/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "odb.h" #include <zlib.h> #include "git2/object.h" #include "git2/sys/odb_backend.h" #include "futils.h" #include "hash.h" #include "delta.h" #include "filter.h" #include "repository.h" #include "blob.h" #include "oid.h" #include "git2/odb_backend.h" #include "git2/oid.h" #include "git2/oidarray.h" #define GIT_ALTERNATES_FILE "info/alternates" #define GIT_ALTERNATES_MAX_DEPTH 5 /* * We work under the assumption that most objects for long-running * operations will be packed */ int git_odb__loose_priority = GIT_ODB_DEFAULT_LOOSE_PRIORITY; int git_odb__packed_priority = GIT_ODB_DEFAULT_PACKED_PRIORITY; bool git_odb__strict_hash_verification = true; typedef struct { git_odb_backend *backend; int priority; bool is_alternate; ino_t disk_inode; } backend_internal; static git_cache *odb_cache(git_odb *odb) { git_repository *owner = GIT_REFCOUNT_OWNER(odb); if (owner != NULL) { return &owner->objects; } return &odb->own_cache; } static int odb_otype_fast(git_object_t *type_p, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id); static int load_alternates(git_odb *odb, const char *objects_dir, int alternate_depth); static int error_null_oid(int error, const char *message); static git_object_t odb_hardcoded_type(const git_oid *id) { if (!git_oid_cmp(id, &git_oid__empty_tree_sha1)) return GIT_OBJECT_TREE; return GIT_OBJECT_INVALID; } static int odb_read_hardcoded(bool *found, git_rawobj *raw, const git_oid *id) { git_object_t type; *found = false; if ((type = odb_hardcoded_type(id)) == GIT_OBJECT_INVALID) return 0; raw->type = type; raw->len = 0; raw->data = git__calloc(1, sizeof(uint8_t)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(raw->data); *found = true; return 0; } int git_odb__format_object_header( size_t *written, char *hdr, size_t hdr_size, git_object_size_t obj_len, git_object_t obj_type) { const char *type_str = git_object_type2string(obj_type); int hdr_max = (hdr_size > INT_MAX-2) ? (INT_MAX-2) : (int)hdr_size; int len; len = p_snprintf(hdr, hdr_max, "%s %"PRId64, type_str, (int64_t)obj_len); if (len < 0 || len >= hdr_max) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "object header creation failed"); return -1; } *written = (size_t)(len + 1); return 0; } int git_odb__hashobj(git_oid *id, git_rawobj *obj) { git_str_vec vec[2]; char header[64]; size_t hdrlen; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(id); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(obj); if (!git_object_typeisloose(obj->type)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid object type"); return -1; } if (!obj->data && obj->len != 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid object"); return -1; } if ((error = git_odb__format_object_header(&hdrlen, header, sizeof(header), obj->len, obj->type)) < 0) return error; vec[0].data = header; vec[0].len = hdrlen; vec[1].data = obj->data; vec[1].len = obj->len; return git_hash_vec(id->id, vec, 2, GIT_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA1); } static git_odb_object *odb_object__alloc(const git_oid *oid, git_rawobj *source) { git_odb_object *object = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_odb_object)); if (object != NULL) { git_oid_cpy(&object->cached.oid, oid); object->cached.type = source->type; object->cached.size = source->len; object->buffer = source->data; } return object; } void git_odb_object__free(void *object) { if (object != NULL) { git__free(((git_odb_object *)object)->buffer); git__free(object); } } const git_oid *git_odb_object_id(git_odb_object *object) { return &object->cached.oid; } const void *git_odb_object_data(git_odb_object *object) { return object->buffer; } size_t git_odb_object_size(git_odb_object *object) { return object->cached.size; } git_object_t git_odb_object_type(git_odb_object *object) { return object->cached.type; } int git_odb_object_dup(git_odb_object **dest, git_odb_object *source) { git_cached_obj_incref(source); *dest = source; return 0; } void git_odb_object_free(git_odb_object *object) { if (object == NULL) return; git_cached_obj_decref(object); } int git_odb__hashfd(git_oid *out, git_file fd, size_t size, git_object_t type) { size_t hdr_len; char hdr[64], buffer[GIT_BUFSIZE_FILEIO]; git_hash_ctx ctx; ssize_t read_len = 0; int error = 0; if (!git_object_typeisloose(type)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "invalid object type for hash"); return -1; } if ((error = git_hash_ctx_init(&ctx, GIT_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA1)) < 0) return error; if ((error = git_odb__format_object_header(&hdr_len, hdr, sizeof(hdr), size, type)) < 0) goto done; if ((error = git_hash_update(&ctx, hdr, hdr_len)) < 0) goto done; while (size > 0 && (read_len = p_read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { if ((error = git_hash_update(&ctx, buffer, read_len)) < 0) goto done; size -= read_len; } /* If p_read returned an error code, the read obviously failed. * If size is not zero, the file was truncated after we originally * stat'd it, so we consider this a read failure too */ if (read_len < 0 || size > 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "error reading file for hashing"); error = -1; goto done; } error = git_hash_final(out->id, &ctx); done: git_hash_ctx_cleanup(&ctx); return error; } int git_odb__hashfd_filtered( git_oid *out, git_file fd, size_t size, git_object_t type, git_filter_list *fl) { int error; git_str raw = GIT_STR_INIT; if (!fl) return git_odb__hashfd(out, fd, size, type); /* size of data is used in header, so we have to read the whole file * into memory to apply filters before beginning to calculate the hash */ if (!