Commit 0006ff63 by Edward Thomson

clone: support sha256

parent 7186d7ba
......@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ cleanup() {
if [ ! -z "$GIT_SHA256_PID" ]; then
echo "Stopping git daemon (sha256)..."
kill $GIT_SHA256_PID
if [ ! -z "$PROXY_BASIC_PID" ]; then
echo "Stopping proxy (Basic)..."
......@@ -114,6 +119,12 @@ if [ -z "$SKIP_GITDAEMON_TESTS" ]; then
cp -R "${SOURCE_DIR}/tests/resources/namespace.git" "${GIT_NAMESPACE_DIR}/namespace.git"
GIT_NAMESPACE="name1" git daemon --listen=localhost --port=9419 --export-all --enable=receive-pack --base-path="${GIT_NAMESPACE_DIR}" "${GIT_NAMESPACE_DIR}" &
echo "Starting git daemon (sha256)..."
GIT_SHA256_DIR=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR}/git_sha256.XXXXXXXX`
cp -R "${SOURCE_DIR}/tests/resources/testrepo_256.git" "${GIT_SHA256_DIR}/testrepo_256.git"
git daemon --listen=localhost --port=9420 --export-all --enable=receive-pack --base-path="${GIT_SHA256_DIR}" "${GIT_SHA256_DIR}" &
if [ -z "$SKIP_PROXY_TESTS" ]; then
......@@ -261,6 +272,14 @@ if [ -z "$SKIP_GITDAEMON_TESTS" ]; then
run_test gitdaemon_namespace
echo ""
echo "Running gitdaemon (sha256) tests"
echo ""
export GITTEST_REMOTE_URL="git://localhost:9420/testrepo_256.git"
run_test gitdaemon_sha256
if [ -z "$SKIP_PROXY_TESTS" ]; then
......@@ -182,7 +182,12 @@ int git_smart__get_push_stream(transport_smart *t, git_smart_subtransport_stream
int git_smart__update_heads(transport_smart *t, git_vector *symrefs);
/* smart_pkt.c */
int git_pkt_parse_line(git_pkt **head, const char **endptr, const char *line, size_t linelen);
typedef struct {
git_oid_t oid_type;
int seen_capabilities: 1;
} git_pkt_parse_data;
int git_pkt_parse_line(git_pkt **head, const char **endptr, const char *line, size_t linelen, git_pkt_parse_data *data);
int git_pkt_buffer_flush(git_str *buf);
int git_pkt_send_flush(GIT_SOCKET s);
int git_pkt_buffer_done(git_str *buf);
......@@ -212,26 +212,87 @@ static int sideband_error_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len)
return 0;
static int set_data(
git_pkt_parse_data *data,
const char *line,
size_t len)
const char *caps, *format_str = NULL, *eos;
size_t format_len;
git_oid_t remote_oid_type;
if ((caps = memchr(line, '\0', len)) != NULL) {
if (strncmp(caps, "object-format=", CONST_STRLEN("object-format=")) == 0)
format_str = caps + CONST_STRLEN("object-format=");
else if ((format_str = strstr(caps, " object-format=")) != NULL)
format_str += CONST_STRLEN(" object-format=");
if (format_str) {
if ((eos = strchr(format_str, ' ')) == NULL)
eos = strchr(format_str, '\0');
format_len = eos - format_str;
if ((remote_oid_type = git_oid_type_fromstrn(format_str, format_len)) == 0) {
git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "unknown remote object format '%.*s'", (int)format_len, format_str);
return -1;
} else {
remote_oid_type = GIT_OID_SHA1;
if (!data->oid_type) {
data->oid_type = remote_oid_type;
} else if (data->oid_type != remote_oid_type) {
"the local object format '%s' does not match the remote object format '%s'",
return -1;
return 0;
* Parse an other-ref line.
