Commit 0d7f3f52 by Edward Thomson Committed by Edward Thomson

utf8: add conversion with size and refactor names

Add functions to use convert a string with length, instead of assuming
NUL termination.

In addition, move the utf8 to 16 conversion routines into the `git_utf8`
namespace instead of using namespaceless `git__` prefixed names.
parent cff0d9b1
......@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ static int schannel_stream_wrap(
st->io = in;
st->owned = owned;
if (git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&st->host_w, host) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&st->host_w, host) < 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ static int apply_userpass_credentials(HINTERNET request, DWORD target, int mecha
goto done;
if ((error = user_len = git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&user, c->username)) < 0)
if ((error = user_len = git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&user, c->username)) < 0)
goto done;
if ((error = pass_len = git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&pass, c->password)) < 0)
if ((error = pass_len = git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&pass, c->password)) < 0)
goto done;
if (!WinHttpSetCredentials(request, target, native_scheme, user, pass, NULL)) {
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static int acquire_fallback_cred(
HRESULT hCoInitResult;
/* Convert URL to wide characters */
if (git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_url, url) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_url, url) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to convert string to wide form");
return -1;
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ static int winhttp_stream_connect(winhttp_stream *s)
return -1;
/* Convert URL to wide characters */
if (git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&s->request_uri, git_str_cstr(&buf)) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&s->request_uri, git_str_cstr(&buf)) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to convert string to wide form");
goto on_error;
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static int winhttp_stream_connect(winhttp_stream *s)
/* Convert URL to wide characters */
error = git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&proxy_wide, processed_url.ptr);
error = git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&proxy_wide, processed_url.ptr);
if (error < 0)
goto on_error;
......@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ static int winhttp_stream_connect(winhttp_stream *s)
s->service) < 0)
goto on_error;
if (git__utf8_to_16(ct, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, git_str_cstr(&buf)) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16(ct, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, git_str_cstr(&buf)) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to convert content-type to wide characters");
goto on_error;
......@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ static int winhttp_stream_connect(winhttp_stream *s)
s->service) < 0)
goto on_error;
if (git__utf8_to_16(ct, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, git_str_cstr(&buf)) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16(ct, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, git_str_cstr(&buf)) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to convert accept header to wide characters");
goto on_error;
......@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ static int winhttp_stream_connect(winhttp_stream *s)
git_str_puts(&buf, t->owner->connect_opts.custom_headers.strings[i]);
/* Convert header to wide characters */
if ((error = git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&custom_header_wide, git_str_cstr(&buf))) < 0)
if ((error = git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&custom_header_wide, git_str_cstr(&buf))) < 0)
goto on_error;
if (!WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(s->request, custom_header_wide, (ULONG)-1L,
......@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ static int winhttp_connect(
/* Prepare host */
if (git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_host, host) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_host, host) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "unable to convert host to wide characters");
goto on_error;
......@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ static int winhttp_connect(
if (git_http__user_agent(&ua) < 0)
goto on_error;
if (git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_ua, git_str_cstr(&ua)) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_ua, git_str_cstr(&ua)) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "unable to convert host to wide characters");
goto on_error;
......@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ replay:
/* Convert the Location header to UTF-8 */
if (git__utf16_to_8_alloc(&location8, location) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_from_16_alloc(&location8, location) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to convert Location header to UTF-8");
return -1;
......@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ replay:
p_snprintf(expected_content_type_8, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, "application/x-git-%s-advertisement", s->service);
if (git__utf8_to_16(expected_content_type, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, expected_content_type_8) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_to_16(expected_content_type, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN, expected_content_type_8) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to convert expected content-type to wide characters");
return -1;
......@@ -2015,7 +2015,7 @@ int git_fs_path_find_executable(git_str *fullpath, const char *executable)
git_win32_path fullpath_w, executable_w;
int error;
