Commit 77ace82d by Michael Schubert also switch to LIB_INSTALL_DIR

b3237ac3 changed CMakeList.txt to use the more standard LIB_INSTALL_DIR
variable instead of INSTALL_LIB, but forgot to change etc.
parent d4b57351
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ For more advanced use or questions about CMake please read <
The following CMake variables are declared:
- `INSTALL_BIN`: Where to install binaries to.
- `INSTALL_LIB`: Where to install libraries to.
- `LIB_INSTALL_DIR`: Where to install libraries to.
- `INSTALL_INC`: Where to install headers to.
- `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`: Build libgit2 as a Shared Library (defaults to ON)
- `BUILD_CLAR`: Build [Clar]( test suite (defaults to ON)
Name: libgit2
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ to compile and develop applications that use libgit2.
cmake . \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="%{optflags}" \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
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