static int ref_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len)
static int ref_pkt(
git_pkt **out,
const char *line,
size_t len,
git_pkt_parse_data *data)
git_pkt_ref *pkt;
size_t alloclen;
size_t alloclen, oid_hexsize;
pkt = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_pkt_ref));
pkt->type = GIT_PKT_REF;
if (len < GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE ||
git_oid__fromstr(&pkt->head.oid, line, GIT_OID_SHA1) < 0)
/* Determine OID type from capabilities */
if (!data->seen_capabilities && set_data(data, line, len) < 0)
return -1;
oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(data->oid_type);
if (len < oid_hexsize ||
git_oid__fromstr(&pkt->head.oid, line, data->oid_type) < 0)
goto out_err;
line += oid_hexsize;
len -= oid_hexsize;
if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, " "))
goto out_err;
......@@ -248,8 +309,14 @@ static int ref_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len)
memcpy(pkt->, line, len);
pkt->[len] = '\0';
if (strlen(pkt-> < len)
if (strlen(pkt-> < len) {
if (!data->seen_capabilities)
pkt->capabilities = strchr(pkt->, '\0') + 1;
goto out_err;
data->seen_capabilities = 1;
*out = (git_pkt *)pkt;
return 0;
......@@ -418,7 +485,11 @@ static int parse_len(size_t *out, const char *line, size_t linelen)
int git_pkt_parse_line(
git_pkt **pkt, const char **endptr, const char *line, size_t linelen)
git_pkt **pkt,
const char **endptr,
const char *line,
size_t linelen,
git_pkt_parse_data *data)
int error;
size_t len;
......@@ -493,7 +564,7 @@ int git_pkt_parse_line(
else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "unpack"))
error = unpack_pkt(pkt, line, len);
error = ref_pkt(pkt, line, len);
error = ref_pkt(pkt, line, len, data);
*endptr = line + len;
......@@ -533,8 +604,11 @@ int git_pkt_buffer_flush(git_str *buf)
static int buffer_want_with_caps(const git_remote_head *head, transport_smart_caps *caps, git_str *buf)
git_str str = GIT_STR_INIT;
char oid[GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE +1] = {0};
size_t len;
char oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1] = {0};
size_t oid_hexsize, len;
oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(head->oid.type);
git_oid_fmt(oid, &head->oid);
/* Prefer multi_ack_detailed */
if (caps->multi_ack_detailed)
......@@ -560,7 +634,7 @@ static int buffer_want_with_caps(const git_remote_head *head, transport_smart_ca
if (git_str_oom(&str))
return -1;
len = strlen("XXXXwant ") + GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE + 1 /* NUL */ +
len = strlen("XXXXwant ") + oid_hexsize + 1 /* NUL */ +
git_str_len(&str) + 1 /* LF */;
if (len > 0xffff) {
......@@ -570,9 +644,9 @@ static int buffer_want_with_caps(const git_remote_head *head, transport_smart_ca
git_str_grow_by(buf, len);
git_oid_fmt(oid, &head->oid);
"%04xwant %s %s\n", (unsigned int)len, oid, git_str_cstr(&str));
"%04xwant %.*s %s\n", (unsigned int)len,
(int)oid_hexsize, oid, git_str_cstr(&str));
......@@ -608,16 +682,19 @@ int git_pkt_buffer_wants(
for (; i < count; ++i) {
head = refs[i];
if (head->local)
git_oid_fmt(oid, &head->oid);
git_str_put(buf, pkt_want_prefix, strlen(pkt_want_prefix));
git_str_put(buf, oid, GIT_OID_SHA1_HEXSIZE);
git_str_put(buf, oid, git_oid_hexsize(head->oid.type));
git_str_putc(buf, '\n');
if (git_str_oom(buf))
return -1;
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ int git_smart__store_refs(transport_smart *t, int flushes)
int error, flush = 0, recvd;
const char *line_end = NULL;
git_pkt *pkt = NULL;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
size_t i;
/* Clear existing refs in case git_remote_connect() is called again
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ int git_smart__store_refs(transport_smart *t, int flushes)
do {
if (buf->offset > 0)
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end, buf->data, buf->offset);
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end, buf->data, buf->offset, &pkt_parse_data);
error = GIT_EBUFS;
......@@ -228,11 +229,12 @@ static int recv_pkt(git_pkt **out_pkt, git_pkt_type *out_type, gitno_buffer *buf
const char *ptr = buf->data, *line_end = ptr;
git_pkt *pkt = NULL;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
int error = 0, ret;
do {
if (buf->offset > 0)
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end, ptr, buf->offset);
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end, ptr, buf->offset, &pkt_parse_data);
error = GIT_EBUFS;
......@@ -723,6 +725,7 @@ static int add_push_report_pkt(git_push *push, git_pkt *pkt)
static int add_push_report_sideband_pkt(git_push *push, git_pkt_data *data_pkt, git_str *data_pkt_buf)
git_pkt *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
const char *line, *line_end = NULL;
size_t line_len;
int error;
......@@ -741,7 +744,7 @@ static int add_push_report_sideband_pkt(git_push *push, git_pkt_data *data_pkt,
while (line_len > 0) {
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end, line, line_len);
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end, line, line_len, &pkt_parse_data);
if (error == GIT_EBUFS) {
/* Buffer the data when the inner packet is split
......@@ -777,6 +780,7 @@ done:
static int parse_report(transport_smart *transport, git_push *push)
git_pkt *pkt = NULL;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
const char *line_end = NULL;
gitno_buffer *buf = &transport->buffer;
int error, recvd;
......@@ -785,7 +789,8 @@ static int parse_report(transport_smart *transport, git_push *push)
for (;;) {
if (buf->offset > 0)
error = git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &line_end,
buf->data, buf->offset);
buf->data, buf->offset,
error = GIT_EBUFS;
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ add_clar_test(libgit2_tests online -v -sonline -xonline::customcert