if (git__utf8_to_16(executable_w, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, executable) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16(executable_w, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, executable) < 0)
return -1;
error = git_win32_path_find_executable(fullpath_w, executable_w);
......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ int git__getenv(git_str *out, const char *name)
if (git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_name, name) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_name, name) < 0)
return -1;
if ((value_len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(wide_name, NULL, 0)) > 0) {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ char *git_win32_get_error_message(DWORD error_code)
(LPWSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL)) {
/* Convert the message to UTF-8. If this fails, we will
* return NULL, which is a condition expected by the caller */
if (git__utf16_to_8_alloc(&utf8_msg, lpMsgBuf) < 0)
if (git_utf8_from_16_alloc(&utf8_msg, lpMsgBuf) < 0)
utf8_msg = NULL;
......@@ -336,13 +336,13 @@ int git_win32_path_from_utf8(git_win32_path out, const char *src)
/* See if this is an absolute path (beginning with a drive letter) */
if (git_fs_path_is_absolute(src)) {
if (git__utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, src) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, src) < 0)
goto on_error;
/* File-prefixed NT-style paths beginning with \\?\ */
else if (path__is_nt_namespace(src)) {
/* Skip the NT prefix, the destination already contains it */
if (git__utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, src + PATH__NT_NAMESPACE_LEN) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, src + PATH__NT_NAMESPACE_LEN) < 0)
goto on_error;
/* UNC paths */
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ int git_win32_path_from_utf8(git_win32_path out, const char *src)
dest += 4;
/* Skip the leading "\\" */
if (git__utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX - 2, src + 2) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX - 2, src + 2) < 0)
goto on_error;
/* Absolute paths omitting the drive letter */
......@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ int git_win32_path_from_utf8(git_win32_path out, const char *src)
/* Skip the drive letter specification ("C:") */
if (git__utf8_to_16(dest + 2, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX - 2, src) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16(dest + 2, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX - 2, src) < 0)
goto on_error;
/* Relative paths */
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ int git_win32_path_from_utf8(git_win32_path out, const char *src)
dest[cwd_len++] = L'\\';
if (git__utf8_to_16(dest + cwd_len, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX - cwd_len, src) < 0)
if (git_utf8_to_16(dest + cwd_len, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX - cwd_len, src) < 0)
goto on_error;
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ int git_win32_path_relative_from_utf8(git_win32_path out, const char *src)
return git_win32_path_from_utf8(out, src);
if ((len = git__utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, src)) < 0)
if ((len = git_utf8_to_16(dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX, src)) < 0)
return -1;
for (p = dest; p < (dest + len); p++) {
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ int git_win32_path_to_utf8(git_win32_utf8_path dest, const wchar_t *src)
if ((len = git__utf16_to_8(out, GIT_WIN_PATH_UTF8, src)) < 0)
if ((len = git_utf8_from_16(out, GIT_WIN_PATH_UTF8, src)) < 0)
return len;
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ char *git_win32_path_8dot3_name(const char *path)
if (namelen > 12 || (shortname = git__malloc(namelen + 1)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((len = git__utf16_to_8(shortname, namelen + 1, start)) < 0)
if ((len = git_utf8_from_16(shortname, namelen + 1, start)) < 0)
return NULL;
return shortname;
......@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ int p_getcwd(char *buffer_out, size_t size)
git_win32_path_remove_namespace(cwd, wcslen(cwd));
/* Convert the working directory back to UTF-8 */
if (git__utf16_to_8(buffer_out, size, cwd) < 0) {
if (git_utf8_from_16(buffer_out, size, cwd) < 0) {
DWORD code = GetLastError();
......@@ -15,108 +15,114 @@ GIT_INLINE(void) git__set_errno(void)
errno = EINVAL;
* Converts a UTF-8 string to wide characters.
* @param dest The buffer to receive the wide string.
* @param dest_size The size of the buffer, in characters.
* @param src The UTF-8 string to convert.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf8_to_16(wchar_t *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src)
int git_utf8_to_16(wchar_t *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src)
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string. */
return git_utf8_to_16_with_len(dest, dest_size, src, -1);
int git_utf8_to_16_with_len(
wchar_t *dest,
size_t _dest_size,
const char *src,
int src_len)
int dest_size = (int)min(_dest_size, INT_MAX);
int len;
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string. Subtract 1 from the result to
* turn 0 into -1 (an error code) and to not count the NULL terminator as part of the string's
* length. MultiByteToWideChar never returns int's minvalue, so underflow is not possible */
if ((len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, src, -1, dest, (int)dest_size) - 1) < 0)
* Subtract 1 from the result to turn 0 into -1 (an error code) and
* to not count the NULL terminator as part of the string's length.
* MultiByteToWideChar never returns int's minvalue, so underflow
* is not possible.
len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
src, src_len, dest, dest_size) - 1;
if (len < 0)
return len;
* Converts a wide string to UTF-8.
* @param dest The buffer to receive the UTF-8 string.
* @param dest_size The size of the buffer, in bytes.