(error = git_futils_readbuffer_fd(&raw, fd, size))) { git_str post = GIT_STR_INIT; error = git_filter_list__convert_buf(&post, fl, &raw); if (!error) error = git_odb_hash(out, post.ptr, post.size, type); git_str_dispose(&post); } return error; } int git_odb__hashlink(git_oid *out, const char *path) { struct stat st; int size; int result; if (git_fs_path_lstat(path, &st) < 0) return -1; if (!git__is_int(st.st_size) || (int)st.st_size < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_FILESYSTEM, "file size overflow for 32-bit systems"); return -1; } size = (int)st.st_size; if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { char *link_data; int read_len; size_t alloc_size; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_size, size, 1); link_data = git__malloc(alloc_size); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(link_data); read_len = p_readlink(path, link_data, size); if (read_len == -1) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to read symlink data for '%s'", path); git__free(link_data); return -1; } GIT_ASSERT(read_len <= size); link_data[read_len] = '\0'; result = git_odb_hash(out, link_data, read_len, GIT_OBJECT_BLOB); git__free(link_data); } else { int fd = git_futils_open_ro(path); if (fd < 0) return -1; result = git_odb__hashfd(out, fd, size, GIT_OBJECT_BLOB); p_close(fd); } return result; } int git_odb_hashfile(git_oid *out, const char *path, git_object_t type) { uint64_t size; int fd, error = 0; if ((fd = git_futils_open_ro(path)) < 0) return fd; if ((error = git_futils_filesize(&size, fd)) < 0) goto done; if (!git__is_sizet(size)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "file size overflow for 32-bit systems"); error = -1; goto done; } error = git_odb__hashfd(out, fd, (size_t)size, type); done: p_close(fd); return error; } int git_odb_hash(git_oid *id, const void *data, size_t len, git_object_t type) { git_rawobj raw; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(id); raw.data = (void *)data; raw.len = len; raw.type = type; return git_odb__hashobj(id, &raw); } /** * FAKE WSTREAM */ typedef struct { git_odb_stream stream; char *buffer; size_t size, written; git_object_t type; } fake_wstream; static int fake_wstream__fwrite(git_odb_stream *_stream, const git_oid *oid) { fake_wstream *stream = (fake_wstream *)_stream; return _stream->backend->write(_stream->backend, oid, stream->buffer, stream->size, stream->type); } static int fake_wstream__write(git_odb_stream *_stream, const char *data, size_t len) { fake_wstream *stream = (fake_wstream *)_stream; GIT_ASSERT(stream->written + len <= stream->size); memcpy(stream->buffer + stream->written, data, len); stream->written += len; return 0; } static void fake_wstream__free(git_odb_stream *_stream) { fake_wstream *stream = (fake_wstream *)_stream; git__free(stream->buffer); git__free(stream); } static int init_fake_wstream(git_odb_stream **stream_p, git_odb_backend *backend, git_object_size_t size, git_object_t type) { fake_wstream *stream; size_t blobsize; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_BLOBSIZE(size); blobsize = (size_t)size; stream = git__calloc(1, sizeof(fake_wstream)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(stream); stream->size = blobsize; stream->type = type; stream->buffer = git__malloc(blobsize); if (stream->buffer == NULL) { git__free(stream); return -1; } stream->stream.backend = backend; stream->stream.read = NULL; /* read only */ stream->stream.write = &fake_wstream__write; stream->stream.finalize_write = &fake_wstream__fwrite; stream->stream.free = &fake_wstream__free; stream->stream.mode = GIT_STREAM_WRONLY; *stream_p = (git_odb_stream *)stream; return 0; } /*********************************************************** * * OBJECT DATABASE PUBLIC API * * Public calls for the ODB functionality * ***********************************************************/ static int backend_sort_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const backend_internal *backend_a = (const backend_internal *)(a); const backend_internal *backend_b = (const backend_internal *)(b); if (backend_b->priority == backend_a->priority) { if (backend_a->is_alternate) return -1; if (backend_b->is_alternate) return 1; return 0; } return (backend_b->priority - backend_a->priority); } int git_odb_new(git_odb **out) { git_odb *db = git__calloc(1, sizeof(*db)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(db); if (git_mutex_init(&db->lock) < 0) { git__free(db); return -1; } if (git_cache_init(&db->own_cache) < 0) { git_mutex_free(&db->lock); git__free(db); return -1; } if (git_vector_init(&db->backends, 4, backend_sort_cmp) < 0) { git_cache_dispose(&db->own_cache); git_mutex_free(&db->lock); git__free(db); return -1; } *out = db; GIT_REFCOUNT_INC(db); return 0; } static int add_backend_internal( git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority, bool is_alternate, ino_t disk_inode) { backend_internal *internal; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(odb); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(backend); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_VERSION(backend, GIT_ODB_BACKEND_VERSION, "git_odb_backend"); /* Check if the backend is already owned by another ODB */ GIT_ASSERT(!backend->odb || backend->odb == odb); internal = git__malloc(sizeof(backend_internal)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(internal); internal->backend = backend; internal->priority = priority; internal->is_alternate = is_alternate; internal->disk_inode = disk_inode; if (git_mutex_lock(&odb->lock) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return -1; } if (git_vector_insert(&odb->backends, internal) < 0) { git_mutex_unlock(&odb->lock); git__free(internal); return -1; } git_vector_sort(&odb->backends); internal->backend->odb = odb; git_mutex_unlock(&odb->lock); return 0; } int git_odb_add_backend(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority) { return add_backend_internal(odb, backend, priority, false, 0); } int git_odb_add_alternate(git_odb *odb, git_odb_backend *backend, int priority) { return add_backend_internal(odb, backend, priority, true, 0); } size_t git_odb_num_backends(git_odb *odb) { size_t length; bool locked = true; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(odb); if (git_mutex_lock(&odb->lock) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); locked = false; } length = odb->backends.length; if (locked) git_mutex_unlock(&odb->lock); return length; } static int git_odb__error_unsupported_in_backend(const char *action) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "cannot %s - unsupported in the loaded odb backends", action); return -1; } int git_odb_get_backend(git_odb_backend **out, git_odb *odb, size_t pos) { backend_internal *internal; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(odb); if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&odb->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } internal = git_vector_get(&odb->backends, pos); if (!internal || !internal->backend) { git_mutex_unlock(&odb->lock); git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "no ODB backend loaded at index %" PRIuZ, pos); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } *out = internal->backend; git_mutex_unlock(&odb->lock); return 0; } int git_odb__add_default_backends( git_odb *db, const char *objects_dir, bool as_alternates, int alternate_depth) { size_t i = 0; struct stat st; ino_t inode; git_odb_backend *loose, *packed; /* TODO: inodes are not really relevant on Win32, so we need to find * a cross-platform workaround for this */ #ifdef GIT_WIN32 GIT_UNUSED(i); GIT_UNUSED(&st); inode = 0; #else if (p_stat(objects_dir, &st) < 0) { if (as_alternates) /* this should warn */ return 0; git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to load object database in '%s'", objects_dir); return -1; } inode = st.st_ino; if (git_mutex_lock(&db->lock) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *backend = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); if (backend->disk_inode == inode) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return 0; } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); #endif /* add the loose object backend */ if (git_odb_backend_loose(&loose, objects_dir, -1, db->do_fsync, 0, 0) < 0 || add_backend_internal(db, loose, git_odb__loose_priority, as_alternates, inode) < 0) return -1; /* add the packed file backend */ if (git_odb_backend_pack(&packed, objects_dir) < 0 || add_backend_internal(db, packed, git_odb__packed_priority, as_alternates, inode) < 0) return -1; if (git_mutex_lock(&db->lock) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return -1; } if (!db->cgraph && git_commit_graph_new(&db->cgraph, objects_dir, false) < 0) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return -1; } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return load_alternates(db, objects_dir, alternate_depth); } static int load_alternates(git_odb *odb, const char *objects_dir, int alternate_depth) { git_str alternates_path = GIT_STR_INIT; git_str alternates_buf = GIT_STR_INIT; char *buffer; const char *alternate; int result = 0; /* Git reports an error, we just ignore anything deeper */ if (alternate_depth > GIT_ALTERNATES_MAX_DEPTH) return 0; if (git_str_joinpath(&alternates_path, objects_dir, GIT_ALTERNATES_FILE) < 