
  FileName    [wlcNdr.c]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [Experimental procedures.]

  Synopsis    [Constructing WLC network from NDR data structure.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - August 22, 2014.]

  Revision    [$Id: wlcNdr.c,v 1.00 2014/09/12 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]


#include "wlc.h"
#include "aig/miniaig/ndr.h"


///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Ndr_TypeNdr2Wlc( int Type )
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_CONST )         return WLC_OBJ_CONST;         // 06: constant
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_BUF )       return WLC_OBJ_BUF;           // 07: buffer
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_MUX )       return WLC_OBJ_MUX;           // 08: multiplexer
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SHIFT_R )       return WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_R;       // 09: shift right
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SHIFT_RA )      return WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_RA;      // 10: shift right (arithmetic)
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SHIFT_L )       return WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_L;       // 11: shift left
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SHIFT_LA )      return WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_LA;      // 12: shift left (arithmetic)
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SHIFT_ROTR )    return WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R;      // 13: rotate right
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SHIFT_ROTL )    return WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L;      // 14: rotate left
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_INV )       return WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOT;       // 15: bitwise NOT
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_AND )       return WLC_OBJ_BIT_AND;       // 16: bitwise AND
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_OR )        return WLC_OBJ_BIT_OR;        // 17: bitwise OR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_XOR )       return WLC_OBJ_BIT_XOR;       // 18: bitwise XOR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_NAND )      return WLC_OBJ_BIT_NAND;      // 19: bitwise AND
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_NOR )       return WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOR;       // 20: bitwise OR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_NXOR )      return WLC_OBJ_BIT_NXOR;      // 21: bitwise NXOR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SLICE )         return WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT;    // 22: bit selection
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_CONCAT )        return WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT;    // 23: bit concatenation
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ZEROPAD )       return WLC_OBJ_BIT_ZEROPAD;   // 24: zero padding
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SIGNEXT )       return WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT;   // 25: sign extension
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_LOGIC_NOT )     return WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_NOT;     // 26: logic NOT
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_LOGIC_IMPL )    return WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_IMPL;    // 27: logic implication
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_LOGIC_AND )     return WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_AND;     // 28: logic AND
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_LOGIC_OR )      return WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_OR;      // 29: logic OR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_LOGIC_XOR )     return WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_XOR;     // 30: logic XOR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SEL_NMUX )      return WLC_OBJ_MUX;           // 08: multiplexer
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SEL_SEL )       return WLC_OBJ_SEL;           // 57: selector
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SEL_DEC )       return WLC_OBJ_DEC;           // 58: decoder
