/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [wlcParse.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Verilog parser.] Synopsis [Parses several flavors of word-level Verilog.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - August 22, 2014.] Revision [$Id: wlcParse.c,v 1.00 2014/09/12 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #include "wlc.h" #include "misc/vec/vecWec.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // parser typedef struct Smt_Prs_t_ Smt_Prs_t; struct Smt_Prs_t_ { // input data char * pName; // file name char * pBuffer; // file contents char * pLimit; // end of file char * pCur; // current position Abc_Nam_t * pStrs; // string manager // network structure Vec_Int_t vStack; // current node on each level //Vec_Wec_t vDepth; // objects on each level Vec_Wec_t vObjs; // objects int NameCount; int nDigits; Vec_Int_t vTempFans; // error handling char ErrorStr[1000]; }; //#define SMT_GLO_SUFFIX "_glb" #define SMT_GLO_SUFFIX "" // parser name types typedef enum { SMT_PRS_NONE = 0, SMT_PRS_SET_OPTION, SMT_PRS_SET_LOGIC, SMT_PRS_SET_INFO, SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN, SMT_PRS_DECLARE_FUN, SMT_PRS_ASSERT, SMT_PRS_LET, SMT_PRS_CHECK_SAT, SMT_PRS_GET_VALUE, SMT_PRS_EXIT, SMT_PRS_END } Smt_LineType_t; typedef struct Smt_Pair_t_ Smt_Pair_t; struct Smt_Pair_t_ { Smt_LineType_t Type; char * pName; }; static Smt_Pair_t s_Types[SMT_PRS_END] = { { SMT_PRS_NONE, NULL }, { SMT_PRS_SET_OPTION, "set-option" }, { SMT_PRS_SET_LOGIC, "set-logic" }, { SMT_PRS_SET_INFO, "set-info" }, { SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN, "define-fun" }, { SMT_PRS_DECLARE_FUN, "declare-fun" }, { SMT_PRS_ASSERT, "assert" }, { SMT_PRS_LET, "let" }, { SMT_PRS_CHECK_SAT, "check-sat" }, { SMT_PRS_GET_VALUE, "get-value" }, { SMT_PRS_EXIT, "exit" } }; static inline char * Smt_GetTypeName( Smt_LineType_t Type ) { int i; for ( i = 1; i < SMT_PRS_END; i++ ) if ( s_Types[i].Type == Type ) return s_Types[i].pName; return NULL; } static inline void Smt_AddTypes( Abc_Nam_t * p ) { int Type; for ( Type = 1; Type < SMT_PRS_END; Type++ ) Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( p, Smt_GetTypeName((Smt_LineType_t)Type), NULL ); assert( Abc_NamObjNumMax(p) == SMT_PRS_END ); } static inline int Smt_EntryIsName( int Fan ) { return Abc_LitIsCompl(Fan); } static inline int Smt_EntryIsType( int Fan, Smt_LineType_t Type ) { assert(Smt_EntryIsName(Fan)); return Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) == Type; } static inline char * Smt_EntryName( Smt_Prs_t * p, int Fan ) { assert(Smt_EntryIsName(Fan)); return Abc_NamStr( p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) ); } static inline Vec_Int_t * Smt_EntryNode( Smt_Prs_t * p, int Fan ) { assert(!Smt_EntryIsName(Fan)); return Vec_WecEntry( &p->vObjs, Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) ); } static inline int Smt_VecEntryIsType( Vec_Int_t * vFans, int i, Smt_LineType_t Type ) { return i < Vec_IntSize(vFans) && Smt_EntryIsName(Vec_IntEntry(vFans, i)) && Smt_EntryIsType(Vec_IntEntry(vFans, i), Type); } static inline char * Smt_VecEntryName( Smt_Prs_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vFans, int i ) { return Smt_EntryIsName(Vec_IntEntry(vFans, i)) ? Smt_EntryName(p, Vec_IntEntry(vFans, i)) : NULL; } static inline Vec_Int_t * Smt_VecEntryNode( Smt_Prs_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vFans, int i ) { return Smt_EntryIsName(Vec_IntEntry(vFans, i)) ? NULL : Smt_EntryNode(p, Vec_IntEntry(vFans, i)); } #define Smt_ManForEachDir( p, Type, vVec, i ) \ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs)) && (((vVec) = Vec_WecEntry(&p->vObjs, i)), 1); i++ ) \ if ( !Smt_VecEntryIsType(vVec, 0, Type) ) {} else //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Smt_StrToType( char * pName, int * pfSigned ) { int Type = 0; *pfSigned = 0; if ( !strcmp(pName, "ite") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_MUX; // 08: multiplexer else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvlshr") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_R; // 09: shift right else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvashr") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_RA , *pfSigned = 1; // 10: shift right (arithmetic) else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvshl") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_L; // 11: shift left // else if ( !strcmp(pName, "") ) // Type = WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_LA; // 12: shift left (arithmetic) else if ( !strcmp(pName, "rotate_right") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R; // 13: rotate right else if ( !strcmp(pName, "rotate_left") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L; // 14: rotate left else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvnot") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOT; // 15: bitwise NOT else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvand") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_AND; // 16: bitwise AND else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_OR; // 17: bitwise OR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvxor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_XOR; // 18: bitwise XOR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvnand") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_NAND; // 16: bitwise NAND else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvnor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOR; // 17: bitwise NOR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvxnor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_NXOR; // 18: bitwise NXOR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "extract") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT; // 19: bit selection else if ( !strcmp(pName, "concat") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT; // 20: bit concatenation else if ( !strcmp(pName, "zero_extend") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_ZEROPAD; // 21: zero padding else if ( !strcmp(pName, "sign_extend") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT; // 22: sign extension else if ( !strcmp(pName, "not") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_NOT; // 23: logic NOT else if ( !strcmp(pName, "=>") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_IMPL; // 24: logic AND else if ( !strcmp(pName, "and") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_AND; // 24: logic AND else if ( !strcmp(pName, "or") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_OR; // 25: logic OR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "xor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_XOR; // 26: logic OR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvcomp") || !strcmp(pName, "=") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_EQU; // 27: compare equal else if ( !strcmp(pName, "distinct") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_NOTEQU; // 28: compare not equal else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvult") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESS; // 29: compare less else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvugt") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_MORE; // 30: compare more else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvule") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESSEQU; // 