/* * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, * the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, * and to distribute those combinations without any restriction * coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License * restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover * modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into * a combined executable.) * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "common.h" #include "git2/zlib.h" #include "git2/object.h" #include "git2/oid.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "hash.h" #include "odb.h" #include "delta-apply.h" #include "filebuf.h" #include "git2/odb_backend.h" #include "git2/types.h" typedef struct { /* object header data */ git_otype type; /* object type */ size_t size; /* object size */ } obj_hdr; typedef struct { git_odb_stream stream; git_filebuf fbuf; int finished; } loose_writestream; typedef struct loose_backend { git_odb_backend parent; int object_zlib_level; /** loose object zlib compression level. */ int fsync_object_files; /** loose object file fsync flag. */ char *objects_dir; } loose_backend; /* State structure for exploring directories, * in order to locate objects matching a short oid. */ typedef struct { size_t dir_len; unsigned char short_oid[GIT_OID_HEXSZ]; /* hex formatted oid to match */ unsigned int short_oid_len; int found; /* number of matching * objects already found */ unsigned char res_oid[GIT_OID_HEXSZ]; /* hex formatted oid of * the object found */ } loose_locate_object_state; /*********************************************************** * * MISCELANEOUS HELPER FUNCTIONS * ***********************************************************/ static size_t object_file_name(char *name, size_t n, char *dir, const git_oid *id) { size_t len = strlen(dir); /* check length: 43 = 40 hex sha1 chars + 2 * '/' + '\0' */ if (len+43 > n) return len+43; /* the object dir: eg $GIT_DIR/objects */ strcpy(name, dir); if (name[len-1] != '/') name[len++] = '/'; /* loose object filename: aa/aaa... (41 bytes) */ git_oid_pathfmt(&name[len], id); name[len+41] = '\0'; return 0; } static size_t get_binary_object_header(obj_hdr *hdr, gitfo_buf *obj) { unsigned char c; unsigned char *data = obj->data; size_t shift, size, used = 0; if (obj->len == 0) return 0; c = data[used++]; hdr->type = (c >> 4) & 7; size = c & 15; shift = 4; while (c & 0x80) { if (obj->len <= used) return 0; if (sizeof(size_t) * 8 <= shift) return 0; c = data[used++]; size += (c & 0x7f) << shift; shift += 7; } hdr->size = size; return used; } static size_t get_object_header(obj_hdr *hdr, unsigned char *data) { char c, typename[10]; size_t size, used = 0; /* * type name string followed by space. */ while ((c = data[used]) != ' ') { typename[used++] = c; if (used >= sizeof(typename)) return 0; } typename[used] = 0; if (used == 0) return 0; hdr->type = git_object_string2type(typename); used++; /* consume the space */ /* * length follows immediately in decimal (without * leading zeros). */ size = data[used++] - '0'; if (size > 9) return 0; if (size) { while ((c = data[used]) != '\0') { size_t d = c - '0'; if (d > 9) break; used++; size = size * 10 + d; } } hdr->size = size; /* * the length must be followed by a zero byte */ if (data[used++] != '\0') return 0; return used; } /*********************************************************** * * ZLIB RELATED FUNCTIONS * ***********************************************************/ static void init_stream(z_stream *s, void *out, size_t len) { memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s)); s->next_out = out; s->avail_out = len; } static void set_stream_input(z_stream *s, void *in, size_t len) { s->next_in = in; s->avail_in = len; } static void set_stream_output(z_stream *s, void *out, size_t len) { s->next_out = out; s->avail_out = len; } static int start_inflate(z_stream *s, gitfo_buf *obj, void *out, size_t len) { int status; init_stream(s, out, len); set_stream_input(s, obj->data, obj->len); if ((status = inflateInit(s)) < Z_OK) return status; return inflate(s, 0); } static int finish_inflate(z_stream *s) { int status = Z_OK; while (status == Z_OK) status = inflate(s, Z_FINISH); inflateEnd(s); if ((status != Z_STREAM_END) || (s->avail_in != 0)) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to finish inflation. Stream aborted prematurely"); return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int is_zlib_compressed_data(unsigned char *data) { unsigned int w; w = ((unsigned int)(data[0]) << 8) + data[1]; return data[0] == 0x78 && !