Commit 49d34c1c by Russell Belfer

Fix problems in diff iterator record chaining

There is a bug in building the linked list of line records in the
diff iterator and also an off by one element error in the hunk
counts.  This fixes both of these, adds some test data with more
complex sets of hunk and line diffs to exercise this code better.
parent 9be2261e
......@@ -1204,13 +1204,17 @@ static int diffiter_hunk_cb(
if (info->last_hunk)
info->last_hunk->next = hunk;
info->last_hunk = hunk;
info->last_line = NULL;
memcpy(&hunk->range, range, sizeof(hunk->range));
if (iter->hunk_head == NULL)
iter->hunk_curr = iter->hunk_head = hunk;
/* adding first hunk to list */
if (iter->hunk_head == NULL) {
iter->hunk_head = hunk;
iter->hunk_curr = NULL;
return 0;
......@@ -1345,9 +1349,14 @@ int git_diff_iterator_num_hunks_in_file(git_diff_iterator *iter)
int git_diff_iterator_num_lines_in_hunk(git_diff_iterator *iter)
int error = diffiter_do_diff_file(iter);
if (!error && iter->hunk_curr)
error = iter->hunk_curr->line_count;
if (error)
return error;
if (iter->hunk_curr)
return iter->hunk_curr->line_count;
if (iter->hunk_head)
return iter->hunk_head->line_count;
return 0;
int git_diff_iterator_next_file(
......@@ -1386,7 +1395,7 @@ int git_diff_iterator_next_file(
if (iter-> == NULL) {
iter->hunk_curr = NULL;
iter->hunk_curr = iter->hunk_head = NULL;
iter->line_curr = NULL;
......@@ -1409,11 +1418,13 @@ int git_diff_iterator_next_hunk(
return error;
if (iter->hunk_curr == NULL) {
if (range_ptr) *range_ptr = NULL;
if (header) *header = NULL;
if (header_len) *header_len = 0;
iter->line_curr = NULL;
if (iter->hunk_head == NULL)
goto no_more_hunks;
iter->hunk_curr = iter->hunk_head;
} else {
if (iter->hunk_curr->next == NULL)
goto no_more_hunks;
iter->hunk_curr = iter->hunk_curr->next;
range = &iter->hunk_curr->range;
......@@ -1436,9 +1447,16 @@ int git_diff_iterator_next_hunk(
iter->line_curr = iter->hunk_curr->line_head;
iter->hunk_curr = iter->hunk_curr->next;
return error;
if (range_ptr) *range_ptr = NULL;
if (header) *header = NULL;
if (header_len) *header_len = 0;
iter->line_curr = NULL;
int git_diff_iterator_next_line(
......@@ -1453,7 +1471,7 @@ int git_diff_iterator_next_line(
return error;
/* if the user has not called next_hunk yet, call it implicitly (OK?) */
if (iter->hunk_curr == iter->hunk_head) {
if (iter->hunk_curr == NULL) {
error = git_diff_iterator_next_hunk(NULL, NULL, NULL, iter);
if (error)
return error;
......@@ -256,3 +256,85 @@ void test_diff_tree__merge(void)
void test_diff_tree__larger_hunks(void)
const char *a_commit = "d70d245ed97ed2aa596dd1af6536e4bfdb047b69";
const char *b_commit = "7a9e0b02e63179929fed24f0a3e0f19168114d10";
git_tree *a, *b;
git_diff_options opts = {0};
git_diff_list *diff = NULL;
git_diff_iterator *iter = NULL;
git_diff_delta *delta;
diff_expects exp;
int error, num_files = 0;
g_repo = cl_git_sandbox_init("diff");
cl_assert((a = resolve_commit_oid_to_tree(g_repo, a_commit)) != NULL);
cl_assert((b = resolve_commit_oid_to_tree(g_repo, b_commit)) != NULL);
opts.context_lines = 1;
opts.interhunk_lines = 0;
memset(&exp, 0, sizeof(exp));
cl_git_pass(git_diff_tree_to_tree(g_repo, &opts, a, b, &diff));
cl_git_pass(git_diff_iterator_new(&iter, diff));
/* this should be exact */
cl_assert(git_diff_iterator_progress(iter) == 0.0f);