0) return -1; if (git_fs_path_exists(alternates_path.ptr) == false) { git_str_dispose(&alternates_path); return 0; } if (git_futils_readbuffer(&alternates_buf, alternates_path.ptr) < 0) { git_str_dispose(&alternates_path); return -1; } buffer = (char *)alternates_buf.ptr; /* add each alternate as a new backend; one alternate per line */ while ((alternate = git__strtok(&buffer, "\r\n")) != NULL) { if (*alternate == '\0' || *alternate == '#') continue; /* * Relative path: build based on the current `objects` * folder. However, relative paths are only allowed in * the current repository. */ if (*alternate == '.' && !alternate_depth) { if ((result = git_str_joinpath(&alternates_path, objects_dir, alternate)) < 0) break; alternate = git_str_cstr(&alternates_path); } if ((result = git_odb__add_default_backends(odb, alternate, true, alternate_depth + 1)) < 0) break; } git_str_dispose(&alternates_path); git_str_dispose(&alternates_buf); return result; } int git_odb_add_disk_alternate(git_odb *odb, const char *path) { return git_odb__add_default_backends(odb, path, true, 0); } int git_odb_set_commit_graph(git_odb *odb, git_commit_graph *cgraph) { int error = 0; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(odb); if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&odb->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the db lock"); return error; } git_commit_graph_free(odb->cgraph); odb->cgraph = cgraph; git_mutex_unlock(&odb->lock); return error; } int git_odb_open(git_odb **out, const char *objects_dir) { git_odb *db; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(objects_dir); *out = NULL; if (git_odb_new(&db) < 0) return -1; if (git_odb__add_default_backends(db, objects_dir, 0, 0) < 0) { git_odb_free(db); return -1; } *out = db; return 0; } int git_odb__set_caps(git_odb *odb, int caps) { if (caps == GIT_ODB_CAP_FROM_OWNER) { git_repository *repo = GIT_REFCOUNT_OWNER(odb); int val; if (!repo) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "cannot access repository to set odb caps"); return -1; } if (!git_repository__configmap_lookup(&val, repo, GIT_CONFIGMAP_FSYNCOBJECTFILES)) odb->do_fsync = !!val; } return 0; } static void odb_free(git_odb *db) { size_t i; bool locked = true; if (git_mutex_lock(&db->lock) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); locked = false; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *backend = internal->backend; backend->free(backend); git__free(internal); } if (locked) git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); git_commit_graph_free(db->cgraph); git_vector_free(&db->backends); git_cache_dispose(&db->own_cache); git_mutex_free(&db->lock); git__memzero(db, sizeof(*db)); git__free(db); } void git_odb_free(git_odb *db) { if (db == NULL) return; GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(db, odb_free); } static int odb_exists_1( git_odb *db, const git_oid *id, bool only_refreshed) { size_t i; bool found = false; int error; if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && !found; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (only_refreshed && !b->refresh) continue; if (b->exists != NULL) found = (bool)b->exists(b, id); } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return (int)found; } int git_odb__get_commit_graph_file(git_commit_graph_file **out, git_odb *db) { int error = 0; git_commit_graph_file *result = NULL; if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the db lock"); return error; } if (!db->cgraph) { error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; goto done; } error = git_commit_graph_get_file(&result, db->cgraph); if (error) goto done; *out = result; done: git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return error; } static int odb_freshen_1( git_odb *db, const git_oid *id, bool only_refreshed) { size_t i; bool found = false; int error; if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && !found; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (only_refreshed && !b->refresh) continue; if (b->freshen != NULL) found = !b->freshen(b, id); else if (b->exists != NULL) found = b->exists(b, id); } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return (int)found; } int git_odb__freshen(git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(id); if (odb_freshen_1(db, id, false)) return 1; if (!git_odb_refresh(db)) return odb_freshen_1(db, id, true); /* Failed to refresh, hence not found */ return 0; } int git_odb_exists(git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { return git_odb_exists_ext(db, id, 0); } int git_odb_exists_ext(git_odb *db, const git_oid *id, unsigned int flags) { git_odb_object *object; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(id); if (git_oid_is_zero(id)) return 0; if ((object = git_cache_get_raw(odb_cache(db), id)) != NULL) { git_odb_object_free(object); return 1; } if (odb_exists_1(db, id, false)) return 1; if (!