Often the code comes directly from a Windows computer.
The following steps may be needed to compile it on UNIX:

>> dos2unix Makefile Makefile
>> dos2unix depends.sh depends.sh
>> chmod 755 depends.sh
>> make  // on Solaris, try "gmake"

If compiling as a static library, it is necessary to uncomment
#define _LIB in "src/abc/main/main.c"

Several things to try if it does not compile on your platform:
- Try running all code (not only Makefile and depends.sh) through dos2unix
- Try the following actions:
  (a) Remove flags from the libs line (LIBS :=) in Makefile
  (b) Remove "src\base\main\libSupport.c" from "src\base\main\module.make"
  (c) Comment calls to Libs_Init() and Libs_End() in "src\base\main\mainInit.c"
- Try linking with gcc (rather than g++)
  For this replace "LD   := g++" with "LD   := gcc -lm" in Makefile

Finally, run regression test:
abc>>> so regtest.script