/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #ifndef INCLUDE_transports_smart_h__ #define INCLUDE_transports_smart_h__ #include "common.h" #include "git2.h" #include "vector.h" #include "netops.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "push.h" #include "git2/sys/transport.h" #define GIT_SIDE_BAND_DATA 1 #define GIT_SIDE_BAND_PROGRESS 2 #define GIT_SIDE_BAND_ERROR 3 #define GIT_CAP_OFS_DELTA "ofs-delta" #define GIT_CAP_MULTI_ACK "multi_ack" #define GIT_CAP_MULTI_ACK_DETAILED "multi_ack_detailed" #define GIT_CAP_SIDE_BAND "side-band" #define GIT_CAP_SIDE_BAND_64K "side-band-64k" #define GIT_CAP_INCLUDE_TAG "include-tag" #define GIT_CAP_DELETE_REFS "delete-refs" #define GIT_CAP_REPORT_STATUS "report-status" #define GIT_CAP_THIN_PACK "thin-pack" #define GIT_CAP_SYMREF "symref" extern bool git_smart__ofs_delta_enabled; typedef enum { GIT_PKT_CMD, GIT_PKT_FLUSH, GIT_PKT_REF, GIT_PKT_HAVE, GIT_PKT_ACK, GIT_PKT_NAK, GIT_PKT_PACK, GIT_PKT_COMMENT, GIT_PKT_ERR, GIT_PKT_DATA, GIT_PKT_PROGRESS, GIT_PKT_OK, GIT_PKT_NG, GIT_PKT_UNPACK, } git_pkt_type; /* Used for multi_ack and multi_ack_detailed */ enum git_ack_status { GIT_ACK_NONE, GIT_ACK_CONTINUE, GIT_ACK_COMMON, GIT_ACK_READY }; /* This would be a flush pkt */ typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; } git_pkt; struct git_pkt_cmd { git_pkt_type type; char *cmd; char *path; char *host; }; /* This is a pkt-line with some info in it */ typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; git_remote_head head; char *capabilities; } git_pkt_ref; /* Useful later */ typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; git_oid oid; enum git_ack_status status; } git_pkt_ack; typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; char comment[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; } git_pkt_comment; typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; int len; char data[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; } git_pkt_data; typedef git_pkt_data git_pkt_progress; typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; int len; char error[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; } git_pkt_err; typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; char *ref; } git_pkt_ok; typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; char *ref; char *msg; } git_pkt_ng; typedef struct { git_pkt_type type; int unpack_ok; } git_pkt_unpack; typedef struct transport_smart_caps { int common:1, ofs_delta:1, multi_ack: 1, multi_ack_detailed: 1, side_band:1, side_band_64k:1, include_tag:1, delete_refs:1, report_status:1, thin_pack:1; } transport_smart_caps; typedef int (*packetsize_cb)(size_t received, void *payload); typedef struct { git_transport parent; git_remote *owner; char *url; git_cred_acquire_cb cred_acquire_cb; void *cred_acquire_payload; git_proxy_options proxy; int direction; int flags; git_transport_message_cb progress_cb; git_transport_message_cb error_cb; git_transport_certificate_check_cb certificate_check_cb; void *message_cb_payload; git_strarray custom_headers; git_smart_subtransport *wrapped; git_smart_subtransport_stream *current_stream; transport_smart_caps caps; git_vector refs; git_vector heads; git_vector common; git_atomic cancelled; packetsize_cb packetsize_cb; void *packetsize_payload; unsigned rpc : 1, have_refs : 1, connected : 1; gitno_buffer buffer; char buffer_data[65536]; } transport_smart; /* smart_protocol.c */ int git_smart__store_refs(transport_smart *t, int flushes); int git_smart__detect_caps(git_pkt_ref *pkt, transport_smart_caps *caps, git_vector *symrefs); int git_smart__push(git_transport *transport, git_push *push, const git_remote_callbacks *cbs); int git_smart__negotiate_fetch( git_transport *transport, git_repository *repo, const git_remote_head * const *refs, size_t count); int git_smart__download_pack( git_transport *transport, git_repository *repo, git_transfer_progress *stats, git_transfer_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_payload); /* smart.c */ int git_smart__negotiation_step(git_transport *transport, void *data, size_t len); int git_smart__get_push_stream(transport_smart *t, git_smart_subtransport_stream **out); int git_smart__update_heads(transport_smart *t, git_vector *symrefs); /* smart_pkt.c */ int git_pkt_parse_line(git_pkt **head, const char *line, const char **out, size_t len); int git_pkt_buffer_flush(git_buf *buf); int git_pkt_send_flush(GIT_SOCKET s); int git_pkt_buffer_done(git_buf *buf); int git_pkt_buffer_wants(const git_remote_head * const *refs, size_t count, transport_smart_caps *caps, git_buf *buf); int git_pkt_buffer_have(git_oid *oid, git_buf *buf); void git_pkt_free(git_pkt *pkt); #endif