(flags & GIT_ODB_LOOKUP_NO_REFRESH) && !git_odb_refresh(db)) return odb_exists_1(db, id, true); /* Failed to refresh, hence not found */ return 0; } static int odb_exists_prefix_1(git_oid *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *key, size_t len, bool only_refreshed) { size_t i; int error = GIT_ENOTFOUND, num_found = 0; git_oid last_found = {{0}}, found; if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (only_refreshed && !b->refresh) continue; if (!b->exists_prefix) continue; error = b->exists_prefix(&found, b, key, len); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND || error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) continue; if (error) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return error; } /* make sure found item doesn't introduce ambiguity */ if (num_found) { if (git_oid__cmp(&last_found, &found)) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return git_odb__error_ambiguous("multiple matches for prefix"); } } else { git_oid_cpy(&last_found, &found); num_found++; } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (!num_found) return GIT_ENOTFOUND; if (out) git_oid_cpy(out, &last_found); return 0; } int git_odb_exists_prefix( git_oid *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *short_id, size_t len) { int error; git_oid key = {{0}}; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(short_id); if (len < GIT_OID_MINPREFIXLEN) return git_odb__error_ambiguous("prefix length too short"); if (len >= GIT_OID_HEXSZ) { if (git_odb_exists(db, short_id)) { if (out) git_oid_cpy(out, short_id); return 0; } else { return git_odb__error_notfound( "no match for id prefix", short_id, len); } } git_oid__cpy_prefix(&key, short_id, len); error = odb_exists_prefix_1(out, db, &key, len, false); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && !git_odb_refresh(db)) error = odb_exists_prefix_1(out, db, &key, len, true); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return git_odb__error_notfound("no match for id prefix", &key, len); return error; } int git_odb_expand_ids( git_odb *db, git_odb_expand_id *ids, size_t count) { size_t i; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(ids); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { git_odb_expand_id *query = &ids[i]; int error = GIT_EAMBIGUOUS; if (!query->type) query->type = GIT_OBJECT_ANY; /* if we have a short OID, expand it first */ if (query->length >= GIT_OID_MINPREFIXLEN && query->length < GIT_OID_HEXSZ) { git_oid actual_id; error = odb_exists_prefix_1(&actual_id, db, &query->id, query->length, false); if (!error) { git_oid_cpy(&query->id, &actual_id); query->length = GIT_OID_HEXSZ; } } /* * now we ought to have a 40-char OID, either because we've expanded it * or because the user passed a full OID. Ensure its type is right. */ if (query->length >= GIT_OID_HEXSZ) { git_object_t actual_type; error = odb_otype_fast(&actual_type, db, &query->id); if (!error) { if (query->type != GIT_OBJECT_ANY && query->type != actual_type) error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; else query->type = actual_type; } } switch (error) { /* no errors, so we've successfully expanded the OID */ case 0: continue; /* the object is missing or ambiguous */ case GIT_ENOTFOUND: case GIT_EAMBIGUOUS: memset(&query->id, 0, sizeof(git_oid)); query->length = 0; query->type = 0; break; /* something went very wrong with the ODB; bail hard */ default: return error; } } git_error_clear(); return 0; } int git_odb_read_header(size_t *len_p, git_object_t *type_p, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { int error; git_odb_object *object = NULL; error = git_odb__read_header_or_object(&object, len_p, type_p, db, id); if (object) git_odb_object_free(object); return error; } static int odb_read_header_1( size_t *len_p, git_object_t *type_p, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id, bool only_refreshed) { size_t i; git_object_t ht; bool passthrough = false; int error; if (!only_refreshed && (ht = odb_hardcoded_type(id)) != GIT_OBJECT_INVALID) { *type_p = ht; *len_p = 0; return 0; } if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (only_refreshed && !b->refresh) continue; if (!b->read_header) { passthrough = true; continue; } error = b->read_header(len_p, type_p, b, id); switch (error) { case GIT_PASSTHROUGH: passthrough = true; break; case GIT_ENOTFOUND: break; default: git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return error; } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return passthrough ? GIT_PASSTHROUGH : GIT_ENOTFOUND; } int git_odb__read_header_or_object( git_odb_object **out, size_t *len_p, git_object_t *type_p, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { int error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; git_odb_object *object; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(id); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(len_p); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(type_p); *out = NULL; if (git_oid_is_zero(id)) return error_null_oid(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "cannot