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests online_customcert -v -sonline::customcert)
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests gitdaemon -v -sonline::push)
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests gitdaemon_namespace -v -sonline::clone::namespace)
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests gitdaemon_sha256 -v -sonline::clone::sha256)
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests ssh -v -sonline::push -sonline::clone::ssh_cert -sonline::clone::ssh_with_paths -sonline::clone::path_whitespace_ssh -sonline::clone::ssh_auth_methods)
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests proxy -v -sonline::clone::proxy)
add_clar_test(libgit2_tests auth_clone -v -sonline::clone::cred)
......@@ -1058,3 +1058,22 @@ void test_online_clone__namespace_with_specified_branch(void)
void test_online_clone__sha256(void)
git_clone_options options = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT;
git_reference *head;
if (!_remote_url)
cl_git_pass(git_clone(&g_repo, _remote_url, "./sha256", &options));
cl_git_pass(git_reference_lookup(&head, g_repo, GIT_HEAD_FILE));
cl_assert_equal_i(GIT_REFERENCE_SYMBOLIC, git_reference_type(head));
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ static void assert_flush_parses(const char *line)
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_FLUSH);
cl_assert_equal_strn(endptr, line + 4, linelen - 4);
......@@ -24,8 +25,9 @@ static void assert_data_pkt_parses(const char *line, const char *expected_data,
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_data *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_DATA);
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->len, expected_len);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->data, expected_data, expected_len);
......@@ -38,8 +40,9 @@ static void assert_sideband_progress_parses(const char *line, const char *expect
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_progress *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_PROGRESS);
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->len, expected_len);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->data, expected_data, expected_len);
......@@ -52,8 +55,9 @@ static void assert_error_parses(const char *line, const char *expected_error, si
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_err *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_ERR);
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->len, expected_len);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->error, expected_error, expected_len);
......@@ -67,10 +71,11 @@ static void assert_ack_parses(const char *line, const char *expected_oid, enum g
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_ack *pkt;
git_oid oid;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_oid__fromstr(&oid, expected_oid, GIT_OID_SHA1));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_ACK);
cl_assert_equal_oid(&pkt->oid, &oid);
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->status, expected_status);
......@@ -83,8 +88,9 @@ static void assert_nak_parses(const char *line)
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_NAK);
cl_assert_equal_strn(endptr, line + 7, linelen - 7);
......@@ -96,8 +102,9 @@ static void assert_comment_parses(const char *line, const char *expected_comment
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_comment *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_COMMENT);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->comment, expected_comment, strlen(expected_comment));
......@@ -109,8 +116,9 @@ static void assert_ok_parses(const char *line, const char *expected_ref)
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_ok *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_OK);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->ref, expected_ref, strlen(expected_ref));
......@@ -122,8 +130,9 @@ static void assert_unpack_parses(const char *line, bool ok)
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_unpack *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_UNPACK);
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->unpack_ok, ok);
......@@ -135,8 +144,9 @@ static void assert_ng_parses(const char *line, const char *expected_ref, const c
size_t linelen = strlen(line) + 1;
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_ng *pkt;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_NG);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->ref, expected_ref, strlen(expected_ref));
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->msg, expected_msg, strlen(expected_msg));
......@@ -153,10 +163,11 @@ static void assert_ref_parses_(const char *line, size_t linelen, const char *exp
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_ref *pkt;
git_oid oid;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
cl_git_pass(git_oid__fromstr(&oid, expected_oid, GIT_OID_SHA1));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen));
cl_git_pass(git_pkt_parse_line((git_pkt **) &pkt, &endptr, line, linelen, &pkt_parse_data));
cl_assert_equal_i(pkt->type, GIT_PKT_REF);
cl_assert_equal_oid(&pkt->head.oid, &oid);
cl_assert_equal_strn(pkt->, expected_ref, strlen(expected_ref));
......@@ -171,8 +182,10 @@ static void assert_ref_parses_(const char *line, size_t linelen, const char *exp
static void assert_pkt_fails(const char *line)
const char *endptr;
git_pkt_parse_data pkt_parse_data = { 0 };
git_pkt *pkt;
cl_git_fail(git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &endptr, line, strlen(line) + 1));
cl_git_fail(git_pkt_parse_line(&pkt, &endptr, line, strlen(line) + 1, &pkt_parse_data));
void test_transports_smart_packet__parsing_garbage_fails(void)
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