/*===================================================================*/ // // place_partition.c // // Aaron P. Hurst, 2003-2007 // ahurst@eecs.berkeley.edu // /*===================================================================*/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> //#include <sys/stat.h> //#include <unistd.h> #include "place_base.h" #include "place_gordian.h" #if !defined(NO_HMETIS) #include "libhmetis.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- Partition *g_place_rootPartition = NULL; ConcreteNet **allNetsR2 = NULL, **allNetsL2 = NULL, **allNetsB2 = NULL, **allNetsT2 = NULL; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function prototypes and local data structures // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct FM_cell { int loc; int gain; ConcreteCell *cell; struct FM_cell *next, *prev; bool locked; } FM_cell; void FM_updateGains(ConcreteNet *net, int partition, int inc, FM_cell target [], FM_cell *bin [], int count_1 [], int count_2 []); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // initPartitioning() // /// \brief Initializes data structures necessary for partitioning. // /// Creates a valid g_place_rootPartition. /// // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void initPartitioning() { int i; float area; // create root partition g_place_numPartitions = 1; if (g_place_rootPartition) free(g_place_rootPartition); g_place_rootPartition = malloc(sizeof(Partition)); g_place_rootPartition->m_level = 0; g_place_rootPartition->m_area = 0; g_place_rootPartition->m_bounds = g_place_coreBounds; g_place_rootPartition->m_vertical = false; g_place_rootPartition->m_done = false; g_place_rootPartition->m_leaf = true; // add all of the cells to this partition g_place_rootPartition->m_members = malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*g_place_numCells); g_place_rootPartition->m_numMembers = 0; for (i=0; i<g_place_numCells; i++) if (g_place_concreteCells[i]) { if (!g_place_concreteCells[i]->m_fixed) { area = getCellArea(g_place_concreteCells[i]); g_place_rootPartition->m_members[g_place_rootPartition->m_numMembers++] = g_place_concreteCells[i]; g_place_rootPartition->m_area += area; } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // presortNets() // /// \brief Sorts nets by corner positions. // /// Allocates allNetsX2 structures. /// // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void presortNets() { allNetsL2 = (ConcreteNet**)realloc(allNetsL2, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); allNetsR2 = (ConcreteNet**)realloc(allNetsR2, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); allNetsB2 = (ConcreteNet**)realloc(allNetsB2, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); allNetsT2 = (ConcreteNet**)realloc(allNetsT2, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); memcpy(allNetsL2, g_place_concreteNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); memcpy(allNetsR2, g_place_concreteNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); memcpy(allNetsB2, g_place_concreteNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); memcpy(allNetsT2, g_place_concreteNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*)*g_place_numNets); qsort(allNetsL2, g_place_numNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*), netSortByL); qsort(allNetsR2, g_place_numNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*), netSortByR); qsort(allNetsB2, g_place_numNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*), netSortByB); qsort(allNetsT2, g_place_numNets, sizeof(ConcreteNet*), netSortByT); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // refinePartitions() // /// \brief Splits large leaf partitions. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool refinePartitions() { return refinePartition(g_place_rootPartition); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // reallocPartitions() // /// \brief Reallocates the partitions based on placement information. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void reallocPartitions() { reallocPartition(g_place_rootPartition); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // refinePartition() // /// \brief Splits any large leaves within a partition. