/* * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, * the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, * and to distribute those combinations without any restriction * coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License * restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover * modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into * a combined executable.) * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "test_lib.h" #include "test_helpers.h" #include "tag.h" static const char *tag1_id = "b25fa35b38051e4ae45d4222e795f9df2e43f1d1"; static const char *tag2_id = "7b4384978d2493e851f9cca7858815fac9b10980"; static const char *tagged_commit = "e90810b8df3e80c413d903f631643c716887138d"; BEGIN_TEST(read0, "read and parse a tag from the repository") git_repository *repo; git_tag *tag1, *tag2; git_commit *commit; git_oid id1, id2, id_commit; must_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); git_oid_mkstr(&id1, tag1_id); git_oid_mkstr(&id2, tag2_id); git_oid_mkstr(&id_commit, tagged_commit); must_pass(git_tag_lookup(&tag1, repo, &id1)); must_be_true(strcmp(git_tag_name(tag1), "test") == 0); must_be_true(git_tag_type(tag1) == GIT_OBJ_TAG); must_pass(git_tag_target((git_object **)&tag2, tag1)); must_be_true(tag2 != NULL); must_be_true(git_oid_cmp(&id2, git_tag_id(tag2)) == 0); must_pass(git_tag_target((git_object **)&commit, tag2)); must_be_true(commit != NULL); must_be_true(git_oid_cmp(&id_commit, git_commit_id(commit)) == 0); git_tag_close(tag1); git_tag_close(tag2); git_commit_close(commit); git_repository_free(repo); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(read1, "list all tag names from the repository") git_repository *repo; git_strarray tag_list; must_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); must_pass(git_tag_list(&tag_list, repo)); must_be_true(tag_list.count == 3); git_strarray_free(&tag_list); git_repository_free(repo); END_TEST #define TAGGER_NAME "Vicent Marti" #define TAGGER_EMAIL "vicent@github.com" #define TAGGER_MESSAGE "This is my tag.\n\nThere are many tags, but this one is mine\n" BEGIN_TEST(write0, "write a tag to the repository and read it again") git_repository *repo; git_tag *tag; git_oid target_id, tag_id; const git_signature *tagger; git_reference *ref_tag; must_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); git_oid_mkstr(&target_id, tagged_commit); /* create signature */ tagger = git_signature_new(TAGGER_NAME, TAGGER_EMAIL, 123456789, 60); must_be_true(tagger != NULL); must_pass(git_tag_create( &tag_id, /* out id */ repo, "the-tag", &target_id, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, tagger, TAGGER_MESSAGE)); git_signature_free((git_signature *)tagger); must_pass(git_tag_lookup(&tag, repo, &tag_id)); must_be_true(git_oid_cmp(git_tag_target_oid(tag), &target_id) == 0); /* Check attributes were set correctly */ tagger = git_tag_tagger(tag); must_be_true(tagger != NULL); must_be_true(strcmp(tagger->name, TAGGER_NAME) == 0); must_be_true(strcmp(tagger->email, TAGGER_EMAIL) == 0); must_be_true(tagger->when.time == 123456789); must_be_true(tagger->when.offset == 60); must_be_true(strcmp(git_tag_message(tag), TAGGER_MESSAGE) == 0); must_pass(git_reference_lookup(&ref_tag, repo, "refs/tags/the-tag")); must_be_true(git_oid_cmp(git_reference_oid(ref_tag), &tag_id) == 0); must_pass(git_reference_delete(ref_tag)); must_pass(remove_loose_object(REPOSITORY_FOLDER, (git_object *)tag)); git_tag_close(tag); git_repository_free(repo); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(write1, "write a tag to the repository which points to an unknown oid should fail") git_repository *repo; git_oid target_id, tag_id; const git_signature *tagger; must_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); git_oid_mkstr(&target_id, "deadbeef1b46c854b31185ea97743be6a8774479"); /* create signature */ tagger = git_signature_new(TAGGER_NAME, TAGGER_EMAIL, 123456789, 60); must_be_true(tagger != NULL); must_fail(git_tag_create( &tag_id, /* out id */ repo, "the-zombie-tag", &target_id, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, tagger, TAGGER_MESSAGE)); git_signature_free((git_signature *)tagger); git_repository_free(repo); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(write2, "Attempt to write a tag bearing the same name than an already existing tag") git_repository *repo; git_oid target_id, tag_id; const git_signature *tagger; must_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); git_oid_mkstr(&target_id, tagged_commit); /* create signature */ tagger = git_signature_new(TAGGER_NAME, TAGGER_EMAIL, 123456789, 60); must_be_true(tagger != NULL); must_fail(git_tag_create( &tag_id, /* out id */ repo, "e90810b", &target_id, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, tagger, TAGGER_MESSAGE)); git_signature_free((git_signature *)tagger); git_repository_free(repo); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(write3, "Replace an already existing tag") git_repository *repo; git_oid target_id, tag_id, old_tag_id; const git_signature *tagger; git_reference *ref_tag; must_pass(open_temp_repo(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); git_oid_mkstr(&target_id, tagged_commit); must_pass(git_reference_lookup(&ref_tag, repo, "refs/tags/e90810b")); git_oid_cpy(&old_tag_id, git_reference_oid(ref_tag)); /* create signature */ tagger = git_signature_new(TAGGER_NAME, TAGGER_EMAIL, 123456789, 60); must_be_true(tagger != NULL); must_pass(git_tag_create_f( &tag_id, /* out id */ repo, "e90810b", &target_id, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT, tagger, TAGGER_MESSAGE)); git_signature_free((git_signature *)tagger); must_pass(git_reference_lookup(&ref_tag, repo, "refs/tags/e90810b")); must_be_true(git_oid_cmp(git_reference_oid(ref_tag), &tag_id) == 0); must_be_true(git_oid_cmp(git_reference_oid(ref_tag), &old_tag_id) != 0); close_temp_repo(repo); END_TEST BEGIN_TEST(write4, "Delete an already existing tag") git_repository *repo; git_reference *ref_tag; must_pass(open_temp_repo(&repo, REPOSITORY_FOLDER)); must_pass(git_tag_delete(repo,"e90810b")); must_fail(git_reference_lookup(&ref_tag, repo, "refs/tags/e90810b")); close_temp_repo(repo); END_TEST BEGIN_SUITE(tag) ADD_TEST(read0); ADD_TEST(read1); ADD_TEST(write0); ADD_TEST(write1); ADD_TEST(write2); ADD_TEST(write3); ADD_TEST(write4); END_SUITE