* @param src The wide string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf16_to_8(char *dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t *src)
int git_utf8_from_16(char *dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t *src)
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string. */
return git_utf8_from_16_with_len(dest, dest_size, src, -1);
int git_utf8_from_16_with_len(
char *dest,
size_t _dest_size,
const wchar_t *src,
int src_len)
int dest_size = (int)min(_dest_size, INT_MAX);
int len;
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string. Subtract 1 from the result to
* turn 0 into -1 (an error code) and to not count the NULL terminator as part of the string's
* length. WideCharToMultiByte never returns int's minvalue, so underflow is not possible */
if ((len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, src, -1, dest, (int)dest_size, NULL, NULL) - 1) < 0)
* Subtract 1 from the result to turn 0 into -1 (an error code) and
* to not count the NULL terminator as part of the string's length.
* WideCharToMultiByte never returns int's minvalue, so underflow
* is not possible.
len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
src, src_len, dest, dest_size, NULL, NULL) - 1;
if (len < 0)
return len;
* Converts a UTF-8 string to wide characters.
* Memory is allocated to hold the converted string.
* The caller is responsible for freeing the string with git__free.
* @param dest Receives a pointer to the wide string.
* @param src The UTF-8 string to convert.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf8_to_16_alloc(wchar_t **dest, const char *src)
int git_utf8_to_16_alloc(wchar_t **dest, const char *src)
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string. */
return git_utf8_to_16_alloc_with_len(dest, src, -1);
int git_utf8_to_16_alloc_with_len(wchar_t **dest, const char *src, int src_len)
int utf16_size;
*dest = NULL;
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string */
utf16_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, src, -1, NULL, 0);
utf16_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
src, src_len, NULL, 0);
if (!utf16_size) {
return -1;
if (!(*dest = git__mallocarray(utf16_size, sizeof(wchar_t)))) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return -1;
*dest = git__mallocarray(utf16_size, sizeof(wchar_t));
utf16_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, src, -1, *dest, utf16_size);
if (!utf16_size) {
utf16_size = git_utf8_to_16_with_len(*dest, (size_t)utf16_size,
src, src_len);
if (utf16_size < 0) {
*dest = NULL;
/* Subtract 1 from the result to turn 0 into -1 (an error code) and to not count the NULL
* terminator as part of the string's length. MultiByteToWideChar never returns int's minvalue,
* so underflow is not possible */
return utf16_size - 1;
return utf16_size;
* Converts a wide string to UTF-8.
* Memory is allocated to hold the converted string.
* The caller is responsible for freeing the string with git__free.
* @param dest Receives a pointer to the UTF-8 string.
* @param src The wide string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf16_to_8_alloc(char **dest, const wchar_t *src)
int git_utf8_from_16_alloc(char **dest, const wchar_t *src)
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string. */
return git_utf8_from_16_alloc_with_len(dest, src, -1);
int git_utf8_from_16_alloc_with_len(char **dest, const wchar_t *src, int src_len)
int utf8_size;
*dest = NULL;
/* Length of -1 indicates NULL termination of the input string */
utf8_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, src, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
utf8_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
src, src_len, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!utf8_size) {
......@@ -124,23 +130,15 @@ int git__utf16_to_8_alloc(char **dest, const wchar_t *src)
*dest = git__malloc(utf8_size);
if (!*dest) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return -1;
utf8_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, src, -1, *dest, utf8_size, NULL, NULL);
if (!utf8_size) {
utf8_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
src, src_len, *dest, utf8_size, NULL, NULL);
if (utf8_size < 0) {
*dest = NULL;
/* Subtract 1 from the result to turn 0 into -1 (an error code) and to not count the NULL
* terminator as part of the string's length. MultiByteToWideChar never returns int's minvalue,
* so underflow is not possible */
return utf8_size - 1;
return utf8_size;
......@@ -16,14 +16,45 @@
* Converts a NUL-terminated UTF-8 string to wide characters. This is a
* convenience function for `git_utf8_to_16_with_len`.
* @param dest The buffer to receive the wide string.
* @param dest_size The size of the buffer, in characters.
* @param src The UTF-8 string to convert.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git_utf8_to_16(wchar_t *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src);
* Converts a UTF-8 string to wide characters.
* @param dest The buffer to receive the wide string.
* @param dest_size The size of the buffer, in characters.
* @param src The UTF-8 string to convert.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
* @param src_len The length of the string to convert.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git_utf8_to_16_with_len(
wchar_t *dest,
size_t dest_size,
const char *src,
int src_len);
* Converts a NUL-terminated wide string to UTF-8. This is a convenience
* function for `git_utf8_from_16_with_len`.
* @param dest The buffer to receive the UTF-8 string.
* @param dest_size The size of the buffer, in bytes.
* @param src The wide string to convert.
