
  FileName    [fxuInt.h]

  PackageName [MVSIS 2.0: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]

  Synopsis    [Internal declarations of fast extract for unate covers.]

  Author      [MVSIS Group]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - February 1, 2003.]

  Revision    [$Id: fxuInt.h,v 1.3 2003/04/10 05:42:44 donald Exp $]

#ifndef __FXU_INT_H__
#define __FXU_INT_H__

///                          INCLUDES                                ///

#include "abc.h"
#include "extra.h"


///                         PARAMETERS                               ///

// uncomment this macro to switch to standard memory management

///                    STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS                         ///

    Here is an informal description of the FX data structure.
    (1) The sparse matrix is filled with literals, associated with 
        cubes (row) and variables (columns). The matrix contains 
        all the cubes of all the nodes in the network.
    (2) A cube is associated with 
        (a) its literals in the matrix,
        (b) the output variable of the node, to which this cube belongs,
    (3) A variable is associated with 
        (a) its literals in the matrix and
        (b) the list of cube pairs in the cover, for which it is the output
    (4) A cube pair is associated with two cubes and contains the counters
        of literals in the base and in the cubes without the base
    (5) A double-cube divisor is associated with list of all cube pairs 
        that produce it and its current weight (which is updated automatically 
        each time a new pair is added or an old pair is removed). 
    (6) A single-cube divisor is associated the pair of variables. 

// sparse matrix
typedef struct FxuMatrix        Fxu_Matrix;     // the sparse matrix

// sparse matrix contents: cubes (rows), vars (columns), literals (entries)
typedef struct FxuCube          Fxu_Cube;       // one cube in the sparse matrix
typedef struct FxuVar           Fxu_Var;        // one literal in the sparse matrix
typedef struct FxuLit           Fxu_Lit;        // one entry in the sparse matrix

// double cube divisors
typedef struct FxuPair          Fxu_Pair;       // the pair of cubes
typedef struct FxuDouble        Fxu_Double;     // the double-cube divisor
typedef struct FxuSingle        Fxu_Single;     // the two-literal single-cube divisor

// various lists
typedef struct FxuListCube      Fxu_ListCube;   // the list of cubes
typedef struct FxuListVar       Fxu_ListVar;    // the list of literals
typedef struct FxuListLit       Fxu_ListLit;    // the list of entries
typedef struct FxuListPair      Fxu_ListPair;   // the list of pairs
typedef struct FxuListDouble    Fxu_ListDouble; // the list of divisors
typedef struct FxuListSingle    Fxu_ListSingle; // the list of single-cube divisors

// various heaps
typedef struct FxuHeapDouble    Fxu_HeapDouble; // the heap of divisors
typedef struct FxuHeapSingle    Fxu_HeapSingle; // the heap of variables

// various lists

// the list of cubes in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuListCube
    Fxu_Cube *       pHead;
    Fxu_Cube *       pTail;
    int              nItems;

// the list of literals in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuListVar
    Fxu_Var *        pHead;
    Fxu_Var *        pTail;
    int              nItems;

// the list of entries in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuListLit
    Fxu_Lit *        pHead;
    Fxu_Lit *        pTail;
    int              nItems;

// the list of cube pair in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuListPair
    Fxu_Pair *       pHead;
    Fxu_Pair *       pTail;
    int              nItems;

// the list of divisors in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuListDouble
    Fxu_Double *     pHead;
    Fxu_Double *     pTail;
    int              nItems;

// the list of divisors in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuListSingle
    Fxu_Single *     pHead;
    Fxu_Single *     pTail;
    int              nItems;

// various heaps

// the heap of double cube divisors by weight
struct FxuHeapDouble
    Fxu_Double **    pTree;
    int              nItems;
    int              nItemsAlloc;
    int              i;

// the heap of variable by their occurrence in the cubes
struct FxuHeapSingle
    Fxu_Single **    pTree;
    int              nItems;
    int              nItemsAlloc;
    int              i;

