/**CFile*********************************************************************** FileName [zSubSet.c] PackageName [extra] Synopsis [Experimental version of some ZDD operators.] Description [External procedures included in this module: <ul> <li> Extra_zddSubSet(); <li> Extra_zddSupSet(); <li> Extra_zddNotSubSet(); <li> Extra_zddNotSupSet(); <li> Extra_zddMaxNotSupSet(); <li> Extra_zddEmptyBelongs(); <li> Extra_zddIsOneSubset(); </ul> Internal procedures included in this module: <ul> <li> extraZddSubSet(); <li> extraZddSupSet(); <li> extraZddNotSubSet(); <li> extraZddNotSupSet(); <li> extraZddMaxNotSupSet(); </ul> Static procedures included in this module: <ul> </ul> SubSet, SupSet, NotSubSet, NotSupSet were introduced by O.Coudert to solve problems arising in two-level SOP minimization. See O. Coudert, "Two-Level Logic Minimization: An Overview", Integration. Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 97-140, Oct 1994. ] SeeAlso [] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Copyright [] Revision [$zSubSet.c, v.1.2, November 16, 2000, alanmi $] ******************************************************************************/ #include "extraBdd.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Constant declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Stucture declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Type declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Variable declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Macro declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**AutomaticStart*************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Static function prototypes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**AutomaticEnd***************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition of exported functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Computes subsets in X that are contained in some of the subsets of Y.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [Extra_zddNotSubSet, Extra_zddSupSet, Extra_zddNotSupSet] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode * Extra_zddSubSet( DdManager * dd, DdNode * X, DdNode * Y) { DdNode *res; int autoDynZ; autoDynZ = dd->autoDynZ; dd->autoDynZ = 0; do { dd->reordered = 0; res = extraZddSubSet(dd, X, Y); } while (dd->reordered == 1); dd->autoDynZ = autoDynZ; return(res); } /* end of Extra_zddSubSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Computes subsets in X that contain some of the subsets of Y.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [Extra_zddSubSet, Extra_zddNotSubSet, Extra_zddNotSupSet] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode * Extra_zddSupSet( DdManager * dd, DdNode * X, DdNode * Y) { DdNode *res; int autoDynZ; autoDynZ = dd->autoDynZ; dd->autoDynZ = 0; do { dd->reordered = 0; res = extraZddSupSet(dd, X, Y); } while (dd->reordered == 1); dd->autoDynZ = autoDynZ; return(res); } /* end of Extra_zddSupSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Computes subsets in X that are not contained in any of the subsets of Y.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [Extra_zddSubSet, Extra_zddSupSet, Extra_zddNotSupSet] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode * Extra_zddNotSubSet( DdManager * dd, DdNode * X, DdNode * Y) { DdNode *res; int autoDynZ; autoDynZ = dd->autoDynZ; dd->autoDynZ = 0; do { dd->reordered = 0; res = extraZddNotSubSet(dd, X, Y); } while (dd->reordered == 1); dd->autoDynZ = autoDynZ; return(res); } /* end of Extra_zddNotSubSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Computes subsets in X that do not contain any of the subsets of Y.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [Extra_zddSubSet, Extra_zddSupSet, Extra_zddNotSubSet] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode * Extra_zddNotSupSet( DdManager * dd, DdNode * X, DdNode * Y) { DdNode *res; int autoDynZ; autoDynZ = dd->autoDynZ; dd->autoDynZ = 0; do { dd->reordered = 0; res = extraZddNotSupSet(dd, X, Y); } while (dd->reordered == 1); dd->autoDynZ = autoDynZ; return(res); } /* end of Extra_zddNotSupSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Computes the maximal of subsets in X not contained in any of the subsets of Y.