read object"); if ((object = git_cache_get_raw(odb_cache(db), id)) != NULL) { *len_p = object->cached.size; *type_p = object->cached.type; *out = object; return 0; } error = odb_read_header_1(len_p, type_p, db, id, false); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && !git_odb_refresh(db)) error = odb_read_header_1(len_p, type_p, db, id, true); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return git_odb__error_notfound("cannot read header for", id, GIT_OID_HEXSZ); /* we found the header; return early */ if (!error) return 0; if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) { /* * no backend has header-reading functionality * so try using `git_odb_read` instead */ error = git_odb_read(&object, db, id); if (!error) { *len_p = object->cached.size; *type_p = object->cached.type; *out = object; } } return error; } static int odb_read_1(git_odb_object **out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id, bool only_refreshed) { size_t i; git_rawobj raw; git_odb_object *object; git_oid hashed; bool found = false; int error = 0; if (!only_refreshed) { if ((error = odb_read_hardcoded(&found, &raw, id)) < 0) return error; } if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && !found; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (only_refreshed && !b->refresh) continue; if (b->read != NULL) { error = b->read(&raw.data, &raw.len, &raw.type, b, id); if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH || error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) continue; if (error < 0) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return error; } found = true; } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (!found) return GIT_ENOTFOUND; if (git_odb__strict_hash_verification) { if ((error = git_odb_hash(&hashed, raw.data, raw.len, raw.type)) < 0) goto out; if (!git_oid_equal(id, &hashed)) { error = git_odb__error_mismatch(id, &hashed); goto out; } } git_error_clear(); if ((object = odb_object__alloc(id, &raw)) == NULL) { error = -1; goto out; } *out = git_cache_store_raw(odb_cache(db), object); out: if (error) git__free(raw.data); return error; } int git_odb_read(git_odb_object **out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(id); if (git_oid_is_zero(id)) return error_null_oid(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "cannot read object"); *out = git_cache_get_raw(odb_cache(db), id); if (*out != NULL) return 0; error = odb_read_1(out, db, id, false); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && !git_odb_refresh(db)) error = odb_read_1(out, db, id, true); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return git_odb__error_notfound("no match for id", id, GIT_OID_HEXSZ); return error; } static int odb_otype_fast(git_object_t *type_p, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id) { git_odb_object *object; size_t _unused; int error; if (git_oid_is_zero(id)) return error_null_oid(GIT_ENOTFOUND, "cannot get object type"); if ((object = git_cache_get_raw(odb_cache(db), id)) != NULL) { *type_p = object->cached.type; git_odb_object_free(object); return 0; } error = odb_read_header_1(&_unused, type_p, db, id, false); if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) { error = odb_read_1(&object, db, id, false); if (!error) *type_p = object->cached.type; git_odb_object_free(object); } return error; } static int read_prefix_1(git_odb_object **out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *key, size_t len, bool only_refreshed) { size_t i; int error = 0; git_oid found_full_oid = {{0}}; git_rawobj raw = {0}; void *data = NULL; bool found = false; git_odb_object *object; if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (only_refreshed && !b->refresh) continue; if (b->read_prefix != NULL) { git_oid full_oid; error = b->read_prefix(&full_oid, &raw.data, &raw.len, &raw.type, b, key, len); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND || error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) { error = 0; continue; } if (error) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); goto out; } git__free(data); data = raw.data; if (found && git_oid__cmp(&full_oid, &found_full_oid)) { git_str buf = GIT_STR_INIT; git_str_printf(&buf, "multiple matches for prefix: %s", git_oid_tostr_s(&full_oid)); git_str_printf(&buf, " %s", git_oid_tostr_s(&found_full_oid)); error = git_odb__error_ambiguous(buf.ptr); git_str_dispose(&buf); git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); goto out; } found_full_oid = full_oid; found = true; } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (!found) return GIT_ENOTFOUND; if (git_odb__strict_hash_verification) { git_oid hash; if ((error = git_odb_hash(&hash, raw.data, raw.len, raw.type)) < 0) goto out; if (!git_oid_equal(&found_full_oid, &hash)) { error = git_odb__error_mismatch(&found_full_oid, &hash); goto out; } } if ((object = odb_object__alloc(&found_full_oid, &raw)) == NULL) { error = -1; goto out; } *out = git_cache_store_raw(odb_cache(db), object); out: