#include "clar_libgit2.h" #include "buffer.h" #define TESTSTR "Have you seen that? Have you seeeen that??" const char *test_string = TESTSTR; const char *test_string_x2 = TESTSTR TESTSTR; #define TESTSTR_4096 REP1024("1234") #define TESTSTR_8192 REP1024("12341234") const char *test_4096 = TESTSTR_4096; const char *test_8192 = TESTSTR_8192; /* test basic data concatenation */ void test_core_buffer__0(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; cl_assert(buf.size == 0); git_buf_puts(&buf, test_string); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_string, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_puts(&buf, test_string); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_string_x2, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } /* test git_buf_printf */ void test_core_buffer__1(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_printf(&buf, "%s %s %d ", "shoop", "da", 23); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("shoop da 23 ", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_printf(&buf, "%s %d", "woop", 42); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("shoop da 23 woop 42", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } /* more thorough test of concatenation options */ void test_core_buffer__2(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; int i; char data[128]; cl_assert(buf.size == 0); /* this must be safe to do */ git_buf_free(&buf); cl_assert(buf.size == 0); cl_assert(buf.asize == 0); /* empty buffer should be empty string */ cl_assert_equal_s("", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); cl_assert(buf.size == 0); /* cl_assert(buf.asize == 0); -- should not assume what git_buf does */ /* free should set us back to the beginning */ git_buf_free(&buf); cl_assert(buf.size == 0); cl_assert(buf.asize == 0); /* add letter */ git_buf_putc(&buf, '+'); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("+", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* add letter again */ git_buf_putc(&buf, '+'); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("++", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* let's try that a few times */ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { git_buf_putc(&buf, '+'); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); } cl_assert_equal_s("++++++++++++++++++", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); /* add data */ git_buf_put(&buf, "xo", 2); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("xo", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* add letter again */ git_buf_put(&buf, "xo", 2); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("xoxo", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* let's try that a few times */ for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { git_buf_put(&buf, "xo", 2); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); } cl_assert_equal_s("xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); /* set to string */ git_buf_sets(&buf, test_string); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_string, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* append string */ git_buf_puts(&buf, test_string); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_string_x2, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* set to string again (should overwrite - not append) */ git_buf_sets(&buf, test_string); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_string, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* test clear */ git_buf_clear(&buf); cl_assert_equal_s("", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); /* test extracting data into buffer */ git_buf_puts(&buf, REP4("0123456789")); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, sizeof(data), &buf); cl_assert_equal_s(REP4("0123456789"), data); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, 11, &buf); cl_assert_equal_s("0123456789", data); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, 3, &buf); cl_assert_equal_s("01", data); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, 1, &buf); cl_assert_equal_s("", data); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, sizeof(data), &buf); cl_assert_equal_s(REP4("0123456789"), data); git_buf_sets(&buf, REP256("x")); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, sizeof(data), &buf); /* since sizeof(data) == 128, only 127 bytes should be copied */ cl_assert_equal_s(REP4(REP16("x")) REP16("x") REP16("x") REP16("x") "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", data); git_buf_free(&buf); git_buf_copy_cstr(data, sizeof(data), &buf); cl_assert_equal_s("", data); } /* let's do some tests with larger buffers to push our limits */ void test_core_buffer__3(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; /* set to string */ git_buf_set(&buf, test_4096, 4096); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_4096, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* append string */ git_buf_puts(&buf, test_4096); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_8192, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); /* set to string again (should overwrite - not append) */ git_buf_set(&buf, test_4096, 