Commit f593fa97 by Edward Thomson

ident: use streaming filters

parent c1f4f45e
......@@ -113,6 +113,17 @@ static int ident_apply(
return ident_remove_id(to, from);
static int ident_stream(
git_writestream **out,
git_filter *self,
void **payload,
const git_filter_source *src,
git_writestream *next)
return git_filter_buffered_stream_new(out,
self, ident_apply, NULL, payload, src, next);
git_filter *git_ident_filter_new(void)
git_filter *f = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_filter));
......@@ -122,7 +133,7 @@ git_filter *git_ident_filter_new(void)
f->version = GIT_FILTER_VERSION;
f->attributes = "+ident"; /* apply to files with ident attribute set */
f->shutdown = git_filter_free;
f->apply = ident_apply;
f->stream = ident_stream;
return f;
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