31: compare less or equal else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvuge") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_MOREEQU; // 32: compare more or equal else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvslt") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESS, *pfSigned = 1; // 29: compare less else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsgt") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_MORE, *pfSigned = 1; // 30: compare more else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsle") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESSEQU, *pfSigned = 1; // 31: compare less or equal else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsge") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_MOREEQU, *pfSigned = 1; // 32: compare more or equal else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvredand") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_AND; // 33: reduction AND else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvredor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_OR; // 34: reduction OR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvredxor") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_XOR; // 35: reduction XOR else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvadd") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_ADD; // 36: arithmetic addition else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsub") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_SUB; // 37: arithmetic subtraction else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvmul") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_MULTI; // 38: arithmetic multiplier else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvudiv") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_DIVIDE; // 39: arithmetic division else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvurem") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_REM; // 40: arithmetic remainder else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsdiv") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_DIVIDE, *pfSigned = 1; // 39: arithmetic division else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsrem") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_REM, *pfSigned = 1; // 40: arithmetic remainder else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvsmod") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_MODULUS, *pfSigned = 1; // 40: arithmetic modulus else if ( !strcmp(pName, "=") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_COMP_EQU; // 40: arithmetic modulus // else if ( !strcmp(pName, "") ) // Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_POWER; // 41: arithmetic power else if ( !strcmp(pName, "bvneg") ) Type = WLC_OBJ_ARI_MINUS; // 42: arithmetic minus // else if ( !strcmp(pName, "") ) // Type = WLC_OBJ_TABLE; // 43: bit table else { printf( "The following operations is currently not supported (%s)\n", pName ); fflush( stdout ); } return Type; } static inline int Smt_PrsReadType( Smt_Prs_t * p, int iSig, int * pfSigned, int * Value1, int * Value2 ) { if ( Smt_EntryIsName(iSig) ) return Smt_StrToType( Smt_EntryName(p, iSig), pfSigned ); else { Vec_Int_t * vFans = Smt_EntryNode( p, iSig ); char * pStr = Smt_VecEntryName( p, vFans, 0 ); int Type; assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) >= 3 ); assert( !strcmp(pStr, "_") ); // special op *Value1 = *Value2 = -1; assert( pStr[0] != 'b' || pStr[1] != 'v' ); // read type Type = Smt_StrToType( Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 1), pfSigned ); if ( Type == 0 ) return 0; *Value1 = atoi( Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 2) ); if ( Vec_IntSize(vFans) > 3 ) *Value2 = atoi( Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 3) ); return Type; } } static inline int Smt_StrType( char * str ) { return Smt_StrToType(str, NULL); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Smt_PrsCreateNodeOld( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Type, int fSigned, int Range, Vec_Int_t * vFanins, char * pName ) { char Buffer[100]; int NameId, fFound; int iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, Type, fSigned, Range-1, 0 ); assert( Type > 0 ); assert( Range >= 0 ); assert( fSigned >= 0 ); // add node's name if ( pName == NULL ) { sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj ); pName = Buffer; } NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pName, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), vFanins ); if ( fSigned ) { Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj)->Signed = fSigned; // if ( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) > 0 ) // Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 0))->Signed = fSigned; // if ( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) > 1 ) // Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 1))->Signed = fSigned; } return iObj; } static inline int Smt_PrsCreateNode( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Type, int fSigned, int Range, Vec_Int_t * vFanins, char * pName ) { char Buffer[100]; char * pNameFanin; int NameId, fFound, old_size, new_size; int iObj, iFanin0, iFanin1; Vec_Int_t * v2Fanins = Vec_IntStartFull(2); assert( Type > 0 ); assert( Range >= 0 ); assert( fSigned >= 0 ); //if (Vec_IntSize(vFanins)<=2 || Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT || Type == WLC_OBJ_MUX ) // explicitely secify allowed multi operators if (Vec_IntSize(vFanins)<=2 || !( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_AND || // 16:`` bitwise AND Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_OR || // 17: bitwise OR Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_XOR || // 18: bitwise XOR Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NAND || // 19: bitwise AND Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOR || // 20: bitwise OR Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NXOR || // 21: bitwise NXOR Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_IMPL || // 27: logic implication Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_AND || // 28: logic AND Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_OR || // 29: logic OR Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_XOR || // 30: logic XOR Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_EQU || // 31: compare equal // Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_NOTEQU || // 32: compare not equal -- bug fix Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESS || // 33: compare less Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_MORE || // 34: compare more Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESSEQU || // 35: compare less or equal Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_MOREEQU || // 36: compare more or equal Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_ADD || // 43: arithmetic addition Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_SUB || // 44: arithmetic subtraction Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_MULTI || // 45: arithmetic multiplier Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_DIVIDE // 46: arithmetic division )) goto FINISHED_WITH_FANINS; // we will be creating nodes backwards. this way we can pop from vFanins easier while (Vec_IntSize(vFanins)>2) { // getting 2 fanins at a time old_size = Vec_IntSize(vFanins); iFanin0 = Vec_IntPop(vFanins); iFanin1 = Vec_IntPop(vFanins); Vec_IntWriteEntry(v2Fanins,0,iFanin0); Vec_IntWriteEntry(v2Fanins,1,iFanin1); iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, Type, fSigned, Range-1, 0 ); sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj ); pNameFanin = Buffer; NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pNameFanin, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), v2Fanins ); // pushing the new node Vec_IntPush(vFanins, iObj); new_size = Vec_IntSize(vFanins); assert(new_size<old_size); } FINISHED_WITH_FANINS: Vec_IntFree(v2Fanins); //added to deal with long shifts create extra bit select (ROTATE as well ??) // this is a temporary hack // basically we keep only 32 bits. // bit[31] will be the copy of original MSB (sign bit, just in case) UPDATE: assume it is unsigned first???? // bit[31] will be the reduction or of any bits from [31] to Range if (Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_R || Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_RA || Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_L) { int range1, iObj1, iObj2, iObj3; assert(Vec_IntSize(vFanins)>=2); iFanin1 = Vec_IntEntry(vFanins,1); range1 = Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iFanin1) ); if (range1>32) { Vec_Int_t * newFanins = Vec_IntAlloc(10); Vec_IntPush(newFanins,iFanin1); Vec_IntPushTwo( newFanins, 30, 0 ); iObj1 = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT, 0, 30, 0 ); sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj1 ); pNameFanin = Buffer; NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pNameFanin, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj1 == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj1), newFanins ); //printf("obj1: %d\n",iObj1); // bit select of larger bits Vec_IntPop(newFanins); Vec_IntPop(newFanins); Vec_IntPushTwo( newFanins, range1-1, 31 ); iObj2 = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT, 0, range1-1, 31 ); sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj2 ); pNameFanin = Buffer; NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pNameFanin, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj2 == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj2), newFanins ); //printf("obj2: %d\n",iObj2); // reduction or Vec_IntPop( newFanins ); Vec_IntPop( newFanins ); Vec_IntWriteEntry( newFanins, 0, iObj2 ); iObj3 = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_OR, 0, 0, 0 ); sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj3 ); pNameFanin = Buffer; NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pNameFanin, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj3 == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj3), newFanins ); //printf("obj3: %d\n",iObj3); // concat all together Vec_IntWriteEntry( newFanins, 0, iObj3 ); Vec_IntPush( newFanins, iObj1 ); iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT, 0, 31, 0 ); sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj ); pNameFanin = Buffer; NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pNameFanin, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), newFanins ); //printf("obj: %d\n",iObj); // pushing the new node Vec_IntWriteEntry(vFanins, 1, iObj); Vec_IntFree(newFanins); } } iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, Type, fSigned, Range-1, 0 ); // add node's name if ( pName == NULL ) { sprintf( Buffer, "_n%d_", iObj ); pName = Buffer; } NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pName, &fFound ); assert( !fFound ); assert( iObj == NameId ); Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), vFanins ); if ( fSigned ) { Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj)->Signed = fSigned; // if ( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) > 0 ) // Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 0))->Signed = fSigned; // if ( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) > 1 ) // Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 1))->Signed = fSigned; } return iObj; } static inline char * Smt_GetHexFromDecimalString(char * pStr) { int i,k=0, nDigits = strlen(pStr); int digit, carry = 0; int metNonZeroBit = 0; Vec_Int_t * decimal = Vec_IntAlloc(nDigits); Vec_Int_t * rev; int nBits; char * hex; for (i=0;i<nDigits;i++) Vec_IntPush(decimal,pStr[i]-'0'); // firstly fillin the reversed vector rev = Vec_IntAlloc(10); while(k<nDigits) { digit = Vec_IntEntry(decimal,k); if (!digit && !carry) { k++; if (k>=nDigits) { if (!metNonZeroBit) break; else { Vec_IntPush(rev,carry); carry = 0; k = 0; metNonZeroBit = 0; } } continue; } if (!metNonZeroBit) metNonZeroBit = 1; digit = carry*10 + digit; carry = digit%2; digit = digit / 2; Vec_IntWriteEntry(decimal,k,digit); k++; if (k>=nDigits) { Vec_IntPush(rev,carry); carry = 0; k = 0; metNonZeroBit = 0; } } Vec_IntFree(decimal); if (!Vec_IntSize(rev)) Vec_IntPush(rev,0); while (Vec_IntSize(rev)%4) Vec_IntPush(rev,0); nBits = Vec_IntSize(rev); hex = (char *)malloc((nBits/4+1)*sizeof(char)); for (k=0;k<nBits/4;k++) { int number = Vec_IntEntry(rev,k*4) + 2*Vec_IntEntry(rev,k*4+1) + 4*Vec_IntEntry(rev,k*4+2) + 8*Vec_IntEntry(rev,k*4+3); char letter; switch(number) { case 0: letter = '0'; break; case 1: letter = '1'; break; case 2: letter = '2'; break; case 3: letter = '3'; break; case 4: letter = '4'; break; case 5: letter = '5'; break; case 6: letter = '6'; break; case 7: letter = '7'; break; case 8: letter = '8'; break; case 9: letter = '9'; break; case 10: letter = 'a'; break; case 11: letter = 'b'; break; case 12: letter = 'c'; break; case 13: letter = 'd'; break; case 14: letter = 'e'; break; case 15: letter = 'f'; break; default: assert(0); } hex[nBits/4-1-k] = letter; //if (k<Vec_IntSize(rev)) // Vec_IntPush(vFanins,Vec_IntEntry(rev,k)); //else // Vec_IntPush(vFanins,0); } hex[nBits/4] = '\0'; Vec_IntFree(rev); return hex; } static inline int Smt_PrsBuildConstant( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pStr, int nBits, char * pName ) { int i, nDigits, iObj; Vec_Int_t * vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 10 ); if ( pStr[0] != '#' ) // decimal { if ( pStr[0] >= '0' && pStr[0] <= '9' ) { // added: sanity check for large constants /* Vec_Int_t * temp = Vec_IntAlloc(10); int fullBits = -1; Smt_GetBinaryFromDecimalString(pStr,temp,&fullBits); Vec_IntFree(temp); assert(fullBits < 32);*/ char * pHex = Smt_GetHexFromDecimalString(pStr); if ( nBits == -1 ) nBits = strlen(pHex)*4; //printf("nbits: %d\n",nBits); Vec_IntFill( vFanins, Abc_BitWordNum(nBits), 0 ); nDigits = Abc_TtReadHexNumber( (word *)Vec_IntArray(vFanins), pHex ); ABC_FREE( pHex ); /* int w, nWords, Number = atoi( pStr ); if ( nBits == -1 ) { nBits = Abc_Base2Log( Number+1 ); assert( nBits < 32 ); } nWords = Abc_BitWordNum( nBits ); for ( w = 0; w < nWords; w++ ) Vec_IntPush( vFanins, w ? 