(w % 31); } static int inflate_buffer(void *in, size_t inlen, void *out, size_t outlen) { z_stream zs; int status = Z_OK; memset(&zs, 0x0, sizeof(zs)); zs.next_out = out; zs.avail_out = outlen; zs.next_in = in; zs.avail_in = inlen; if (inflateInit(&zs) < Z_OK) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate buffer"); while (status == Z_OK) status = inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH); inflateEnd(&zs); if ((status != Z_STREAM_END) /*|| (zs.avail_in != 0) */) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate buffer. Stream aborted prematurely"); if (zs.total_out != outlen) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate buffer. Stream aborted prematurely"); return GIT_SUCCESS; } static void *inflate_tail(z_stream *s, void *hb, size_t used, obj_hdr *hdr) { unsigned char *buf, *head = hb; size_t tail; /* * allocate a buffer to hold the inflated data and copy the * initial sequence of inflated data from the tail of the * head buffer, if any. */ if ((buf = git__malloc(hdr->size + 1)) == NULL) { inflateEnd(s); return NULL; } tail = s->total_out - used; if (used > 0 && tail > 0) { if (tail > hdr->size) tail = hdr->size; memcpy(buf, head + used, tail); } used = tail; /* * inflate the remainder of the object data, if any */ if (hdr->size < used) inflateEnd(s); else { set_stream_output(s, buf + used, hdr->size - used); if (finish_inflate(s)) { free(buf); return NULL; } } return buf; } /* * At one point, there was a loose object format that was intended to * mimic the format used in pack-files. This was to allow easy copying * of loose object data into packs. This format is no longer used, but * we must still read it. */ static int inflate_packlike_loose_disk_obj(git_rawobj *out, gitfo_buf *obj) { unsigned char *in, *buf; obj_hdr hdr; size_t len, used; /* * read the object header, which is an (uncompressed) * binary encoding of the object type and size. */ if ((used = get_binary_object_header(&hdr, obj)) == 0) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate loose object. Object has no header"); if (!git_object_typeisloose(hdr.type)) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate loose object. Wrong object type"); /* * allocate a buffer and inflate the data into it */ buf = git__malloc(hdr.size + 1); if (!buf) return GIT_ENOMEM; in = ((unsigned char *)obj->data) + used; len = obj->len - used; if (inflate_buffer(in, len, buf, hdr.size)) { free(buf); return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate loose object. Could not inflate buffer"); } buf[hdr.size] = '\0'; out->data = buf; out->len = hdr.size; out->type = hdr.type; return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int inflate_disk_obj(git_rawobj *out, gitfo_buf *obj) { unsigned char head[64], *buf; z_stream zs; obj_hdr hdr; size_t used; /* * check for a pack-like loose object */ if (!is_zlib_compressed_data(obj->data)) return inflate_packlike_loose_disk_obj(out, obj); /* * inflate the initial part of the io buffer in order * to parse the object header (type and size). */ if (start_inflate(&zs, obj, head, sizeof(head)) < Z_OK) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate disk object. Could not inflate buffer"); if ((used = get_object_header(&hdr, head)) == 0) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate disk object. Object has no header"); if (!git_object_typeisloose(hdr.type)) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to inflate disk object. Wrong object type"); /* * allocate a buffer and inflate the object data into it * (including