4096); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(test_4096, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } /* let's try some producer/consumer tests */ void test_core_buffer__4(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { git_buf_puts(&buf, "1234"); /* add 4 */ cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); git_buf_consume(&buf, buf.ptr + 2); /* eat the first two */ cl_assert(strlen(git_buf_cstr(&buf)) == (size_t)((i + 1) * 2)); } /* we have appended 1234 10x and removed the first 20 letters */ cl_assert_equal_s("12341234123412341234", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_consume(&buf, NULL); cl_assert_equal_s("12341234123412341234", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_consume(&buf, "invalid pointer"); cl_assert_equal_s("12341234123412341234", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_consume(&buf, buf.ptr); cl_assert_equal_s("12341234123412341234", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_consume(&buf, buf.ptr + 1); cl_assert_equal_s("2341234123412341234", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_consume(&buf, buf.ptr + buf.size); cl_assert_equal_s("", git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } static void check_buf_append( const char* data_a, const char* data_b, const char* expected_data, size_t expected_size, size_t expected_asize) { git_buf tgt = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_sets(&tgt, data_a); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&tgt) == 0); git_buf_puts(&tgt, data_b); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&tgt) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected_data, git_buf_cstr(&tgt)); cl_assert(tgt.size == expected_size); if (expected_asize > 0) cl_assert(tgt.asize == expected_asize); git_buf_free(&tgt); } static void check_buf_append_abc( const char* buf_a, const char* buf_b, const char* buf_c, const char* expected_ab, const char* expected_abc, const char* expected_abca, const char* expected_abcab, const char* expected_abcabc) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_sets(&buf, buf_a); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(buf_a, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_puts(&buf, buf_b); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected_ab, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_puts(&buf, buf_c); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected_abc, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_puts(&buf, buf_a); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected_abca, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_puts(&buf, buf_b); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected_abcab, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_puts(&buf, buf_c); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected_abcabc, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } /* more variations on append tests */ void test_core_buffer__5(void) { check_buf_append("", "", "", 0, 8); check_buf_append("a", "", "a", 1, 8); check_buf_append("", "a", "a", 1, 8); check_buf_append("", "a", "a", 1, 8); check_buf_append("a", "", "a", 1, 8); check_buf_append("a", "b", "ab", 2, 8); check_buf_append("", "abcdefgh", "abcdefgh", 8, 16); check_buf_append("abcdefgh", "", "abcdefgh", 8, 16); /* buffer with starting asize will grow to: * 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 5, 4 -> 6, 5 -> 8, 6 -> 9, * 7 -> 11, 8 -> 12, 9 -> 14, 10 -> 15, 11 -> 17, 12 -> 18, * 13 -> 20, 14 -> 21, 15 -> 23, 16 -> 24, 17 -> 26, 18 -> 27, * 19 -> 29, 20 -> 30, 21 -> 32, 22 -> 33, 23 -> 35, 24 -> 36, * ... * follow sequence until value > target size, * then round up to nearest multiple of 8. */ check_buf_append("abcdefgh", "/", "abcdefgh/", 9, 16); check_buf_append("abcdefgh", "ijklmno", "abcdefghijklmno", 15, 16); check_buf_append("abcdefgh", "ijklmnop", "abcdefghijklmnop", 16, 24); check_buf_append("0123456789", "0123456789", "01234567890123456789", 20, 24); check_buf_append(REP16("x"), REP16("o"), REP16("x") REP16("o"), 32, 40); check_buf_append(test_4096, "", test_4096, 4096, 4104); check_buf_append(test_4096, test_4096, test_8192, 8192, 9240); /* check sequences of appends */ check_buf_append_abc("a", "b", "c", "ab", "abc", "abca", "abcab", "abcabc"); check_buf_append_abc("a1", "b2", "c3", "a1b2", "a1b2c3", "a1b2c3a1", "a1b2c3a1b2", "a1b2c3a1b2c3"); check_buf_append_abc("a1/", "b2/", "c3/", "a1/b2/", "a1/b2/c3/", "a1/b2/c3/a1/", "a1/b2/c3/a1/b2/", "a1/b2/c3/a1/b2/c3/"); } /* test swap */ void test_core_buffer__6(void) { git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf b = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_sets(&a, "foo"); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&a) == 0); git_buf_sets(&b, "bar"); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&b) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("foo", git_buf_cstr(&a)); cl_assert_equal_s("bar", git_buf_cstr(&b)); git_buf_swap(&a, &b); cl_assert_equal_s("bar", git_buf_cstr(&a)); cl_assert_equal_s("foo", git_buf_cstr(&b)); git_buf_free(&a); git_buf_free(&b); } /* test detach/attach data */ void test_core_buffer__7(void) { const char *fun = "This is