#include "clar_libgit2.h"
#include "buffer.h"

static const char *test_string = "Have you seen that? Have you seeeen that??";

void test_buf_basic__resize(void)
	git_buf buf1 = GIT_BUF_INIT;
	git_buf_puts(&buf1, test_string);
	cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf1) == 0);
	cl_assert_equal_s(git_buf_cstr(&buf1), test_string);

	git_buf_puts(&buf1, test_string);
	cl_assert(strlen(git_buf_cstr(&buf1)) == strlen(test_string) * 2);

void test_buf_basic__resize_incremental(void)
	git_buf buf1 = GIT_BUF_INIT;

	/* Presently, asking for 6 bytes will round up to 8. */
	cl_git_pass(git_buf_puts(&buf1, "Hello"));
	cl_assert_equal_i(5, buf1.size);
	cl_assert_equal_i(8, buf1.asize);

	/* Ensure an additional byte does not realloc. */
	cl_git_pass(git_buf_grow_by(&buf1, 1));
	cl_assert_equal_i(5, buf1.size);
	cl_assert_equal_i(8, buf1.asize);

	/* But requesting many does. */
	cl_git_pass(git_buf_grow_by(&buf1, 16));
	cl_assert_equal_i(5, buf1.size);
	cl_assert(buf1.asize > 8);


void test_buf_basic__printf(void)
	git_buf buf2 = GIT_BUF_INIT;
	git_buf_printf(&buf2, "%s %s %d ", "shoop", "da", 23);
	cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf2) == 0);
	cl_assert_equal_s(git_buf_cstr(&buf2), "shoop da 23 ");

	git_buf_printf(&buf2, "%s %d", "woop", 42);
	cl_assert(git_buf_oom(&buf2) == 0);
	cl_assert_equal_s(git_buf_cstr(&buf2), "shoop da 23 woop 42");