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool refinePartition(Partition *p) { bool degenerate = false; int nonzeroCount = 0; int i; assert(p); // is this partition completed? if (p->m_done) return true; // is this partition a non-leaf node? if (!p->m_leaf) { p->m_done = refinePartition(p->m_sub1); p->m_done &= refinePartition(p->m_sub2); return p->m_done; } // leaf... // create two new subpartitions g_place_numPartitions++; p->m_sub1 = malloc(sizeof(Partition)); p->m_sub1->m_level = p->m_level+1; p->m_sub1->m_leaf = true; p->m_sub1->m_done = false; p->m_sub1->m_area = 0; p->m_sub1->m_vertical = !p->m_vertical; p->m_sub1->m_numMembers = 0; p->m_sub1->m_members = NULL; p->m_sub2 = malloc(sizeof(Partition)); p->m_sub2->m_level = p->m_level+1; p->m_sub2->m_leaf = true; p->m_sub2->m_done = false; p->m_sub2->m_area = 0; p->m_sub2->m_vertical = !p->m_vertical; p->m_sub2->m_numMembers = 0; p->m_sub2->m_members = NULL; p->m_leaf = false; // --- INITIAL PARTITION if (PARTITION_AREA_ONLY) partitionEqualArea(p); else partitionScanlineMincut(p); resizePartition(p); // --- PARTITION IMPROVEMENT if (p->m_level < REPARTITION_LEVEL_DEPTH) { if (REPARTITION_FM) repartitionFM(p); else if (REPARTITION_HMETIS) repartitionHMetis(p); } resizePartition(p); // fix imbalances due to zero-area cells for(i=0; i<p->m_sub1->m_numMembers; i++) if (p->m_sub1->m_members[i]) if (getCellArea(p->m_sub1->m_members[i]) > 0) { nonzeroCount++; } // is this leaf now done? if (nonzeroCount <= LARGEST_FINAL_SIZE) p->m_sub1->m_done = true; if (nonzeroCount == 0) degenerate = true; nonzeroCount = 0; for(i=0; i<p->m_sub2->m_numMembers; i++) if (p->m_sub2->m_members[i]) if (getCellArea(p->m_sub2->m_members[i]) > 0) { nonzeroCount++; } // is this leaf now done? if (nonzeroCount <= LARGEST_FINAL_SIZE) p->m_sub2->m_done = true; if (nonzeroCount == 0) degenerate = true; // have we found a degenerate partitioning? if (degenerate) { printf("QPART-35 : WARNING: degenerate partition generated\n"); partitionEqualArea(p); resizePartition(p); p->m_sub1->m_done = true; p->m_sub2->m_done = true; } // is this parent now finished? if (p->m_sub1->m_done && p->m_sub2->m_done) p->m_done = true; return p->m_done; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // repartitionHMetis() // /// \brief Repartitions the two subpartitions using the hMetis min-cut library. /// /// The number of cut nets between the two partitions will be minimized. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void repartitionHMetis(Partition *parent) { #if defined(NO_HMETIS) printf("QPAR_02 : \t\tERROR: hMetis not available. Ignoring.\n"); #else int n,c,t, i; float area; int *edgeConnections = NULL; int *partitionAssignment = (int *)calloc(g_place_numCells, sizeof(int)); int *vertexWeights = (int *)calloc(g_place_numCells, sizeof(int)); int *edgeDegree = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(g_place_numNets+1)); int numConnections = 0; int numEdges = 0; float initial_cut; int targets = 0; ConcreteCell *cell = NULL; int options[9]; int afterCuts = 0; assert(parent); assert(parent->m_sub1); assert(parent->m_sub2); printf("QPAR-02 : \t\trepartitioning with hMetis\n"); // count edges edgeDegree[0] = 0; for(n=0; n<g_place_numNets; n++) if (g_place_concreteNets[n]) if (g_place_concreteNets[n]->m_numTerms > 1) { numConnections += g_place_concreteNets[n]->m_numTerms; edgeDegree[++numEdges] = numConnections; } if (parent->m_vertical) { // vertical initial_cut = parent->m_sub2->m_bounds.x; // initialize all cells for(c=0; c<g_place_numCells; c++) if (g_place_concreteCells[c]) { if (g_place_concreteCells[c]->m_x < initial_cut) partitionAssignment[c] = 0; else partitionAssignment[c] = 1; } // initialize cells in partition 1 for(t=0; t<parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers; t++) if (parent->m_sub1->m_members[t]) { cell = parent->m_sub1->m_members[t]; vertexWeights[cell->m_id] = getCellArea(cell); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs(cell->m_x-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.w*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; partitionAssignment[cell->m_id] = -1; } } // initialize cells in partition 2 for(t=0; t<parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers; t++) if (parent->m_sub2->m_members[t]) { cell = parent->m_sub2->m_members[t]; vertexWeights[cell->m_id] = getCellArea(cell); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs(cell->m_x-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.w*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; partitionAssignment[cell->m_id] = -1; } } } else { // horizontal initial_cut = parent->m_sub2->m_bounds.y; // initialize all cells for(c=0; c<g_place_numCells; c++) if (g_place_concreteCells[c]) { if (g_place_concreteCells[c]->m_y < initial_cut) partitionAssignment[c] = 0; else partitionAssignment[c] = 1; } // initialize cells in partition 1 for(t=0; t<parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers; t++) if (parent->m_sub1->m_members[t]) { cell = parent->m_sub1->m_members[t]; vertexWeights[cell->m_id] = getCellArea(cell); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs(cell->m_y-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.h*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; partitionAssignment[cell->m_id] = -1; } } // initialize cells in partition 2 for(t=0; t<parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers; t++) if (parent->m_sub2->m_members[t]) { cell = parent->m_sub2->m_members[t]; vertexWeights[cell->m_id] = getCellArea(cell); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs(cell->m_y-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.h*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; partitionAssignment[cell->m_id] = -1; } } } options[0] = 1; // any non-default values? options[1] = 3; // num bisections options[2] = 1; // grouping scheme options[3] = 1; // refinement scheme options[4] = 1; // cycle refinement scheme options[5] = 0; // reconstruction scheme options[6] = 0; // fixed assignments? options[7] = 12261980; // random seed options[8] = 0; // debugging level edgeConnections = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*numConnections); i = 0; for(n=0; n<g_place_numNets; n++) if (g_place_concreteNets[n]) { if (g_place_concreteNets[n]->m_numTerms > 1) for(t=0; t<g_place_concreteNets[n]->m_numTerms; t++) edgeConnections[i++] = g_place_concreteNets[n]->m_terms[t]->m_id; } HMETIS_PartRecursive(g_place_numCells, numEdges, vertexWeights, edgeDegree, edgeConnections, NULL, 2, (int)(100*MAX_PARTITION_NONSYMMETRY), options, partitionAssignment, &afterCuts); /* printf("HMET-20 : \t\t\tbalance before %d / %d ... ", parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers, parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers); */ // reassign members to subpartitions parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers = 0; parent->m_sub1->m_area = 0; parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers = 0; parent->m_sub2->m_area = 0; parent->m_sub1->m_members = (ConcreteCell**)realloc(parent->m_sub1->m_members, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*parent->m_numMembers); parent->m_sub2->m_members = (ConcreteCell**)realloc(parent->m_sub2->m_members, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*parent->m_numMembers); for(t=0; t<parent->m_numMembers; t++) if (parent->m_members[t]) { cell = parent->m_members[t]; area = getCellArea(cell); if (partitionAssignment[cell->m_id] == 0) { parent->m_sub1->m_members[parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers++] = cell; parent->m_sub1->m_area += area; } else { parent->m_sub2->m_members[parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers++] = cell; parent->m_sub2->m_area += area; } } /* printf("after %d / %d\n", parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers, parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers); */ // cout << "HMET-21 : \t\t\tloc: " << initial_cut << " targetting: " << targets*100/parent->m_members.length() << "%" << endl; // cout << "HMET-22 : \t\t\tstarting cuts= " << beforeCuts << " final cuts= " << afterCuts << endl; free(edgeConnections); free(vertexWeights); free(edgeDegree); free(partitionAssignment); #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // repartitionFM() // /// \brief Fiduccia-Matheyses mincut partitioning algorithm. // /// UNIMPLEMENTED (well, un-C-ified) // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void repartitionFM(Partition *parent) { #if 0 assert(!parent->leaf && parent->m_sub1->leaf && parent->m_sub2->leaf); // count of each net's number of cells in each bipartition int count_1[m_design->nets.length()]; memset(count_1, 