// sparse matrix
struct FxuMatrix // ~ 30 words
    // the cubes
    Fxu_ListCube     lCubes;      // the double linked list of cubes
    // the values (binary literals)
    Fxu_ListVar      lVars;       // the double linked list of variables
      Fxu_Var **       ppVars;      // the array of variables
    // the double cube divisors
    Fxu_ListDouble * pTable;      // the hash table of divisors
    int              nTableSize;  // the hash table size
    int              nDivs;       // the number of divisors in the table
    int              nDivsTotal;  // the number of divisors in the table
    Fxu_HeapDouble * pHeapDouble;    // the heap of divisors by weight
    // the single cube divisors
    Fxu_ListSingle   lSingles;    // the linked list of single cube divisors  
    Fxu_HeapSingle * pHeapSingle; // the heap of variables by the number of literals in the matrix
    int              nWeightLimit;// the limit on weight of single cube divisors collected
    int              nSingleTotal;// the total number of single cube divisors
    // storage for cube pairs
    Fxu_Pair ***     pppPairs;
    Fxu_Pair **      ppPairs;
    // temporary storage for cubes 
    Fxu_Cube *       pOrderCubes;
    Fxu_Cube **      ppTailCubes;
    // temporary storage for variables 
    Fxu_Var *        pOrderVars;
    Fxu_Var **       ppTailVars;
    // temporary storage for pairs
    Vec_Ptr_t *      vPairs;
    // statistics
    int              nEntries;    // the total number of entries in the sparse matrix
    int              nDivs1;      // the single cube divisors taken
    int              nDivs2;      // the double cube divisors taken
    int              nDivs3;      // the double cube divisors with complement
    // memory manager
    Extra_MmFixed_t * pMemMan;     // the memory manager for all small sized entries

// the cube in the sparse matrix
struct FxuCube // 9 words
    int              iCube;       // the number of this cube in the cover
    Fxu_Cube *       pFirst;      // the pointer to the first cube of this cover
    Fxu_Var *        pVar;        // the variable representing the output of the cover
    Fxu_ListLit      lLits;       // the row in the table 
    Fxu_Cube *       pPrev;       // the previous cube
    Fxu_Cube *       pNext;       // the next cube
    Fxu_Cube *       pOrder;      // the specialized linked list of cubes

// the variable in the sparse matrix
struct FxuVar // 10 words
    int              iVar;        // the number of this variable
    int              nCubes;      // the number of cubes assoc with this var
    Fxu_Cube *       pFirst;      // the first cube assoc with this var
    Fxu_Pair ***     ppPairs;     // the pairs of cubes assoc with this var
    Fxu_ListLit      lLits;       // the column in the table 
    Fxu_Var *        pPrev;       // the previous variable
    Fxu_Var *        pNext;       // the next variable
    Fxu_Var *        pOrder;      // the specialized linked list of variables

// the literal entry in the sparse matrix 
struct FxuLit // 8 words
    int              iVar;        // the number of this variable
    int              iCube;       // the number of this cube
    Fxu_Cube *       pCube;       // the cube of this literal
    Fxu_Var *        pVar;        // the variable of this literal
    Fxu_Lit *        pHPrev;      // prev lit in the cube
    Fxu_Lit *        pHNext;      // next lit in the cube
    Fxu_Lit *        pVPrev;      // prev lit of the var     
    Fxu_Lit *        pVNext;      // next lit of the var   

// the cube pair
struct FxuPair // 10 words
    int              nLits1;      // the number of literals in the two cubes
    int              nLits2;      // the number of literals in the two cubes
    int              nBase;       // the number of literals in the base
    Fxu_Double *     pDiv;        // the divisor of this pair
    Fxu_Cube *       pCube1;      // the first cube of the pair
    Fxu_Cube *       pCube2;      // the second cube of the pair
    int              iCube1;      // the first cube of the pair
    int              iCube2;      // the second cube of the pair
    Fxu_Pair *       pDPrev;      // the previous pair in the divisor
    Fxu_Pair *       pDNext;      // the next pair in the divisor

// the double cube divisor
struct FxuDouble // 10 words
    int              Num;         // the unique number of this divisor
    int              HNum;        // the heap number of this divisor
    int              Weight;      // the weight of this divisor
    unsigned         Key;         // the hash key of this divisor
    Fxu_ListPair     lPairs;      // the pairs of cubes, which produce this divisor
    Fxu_Double *     pPrev;       // the previous divisor in the table
    Fxu_Double *     pNext;       // the next divisor in the table
    Fxu_Double *     pOrder;      // the specialized linked list of divisors

