Commit f0957589 by Edward Thomson

stash: refactor to use merge_iterators

parent 90f8408d
......@@ -97,10 +97,9 @@ typedef enum {
* the workdir and index will be left untouched.
* @param repo The owning repository.
* @param index The position within the stash list. 0 points to the
* most recent stashed state.
* most recent stashed state.
* @param checkout_options Options to control how files are checked out
* @param flags Flags to control the applying process. (see GIT_APPLY_* above)
* @return 0 on success, GIT_ENOTFOUND if there's no stashed state for the given
......@@ -109,6 +108,7 @@ typedef enum {
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_stash_apply(
git_repository *repo,
size_t index,
const git_checkout_options *checkout_options,
unsigned int flags);
......@@ -167,10 +167,9 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_stash_drop(
* if successful.
* @param repo The owning repository.
* @param index The position within the stash list. 0 points to the
* most recent stashed state.
* most recent stashed state.
* @param checkout_options Options to control how files are checked out
* @param flags Flags to control the applying process. (see GIT_APPLY_* above)
* @return 0 on success, GIT_ENOTFOUND if there's no stashed state for the given
......@@ -179,6 +178,7 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_stash_drop(
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_stash_pop(
git_repository *repo,
size_t index,
const git_checkout_options *checkout_options,
unsigned int flags);
/** @} */
......@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
#include "git2/index.h"
#include "git2/transaction.h"
#include "git2/merge.h"
#include "index.h"
#include "signature.h"
#include "iterator.h"
#include "merge.h"
static int create_error(int error, const char *msg)
......@@ -645,187 +648,81 @@ cleanup:
return error;
static int apply_index(
git_tree **unstashed_tree,
static int merge_index_and_tree(
git_index **out,
git_repository *repo,
git_tree *start_index_tree,
git_tree *index_parent_tree,
git_tree *index_tree)
git_tree *ancestor_tree,
git_index *ours_index,
git_tree *theirs_tree)
git_index *unstashed_index = NULL;
git_merge_options options = GIT_MERGE_OPTIONS_INIT;
git_iterator *ancestor = NULL, *ours = NULL, *theirs = NULL;
const git_iterator_flag_t flags = GIT_ITERATOR_DONT_IGNORE_CASE;
int error;
git_oid oid;
if ((error = git_merge_trees(
&unstashed_index, repo, index_parent_tree,
start_index_tree, index_tree, &options)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if ((error = git_index_write_tree_to(&oid, unstashed_index, repo)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if ((error = git_tree_lookup(unstashed_tree, repo, &oid)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
return error;
static int apply_untracked(
git_repository *repo,
git_tree *start_index_tree,
git_tree *untracked_tree)
git_checkout_options options = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT;
git_index *merged_index = NULL;
int error;
options.checkout_strategy =
if ((error = git_merge_trees(&merged_index,
repo, NULL, start_index_tree, untracked_tree, NULL)) == 0)
error = git_checkout_index(repo, merged_index, &options);
return error;
static int checkout_modified_notify_callback(
git_checkout_notify_t why,
const char *path,
const git_diff_file *baseline,
const git_diff_file *target,
const git_diff_file *workdir,
void *payload)
unsigned int status;
int error;
if ((error = git_status_file(&status, payload, path)) < 0)
return error;
if (status & GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED) {
giterr_set(GITERR_STASH, "Local changes to '%s' would be overwritten", path);
return 0;
static int apply_modified(
int *has_conflicts,
git_repository *repo,
git_tree *base_tree,
git_tree *start_index_tree,
git_tree *stash_tree,
unsigned int flags)
git_index *index = NULL;
git_merge_options merge_options = GIT_MERGE_OPTIONS_INIT;
git_checkout_options checkout_options = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT;
int error;
if ((error = git_merge_trees(
&index, repo, base_tree,
start_index_tree, stash_tree, &merge_options)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
checkout_options.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE | GIT_CHECKOUT_ALLOW_CONFLICTS;
if ((flags & GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX) && !git_index_has_conflicts(index)) {
/* No need to update the index if it will be overridden later on */
checkout_options.checkout_strategy |= GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX;
checkout_options.notify_flags = GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT;
checkout_options.notify_cb = checkout_modified_notify_callback;
checkout_options.notify_payload = repo;
checkout_options.our_label = "Updated upstream";
checkout_options.their_label = "Stashed changes";
if ((error = git_checkout_index(repo, index, &checkout_options)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if ((error = git_iterator_for_tree(&ancestor, ancestor_tree, flags, NULL, NULL)) < 0 ||
(error = git_iterator_for_index(&ours, ours_index, flags, NULL, NULL)) < 0 ||
(error = git_iterator_for_tree(&theirs, theirs_tree, flags, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
goto done;
*has_conflicts = git_index_has_conflicts(index);
error = git_merge__iterators(out, repo, ancestor, ours, theirs, NULL);