the initial sequence in the head buffer). */ if ((buf = inflate_tail(&zs, head, used, &hdr)) == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; buf[hdr.size] = '\0'; out->data = buf; out->len = hdr.size; out->type = hdr.type; return GIT_SUCCESS; } /*********************************************************** * * ODB OBJECT READING & WRITING * * Backend for the public API; read headers and full objects * from the ODB. Write raw data to the ODB. * ***********************************************************/ static int read_loose(git_rawobj *out, const char *loc) { int error; gitfo_buf obj = GITFO_BUF_INIT; assert(out && loc); out->data = NULL; out->len = 0; out->type = GIT_OBJ_BAD; if (gitfo_read_file(&obj, loc) < 0) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to read loose object. File not found"); error = inflate_disk_obj(out, &obj); gitfo_free_buf(&obj); return error == GIT_SUCCESS ? GIT_SUCCESS : git__rethrow(error, "Failed to read loose object"); } static int read_header_loose(git_rawobj *out, const char *loc) { int error = GIT_SUCCESS, z_return = Z_ERRNO, read_bytes; git_file fd; z_stream zs; obj_hdr header_obj; unsigned char raw_buffer[16], inflated_buffer[64]; assert(out && loc); out->data = NULL; if ((fd = gitfo_open(loc, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to read loose object header. File not found"); init_stream(&zs, inflated_buffer, sizeof(inflated_buffer)); if (inflateInit(&zs) < Z_OK) { error = GIT_EZLIB; goto cleanup; } do { if ((read_bytes = read(fd, raw_buffer, sizeof(raw_buffer))) > 0) { set_stream_input(&zs, raw_buffer, read_bytes); z_return = inflate(&zs, 0); } else { z_return = Z_STREAM_END; break; } } while (z_return == Z_OK); if ((z_return != Z_STREAM_END && z_return != Z_BUF_ERROR) || get_object_header(&header_obj, inflated_buffer) == 0 || git_object_typeisloose(header_obj.type) == 0) { error = GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED; goto cleanup; } out->len = header_obj.size; out->type = header_obj.type; cleanup: finish_inflate(&zs); gitfo_close(fd); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__throw(error, "Failed to read loose object header. Header is corrupted"); return GIT_SUCCESS; } static int locate_object(char *object_location, loose_backend *backend, const git_oid *oid) { object_file_name(object_location, GIT_PATH_MAX, backend->objects_dir, oid); return gitfo_exists(object_location); } /* Explore an entry of a directory and see if it matches a short oid */ int fn_locate_object_short_oid(void *state, char *pathbuf) { loose_locate_object_state *sstate = (loose_locate_object_state *)state; size_t pathbuf_len = strlen(pathbuf); if (pathbuf_len - sstate->dir_len != GIT_OID_HEXSZ - 2) { /* Entry cannot be an object. Continue to next entry */ return GIT_SUCCESS; } if (!gitfo_exists(pathbuf) && gitfo_isdir(pathbuf)) { /* We are already in the directory matching the 2 first hex characters, * compare the first ncmp characters of the oids */ if (!memcmp(sstate->short_oid + 2, (unsigned char *)pathbuf + sstate->dir_len, sstate->short_oid_len - 2)) { if (!sstate->found) { sstate->res_oid[0] = sstate->short_oid[0]; sstate->res_oid[1] = sstate->short_oid[1]; memcpy(sstate->res_oid+2, pathbuf+sstate->dir_len, GIT_OID_HEXSZ-2); } sstate->found++; } } if (sstate->found > 1) return git__throw(GIT_EAMBIGUOUSOIDPREFIX, "Ambiguous sha1 prefix within loose objects"); return GIT_SUCCESS; } /* Locate an object matching a given short oid */ static int locate_object_short_oid(char *object_location, git_oid *res_oid, loose_backend *backend, const git_oid *short_oid, unsigned int len) { char *objects_dir = backend->objects_dir; size_t dir_len = strlen(objects_dir); loose_locate_object_state state; int error; if (dir_len+43 > GIT_PATH_MAX) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to locate object from short oid. Object path too long"); strcpy(object_location, objects_dir); /* Add a separator if not already there */ if (object_location[dir_len-1] != '/') object_location[dir_len++] = '/'; /* Convert raw oid to hex