags = ntohs(source->flags); if (dest->flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED) { struct entry_long *source_l = (struct entry_long *)source; path_ptr = source_l->path; flags_raw = ntohs(source_l->flags_extended); memcpy(&dest->flags_extended, &flags_raw, 2); } else path_ptr = source->path; path_length = dest->flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_NAMEMASK; /* if this is a very long string, we must find its * real length without overflowing */ if (path_length == 0xFFF) { const char *path_end; path_end = memchr(path_ptr, '\0', buffer_size); if (path_end == NULL) return 0; path_length = path_end - path_ptr; } if (dest->flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED) entry_size = long_entry_size(path_length); else entry_size = short_entry_size(path_length); if (INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE + entry_size > buffer_size) return 0; dest->path = git__strdup(path_ptr); assert(dest->path); return entry_size; } static int read_header(struct index_header *dest, const void *buffer) { const struct index_header *source = buffer; dest->signature = ntohl(source->signature); if (dest->signature != INDEX_HEADER_SIG) return GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; dest->version = ntohl(source->version); if (dest->version != INDEX_VERSION_NUMBER_EXT && dest->version != INDEX_VERSION_NUMBER) return GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; dest->entry_count = ntohl(source->entry_count); return GIT_SUCCESS; } static size_t read_extension(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { const struct index_extension *source; struct index_extension dest; size_t total_size; source = (const struct index_extension *)(buffer); memcpy(dest.signature, source->signature, 4); dest.extension_size = ntohl(source->extension_size); total_size = dest.extension_size + sizeof(struct index_extension); if (buffer_size - total_size < INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE) return 0; /* optional extension */ if (dest.signature[0] >= 'A' && dest.signature[0] <= 'Z') { /* tree cache */ if (memcmp(dest.signature, INDEX_EXT_TREECACHE_SIG, 4) == 0) { if (read_tree(index, buffer + 8, dest.extension_size) < GIT_SUCCESS) return 0; } else if (memcmp(dest.signature, INDEX_EXT_UNMERGED_SIG, 4) == 0) { if (read_unmerged(index, buffer + 8, dest.extension_size) < GIT_SUCCESS) return 0; } /* else, unsupported extension. We cannot parse this, but we can skip * it by returning `total_size */ } else { /* we cannot handle non-ignorable extensions; * in fact they aren't even defined in the standard */ return 0; } return total_size; } static int parse_index(git_index *index, const char *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { unsigned int i; struct index_header header; git_oid checksum_calculated, checksum_expected; #define seek_forward(_increase) { \ if (_increase >= buffer_size) \ return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to seek forward. Buffer size exceeded"); \ buffer += _increase; \ buffer_size -= _increase;\ } if (buffer_size < INDEX_HEADER_SIZE + INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Buffer too small"); /* Precalculate the SHA1 of the files's contents -- we'll match it to * the provided SHA1 in the footer */ git_hash_buf(&checksum_calculated, buffer, buffer_size - INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE); /* Parse header */ if (read_header(&header, buffer) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Header is corrupted"); seek_forward(INDEX_HEADER_SIZE); git_vector_clear(&index->entries); /* Parse all the entries */ for (i = 0; i < header.entry_count && buffer_size > INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE; ++i) { size_t entry_size; git_index_entry *entry; entry = git__malloc(sizeof(git_index_entry)); if (entry == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; entry_size = read_entry(entry, buffer, buffer_size); /* 0 bytes read means an object corruption */ if (entry_size == 0) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Entry size is zero"); if (git_vector_insert(&index->entries, entry) < GIT_SUCCESS) return GIT_ENOMEM; seek_forward(entry_size); } if (i != header.entry_count) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Header entries changed while parsing"); /* There's still space for some extensions! */ while (buffer_size > INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE) { size_t extension_size; extension_size = read_extension(index, buffer, buffer_size); /* see if we have read any bytes from the extension */ if (extension_size == 0) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Extension size is zero"); seek_forward(extension_size); } if (buffer_size != INDEX_FOOTER_SIZE) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Buffer size does not match index footer size"); /* 160-bit SHA-1 over the content of the index file before this checksum. */ git_oid_fromraw(&checksum_expected, (const unsigned char *)buffer); if (git_oid_cmp(&checksum_calculated, &checksum_expected) != 0) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse index. Calculated checksum does not match expected checksum"); #undef seek_forward /* force sorting in the vector: the entries are * assured to be sorted on the index */ index->entries.sorted = 1; return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int is_index_extended(git_index *index) { unsigned int i, extended; extended = 0; for (i = 0; i < index->entries.length; ++i) { git_index_entry *entry; entry = git_vector_get(&index->entries, i); entry->flags &= ~GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED; if (entry->flags_extended & GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED_FLAGS) { extended++; entry->flags |= GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED; } } return extended; } static int write_disk_entry(git_filebuf *file, git_index_entry *entry) { struct entry_short *ondisk; size_t path_len, disk_size; char *path; path_len = strlen(entry->path); if (entry->flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED) disk_size = long_entry_size(path_len); else disk_size = short_entry_size(path_len); if (git_filebuf_reserve(file, (void **)&ondisk, disk_size) < GIT_SUCCESS) return GIT_ENOMEM; memset(ondisk, 0x0, disk_size); /** * Yes, we have to truncate. * * The on-disk format for Index entries clearly defines * the time and size fields to be 4 bytes each -- so even if * we store these values with 8 bytes on-memory, they must * be truncated to 4 bytes before writing to disk. * * In 2038 I will be either too dead or too rich to care about this */ ondisk->ctime.seconds = htonl((uint32_t)entry->ctime.seconds); ondisk->mtime.seconds = htonl((uint32_t)entry->mtime.seconds); ondisk->ctime.nanoseconds = htonl(entry->ctime.nanoseconds); ondisk->mtime.nanoseconds = htonl(entry->mtime.nanoseconds); ondisk->dev = htonl(entry->dev); ondisk->ino = htonl(entry->ino); ondisk->mode = htonl(entry->mode); ondisk->uid = htonl(entry->uid); ondisk->gid = htonl(entry->gid); ondisk->file_size = htonl((uint32_t)entry->file_size); git_oid_cpy(&ondisk->oid, &entry->oid); ondisk->flags = htons(entry->flags); if (entry->flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_EXTENDED) { struct entry_long *ondisk_ext; ondisk_ext = (struct entry_long *)ondisk; ondisk_ext->flags_extended = htons(entry->flags_extended); path = ondisk_ext->path; } else path = ondisk->path; memcpy(path, entry->path, path_len); return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int write_entries(git_index *index, git_filebuf *file) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < index->entries.length; ++i) { git_index_entry *entry; entry = git_vector_get(&index->entries, i); if (write_disk_entry(file, entry) < GIT_SUCCESS) return GIT_ENOMEM; } return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int write_index(git_index *index, git_filebuf *file) { int error = GIT_SUCCESS; git_oid hash_final; struct index_header header; int is_extended; assert(index && file); is_extended = is_index_extended(index); header.signature = htonl(INDEX_HEADER_SIG); header.version = htonl(is_extended ? INDEX_VERSION_NUMBER_EXT : INDEX_VERSION_NUMBER); header.entry_count = htonl(index->entries.length); git_filebuf_write(file, &header, sizeof(struct index_header)); error = write_entries(index, file); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write index"); /* TODO: write extensions (tree cache) */ /* get out the hash for all the contents we've appended to the file */ git_filebuf_hash(&hash_final, file); /* write it at the end of the file */ git_filebuf_write(file, hash_final.id, GIT_OID_RAWSZ); return error == GIT_SUCCESS ? GIT_SUCCESS : git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write index"); } int git_index_entry_stage(const git_index_entry *entry) { return (entry->flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGEMASK) >> GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGESHIFT; }