[some "section"]
      test = hi ; comment
      test2 = hello    ; comment
      test3 = welcome  #comment
      other = "hello! \" ; ; ; " ; more test
      other2 = "cool! \" # # # "  # more test
      multi = "hi, this is a ; \
multiline comment # with ;\n special chars \
and other stuff !@#"
      multi2 = "good, this is a ; \
multiline comment # with ;\n special chars \
and other stuff !@#"  #^^^
      back = "this is \ba phrase"
      dollar = some $sign
      multiquotes = !ls  "x" \
                    ls  "# comment2" \
      multiquotes2 = !ls  "x" \
                     ls  "\"# comment2" \
     multiquotes3 = hi "# ho" there "are #" more \
     quotecomment = hi "# ho" there "are #" more # and a real comment