/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [vecGen.h] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Hash maps.] Synopsis [Hash maps.] Author [Aaron P. Hurst, Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - Jan 26, 2011.] Revision [$Id: vecGen.h,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 ahurst Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef ABC__misc__hash__hashGen_h #define ABC__misc__hash__hashGen_h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// INCLUDES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h> #include "misc/extra/extra.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PARAMETERS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// BASIC TYPES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct Hash_Gen_t_ Hash_Gen_t; typedef struct Hash_Gen_Entry_t_ Hash_Gen_Entry_t; struct Hash_Gen_Entry_t_ { char * key; void * data; struct Hash_Gen_Entry_t_ * pNext; }; typedef int (*Hash_GenHashFunction_t)(void* key, int nBins); typedef int (*Hash_GenCompFunction_t)(void* key, void* data); struct Hash_Gen_t_ { int nSize; int nBins; Hash_GenHashFunction_t fHash; Hash_GenCompFunction_t fComp; int fFreeKey; Hash_Gen_Entry_t ** pArray; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// MACRO DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define Hash_GenForEachEntry( pHash, pEntry, bin ) \ for(bin=-1, pEntry=NULL; bin < pHash->nBins; (!pEntry)?(pEntry=pHash->pArray[++bin]):(pEntry=pEntry->pNext)) \ if (pEntry) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Default hash function for strings.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static int Hash_DefaultHashFuncStr( void * key, int nBins ) { const char* p = (const char*)key; int h=0; for( ; *p ; ++p ) h += h*5 + *p; return (unsigned)h % nBins; } static int Hash_DefaultCmpFuncStr( void * key1, void * key2 ) { return strcmp((const char*)key1, (const char*) key2); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Default hash function for (long) integers.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static int Hash_DefaultHashFuncInt( void * key, int nBins ) { return (long)key % nBins; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Default comparison function for (long) integers.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static int Hash_DefaultCmpFuncInt( void * key1, void* key2 ) { return (long)key1 - (long)key2; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Allocates a hash map with the given number of bins.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline Hash_Gen_t * Hash_GenAlloc( int nBins, int (*Hash_FuncHash)(void *, int), int (*Hash_FuncComp)(void *, void *), int fFreeKey) { Hash_Gen_t * p; assert(nBins > 0); p = ABC_CALLOC( Hash_Gen_t, 1 ); p->nBins = nBins; p->fHash = Hash_FuncHash? Hash_FuncHash : (int (*)(void *, int))Hash_DefaultHashFuncStr; p->fComp = Hash_FuncComp? Hash_FuncComp : (int (*)(void *, void *))Hash_DefaultCmpFuncStr; p->fFreeKey = fFreeKey; p->nSize = 0; p->pArray = ABC_CALLOC( Hash_Gen_Entry_t *, nBins ); return p; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 1 if a key already exists.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Hash_GenExists( Hash_Gen_t *p, void * key ) { int bin; Hash_Gen_Entry_t *pEntry; // find the bin where this key would live bin = (*(p->fHash))(key, p->nBins); // search for key pEntry = p->pArray[bin]; while(pEntry) { if ( !p->fComp(pEntry->key,key) ) { return 1; } pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } return 0; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Finds or creates an entry with a key and writes value.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline void Hash_GenWriteEntry( Hash_Gen_t *p, void * key, void * data ) { int bin; Hash_Gen_Entry_t *pEntry, **pLast; // find the bin where this key would live bin = (*(p->fHash))(key, p->nBins); // search for key pLast = &(p->pArray[bin]); pEntry = p->pArray[bin]; while(pEntry) { if ( !p->fComp(pEntry->key,key) ) { pEntry->data = data; return; } pLast = &(pEntry->pNext); pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } // this key does not currently exist // create a new entry and add to bin p->nSize++; (*pLast) = pEntry = ABC_ALLOC( Hash_Gen_Entry_t, 1 ); pEntry->pNext = NULL; pEntry->key = (char *)key; pEntry->data = data; return; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Finds or creates an entry with a key.] Description [fCreate specifies whether a new entry should be created.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline Hash_Gen_Entry_t * Hash_GenEntry( Hash_Gen_t *p, void * key, int fCreate ) { int bin; Hash_Gen_Entry_t *pEntry, **pLast; // find the bin where this key would live bin = (*(p->fHash))(key, p->nBins); // search for key pLast = &(p->pArray[bin]); pEntry = p->pArray[bin]; while(pEntry) { if ( !p->fComp(pEntry->key,key) ) return pEntry; pLast = &(pEntry->pNext); pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } // this key does not currently exist if (fCreate) { // create a new entry and add to bin p->nSize++; (*pLast) = pEntry = ABC_ALLOC( Hash_Gen_Entry_t, 1 ); pEntry->pNext = NULL; pEntry->key = (char *)key; pEntry->data = NULL; return pEntry; } return NULL; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Deletes an entry.] Description [Returns data, if there was any.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline void* Hash_GenRemove( Hash_Gen_t *p, void * key ) { int bin; void * data; Hash_Gen_Entry_t *pEntry, **pLast; // find the bin where this key would live bin = (*(p->fHash))(key, p->nBins); // search for key pLast = &(p->pArray[bin]); pEntry = p->pArray[bin]; while(pEntry) { if ( !p->fComp(pEntry->key,key) ) { p->nSize--; data = pEntry->data; *pLast = pEntry->pNext; if (p->fFreeKey) ABC_FREE(pEntry->key); ABC_FREE(pEntry); return data; } pLast = &(pEntry->pNext); pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } // could not find key return NULL; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Frees the hash.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline void Hash_GenFree( Hash_Gen_t *p ) { int bin; Hash_Gen_Entry_t *pEntry, *pTemp; // free bins for(bin = 0; bin < p->nBins; bin++) { pEntry = p->pArray[bin]; while(pEntry) { pTemp = pEntry; if( p->fFreeKey ) ABC_FREE(pTemp->key); pEntry = pEntry->pNext; ABC_FREE( pTemp ); } } // free hash ABC_FREE( p->pArray ); ABC_FREE( p ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_END #endif