formatted oid */ git_oid_fmt((char *)state.short_oid, short_oid); /* Explore OBJ_DIR/xx/ where xx is the beginning of hex formatted short oid */ sprintf(object_location+dir_len, "%.2s/", state.short_oid); /* Check that directory exists */ if (gitfo_exists(object_location) || gitfo_isdir(object_location)) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to locate object from short oid. Object not found"); state.dir_len = dir_len+3; state.short_oid_len = len; state.found = 0; /* Explore directory to find a unique object matching short_oid */ error = gitfo_dirent(object_location, GIT_PATH_MAX, fn_locate_object_short_oid, &state); if (error) { return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to locate object from short oid"); } if (!state.found) { return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to locate object from short oid. Object not found"); } /* Convert obtained hex formatted oid to raw */ error = git_oid_fromstr(res_oid, (char *)state.res_oid); if (error) { return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to locate object from short oid"); } /* Update the location according to the oid obtained */ git_oid_pathfmt(object_location+dir_len, res_oid); return GIT_SUCCESS; } /*********************************************************** * * LOOSE BACKEND PUBLIC API * * Implement the git_odb_backend API calls * ***********************************************************/ int loose_backend__read_header(size_t *len_p, git_otype *type_p, git_odb_backend *backend, const git_oid *oid) { char object_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; git_rawobj raw; int error; assert(backend && oid); raw.len = 0; raw.type = GIT_OBJ_BAD; if (locate_object(object_path, (loose_backend *)backend, oid) < 0) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to read loose backend header. Object not found"); if ((error = read_header_loose(&raw, object_path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return error; *len_p = raw.len; *type_p = raw.type; return GIT_SUCCESS; } int loose_backend__read(void **buffer_p, size_t *len_p, git_otype *type_p, git_odb_backend *backend, const git_oid *oid) { char object_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; git_rawobj raw; int error; assert(backend && oid); if (locate_object(object_path, (loose_backend *)backend, oid) < 0) return git__throw(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Failed to read loose backend. Object not found"); if ((error = read_loose(&raw, object_path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to read loose backend"); *buffer_p = raw.data; *len_p = raw.len; *type_p = raw.type; return GIT_SUCCESS; } int loose_backend__read_prefix( git_oid *out_oid, void **buffer_p, size_t *len_p, git_otype *type_p, git_odb_backend *backend, const git_oid *short_oid, unsigned int len) { if (len < GIT_OID_MINPREFIXLEN) return git__throw(GIT_EAMBIGUOUSOIDPREFIX, "Failed to read loose backend. Prefix length is lower than %d.", GIT_OID_MINPREFIXLEN); if (len >= GIT_OID_HEXSZ) { /* We can fall back to regular read method */ int error = loose_backend__read(buffer_p, len_p, type_p, backend, short_oid); if (error == GIT_SUCCESS) git_oid_cpy(out_oid, short_oid); return error; } else { char object_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; git_rawobj raw; int error; assert(backend && short_oid); if ((error = locate_object_short_oid(object_path, out_oid, (loose_backend *)backend, short_oid, len)) < 0) { return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to read loose backend"); } if ((error = read_loose(&raw, object_path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to read loose backend"); *buffer_p = raw.data; *len_p = raw.len; *type_p = raw.type; } return GIT_SUCCESS; } int loose_backend__exists(git_odb_backend *backend, const git_oid *oid) { char object_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; assert(backend && oid); return locate_object(object_path, (loose_backend *)backend, oid) == GIT_SUCCESS; } int loose_backend__stream_fwrite(git_oid *oid, git_odb_stream *_stream) { loose_writestream *stream = (loose_writestream *)_stream; loose_backend *backend = (loose_backend *)_stream->backend; int error; char final_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; if ((error = git_filebuf_hash(oid, &stream->fbuf)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write loose backend"); if (object_file_name(final_path, sizeof(final_path), backend->objects_dir, oid)) return GIT_ENOMEM; if ((error = gitfo_mkdir_2file(final_path)) < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to write loose backend"); stream->finished = 1; return git_filebuf_commit_at(&stream->fbuf, final_path); } int loose_backend__stream_write(git_odb_stream *_stream, const char *data, size_t len) { loose_writestream *stream = (loose_writestream *)_stream; return git_filebuf_write(&stream->fbuf, data, len); } void loose_backend__stream_free(git_odb_stream *_stream) { loose_writestream *stream = (loose_writestream *)_stream; if (!stream->finished) git_filebuf_cleanup(&stream->fbuf); free(stream); } static int format_object_header(char *hdr, size_t n, size_t obj_len, git_otype obj_type) { const char *type_str = git_object_type2string(obj_type); int len = snprintf(hdr, n, "%s %"PRIuZ, type_str, obj_len); assert(len > 0); /* otherwise snprintf() is broken */ assert(((size_t) len) < n); /* otherwise the caller is broken! */ if (len < 0 || ((size_t) len) >= n) return git__throw(GIT_ERROR, "Failed to format object header. Length is out of bounds"); return len+1; } int loose_backend__stream(git_odb_stream **stream_out, git_odb_backend *_backend, size_t length, git_otype type) { loose_backend *backend; loose_writestream *stream; char hdr[64], tmp_path[GIT_PATH_MAX]; int hdrlen; int error; assert(_backend); backend = (loose_backend *)_backend; *stream_out = NULL; hdrlen = format_object_header(hdr, sizeof(hdr), length, type); if (hdrlen < GIT_SUCCESS) return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to create loose backend stream. Object is corrupted"); stream = git__calloc(1, sizeof(loose_writestream)); if (stream == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; stream->stream.backend = _backend; stream->stream.read = NULL; /* read only */ stream->stream.write = &loose_backend__stream_write; stream->stream.finalize_write = &loose_backend__stream_fwrite; stream->stream.free = &loose_backend__stream_free; stream->stream.mode = GIT_STREAM_WRONLY; git__joinpath(tmp_path, backend->objects_dir, "tmp_object"); error = git_filebuf_open(&stream->fbuf, tmp_path, GIT_FILEBUF_HASH_CONTENTS | GIT_FILEBUF_DEFLATE_CONTENTS | GIT_FILEBUF_TEMPORARY); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) { free(stream); return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create loose backend stream"); } error = stream->stream.write((git_odb_stream *)stream, hdr, hdrlen); if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) { git_filebuf_cleanup(&stream->fbuf); free(stream); return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create loose backend stream"); } *stream_out = (git_odb_stream *)stream; return GIT_SUCCESS; } void loose_backend__free(git_odb_backend *_backend) { loose_backend *backend; assert(_backend); backend = (loose_backend *)_backend; free(backend->objects_dir); free(backend); } int git_odb_backend_loose(git_odb_backend **backend_out, const char *objects_dir) { loose_backend *backend; backend = git__calloc(1, sizeof(loose_backend)); if (backend == NULL) return GIT_ENOMEM; backend->objects_dir = git__strdup(objects_dir); if (backend->objects_dir == NULL) { free(backend); return GIT_ENOMEM; } backend->object_zlib_level = Z_BEST_SPEED; backend->fsync_object_files = 0; backend->parent.read = &loose_backend__read; backend->parent.read_prefix = &loose_backend__read_prefix; backend->parent.read_header = &loose_backend__read_header; backend->parent.writestream = &loose_backend__stream; backend->parent.exists = &loose_backend__exists; backend->parent.free = &loose_backend__free; *backend_out = (git_odb_backend *)backend; return GIT_SUCCESS; }