# libgit2 tests These are the unit and integration tests for the libgit2 projects. * `clar` This is [clar](https://github.com/clar-test/clar) the common test framework. * `headertest` This is a simple project that ensures that our public headers are compatible with extremely strict compilation options. * `libgit2` These tests exercise the core git functionality in libgit2 itself. * `resources` These are the resources for the tests, including files and git repositories. * `util` These are tests of the common utility library. ## Writing tests for libgit2 libgit2 uses the [clar test framework](http://github.com/clar-test/clar), a C testing framework. The best resources for learning clar are [clar itself](https://github.com/clar-test/clar) and the existing tests within libgit2. In general: * If you place a `.c` file into a test directory, it is eligible to contain test cases. * The function name for your test is important; test function names begin with `test_`, followed by the folder path (underscore separated), two underscores as a delimiter, then the test name. For example, a file `merge/analysis.c` may contain a test `uptodate`: ``` void test_merge_analysis__uptodate(void) { ... } ``` * You can run an individual test by passing `-s` to the test runner. Tests are referred to by their function names; for example, the function `test_merge_analysis__uptodate` is referred to as `merge::analysis::uptodate`. To run only that function you can use the `-s` option on the test runner: ``` libgit2_tests -smerge::analysis::uptodate ``` ## Memory leak checking These are automatically run as part of CI, but if you want to check locally: ### Linux Uses [`valgrind`](http://www.valgrind.org/): ```console $ cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DVALGRIND=ON .. $ cmake --build . $ valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=50 --suppressions=../libgit2_tests.supp \ ./libgit2_tests ``` ### macOS Uses [`leaks`](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Performance/Conceptual/ManagingMemory/Articles/FindingLeaks.html), which requires XCode installed: ```console $ MallocStackLogging=1 MallocScribble=1 MallocLogFile=/dev/null CLAR_AT_EXIT="leaks -quiet \$PPID" \ ./libgit2_tests ``` ### Windows Build with the `WIN32_LEAKCHECK` option: ```console $ cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DWIN32_LEAKCHECK=ON .. $ cmake --build . $ ./libgit2_tests ```