if (error) git__free(raw.data); return error; } int git_odb_read_prefix( git_odb_object **out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *short_id, size_t len) { git_oid key = {{0}}; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); if (len < GIT_OID_MINPREFIXLEN) return git_odb__error_ambiguous("prefix length too short"); if (len > GIT_OID_HEXSZ) len = GIT_OID_HEXSZ; if (len == GIT_OID_HEXSZ) { *out = git_cache_get_raw(odb_cache(db), short_id); if (*out != NULL) return 0; } git_oid__cpy_prefix(&key, short_id, len); error = read_prefix_1(out, db, &key, len, false); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && !git_odb_refresh(db)) error = read_prefix_1(out, db, &key, len, true); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return git_odb__error_notfound("no match for prefix", &key, len); return error; } int git_odb_foreach(git_odb *db, git_odb_foreach_cb cb, void *payload) { unsigned int i; git_vector backends = GIT_VECTOR_INIT; backend_internal *internal; int error = 0; /* Make a copy of the backends vector to invoke the callback without holding the lock. */ if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); goto cleanup; } error = git_vector_dup(&backends, &db->backends, NULL); git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; git_vector_foreach(&backends, i, internal) { git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; error = b->foreach(b, cb, payload); if (error != 0) goto cleanup; } cleanup: git_vector_free(&backends); return error; } int git_odb_write( git_oid *oid, git_odb *db, const void *data, size_t len, git_object_t type) { size_t i; int error; git_odb_stream *stream; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(oid); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); if ((error = git_odb_hash(oid, data, len, type)) < 0) return error; if (git_oid_is_zero(oid)) return error_null_oid(GIT_EINVALID, "cannot write object"); if (git_odb__freshen(db, oid)) return 0; if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0, error = GIT_ERROR; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; /* we don't write in alternates! */ if (internal->is_alternate) continue; if (b->write != NULL) error = b->write(b, oid, data, len, type); } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (!error || error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) return 0; /* if no backends were able to write the object directly, we try a * streaming write to the backends; just write the whole object into the * stream in one push */ if ((error = git_odb_open_wstream(&stream, db, len, type)) != 0) return error; if ((error = stream->write(stream, data, len)) == 0) error = stream->finalize_write(stream, oid); git_odb_stream_free(stream); return error; } static int hash_header(git_hash_ctx *ctx, git_object_size_t size, git_object_t type) { char header[64]; size_t hdrlen; int error; if ((error = git_odb__format_object_header(&hdrlen, header, sizeof(header), size, type)) < 0) return error; return git_hash_update(ctx, header, hdrlen); } int git_odb_open_wstream( git_odb_stream **stream, git_odb *db, git_object_size_t size, git_object_t type) { size_t i, writes = 0; int error = GIT_ERROR; git_hash_ctx *ctx = NULL; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(stream); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } error = GIT_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; /* we don't write in alternates! */ if (internal->is_alternate) continue; if (b->writestream != NULL) { ++writes; error = b->writestream(stream, b, size, type); } else if (b->write != NULL) { ++writes; error = init_fake_wstream(stream, b, size, type); } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (error < 0) { if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 0; else if (!writes) error = git_odb__error_unsupported_in_backend("write object"); goto done; } ctx = git__malloc(sizeof(git_hash_ctx)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(ctx); if ((error = git_hash_ctx_init(ctx, GIT_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA1)) < 0 || (error = hash_header(ctx, size, type)) < 0) goto done; (*stream)->hash_ctx = ctx; (*stream)->declared_size = size; (*stream)->received_bytes = 0; done: if (error) git__free(ctx); return error; } static int git_odb_stream__invalid_length( const git_odb_stream *stream, const char *action) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "cannot %s - " "Invalid length. %"PRId64" was expected. The " "total size of the received chunks amounts to %"PRId64".", action, stream->declared_size, stream->received_bytes); return -1; } int git_odb_stream_write(git_odb_stream *stream, const char *buffer, size_t len) { git_hash_update(stream->hash_ctx, buffer, len); stream->received_bytes += len; if (stream->received_bytes > stream->declared_size) return git_odb_stream__invalid_length(stream, "stream_write()"); return stream->write(stream, buffer, len); } int git_odb_stream_finalize_write(git_oid *out, git_odb_stream *stream) { if (stream->received_bytes != stream->declared_size) return git_odb_stream__invalid_length(stream, "stream_finalize_write()"); git_hash_final(out->id, stream->hash_ctx); if (git_odb__freshen(stream->backend->odb, out)) return 0; return stream->finalize_write(stream, out); } int git_odb_stream_read(git_odb_stream *stream, char *buffer, size_t len) { return stream->read(stream, buffer, len); } void git_odb_stream_free(git_odb_stream *stream) { if (stream == NULL) return; git_hash_ctx_cleanup(stream->hash_ctx); git__free(stream->hash_ctx); stream->free(stream); } int git_odb_open_rstream( git_odb_stream **stream, size_t *len, git_object_t *type, git_odb *db, const git_oid *oid) { size_t i, reads = 0; int error = GIT_ERROR; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(stream); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } error = GIT_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (b->readstream != NULL) { ++reads; error = b->readstream(stream, len, type, b, oid); } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 0; if (error < 0 && !reads) error = git_odb__error_unsupported_in_backend("read object streamed"); return error; } int git_odb_write_pack(struct git_odb_writepack **out, git_odb *db, git_indexer_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_payload) { size_t i, writes = 0; int error = GIT_ERROR; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out); GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } error = GIT_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; /* we don't write in alternates! */ if (internal->is_alternate) continue; if (b->writepack != NULL) { ++writes; error = b->writepack(out, b, db, progress_cb, progress_payload); } } git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 0; if (error < 0 && !writes) error = git_odb__error_unsupported_in_backend("write pack"); return error; } int git_odb_write_multi_pack_index(git_odb *db) { size_t i, writes = 0; int error = GIT_ERROR; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length && error < 0; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; /* we don't write in alternates! */ if (internal->is_alternate) continue; if (b->writemidx != NULL) { ++writes; error = b->writemidx(b); } } if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) error = 0; if (error < 0 && !writes) error = git_odb__error_unsupported_in_backend("write multi-pack-index"); return error; } void *git_odb_backend_data_alloc(git_odb_backend *backend, size_t len) { GIT_UNUSED(backend); return git__malloc(len); } #ifndef GIT_DEPRECATE_HARD void *git_odb_backend_malloc(git_odb_backend *backend, size_t len) { return git_odb_backend_data_alloc(backend, len); } #endif void git_odb_backend_data_free(git_odb_backend *backend, void *data) { GIT_UNUSED(backend); git__free(data); } int git_odb_refresh(struct git_odb *db) { size_t i; int error; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(db); if ((error = git_mutex_lock(&db->lock)) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "failed to acquire the odb lock"); return error; } for (i = 0; i < db->backends.length; ++i) { backend_internal *internal = git_vector_get(&db->backends, i); git_odb_backend *b = internal->backend; if (b->refresh != NULL) { int error = b->refresh(b); if (error < 0) { git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return error; } } } if (db->cgraph) git_commit_graph_refresh(db->cgraph); git_mutex_unlock(&db->lock); return 0; } int git_odb__error_mismatch(const git_oid *expected, const git_oid *actual) { char expected_oid[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1], actual_oid[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1]; git_oid_tostr(expected_oid, sizeof(expected_oid), expected); git_oid_tostr(actual_oid, sizeof(actual_oid), actual); git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "object hash mismatch - expected %s but got %s", expected_oid, actual_oid); return GIT_EMISMATCH; } int git_odb__error_notfound( const char *message, const git_oid *oid, size_t oid_len) { if (oid != NULL) { char oid_str[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1]; git_oid_tostr(oid_str, oid_len+1, oid); git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "object not found - %s (%.*s)", message, (int) oid_len, oid_str); } else git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "object not found - %s", message); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } static int error_null_oid(int error, const char *message) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "odb: %s: null OID cannot exist", message); return error; } int git_odb__error_ambiguous(const char *message) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_ODB, "ambiguous SHA1 prefix - %s", message); return GIT_EAMBIGUOUS; } int git_odb_init_backend(git_odb_backend *backend, unsigned int version) { GIT_INIT_STRUCTURE_FROM_TEMPLATE( backend, version, git_odb_backend, GIT_ODB_BACKEND_INIT); return 0; }