#!/bin/sh set -x if [ -n "$COVERITY" ]; then ./script/coverity.sh; exit $?; fi if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(ls -d /usr/local/Cellar/{curl,zlib}/*/lib/pkgconfig | paste -s -d':' -) # Set up a ramdisk for us to put our test data on to speed up tests on macOS export CLAR_TMP="$HOME"/_clar_tmp mkdir -p $CLAR_TMP # 5*2M sectors aka ~5GB of space device=$(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((5 * 2 * 1024 * 1024))) newfs_hfs $device mount -t hfs $device $CLAR_TMP fi # Should we ask Travis to cache this file? curl -L https://github.com/ethomson/poxyproxy/releases/download/v0.1.0/poxyproxy-0.1.0.jar >poxyproxy.jar || exit $? # Run this early so we know it's ready by the time we need it java -jar poxyproxy.jar -d --port 8080 --credentials foo:bar & mkdir _build cd _build # shellcheck disable=SC2086 cmake .. -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../_install $OPTIONS || exit $? make -j2 install || exit $? # If this platform doesn't support test execution, bail out now if [ -n "$SKIP_TESTS" ]; then exit $?; fi # Create a test repo which we can use for the online::push tests mkdir "$HOME"/_temp git init --bare "$HOME"/_temp/test.git git daemon --listen=localhost --export-all --enable=receive-pack --base-path="$HOME"/_temp "$HOME"/_temp 2>/dev/null & export GITTEST_REMOTE_URL="git://localhost/test.git" # Run the test suite ctest -V -R libgit2_clar || exit $? # Now that we've tested the raw git protocol, let's set up ssh to we # can do the push tests over it killall git-daemon # Set up sshd mkdir ~/sshd/ cat >~/sshd/sshd_config<<-EOF Port 2222 ListenAddress Protocol 2 HostKey ${HOME}/sshd/id_rsa PidFile ${HOME}/sshd/pid RSAAuthentication yes PasswordAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no # Required here as sshd will simply close connection otherwise UsePAM no EOF ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/sshd/id_rsa -N "" -q /usr/sbin/sshd -f ~/sshd/sshd_config # Set up keys ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N "" -q cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys while read algorithm key comment; do echo "[localhost]:2222 $algorithm $key" >>~/.ssh/known_hosts done <~/sshd/id_rsa.pub # Get the fingerprint for localhost and remove the colons so we can parse it as # a hex number. The Mac version is newer so it has a different output format. if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then export GITTEST_REMOTE_SSH_FINGERPRINT=$(ssh-keygen -E md5 -F '[localhost]:2222' -l | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d : -f2- | tr -d :) else export GITTEST_REMOTE_SSH_FINGERPRINT=$(ssh-keygen -F '[localhost]:2222' -l | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tr -d ':') fi # Use the SSH server export GITTEST_REMOTE_URL="ssh://localhost:2222/$HOME/_temp/test.git" export GITTEST_REMOTE_USER=$USER export GITTEST_REMOTE_SSH_KEY="$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" export GITTEST_REMOTE_SSH_PUBKEY="$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" export GITTEST_REMOTE_SSH_PASSPHRASE="" ctest -V -R libgit2_clar-ssh || exit $? # Use the proxy we started at the beginning export GITTEST_REMOTE_PROXY_URL="localhost:8080" export GITTEST_REMOTE_PROXY_USER="foo" export GITTEST_REMOTE_PROXY_PASS="bar" ctest -V -R libgit2_clar-proxy_credentials || exit $? kill $(cat "$HOME/sshd/pid")