# - Try to find Iconv # Once done this will define # # ICONV_FOUND - system has Iconv # ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR - the Iconv include directory # ICONV_LIBRARIES - Link these to use Iconv # if(ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR AND ICONV_LIBRARIES) # Already in cache, be silent set(ICONV_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif() find_path(ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR iconv.h) check_function_exists(iconv_open libc_has_iconv) find_library(iconv_lib NAMES iconv libiconv libiconv-2 c) if(ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR AND libc_has_iconv) set(ICONV_FOUND TRUE) set(ICONV_LIBRARIES "") if(NOT ICONV_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found Iconv: provided by libc") endif(NOT ICONV_FIND_QUIETLY) elseif(ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR AND iconv_lib) set(ICONV_FOUND TRUE) # split iconv into -L and -l linker options, so we can # set them for pkg-config get_filename_component(iconv_path ${iconv_lib} PATH) get_filename_component(iconv_name ${iconv_lib} NAME_WE) string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib" "" iconv_name ${iconv_name}) set(ICONV_LIBRARIES "-L${iconv_path} -l${iconv_name}") if(NOT ICONV_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found Iconv: ${ICONV_LIBRARIES}") endif() else() if(Iconv_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Iconv") endif(Iconv_FIND_REQUIRED) endif() mark_as_advanced( ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR ICONV_LIBRARIES )