fun"; git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; char *b = NULL; git_buf_sets(&a, "foo"); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&a) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("foo", git_buf_cstr(&a)); b = git_buf_detach(&a); cl_assert_equal_s("foo", b); cl_assert_equal_s("", a.ptr); git__free(b); b = git_buf_detach(&a); cl_assert_equal_s(NULL, b); cl_assert_equal_s("", a.ptr); git_buf_free(&a); b = git__strdup(fun); git_buf_attach(&a, b, 0); cl_assert_equal_s(fun, a.ptr); cl_assert(a.size == strlen(fun)); cl_assert(a.asize == strlen(fun) + 1); git_buf_free(&a); b = git__strdup(fun); git_buf_attach(&a, b, strlen(fun) + 1); cl_assert_equal_s(fun, a.ptr); cl_assert(a.size == strlen(fun)); cl_assert(a.asize == strlen(fun) + 1); git_buf_free(&a); } static void check_joinbuf_2( const char *a, const char *b, const char *expected) { char sep = '/'; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_join(&buf, sep, a, b); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } static void check_joinbuf_n_2( const char *a, const char *b, const char *expected) { char sep = '/'; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_sets(&buf, a); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); git_buf_join_n(&buf, sep, 1, b); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } static void check_joinbuf_n_4( const char *a, const char *b, const char *c, const char *d, const char *expected) { char sep = ';'; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_join_n(&buf, sep, 4, a, b, c, d); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s(expected, git_buf_cstr(&buf)); git_buf_free(&buf); } /* test join */ void test_core_buffer__8(void) { git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 1, "foo"); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&a) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("foo", git_buf_cstr(&a)); git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 1, "bar"); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&a) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("foo/bar", git_buf_cstr(&a)); git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 1, "baz"); cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&a) == 0); cl_assert_equal_s("foo/bar/baz", git_buf_cstr(&a)); git_buf_free(&a); check_joinbuf_2("", "", ""); check_joinbuf_2("", "a", "a"); check_joinbuf_2("", "/a", "/a"); check_joinbuf_2("a", "", "a/"); check_joinbuf_2("a", "/", "a/"); check_joinbuf_2("a", "b", "a/b"); check_joinbuf_2("/", "a", "/a"); check_joinbuf_2("/", "", "/"); check_joinbuf_2("/a", "/b", "/a/b"); check_joinbuf_2("/a", "/b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_2("/a/", "b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_2("/a/", "/b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_2("/a/", "//b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_2("/abcd", "/defg", "/abcd/defg"); check_joinbuf_2("/abcd", "/defg/", "/abcd/defg/"); check_joinbuf_2("/abcd/", "defg/", "/abcd/defg/"); check_joinbuf_2("/abcd/", "/defg/", "/abcd/defg/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("", "", ""); check_joinbuf_n_2("", "a", "a"); check_joinbuf_n_2("", "/a", "/a"); check_joinbuf_n_2("a", "", "a/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("a", "/", "a/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("a", "b", "a/b"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/", "a", "/a"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/", "", "/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/a", "/b", "/a/b"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/a", "/b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/a/", "b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/a/", "/b/", "/a/b/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/abcd", "/defg", "/abcd/defg"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/abcd", "/defg/", "/abcd/defg/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/abcd/", "defg/", "/abcd/defg/"); check_joinbuf_n_2("/abcd/", "/defg/", "/abcd/defg/"); check_joinbuf_n_4("", "", "", "", ""); check_joinbuf_n_4("", "a", "", "", "a;"); check_joinbuf_n_4("a", "", "", "", "a;"); check_joinbuf_n_4("", "", "", "a", "a"); check_joinbuf_n_4("a", "b", "", ";c;d;", "a;b;c;d;"); check_joinbuf_n_4("a", "b", "", ";c;d", "a;b;c;d"); check_joinbuf_n_4("abcd", "efgh", "ijkl", "mnop", "abcd;efgh;ijkl;mnop"); check_joinbuf_n_4("abcd;", "efgh;", "ijkl;", "mnop;", "abcd;efgh;ijkl;mnop;"); check_joinbuf_n_4(";abcd;", ";efgh;", ";ijkl;", ";mnop;", ";abcd;efgh;ijkl;mnop;"); } void test_core_buffer__9(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; /* just some exhaustive tests of various separator placement */ char *a[] = { "", "-", "a-", "-a", "-a-" }; char *b[] = { "", "-", "b-", "-b", "-b-" }; char sep[] = { 0, '-', '/' }; char *expect_null[] = { "", "-", "a-", "-a", "-a-", "-", "--", "a--", "-a-", "-a--", "b-", "-b-", "a-b-", "-ab-", "-a-b-", "-b", "--b", "a--b", "-a-b", "-a--b", "-b-", "--b-", "a--b-", "-a-b-", "-a--b-" }; char *expect_dash[] = { "", "-", "a-", "-a-", "-a-", "-", "-", "a-", "-a-", "-a-", "b-", "-b-", "a-b-", "-a-b-", "-a-b-", "-b", "-b", "a-b", "-a-b", "-a-b", "-b-", "-b-", "a-b-", "-a-b-", "-a-b-" }; char *expect_slas[] = { "", "-/", "a-/", "-a/", "-a-/", "-", "-/-", "a-/-", "-a/-", "-a-/-", "b-", "-/b-", "a-/b-", "-a/b-", "-a-/b-", "-b", "-/-b", "a-/-b", "-a/-b", "-a-/-b", "-b-", "-/-b-", "a-/-b-", "-a/-b-", "-a-/-b-" }; char **expect_values[] = { expect_null, expect_dash, expect_slas }; char separator, **expect; unsigned int s, i, j; for (s = 0; s < sizeof(sep) / sizeof(char); ++s) { separator = sep[s]; expect = expect_values[s]; for (j = 0; j < sizeof(b) / sizeof(char*); ++j) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(a) / sizeof(char*); ++i) { git_buf_join(&buf, separator, a[i], b[j]); cl_assert_equal_s(*expect, buf.ptr); expect++; } } } git_buf_free(&buf); } void test_core_buffer__10(void) { git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; cl_git_pass(git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 1, "test")); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "test"); cl_git_pass(git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 1, "string")); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "test/string"); git_buf_clear(&a); cl_git_pass(git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 3, "test", "string", "join")); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "test/string/join"); cl_git_pass(git_buf_join_n(&a, '/', 2, a.ptr, "more")); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "test/string/join/test/string/join/more"); git_buf_free(&a); } void test_core_buffer__11(void) { git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_strarray t; char *t1[] = { "nothing", "in", "common" }; char *t2[] = { "something", "something else", "some other" }; char *t3[] = { "something", "some fun", "no fun" }; char *t4[] = { "happy", "happier", "happiest" }; char *t5[] = { "happiest", "happier", "happy" }; char *t6[] = { "no", "nope", "" }; char *t7[] = { "", "doesn't matter" }; t.strings = t1; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, ""); t.strings = t2; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "some"); t.strings = t3; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, ""); t.strings = t4; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "happ"); t.strings = t5; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, "happ"); t.strings = t6; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, ""); t.strings = t7; t.count = 3; cl_git_pass(git_buf_common_prefix(&a, &t)); cl_assert_equal_s(a.ptr, ""); git_buf_free(&a); } void test_core_buffer__rfind_variants(void) { git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; ssize_t len; cl_git_pass(git_buf_sets(&a, "/this/is/it/")); len = (ssize_t)git_buf_len(&a); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind(&a, '/') == len - 1); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind_next(&a, '/') == len - 4); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind(&a, 'i') == len - 3); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind_next(&a, 'i') == len - 3); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind(&a, 'h') == 2); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind_next(&a, 'h') == 2); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind(&a, 'q') == -1); cl_assert(git_buf_rfind_next(&a, 'q') == -1); git_buf_free(&a); } void test_core_buffer__puts_escaped(void) { git_buf a = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_buf_clear(&a); cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts_escaped(&a, "this is a test", "", "")); cl_assert_equal_s("this is a test", a.ptr); git_buf_clear(&a); cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts_escaped(&a, "this is a test", "t", "\\")); cl_assert_equal_s("\\this is a \\tes\\t", a.ptr); git_buf_clear(&a); cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts_escaped(&a, "this is a test", "i ", "__")); cl_assert_equal_s("th__is__ __is__ a__ test", a.ptr); git_buf_clear(&a); cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts_escape_regex(&a, "^match\\s*[A-Z]+.*")); cl_assert_equal_s("\\^match\\\\s\\*\\[A-Z\\]\\+\\.\\*", a.ptr); git_buf_free(&a); } static void assert_unescape(char *expected, char *to_unescape) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; cl_git_pass(git_buf_sets(&buf, to_unescape)); git_buf_unescape(&buf); cl_assert_equal_s(expected, buf.ptr); cl_assert_equal_sz(strlen(expected), buf.size); git_buf_free(&buf); } void test_core_buffer__unescape(void) { assert_unescape("Escaped\\", "Es\\ca\\ped\\"); assert_unescape("Es\\caped\\", "Es\\\\ca\\ped\\\\"); assert_unescape("\\", "\\"); assert_unescape("\\", "\\\\"); assert_unescape("", ""); } void test_core_buffer__base64(void) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; /* t h i s * 0x 74 68 69 73 * 0b 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 * 0b 011101 000110 100001 101001 011100 110000 * 0x 1d 06 21 29 1c 30 * d G h p c w */ cl_git_pass(git_buf_put_base64(&buf, "this", 4)); cl_assert_equal_s("dGhpcw==", buf.ptr); git_buf_clear(&buf); cl_git_pass(git_buf_put_base64(&buf, "this!", 5)); cl_assert_equal_s("dGhpcyE=", buf.ptr); git_buf_clear(&buf); cl_git_pass(git_buf_put_base64(&buf, "this!\n", 6)); cl_assert_equal_s("dGhpcyEK", buf.ptr); git_buf_free(&buf); }