* @param src_len The length of the string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf8_to_16(wchar_t *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src);
int git_utf8_from_16(char *dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t *src);
* Converts a wide string to UTF-8.
......@@ -31,30 +62,66 @@ int git__utf8_to_16(wchar_t *dest, size_t dest_size, const char *src);
* @param dest The buffer to receive the UTF-8 string.
* @param dest_size The size of the buffer, in bytes.
* @param src The wide string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
* @param src_len The length of the string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf16_to_8(char *dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t *src);
int git_utf8_from_16_with_len(char *dest, size_t dest_size, const wchar_t *src, int src_len);
* Converts a UTF-8 string to wide characters.
* Memory is allocated to hold the converted string.
* The caller is responsible for freeing the string with git__free.
* Converts a UTF-8 string to wide characters. Memory is allocated to hold
* the converted string. The caller is responsible for freeing the string
* with git__free.
* @param dest Receives a pointer to the wide string.
* @param src The UTF-8 string to convert.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf8_to_16_alloc(wchar_t **dest, const char *src);
int git_utf8_to_16_alloc(wchar_t **dest, const char *src);
* Converts a wide string to UTF-8.
* Memory is allocated to hold the converted string.
* The caller is responsible for freeing the string with git__free.
* Converts a UTF-8 string to wide characters. Memory is allocated to hold
* the converted string. The caller is responsible for freeing the string
* with git__free.
* @param dest Receives a pointer to the wide string.
* @param src The UTF-8 string to convert.
* @param src_len The length of the string.
* @return The length of the wide string, in characters
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git_utf8_to_16_alloc_with_len(
wchar_t **dest,
const char *src,
int src_len);
* Converts a wide string to UTF-8. Memory is allocated to hold the
* converted string. The caller is responsible for freeing the string
* with git__free.
* @param dest Receives a pointer to the UTF-8 string.
* @param src The wide string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git_utf8_from_16_alloc(char **dest, const wchar_t *src);
* Converts a wide string to UTF-8. Memory is allocated to hold the
* converted string. The caller is responsible for freeing the string
* with git__free.
* @param dest Receives a pointer to the UTF-8 string.
* @param src The wide string to convert.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
* @param src_len The length of the wide string.
* @return The length of the UTF-8 string, in bytes
* (not counting the NULL terminator), or < 0 for failure
int git__utf16_to_8_alloc(char **dest, const wchar_t *src);
int git_utf8_from_16_alloc_with_len(
char **dest,
const wchar_t *src,
int src_len);
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ int git_win32__file_attribute_to_stat(
/* st_size gets the UTF-8 length of the target name, in bytes,
* not counting the NULL terminator */
if ((st->st_size = git__utf16_to_8(NULL, 0, target)) < 0) {
if ((st->st_size = git_utf8_from_16(NULL, 0, target)) < 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "could not convert reparse point name for '%ls'", path);
return -1;
......@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ int cl_setenv(const char *name, const char *value)
wchar_t *wide_name, *wide_value = NULL;
cl_assert(git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_name, name) >= 0);
cl_assert(git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_name, name) >= 0);
if (value) {
cl_assert(git__utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_value, value) >= 0);
cl_assert(git_utf8_to_16_alloc(&wide_value, value) >= 0);
cl_assert(SetEnvironmentVariableW(wide_name, wide_value));
} else {
/* Windows XP returns 0 (failed) when passing NULL for lpValue when
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ static void do_junction(const char *old, const char *new)
git_str_putc(&unparsed_buf, '\\');
subst_utf16_len = git__utf8_to_16(NULL, 0, git_str_cstr(&unparsed_buf));
subst_utf16_len = git_utf8_to_16(NULL, 0, git_str_cstr(&unparsed_buf));
subst_byte_len = subst_utf16_len * sizeof(WCHAR);
print_utf16_len = subst_utf16_len - 4;
......@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ static void do_junction(const char *old, const char *new)
subst_utf16 = reparse_buf->ReparseBuffer.MountPoint.PathBuffer;
print_utf16 = subst_utf16 + subst_utf16_len + 1;
ret = git__utf8_to_16(subst_utf16, subst_utf16_len + 1,
ret = git_utf8_to_16(subst_utf16, subst_utf16_len + 1,
cl_assert_equal_i(subst_utf16_len, ret);
ret = git__utf8_to_16(print_utf16,
ret = git_utf8_to_16(print_utf16,
print_utf16_len + 1, git_str_cstr(&unparsed_buf) + 4);
cl_assert_equal_i(print_utf16_len, ret);
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