// the single cube divisor
struct FxuSingle // 7 words
    int              Num;         // the unique number of this divisor
    int              HNum;        // the heap number of this divisor
    int              Weight;      // the weight of this divisor
    Fxu_Var *        pVar1;       // the first variable of the single-cube divisor
    Fxu_Var *        pVar2;       // the second variable of the single-cube divisor
    Fxu_Single *     pPrev;       // the previous divisor in the list
    Fxu_Single *     pNext;       // the next divisor in the list

///                       MACRO DEFINITIONS                          ///

// minimum/maximum
#define Fxu_Min( a, b ) ( ((a)<(b))? (a):(b) )
#define Fxu_Max( a, b ) ( ((a)>(b))? (a):(b) )

// selection of the minimum/maximum cube in the pair
#define Fxu_PairMinCube( pPair )    (((pPair)->iCube1 < (pPair)->iCube2)? (pPair)->pCube1: (pPair)->pCube2)
#define Fxu_PairMaxCube( pPair )    (((pPair)->iCube1 > (pPair)->iCube2)? (pPair)->pCube1: (pPair)->pCube2)
#define Fxu_PairMinCubeInt( pPair ) (((pPair)->iCube1 < (pPair)->iCube2)? (pPair)->iCube1: (pPair)->iCube2)
#define Fxu_PairMaxCubeInt( pPair ) (((pPair)->iCube1 > (pPair)->iCube2)? (pPair)->iCube1: (pPair)->iCube2)

// iterators

#define Fxu_MatrixForEachCube( Matrix, Cube )\
    for ( Cube = (Matrix)->lCubes.pHead;\
          Cube = Cube->pNext )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachCubeSafe( Matrix, Cube, Cube2 )\
    for ( Cube = (Matrix)->lCubes.pHead, Cube2 = (Cube? Cube->pNext: NULL);\
          Cube = Cube2, Cube2 = (Cube? Cube->pNext: NULL) )

#define Fxu_MatrixForEachVariable( Matrix, Var )\
    for ( Var = (Matrix)->lVars.pHead;\
          Var = Var->pNext )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachVariableSafe( Matrix, Var, Var2 )\
    for ( Var = (Matrix)->lVars.pHead, Var2 = (Var? Var->pNext: NULL);\
          Var = Var2, Var2 = (Var? Var->pNext: NULL) )

#define Fxu_MatrixForEachSingle( Matrix, Single )\
    for ( Single = (Matrix)->lSingles.pHead;\
          Single = Single->pNext )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachSingleSafe( Matrix, Single, Single2 )\
    for ( Single = (Matrix)->lSingles.pHead, Single2 = (Single? Single->pNext: NULL);\
          Single = Single2, Single2 = (Single? Single->pNext: NULL) )

#define Fxu_TableForEachDouble( Matrix, Key, Div )\
    for ( Div = (Matrix)->pTable[Key].pHead;\
          Div = Div->pNext )
#define Fxu_TableForEachDoubleSafe( Matrix, Key, Div, Div2 )\
    for ( Div = (Matrix)->pTable[Key].pHead, Div2 = (Div? Div->pNext: NULL);\
          Div = Div2, Div2 = (Div? Div->pNext: NULL) )

#define Fxu_MatrixForEachDouble( Matrix, Div, Index )\
    for ( Index = 0; Index < (Matrix)->nTableSize; Index++ )\
        Fxu_TableForEachDouble( Matrix, Index, Div )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachDoubleSafe( Matrix, Div, Div2, Index )\
    for ( Index = 0; Index < (Matrix)->nTableSize; Index++ )\
        Fxu_TableForEachDoubleSafe( Matrix, Index, Div, Div2 )

#define Fxu_CubeForEachLiteral( Cube, Lit )\
    for ( Lit = (Cube)->lLits.pHead;\
          Lit = Lit->pHNext )
#define Fxu_CubeForEachLiteralSafe( Cube, Lit, Lit2 )\
    for ( Lit = (Cube)->lLits.pHead, Lit2 = (Lit? Lit->pHNext: NULL);\
          Lit = Lit2, Lit2 = (Lit? Lit->pHNext: NULL) )

#define Fxu_VarForEachLiteral( Var, Lit )\
    for ( Lit = (Var)->lLits.pHead;\
          Lit = Lit->pVNext )

#define Fxu_CubeForEachDivisor( Cube, Div )\
    for ( Div = (Cube)->lDivs.pHead;\
          Div = Div->pCNext )