return error;
static int unstage_modified_files(
git_repository *repo,
git_index *repo_index,
git_tree *unstashed_tree,
git_tree *start_index_tree)
git_diff *diff = NULL;
git_diff_options options = GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_INIT;
size_t i, count;
int error;
if (unstashed_tree) {
if ((error = git_index_read_tree(repo_index, unstashed_tree)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
static void normalize_checkout_options(
git_checkout_options *checkout_opts,
const git_checkout_options *given_checkout_opts)
if (given_checkout_opts != NULL) {
memcpy(checkout_opts, given_checkout_opts, sizeof(git_checkout_options));
} else {
options.flags = GIT_DIFF_FORCE_BINARY;
if ((error = git_diff_tree_to_index(&diff, repo, start_index_tree,
repo_index, &options)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
This behavior is not 100% similar to "git stash apply" as the latter uses
"git-read-tree --reset {treeish}" which preserves the stat()s from the
index instead of replacing them with the tree ones for identical files.
git_checkout_options default_checkout_opts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT;
default_checkout_opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE;
if ((error = git_index_read_tree(repo_index, start_index_tree)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
for (i = 0, count = git_diff_num_deltas(diff); i < count; ++i) {
const git_diff_delta* delta = git_diff_get_delta(diff, i);
if (delta->status == GIT_DELTA_ADDED) {
if ((error = git_index_add_bypath(
repo_index, delta->new_file.path)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
memcpy(checkout_opts, &default_checkout_opts, sizeof(git_checkout_options));
return error;
if (!checkout_opts->our_label)
checkout_opts->our_label = "Updated upstream";
if (!checkout_opts->their_label)
checkout_opts->their_label = "Stashed changes";
int git_stash_apply(
git_repository *repo,
size_t index,
const git_checkout_options *given_checkout_opts,
unsigned int flags)
git_checkout_options checkout_opts;
unsigned int checkout_strategy;
git_commit *stash_commit = NULL;
git_tree *stash_tree = NULL;
git_tree *base_tree = NULL;
git_tree *stash_parent_tree = NULL;
git_tree *index_tree = NULL;
git_tree *index_parent_tree = NULL;
git_tree *untracked_tree = NULL;
git_index *repo_index = NULL;
git_tree *start_index_tree = NULL;
git_tree *unstashed_tree = NULL;
int has_conflicts;
git_index *unstashed_index = NULL;
git_index *modified_index = NULL;
git_index *untracked_index = NULL;
int error;
normalize_checkout_options(&checkout_opts, given_checkout_opts);
checkout_strategy = checkout_opts.checkout_strategy;
/* Retrieve commit corresponding to the given stash */
if ((error = retrieve_stash_commit(&stash_commit, repo, index)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* Retrieve all trees in the stash */
if ((error = retrieve_stash_trees(
&stash_tree, &base_tree, &index_tree,
&stash_tree, &stash_parent_tree, &index_tree,
&index_parent_tree, &untracked_tree, stash_commit)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
......@@ -833,50 +730,73 @@ int git_stash_apply(
if ((error = git_repository_index(&repo_index, repo)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* Create tree from index */
if ((error = build_tree_from_index(&start_index_tree, repo_index)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* Restore index if required */
git_oid_cmp(git_tree_id(base_tree), git_tree_id(index_tree)) &&
git_oid_cmp(git_tree_id(start_index_tree), git_tree_id(index_tree))) {
git_oid_cmp(git_tree_id(stash_parent_tree), git_tree_id(index_tree))) {
if ((error = apply_index(
&unstashed_tree, repo, start_index_tree,
index_parent_tree, index_tree)) < 0)
if ((error = merge_index_and_tree(
&unstashed_index, repo, index_parent_tree, repo_index, index_tree)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* If applicable, restore untracked / ignored files in workdir */
if (untracked_tree) {
if ((error = apply_untracked(repo, start_index_tree, untracked_tree)) < 0)
if (git_index_has_conflicts(unstashed_index)) {
goto cleanup;
/* Restore modified files in workdir */
if ((error = apply_modified(
&has_conflicts, repo, base_tree, start_index_tree,
stash_tree, flags)) < 0)
if ((error = merge_index_and_tree(
&modified_index, repo, stash_parent_tree, repo_index, stash_tree)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* Unstage modified files from index unless there were merge conflicts */
if (!has_conflicts && (error = unstage_modified_files(
repo, repo_index, unstashed_tree, start_index_tree)) < 0)
/* If applicable, restore untracked / ignored files in workdir */
if (untracked_tree &&
(error = merge_index_and_tree(&untracked_index, repo, NULL, repo_index, untracked_tree)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* Write updated index */
if ((error = git_index_write(repo_index)) < 0)
if (untracked_index) {
checkout_opts.checkout_strategy |= GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX;
if ((error = git_checkout_index(repo, untracked_index, &checkout_opts)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
checkout_opts.checkout_strategy = checkout_strategy;
/* If there are conflicts in the modified index, then we need to actually
* check that out as the repo's index. Otherwise, we don't update the
* index.
