import os import time from datetime import * ##import par ##from abc_common import * import abc_common #this makes par the dominant module insteat of abc_common from par import * import sys import math import time from pyabc_split import * ##import pdb ##from IPython.Debugger import Tracer; debug_here = Tracer() #x('source ../../abc.rc') #abc_common.x('source ../../abc.rc') def scorriter(): """ apply scorr with increasing conflicts up to 100""" x('time') run_command('r') n = 20 while n < 1000: print_circuit_stats() run_command('scorr -C %d'%n) x('ind -C %d'%1000) if is_unsat(): print 'n = %d'%n break n = 2*n x('time') def simplifyq(): # set_globals() n=n_ands() if n > 30000: if n<45000: abc("&get;&scl;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&lcorr;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&scorr;&fraig;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&scorr -F 2;&dc2;&put;w") else: abc("&get;&scl;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&lcorr;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&scorr;&fraig;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&dc2;&put;w") n = n_ands() if n < 30000: if n > 15000: abc("scl;rw;dr;lcorr;rw;dr;scorr;fraig;dc2;dr;dc2rs;w") else: abc("scl;rw;dr;lcorr;rw;dr;scorr;fraig;dc2;dr;scorr -F 2;dc2rs;w") if n < 10000: m = min( 30000/n, 8 ) if m > 2: abc( "scorr -F %d"%m) run_command("ps") def constraints(): """Determine if a set of files in a set of directories has constraints and print out the results.""" for s in directories: print("\ndirectory is "+s) jj=eval(s) print(jj) for j in range(len(jj)): x("\nr ../DIR/%s/"%(s,jj[j])) print("structural:") x('constr -s') print("inductive constraints:") x('constr ') def help(s): run_command('%s -h'%s) def strip(): """Strip out each output of a multi-output example and write it into a separate file""" os.chdir('../DIR') abc('r') po = n_pos() print_circuit_stats() for j in range(po): abc('r') abc('cone -s -O %d'%j) abc('scl;rw;trm') abc('w'%j) print_circuit_stats() def fn_def(f,n): filename = f.__code__.co_filename firstline = f.__code__.co_firstlineno lines = open(filename, "r").readlines() print "".join(lines[firstline : n+firstline]) def lst(list,match): result = [] for j in range(len(list)): if list[j][-len(match):] == match: result.append(list[j]) return result def lste(list,match,excp): result = [] for j in range(len(list)): if list[j][-len(match):] == match: if excp in list[j]: continue result.append(list[j]) return result def blif2aig(): """ converts blif files into aig files""" #os.chdir('../ibm-web') list_all = os.listdir('.') l_blif = lst(list_all,'.blif') for j in range(len(l_blif)): name = l_blif[j][:-5] print '%s '%name, abc('r %s.blif'%name) abc('st') abc('fold') abc('w'%name) ps() def la(): return list_aig('') def list_aig(s=''): """ prnts out the sizes of aig files""" #os.chdir('../ibm-web') list_all = os.listdir('.') dir = lst(list_all,'.aig') dir.sort() result = [] for j in range(len(dir)): name = dir[j][:-4] if not s_in_s(s,name): continue print '%s '%name, abc('r'%name) ps() result = result + [name] return result def list_original(): list_dir = os.listdir('.') list_dir.sort() out = [] for i in range(len(list_dir)): name = '%s/'%list_dir[i] if os.access('%s'%name,os.R_OK): abc('r %s;&ps'%name) if n_latches() > 0 and n_pos() > 1: size = str(sizeof()) print list_dir[i], ps() out = out + ['%s: %s'%(list_dir[i],size)] return out def list_size(s=''): """ prnts out the sizes of aig files. Leaves .aig as part of name""" #os.chdir('../ibm-web') list_all = os.listdir('.') dir = lst(list_all,'.aig') dir.sort() result = [] for j in range(len(dir)): ## name = dir[j][:-4] name = dir[j] #leaves .aig as part of name if not s_in_s(s,name): continue print '%s '%name, ## abc('r'%name) abc('r %s'%name) ps() result = result + [name[:-4]] #takes .aig off of name return result def rename(l=[]): for j in range(len(l)): name = l[j] name1 = name +'.aig' name2 = name[:-4]+'' #take off _smp and put on simp os.rename(name1,name2) def list_blif(s=''): """ prnts out the sizes of aig files""" #os.chdir('../ibm-web') list_all = os.listdir('.') dir = lst(list_all,'.blif') dir.sort() result = [] for j in range(len(dir)): name = dir[j][:-5] if not s_in_s(s,name): continue print '%s: '%name, abc('read_blif %s.blif'%name) run_command('ps') abc('st;zero;w'%name) result = result + [name] return result def s_in_s(s1,s2): ls1 = len(s1) l = 1+len(s2)- ls1 if l< 0: return False else: for j in range(l): if s1 == s2[j:j+ls1]: return True else: continue return False def convert_ibm(): """ converts blif files (with constraints?) into aig files""" os.chdir('../ibm-web') list_ibm = os.listdir('.') l_blif = lst(list_ibm,'.blif') for j in range(len(l_blif)): name = l_blif[j][:-5] run_command('read_blif %s.blif'%name) abc('undc') abc('st -i') abc('zero') run_command('w'%name) """if a<100000000: f = min(8,max(1,40000/a)) #run_command('scorr -c -F %d'%f) #print 'Result of scorr -F %d: '%f, print_circuit_stats() run_command('w'%j)""" def cl(): cleanup() def cleanup(): list = os.listdir('.') for j in range(len(list)): name = list[j] if ((s_in_s('_smp',name)) or (s_in_s('_save', name)) or (s_in_s('_backup', name)) or (s_in_s('_osave', name)) or (s_in_s('_best', name)) or (s_in_s('_gsrm', name)) or (s_in_s('gore', name)) or (s_in_s('_bip', name)) or (s_in_s('sm0', name)) or (s_in_s('gabs', name)) or (s_in_s('temp', name)) or (s_in_s('__', name)) or (s_in_s('greg', name)) or (s_in_s('tf2', name)) or (s_in_s('gsrm', name)) or (s_in_s('_rpm', name )) or (s_in_s('gsyn', name)) or (s_in_s('beforerpm', name)) or (s_in_s('afterrpm', name)) or (s_in_s('initabs', name)) or (s_in_s('_init', name)) or (s_in_s('_osave', name)) or (s_in_s('tt_', name)) or (s_in_s('_before', name)) or (s_in_s('_after', name)) or (s_in_s('_and', name)) or (s_in_s('_spec', name)) or (s_in_s('temp.a', name)) or (s_in_s('_sync', name)) or (s_in_s('_old', name)) or (s_in_s('_cone_', name)) or (s_in_s('_abs', name)) or (s_in_s('_vabs', name)) or (s_in_s('_gla', name)) or (s_in_s('vabs', name)) or (s_in_s('_mp2', name)) or (s_in_s('_sc1', name)) or (s_in_s('_sc2', name)) or (s_in_s('_after', name)) or (s_in_s('_before', name)) or (s_in_s('_aigs_', name)) or (s_in_s('_cex.', name)) or (s_in_s('_bmc1', name)) or (s_in_s('_p0_', name)) or (s_in_s('_p1_', name)) or (s_in_s('_unsolv', name)) or (s_in_s('_iso1', name)) ): os.remove(name) def simp_mbi(): os.chdir('../mbi') list_ibm = os.listdir('.') l_aig = lst(list_ibm,'.aig') for j in range(len(l_aig)): name = l_aig[j][:-4] run_command('r'%name) run_command('st') print '\n%s: '%name print_circuit_stats() quick_simp() scorr_comp() simplify() run_command('w'%name) def strip_names(): os.chdir('../mbi') list_ibm = os.listdir('.') l_aig = lst(list_ibm,'.aig') for j in range(len(l_aig)): name = l_aig[j][:-4] run_command('r'%name) run_command('st') print '\n%s: '%name print_circuit_stats() quick_simp() scorr_comp() simplify() run_command('w'%name) def map_ibm(): os.chdir('../ibmmike2') list_ibm = os.listdir('.') l_blif = lst(list_ibm,'.blif') result = [] print len(l_blif) for j in range(len(l_blif)): name = l_blif[j][:-5] result.append('%s = %d'%(name,j)) return result def absn(a,c,s): """ testing Niklas abstraction with various conflict limits a= method (0 - regular cba, 1 - pure pba, 2 - cba with pba at the end, 3 cba and pba interleaved at each step c = conflict limit s = No. of stable steps without cex""" global G_C, G_T, latches_before_abs, x_factor, f_name set_globals() latches_before_abs = n_latches() print 'Start: ', print_circuit_stats() print 'Een abstraction params: Method #%d, %d conflicts, %d stable'%(a,c,s) run_command('&get; &abs_newstart -v -A %d -C %d -S %d'%(a,c,s)) bmcdepth = n_bmc_frames() print 'BMC depth = %d'%n_bmc_frames() abc('&w; &abs_derive; &put; w') print 'Final abstraction: ', print_circuit_stats() write_file('absn') return "Done" def time_stamp(): s = d.strftime('%m.%d.%y-%X') return s def apply_sp(list): global m_trace s = time_stamp() out_name = "%s-traces.txt"%s print out_name if os.access(out_name,os.R_OK): os.remove(out_name) f = open(out_name,'w') print f for j in range(len(list)): name = list[j] print '\n\n**** %s ****\n'%name f.write('\n\n****%s ****'%name) read_file_quiet(name) result = super_prove() trace = result[1] s = str(trace) f.write('\n\n') f.write(s) f.flush() f.close() def xfiles(): global f_name #output = sys.stdout #iterate over all ESS files #saveout = sys.stdout #output = open("ibm_log.txt",'w') # sys.stdout = output os.chdir('../ess/f58m') print 'Directories are %s'%directories for s in directories: sss= '../%s'%s os.chdir(sss) print "\nDirectory is %s\n"%s jj=eval(s) print (jj) run_command('time') for j in range(len(jj)): print ' ' set_fname('p_%dsmp23'%jj[j])#file is read in print 'p_%dsmp23'%jj[j] run_command('time') result = dprove3(1) print result run_command('time') run_command('time') os.chdir('../../python') #sys.stdout = saveout #output.close() def sublist(L,I): z = [] for i in range(len(I)): s = L[I[i]], s = list(s) z = z + s return z def s2l(s): """ takes the string s divided by '\n' and makess a list of items""" result = [] while len(s)>2: j = s.find('\n') result.append(s[:j]) s = s[j+1:] return result def select(lst, s): result = [] print lst for j in range(len(lst)): if s in lst[j]: s1 = lst[j] k = s1.find(':') s1 = s1[:k] result.append(s1) return result def process_result(name): f = open(name,'r') s = f.close() lst = s2l(s) result = select(lst,'Timeout') return result def main(): stackno = 0 if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "usage: %s <aig filename>"%sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) aig_filename = sys.argv[1] x("source ../../abc.rc") read(aig_filename) dprove3(1) # a test to whether the script is being called from the command line if __name__=="__main__": main()