0, sizeof(int)*m_design->nets.length()); int count_2[m_design->nets.length()]; memset(count_2, 0, sizeof(int)*m_design->nets.length()); FM_cell target[m_design->cells.length()]; memset(target, 0, sizeof(FM_cell)*m_design->cells.length()); FM_cell *bin[FM_MAX_BIN+1]; FM_cell *locked = 0; memset(bin, 0, sizeof(FM_cell *)*(FM_MAX_BIN+1)); int max_gain = 0; int before_cuts = 0, current_cuts = 0; double initial_cut; int targets = 0; long cell_id; double halfArea = parent->m_area / 2.0; double areaFlexibility = parent->m_area * MAX_PARTITION_NONSYMMETRY; ConcreteNet *net; // INITIALIZATION // select cells to partition if (parent->vertical) { // vertical initial_cut = parent->m_sub2->m_bounds.x; // initialize all cells for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = rootPartition->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { cell_id = (*it)->getID(); if ((*it)->temp_x < initial_cut) target[cell_id].loc = -1; else target[cell_id].loc = -2; target[cell_id].cell = *it; target[cell_id].gain = 0; } // initialize cells in partition 1 for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = parent->m_sub1->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { cell_id = (*it)->getID(); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs((*it)->temp_x-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.w*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; target[cell_id].loc = 1; } } // initialize cells in partition 2 for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = parent->m_sub2->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { cell_id = (*it)->getID(); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs((*it)->temp_x-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.w*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; target[cell_id].loc = 2; } } // count the number of cells on each side of the partition for every net for(h::hash_map<ConcreteNet *>::iterator n_it = m_design->nets.begin(); !n_it; n_it++) { for(ConcretePinList::iterator p_it = (net = *n_it)->getPins().begin(); !p_it; p_it++) if (abs(target[(*p_it)->getCell()->getID()].loc) == 1) count_1[net->getID()]++; else if (abs(target[(*p_it)->getCell()->getID()].loc) == 2) count_2[net->getID()]++; else if ((*p_it)->getCell()->temp_x < initial_cut) count_1[net->getID()]++; else count_2[net->getID()]++; if (count_1[net->getID()] > 0 && count_2[net->getID()] > 0) before_cuts++; } } else { // horizontal initial_cut = parent->m_sub2->m_bounds.y; // initialize all cells for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = rootPartition->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { cell_id = (*it)->getID(); if ((*it)->temp_y < initial_cut) target[cell_id].loc = -1; else target[cell_id].loc = -2; target[cell_id].cell = *it; target[cell_id].gain = 0; } // initialize cells in partition 1 for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = parent->m_sub1->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { cell_id = (*it)->getID(); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs((*it)->temp_y-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.h*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; target[cell_id].loc = 1; } } // initialize cells in partition 2 for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = parent->m_sub2->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { cell_id = (*it)->getID(); // pay attention to cells that are close to the cut if (abs((*it)->temp_y-initial_cut) < parent->m_bounds.h*REPARTITION_TARGET_FRACTION) { targets++; target[cell_id].loc = 2; } } // count the number of cells on each side of the partition for every net for(h::hash_map<ConcreteNet *>::iterator n_it = m_design->nets.begin(); !n_it; n_it++) { for(ConcretePinList::iterator p_it = (net = *n_it)->getPins().begin(); !p_it; p_it++) if (abs(target[(*p_it)->getCell()->getID()].loc) == 1) count_1[net->getID()]++; else if (abs(target[(*p_it)->getCell()->getID()].loc) == 2) count_2[net->getID()]++; else if ((*p_it)->getCell()->temp_y < initial_cut) count_1[net->getID()]++; else count_2[net->getID()]++; if (count_1[net->getID()] > 0 && count_2[net->getID()] > 0) before_cuts++; } } // INITIAL GAIN CALCULATION for(long id=0; id < m_design->cells.length(); id++) if (target[id].loc > 0) { assert(target[id].cell != 0); assert(target[id].gain == 0); // examine counts for the net on each pin for(ConcretePinMap::iterator p_it = target[id].cell->getPins().begin(); !p_it; p_it++) if ((*p_it)->isAttached()) { int n_id = (*p_it)->getNet()->getID(); if (target[id].loc == 1 && count_1[n_id] == 1) target[id].gain++; if (target[id].loc == 1 && count_2[n_id] == 0) target[id].gain--; if (target[id].loc == 2 && count_1[n_id] == 0) target[id].gain--; if (target[id].loc == 2 && count_2[n_id] == 1) target[id].gain++; } assert(target[id].cell->getPins().length() >= abs(target[id].gain)); // add it to a bin int bin_num = min(max(0, target[id].gain),FM_MAX_BIN); max_gain = max(max_gain, bin_num); assert(bin_num >= 0 && bin_num <= FM_MAX_BIN); target[id].next = bin[bin_num]; target[id].prev = 0; if (bin[bin_num] != 0) bin[bin_num]->prev = &target[id]; bin[bin_num] = &target[id]; } // OUTER F-M LOOP current_cuts = before_cuts; int num_moves = 1; int pass = 0; while(num_moves > 0 && pass < FM_MAX_PASSES) { pass++; num_moves = 0; // check_list(bin, locked, targets); // DEBUG // move all locked cells back int moved_back = 0; while(locked != 0) { FM_cell *current = locked; current->locked = false; int bin_num = min(max(0, current->gain),FM_MAX_BIN); max_gain = max(max_gain, bin_num); locked = current->next; if (locked != 0) locked->prev = 0; if (bin[bin_num] != 0) bin[bin_num]->prev = current; current->next = bin[bin_num]; bin[bin_num] = current; moved_back++; } // cout << "\tmoved back: " << moved_back << endl; // check_list(bin, locked, targets); // DEBUG max_gain = FM_MAX_BIN; while(bin[max_gain] == 0 && max_gain > 0) max_gain--; // INNER F-M LOOP (single pass) while(1) { int bin_num = FM_MAX_BIN; FM_cell *current = bin[bin_num]; // look for next cell to move while (bin_num > 0 && (current == 0 || (current->loc==1 && current->cell->getArea()+parent->m_sub2->m_area > halfArea+areaFlexibility) || (current->loc==2 && current->cell->getArea()+parent->m_sub1->m_area > halfArea+areaFlexibility))) { if (current == 0) current = bin[--bin_num]; else current = current->next; } if (bin_num == 0) break; num_moves++; current->locked = true; // cout << "moving cell " << current->cell->getID() << " gain=" << current->gain << " pins= " << current->cell->getPins().length() << " from " << current->loc; // change partition marking and areas if (current->loc == 1) { current->loc = 2; parent->m_sub1->m_area -= current->cell->getArea(); parent->m_sub2->m_area += current->cell->getArea(); // update partition counts on all nets attached to this cell for(ConcretePinMap::iterator p_it = current->cell->getPins().begin(); !p_it; p_it++) { if (!(*p_it)->isAttached()) // ignore unattached pins continue; net = (*p_it)->getNet(); count_1[net->getID()]--; count_2[net->getID()]++; // cout << "\tnet " << net->getID() << " was " << count_1[net->getID()]+1 << "/" << count_2[net->getID()]-1 << " now " << count_1[net->getID()] << "/" << count_2[net->getID()] << endl; // if net becomes critical, update gains on attached cells and resort bins if (count_1[net->getID()] == 0) { current_cuts--; FM_updateGains(net, 2, -1, target, bin, count_1, count_2); } if (count_2[net->getID()] == 1) { current_cuts++; FM_updateGains(net, 1, -1, target, bin, count_1, count_2); } // check_list(bin, locked, targets); // DEBUG } } else { current->loc = 1; parent->m_sub2->m_area -= current->cell->getArea(); parent->m_sub1->m_area += current->cell->getArea(); // update gains on all nets attached to this cell for(ConcretePinMap::iterator p_it = current->cell->getPins().begin(); !p_it; p_it++) { if (!(*p_it)->isAttached()) // ignore unattached pins continue; net = (*p_it)->getNet(); count_2[net->getID()]--; count_1[net->getID()]++; // cout << "\tnet " << net->getID() << " was " << count_1[net->getID()]-1 << "/" << count_2[net->getID()]+1 << " now " << count_1[net->getID()] << "/" << count_2[net->getID()] << endl; if (count_2[net->getID()] == 0) { current_cuts--; FM_updateGains(net, 2, -1, target, bin, count_1, count_2); } if (count_1[net->getID()] == 1) { current_cuts++; FM_updateGains(net, 1, -1, target, bin, count_1, count_2); } // check_list(bin, locked, targets); // DEBUG } } //cout << " cuts=" << current_cuts << endl; // move current to locked /* cout << "b=" << bin[bin_num] << " "; cout << current->prev << "-> "; if (current->prev == 0) cout << "X"; else cout << current->prev->next; cout << "=" << current << "="; if (current->next == 0) cout << "X"; else cout << current->next->prev; cout << " ->" << current->next << endl; */ if (bin[bin_num] == current) bin[bin_num] = current->next; if (current->prev != 0) current->prev->next = current->next; if (current->next != 0) current->next->prev = current->prev; /* cout << "b=" << bin[bin_num] << " "; cout << current->prev << "-> "; if (current->prev == 0) cout << "X"; else cout << current->prev->next; cout << "=" << current << "="; if (current->next == 0) cout << "X"; else cout << current->next->prev; cout << " ->" << current->next << endl; */ current->prev = 0; current->next = locked; if (locked != 0) locked->prev = current; locked = current; // check_list(bin, locked, targets); // DEBUG // update max_gain max_gain = FM_MAX_BIN; while(bin[max_gain] == 0 && max_gain > 0) max_gain--; } // cout << "\tcurrent cuts= " << current_cuts << " moves= " << num_moves << endl; } // reassign members to subpartitions cout << "FIDM-20 : \tbalance before " << parent->m_sub1->m_members.length() << "/" << parent->m_sub2->m_members.length() << " "; parent->m_sub1->m_members.clear(); parent->m_sub1->m_area = 0; parent->m_sub2->m_members.clear(); parent->m_sub2->m_area = 0; for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = parent->m_members.begin(); !it; it++) { if (target[(*it)->getID()].loc == 1 || target[(*it)->getID()].loc == -1) { parent->m_sub1->m_members.push_back(*it); parent->m_sub1->m_area += (*it)->getArea(); } else { parent->m_sub2->m_members.push_back(*it); parent->m_sub2->m_area += (*it)->getArea(); } } cout << " after " << parent->m_sub1->m_members.length() << "/" << parent->m_sub2->m_members.length() << endl; cout << "FIDM-21 : \tloc: " << initial_cut << " targetting: " << targets*100/parent->m_members.length() << "%" << endl; cout << "FIDM-22 : \tstarting cuts= " << before_cuts << " final cuts= " << current_cuts << endl; #endif } // ----- FM_updateGains() // moves a cell between bins #if 0 void FM_updateGains(ConcreteNet *net, int partition, int inc, FM_cell target [], FM_cell *bin [], int count_1 [], int count_2 []) { for(ConcretePinList::iterator it = net->getPins().begin(); !it; it++) { FM_cell *current = &(target[(*it)->getCell()->getID()]); assert(current->cell != 0); int old_gain = current->gain; current->gain = 0; // examine counts for the net on each pin for(ConcretePinMap::iterator p_it = current->cell->getPins().begin(); !p_it; p_it++) if ((*p_it)->isAttached()) { int n_id = (*p_it)->getNet()->getID(); if (current->loc == 1 && count_1[n_id] == 1) current->gain++; if (current->loc == 1 && count_2[n_id] == 0) current->gain--; if (current->loc == 2 && count_1[n_id] == 0) current->gain--; if (current->loc == 2 && count_2[n_id] == 1) current->gain++; } if (!current->locked) { // remove cell from existing bin int bin_num = min(max(0, old_gain),FM_MAX_BIN); if (bin[bin_num] == current) bin[bin_num] = current->next; if (current->prev != 0) current->prev->next = current->next; if (current->next != 0) current->next->prev = current->prev; // add cell to correct bin bin_num = min(max(0, current->gain),FM_MAX_BIN); current->prev = 0; current->next = bin[bin_num]; if (bin[bin_num] != 0) bin[bin_num]->prev = current; bin[bin_num] = current; } } } #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // partitionEqualArea() // /// \brief Splits a partition into two halves of equal area. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void partitionEqualArea(Partition *parent) { float halfArea, area; int i=0; // which way to sort? if (parent->m_vertical) // sort by X position qsort(parent->m_members, parent->m_numMembers, sizeof(ConcreteCell*), cellSortByX); else // sort by Y position qsort(parent->m_members, parent->m_numMembers, sizeof(ConcreteCell*), cellSortByY); // split the list halfArea = parent->m_area*0.5; parent->m_sub1->m_area = 0.0; parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers = 0; parent->m_sub1->m_members = (ConcreteCell**)realloc(parent->m_sub1->m_members, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*parent->m_numMembers); parent->m_sub2->m_area = 0.0; parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers = 0; parent->m_sub2->m_members = (ConcreteCell**)realloc(parent->m_sub2->m_members, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*parent->m_numMembers); for(; parent->m_sub1->m_area < halfArea; i++) if (parent->m_members[i]) { area = getCellArea(parent->m_members[i]); parent->m_sub1->m_members[parent->m_sub1->m_numMembers++] = parent->m_members[i]; parent->m_sub1->m_area += area; } for(; i<parent->m_numMembers; i++) if (parent->m_members[i]) { area = getCellArea(parent->m_members[i]); parent->m_sub2->m_members[parent->m_sub2->m_numMembers++] = parent->m_members[i]; parent->m_sub2->m_area += area; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // partitionScanlineMincut() // /// \brief Scans the cells within a partition from left to right and chooses the min-cut. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void partitionScanlineMincut(Partition *parent) { #if 0 int current_cuts = 0; int minimum_cuts = INT_MAX; ConcreteCell *minimum_location = NULL; double currentArea = 0, halfArea = parent->m_area * 0.5; double areaFlexibility = parent->m_area * MAX_PARTITION_NONSYMMETRY; double newLine, oldLine = -DBL_MAX; for(ConcreteNetList::iterator n_it = m_design->nets.begin(); !n_it; n_it++) (*n_it)->m_mark = 0; for(h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator i = parent->m_members.begin(); !i.isDone(); i++) { assert(*i); for(ConcretePinMap::iterator j = (*i)->getPins().begin(); !j.isDone(); j++) { assert(*j); if((*j)->isAttached()) { (*j)->getNet()->m_mark = 1; } } } if (parent->vertical) { parent->m_members.sort(sortByX); int all1 = 0, all2 = 0; h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator local = parent->m_members.begin(); for(; !local.isDone(); local++) { currentArea += (*local)->getArea(); if (currentArea < halfArea-areaFlexibility) continue; if (currentArea > halfArea+areaFlexibility) break; newLine = (*local)->temp_x; while(all1 < g_place_numNets && allNetsL2[all1]->getBoundingBox().left() <= newLine) { if(allNetsL2[all1]->m_mark) { current_cuts++; } all1++; } while(all2 < g_place_numNets && allNetsR2[all2]->getBoundingBox().right() <= newLine) { if(allNetsR2[all2]->m_mark) { current_cuts--; } all2++; } if (current_cuts < minimum_cuts) { minimum_cuts = current_cuts; minimum_location = *local; } oldLine = newLine; } } else { parent->m_members.sort(sortByY); int all1 = 0, all2 = 0; h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator local = parent->m_members.begin(); for(; !local.isDone(); local++) { currentArea += (*local)->getArea(); if (currentArea < halfArea-areaFlexibility) continue; if (currentArea > halfArea+areaFlexibility) break; newLine = (*local)->temp_y; while(all1 < g_place_numNets && allNetsB2[all1]->getBoundingBox().top() <= newLine) { if(allNetsB2[all1]->m_mark) { current_cuts++; } all1++; } while(all2 < g_place_numNets && allNetsT2[all2]->getBoundingBox().bottom() <= newLine) { if(allNetsT2[all2]->m_mark) { current_cuts--; } all2++; } if (current_cuts < minimum_cuts) { minimum_cuts = current_cuts; minimum_location = *local; } oldLine = newLine; } } if (minimum_location == NULL) { return partitionEqualArea(parent); } h::list<ConcreteCell *>::iterator it = parent->m_members.begin(); parent->m_sub1->m_members.clear(); parent->m_sub1->m_area = 0; for(; *it != minimum_location; it++) { parent->m_sub1->m_members.push_front(*it); parent->m_sub1->m_area += (*it)->getArea(); } parent->m_sub2->m_members.clear(); parent->m_sub2->m_area = 0; for(; !it; it++) { parent->m_sub2->m_members.push_front(*it); parent->m_sub2->m_area += (*it)->getArea(); } #endif } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // reallocPartition() // /// \brief Reallocates a partition and all of its children. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void reallocPartition(Partition *p) { if (p->m_leaf) { return; } // --- INITIAL PARTITION if (PARTITION_AREA_ONLY) partitionEqualArea(p); else partitionScanlineMincut(p); resizePartition(p); // --- PARTITION IMPROVEMENT if (p->m_level < REPARTITION_LEVEL_DEPTH) { if (REPARTITION_HMETIS) repartitionHMetis(p); resizePartition(p); } reallocPartition(p->m_sub1); reallocPartition(p->m_sub2); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // resizePartition() // /// \brief Recomputes the bounding boxes of the child partitions based on their relative areas. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void resizePartition(Partition *p) { // compute the new bounding box p->m_sub1->m_bounds.x = p->m_bounds.x; p->m_sub1->m_bounds.y = p->m_bounds.y; if (p->m_vertical) { p->m_sub1->m_bounds.w = p->m_bounds.w*(p->m_sub1->m_area/p->m_area); p->m_sub1->m_bounds.h = p->m_bounds.h; p->m_sub2->m_bounds.x = p->m_bounds.x + p->m_sub1->m_bounds.w; p->m_sub2->m_bounds.w = p->m_bounds.w*(p->m_sub2->m_area/p->m_area); p->m_sub2->m_bounds.y = p->m_bounds.y; p->m_sub2->m_bounds.h = p->m_bounds.h; } else { p->m_sub1->m_bounds.h = p->m_bounds.h*(p->m_sub1->m_area/p->m_area); p->m_sub1->m_bounds.w = p->m_bounds.w; p->m_sub2->m_bounds.y = p->m_bounds.y + p->m_sub1->m_bounds.h; p->m_sub2->m_bounds.h = p->m_bounds.h*(p->m_sub2->m_area/p->m_area); p->m_sub2->m_bounds.x = p->m_bounds.x; p->m_sub2->m_bounds.w = p->m_bounds.w; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // incrementalSubpartition() // /// \brief Adds new cells to an existing partition. Partition sizes/locations are unchanged. /// /// The function recurses, adding new cells to appropriate subpartitions. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void incrementalSubpartition(Partition *p, ConcreteCell *newCells [], const int numNewCells) { int c; ConcreteCell **newCells1 = (ConcreteCell **)malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*numNewCells), **newCells2 = (ConcreteCell **)malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*numNewCells); int numNewCells1 = 0, numNewCells2 = 0; float cut_loc; assert(p); // add new cells to partition list p->m_members = (ConcreteCell**)realloc(p->m_members, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*(p->m_numMembers+numNewCells)); memcpy(&(p->m_members[p->m_numMembers]), newCells, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*numNewCells); p->m_numMembers += numNewCells; // if is a leaf partition, finished if (p->m_leaf) return; // split new cells into sub-partitions based on location if (p->m_vertical) { cut_loc = p->m_sub2->m_bounds.x; for(c=0; c<numNewCells; c++) if (newCells[c]->m_x < cut_loc) newCells1[numNewCells1++] = newCells[c]; else newCells2[numNewCells2++] = newCells[c]; } else { cut_loc = p->m_sub2->m_bounds.y; for(c=0; c<numNewCells; c++) if (newCells[c]->m_y < cut_loc) newCells1[numNewCells1++] = newCells[c]; else newCells2[numNewCells2++] = newCells[c]; } if (numNewCells1 > 0) incrementalSubpartition(p->m_sub1, newCells1, numNewCells1); if (numNewCells2 > 0) incrementalSubpartition(p->m_sub2, newCells2, numNewCells2); free(newCells1); free(newCells2); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // incrementalPartition() // /// \brief Adds new cells to an existing partition. Partition sizes/locations are unchanged. /// /// The function recurses, adding new cells to appropriate subpartitions. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void incrementalPartition() { int c = 0, c2 = 0; int numNewCells = 0; ConcreteCell **allCells = (ConcreteCell **)malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*g_place_numCells), **newCells = (ConcreteCell **)malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*g_place_numCells); assert(g_place_rootPartition); // update cell list of root partition memcpy(allCells, g_place_concreteCells, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*g_place_numCells); qsort(allCells, g_place_numCells, sizeof(ConcreteCell*), cellSortByID); qsort(g_place_rootPartition->m_members, g_place_rootPartition->m_numMembers, sizeof(ConcreteCell*), cellSortByID); // scan sorted lists and collect cells not in partitions while(!allCells[c++]); while(!g_place_rootPartition->m_members[c2++]); for(; c<g_place_numCells; c++, c2++) { while(c2 < g_place_rootPartition->m_numMembers && allCells[c]->m_id > g_place_rootPartition->m_members[c2]->m_id) c2++; while(c < g_place_numCells && (c2 >= g_place_rootPartition->m_numMembers || allCells[c]->m_id < g_place_rootPartition->m_members[c2]->m_id)) { // a new cell! newCells[numNewCells++] = allCells[c]; c++; } } printf("QPRT-50 : \tincremental partitioning with %d new cells\n", numNewCells); if (numNewCells>0) incrementalSubpartition(g_place_rootPartition, newCells, numNewCells); free(allCells); free(newCells); } ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END