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_COMP_EQU )      return WLC_OBJ_COMP_EQU;      // 31: compare equal
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_COMP_NOTEQU )   return WLC_OBJ_COMP_NOTEQU;   // 32: compare not equal
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_COMP_LESS )     return WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESS;     // 33: compare less
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_COMP_MORE )     return WLC_OBJ_COMP_MORE;     // 34: compare more
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_COMP_LESSEQU )  return WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESSEQU;  // 35: compare less or equal
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_COMP_MOREEQU )  return WLC_OBJ_COMP_MOREEQU;  // 36: compare more or equal
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RED_AND )       return WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_AND;    // 37: reduction AND
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RED_OR )        return WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_OR;     // 38: reduction OR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RED_XOR )       return WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_XOR;    // 39: reduction XOR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RED_NAND )      return WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_NAND;   // 40: reduction NAND
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RED_NOR )       return WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_NOR;    // 41: reduction NOR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RED_NXOR )      return WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_NXOR;   // 42: reduction NXOR
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_ADD )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_ADD;       // 43: arithmetic addition
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_SUB )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_SUB;       // 44: arithmetic subtraction
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_MUL )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_MULTI;     // 45: arithmetic multiplier
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_DIV )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_DIVIDE;    // 46: arithmetic division
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_REM )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_REM;       // 47: arithmetic remainder
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_MOD )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_MODULUS;   // 48: arithmetic modulus
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_POW )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_POWER;     // 49: arithmetic power
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_MIN )       return WLC_OBJ_ARI_MINUS;     // 50: arithmetic minus
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_SQRT )      return WLC_OBJ_ARI_SQRT;      // 51: integer square root
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_SQUARE )    return WLC_OBJ_ARI_SQUARE;    // 52: integer square
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_ADDSUB )    return WLC_OBJ_ARI_ADDSUB;    // 56: adder-subtractor
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_SMUL )      return WLC_OBJ_ARI_MULTI;     // 45: signed multiplier
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_DFF )           return WLC_OBJ_FO;            // 03: flop
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_DFFRSE )        return WLC_OBJ_FF;            // 05: flop
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RAMR )          return WLC_OBJ_READ;          // 54: read port
    if ( Type == ABC_OPER_RAMW )          return WLC_OBJ_WRITE;         // 55: write port
    return -1;
int Ndr_TypeWlc2Ndr( int Type )
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_CONST )          return ABC_OPER_CONST;        // 06: constant
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BUF )            return ABC_OPER_BIT_BUF;      // 07: buffer
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_MUX )            return ABC_OPER_BIT_MUX;      // 08: multiplexer
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_R )        return ABC_OPER_SHIFT_R;      // 09: shift right
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_RA )       return ABC_OPER_SHIFT_RA;     // 10: shift right (arithmetic)
