Commit bd2c3786 by Edward Thomson

rebase: support SHA256 oids

parent cf6faa88
......@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ struct git_rebase {
git_rebase_t type;
char *state_path;
/* Temporary buffer for paths within the state path. */
git_str state_filename;
unsigned int head_detached:1,
......@@ -134,33 +137,42 @@ done:
GIT_INLINE(int) rebase_readfile(
git_str *out,
git_str *state_path,
git_rebase *rebase,
const char *filename)
size_t state_path_len = state_path->size;
* `rebase->state_filename` is a temporary buffer to avoid
* unnecessary allocations and copies of `rebase->state_path`.
* At the start and end of this function it always contains the
* contents of `rebase->state_path` itself.
size_t state_path_len = rebase->state_filename.size;
int error;
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(state_path, state_path->ptr, filename)) < 0 ||
(error = git_futils_readbuffer(out, state_path->ptr)) < 0)
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&rebase->state_filename, rebase->state_filename.ptr, filename)) < 0 ||
(error = git_futils_readbuffer(out, rebase->state_filename.ptr)) < 0)
goto done;
git_str_truncate(state_path, state_path_len);
git_str_truncate(&rebase->state_filename, state_path_len);
return error;
GIT_INLINE(int) rebase_readint(
size_t *out, git_str *asc_out, git_str *state_path, const char *filename)
size_t *out,
git_str *asc_out,
git_rebase *rebase,
const char *filename)
int32_t num;
const char *eol;
int error = 0;
if ((error = rebase_readfile(asc_out, state_path, filename)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_readfile(asc_out, rebase, filename)) < 0)
return error;
if (git__strntol32(&num, asc_out->ptr, asc_out->size, &eol, 10) < 0 || num < 0 || *eol) {
......@@ -174,15 +186,18 @@ GIT_INLINE(int) rebase_readint(
GIT_INLINE(int) rebase_readoid(
git_oid *out, git_str *str_out, git_str *state_path, const char *filename)
git_oid *out,
git_str *str_out,
git_rebase *rebase,
const char *filename)
int error;
if ((error = rebase_readfile(str_out, state_path, filename)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_readfile(str_out, rebase, filename)) < 0)
return error;
if (str_out->size != GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE ||
git_oid__fromstr(out, str_out->ptr, GIT_OID_SHA1) < 0) {
if (str_out->size != git_oid_hexsize(rebase->repo->oid_type) ||
git_oid__fromstr(out, str_out->ptr, rebase->repo->oid_type) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_REBASE, "the file '%s' contains an invalid object ID", filename);
return -1;
......@@ -213,17 +228,14 @@ static git_rebase_operation *rebase_operation_alloc(
static int rebase_open_merge(git_rebase *rebase)
git_str state_path = GIT_STR_INIT, buf = GIT_STR_INIT, cmt = GIT_STR_INIT;
git_str buf = GIT_STR_INIT, cmt = GIT_STR_INIT;
git_oid id;
git_rebase_operation *operation;
size_t i, msgnum = 0, end;
int error;
if ((error = git_str_puts(&state_path, rebase->state_path)) < 0)
goto done;
/* Read 'msgnum' if it exists (otherwise, let msgnum = 0) */
if ((error = rebase_readint(&msgnum, &buf, &state_path, MSGNUM_FILE)) < 0 &&
if ((error = rebase_readint(&msgnum, &buf, rebase, MSGNUM_FILE)) < 0 &&
goto done;
......@@ -233,11 +245,11 @@ static int rebase_open_merge(git_rebase *rebase)
/* Read 'end' */
if ((error = rebase_readint(&end, &buf, &state_path, END_FILE)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_readint(&end, &buf, rebase, END_FILE)) < 0)
goto done;
/* Read 'current' if it exists */
if ((error = rebase_readoid(&id, &buf, &state_path, CURRENT_FILE)) < 0 &&