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [Extra_zddSubSet, Extra_zddSupSet, Extra_zddSubSet, Extra_zddNotSupSet] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode * Extra_zddMaxNotSupSet( DdManager * dd, DdNode * X, DdNode * Y) { DdNode *res; int autoDynZ; autoDynZ = dd->autoDynZ; dd->autoDynZ = 0; do { dd->reordered = 0; res = extraZddMaxNotSupSet(dd, X, Y); } while (dd->reordered == 1); dd->autoDynZ = autoDynZ; return(res); } /* end of Extra_zddMaxNotSupSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Returns 1 if ZDD contains the empty combination; 0 otherwise.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ int Extra_zddEmptyBelongs( DdManager *dd, DdNode* zS ) { while ( zS->index != CUDD_MAXINDEX ) zS = cuddE( zS ); return (int)( zS == z1 ); } /* end of Extra_zddEmptyBelongs */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Returns 1 if the set is empty or consists of one subset only.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ int Extra_zddIsOneSubset( DdManager * dd, DdNode * zS ) { while ( zS->index != CUDD_MAXINDEX ) { assert( cuddT(zS) != z0 ); if ( cuddE(zS) != z0 ) return 0; zS = cuddT( zS ); } return (int)( zS == z1 ); } /* end of Extra_zddEmptyBelongs */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition of internal functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Extra_zddSubSet.] Description [] SideEffects [None] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode* extraZddSubSet( DdManager *dd, DdNode *X, DdNode *Y ) { DdNode *zRes; statLine(dd); /* any comb is a subset of itself */ if ( X == Y ) return X; /* if X is empty, the result is empty */ if ( X == z0 ) return z0; /* combs in X are notsubsets of non-existant combs in Y */ if ( Y == z0 ) return z0; /* the empty comb is contained in all combs of Y */ if ( X == z1 ) return z1; /* only {()} is the subset of {()} */ if ( Y == z1 ) /* check whether the empty combination is present in X */ return ( Extra_zddEmptyBelongs( dd, X )? z1: z0 ); /* check cache */ zRes = cuddCacheLookup2Zdd(dd, extraZddSubSet, X, Y); if (zRes) return(zRes); else { DdNode *zRes0, *zRes1, *zTemp; int TopLevelX = dd->permZ[ X->index ]; int TopLevelY = dd->permZ[ Y->index ]; if ( TopLevelX < TopLevelY ) { /* compute combs of X without var that are notsubsets of combs with Y */ zRes = extraZddSubSet( dd, cuddE( X ), Y ); if ( zRes == NULL ) return NULL; } else if ( TopLevelX == TopLevelY ) { /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zTemp ); /* compute combs of X without var that are notsubsets of combs is Temp */ zRes0 = extraZddSubSet( dd, cuddE( X ), zTemp ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); /* combs of X with var that are notsubsets of combs in Y with var */ zRes1 = extraZddSubSet( dd, cuddT( X ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else /* if ( TopLevelX > TopLevelY ) */ { /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zTemp ); /* compute combs that are notsubsets of Temp */ zRes = extraZddSubSet( dd, X, zTemp ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); cuddDeref( zRes ); } /* insert the result into cache */ cuddCacheInsert2(dd, extraZddSubSet, X, Y, zRes); return zRes; } } /* end of extraZddSubSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Extra_zddSupSet.] Description [] SideEffects [None] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode* extraZddSupSet( DdManager *dd, DdNode *X, DdNode *Y ) { DdNode *zRes; statLine(dd); /* any comb is a superset of itself */ if ( X == Y ) return X; /* no comb in X is superset of non-existing combs */ if ( Y == z0 ) return z0; /* any comb in X is the superset of the empty comb */ if ( Extra_zddEmptyBelongs( dd, Y ) ) return X; /* if X is empty, the result is empty */ if ( X == z0 ) return z0; /* if X is the empty comb (and Y does not contain it!), return empty */ if ( X == z1 ) return z0; /* check cache */ zRes = cuddCacheLookup2Zdd(dd, extraZddSupSet, X, Y); if (zRes) return(zRes); else { DdNode *zRes0, *zRes1, *zTemp; int TopLevelX = dd->permZ[ X->index ]; int TopLevelY = dd->permZ[ Y->index ]; if ( TopLevelX < TopLevelY ) { /* combinations of X without label that are supersets of combinations with Y */ zRes0 = extraZddSupSet( dd, cuddE( X ), Y ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* combinations of X with label that are supersets of