Commit c82f7f8e by Vicent Martí

Merge pull request #1938 from libgit2/cmn/branch-iterator

branch: move from foreach to an iterator
parents ffd04053 8ec889a4
......@@ -66,33 +66,41 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_branch_create(
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_branch_delete(git_reference *branch);
typedef int (*git_branch_foreach_cb)(
const char *branch_name,
git_branch_t branch_type,
void *payload);
/** Iterator type for branches */
typedef struct git_branch_iterator git_branch_iterator;
* Loop over all the branches and issue a callback for each one.
* If the callback returns a non-zero value, this will stop looping.
* Create an iterator which loops over the requested branches.
* @param out the iterator
* @param repo Repository where to find the branches.
* @param list_flags Filtering flags for the branch
* listing. Valid values are GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE
* or a combination of the two.
* @param branch_cb Callback to invoke per found branch.
* @return 0 on success or an error code
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_branch_iterator_new(
git_branch_iterator **out,
git_repository *repo,
unsigned int list_flags);
* Retrieve the next branch from the iterator
* @param payload Extra parameter to callback function.
* @param out the reference
* @param out_type the type of branch (local or remote-tracking)
* @param iter the branch iterator
* @return 0 on success, GIT_ITEROVER if there are no more branches or an error code.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_branch_next(git_reference **out, unsigned int *out_type, git_branch_iterator *iter);
* Free a branch iterator
* @return 0 on success, GIT_EUSER on non-zero callback, or error code
* @param iter the iterator to free
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_branch_foreach(
git_repository *repo,
unsigned int list_flags,
git_branch_foreach_cb branch_cb,
void *payload);
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_branch_iterator_free(git_branch_iterator *iter);
* Move/rename an existing local branch reference.
......@@ -124,48 +124,66 @@ on_error:
return error;
int git_branch_foreach(
git_repository *repo,
unsigned int list_flags,
git_branch_foreach_cb callback,
void *payload)
typedef struct {
git_reference_iterator *iter;
unsigned int flags;
} branch_iter;
int git_branch_next(git_reference **out, unsigned int *out_type, git_branch_iterator *_iter)
branch_iter *iter = (branch_iter *) _iter;
git_reference *ref;
int error = 0;
int error;
if (git_reference_iterator_new(&iter, repo) < 0)
return -1;
while ((error = git_reference_next(&ref, iter->iter)) == 0) {
if ((iter->flags & GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL) &&
!git__prefixcmp(ref->name, GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR)) {
*out = ref;
*out_type = GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL;
while ((error = git_reference_next(&ref, iter)) == 0) {
if (list_flags & GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL &&
git__prefixcmp(ref->name, GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR) == 0) {
if (callback(ref->name + strlen(GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR),
GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL, payload)) {
error = GIT_EUSER;
return 0;
} else if ((iter->flags & GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE) &&
!git__prefixcmp(ref->name, GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR)) {
*out = ref;
*out_type = GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE;
if (list_flags & GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE &&
git__prefixcmp(ref->name, GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR) == 0) {
if (callback(ref->name + strlen(GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR),
GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE, payload)) {
error = GIT_EUSER;
return 0;
} else {
return error;
int git_branch_iterator_new(
git_branch_iterator **out,
git_repository *repo,
unsigned int list_flags)
branch_iter *iter;
/* check if the callback has cancelled iteration */
if (error == GIT_EUSER)
iter = git__calloc(1, sizeof(branch_iter));
iter->flags = list_flags;
if (git_reference_iterator_new(&iter->iter, repo) < 0) {
return -1;
if (error == GIT_ITEROVER)
error = 0;
*out = (git_branch_iterator *) iter;
return error;
return 0;
void git_branch_iterator_free(git_branch_iterator *_iter)
branch_iter *iter = (branch_iter *) _iter;
int git_branch_move(
......@@ -163,18 +163,6 @@ static void verify_refs(git_remote *remote, expected_ref expected_refs[], size_t
static int tracking_branch_list_cb(const char *branch_name, git_branch_t branch_type, void *payload)
git_vector *tracking = (git_vector *)payload;
if (branch_type == GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)
git_vector_insert(tracking, git__strdup(branch_name));
return 0;
* Verifies that after git_push_update_tips(), remote tracking branches have the expected
* names and oids.