0 : Number ); */ } else { int fFound, iObj = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pStr, &fFound ); assert( fFound ); Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return iObj; } } else if ( pStr[1] == 'b' ) // binary { if ( nBits == -1 ) nBits = strlen(pStr+2); Vec_IntFill( vFanins, Abc_BitWordNum(nBits), 0 ); for ( i = 0; i < nBits; i++ ) if ( pStr[2+i] == '1' ) Abc_InfoSetBit( (unsigned *)Vec_IntArray(vFanins), nBits-1-i ); else if ( pStr[2+i] != '0' ) { Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return 0; } } else if ( pStr[1] == 'x' ) // hexadecimal { if ( nBits == -1 ) nBits = strlen(pStr+2)*4; Vec_IntFill( vFanins, Abc_BitWordNum(nBits), 0 ); nDigits = Abc_TtReadHexNumber( (word *)Vec_IntArray(vFanins), pStr+2 ); if ( nDigits != (nBits + 3)/4 ) { Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return 0; } } else { Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return 0; } // create constant node iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_CONST, 0, nBits, vFanins, pName ); Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return iObj; } int Smt_PrsBuildNode( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Smt_Prs_t * p, int iNode, int RangeOut, char * pName ) { if ( Smt_EntryIsName(iNode) ) // name or constant { char * pStr = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iNode)); if ( (pStr[0] >= '0' && pStr[0] <= '9') || pStr[0] == '#' ) { // (_ BitVec 8) #x19 return Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pStr, RangeOut, pName ); } else { // s3087 int fFound, iObj = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pStr, &fFound ); assert( fFound ); return iObj; } } else // node { Vec_Int_t * vFans = Smt_EntryNode( p, iNode ); char * pStr0 = Smt_VecEntryName( p, vFans, 0 ); char * pStr1 = Smt_VecEntryName( p, vFans, 1 ); if ( pStr0 && pStr1 && pStr0[0] == '_' && pStr1[0] == 'b' && pStr1[1] == 'v' ) { // (_ bv1 32) char * pStr2 = Smt_VecEntryName( p, vFans, 2 ); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 3 ); return Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pStr1+2, atoi(pStr2), pName ); } else if ( pStr0 && pStr0[0] == '=' ) { assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 3 ); iNode = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 2); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(iNode) ); pStr0 = Smt_EntryName(p, iNode); // check the last one is "#b1" if ( !strcmp("#b1", pStr0) ) { iNode = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); return Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, iNode, -1, pName ); } else { Vec_Int_t * vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 2 ); // get the constant int iObj, iOper, iConst = Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pStr0, -1, NULL ); // check the middle one is an operator iNode = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); iOper = Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, iNode, -1, pName ); // build comparator Vec_IntPushTwo( vFanins, iOper, iConst ); iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_COMP_EQU, 0, 1, vFanins, pName ); Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return iObj; } } else { int i, Fan, NameId, iFanin, fSigned, Range, Value1 = -1, Value2 = -1; int Type = Smt_PrsReadType( p, Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 0), &fSigned, &Value1, &Value2 ); // collect fanins Vec_Int_t * vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 ); Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vFans, Fan, i, 1 ) { iFanin = Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, Fan, -1, NULL ); if ( iFanin == 0 ) { Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return 0; } Vec_IntPush( vFanins, iFanin ); } // update specialized nodes assert( Type != WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT && Type != WLC_OBJ_BIT_ZEROPAD ); if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT ) { assert( Value1 >= 0 && Value2 >= 0 && Value1 >= Value2 ); Vec_IntPushTwo( vFanins, Value1, Value2 ); } else if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R || Type == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L ) { char Buffer[10]; assert( Value1 >= 0 ); sprintf( Buffer, "%d", Value1 ); NameId = Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, Buffer, -1, NULL ); Vec_IntPush( vFanins, NameId ); } // find range Range = 0; if ( Type >= WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_NOT && Type <= WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_XOR ) Range = 1; else if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT ) Range = Value1 - Value2 + 1; else if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT ) { Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFanins, NameId, i ) Range += Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, NameId) ); } else if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_MUX ) { int * pArray = Vec_IntArray(vFanins); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) == 3 ); ABC_SWAP( int, pArray[1], pArray[2] ); NameId = Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 1); Range = Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, NameId) ); } else // to determine range, look at the first argument { NameId = Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 0); Range = Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, NameId) ); } // create node assert( Range > 0 ); NameId = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, Type, fSigned, Range, vFanins, pName ); Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return NameId; } } } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Wlc_Ntk_t * Smt_PrsBuild( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk; Vec_Int_t * vFans, * vFans2, * vFans3; Vec_Int_t * vAsserts = Vec_IntAlloc(100); char * pName, * pRange, * pValue; int i, k, Fan, Fan3, iObj, Status, Range, NameId, nBits = 0; // issue warnings about unknown dirs vFans = Vec_WecEntry( &p->vObjs, 0 ); Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFans, Fan, i ) { assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_VecEntryNode( p, vFans, i ); Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 0); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) >= SMT_PRS_END ) printf( "Ignoring directive \"%s\".\n", Smt_EntryName(p, Fan) ); } // start network and create primary inputs pNtk = Wlc_NtkAlloc( p->pName, 1000 ); pNtk->pManName = Abc_NamStart( 1000, 24 ); pNtk->fSmtLib = 1; Smt_ManForEachDir( p, SMT_PRS_DECLARE_FUN, vFans, i ) { assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 4 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_DECLARE_FUN) ); // get name Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pName = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); // skip () Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 2); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); // check type (Bool or BitVec) Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) { //(declare-fun s1 () Bool) assert( !strcmp("Bool", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 3)) ); Range = 1; } else { // (declare-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 64)) // get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_EntryNode(p, Fan); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans2) == 3 ); assert( !strcmp("_", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 0)) ); assert( !strcmp("BitVec", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 1)) ); Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 2); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pRange = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); Range = atoi(pRange); } // create node iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_PI, 0, Range-1, 0 ); NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pName, NULL ); assert( iObj == NameId ); // save values Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vValues, NameId ); Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vValues, nBits ); Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vValues, Range ); nBits += Range; } // create constants Smt_ManForEachDir( p, SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN, vFans, i ) { assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 5 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN) ); // get name Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pName = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); // skip () Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 2); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); // check type (Bool or BitVec) Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) { // (define-fun s_2 () Bool false) assert( !strcmp("Bool", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 3)) ); Range = 1; pValue = Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 4); if ( !strcmp("false", pValue) ) pValue = "#b0"; else if ( !strcmp("true", pValue) ) pValue = "#b1"; else assert( 0 ); Status = Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pValue, Range, pName ); } else { // (define-fun s702 () (_ BitVec 4) #xe) // (define-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 8) (bvneg #x7f)) // get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_VecEntryNode(p, vFans, 3); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans2) == 3 ); assert( !strcmp("_", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 0)) ); assert( !strcmp("BitVec", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 1)) ); // get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 2); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pRange = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); Range = atoi(pRange); // get constant Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 4); Status = Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, Fan, Range, pName ); } if ( !Status ) { Wlc_NtkFree( pNtk ); pNtk = NULL; goto finish; } } // process let-statements Smt_ManForEachDir( p, SMT_PRS_LET, vFans, i ) { // let ((s35550 (bvor s48 s35549))) assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 3 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_LET) ); // get parts Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_EntryNode(p, Fan); if ( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans2, 0, SMT_PRS_LET) ) continue; // iterate through the parts Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFans2, Fan, k ) { // s35550 (bvor s48 s35549) Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 0); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans3 = Smt_EntryNode(p, Fan); // get the name Fan3 = Vec_IntEntry(vFans3, 0); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan3) ); pName = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan3); // get function Fan3 = Vec_IntEntry(vFans3, 1); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan3) ); Status = Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, Fan3, -1, pName ); if ( !Status ) { Wlc_NtkFree( pNtk ); pNtk = NULL; goto finish; } } } // process assert-statements Vec_IntClear( vAsserts ); Smt_ManForEachDir( p, SMT_PRS_ASSERT, vFans, i ) { //(assert ; no quantifiers // (let ((s2 (bvsge s0 s1))) // (not s2))) //(assert (not (= s0 #x00))) assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 2 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_ASSERT) ); // get second directive Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); if ( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) { // find the final let-statement vFans2 = Smt_VecEntryNode(p, vFans, 1); while ( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans2, 0, SMT_PRS_LET) ) { Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 2); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) break; vFans2 = Smt_VecEntryNode(p, vFans2, 2); } } // find name or create node iObj = Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, Fan, -1, NULL ); if ( !iObj ) { Wlc_NtkFree( pNtk ); pNtk = NULL; goto finish; } Vec_IntPush( vAsserts, iObj ); } // build AND of asserts if ( Vec_IntSize(vAsserts) == 1 ) iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BUF, 0, 1, vAsserts, "miter_output" ); else { iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT, 0, Vec_IntSize(vAsserts), vAsserts, NULL ); Vec_IntFill( vAsserts, 1, iObj ); iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_AND, 0, 1, vAsserts, "miter_output" ); } Wlc_ObjSetCo( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), 0 ); // create nameIDs vFans = Vec_IntStartNatural( Wlc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) ); Vec_IntAppend( &pNtk->vNameIds, vFans ); Vec_IntFree( vFans ); //Wlc_NtkReport( pNtk, NULL ); finish: // cleanup Vec_IntFree(vAsserts); return pNtk; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ char * Smt_PrsGenName( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { static char Buffer[16]; sprintf( Buffer, "_%0*X_", p->nDigits, ++p->NameCount ); return Buffer; } int Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Smt_Prs_t * p, int iNode, int iObjPrev, char * pName ) { char suffix[100]; sprintf(suffix,"_as%d",pNtk->nAssert); //char * prepStr = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iNode)); //printf("prestr: %s\n",prepStr); //printf("inode: %d %d\n",iNode,Smt_EntryIsName(iNode)); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(iNode) ) { char * pStr = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iNode)); // handle built-in constants if ( !strcmp(pStr, "false") ) pStr = "#b0"; else if ( !strcmp(pStr, "true") ) pStr = "#b1"; if ( pStr[0] == '#' ) return Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pStr, -1, pName ? pName : Smt_PrsGenName(p) ); else { int fFound, iObj; // look either for global DECLARE-FUN variable or local LET char * pStr_glb = (char *)malloc(strlen(pStr) + 4 +1); //glb char * pStr_loc = (char *)malloc(strlen(pStr) + strlen(suffix) +1); strcpy(pStr_glb,pStr); strcat(pStr_glb,SMT_GLO_SUFFIX); strcpy(pStr_loc,pStr); strcat(pStr_loc,suffix); fFound = Abc_NamStrFind( pNtk->pManName, pStr_glb ); if (fFound) pStr = pStr_glb; else { assert( Abc_NamStrFind( pNtk->pManName, pStr_loc )); pStr = pStr_loc; } // FIXME: delete memory of pStr iObj = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pStr, &fFound ); assert( fFound ); // create buffer if the name of the fanin has different name if ( pName && strcmp(Wlc_ObjName(pNtk, iObj), pName) ) { Vec_IntFill( &p->vTempFans, 1, iObj ); iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BUF, 0, Wlc_ObjRange(Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj)), &p->vTempFans, pName ); } ABC_FREE( pStr_glb ); ABC_FREE( pStr_loc ); return iObj; } } else { Vec_Int_t * vRoots, * vRoots1, * vFans3; int iObj, iRoot0, iRoot1, iRoot2, Fan, Fan3, k; assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(iNode) ); vRoots = Smt_EntryNode( p, iNode ); iRoot0 = Vec_IntEntry( vRoots, 0 ); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(iRoot0) ) { char * pName2, * pStr0 = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot0)); if ( Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot0) == SMT_PRS_LET || Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot0) == SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN) //added define-fun is similar to let { // let ((s35550 (bvor s48 s35549))) assert( Vec_IntSize(vRoots) == 3 