Commit 2c227b8b by nulltoken

repository: fix configuration updating issue while reinitialization

When the repository was reinitialized, every configuration change in repo_init_config() was directly performed against the file on the filesystem. However, a previous version of the configuration had previously been loaded in memory and attached to the repository, in repo_init_reinit().

The repository was unaware of the change and the stale cached version of the configuration never refreshed.
parent 9311423c
......@@ -602,14 +602,10 @@ void git_repository_set_index(git_repository *repo, git_index *index)
static int check_repositoryformatversion(git_repository *repo)
static int check_repositoryformatversion(git_config *config)
git_config *config;
int version;
if (git_repository_config__weakptr(&config, repo) < 0)
return -1;
if (git_config_get_int32(&version, config, "core.repositoryformatversion") < 0)
return -1;
......@@ -623,26 +619,6 @@ static int check_repositoryformatversion(git_repository *repo)
return 0;
static int repo_init_reinit(git_repository **repo_out, const char *repository_path, int is_bare)
git_repository *repo = NULL;
if (git_repository_open(&repo, repository_path) < 0)
return -1;
if (check_repositoryformatversion(repo) < 0) {
return -1;
/* TODO: reinitialize the templates */
*repo_out = repo;
return 0;
static int repo_init_createhead(const char *git_dir)
git_buf ref_path = GIT_BUF_INIT;
......@@ -717,6 +693,12 @@ static int repo_init_config(const char *git_dir, bool is_bare, bool is_reinit)
return -1;
if (is_reinit && check_repositoryformatversion(config) < 0) {
return -1;
SET_REPO_CONFIG(bool, "core.bare", is_bare);
SET_REPO_CONFIG(int32, "core.repositoryformatversion", GIT_REPO_VERSION);
SET_REPO_CONFIG(bool, "core.filemode", is_chmod_supported(git_buf_cstr(&cfg_path)));
......@@ -850,21 +832,18 @@ int git_repository_init(git_repository **repo_out, const char *path, unsigned is
is_reinit = git_path_isdir(repository_path.ptr) && valid_repository_path(&repository_path);
if (is_reinit) {
if (repo_init_reinit(repo_out, repository_path.ptr, is_bare) < 0)
goto cleanup;
/* TODO: reinitialize the templates */
result = repo_init_config(repository_path.ptr, is_bare, is_reinit);
if (repo_init_config(repository_path.ptr, is_bare, is_reinit) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if (repo_init_structure(repository_path.ptr, is_bare) < 0 ||
} else if (repo_init_structure(repository_path.ptr, is_bare) < 0 ||
repo_init_config(repository_path.ptr, is_bare, is_reinit) < 0 ||
repo_init_createhead(repository_path.ptr) < 0 ||
git_repository_open(repo_out, repository_path.ptr) < 0) {
repo_init_createhead(repository_path.ptr) < 0) {
goto cleanup;
result = 0;
result = git_repository_open(repo_out, repository_path.ptr);
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