/*===================================================================*/ // // place_qpsolver.h // // Philip Chong // pchong@cadence.com // /*===================================================================*/ #if !defined(_QPS_H) #define ABC__phys__place__place_qpsolver_h #include <stdio.h> ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ typedef float qps_float_t; typedef struct qps_problem { /* Basic stuff */ int num_cells; /* Total number of cells (both fixed and floating) to be placed. */ int *connect; /* Connectivity array. Must contain at least num_cells elements with value -1. The entries which precede the first element with value -1 are the indices of the cells which connect to cell 0; the entries which lie between the first and second elements with value -1 are the indices of the cells which connect to cell 1; etc. Example: cells 0 and 1 are connected together, and 1 and 2 are connected as well. *connect = { 1, -1, 0, 2, -1, 1, -1 }. */ qps_float_t *edge_weight; /* Same structure as connectivity array, but giving the weights assigned to each edge instead. */ qps_float_t *x; /* num_cells element array which contains the x-coordinates of the cells. This is used for the initial values in the iterative solution of floating cells, and for the fixed location of fixed cells. */ qps_float_t *y; /* num_cells element array of y-coordinates. */ int *fixed; /* num_cells element array with value 1 if corresponding cell is fixed, 0 if floating. */ qps_float_t f; /* return value for sum-of-square wirelengths. */ /* COG stuff */ int cog_num; /* Number of COG constraints. */ int *cog_list; /* Array indicating for each COG constraint which cells belong to that constraint. Format is similar to c array: there must be at least cog_num elements with value -1. The entries of cog_list preceding the first -1 element are the indices of the cells which belong to the first COG constraint; etc. Example: cells 0 and 1 belong to one COG constraint, cells 4 and 5 belong to another. *cog_list= { 0, 1, -1, 4, 5, -1 }. */ qps_float_t *cog_x; /* cog_num element array whose values are the x-coordinates for the corresponding COG constraints. */ qps_float_t *cog_y; /* cog_num element array whose values are the y-coordinates for the corresponding COG constraints. */ qps_float_t *area; /* num_cells element array whose values are the areas for the corresponding cells; only useful with COG constraints. */ /* Loop constraint stuff */ int loop_num; /* Number of loop constraints. */ int *loop_list; /* Array with list of cells for each loop constraint. Format is similar to cog_list. */ qps_float_t *loop_max; /* loop_num element array indicating maximum distance for each loop. */ qps_float_t *loop_penalty; /* loop_num element array indicating penalty for each loop. */ int loop_k; /* Current iteration for loop optimization. */ int loop_done; /* Done flag for loop optimization. */ int loop_fail; /* max_x/max_y stuff */ qps_float_t max_x; /* max x location; only used in constrained optimization. */ qps_float_t max_y; /* max y location; only used in constrained optimization. */ int max_enable; /* Set to 1 after qps_init() to enable max_x/max_y. */ int max_done; /* Done flag for max optimization. */ /* Private stuff */ int *priv_ii; int *priv_cc, *priv_cr; qps_float_t *priv_cw, *priv_ct; int priv_cm; int *priv_gt; int *priv_la; int priv_lm; qps_float_t *priv_gm, *priv_gw; qps_float_t *priv_g, *priv_h, *priv_xi; qps_float_t *priv_tp, *priv_tp2; int priv_n; qps_float_t *priv_cp; qps_float_t priv_f; qps_float_t *priv_lt; qps_float_t *priv_pcg, *priv_pcgt; qps_float_t priv_fmax; qps_float_t priv_fprev; qps_float_t priv_fopt; qps_float_t priv_eps; int priv_pn; qps_float_t *priv_mxl, *priv_mxh, *priv_myl, *priv_myh; int priv_ik; FILE *priv_fp; } qps_problem_t; /* call qps_init() as soon as the qps_problem_t has been set up */ /* this initializes some private data structures */ extern void qps_init(qps_problem_t *); /* call qps_solve() to solve the given qp problem */ extern void qps_solve(qps_problem_t *); /* call qps_clean() when finished with the qps_problem_t */ /* this discards the private data structures assigned by qps_init() */ extern void qps_clean(qps_problem_t *); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif /* __cplusplus */ ABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_END #endif /* _QPS_H */