#define Fxu_DoubleForEachPair( Div, Pair )\
    for ( Pair = (Div)->lPairs.pHead;\
          Pair = Pair->pDNext )
#define Fxu_DoubleForEachPairSafe( Div, Pair, Pair2 )\
    for ( Pair = (Div)->lPairs.pHead, Pair2 = (Pair? Pair->pDNext: NULL);\
          Pair = Pair2, Pair2 = (Pair? Pair->pDNext: NULL) )

// iterator through the cube pairs belonging to the given cube 
#define Fxu_CubeForEachPair( pCube, pPair, i )\
  for ( i = 0;\
        i < pCube->pVar->nCubes && (((pPair) = (pCube)->pVar->ppPairs[(pCube)->iCube][i]), 1);\
        i++ )\
        if ( pPair == NULL ) {} else

// iterator through all the items in the heap
#define Fxu_HeapDoubleForEachItem( Heap, Div )\
    for ( Heap->i = 1;\
          Heap->i <= Heap->nItems && (Div = Heap->pTree[Heap->i]);\
          Heap->i++ )
#define Fxu_HeapSingleForEachItem( Heap, Single )\
    for ( Heap->i = 1;\
          Heap->i <= Heap->nItems && (Single = Heap->pTree[Heap->i]);\
          Heap->i++ )

// starting the rings
#define Fxu_MatrixRingCubesStart( Matrix )    (((Matrix)->ppTailCubes = &((Matrix)->pOrderCubes)), ((Matrix)->pOrderCubes = NULL))
#define Fxu_MatrixRingVarsStart(  Matrix )    (((Matrix)->ppTailVars  = &((Matrix)->pOrderVars)),  ((Matrix)->pOrderVars  = NULL))
// stopping the rings
#define Fxu_MatrixRingCubesStop(  Matrix )
#define Fxu_MatrixRingVarsStop(   Matrix )
// resetting the rings
#define Fxu_MatrixRingCubesReset( Matrix )    (((Matrix)->pOrderCubes = NULL), ((Matrix)->ppTailCubes = NULL))
#define Fxu_MatrixRingVarsReset(  Matrix )    (((Matrix)->pOrderVars  = NULL), ((Matrix)->ppTailVars  = NULL))
// adding to the rings
#define Fxu_MatrixRingCubesAdd( Matrix, Cube) ((*((Matrix)->ppTailCubes) = Cube), ((Matrix)->ppTailCubes = &(Cube)->pOrder), ((Cube)->pOrder = (Fxu_Cube *)1))
#define Fxu_MatrixRingVarsAdd(  Matrix, Var ) ((*((Matrix)->ppTailVars ) = Var ), ((Matrix)->ppTailVars  = &(Var)->pOrder ), ((Var)->pOrder  = (Fxu_Var *)1))
// iterating through the rings
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachCubeInRing( Matrix, Cube )\
    if ( (Matrix)->pOrderCubes )\
    for ( Cube = (Matrix)->pOrderCubes;\
          Cube != (Fxu_Cube *)1;\
          Cube = Cube->pOrder )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachCubeInRingSafe( Matrix, Cube, Cube2 )\
    if ( (Matrix)->pOrderCubes )\
    for ( Cube = (Matrix)->pOrderCubes, Cube2 = ((Cube != (Fxu_Cube *)1)? Cube->pOrder: (Fxu_Cube *)1);\
          Cube != (Fxu_Cube *)1;\
          Cube = Cube2, Cube2 = ((Cube != (Fxu_Cube *)1)? Cube->pOrder: (Fxu_Cube *)1) )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachVarInRing( Matrix, Var )\
    if ( (Matrix)->pOrderVars )\
    for ( Var = (Matrix)->pOrderVars;\
          Var != (Fxu_Var *)1;\
          Var = Var->pOrder )
#define Fxu_MatrixForEachVarInRingSafe( Matrix, Var, Var2 )\
    if ( (Matrix)->pOrderVars )\
    for ( Var = (Matrix)->pOrderVars, Var2 = ((Var != (Fxu_Var *)1)? Var->pOrder: (Fxu_Var *)1);\
          Var != (Fxu_Var *)1;\
          Var = Var2, Var2 = ((Var != (Fxu_Var *)1)? Var->pOrder: (Fxu_Var *)1) )
// the procedures are related to the above macros
extern void Fxu_MatrixRingCubesUnmark( Fxu_Matrix * p );
extern void Fxu_MatrixRingVarsUnmark( Fxu_Matrix * p );

