
  FileName    [cutMerge.c]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [K-feasible cut computation package.]

  Synopsis    [Procedure to merge two cuts.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]

  Revision    [$Id: cutMerge.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]


#include "cutInt.h"


///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Merges two cuts.]

  Description [This procedure works.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo2( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
    static int M[7][3] = {{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0}};
    Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
    int * pRow;
    int nLeaves0, nLeaves1, Limit;
    int i, k, Count, nNodes;

    assert( pCut0->nLeaves >= pCut1->nLeaves );

    // the case of the largest cut sizes
    Limit = p->pParams->nVarsMax;
    nLeaves0 = pCut0->nLeaves;
    nLeaves1 = pCut1->nLeaves;
    if ( nLeaves0 == Limit && nLeaves1 == Limit )
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] != pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                return NULL;
        pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
            pRes->pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
        pRes->nLeaves = nLeaves0;
        return pRes;
    // the case when one of the cuts is the largest
    if ( nLeaves0 == Limit )
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves1; i++ )
            for ( k = nLeaves0 - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
                if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] == pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
            if ( k == -1 ) // did not find
                return NULL;
        pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
            pRes->pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
        pRes->nLeaves = nLeaves0;
        return pRes;
    // other cases
    nNodes = nLeaves0;
    for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves1; i++ )
        for ( k = nLeaves0 - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] > pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] < pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                pRow = M[k+1];
                if ( pRow[0] == 0 )
                    pRow[0] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[1] = 0;
                else if ( pRow[1] == 0 )
                    pRow[1] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[2] = 0;
                else if ( pRow[2] == 0 )
                    pRow[2] = pCut1->pLeaves[i];
                    assert( 0 );
                if ( ++nNodes > Limit )
                    for ( i = 0; i <= nLeaves0; i++ )
                        M[i][0] = 0;
                    return NULL;
        if ( k == -1 )
            pRow = M[0];
            if ( pRow[0] == 0 )
                pRow[0] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[1] = 0;
            else if ( pRow[1] == 0 )
                pRow[1] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[2] = 0;
            else if ( pRow[2] == 0 )
                pRow[2] = pCut1->pLeaves[i];
                assert( 0 );
            if ( ++nNodes > Limit )
                for ( i = 0; i <= nLeaves0; i++ )
                    M[i][0] = 0;
                return NULL;

    pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
    for ( Count = 0, i = 0; i <= nLeaves0; i++ )
        if ( i > 0 )
            pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pCut0->pLeaves[i-1];
        pRow = M[i];
        if ( pRow[0] )
            pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[0];
            if ( pRow[1] )
                pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[1];
                if ( pRow[2] )
                    pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[2];
            pRow[0] = 0;
    assert( Count == nNodes );
    pRes->nLeaves = nNodes;
    return pRes;


  Synopsis    [Merges two cuts.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
    Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
    int * pLeaves;
    int Limit, nLeaves0, nLeaves1;
    int i, k, c;

    assert( pCut0->nLeaves >= pCut1->nLeaves );

    // consider two cuts
    nLeaves0 = pCut0->nLeaves;
    nLeaves1 = pCut1->nLeaves;

    // the case of the largest cut sizes
    Limit = p->pParams->nVarsMax;
    if ( nLeaves0 == Limit && nLeaves1 == Limit )
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] != pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                return NULL;
        pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
            pRes->pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
        pRes->nLeaves = pCut0->nLeaves;
        return pRes;
    // the case when one of the cuts is the largest
    if ( nLeaves0 == Limit )
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves1; i++ )
            for ( k = nLeaves0 - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
                if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] == pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
            if ( k == -1 ) // did not find
                return NULL;
        pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
        for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
            pRes->pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
        pRes->nLeaves = pCut0->nLeaves;
        return pRes;

    // prepare the cut
    if ( p->pReady == NULL )
        p->pReady = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
    pLeaves = p->pReady->pLeaves;

    // compare two cuts with different numbers
    i = k = 0;
    for ( c = 0; c < Limit; c++ )
        if ( k == nLeaves1 )
            if ( i == nLeaves0 )
                p->pReady->nLeaves = c;
                pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
                return pRes;
            pLeaves[c] = pCut0->pLeaves[i++];
        if ( i == nLeaves0 )
            if ( k == nLeaves1 )
                p->pReady->nLeaves = c;
                pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
                return pRes;
            pLeaves[c] = pCut1->pLeaves[k++];
        if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] < pCut1->pLeaves[k] )
            pLeaves[c] = pCut0->pLeaves[i++];
        if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] > pCut1->pLeaves[k] )
            pLeaves[c] = pCut1->pLeaves[k++];
        pLeaves[c] = pCut0->pLeaves[i++]; 
    if ( i < nLeaves0 || k < nLeaves1 )
        return NULL;
    p->pReady->nLeaves = c;
    pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
    return pRes;