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_L )        return ABC_OPER_SHIFT_L;      // 11: shift left
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_SHIFT_LA )       return ABC_OPER_SHIFT_LA;     // 12: shift left (arithmetic)
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_R )       return ABC_OPER_SHIFT_ROTR;   // 13: rotate right
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ROTATE_L )       return ABC_OPER_SHIFT_ROTL;   // 14: rotate left
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOT )        return ABC_OPER_BIT_INV;      // 15: bitwise NOT
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_AND )        return ABC_OPER_BIT_AND;      // 16: bitwise AND
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_OR )         return ABC_OPER_BIT_OR;       // 17: bitwise OR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_XOR )        return ABC_OPER_BIT_XOR;      // 18: bitwise XOR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NAND )       return ABC_OPER_BIT_NAND;     // 19: bitwise AND
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NOR )        return ABC_OPER_BIT_NOR;      // 20: bitwise OR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_NXOR )       return ABC_OPER_BIT_NXOR;     // 21: bitwise NXOR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SELECT )     return ABC_OPER_SLICE;        // 22: bit selection
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_CONCAT )     return ABC_OPER_CONCAT;       // 23: bit concatenation
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_ZEROPAD )    return ABC_OPER_ZEROPAD;      // 24: zero padding
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_BIT_SIGNEXT )    return ABC_OPER_SIGNEXT;      // 25: sign extension
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_NOT )      return ABC_OPER_LOGIC_NOT;    // 26: logic NOT
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_IMPL )     return ABC_OPER_LOGIC_IMPL;   // 27: logic implication
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_AND )      return ABC_OPER_LOGIC_AND;    // 28: logic AND
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_OR )       return ABC_OPER_LOGIC_OR;     // 29: logic OR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_LOGIC_XOR )      return ABC_OPER_LOGIC_XOR;    // 30: logic XOR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_SEL )            return ABC_OPER_SEL_SEL;      // 57: selector
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_DEC )            return ABC_OPER_SEL_DEC;      // 58: decoder
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_EQU )       return ABC_OPER_COMP_EQU;     // 31: compare equal
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_NOTEQU )    return ABC_OPER_COMP_NOTEQU;  // 32: compare not equal
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESS )      return ABC_OPER_COMP_LESS;    // 33: compare less
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_MORE )      return ABC_OPER_COMP_MORE;    // 34: compare more
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_LESSEQU )   return ABC_OPER_COMP_LESSEQU; // 35: compare less or equal
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_COMP_MOREEQU )   return ABC_OPER_COMP_MOREEQU; // 36: compare more or equal
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_AND )     return ABC_OPER_RED_AND;      // 37: reduction AND
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_OR )      return ABC_OPER_RED_OR;       // 38: reduction OR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_XOR )     return ABC_OPER_RED_XOR;      // 39: reduction XOR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_NAND )    return ABC_OPER_RED_NAND;     // 40: reduction NAND
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_NOR )     return ABC_OPER_RED_NOR;      // 41: reduction NOR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_REDUCT_NXOR )    return ABC_OPER_RED_NXOR;     // 42: reduction NXOR
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_ADD )        return ABC_OPER_ARI_ADD;      // 43: arithmetic addition
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_SUB )        return ABC_OPER_ARI_SUB;      // 44: arithmetic subtraction
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_MULTI )      return ABC_OPER_ARI_MUL;      // 45: arithmetic multiplier
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_DIVIDE )     return ABC_OPER_ARI_DIV;      // 46: arithmetic division
