/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [exorUtil.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Exclusive sum-of-product minimization.] Synopsis [Utilities.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.] Revision [$Id: exorUtil.c,v 1.0 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// Implementation of EXORCISM - 4 /// /// An Exclusive Sum-of-Product Minimizer /// /// Alan Mishchenko <alanmi@ee.pdx.edu> /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// Utility Functions /// /// /// /// 1) allocating memory for and creating the ESOP cover /// /// 2) writing the resultant cover into an ESOP PLA file /// /// /// /// Ver. 1.0. Started - July 15, 2000. Last update - July 20, 2000 /// /// Ver. 1.4. Started - Aug 10, 2000. Last update - Aug 10, 2000 /// /// Ver. 1.5. Started - Aug 19, 2000. Last update - Aug 19, 2000 /// /// Ver. 1.7. Started - Sep 20, 2000. Last update - Sep 23, 2000 /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This software was tested with the BDD package "CUDD", v.2.3.0 /// /// by Fabio Somenzi /// /// http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/ /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "exor.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// EXTERNAL VARIABLES //// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // information about the options, the function, and the cover extern cinfo g_CoverInfo; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cube Cover Iterator // starts an iterator that traverses all the cubes in the ring extern Cube* IterCubeSetStart(); // returns the next cube in the ring extern Cube* IterCubeSetNext(); // retrieves the variable from the cube extern varvalue GetVar( Cube* pC, int Var ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// Cover Service Procedures ///////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CountLiterals() { Cube* p; int LitCounter = 0; for ( p = IterCubeSetStart( ); p; p = IterCubeSetNext() ) LitCounter += p->a; return LitCounter; } int CountLiteralsCheck() { Cube* p; int Value, v; int LitCounter = 0; int LitCounterControl = 0; for ( p = IterCubeSetStart( ); p; p = IterCubeSetNext() ) { LitCounterControl += p->a; assert( p->fMark == 0 ); // write the input variables for ( v = 0; v < g_CoverInfo.nVarsIn; v++ ) { Value = GetVar( p, v ); if ( Value == VAR_NEG ) LitCounter++; else if ( Value == VAR_POS ) LitCounter++; else if ( Value != VAR_ABS ) { assert(0); } } } if ( LitCounterControl != LitCounter ) printf( "Warning! The recorded number of literals (%d) differs from the actual number (%d)\n", LitCounterControl, LitCounter ); return LitCounter; } int CountQCost() { Cube* p; int QCost = 0; int QCostControl = 0; for ( p = IterCubeSetStart( ); p; p = IterCubeSetNext() ) { QCostControl += p->q; QCost += ComputeQCostBits( p ); } // if ( QCostControl != QCost ) // printf( "Warning! The recorded number of literals (%d) differs from the actual number (%d)\n", QCostControl, QCost ); return QCost; } void WriteTableIntoFile( FILE * pFile ) // nCubesAlloc is the number of allocated cubes { int v, w; Cube * p; int cOutputs; int nOutput; int WordSize; for ( p = IterCubeSetStart( ); p; p = IterCubeSetNext() ) { assert( p->fMark == 0 ); // write the input variables for ( v = 0; v < g_CoverInfo.nVarsIn; v++ ) { int Value = GetVar( p, v ); if ( Value == VAR_NEG ) fprintf( pFile, "0" ); else if ( Value == VAR_POS ) fprintf( pFile, "1" ); else if ( Value == VAR_ABS ) fprintf( pFile, "-" ); else assert(0); } fprintf( pFile, " " ); // write the output variables cOutputs = 0; nOutput = g_CoverInfo.nVarsOut; WordSize = 8*sizeof( unsigned ); for ( w = 0; w < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; w++ ) for ( v = 0; v < WordSize; v++ ) { if ( p->pCubeDataOut[w] & (1<<v) ) fprintf( pFile, "1" ); else fprintf( pFile, "0" ); if ( ++cOutputs == nOutput ) break; } fprintf( pFile, "\n" ); } } int WriteResultIntoFile( char * pFileName ) // write the ESOP cover into the PLA file <NewFileName> { FILE * pFile; time_t ltime; char * TimeStr; pFile = fopen( pFileName, "w" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { fprintf( pFile, "\n\nCannot open the output file\n" ); return 1; } // get current time time( <ime ); TimeStr = asctime( localtime( <ime ) ); // get the number of literals g_CoverInfo.nLiteralsAfter = CountLiteralsCheck(); g_CoverInfo.QCostAfter = CountQCost(); fprintf( pFile, "# EXORCISM-4 output for command line arguments: " ); fprintf( pFile, "\"-Q %d -V %d\"\n", g_CoverInfo.Quality, g_CoverInfo.Verbosity ); fprintf( pFile, "# Minimization performed %s", TimeStr ); fprintf( pFile, "# Initial statistics: " ); fprintf( pFile, "Cubes = %d Literals = %d QCost = %d\n", g_CoverInfo.nCubesBefore, g_CoverInfo.nLiteralsBefore, g_CoverInfo.QCostBefore ); fprintf( pFile, "# Final statistics: " ); fprintf( pFile, "Cubes = %d Literals = %d QCost = %d\n", g_CoverInfo.nCubesInUse, g_CoverInfo.nLiteralsAfter, g_CoverInfo.QCostAfter ); fprintf( pFile, "# File reading and reordering time = %.2f sec\n", TICKS_TO_SECONDS(g_CoverInfo.TimeRead) ); fprintf( pFile, "# Starting cover generation time = %.2f sec\n", TICKS_TO_SECONDS(g_CoverInfo.TimeStart) ); fprintf( pFile, "# Pure ESOP minimization time = %.2f sec\n", TICKS_TO_SECONDS(g_CoverInfo.TimeMin) ); fprintf( pFile, ".i %d\n", g_CoverInfo.nVarsIn ); fprintf( pFile, ".o %d\n", g_CoverInfo.nVarsOut ); fprintf( pFile, ".p %d\n", g_CoverInfo.nCubesInUse ); fprintf( pFile, ".type esop\n" ); WriteTableIntoFile( pFile ); fprintf( pFile, ".e\n" ); fclose( pFile ); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// End of File ///////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END