#ifndef INCLUDE_git_common_h__
#define INCLUDE_git_common_h__

#ifdef __cplusplus
# define GIT_BEGIN_DECL  extern "C" {
# define GIT_END_DECL    }
  /** Start declarations in C mode */
# define GIT_BEGIN_DECL  /* empty */
  /** End declarations in C mode */
# define GIT_END_DECL    /* empty */

/** Declare a public function exported for application use. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define GIT_EXTERN(type) extern \
                          __attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
# define GIT_EXTERN(type) extern type

/** Declare a function as always inlined. */
# define GIT_INLINE(type) static inline type

/** Declare a function's takes printf style arguments. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define GIT_FORMAT_PRINTF(a,b) __attribute__((format (printf, a, b)))
# define GIT_FORMAT_PRINTF(a,b) /* empty */

 * @file git/common.h
 * @brief Git common platform definitions
 * @defgroup git_common Git common platform definitions
 * @ingroup Git
 * @{

/** Operation completed successfully. */
#define GIT_SUCCESS 0

 * Operation failed, with unspecified reason.
 * This value also serves as the base error code; all other
 * error codes are subtracted from it such that all errors
 * are < 0, in typical POSIX C tradition.
#define GIT_ERROR -1

/** Input was not a properly formatted Git object id. */

/** Input does not exist in the scope searched. */

/** Not enough space available. */
#define GIT_ENOMEM (GIT_ERROR - 3)

/** Consult the OS error information. */
#define GIT_EOSERR (GIT_ERROR - 4)


/** A revision traversal pool. */
typedef struct git_revpool git_revpool;

/** @} */