if ((error = rebase_readoid(&id, &buf, rebase, CURRENT_FILE)) < 0 &&
goto done;
......@@ -249,7 +261,7 @@ static int rebase_open_merge(git_rebase *rebase)
if ((error = git_str_printf(&cmt, "cmt.%" PRIuZ, (i+1))) < 0 ||
(error = rebase_readoid(&id, &buf, &state_path, cmt.ptr)) < 0)
(error = rebase_readoid(&id, &buf, rebase, cmt.ptr)) < 0)
goto done;
operation = rebase_operation_alloc(rebase, GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_PICK, &id, NULL);
......@@ -257,14 +269,13 @@ static int rebase_open_merge(git_rebase *rebase)
/* Read 'onto_name' */
if ((error = rebase_readfile(&buf, &state_path, ONTO_NAME_FILE)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_readfile(&buf, rebase, ONTO_NAME_FILE)) < 0)
goto done;
rebase->onto_name = git_str_detach(&buf);
return error;
......@@ -308,9 +319,9 @@ int git_rebase_open(
const git_rebase_options *given_opts)
git_rebase *rebase;
git_str path = GIT_STR_INIT, orig_head_name = GIT_STR_INIT,
orig_head_id = GIT_STR_INIT, onto_id = GIT_STR_INIT;
size_t state_path_len;
git_str orig_head_name = GIT_STR_INIT,
orig_head_id = GIT_STR_INIT,
onto_id = GIT_STR_INIT;
int error;
......@@ -332,13 +343,10 @@ int git_rebase_open(
goto done;
if ((error = git_str_puts(&path, rebase->state_path)) < 0)
if ((error = git_str_puts(&rebase->state_filename, rebase->state_path)) < 0)
goto done;
state_path_len = git_str_len(&path);
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, HEAD_NAME_FILE)) < 0 ||
(error = git_futils_readbuffer(&orig_head_name, path.ptr)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_readfile(&orig_head_name, rebase, HEAD_NAME_FILE)) < 0)
goto done;
......@@ -346,36 +354,16 @@ int git_rebase_open(
if (strcmp(ORIG_DETACHED_HEAD, orig_head_name.ptr) == 0)
rebase->head_detached = 1;
git_str_truncate(&path, state_path_len);
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, ORIG_HEAD_FILE)) < 0)
goto done;
if (!git_fs_path_isfile(path.ptr)) {
if ((error = rebase_readoid(&rebase->orig_head_id, &orig_head_id, rebase, ORIG_HEAD_FILE)) < 0) {
/* Previous versions of git.git used 'head' here; support that. */
git_str_truncate(&path, state_path_len);
if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND)
error = rebase_readoid(&rebase->orig_head_id, &orig_head_id, rebase, HEAD_FILE);
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, HEAD_FILE)) < 0)
if (error < 0)
goto done;
if ((error = git_futils_readbuffer(&orig_head_id, path.ptr)) < 0)
goto done;
if ((error = git_oid__fromstr(&rebase->orig_head_id, orig_head_id.ptr, GIT_OID_SHA1)) < 0)
goto done;
git_str_truncate(&path, state_path_len);
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&path, path.ptr, ONTO_FILE)) < 0 ||
(error = git_futils_readbuffer(&onto_id, path.ptr)) < 0)
goto done;
if ((error = git_oid__fromstr(&rebase->onto_id, onto_id.ptr, GIT_OID_SHA1)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_readoid(&rebase->onto_id, &onto_id, rebase, ONTO_FILE)) < 0)
goto done;
if (!rebase->head_detached)
......@@ -403,7 +391,6 @@ done:
......@@ -453,7 +440,7 @@ static const char *rebase_onto_name(const git_annotated_commit *onto)
static int rebase_setupfiles_merge(git_rebase *rebase)
git_str commit_filename = GIT_STR_INIT;
char id_str[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE];
char id_str[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1];
git_rebase_operation *operation;
size_t i;
int error = 0;
......@@ -468,10 +455,9 @@ static int rebase_setupfiles_merge(git_rebase *rebase)
git_str_printf(&commit_filename, CMT_FILE_FMT, i+1);
git_oid_fmt(id_str, &operation->id);
git_oid_tostr(id_str, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &operation->id);