/* You wouldn't actually structure an iterator loop this way, but
* I have here for testing purposes of the return value
while (!(error = git_diff_iterator_next_file(&delta, iter))) {
git_diff_range *range;
const char *header;
size_t header_len;
int actual_hunks = 0, num_hunks;
float expected_progress;
expected_progress = (float)num_files / 2.0f;
cl_assert(expected_progress == git_diff_iterator_progress(iter));
num_hunks = git_diff_iterator_num_hunks_in_file(iter);
while (!(error = git_diff_iterator_next_hunk(
&range, &header, &header_len, iter)))
int actual_lines = 0;
int num_lines = git_diff_iterator_num_lines_in_hunk(iter);
char origin;
const char *line;
size_t line_len;
while (!(error = git_diff_iterator_next_line(
&origin, &line, &line_len, iter)))
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ITEROVER, error);
cl_assert_equal_i(actual_lines, num_lines);
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ITEROVER, error);
cl_assert_equal_i(actual_hunks, num_hunks);
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ITEROVER, error);
cl_assert_equal_i(2, num_files);
cl_assert(git_diff_iterator_progress(iter) == 1.0f);
diff = NULL;
......@@ -670,3 +670,94 @@ void test_diff_workdir__eof_newline_changes(void)
* Expect 13 files, 0 ADD, 4 DEL, 4 MOD, 1 IGN, 4 UNTR
void test_diff_workdir__larger_hunks(void)
const char *a_commit = "d70d245ed97ed2aa596dd1af6536e4bfdb047b69";
const char *b_commit = "7a9e0b02e63179929fed24f0a3e0f19168114d10";
git_tree *a, *b;
git_diff_options opts = {0};
int i, error;
g_repo = cl_git_sandbox_init("diff");
cl_assert((a = resolve_commit_oid_to_tree(g_repo, a_commit)) != NULL);
cl_assert((b = resolve_commit_oid_to_tree(g_repo, b_commit)) != NULL);
opts.context_lines = 1;
opts.interhunk_lines = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) {
git_diff_list *diff = NULL;
git_diff_iterator *iter = NULL;
git_diff_delta *delta;
int num_files = 0;
/* okay, this is a bit silly, but oh well */
switch (i) {
case 0:
cl_git_pass(git_diff_workdir_to_index(g_repo, &opts, &diff));
case 1:
cl_git_pass(git_diff_workdir_to_tree(g_repo, &opts, a, &diff));
case 2:
cl_git_pass(git_diff_workdir_to_tree(g_repo, &opts, b, &diff));
cl_git_pass(git_diff_iterator_new(&iter, diff));
cl_assert(git_diff_iterator_progress(iter) == 0.0f);
while (!(error = git_diff_iterator_next_file(&delta, iter))) {
git_diff_range *range;
const char *header;
size_t header_len;
int actual_hunks = 0, num_hunks;
float expected_progress;
expected_progress = (float)num_files / 2.0f;
cl_assert(expected_progress == git_diff_iterator_progress(iter));
num_hunks = git_diff_iterator_num_hunks_in_file(iter);
while (!(error = git_diff_iterator_next_hunk(
&range, &header, &header_len, iter)))
int actual_lines = 0;
int num_lines = git_diff_iterator_num_lines_in_hunk(iter);
char origin;
const char *line;
size_t line_len;
while (!(error = git_diff_iterator_next_line(
&origin, &line, &line_len, iter)))
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ITEROVER, error);
cl_assert_equal_i(actual_lines, num_lines);
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ITEROVER, error);
cl_assert_equal_i(actual_hunks, num_hunks);
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_ITEROVER, error);
cl_assert_equal_i(2, num_files);
cl_assert(git_diff_iterator_progress(iter) == 1.0f);