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_REM )        return ABC_OPER_ARI_REM;      // 47: arithmetic remainder
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_MODULUS )    return ABC_OPER_ARI_MOD;      // 48: arithmetic modulus
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_POWER )      return ABC_OPER_ARI_POW;      // 49: arithmetic power
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_MINUS )      return ABC_OPER_ARI_MIN;      // 50: arithmetic minus
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_SQRT )       return ABC_OPER_ARI_SQRT;     // 51: integer square root
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_SQUARE )     return ABC_OPER_ARI_SQUARE;   // 52: integer square
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_ADDSUB )     return ABC_OPER_ARI_ADDSUB;   // 56: adder-subtractor
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_ARI_MULTI )      return ABC_OPER_ARI_SMUL;     // 45: signed multiplier
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_FO )             return ABC_OPER_DFF;          // 03: flop
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_FF )             return ABC_OPER_DFFRSE;       // 05: flop
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_READ )           return ABC_OPER_RAMR;         // 54: read port
    if ( Type == WLC_OBJ_WRITE )          return ABC_OPER_RAMW;         // 55: write port
    return -1;


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Ndr_ObjWriteConstant( unsigned * pBits, int nBits )
    static char Buffer[1000]; int i, Len;
    assert( nBits + 10 < 1000 );
    sprintf( Buffer, "%d\'b", nBits );
    Len = strlen(Buffer);
    for ( i = nBits-1; i >= 0; i-- )
        Buffer[Len++] = '0' + Abc_InfoHasBit(pBits, i);
    Buffer[Len] = 0;
    return Buffer;
void * Wlc_NtkToNdr( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
    Wlc_Obj_t * pObj; 
    int i, k, iFanin, iOutId, Type;
    // create a new module
    void * pDesign = Ndr_Create( 1 );
    int ModId = Ndr_AddModule( pDesign, 1 );
    // add primary inputs
    Vec_Int_t * vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 10 );
    Wlc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i ) 
        iOutId = Wlc_ObjId(pNtk, pObj);
        Ndr_AddObject( pDesign, ModId, ABC_OPER_CI, 0,   
            pObj->End, pObj->Beg, pObj->Signed,   
            0, NULL,      1, &iOutId,  NULL  ); // no fanins
    // add internal nodes 
    Wlc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, iOutId ) 
        char * pFunction = NULL;
        if ( Wlc_ObjIsPi(pObj) )
        Vec_IntClear( vFanins );
        Wlc_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, iFanin, k )
            Vec_IntPush( vFanins, iFanin );
        if ( pObj->Type == WLC_OBJ_CONST )
            pFunction = Ndr_ObjWriteConstant( (unsigned *)Wlc_ObjFanins(pObj), Wlc_ObjRange(pObj) );
        if ( pObj->Type == WLC_OBJ_MUX && Wlc_ObjRange(Wlc_ObjFanin0(pNtk, pObj)) > 1 )
            Type = ABC_OPER_SEL_NMUX;
            Type = Ndr_TypeWlc2Ndr(pObj->Type);
        Ndr_AddObject( pDesign, ModId, Type, 0,   
            pObj->End, pObj->Beg, pObj->Signed,   
            Vec_IntSize(vFanins), Vec_IntArray(vFanins), 1, &iOutId,  pFunction  ); 
    // add primary outputs
    Wlc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, iOutId ) 
        if ( !Wlc_ObjIsPo(pObj) )
        Vec_IntFill( vFanins, 1, iOutId );
        Ndr_AddObject( pDesign, ModId, ABC_OPER_CO, 0,                   
            pObj->End, pObj->Beg, pObj->Signed,   
            1, Vec_IntArray(vFanins),  0, NULL,  NULL ); 
    Vec_IntFree( vFanins );
    return pDesign;
void Wlc_WriteNdr( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pFileName )
    void * pDesign = Wlc_NtkToNdr( pNtk );
    Ndr_Write( pFileName, pDesign );
    Ndr_Delete( pDesign );
    printf( "Dumped the current design into file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
void Wlc_NtkToNdrTest( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
    // transform
    void * pDesign = Wlc_NtkToNdr( pNtk );

    // collect names     
    Wlc_Obj_t * pObj;  int i;
    char ** ppNames = ABC_ALLOC( char *, Wlc_NtkObjNum(pNtk) + 1 );
    Wlc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i ) 
        ppNames[i] = Wlc_ObjName(pNtk, i);

    // verify by writing Verilog
    Ndr_WriteVerilog( NULL, pDesign, ppNames );
    Ndr_Write( "test.ndr", pDesign );

    // cleanup
    Ndr_Delete( pDesign );
