/*===================================================================*/ // // place_test.c // // Aaron P. Hurst, 2003-2007 // ahurst@eecs.berkeley.edu // /*===================================================================*/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "place_base.h" // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hash type/functions // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- struct hash_element { ConcreteCell *obj; struct hash_element *next; } hash_element; int hash_string(int hash_max, const char *str) { unsigned int hash = 0; int p; for(p = 0; p<strlen(str); p++) hash += str[p]*p; return hash % hash_max; } void hash_add(struct hash_element **hash, int hash_max, ConcreteCell *cell) { int key = hash_string(hash_max, cell->m_label); // printf("adding %s key = %d\n", cell->m_label, key); struct hash_element *element = malloc(sizeof(struct hash_element)); assert(element); element->obj = cell; element->next = hash[key]; hash[key] = element; } ConcreteCell *hash_find(struct hash_element **hash, int hash_max, const char *str) { int key = hash_string(hash_max, str); // printf("looking for %s key = %d\n", str, key); struct hash_element *next = hash[key]; while(next) { if (!strcmp(str, next->obj->m_label)) return next->obj; next = next->next; } return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- struct hash_element **hash_cellname; int numCells = 0, numNets = 0; AbstractCell *abstractCells; ConcreteCell *concreteCells; ConcreteNet *concreteNets; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function implementations // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void readBookshelfNets(char *filename) { char *tok; char buf[1024]; const char *DELIMITERS = " \n\t:"; int id = 0; int t; ConcreteCell *cell; FILE *netsFile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!netsFile) { printf("ERROR: Could not open .nets file\n"); exit(1); } // line 1 : version while (fgets(buf, 1024, netsFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); // line 2 : number of nets while (fgets(buf, 1024, netsFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); tok = strtok(buf, DELIMITERS); tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); numNets = atoi(tok); printf("READ-20 : number of nets = %d\n", numNets); concreteNets = malloc(sizeof(ConcreteNet)*numNets); // line 3 : number of pins while (fgets(buf, 1024, netsFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); // line XXX : net definitions while(fgets(buf, 1024, netsFile)) { if (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#') continue; concreteNets[id].m_id = id; concreteNets[id].m_weight = 1.0; tok = strtok(buf, DELIMITERS); if (!!strcmp(tok, "NetDegree")) { printf("%s\n",buf); printf("ERROR: Incorrect format in .nets file\n"); exit(1); } tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); concreteNets[id].m_numTerms = atoi(tok); if (concreteNets[id].m_numTerms < 0 || concreteNets[id].m_numTerms > 100000) { printf("ERROR: Bad net degree\n"); exit(1); } concreteNets[id].m_terms = malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)* concreteNets[id].m_numTerms); // read terms t = 0; while(t < concreteNets[id].m_numTerms && fgets(buf, 1024, netsFile)) { if (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#') continue; // cell name tok = strtok(buf, DELIMITERS); cell = hash_find(hash_cellname, numCells, tok); if (!cell) { printf("ERROR: Could not find cell %s in .nodes file\n", tok); exit(1); } concreteNets[id].m_terms[t] = cell; t++; } // add! addConcreteNet(&(concreteNets[id])); id++; } fclose(netsFile); } void readBookshelfNodes(char *filename) { char *tok; char buf[1024]; const char *DELIMITERS = " \n\t:"; int id = 0; FILE *nodesFile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!nodesFile) { printf("ERROR: Could not open .nodes file\n"); exit(1); } // line 1 : version while (fgets(buf, 1024, nodesFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); // line 2 : num nodes while (fgets(buf, 1024, nodesFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); tok = strtok(buf, DELIMITERS); tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); numCells = atoi(tok); printf("READ-10 : number of cells = %d\n", numCells); concreteCells = malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell)*numCells); abstractCells = malloc(sizeof(AbstractCell)*numCells); hash_cellname = calloc(numCells, sizeof(struct hash_element*)); // line 3 : num terminals while (fgets(buf, 1024, nodesFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); // line XXX : cell definitions while(fgets(buf, 1024, nodesFile)) { if (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#') continue; tok = strtok(buf, DELIMITERS); concreteCells[id].m_id = id;; // label concreteCells[id].m_parent = &(abstractCells[id]); concreteCells[id].m_label = malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(tok)+1); strcpy(concreteCells[id].m_label, tok); abstractCells[id].m_label = concreteCells[id].m_label; hash_add(hash_cellname, numCells, &(concreteCells[id])); // dimensions tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); abstractCells[id].m_width = atof(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); abstractCells[id].m_height = atof(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); // terminal abstractCells[id].m_pad = tok && !strcmp(tok, "terminal"); // add! addConcreteCell(&(concreteCells[id])); // DEBUG /* printf("\"%s\" : %f x %f\n", concreteCells[id].m_label, abstractCells[id].m_width, abstractCells[id].m_height); */ id++; } fclose(nodesFile); } void readBookshelfPlacement(char *filename) { char *tok; char buf[1024]; const char *DELIMITERS = " \n\t:"; ConcreteCell *cell; FILE *plFile = fopen(filename, "r"); FILE *netsFile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!plFile) { printf("ERROR: Could not open .pl file\n"); exit(1); } if (!netsFile) { printf("ERROR: Could not open .nets file\n"); exit(1); } // line 1 : version while (fgets(buf, 1024, plFile) && (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#')); // line XXX : placement definitions while(fgets(buf, 1024, plFile)) { if (buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == '#') continue; tok = strtok(buf, DELIMITERS); // cell name cell = hash_find(hash_cellname, numCells, tok); if (!cell) { printf("ERROR: Could not find cell %s in .nodes file\n",tok); exit(1); } // position tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); cell->m_x = atof(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS); cell->m_y = atof(tok); // hfixed cell->m_fixed = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS) && (tok = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS)) && !strcmp(tok, "\\FIXED"); } fclose(plFile); } void writeBookshelfPlacement(char *filename) { int c = 0; FILE *plFile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!plFile) { printf("ERROR: Could not open .pl file\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(plFile, "UCLA pl 1.0\n"); for(c=0; c<numCells; c++) { fprintf(plFile, "%s %f %f : N %s\n", concreteCells[c].m_label, concreteCells[c].m_x, concreteCells[c].m_y, (concreteCells[c].m_fixed ? "\\FIXED" : "")); } fclose(plFile); } // deletes all connections to a cell void delNetConnections(ConcreteCell *cell) { int n, t, t2, count = 0; ConcreteCell **old = malloc(sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*g_place_numCells); for(n=0; n<g_place_numNets; n++) if (g_place_concreteNets[n]) { ConcreteNet *net = g_place_concreteNets[n]; count = 0; for(t=0; t<net->m_numTerms; t++) if (net->m_terms[t] == cell) count++; if (count) { memcpy(old, net->m_terms, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*net->m_numTerms); net->m_terms = realloc(net->m_terms, sizeof(ConcreteCell*)*(net->m_numTerms-count)); t2 = 0; for(t=0; t<net->m_numTerms; t++) if (old[t] != cell) net->m_terms[t2++] = old[t]; net->m_numTerms -= count; } } free(old); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 4) { printf("Usage: %s [nodes] [nets] [pl]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } readBookshelfNodes(argv[1]); readBookshelfNets(argv[2]); readBookshelfPlacement(argv[3]); globalPreplace(0.8); globalPlace(); // DEBUG net/cell removal/addition /* int i; for(i=1000; i<2000; i++) { delConcreteNet(g_place_concreteNets[i]); delNetConnections(g_place_concreteCells[i]); delConcreteCell(g_place_concreteCells[i]); } ConcreteCell newCell[2]; newCell[0].m_id = g_place_numCells+1; newCell[0].m_x = 1000; newCell[0].m_y = 1000; newCell[0].m_fixed = false; newCell[0].m_parent = &(abstractCells[1000]); newCell[0].m_label = " "; addConcreteCell(&newCell[0]); newCell[1].m_id = g_place_numCells+3; newCell[1].m_x = 1000; newCell[1].m_y = 1000; newCell[1].m_fixed = false; newCell[1].m_parent = &(abstractCells[1000]); newCell[1].m_label = " "; addConcreteCell(&newCell[1]); */ globalIncremental(); writeBookshelfPlacement(argv[3]); free(hash_cellname); return 0; }