/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [exorCubes.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Exclusive sum-of-product minimization.] Synopsis [Cube manipulation.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: exorCubes.c,v 1.0 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// Implementation of EXORCISM - 4 /// /// An Exclusive Sum-of-Product Minimizer /// /// /// /// Alan Mishchenko <alanmi@ee.pdx.edu> /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// Cube Allocation and Free Cube Management /// /// /// /// Ver. 1.0. Started - July 18, 2000. Last update - July 20, 2000 /// /// Ver. 1.1. Started - July 24, 2000. Last update - July 29, 2000 /// /// Ver. 1.2. Started - July 30, 2000. Last update - July 30, 2000 /// /// Ver. 1.5. Started - Aug 19, 2000. Last update - Aug 19, 2000 /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This software was tested with the BDD package "CUDD", v.2.3.0 /// /// by Fabio Somenzi /// /// http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/ /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "exor.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// EXTERNAL VARIABLES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // information about the cube cover before and after simplification extern cinfo g_CoverInfo; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTIONS OF THIS MODULE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cube cover memory allocation/delocation procedures // (called from the ExorMain module) int AllocateCover( int nCubes, int nWordsIn, int nWordsOut ); void DelocateCover(); // manipulation of the free cube list // (called from Pseudo-Kronecker, ExorList, and ExorLink modules) void AddToFreeCubes( Cube * pC ); Cube * GetFreeCube(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// EXPORTED VARIABLES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// STATIC VARIABLES /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the pointer to the allocated memory Cube ** s_pCoverMemory; // the list of free cubes Cube * s_CubesFree; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CUBE COVER MEMORY MANAGEMENT // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int AllocateCover( int nCubes, int nWordsIn, int nWordsOut ) // uses the cover parameters nCubes and nWords // to allocate-and-clean the cover in one large piece { int OneCubeSize; int OneInputSetSize; Cube ** pp; int TotalSize; int i, k; // determine the size of one cube WITH storage for bits OneCubeSize = sizeof(Cube) + (nWordsIn+nWordsOut)*sizeof(unsigned); // determine what is the amount of storage for the input part of the cube OneInputSetSize = nWordsIn*sizeof(unsigned); // allocate memory for the array of pointers pp = (Cube **)ABC_ALLOC( Cube *, nCubes ); if ( pp == NULL ) return 0; // determine the size of the total cube cover TotalSize = nCubes*OneCubeSize; // allocate and clear memory for the cover in one large piece pp[0] = (Cube *)ABC_ALLOC( char, TotalSize ); if ( pp[0] == NULL ) return 0; memset( pp[0], 0, (size_t)TotalSize ); // assign pointers to cubes and bit strings inside this piece pp[0]->pCubeDataIn = (unsigned*)(pp[0] + 1); pp[0]->pCubeDataOut = (unsigned*)((char*)pp[0]->pCubeDataIn + OneInputSetSize); for ( i = 1; i < nCubes; i++ ) { pp[i] = (Cube *)((char*)pp[i-1] + OneCubeSize); pp[i]->pCubeDataIn = (unsigned*)(pp[i] + 1); pp[i]->pCubeDataOut = (unsigned*)((char*)pp[i]->pCubeDataIn + OneInputSetSize); } // connect the cubes into the list using Next pointers for ( k = 0; k < nCubes-1; k++ ) pp[k]->Next = pp[k+1]; // the last pointer is already set to NULL // assign the head of the free list s_CubesFree = pp[0]; // set the counters of the used and free cubes g_CoverInfo.nCubesInUse = 0; g_CoverInfo.nCubesFree = nCubes; // save the pointer to the allocated memory s_pCoverMemory = pp; assert ( g_CoverInfo.nCubesInUse + g_CoverInfo.nCubesFree == g_CoverInfo.nCubesAlloc ); return nCubes*sizeof(Cube *) + TotalSize; } void DelocateCover() { ABC_FREE( s_pCoverMemory[0] ); ABC_FREE( s_pCoverMemory ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FREE CUBE LIST MANIPULATION FUNCTIONS /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AddToFreeCubes( Cube * p ) { assert( p ); assert( p->Prev == NULL ); // the cube should not be in use assert( p->Next == NULL ); assert( p->ID ); p->Next = s_CubesFree; s_CubesFree = p; // set the ID of the cube to 0, // so that cube pair garbage collection could recognize it as different p->ID = 0; g_CoverInfo.nCubesFree++; } Cube * GetFreeCube() { Cube * p; assert( s_CubesFree ); p = s_CubesFree; s_CubesFree = s_CubesFree->Next; p->Next = NULL; g_CoverInfo.nCubesFree--; return p; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// End of File ///////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END