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vRoots, 0, SMT_PRS_LET) ); // get parts iRoot1 = Vec_IntEntry(vRoots, 1); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(iRoot1) ); vRoots1 = Smt_EntryNode(p, iRoot1); // iterate through the parts Vec_IntForEachEntry( vRoots1, Fan, k ) { char * temp; // s35550 (bvor s48 s35549) assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans3 = Smt_EntryNode(p, Fan); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans3) == 2 ); // get the name Fan3 = Vec_IntEntry(vFans3, 0); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan3) ); pName2 = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan3); // create a local name with suffix if ( Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot0) == SMT_PRS_LET ) { temp = (char *)malloc(strlen(pName2) + strlen(suffix) + 1); strcpy(temp, pName2); strcat(temp,suffix); } else { temp = (char *)malloc(strlen(pName2) + 4 + 1); strcpy(temp, pName2); strcat(temp,SMT_GLO_SUFFIX); } // FIXME: need to delete memory of pName2 pName2 = temp; // get function Fan3 = Vec_IntEntry(vFans3, 1); //assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan3) ); // solve the problem iObj = Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, Fan3, -1, pName2 ); // NULL ); //pName2 ); ABC_FREE( temp ); if ( iObj == 0 ) return 0; // create buffer //Vec_IntFill( &p->vTempFans, 1, iObj ); //Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BUF, 0, Wlc_ObjRange(Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj)), &p->vTempFans, pName2 ); } // process the final part of let iRoot2 = Vec_IntEntry(vRoots, 2); return Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, iRoot2, -1, pName ); } else if ( pStr0[0] == '_' ) { char * pStr1 = Smt_VecEntryName( p, vRoots, 1 ); if ( pStr1[0] == 'b' && pStr1[1] == 'v' ) { // (_ bv1 32) char * pStr2 = Smt_VecEntryName( p, vRoots, 2 ); assert( Vec_IntSize(vRoots) == 3 ); return Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pStr1+2, atoi(pStr2), pName ? pName : Smt_PrsGenName(p) ); } else { int Type1, fSigned = 0, Range = -1; assert( iObjPrev != -1 ); Type1 = Smt_StrToType( pStr1, &fSigned ); if ( Type1 == 0 ) return 0; // find out this branch Vec_IntFill( &p->vTempFans, 1, iObjPrev ); if ( Type1 == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT || Type1 == WLC_OBJ_BIT_ZEROPAD || Type1 == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R || Type1 == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L ) { int iRoot2 = Vec_IntEntry(vRoots, 2); char * pStr2 = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot2)); int Num = atoi( pStr2 ); //fSigned = (Type1 == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT); if ( Type1 == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R || Type1 == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L ) { int iConst = Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pStr2, -1, Smt_PrsGenName(p) ); Vec_IntClear( &p->vTempFans ); Vec_IntPushTwo( &p->vTempFans, iObjPrev, iConst ); Range = Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObjPrev) ); } else Range = Num + Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObjPrev) ); } else if ( Type1 == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT ) { int iRoot2 = Vec_IntEntry( vRoots, 2 ); int iRoot3 = Vec_IntEntry( vRoots, 3 ); char * pStr2 = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot2)); char * pStr3 = Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(iRoot3)); int Num1 = atoi( pStr2 ); int Num2 = atoi( pStr3 ); assert( Num1 >= Num2 ); Range = Num1 - Num2 + 1; Vec_IntPushTwo( &p->vTempFans, Num1, Num2 ); } else assert( 0 ); iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, Type1, fSigned, Range, &p->vTempFans, pName ? pName : Smt_PrsGenName(p) ); return iObj; } } else { Vec_Int_t * vFanins; int i, Fan, fSigned = 0, Range, Type0; int iObj = Abc_NamStrFind( pNtk->pManName, pStr0 ); if ( iObj ) return iObj; Type0 = Smt_StrToType( pStr0, &fSigned ); if ( Type0 == 0 ) return 0; assert( Type0 != WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT && Type0 != WLC_OBJ_BIT_ZEROPAD && Type0 != WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT && Type0 != WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R && Type0 != WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L ); // collect fanins vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 ); Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vRoots, Fan, i, 1 ) { iObj = Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, Fan, -1, NULL ); if ( iObj == 0 ) { Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return 0; } Vec_IntPush( vFanins, iObj ); } // find range Range = 0; if ( Type0 >= WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_NOT && Type0 <= WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_XOR ) Range = 1; else if ( Type0 == WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT ) { Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFanins, Fan, i ) Range += Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, Fan) ); } else if ( Type0 == WLC_OBJ_MUX ) { int * pArray = Vec_IntArray(vFanins); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) == 3 ); ABC_SWAP( int, pArray[1], pArray[2] ); iObj = Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 1); Range = Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj) ); } else // to determine range, look at the first argument { iObj = Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 0); Range = Wlc_ObjRange( Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj) ); } // create node assert( Range > 0 ); iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, Type0, fSigned, Range, vFanins, pName ? pName : Smt_PrsGenName(p) ); Vec_IntFree( vFanins ); return iObj; } } else if ( Vec_IntSize(vRoots) == 2 ) // could be ((_ extract 48 16) (bvmul ?v_5 ?v_12)) { int iObjPrev = Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, Vec_IntEntry(vRoots, 1), -1, NULL ); if ( iObjPrev == 0 ) return 0; return Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, Vec_IntEntry(vRoots, 0), iObjPrev, pName ); } else assert( 0 ); // return Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, iRoot0 ); return 0; } } Wlc_Ntk_t * Smt_PrsBuild2( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk; Vec_Int_t * vFansRoot, * vFans, * vFans2; Vec_Int_t * vAsserts = Vec_IntAlloc(100); int i, Root, Fan, iObj, NameId, Range, nBits = 0; char * pName, * pRange; // start network and create primary inputs pNtk = Wlc_NtkAlloc( p->pName, 1000 ); pNtk->pManName = Abc_NamStart( 1000, 24 ); pNtk->fSmtLib = 1; // collect top-level asserts vFansRoot = Vec_WecEntry( &p->vObjs, 0 ); Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFansRoot, Root, i ) { assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Root) ); vFans = Smt_VecEntryNode( p, vFansRoot, i ); Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 0); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); // create variables if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) == SMT_PRS_DECLARE_FUN ) { char * pName_glb; assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 4 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_DECLARE_FUN) ); // get name Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pName = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); // added: giving a global suffix pName_glb = (char *) malloc(strlen(pName) + 4 + 