......@@ -189,14 +177,24 @@ static void verify_tracking_branches(git_remote *remote, expected_ref expected_r
size_t i, j;
git_buf msg = GIT_BUF_INIT;
git_buf ref_name = GIT_BUF_INIT;
git_buf canonical_ref_name = GIT_BUF_INIT;
git_vector actual_refs = GIT_VECTOR_INIT;
git_branch_iterator *iter;
char *actual_ref;
git_oid oid;
int failed = 0;
int failed = 0, error;
unsigned int branch_type;
git_reference *ref;
/* Get current remote branches */
cl_git_pass(git_branch_foreach(remote->repo, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE, tracking_branch_list_cb, &actual_refs));
cl_git_pass(git_branch_iterator_new(&iter, remote->repo, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE));
while ((error = git_branch_next(&ref, &branch_type, iter)) == 0) {
cl_assert_equal_i(branch_type, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE);
cl_git_pass(git_vector_insert(&actual_refs, git__strdup(git_reference_name(ref))));
cl_assert_equal_i(error, GIT_ITEROVER);
/* Loop through expected refs, make sure they exist */
for (i = 0; i < expected_refs_len; i++) {
......@@ -212,11 +210,7 @@ static void verify_tracking_branches(git_remote *remote, expected_ref expected_r
/* Find matching remote branch */
git_vector_foreach(&actual_refs, j, actual_ref) {
/* Construct canonical ref name from the actual_ref name */
cl_git_pass(git_buf_printf(&canonical_ref_name, "refs/remotes/%s", actual_ref));
if (!strcmp(git_buf_cstr(&ref_name), git_buf_cstr(&canonical_ref_name)))
if (!strcmp(git_buf_cstr(&ref_name), actual_ref))
......@@ -227,7 +221,7 @@ static void verify_tracking_branches(git_remote *remote, expected_ref expected_r
/* Make sure tracking branch is at expected commit ID */
cl_git_pass(git_reference_name_to_id(&oid, remote->repo, git_buf_cstr(&canonical_ref_name)));
cl_git_pass(git_reference_name_to_id(&oid, remote->repo, actual_ref));
if (git_oid_cmp(expected_refs[i].oid, &oid) != 0) {
git_buf_puts(&msg, "Tracking branch commit does not match expected ID.");
......@@ -256,7 +250,6 @@ failed:
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
static git_repository *repo;
static git_reference *fake_remote;
void test_refs_branches_foreach__initialize(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__initialize(void)
git_oid id;
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ void test_refs_branches_foreach__initialize(void)
cl_git_pass(git_reference_create(&fake_remote, repo, "refs/remotes/nulltoken/master", &id, 0));
void test_refs_branches_foreach__cleanup(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__cleanup(void)
fake_remote = NULL;
......@@ -28,39 +28,35 @@ void test_refs_branches_foreach__cleanup(void)
static int count_branch_list_cb(const char *branch_name, git_branch_t branch_type, void *payload)
int *count;
count = (int *)payload;
return 0;
static void assert_retrieval(unsigned int flags, unsigned int expected_count)
int count = 0;
cl_git_pass(git_branch_foreach(repo, flags, count_branch_list_cb, &count));
git_branch_iterator *iter;
git_reference *ref;
int count = 0, error;
unsigned int type;
cl_git_pass(git_branch_iterator_new(&iter, repo, flags));
while ((error = git_branch_next(&ref, &type, iter)) == 0) {
cl_assert_equal_i(error, GIT_ITEROVER);
cl_assert_equal_i(expected_count, count);
void test_refs_branches_foreach__retrieve_all_branches(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__retrieve_all_branches(void)
assert_retrieval(GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE, 14);
void test_refs_branches_foreach__retrieve_remote_branches(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__retrieve_remote_branches(void)
assert_retrieval(GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE, 2);
void test_refs_branches_foreach__retrieve_local_branches(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__retrieve_local_branches(void)
assert_retrieval(GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL, 12);
......@@ -84,21 +80,22 @@ static void assert_branch_has_been_found(struct expectations *findings, const ch
cl_fail("expected branch not found in list.");
static int contains_branch_list_cb(const char *branch_name, git_branch_t branch_type, void *payload)
static void contains_branches(struct expectations exp[], git_branch_iterator *iter)
int pos = 0;
struct expectations *exp;
exp = (struct expectations *)payload;
git_reference *ref;
unsigned int type;
int error, pos = 0;
while ((error = git_branch_next(&ref, &type, iter)) == 0) {
for (pos = 0; exp[pos].branch_name; ++pos) {
if (strcmp(branch_name, exp[pos].branch_name) == 0)
if (strcmp(git_reference_shorthand(ref), exp[pos].branch_name) == 0)
return 0;
cl_assert_equal_i(error, GIT_ITEROVER);
......@@ -106,8 +103,9 @@ static int contains_branch_list_cb(const char *branch_name, git_branch_t branch_
* nulltoken/HEAD -> nulltoken/master
* nulltoken/master
void test_refs_branches_foreach__retrieve_remote_symbolic_HEAD_when_present(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__retrieve_remote_symbolic_HEAD_when_present(void)
git_branch_iterator *iter;
struct expectations exp[] = {
{ "nulltoken/HEAD", 0 },
{ "nulltoken/master", 0 },
......@@ -119,39 +117,17 @@ void test_refs_branches_foreach__retrieve_remote_symbolic_HEAD_when_present(void
assert_retrieval(GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE, 3);
cl_git_pass(git_branch_foreach(repo, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE, contains_branch_list_cb, &exp));
cl_git_pass(git_branch_iterator_new(&iter, repo, GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE));
contains_branches(exp, iter);
assert_branch_has_been_found(exp, "nulltoken/HEAD");
assert_branch_has_been_found(exp, "nulltoken/master");
static int branch_list_interrupt_cb(
const char *branch_name, git_branch_t branch_type, void *payload)
int *count;
count = (int *)payload;
return (*count == 5);
void test_refs_branches_foreach__can_cancel(void)
int count = 0;
git_branch_foreach(repo, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE,
branch_list_interrupt_cb, &count));
cl_assert_equal_i(5, count);
void test_refs_branches_foreach__mix_of_packed_and_loose(void)
void test_refs_branches_iterator__mix_of_packed_and_loose(void)
git_branch_iterator *iter;
struct expectations exp[] = {
{ "master", 0 },
{ "origin/HEAD", 0 },
......@@ -163,8 +139,10 @@ void test_refs_branches_foreach__mix_of_packed_and_loose(void)
r2 = cl_git_sandbox_init("testrepo2");
cl_git_pass(git_branch_foreach(r2, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE,
contains_branch_list_cb, &exp));
cl_git_pass(git_branch_iterator_new(&iter, r2, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE));
contains_branches(exp, iter);
assert_branch_has_been_found(exp, "master");
assert_branch_has_been_found(exp, "origin/HEAD");
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