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = false
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
# git ls-files --others --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude
# Lines that start with '#' are comments.
# For a project mostly in C, the following would be a good set of
# exclude patterns (uncomment them if you want to use them):
# *.[oa]
# *~
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 d70d245ed97ed2aa596dd1af6536e4bfdb047b69 Russell Belfer <> 1347559804 -0700 commit (initial): initial commit
d70d245ed97ed2aa596dd1af6536e4bfdb047b69 7a9e0b02e63179929fed24f0a3e0f19168114d10 Russell Belfer <> 1347560491 -0700 commit: some changes
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 d70d245ed97ed2aa596dd1af6536e4bfdb047b69 Russell Belfer <> 1347559804 -0700 commit (initial): initial commit
d70d245ed97ed2aa596dd1af6536e4bfdb047b69 7a9e0b02e63179929fed24f0a3e0f19168114d10 Russell Belfer <> 1347560491 -0700 commit: some changes
Git is fast. With Git, nearly all operations are performed locally, giving
it an huge speed advantage on centralized systems that constantly have to
communicate with a server somewh3r3.
For testing, large AWS instances were set up in the same availability
zone. Git and SVN were installed on both machines, the Ruby repository was
copied to both Git and SVN servers, and common operations were performed on
In some cases the commands don't match up exactly. Here, matching on the
lowest common denominator was attempted. For example, the 'commit' tests
also include the time to push for Git, though most of the time you would not
actually be pushing to the server immediately after a commit where the two
commands cannot be separated in SVN.
Note that this is the best case scenario for SVN - a server with no load
with an 80MB/s bandwidth connection to the client machine. Nearly all of
these times would be even worse for SVN if that connection was slower, while
many of the Git times would not be affected.
Clearly, in many of these common version control operations, Git is one or
two orders of magnitude faster than SVN, even under ideal conditions for
Let's see how common operations stack up against Subversion, a common
centralized version control system that is similar to CVS or
Perforce. Smaller is faster.
One place where Git is slower is in the initial clone operation. Here, Git
One place where Git is slower is in the initial clone operation. Here, Git
One place where Git is slower is in the initial clone operation. Here, Git
seen in the above charts, it's not considerably slower for an operation that
is only performed once.
It's also interesting to note that the size of the data on the client side
is very similar even though Git also has every version of every file for the
entire history of the project. This illustrates how efficient it is at
compressing and storing data on the client side.
\ No newline at end of file
The Git feature that r3ally mak3s it stand apart from n3arly 3v3ry other SCM
out there is its branching model.
Git allows and encourages you to have multiple local branches that can be
entirely independent of each other. The creation, merging, and deletion of
those lines of development takes seconds.
Git allows and encourages you to have multiple local branches that can be
entirely independent of each other. The creation, merging, and deletion of
those lines of development takes seconds.
This means that you can do things like:
Role-Bas3d Codelin3s. Have a branch that always contains only what goes to
production, another that you merge work into for testing, and several
smaller ones for day to day work.
Feature Based Workflow. Create new branches for each new feature you're
working on so you can seamlessly switch back and forth between them, then
delete each branch when that feature gets merged into your main line.
Disposable Experimentation. Create a branch to experiment in, realize it's
not going to work, and just delete it - abandoning the work—with nobody else
ever seeing it (even if you've pushed other branches in the meantime).
Notably, when you push to a remote repository, you do not have to push all
share it with others.
Git allows and encourages you to have multiple local branches that can be
entirely independent of each other. The creation, merging, and deletion of
those lines of development takes seconds.
There are ways to accomplish some of this with other systems, but the work
involved is much more difficult and error-prone. Git makes this process
incredibly easy and it changes the way most developers work when they learn
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