if (!git_index_has_conflicts(modified_index))
checkout_opts.checkout_strategy |= GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX;
/* Check out the modified index using the existing repo index as baseline,
* so that existing modifications in the index can be rewritten even when
* checking out safely.
checkout_opts.baseline_index = repo_index;
if ((error = git_checkout_index(repo, modified_index, &checkout_opts)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if (unstashed_index && !git_index_has_conflicts(modified_index)) {
if ((error = git_index_read_index(repo_index, unstashed_index)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
return error;
......@@ -984,11 +904,12 @@ cleanup:
int git_stash_pop(
git_repository *repo,
size_t index,
const git_checkout_options *checkout_options,
unsigned int flags)
int error;
if ((error = git_stash_apply(repo, index, flags)) < 0)
if ((error = git_stash_apply(repo, index, checkout_options, flags)) < 0)
return error;
return git_stash_drop(repo, index);
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__cleanup(void)
void test_stash_apply__with_default(void)
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED);
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__with_default(void)
void test_stash_apply__with_reinstate_index(void)
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX));
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED);
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_index_with_default(void)
cl_git_pass(git_index_add_bypath(repo_index, "who"));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 1);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED);
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_index_with_reinstate_index(void)
cl_git_pass(git_index_add_bypath(repo_index, "who"));
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX), GIT_EUNMERGED);
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX), GIT_EUNMERGED);
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_CURRENT);
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_untracked_with_default(void)
cl_git_mkfile("stash/when", "nothing\n");
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_CURRENT);
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_untracked_with_reinstate_index(void)
cl_git_mkfile("stash/when", "nothing\n");
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_CURRENT);
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_workdir_with_default(void)
cl_git_rewritefile("stash/what", "ciao\n");
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED);
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_workdir_with_reinstate_index(void)
cl_git_rewritefile("stash/what", "ciao\n");
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX), GIT_EMERGECONFLICT);
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 0);
assert_status(repo, "what", GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED);
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_commit_with_default(void)
cl_git_pass(git_index_add_bypath(repo_index, "what"));
cl_repo_commit_from_index(NULL, repo, signature, 0, "Other commit");
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 1);
cl_git_pass(git_index_conflict_get(&ancestor, &our, &their, repo_index, "what")); /* unmerged */
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_commit_with_reinstate_index(void)
cl_git_pass(git_index_add_bypath(repo_index, "what"));
cl_repo_commit_from_index(NULL, repo, signature, 0, "Other commit");
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_apply(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX));
cl_assert_equal_i(git_index_has_conflicts(repo_index), 1);
cl_git_pass(git_index_conflict_get(&ancestor, &our, &their, repo_index, "what")); /* unmerged */
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void test_stash_apply__conflict_commit_with_reinstate_index(void)
void test_stash_apply__pop(void)
cl_git_pass(git_stash_pop(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_git_pass(git_stash_pop(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT));
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_pop(repo, 0, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT), GIT_ENOTFOUND);
cl_git_fail_with(git_stash_pop(repo, 0, NULL, GIT_APPLY_DEFAULT), GIT_ENOTFOUND);
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