#include "clar_libgit2.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "git2/attr.h" #include "attr.h" #include "attr_expect.h" static git_repository *g_repo = NULL; void test_attr_repo__initialize(void) { /* Before each test, instantiate the attr repo from the fixtures and * rename the .gitted to .git so it is a repo with a working dir. * Also rename gitattributes to .gitattributes, because it contains * macro definitions which are only allowed in the root. */ g_repo = cl_git_sandbox_init("attr"); } void test_attr_repo__cleanup(void) { cl_git_sandbox_cleanup(); g_repo = NULL; } void test_attr_repo__get_one(void) { struct attr_expected test_cases[] = { { "root_test1", "repoattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "root_test1", "rootattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "root_test1", "missingattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "root_test1", "subattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "root_test1", "negattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "root_test2", "repoattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "root_test2", "rootattr", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL }, { "root_test2", "missingattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "root_test2", "multiattr", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL }, { "root_test3", "repoattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "root_test3", "rootattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "root_test3", "multiattr", EXPECT_STRING, "3" }, { "root_test3", "multi2", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test1", "repoattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test1", "rootattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test1", "missingattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test1", "subattr", EXPECT_STRING, "yes" }, { "sub/subdir_test1", "negattr", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test1", "another", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "repoattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "rootattr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "missingattr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "subattr", EXPECT_STRING, "yes" }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "negattr", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "another", EXPECT_STRING, "zero" }, { "sub/subdir_test2.txt", "reposub", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/sub/subdir.txt", "another", EXPECT_STRING, "one" }, { "sub/sub/subdir.txt", "reposubsub", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/sub/subdir.txt", "reposub", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { "does-not-exist", "foo", EXPECT_STRING, "yes" }, { "sub/deep/file", "deepdeep", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL }, { "sub/sub/d/no", "test", EXPECT_STRING, "a/b/d/*" }, { "sub/sub/d/yes", "test", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }, *scan; for (scan = test_cases; scan->path != NULL; scan++) { const char *value; cl_git_pass(git_attr_get(&value, g_repo, 0, scan->path, scan->attr)); attr_check_expected(scan->expected, scan->expected_str, scan->attr, value); } cl_assert(git_attr_cache__is_cached(g_repo, 0, ".git/info/attributes")); cl_assert(git_attr_cache__is_cached(g_repo, 0, ".gitattributes")); cl_assert(git_attr_cache__is_cached(g_repo, 0, "sub/.gitattributes")); } void test_attr_repo__get_many(void) { const char *names[4] = { "repoattr", "rootattr", "missingattr", "subattr" }; const char *values[4]; cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "root_test1", 4, names)); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[1])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[2])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[3])); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "root_test2", 4, names)); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[1])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[2])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[3])); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "sub/subdir_test1", 4, names)); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[1])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[2])); cl_assert_equal_s("yes", values[3]); } static int count_attrs( const char *name, const char *value, void *payload) { GIT_UNUSED(name); GIT_UNUSED(value); *((int *)payload) += 1; return 0; } static int cancel_iteration( const char *name, const char *value, void *payload) { GIT_UNUSED(name); GIT_UNUSED(value); *((int *)payload) -= 1; if (*((int *)payload) < 0) return -1; return 0; } void test_attr_repo__foreach(void) { int count; count = 0; cl_git_pass(git_attr_foreach( g_repo, 0, "root_test1", &count_attrs, &count)); cl_assert(count == 2); count = 0; cl_git_pass(git_attr_foreach(g_repo, 0, "sub/subdir_test1", &count_attrs, &count)); cl_assert(count == 4); /* repoattr, rootattr, subattr, negattr */ count = 0; cl_git_pass(git_attr_foreach(g_repo, 0, "sub/subdir_test2.txt", &count_attrs, &count)); cl_assert(count == 6); /* repoattr, rootattr, subattr, reposub, negattr, another */ count = 2; cl_assert_equal_i( GIT_EUSER, git_attr_foreach( g_repo, 0, "sub/subdir_test1", &cancel_iteration, &count) ); } void test_attr_repo__manpage_example(void) { const char *value; cl_git_pass(git_attr_get(&value, g_repo, 0, "sub/abc", "foo")); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(value)); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get(&value, g_repo, 0, "sub/abc", "bar")); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(value)); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get(&value, g_repo, 0, "sub/abc", "baz")); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(value)); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get(&value, g_repo, 0, "sub/abc", "merge")); cl_assert_equal_s("filfre", value); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get(&value, g_repo, 0, "sub/abc", "frotz")); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(value)); } void test_attr_repo__macros(void) { const char *names[5] = { "rootattr", "binary", "diff", "crlf", "frotz" }; const char *names2[5] = { "mymacro", "positive", "negative", "rootattr", "another" }; const char *names3[3] = { "macro2", "multi2", "multi3" }; const char *values[5]; cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "binfile", 5, names)); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[1])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[2])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[3])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[4])); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "macro_test", 5, names2)); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[1])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[2])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[3])); cl_assert_equal_s("77", values[4]); cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "macro_test", 3, names3)); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[1])); cl_assert_equal_s("answer", values[2]); } void test_attr_repo__bad_macros(void) { const char *names[6] = { "rootattr", "positive", "negative", "firstmacro", "secondmacro", "thirdmacro" }; const char *values[6]; cl_git_pass(git_attr_get_many(values, g_repo, 0, "macro_bad", 6, names)); /* these three just confirm that the "mymacro" rule ran */ cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_UNSPECIFIED(values[0])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[1])); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[2])); /* file contains: * # let's try some malicious macro defs * [attr]firstmacro -thirdmacro -secondmacro * [attr]secondmacro firstmacro -firstmacro * [attr]thirdmacro secondmacro=hahaha -firstmacro * macro_bad firstmacro secondmacro thirdmacro * * firstmacro assignment list ends up with: * -thirdmacro -secondmacro * secondmacro assignment list expands "firstmacro" and ends up with: * -thirdmacro -secondmacro -firstmacro * thirdmacro assignment don't expand so list ends up with: * secondmacro="hahaha" * * macro_bad assignment list ends up with: * -thirdmacro -secondmacro firstmacro && * -thirdmacro -secondmacro -firstmacro secondmacro && * secondmacro="hahaha" thirdmacro * * so summary results should be: * -firstmacro secondmacro="hahaha" thirdmacro */ cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_FALSE(values[3])); cl_assert_equal_s("hahaha", values[4]); cl_assert(GIT_ATTR_TRUE(values[5])); } #define CONTENT "I'm going to be dynamically processed\r\n" \ "And my line endings...\r\n" \ "...are going to be\n" \ "normalized!\r\n" #define GITATTR "* text=auto\n" \ "*.txt text\n" \ "*.data binary\n" static void add_to_workdir(const char *filename, const char *content) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; cl_git_pass(git_buf_joinpath(&buf, "attr", filename)); cl_git_rewritefile(git_buf_cstr(&buf), content); git_buf_free(&buf); } static void assert_proper_normalization(git_index *index, const char *filename, const char *expected_sha) { int index_pos; git_index_entry *entry; add_to_workdir(filename, CONTENT); cl_git_pass(git_index_add_from_workdir(index, filename)); index_pos = git_index_find(index, filename); cl_assert(index_pos >= 0); entry = git_index_get_byindex(index, index_pos); cl_assert_equal_i(0, git_oid_streq(&entry->oid, expected_sha)); } void test_attr_repo__staging_properly_normalizes_line_endings_according_to_gitattributes_directives(void) { git_index* index; cl_git_pass(git_repository_index(&index, g_repo)); add_to_workdir(".gitattributes", GITATTR); assert_proper_normalization(index, "text.txt", "22c74203bace3c2e950278c7ab08da0fca9f4e9b"); assert_proper_normalization(index, "huh.dunno", "22c74203bace3c2e950278c7ab08da0fca9f4e9b"); assert_proper_normalization(index, "binary.data", "66eeff1fcbacf589e6d70aa70edd3fce5be2b37c"); git_index_free(index); }