Commit 06e6eab0 by Greg Price

revwalk tests: better diagram of example repo

The purported command output was already inaccurate, as the refs
aren't where it shows.  In any event, the labels a reader of this
file really needs are the indices used in commit_sorting_*, to make
it possible to understand them by referring directly from those
arrays to the diagram rather than from the index arrays, to commit_ids,
to the diagram.  Add those.

Signed-off-by: Greg Price <>
parent 804c5f56
#include "clar_libgit2.h"
$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate
* a4a7dce (HEAD, br2) Merge branch 'master' into br2
* a4a7dce [0] Merge branch 'master' into br2
| * 9fd738e (master) a fourth commit
| * 4a202b3 a third commit
* | c47800c branch commit one
| * 9fd738e [1] a fourth commit
| * 4a202b3 [2] a third commit
* | c47800c [3] branch commit one
* 5b5b025 another commit
* 8496071 testing
* 5b5b025 [5] another commit
* 8496071 [4] testing
static const char *commit_head = "a4a7dce85cf63874e984719f4fdd239f5145052f";
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