// macros working with memory
// MEM_ALLOC: allocate the given number (Size) of items of type (Type)
// MEM_FREE:  deallocate the pointer (Pointer) to the given number (Size) of items of type (Type)
#define MEM_ALLOC_FXU( Manager, Type, Size )          ((Type *)ABC_ALLOC( char, (Size) * sizeof(Type) ))
#define MEM_FREE_FXU( Manager, Type, Size, Pointer )  if ( Pointer ) { ABC_FREE(Pointer); Pointer = NULL; }
#define MEM_ALLOC_FXU( Manager, Type, Size )\
        ((Type *)Fxu_MemFetch( Manager, (Size) * sizeof(Type) ))
#define MEM_FREE_FXU( Manager, Type, Size, Pointer )\
         if ( Pointer ) { Fxu_MemRecycle( Manager, (char *)(Pointer), (Size) * sizeof(Type) ); Pointer = NULL; }

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///

/*===== fxu.c ====================================================*/
extern char *       Fxu_MemFetch( Fxu_Matrix * p, int nBytes );
extern void         Fxu_MemRecycle( Fxu_Matrix * p, char * pItem, int nBytes );
/*===== fxuCreate.c ====================================================*/
/*===== fxuReduce.c ====================================================*/
/*===== fxuPrint.c ====================================================*/
extern void         Fxu_MatrixPrint( FILE * pFile, Fxu_Matrix * p );
extern void         Fxu_MatrixPrintDivisorProfile( FILE * pFile, Fxu_Matrix * p );
/*===== fxuSelect.c ====================================================*/
extern int          Fxu_Select( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Single ** ppSingle, Fxu_Double ** ppDouble );
extern int          Fxu_SelectSCD( Fxu_Matrix * p, int Weight, Fxu_Var ** ppVar1, Fxu_Var ** ppVar2 );
/*===== fxuUpdate.c ====================================================*/
extern void         Fxu_Update( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle, Fxu_Double * pDouble );
extern void         Fxu_UpdateDouble( Fxu_Matrix * p );
extern void         Fxu_UpdateSingle( Fxu_Matrix * p );
/*===== fxuPair.c ====================================================*/
extern void         Fxu_PairCanonicize( Fxu_Cube ** ppCube1, Fxu_Cube ** ppCube2 );
extern unsigned     Fxu_PairHashKeyArray( Fxu_Matrix * p, int piVarsC1[], int piVarsC2[], int nVarsC1, int nVarsC2 );
extern unsigned     Fxu_PairHashKey( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube1, Fxu_Cube * pCube2, int * pnBase, int * pnLits1, int * pnLits2 );
extern unsigned     Fxu_PairHashKeyMv( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube1, Fxu_Cube * pCube2, int * pnBase, int * pnLits1, int * pnLits2 );
extern int          Fxu_PairCompare( Fxu_Pair * pPair1, Fxu_Pair * pPair2 );
extern void         Fxu_PairAllocStorage( Fxu_Var * pVar, int nCubes );
extern void         Fxu_PairFreeStorage( Fxu_Var * pVar );
extern void         Fxu_PairClearStorage( Fxu_Cube * pCube );
extern Fxu_Pair *   Fxu_PairAlloc( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube1, Fxu_Cube * pCube2 );
extern void         Fxu_PairAdd( Fxu_Pair * pPair );
/*===== fxuSingle.c ====================================================*/
extern void         Fxu_MatrixComputeSingles( Fxu_Matrix * p, int fUse0, int nSingleMax );
extern void         Fxu_MatrixComputeSinglesOne( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Var * pVar );
extern int          Fxu_SingleCountCoincidence( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Var * pVar1, Fxu_Var * pVar2 );
/*===== fxuMatrix.c ====================================================*/
// matrix
extern Fxu_Matrix * Fxu_MatrixAllocate();
extern void         Fxu_MatrixDelete( Fxu_Matrix * p );
// double-cube divisor
extern void         Fxu_MatrixAddDivisor( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube1, Fxu_Cube * pCube2 );
extern void         Fxu_MatrixDelDivisor( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );
// single-cube divisor
extern void          Fxu_MatrixAddSingle( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Var * pVar1, Fxu_Var * pVar2, int Weight );
// variable
extern Fxu_Var *    Fxu_MatrixAddVar( Fxu_Matrix * p );
// cube
extern Fxu_Cube *   Fxu_MatrixAddCube( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Var * pVar, int iCube );
// literal
extern void         Fxu_MatrixAddLiteral( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube, Fxu_Var * pVar );
extern void         Fxu_MatrixDelLiteral( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Lit * pLit );
/*===== fxuList.c ====================================================*/
// matrix -> variable 
extern void         Fxu_ListMatrixAddVariable( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Var * pVar );
extern void         Fxu_ListMatrixDelVariable( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Var * pVar );
// matrix -> cube
extern void         Fxu_ListMatrixAddCube( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube );
extern void         Fxu_ListMatrixDelCube( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Cube * pCube );
// matrix -> single
extern void         Fxu_ListMatrixAddSingle( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle );
extern void         Fxu_ListMatrixDelSingle( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle );
// table -> divisor
extern void         Fxu_ListTableAddDivisor( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );
extern void         Fxu_ListTableDelDivisor( Fxu_Matrix * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );
// cube -> literal 
extern void         Fxu_ListCubeAddLiteral( Fxu_Cube * pCube, Fxu_Lit * pLit );
extern void         Fxu_ListCubeDelLiteral( Fxu_Cube * pCube, Fxu_Lit * pLit );
// var -> literal
extern void         Fxu_ListVarAddLiteral( Fxu_Var * pVar, Fxu_Lit * pLit );
extern void         Fxu_ListVarDelLiteral( Fxu_Var * pVar, Fxu_Lit * pLit );
// divisor -> pair
extern void         Fxu_ListDoubleAddPairLast( Fxu_Double * pDiv, Fxu_Pair * pLink );
extern void         Fxu_ListDoubleAddPairFirst( Fxu_Double * pDiv, Fxu_Pair * pLink );
extern void         Fxu_ListDoubleAddPairMiddle( Fxu_Double * pDiv, Fxu_Pair * pSpot, Fxu_Pair * pLink );
extern void         Fxu_ListDoubleDelPair( Fxu_Double * pDiv, Fxu_Pair * pPair );
/*===== fxuHeapDouble.c ====================================================*/
extern Fxu_HeapDouble * Fxu_HeapDoubleStart();
extern void         Fxu_HeapDoubleStop( Fxu_HeapDouble * p );
extern void         Fxu_HeapDoublePrint( FILE * pFile, Fxu_HeapDouble * p );
extern void         Fxu_HeapDoubleCheck( Fxu_HeapDouble * p );
extern void         Fxu_HeapDoubleCheckOne( Fxu_HeapDouble * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );

extern void         Fxu_HeapDoubleInsert( Fxu_HeapDouble * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );  
extern void         Fxu_HeapDoubleUpdate( Fxu_HeapDouble * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );  
extern void         Fxu_HeapDoubleDelete( Fxu_HeapDouble * p, Fxu_Double * pDiv );  
extern int          Fxu_HeapDoubleReadMaxWeight( Fxu_HeapDouble * p );  
extern Fxu_Double * Fxu_HeapDoubleReadMax( Fxu_HeapDouble * p );  
extern Fxu_Double * Fxu_HeapDoubleGetMax( Fxu_HeapDouble * p );  
/*===== fxuHeapSingle.c ====================================================*/
extern Fxu_HeapSingle * Fxu_HeapSingleStart();
extern void         Fxu_HeapSingleStop( Fxu_HeapSingle * p );
extern void         Fxu_HeapSinglePrint( FILE * pFile, Fxu_HeapSingle * p );
extern void         Fxu_HeapSingleCheck( Fxu_HeapSingle * p );
extern void         Fxu_HeapSingleCheckOne( Fxu_HeapSingle * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle );

extern void         Fxu_HeapSingleInsert( Fxu_HeapSingle * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle );  
extern void         Fxu_HeapSingleUpdate( Fxu_HeapSingle * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle );  
extern void         Fxu_HeapSingleDelete( Fxu_HeapSingle * p, Fxu_Single * pSingle );  
extern int          Fxu_HeapSingleReadMaxWeight( Fxu_HeapSingle * p );  
extern Fxu_Single * Fxu_HeapSingleReadMax( Fxu_HeapSingle * p );
extern Fxu_Single * Fxu_HeapSingleGetMax( Fxu_HeapSingle * p );  



///                         END OF FILE                              ///