if ((error = rebase_setupfile(rebase, commit_filename.ptr, 0,
"%.*s\n", GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, id_str)) < 0)
if ((error = rebase_setupfile(rebase, commit_filename.ptr, 0, "%s\n", id_str)) < 0)
goto done;
......@@ -482,11 +468,11 @@ done:
static int rebase_setupfiles(git_rebase *rebase)
char onto[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE], orig_head[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE];
char onto[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1], orig_head[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1];
const char *orig_head_name;
git_oid_fmt(onto, &rebase->onto_id);
git_oid_fmt(orig_head, &rebase->orig_head_id);
git_oid_tostr(onto, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &rebase->onto_id);
git_oid_tostr(orig_head, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &rebase->orig_head_id);
if (p_mkdir(rebase->state_path, REBASE_DIR_MODE) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to create rebase directory '%s'", rebase->state_path);
......@@ -498,8 +484,8 @@ static int rebase_setupfiles(git_rebase *rebase)
if (git_repository__set_orig_head(rebase->repo, &rebase->orig_head_id) < 0 ||
rebase_setupfile(rebase, HEAD_NAME_FILE, 0, "%s\n", orig_head_name) < 0 ||
rebase_setupfile(rebase, ONTO_FILE, 0, "%.*s\n", GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, onto) < 0 ||
rebase_setupfile(rebase, ORIG_HEAD_FILE, 0, "%.*s\n", GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, orig_head) < 0 ||
rebase_setupfile(rebase, ONTO_FILE, 0, "%s\n", onto) < 0 ||
rebase_setupfile(rebase, ORIG_HEAD_FILE, 0, "%s\n", orig_head) < 0 ||
rebase_setupfile(rebase, QUIET_FILE, 0, rebase->quiet ? "t\n" : "\n") < 0)
return -1;
......@@ -644,7 +630,8 @@ static int rebase_init_merge(
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&state_path, repo->gitdir, REBASE_MERGE_DIR)) < 0)
if ((error = git_str_joinpath(&state_path, repo->gitdir, REBASE_MERGE_DIR)) < 0 ||
(error = git_str_put(&rebase->state_filename, state_path.ptr, state_path.size)) < 0)
goto done;
rebase->state_path = git_str_detach(&state_path);
......@@ -814,7 +801,7 @@ static int rebase_next_merge(
git_indexwriter indexwriter = GIT_INDEXWRITER_INIT;
git_rebase_operation *operation;
git_checkout_options checkout_opts;
char current_idstr[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE];
char current_idstr[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1];
unsigned int parent_count;
int error;
......@@ -837,13 +824,13 @@ static int rebase_next_merge(
goto done;
git_oid_fmt(current_idstr, &operation->id);
git_oid_tostr(current_idstr, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &operation->id);
normalize_checkout_options_for_apply(&checkout_opts, rebase, current_commit);
if ((error = git_indexwriter_init_for_operation(&indexwriter, rebase->repo, &checkout_opts.checkout_strategy)) < 0 ||
(error = rebase_setupfile(rebase, MSGNUM_FILE, 0, "%" PRIuZ "\n", rebase->current+1)) < 0 ||
(error = rebase_setupfile(rebase, CURRENT_FILE, 0, "%.*s\n", GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, current_idstr)) < 0 ||
(error = rebase_setupfile(rebase, CURRENT_FILE, 0, "%s\n", current_idstr)) < 0 ||
(error = git_merge_trees(&index, rebase->repo, parent_tree, head_tree, current_tree, &rebase->options.merge_options)) < 0 ||
(error = git_merge__check_result(rebase->repo, index)) < 0 ||
(error = git_checkout_index(rebase->repo, index, &checkout_opts)) < 0 ||
......@@ -1103,7 +1090,7 @@ static int rebase_commit_merge(
git_reference *head = NULL;