1); strcpy(pName_glb,pName); strcat(pName_glb,SMT_GLO_SUFFIX); // FIXME: delete memory of pName pName = pName_glb; // skip () Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 2); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); // check type (Bool or BitVec) Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) { //(declare-fun s1 () Bool) assert( !strcmp("Bool", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 3)) ); Range = 1; } else { // (declare-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 64)) Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_EntryNode(p, Fan); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans2) == 3 ); assert( !strcmp("_", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 0)) ); assert( !strcmp("BitVec", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 1)) ); Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 2); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pRange = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); Range = atoi(pRange); } // create node iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_PI, 0, Range-1, 0 ); NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pName, NULL ); assert( iObj == NameId ); // save values Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vValues, NameId ); Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vValues, nBits ); Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vValues, Range ); nBits += Range; ABC_FREE( pName_glb ); } // create constants /* else if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) == SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN ) // added: we parse DEFINE_FUN in LET { assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 5 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN) ); // get name Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pName = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); // added: giving a global suffix char * pName_glb = (char *) malloc(strlen(pName) + 4 + 1); strcpy(pName_glb,pName); strcat(pName_glb,SMT_GLO_SUFFIX); // FIXME: delete memory of pName pName = pName_glb; // skip () Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 2); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); // check type (Bool or BitVec) Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) { // (define-fun s_2 () Bool false) assert( !strcmp("Bool", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 3)) ); Range = 1; pValue = Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 4); //printf("value: %s\n",pValue); if ( !strcmp("false", pValue) ) pValue = "#b0"; else if ( !strcmp("true", pValue) ) pValue = "#b1"; else assert( 0 ); Status = Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, pValue, Range, pName ); } else { // (define-fun s702 () (_ BitVec 4) #xe) // (define-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 8) (bvneg #x7f)) // get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_VecEntryNode(p, vFans, 3); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans2) == 3 ); assert( !strcmp("_", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 0)) ); assert( !strcmp("BitVec", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 1)) ); // get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 2); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pRange = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); Range = atoi(pRange); // added: can parse functions too Vec_Int_t * vFans3 = Smt_VecEntryNode(p, vFans, 4); Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans3, 0); // get constant //Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 4); //printf("fan3: %s\n",Fan); //printf("fan0: %s\n",Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans3, 0)); //printf("fan1: %s\n",Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans3, 1)); //printf("fan2: %s\n",Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans3, 2)); //printf("fan3: %s\n",Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans3, 3)); Status = Smt_PrsBuildNode( pNtk, p, Fan, Range, pName ); } if ( !Status ) { Wlc_NtkFree( pNtk ); pNtk = NULL; goto finish; } } */ // added: new way to parse define-fun // create constants else if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) == SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN ) { char * pName_glb; // (define-fun def_16001 () Bool (or def_15999 def_16000)) // (define-fun def_15990 () (_ BitVec 24) (concat def_15988 def_15989)) assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_DEFINE_FUN) ); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 5 ); // const or definition // get name Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pName = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); // added: giving a global suffix pName_glb = (char *) malloc(strlen(pName) + 4 + 1); strcpy(pName_glb,pName); strcat(pName_glb,SMT_GLO_SUFFIX); // FIXME: delete memory of pName pName = pName_glb; //get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 3); if ( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ) { // (define-fun s_2 () Bool false) assert( !strcmp("Bool", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans, 3)) ); Range = 1; } else { // (define-fun s702 () (_ BitVec 4) #xe) // (define-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 8) (bvneg #x7f)) assert( !Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); vFans2 = Smt_VecEntryNode(p, vFans, 3); assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans2) == 3 ); assert( !strcmp("_", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 0)) ); assert( !strcmp("BitVec", Smt_VecEntryName(p, vFans2, 1)) ); // get range Fan = Vec_IntEntry(vFans2, 2); assert( Smt_EntryIsName(Fan) ); pRange = Smt_EntryName(p, Fan); Range = atoi(pRange); } iObj = Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 4), Range, pName ); assert( iObj ); ABC_FREE( pName_glb ); } // collect assertion outputs else if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) == SMT_PRS_ASSERT ) { //(assert ; no quantifiers // (let ((s2 (bvsge s0 s1))) // (not s2))) //(assert (not (= s0 #x00))) assert( Vec_IntSize(vFans) == 2 ); assert( Smt_VecEntryIsType(vFans, 0, SMT_PRS_ASSERT) ); pNtk->nAssert++; // added iObj = Smt_PrsBuild2_rec( pNtk, p, Vec_IntEntry(vFans, 1), -1, NULL ); if ( iObj == 0 ) { Wlc_NtkFree( pNtk ); pNtk = NULL; goto finish; } Vec_IntPush( vAsserts, iObj ); } // issue warnings about unknown dirs else if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Fan) >= SMT_PRS_END ) printf( "Ignoring directive \"%s\".\n", Smt_EntryName(p, Fan) ); } // build AND of asserts if ( Vec_IntSize(vAsserts) == 1 ) iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BUF, 0, 1, vAsserts, "miter" ); // added: 0 asserts else if ( Vec_IntSize(vAsserts) == 0 ) iObj = Smt_PrsBuildConstant( pNtk, "#b1", 1, "miter" ); else { iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT, 0, Vec_IntSize(vAsserts), vAsserts, NULL ); Vec_IntFill( vAsserts, 1, iObj ); iObj = Smt_PrsCreateNode( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_AND, 0, 1, vAsserts, "miter" ); } Wlc_ObjSetCo( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), 0 ); // create nameIDs vFans = Vec_IntStartNatural( Wlc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) ); Vec_IntAppend( &pNtk->vNameIds, vFans ); Vec_IntFree( vFans ); //Wlc_NtkReport( pNtk, NULL ); finish: // cleanup Vec_IntFree(vAsserts); return pNtk; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ // create error message static inline int Smt_PrsErrorSet( Smt_Prs_t * p, char * pError, int Value ) { assert( !p->ErrorStr[0] ); sprintf( p->ErrorStr, "%s", pError ); return Value; } // print error message static inline int Smt_PrsErrorPrint( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { char * pThis; int iLine = 0; if ( !p->ErrorStr[0] ) return 1; for ( pThis = p->pBuffer; pThis < p->pCur; pThis++ ) iLine += (int)(*pThis == '\n'); printf( "Line %d: %s\n", iLine, p->ErrorStr ); return 0; } static inline char * Smt_PrsLoadFile( char * pFileName, char ** ppLimit ) { char * pBuffer; int nFileSize, RetValue; FILE * pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { printf( "Cannot open input file.