combinations with Y */ zRes1 = extraZddSupSet( dd, cuddT( X ), Y ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else if ( TopLevelX == TopLevelY ) { /* combs of X without var that are supersets of combs of Y without var */ zRes0 = extraZddSupSet( dd, cuddE( X ), cuddE( Y ) ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zTemp ); /* combs of X with label that are supersets of combs in Temp */ zRes1 = extraZddSupSet( dd, cuddT( X ), zTemp ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else /* if ( TopLevelX > TopLevelY ) */ { /* combs of X that are supersets of combs of Y without label */ zRes = extraZddSupSet( dd, X, cuddE( Y ) ); if ( zRes == NULL ) return NULL; } /* insert the result into cache */ cuddCacheInsert2(dd, extraZddSupSet, X, Y, zRes); return zRes; } } /* end of extraZddSupSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Extra_zddNotSubSet.] Description [] SideEffects [None] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode* extraZddNotSubSet( DdManager *dd, DdNode *X, DdNode *Y ) { DdNode *zRes; statLine(dd); /* any comb is a subset of itself */ if ( X == Y ) return z0; /* combs in X are notsubsets of non-existant combs in Y */ if ( Y == z0 ) return X; /* only {()} is the subset of {()} */ if ( Y == z1 ) /* remove empty combination from X */ return cuddZddDiff( dd, X, z1 ); /* if X is empty, the result is empty */ if ( X == z0 ) return z0; /* the empty comb is contained in all combs of Y */ if ( X == z1 ) return z0; /* check cache */ zRes = cuddCacheLookup2Zdd(dd, extraZddNotSubSet, X, Y); if (zRes) return(zRes); else { DdNode *zRes0, *zRes1, *zTemp; int TopLevelX = dd->permZ[ X->index ]; int TopLevelY = dd->permZ[ Y->index ]; if ( TopLevelX < TopLevelY ) { /* compute combs of X without var that are notsubsets of combs with Y */ zRes0 = extraZddNotSubSet( dd, cuddE( X ), Y ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* combs of X with var cannot be subsets of combs without var in Y */ zRes1 = cuddT( X ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); } else if ( TopLevelX == TopLevelY ) { /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zTemp ); /* compute combs of X without var that are notsubsets of combs is Temp */ zRes0 = extraZddNotSubSet( dd, cuddE( X ), zTemp ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); /* combs of X with var that are notsubsets of combs in Y with var */ zRes1 = extraZddNotSubSet( dd, cuddT( X ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else /* if ( TopLevelX > TopLevelY ) */ { /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zTemp ); /* compute combs that are notsubsets of Temp */ zRes = extraZddNotSubSet( dd, X, zTemp ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); cuddDeref( zRes ); } /* insert the result into cache */ cuddCacheInsert2(dd, extraZddNotSubSet, X, Y, zRes); return zRes; } } /* end of extraZddNotSubSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Extra_zddNotSupSet.] Description [] SideEffects [None] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode* extraZddNotSupSet( DdManager *dd, DdNode *X, DdNode *Y ) { DdNode *zRes; statLine(dd); /* any comb is a superset of itself */ if ( X == Y ) return z0; /* no comb in X is superset of non-existing combs */ if ( Y == z0 ) return X; /* any comb in X is the superset of the empty comb */ if ( Extra_zddEmptyBelongs( dd, Y ) ) return z0; /* if X is empty, the result is empty */ if ( X == z0 ) return z0; /* if X is the empty comb (and Y does not contain it!), return it */ if ( X == z1 ) return z1; /* check cache */ zRes = cuddCacheLookup2Zdd(dd, extraZddNotSupSet, X, Y); if (zRes) return(zRes); else { DdNode *zRes0, *zRes1, *zTemp; int TopLevelX = dd->permZ[ X->index ]; int TopLevelY = dd->permZ[ Y->index ]; if ( TopLevelX < TopLevelY ) { /* combinations of X without label that are supersets of combinations of Y */ zRes0 = extraZddNotSupSet( dd, cuddE( X ), Y ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* combinations of X with label that are supersets of combinations of Y */ zRes1 = extraZddNotSupSet( dd, cuddT( X ), Y ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else if ( TopLevelX == TopLevelY ) { /* combs of X without var that are not supersets of combs of Y without var */ zRes0 = extraZddNotSupSet( dd, cuddE( X ), cuddE( Y ) ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zTemp ); /* combs of X with label that are supersets of combs in Temp */ zRes1 = extraZddNotSupSet( dd, cuddT( X ), zTemp ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else /* if ( TopLevelX > TopLevelY ) */ { /* combs of X that are supersets of combs of Y without label */ zRes = extraZddNotSupSet( dd, X, cuddE( Y ) ); if ( zRes == NULL ) return NULL; } /* insert the result into cache */ cuddCacheInsert2(dd, extraZddNotSupSet, X, Y, zRes); return zRes; } } /* end of extraZddNotSupSet */ /**Function******************************************************************** Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Extra_zddMaxNotSupSet.] Description [] SideEffects [None] SeeAlso [] ******************************************************************************/ DdNode* extraZddMaxNotSupSet( DdManager *dd, DdNode *X, DdNode *Y ) { DdNode *zRes; statLine(dd); /* any comb is a superset of itself */ if ( X == Y ) return z0; /* no comb in X is superset of non-existing combs */ if ( Y == z0 ) return extraZddMaximal( dd, X ); /* any comb in X is the superset of the empty comb */ if ( Extra_zddEmptyBelongs( dd, Y ) ) return z0; /* if X is empty, the result is empty */ if ( X == z0 ) return z0; /* if X is the empty comb (and Y does not contain it!), return it */ if ( X == z1 ) return z1; /* check cache */ zRes = cuddCacheLookup2Zdd(dd, extraZddMaxNotSupSet, X, Y); if (zRes) return(zRes); else { DdNode *zRes0, *zRes1, *zTemp; int TopLevelX = dd->permZ[ X->index ]; int TopLevelY = dd->permZ[ Y->index ]; if ( TopLevelX < TopLevelY ) { /* combinations of X without label that are supersets of combinations with Y */ zRes0 = extraZddMaxNotSupSet( dd, cuddE( X ), Y ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* combinations of X with label that are supersets of combinations with Y */ zRes1 = extraZddMaxNotSupSet( dd, cuddT( X ), Y ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* remove subsets without this element covered by subsets with this element */ zRes0 = extraZddNotSubSet(dd, zTemp = zRes0, zRes1); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(dd, zTemp); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(dd, zRes1); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(dd, zTemp); /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else if ( TopLevelX == TopLevelY ) { /* combs of X without var that are supersets of combs of Y without var */ zRes0 = extraZddMaxNotSupSet( dd, cuddE( X ), cuddE( Y ) ); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) return NULL; cuddRef( zRes0 ); /* merge combs of Y with and without var */ zTemp = cuddZddUnion( dd, cuddE( Y ), cuddT( Y ) ); if ( zTemp == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zTemp ); /* combs of X with label that are supersets of combs in Temp */ zRes1 = extraZddMaxNotSupSet( dd, cuddT( X ), zTemp ); if ( zRes1 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes1 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zTemp ); /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* remove subsets without this element covered by subsets with this element */ zRes0 = extraZddNotSubSet(dd, zTemp = zRes0, zRes1); if ( zRes0 == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(dd, zTemp); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(dd, zRes1); return NULL; } cuddRef( zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(dd, zTemp); /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* compose Res0 and Res1 with the given ZDD variable */ zRes = cuddZddGetNode( dd, X->index, zRes1, zRes0 ); if ( zRes == NULL ) { Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes0 ); Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd( dd, zRes1 ); return NULL; } cuddDeref( zRes0 ); cuddDeref( zRes1 ); } else /* if ( TopLevelX > TopLevelY ) */ { /* combs of X that are supersets of combs of Y without label */ zRes = extraZddMaxNotSupSet( dd, X, cuddE( Y ) ); if ( zRes == NULL ) return NULL; } /* insert the result into cache */ cuddCacheInsert2(dd, extraZddMaxNotSupSet, X, Y, zRes); return zRes; } } /* end of extraZddMaxNotSupSet */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition of static functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END