  Synopsis    [Merges two cuts.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo3( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
    Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
    int * pLeaves;
    int Limit, nLeaves0, nLeaves1;
    int i, k, c;

    assert( pCut0->nLeaves >= pCut1->nLeaves );

    // prepare the cut
    if ( p->pReady == NULL )
        p->pReady = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
    pLeaves = p->pReady->pLeaves;

    // consider two cuts
    Limit = p->pParams->nVarsMax;
    nLeaves0 = pCut0->nLeaves;
    nLeaves1 = pCut1->nLeaves;
    if ( nLeaves0 == Limit )
    { // the case when one of the cuts is the largest
        if ( nLeaves1 == Limit )
        { // the case when both cuts are the largest
            for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
                pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
                if ( pLeaves[i] != pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                    return NULL;
            for ( i = k = 0; i < nLeaves0; i++ )
                pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
                if ( k == (int)nLeaves1 )
                if ( pLeaves[i] < pCut1->pLeaves[k] )
                if ( pLeaves[i] == pCut1->pLeaves[k++] )
                return NULL;
            if ( k < nLeaves1 )
                return NULL;
        p->pReady->nLeaves = nLeaves0;
        pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
        return pRes;

    // compare two cuts with different numbers
    i = k = 0;
    for ( c = 0; c < Limit; c++ )
        if ( k == nLeaves1 )
            if ( i == nLeaves0 )
                p->pReady->nLeaves = c;
                pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
                return pRes;
            pLeaves[c] = pCut0->pLeaves[i++];
        if ( i == nLeaves0 )
            if ( k == nLeaves1 )
                p->pReady->nLeaves = c;
                pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
                return pRes;
            pLeaves[c] = pCut1->pLeaves[k++];
        if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] < pCut1->pLeaves[k] )
            pLeaves[c] = pCut0->pLeaves[i++];
        if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] > pCut1->pLeaves[k] )
            pLeaves[c] = pCut1->pLeaves[k++];
        pLeaves[c] = pCut0->pLeaves[i++]; 
    if ( i < nLeaves0 || k < nLeaves1 )
        return NULL;
    p->pReady->nLeaves = c;
    pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
    return pRes;


  Synopsis    [Merges two cuts.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo4( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
    Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
    int * pLeaves;
    int i, k, min, NodeTemp, Limit, nTotal;

    assert( pCut0->nLeaves >= pCut1->nLeaves );

    // prepare the cut
    if ( p->pReady == NULL )
        p->pReady = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
    pLeaves = p->pReady->pLeaves;

    // consider two cuts
    Limit = p->pParams->nVarsMax;
    if ( pCut0->nLeaves == (unsigned)Limit )
    { // the case when one of the cuts is the largest
        if ( pCut1->nLeaves == (unsigned)Limit )
        { // the case when both cuts are the largest
            for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
                pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
                if ( pLeaves[i] != pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                    return NULL;
            for ( i = k = 0; i < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
                pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
                if ( k == (int)pCut1->nLeaves )
                if ( pLeaves[i] < pCut1->pLeaves[k] )
                if ( pLeaves[i] == pCut1->pLeaves[k++] )
                return NULL;
            if ( k < (int)pCut1->nLeaves )
                return NULL;
        p->pReady->nLeaves = pCut0->nLeaves;
        pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
        return pRes;

    // count the number of unique entries in pCut1
    nTotal = pCut0->nLeaves;
    for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut1->nLeaves; i++ )
        // try to find this entry among the leaves of pCut0
        for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; k++ )
            if ( pCut1->pLeaves[i] == pCut0->pLeaves[k] )
        if ( k < (int)pCut0->nLeaves ) // found
        // we found a new entry to add
        if ( nTotal == Limit )
            return NULL;
        pLeaves[nTotal++] = pCut1->pLeaves[i];
    // we know that the feasible cut exists

    // add the starting entries
    for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; k++ )
        pLeaves[k] = pCut0->pLeaves[k];

    // selection-sort the entries
    for ( i = 0; i < nTotal - 1; i++ )
        min = i;
        for ( k = i+1; k < nTotal; k++ )
            if ( pLeaves[k] < pLeaves[min] )
                min = k;
        NodeTemp     = pLeaves[i];
        pLeaves[i]   = pLeaves[min];
        pLeaves[min] = NodeTemp;
    p->pReady->nLeaves = nTotal;
    pRes = p->pReady;  p->pReady = NULL;
    return pRes;


  Synopsis    [Merges two cuts.]