    ABC_FREE( ppNames );


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Ndr_ObjReadRange( Ndr_Data_t * p, int Obj, int * End, int * Beg )
    int * pArray, nArray = Ndr_ObjReadArray( p, Obj, NDR_RANGE, &pArray );
    int Signed = 0; *End = *Beg = 0;
    if ( nArray == 0 )
        return 0;
    if ( nArray == 3 )
        Signed = 1;
    if ( nArray == 1 )
        *End = *Beg = pArray[0];
        *End = pArray[0], *Beg = pArray[1];
    return Signed;
void Ndr_ObjReadConstant( Vec_Int_t * vFanins, char * pStr )
    int i, k, Len = pStr ? strlen(pStr) : 0;
    for ( k = 0; k < Len; k++ )
        if ( pStr[k] == 'b' )
    if ( pStr == NULL || pStr[k] != 'b' )
        printf( "Constants should be represented in binary Verilog notation <nbits>\'b<bits> as char strings (for example, \"4'b1010\").\n" );
    Vec_IntFill( vFanins, Abc_BitWordNum(Len-k-1), 0 );
    for ( i = k+1; i < Len; i++ )
        if ( pStr[i] == '1' )
            Abc_InfoSetBit( (unsigned *)Vec_IntArray(vFanins), Len-i-1 );
        else if ( pStr[i] != '0' )
            printf( "Wrongn symbol (%c) in binary Verilog constant \"%s\".\n", pStr[i], pStr );
void Ndr_NtkPrintNodes( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
    Wlc_Obj_t * pObj; int i, k;
    printf( "Node IDs and their fanins:\n" );
    Wlc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i )
        int * pFanins = Wlc_ObjFanins(pObj);
        printf( "%5d = ", i );
        for ( k = 0; k < Wlc_ObjFaninNum(pObj); k++ )
            printf( "%5d ", pFanins[k] );
        for (      ; k < 4; k++ )
            printf( "      " );
        printf( "    Name Id %d ", Wlc_ObjNameId(pNtk, i) );
        if ( Wlc_ObjIsPi(pObj) )
            printf( "  pi  " );
        if ( Wlc_ObjIsPo(pObj) )
            printf( "  po  " );
        printf( "\n" );
void Wlc_NtkCheckIntegrity( void * pData )
    Ndr_Data_t * p = (Ndr_Data_t *)pData;  
    Vec_Int_t * vMap = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    int Mod = 2, Obj;
    Ndr_ModForEachObj( p, Mod, Obj )
        int NameId  = Ndr_ObjReadBody( p, Obj, NDR_OUTPUT );
        if ( NameId == -1 )
            int Type = Ndr_ObjReadBody( p, Obj, NDR_OPERTYPE );
            if ( Type != ABC_OPER_CO )
                printf( "Internal object %d of type %s has no output name.\n", Obj, Abc_OperName(Type) );
        if ( Vec_IntGetEntry(vMap, NameId) > 0 )
            printf( "Output name %d is used more than once (obj %d and obj %d).\n", NameId, Vec_IntGetEntry(vMap, NameId), Obj );
        Vec_IntSetEntry( vMap, NameId, Obj );
    Ndr_ModForEachObj( p, Mod, Obj )
        int i, * pArray, nArray  = Ndr_ObjReadArray( p, Obj, NDR_INPUT, &pArray );
        for ( i = 0; i < nArray; i++ )
            if ( Vec_IntGetEntry(vMap, pArray[i]) == 0 )
                printf( "Input name %d appearing as fanin %d of obj %d is not used as output name in any object.\n", pArray[i], i, Obj );
    Vec_IntFree( vMap );
Wlc_Ntk_t * Wlc_NtkFromNdr( void * pData )
    Ndr_Data_t * p = (Ndr_Data_t *)pData;  
    Wlc_Obj_t * pObj; Vec_Int_t * vName2Obj, * vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    int Mod = 2, i, k, Obj, * pArray, nDigits, fFound, NameId, NameIdMax;
    Wlc_Ntk_t * pTemp, * pNtk = Wlc_NtkAlloc( "top", Ndr_DataObjNum(p, Mod)+1 );
    Wlc_NtkCheckIntegrity( pData );
    Vec_IntClear( &pNtk->vFfs );
    //pNtk->pSpec = Abc_UtilStrsav( pFileName );
    // construct network and save name IDs
    Wlc_NtkCleanNameId( pNtk );
    Ndr_ModForEachPi( p, Mod, Obj )
        int End, Beg, Signed = Ndr_ObjReadRange(p, Obj, &End, &Beg);
        int iObj = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_PI, Signed, End, Beg );
        int NameId = Ndr_ObjReadBody( p, Obj, NDR_OUTPUT );
        Wlc_ObjSetNameId( pNtk, iObj, NameId );
    Ndr_ModForEachNode( p, Mod, Obj )
        int End, Beg, Signed = Ndr_ObjReadRange(p, Obj, &End, &Beg);
        int Type    = Ndr_ObjReadBody( p, Obj, NDR_OPERTYPE );
        int nArray  = Ndr_ObjReadArray( p, Obj, NDR_INPUT, &pArray );
        Vec_Int_t F = {nArray, nArray, pArray}, * vTemp = &F;
        int iObj    = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, Ndr_TypeNdr2Wlc(Type), Signed, End, Beg );
        int NameId  = Ndr_ObjReadBody( p, Obj, NDR_OUTPUT );
        Vec_IntClear( vFanins );
        Vec_IntAppend( vFanins, vTemp );
        if ( Type == ABC_OPER_DFF )
            // save init state
            if ( pNtk->vInits == NULL )
