#include "clar_libgit2.h" #include "checkout_helpers.h" #include "refs.h" #include "fileops.h" /* this is essentially the code from git__unescape modified slightly */ void strip_cr_from_buf(git_buf *buf) { char *scan, *pos = buf->ptr, *end = pos + buf->size; for (scan = pos; scan < end; pos++, scan++) { if (*scan == '\r') scan++; /* skip '\r' */ if (pos != scan) *pos = *scan; } *pos = '\0'; buf->size = (pos - buf->ptr); } void assert_on_branch(git_repository *repo, const char *branch) { git_reference *head; git_buf bname = GIT_BUF_INIT; cl_git_pass(git_reference_lookup(&head, repo, GIT_HEAD_FILE)); cl_assert_(git_reference_type(head) == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC, branch); cl_git_pass(git_buf_joinpath(&bname, "refs/heads", branch)); cl_assert_equal_s(bname.ptr, git_reference_symbolic_target(head)); git_reference_free(head); git_buf_free(&bname); } void reset_index_to_treeish(git_object *treeish) { git_object *tree; git_index *index; git_repository *repo = git_object_owner(treeish); cl_git_pass(git_object_peel(&tree, treeish, GIT_OBJ_TREE)); cl_git_pass(git_repository_index(&index, repo)); cl_git_pass(git_index_read_tree(index, (git_tree *)tree)); cl_git_pass(git_index_write(index)); git_object_free(tree); git_index_free(index); } static void check_file_contents_internal( const char *path, const char *expected_content, bool strip_cr, const char *file, int line, const char *msg) { int fd; char data[1024] = {0}; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; size_t expected_len = expected_content ? strlen(expected_content) : 0; fd = p_open(path, O_RDONLY); cl_assert(fd >= 0); buf.ptr = data; buf.size = p_read(fd, buf.ptr, sizeof(data)); cl_git_pass(p_close(fd)); if (strip_cr) strip_cr_from_buf(&buf); clar__assert_equal(file, line, "strlen(expected_content) != strlen(actual_content)", 1, PRIuZ, expected_len, (size_t)buf.size); clar__assert_equal(file, line, msg, 1, "%s", expected_content, buf.ptr); } void check_file_contents_at_line( const char *path, const char *expected, const char *file, int line, const char *msg) { check_file_contents_internal(path, expected, false, file, line, msg); } void check_file_contents_nocr_at_line( const char *path, const char *expected, const char *file, int line, const char *msg) { check_file_contents_internal(path, expected, true, file, line, msg); } int checkout_count_callback( git_checkout_notify_t why, const char *path, const git_diff_file *baseline, const git_diff_file *target, const git_diff_file *workdir, void *payload) { checkout_counts *ct = payload; GIT_UNUSED(baseline); GIT_UNUSED(target); GIT_UNUSED(workdir); if (why & GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT) { ct->n_conflicts++; if (ct->debug) { if (workdir) { if (baseline) { if (target) fprintf(stderr, "M %s (conflicts with M %s)\n", workdir->path, target->path); else fprintf(stderr, "M %s (conflicts with D %s)\n", workdir->path, baseline->path); } else { if (target) fprintf(stderr, "Existing %s (conflicts with A %s)\n", workdir->path, target->path); else fprintf(stderr, "How can an untracked file be a conflict (%s)\n", workdir->path); } } else { if (baseline) { if (target) fprintf(stderr, "D %s (conflicts with M %s)\n", target->path, baseline->path); else fprintf(stderr, "D %s (conflicts with D %s)\n", baseline->path, baseline->path); } else { if (target) fprintf(stderr, "How can an added file with no workdir be a conflict (%s)\n", target->path); else fprintf(stderr, "How can a nonexistent file be a conflict (%s)\n", path); } } } } if (why & GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_DIRTY) { ct->n_dirty++; if (ct->debug) { if (workdir) fprintf(stderr, "M %s\n", workdir->path); else fprintf(stderr, "D %s\n", baseline->path); } } if (why & GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UPDATED) { ct->n_updates++; if (ct->debug) { if (baseline) { if (target) fprintf(stderr, "update: M %s\n", path); else fprintf(stderr, "update: D %s\n", path); } else { if (target) fprintf(stderr, "update: A %s\n", path); else fprintf(stderr, "update: this makes no sense %s\n", path); } } } if (why & GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UNTRACKED) { ct->n_untracked++; if (ct->debug) fprintf(stderr, "? %s\n", path); } if (why & GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_IGNORED) { ct->n_ignored++; if (ct->debug) fprintf(stderr, "I %s\n", path); } return 0; }