  Description [This procedure works.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo5( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
    static int M[7][3] = {{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0}};
    Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
    int * pRow;
    unsigned uSign0, uSign1;
    int i, k, nNodes, Count;
    unsigned Limit = p->pParams->nVarsMax;

    assert( pCut0->nLeaves >= pCut1->nLeaves );

    // the case of the largest cut sizes
    if ( pCut0->nLeaves == Limit && pCut1->nLeaves == Limit )
        for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[i] != pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                return NULL;
        pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
        for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
            pRes->pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
        pRes->nLeaves = pCut0->nLeaves;
        return pRes;
    // the case when one of the cuts is the largest
    if ( pCut0->nLeaves == Limit )
        if ( !p->pParams->fTruth )
            for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut1->nLeaves; i++ )
                for ( k = pCut0->nLeaves - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
                    if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] == pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                if ( k == -1 ) // did not find
                    return NULL;
            pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
            uSign1 = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut1->nLeaves; i++ )
                for ( k = pCut0->nLeaves - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
                    if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] == pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                        uSign1 |= (1 << i);
                if ( k == -1 ) // did not find
                    return NULL;
            pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
            pRes->Num1 = uSign1;
        for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
            pRes->pLeaves[i] = pCut0->pLeaves[i];
        pRes->nLeaves = pCut0->nLeaves;
        return pRes;
    // other cases
    nNodes = pCut0->nLeaves;
    for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut1->nLeaves; i++ )
        for ( k = pCut0->nLeaves - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] > pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
            if ( pCut0->pLeaves[k] < pCut1->pLeaves[i] )
                pRow = M[k+1];
                if ( pRow[0] == 0 )
                    pRow[0] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[1] = 0;
                else if ( pRow[1] == 0 )
                    pRow[1] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[2] = 0;
                else if ( pRow[2] == 0 )
                    pRow[2] = pCut1->pLeaves[i];
                    assert( 0 );
                if ( ++nNodes > (int)Limit )
                    for ( i = 0; i <= (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
                        M[i][0] = 0;
                    return NULL;
        if ( k == -1 )
            pRow = M[0];
            if ( pRow[0] == 0 )
                pRow[0] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[1] = 0;
            else if ( pRow[1] == 0 )
                pRow[1] = pCut1->pLeaves[i], pRow[2] = 0;
            else if ( pRow[2] == 0 )
                pRow[2] = pCut1->pLeaves[i];
                assert( 0 );
            if ( ++nNodes > (int)Limit )
                for ( i = 0; i <= (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
                    M[i][0] = 0;
                return NULL;

    pRes = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
    if ( !p->pParams->fTruth )
        for ( Count = 0, i = 0; i <= (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
            if ( i > 0 )
                pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pCut0->pLeaves[i-1];
            pRow = M[i];
            if ( pRow[0] )
                pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[0];
                if ( pRow[1] )
                    pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[1];
                    if ( pRow[2] )
                        pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[2];
                pRow[0] = 0;
        assert( Count == nNodes );
        pRes->nLeaves = nNodes;
    // make sure that the cut is correct
        for ( i = 1; i < (int)pRes->nLeaves; i++ )
            if ( pRes->pLeaves[i-1] >= pRes->pLeaves[i] )
                int v = 0;
        return pRes;

    uSign0 = uSign1 = 0;
    for ( Count = 0, i = 0; i <= (int)pCut0->nLeaves; i++ )
        if ( i > 0 )
            uSign0 |= (1 << Count);
            pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pCut1->pLeaves[i-1];
        pRow = M[i];
        if ( pRow[0] )
            uSign1 |= (1 << Count);
            pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[0];
            if ( pRow[1] )
                uSign1 |= (1 << Count);
                pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[1];
                if ( pRow[2] )
                    uSign1 |= (1 << Count);
                    pRes->pLeaves[Count++] = pRow[2];
            pRow[0] = 0;
    assert( Count == nNodes );
    pRes->nLeaves = nNodes;
    pRes->Num1 = uSign1;
    pRes->Num0 = uSign0;
    return pRes;

///                       END OF FILE                                ///