\n" ); return NULL; } // get the file size, in bytes fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END ); nFileSize = ftell( pFile ); // move the file current reading position to the beginning rewind( pFile ); // load the contents of the file into memory pBuffer = ABC_ALLOC( char, nFileSize + 16 ); pBuffer[0] = '\n'; RetValue = fread( pBuffer+1, nFileSize, 1, pFile ); fclose( pFile ); // terminate the string with '\0' pBuffer[nFileSize + 1] = '\n'; pBuffer[nFileSize + 2] = '\0'; *ppLimit = pBuffer + nFileSize + 2; return pBuffer; } static inline int Smt_PrsRemoveComments( char * pBuffer, char * pLimit ) { char * pTemp; int nCount1 = 0, nCount2 = 0, fHaveBar = 0; int backslash = 0; for ( pTemp = pBuffer; pTemp < pLimit; pTemp++ ) { if ( *pTemp == '(' ) { if ( !fHaveBar ) nCount1++; } else if ( *pTemp == ')' ) { if ( !fHaveBar ) nCount2++; } else if ( *pTemp == '|' ) fHaveBar ^= 1; else if ( *pTemp == ';' && !fHaveBar ) while ( *pTemp && *pTemp != '\n' ) *pTemp++ = ' '; // added: hack to remove quotes else if ( *pTemp == '\"' && *(pTemp-1) != '\\' && !fHaveBar ) { *pTemp++ = ' '; while ( *pTemp && (*pTemp != '\"' || backslash)) { if (*pTemp == '\\') backslash = 1; else backslash = 0; *pTemp++ = ' '; } // remove the last quote symbol *pTemp = ' '; } } if ( nCount1 != nCount2 ) printf( "The input SMTLIB file has different number of opening and closing parentheses (%d and %d).\n", nCount1, nCount2 ); else if ( nCount1 == 0 ) printf( "The input SMTLIB file has no opening or closing parentheses.\n" ); return nCount1 == nCount2 ? nCount1 : 0; } static inline Smt_Prs_t * Smt_PrsAlloc( char * pFileName, char * pBuffer, char * pLimit, int nObjs ) { Smt_Prs_t * p; if ( nObjs == 0 ) return NULL; p = ABC_CALLOC( Smt_Prs_t, 1 ); p->pName = pFileName; p->pBuffer = pBuffer; p->pLimit = pLimit; p->pCur = pBuffer; p->pStrs = Abc_NamStart( 1000, 24 ); Smt_AddTypes( p->pStrs ); Vec_IntGrow( &p->vStack, 100 ); //Vec_WecGrow( &p->vDepth, 100 ); Vec_WecGrow( &p->vObjs, nObjs+1 ); return p; } static inline void Smt_PrsFree( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { if ( p->pStrs ) Abc_NamDeref( p->pStrs ); Vec_IntErase( &p->vStack ); Vec_IntErase( &p->vTempFans ); //Vec_WecErase( &p->vDepth ); Vec_WecErase( &p->vObjs ); ABC_FREE( p ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Smt_PrsIsSpace( char c ) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'; } static inline void Smt_PrsSkipSpaces( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { while ( Smt_PrsIsSpace(*p->pCur) ) p->pCur++; } static inline void Smt_PrsSkipNonSpaces( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { while ( p->pCur < p->pLimit && !Smt_PrsIsSpace(*p->pCur) && *p->pCur != '(' && *p->pCur != ')' ) p->pCur++; } void Smt_PrsReadLines( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { int fFirstTime = 1; assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vStack) == 0 ); //assert( Vec_WecSize(&p->vDepth) == 0 ); assert( Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) == 0 ); // add top node at level 0 //Vec_WecPushLevel( &p->vDepth ); //Vec_WecPush( &p->vDepth, Vec_IntSize(&p->vStack), Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) ); // add top node Vec_IntPush( &p->vStack, Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) ); Vec_WecPushLevel( &p->vObjs ); // add other nodes for ( p->pCur = p->pBuffer; p->pCur < p->pLimit; p->pCur++ ) { Smt_PrsSkipSpaces( p ); if ( fFirstTime && *p->pCur == '|' ) { fFirstTime = 0; *p->pCur = ' '; while ( *p->pCur && *p->pCur != '|' ) *p->pCur++ = ' '; if ( *p->pCur == '|' ) *p->pCur = ' '; continue; } if ( *p->pCur == '(' ) { // add new node at this depth //assert( Vec_WecSize(&p->vDepth) >= Vec_IntSize(&p->vStack) ); //if ( Vec_WecSize(&p->vDepth) == Vec_IntSize(&p->vStack) ) // Vec_WecPushLevel(&p->vDepth); //Vec_WecPush( &p->vDepth, Vec_IntSize(&p->vStack), Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) ); // add fanin to node on the previous level Vec_IntPush( Vec_WecEntry(&p->vObjs, Vec_IntEntryLast(&p->vStack)), Abc_Var2Lit(Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs), 0) ); // add node to the stack Vec_IntPush( &p->vStack, Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) ); Vec_WecPushLevel( &p->vObjs ); } else if ( *p->pCur == ')' ) { Vec_IntPop( &p->vStack ); } else // token { char * pStart = p->pCur; Smt_PrsSkipNonSpaces( p ); if ( p->pCur < p->pLimit ) { // remove strange characters (this can lead to name clashes) int iToken; /* commented out for SMT comp char * pTemp; if ( *pStart == '?' ) *pStart = '_'; for ( pTemp = pStart; pTemp < p->pCur; pTemp++ ) if ( *pTemp == '.' ) *pTemp = '_';*/ // create and save token for this string iToken = Abc_NamStrFindOrAddLim( p->pStrs, pStart, p->pCur--, NULL ); Vec_IntPush( Vec_WecEntry(&p->vObjs, Vec_IntEntryLast(&p->vStack)), Abc_Var2Lit(iToken, 1) ); } } } assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vStack) == 1 ); assert( Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) == Vec_WecCap(&p->vObjs) ); p->nDigits = Abc_Base16Log( Vec_WecSize(&p->vObjs) ); } void Smt_PrsPrintParser_rec( Smt_Prs_t * p, int iObj, int Depth ) { Vec_Int_t * vFans; int i, Fan; printf( "%*s(\n", Depth, "" ); vFans = Vec_WecEntry( &p->vObjs, iObj ); Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFans, Fan, i ) { if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Fan) ) { printf( "%*s", Depth+2, "" ); printf( "%s\n", Abc_NamStr(p->pStrs, Abc_Lit2Var(Fan)) ); } else Smt_PrsPrintParser_rec( p, Abc_Lit2Var(Fan), Depth+4 ); } printf( "%*s)\n", Depth, "" ); } void Smt_PrsPrintParser( Smt_Prs_t * p ) { // Vec_WecPrint( &p->vDepth, 0 ); Smt_PrsPrintParser_rec( p, 0, 0 ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Wlc_Ntk_t * Wlc_ReadSmtBuffer( char * pFileName, char * pBuffer, char * pLimit, int fOldParser, int fPrintTree ) { Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk = NULL; int nCount = Smt_PrsRemoveComments( pBuffer, pLimit ); Smt_Prs_t * p = Smt_PrsAlloc( pFileName, pBuffer, pLimit, nCount ); if ( p == NULL ) return NULL; Smt_PrsReadLines( p ); if ( fPrintTree ) Smt_PrsPrintParser( p ); if ( Smt_PrsErrorPrint(p) ) pNtk = fOldParser ? Smt_PrsBuild(p) : Smt_PrsBuild2(p); Smt_PrsFree( p ); return pNtk; } Wlc_Ntk_t * Wlc_ReadSmt( char * pFileName, int fOldParser, int fPrintTree ) { Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk = NULL; char * pBuffer, * pLimit; pBuffer = Smt_PrsLoadFile( pFileName, &pLimit ); if ( pBuffer == NULL ) return NULL; pNtk = Wlc_ReadSmtBuffer( pFileName, pBuffer, pLimit, fOldParser, fPrintTree ); ABC_FREE( pBuffer ); return pNtk; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END