/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #include "git2/branch.h" #include "git2/commit.h" #include "git2/worktree.h" #include "repository.h" #include "worktree.h" static bool is_worktree_dir(git_buf *dir) { return git_path_contains_file(dir, "commondir") && git_path_contains_file(dir, "gitdir") && git_path_contains_file(dir, "HEAD"); } int git_worktree_list(git_strarray *wts, git_repository *repo) { git_vector worktrees = GIT_VECTOR_INIT; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; char *worktree; unsigned i, len; int error; assert(wts && repo); wts->count = 0; wts->strings = NULL; if ((error = git_buf_printf(&path, "%s/worktrees/", repo->commondir)) < 0) goto exit; if (!git_path_exists(path.ptr) || git_path_is_empty_dir(path.ptr)) goto exit; if ((error = git_path_dirload(&worktrees, path.ptr, path.size, 0x0)) < 0) goto exit; len = path.size; git_vector_foreach(&worktrees, i, worktree) { git_buf_truncate(&path, len); git_buf_puts(&path, worktree); if (!is_worktree_dir(&path)) { git_vector_remove(&worktrees, i); git__free(worktree); } } wts->strings = (char **)git_vector_detach(&wts->count, NULL, &worktrees); exit: git_buf_free(&path); return error; } char *git_worktree__read_link(const char *base, const char *file) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT, buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(base && file); if (git_buf_joinpath(&path, base, file) < 0) goto err; if (git_futils_readbuffer(&buf, path.ptr) < 0) goto err; git_buf_free(&path); git_buf_rtrim(&buf); if (!git_path_is_relative(buf.ptr)) return git_buf_detach(&buf); if (git_buf_sets(&path, base) < 0) goto err; if (git_path_apply_relative(&path, buf.ptr) < 0) goto err; git_buf_free(&buf); return git_buf_detach(&path); err: git_buf_free(&buf); git_buf_free(&path); return NULL; } static int write_wtfile(const char *base, const char *file, const git_buf *buf) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; int err; assert(base && file && buf); if ((err = git_buf_joinpath(&path, base, file)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_futils_writebuffer(buf, path.ptr, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0644)) < 0) goto out; out: git_buf_free(&path); return err; } int git_worktree_lookup(git_worktree **out, git_repository *repo, const char *name) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_worktree *wt = NULL; int error; assert(repo && name); *out = NULL; if ((error = git_buf_printf(&path, "%s/worktrees/%s", repo->commondir, name)) < 0) goto out; if (!is_worktree_dir(&path)) { error = -1; goto out; } if ((wt = git__malloc(sizeof(struct git_repository))) == NULL) { error = -1; goto out; } if ((wt->name = git__strdup(name)) == NULL || (wt->commondir_path = git_worktree__read_link(path.ptr, "commondir")) == NULL || (wt->gitlink_path = git_worktree__read_link(path.ptr, "gitdir")) == NULL || (wt->parent_path = git__strdup(git_repository_path(repo))) == NULL) { error = -1; goto out; } wt->gitdir_path = git_buf_detach(&path); wt->locked = !!git_worktree_is_locked(NULL, wt); (*out) = wt; out: git_buf_free(&path); if (error) git_worktree_free(wt); return error; } void git_worktree_free(git_worktree *wt) { if (!wt) return; git__free(wt->commondir_path); git__free(wt->gitlink_path); git__free(wt->gitdir_path); git__free(wt->parent_path); git__free(wt->name); git__free(wt); } int git_worktree_validate(const git_worktree *wt) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; int err = 0; assert(wt); git_buf_puts(&buf, wt->gitdir_path); if (!is_worktree_dir(&buf)) { giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Worktree gitdir ('%s') is not valid", wt->gitlink_path); err = -1; goto out; } if (!git_path_exists(wt->parent_path)) { giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Worktree parent directory ('%s') does not exist ", wt->parent_path); err = -2; goto out; } if (!git_path_exists(wt->commondir_path)) { giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Worktree common directory ('%s') does not exist ", wt->commondir_path); err = -3; goto out; } out: git_buf_free(&buf); return err; } int git_worktree_add(git_worktree **out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *worktree) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT, buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_reference *ref = NULL, *head = NULL; git_commit *commit = NULL; git_repository *wt = NULL; git_checkout_options coopts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; int err; assert(out && repo && name && worktree); *out = NULL; /* Create worktree related files in commondir */ if ((err = git_buf_joinpath(&path, repo->commondir, "worktrees")) < 0) goto out; if (!git_path_exists(path.ptr)) if ((err = git_futils_mkdir(path.ptr, 0755, GIT_MKDIR_EXCL)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_buf_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, name)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_futils_mkdir(path.ptr, 0755, GIT_MKDIR_EXCL)) < 0) goto out; /* Create worktree work dir */ if ((err = git_futils_mkdir(worktree, 0755, GIT_MKDIR_EXCL)) < 0) goto out; /* Create worktree .git file */ if ((err = git_buf_printf(&buf, "gitdir: %s\n", path.ptr)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = write_wtfile(worktree, ".git", &buf)) < 0) goto out; /* Create commondir files */ if ((err = git_buf_sets(&buf, repo->commondir)) < 0 || (err = git_buf_putc(&buf, '\n')) < 0 || (err = write_wtfile(path.ptr, "commondir", &buf)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_buf_joinpath(&buf, worktree, ".git")) < 0 || (err = git_buf_putc(&buf, '\n')) < 0 || (err = write_wtfile(path.ptr, "gitdir", &buf)) < 0) goto out; /* Create new branch */ if ((err = git_repository_head(&head, repo)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &head->target.oid)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_branch_create(&ref, repo, name, commit, false)) < 0) goto out; /* Set worktree's HEAD */ if ((err = git_repository_create_head(path.ptr, name)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_repository_open(&wt, worktree)) < 0) goto out; /* Checkout worktree's HEAD */ coopts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; if ((err = git_checkout_head(wt, &coopts)) < 0) goto out; /* Load result */ if ((err = git_worktree_lookup(out, repo, name)) < 0) goto out; out: git_buf_free(&path); git_buf_free(&buf); git_reference_free(ref); git_reference_free(head); git_commit_free(commit); git_repository_free(wt); return err; } int git_worktree_lock(git_worktree *wt, char *creason) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT, path = GIT_BUF_INIT; int err; assert(wt); if ((err = git_worktree_is_locked(NULL, wt)) < 0) goto out; if ((err = git_buf_joinpath(&path, wt->gitdir_path, "locked")) < 0) goto out; if (creason) git_buf_attach_notowned(&buf, creason, strlen(creason)); if ((err = git_futils_writebuffer(&buf, path.ptr, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0644)) < 0) goto out; wt->locked = 1; out: git_buf_free(&path); return err; } int git_worktree_unlock(git_worktree *wt) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; assert(wt); if (!git_worktree_is_locked(NULL, wt)) return 0; if (git_buf_joinpath(&path, wt->gitdir_path, "locked") < 0) return -1; if (p_unlink(path.ptr) != 0) { git_buf_free(&path); return -1; } wt->locked = 0; git_buf_free(&path); return 0; } int git_worktree_is_locked(git_buf *reason, const git_worktree *wt) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; int ret; assert(wt); if (reason) git_buf_clear(reason); if ((ret = git_buf_joinpath(&path, wt->gitdir_path, "locked")) < 0) goto out; if ((ret = git_path_exists(path.ptr)) && reason) git_futils_readbuffer(reason, path.ptr); out: git_buf_free(&path); return ret; } int git_worktree_prune(git_worktree *wt, unsigned flags) { git_buf reason = GIT_BUF_INIT, path = GIT_BUF_INIT; char *wtpath; int err; if ((flags & GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_LOCKED) == 0 && git_worktree_is_locked(&reason, wt)) { if (!reason.size) git_buf_attach_notowned(&reason, "no reason given", 15); giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Not pruning locked working tree: '%s'", reason.ptr); err = -1; goto out; } if ((flags & GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_VALID) == 0 && git_worktree_validate(wt) == 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Not pruning valid working tree"); err = -1; goto out; } /* Delete gitdir in parent repository */ if ((err = git_buf_printf(&path, "%s/worktrees/%s", wt->parent_path, wt->name)) < 0) goto out; if (!git_path_exists(path.ptr)) { giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Worktree gitdir '%s' does not exist", path.ptr); err = -1; goto out; } if ((err = git_futils_rmdir_r(path.ptr, NULL, GIT_RMDIR_REMOVE_FILES)) < 0) goto out; /* Skip deletion of the actual working tree if it does * not exist or deletion was not requested */ if ((flags & GIT_WORKTREE_PRUNE_WORKING_TREE) == 0 || !git_path_exists(wt->gitlink_path)) { goto out; } if ((wtpath = git_path_dirname(wt->gitlink_path)) == NULL) goto out; git_buf_attach(&path, wtpath, 0); if (!git_path_exists(path.ptr)) { giterr_set(GITERR_WORKTREE, "Working tree '%s' does not exist", path.ptr); err = -1; goto out; } if ((err = git_futils_rmdir_r(path.ptr, NULL, GIT_RMDIR_REMOVE_FILES)) < 0) goto out; out: git_buf_free(&reason); git_buf_free(&path); return err; }