git_commit *head_commit = NULL, *commit = NULL;
git_index *index = NULL;
char old_idstr[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE], new_idstr[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE];
char old_idstr[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1], new_idstr[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1];
int error;
operation = git_array_get(rebase->operations, rebase->current);
......@@ -1119,11 +1106,11 @@ static int rebase_commit_merge(
rebase->repo, NULL, "HEAD", git_commit_id(commit), "rebase")) < 0)
goto done;
git_oid_fmt(old_idstr, &operation->id);
git_oid_fmt(new_idstr, git_commit_id(commit));
git_oid_tostr(old_idstr, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &operation->id);
git_oid_tostr(new_idstr, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, git_commit_id(commit));
if ((error = rebase_setupfile(rebase, REWRITTEN_FILE, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND,
"%.*s %.*s\n", GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, old_idstr, GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, new_idstr)) < 0)
"%s %s\n", old_idstr, new_idstr)) < 0)
goto done;
git_oid_cpy(commit_id, git_commit_id(commit));
......@@ -1306,7 +1293,9 @@ static int rebase_copy_notes(
git_rebase *rebase,
const git_signature *committer)
git_str path = GIT_STR_INIT, rewritten = GIT_STR_INIT, notes_ref = GIT_STR_INIT;
git_str path = GIT_STR_INIT,
rewritten = GIT_STR_INIT,
notes_ref = GIT_STR_INIT;
char *pair_list, *fromstr, *tostr, *end;
git_oid from, to;
unsigned int linenum = 1;
......@@ -1342,10 +1331,10 @@ static int rebase_copy_notes(
tostr = end+1;
*end = '\0';
if (strlen(fromstr) != GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE ||
strlen(tostr) != GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE ||
git_oid__fromstr(&from, fromstr, GIT_OID_SHA1) < 0 ||
git_oid__fromstr(&to, tostr, GIT_OID_SHA1) < 0)
if (strlen(fromstr) != git_oid_hexsize(rebase->repo->oid_type) ||
strlen(tostr) != git_oid_hexsize(rebase->repo->oid_type) ||
git_oid__fromstr(&from, fromstr, rebase->repo->oid_type) < 0 ||
git_oid__fromstr(&to, tostr, rebase->repo->oid_type) < 0)
goto on_error;
if ((error = rebase_copy_note(rebase, notes_ref.ptr, &from, &to, committer)) < 0)
......@@ -1373,17 +1362,15 @@ static int return_to_orig_head(git_rebase *rebase)
git_reference *terminal_ref = NULL, *branch_ref = NULL, *head_ref = NULL;
git_commit *terminal_commit = NULL;
git_str branch_msg = GIT_STR_INIT, head_msg = GIT_STR_INIT;
char onto[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE];
char onto[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1];
int error = 0;
git_oid_fmt(onto, &rebase->onto_id);
git_oid_tostr(onto, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &rebase->onto_id);
if ((error = git_str_printf(&branch_msg,
"rebase finished: %s onto %.*s",
rebase->orig_head_name, GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE, onto)) == 0 &&
"rebase finished: %s onto %s", rebase->orig_head_name, onto)) == 0 &&
(error = git_str_printf(&head_msg,
"rebase finished: returning to %s",
rebase->orig_head_name)) == 0 &&
"rebase finished: returning to %s", rebase->orig_head_name)) == 0 &&
(error = git_repository_head(&terminal_ref, rebase->repo)) == 0 &&
(error = git_reference_peel((git_object **)&terminal_commit,
terminal_ref, GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT)) == 0 &&
......@@ -1475,6 +1462,7 @@ void git_rebase_free(git_rebase *rebase)
git__free((char *)rebase->options.rewrite_notes_ref);
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