                pNtk->vInits = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
            if ( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) == 2 )
                Vec_IntPush( pNtk->vInits, Vec_IntPop(vFanins) );
            else // assume const0 if init is not given
                Vec_IntPush( pNtk->vInits, -(End-Beg+1) );
            // save flop output
            pObj = Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj);
            assert( Wlc_ObjType(pObj) == WLC_OBJ_FO );
            Wlc_ObjSetNameId( pNtk, iObj, NameId );
            Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vFfs, NameId );
            // save flop input
            assert( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) == 1 );
            Vec_IntPush( &pNtk->vFfs, Vec_IntEntry(vFanins, 0) );
        if ( Type == ABC_OPER_SLICE )
            Vec_IntPushTwo( vFanins, End, Beg );
        else if ( Type == ABC_OPER_CONST )
            Ndr_ObjReadConstant( vFanins, (char *)Ndr_ObjReadBodyP(p, Obj, NDR_FUNCTION) );
        else if ( Type == ABC_OPER_BIT_MUX && Vec_IntSize(vFanins) == 3 )
            ABC_SWAP( int, Vec_IntEntryP(vFanins, 1)[0], Vec_IntEntryP(vFanins, 2)[0] );
        Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj), vFanins );
        Wlc_ObjSetNameId( pNtk, iObj, NameId );
        if ( Type == ABC_OPER_ARI_SMUL )
            pObj = Wlc_NtkObj(pNtk, iObj);
            assert( Wlc_ObjFaninNum(pObj) == 2 );
            Wlc_ObjFanin0(pNtk, pObj)->Signed = 1;
            Wlc_ObjFanin1(pNtk, pObj)->Signed = 1;
    // mark primary outputs
    Ndr_ModForEachPo( p, Mod, Obj )
        int End, Beg, Signed = Ndr_ObjReadRange(p, Obj, &End, &Beg);
        int nArray  = Ndr_ObjReadArray( p, Obj, NDR_INPUT, &pArray );
        int iObj    = Wlc_ObjAlloc( pNtk, WLC_OBJ_BUF, Signed, End, Beg );
        int NameId  = Ndr_ObjReadBody( p, Obj, NDR_OUTPUT );
        assert( nArray == 1 && NameId == -1 );
        pObj = Wlc_NtkObj( pNtk, iObj );
        Vec_IntFill( vFanins, 1, pArray[0] );
        Wlc_ObjAddFanins( pNtk, pObj, vFanins );
        Wlc_ObjSetCo( pNtk, pObj, 0 );
    Vec_IntFree( vFanins );
    // map name IDs into object IDs
    vName2Obj = Vec_IntInvert( &pNtk->vNameIds, 0 );
    Wlc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i )
        int * pFanins = Wlc_ObjFanins(pObj);
        for ( k = 0; k < Wlc_ObjFaninNum(pObj); k++ )
            pFanins[k] = Vec_IntEntry(vName2Obj, pFanins[k]);
    if ( pNtk->vInits )
        Vec_IntForEachEntry( &pNtk->vFfs, NameId, i )
            Vec_IntWriteEntry( &pNtk->vFfs, i, Vec_IntEntry(vName2Obj, NameId) );
        Vec_IntForEachEntry( pNtk->vInits, NameId, i )
            if ( NameId > 0 )
                Vec_IntWriteEntry( pNtk->vInits, i, Vec_IntEntry(vName2Obj, NameId) );
        // move FO/FI to be part of CI/CO
        assert( (Vec_IntSize(&pNtk->vFfs) & 1) == 0 );
        assert( Vec_IntSize(&pNtk->vFfs) == 2 * Vec_IntSize(pNtk->vInits) );
        Wlc_NtkForEachFf( pNtk, pObj, i )
            if ( i & 1 )
                Wlc_ObjSetCo( pNtk, pObj, 1 );
            //    Wlc_ObjSetCi( pNtk, pObj );
        Vec_IntClear( &pNtk->vFfs );
        // convert init values into binary string
        //Vec_IntPrint( &p->pNtk->vInits );
        pNtk->pInits = Wlc_PrsConvertInitValues( pNtk );
        //printf( "%s", p->pNtk->pInits );
    // create fake object names
    NameIdMax = Vec_IntFindMax(&pNtk->vNameIds);
    nDigits = Abc_Base10Log( NameIdMax+1 );
    pNtk->pManName = Abc_NamStart( NameIdMax+1, 10 );
    for ( i = 1; i <= NameIdMax; i++ )
        char pName[20]; sprintf( pName, "s%0*d", nDigits, i );
        NameId = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( pNtk->pManName, pName, &fFound );
        assert( !fFound && i == NameId );
    //Ndr_NtkPrintNodes( pNtk );
    // derive topological order
    pNtk = Wlc_NtkDupDfs( pTemp = pNtk, 0, 1 );
    Wlc_NtkFree( pTemp );
    //Ndr_NtkPrintNodes( pNtk );
    pNtk->fMemPorts = 1;          // the network contains memory ports
    pNtk->fEasyFfs = 1;           // the network contains simple flops
    return pNtk;


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Wlc_Ntk_t * Wlc_ReadNdr( char * pFileName )
    void * pData = Ndr_Read( pFileName );
    Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk = Wlc_NtkFromNdr( pData );
    //char * ppNames[10] = { NULL, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i" };
    //Ndr_WriteVerilog( NULL, pData, ppNames );
    Ndr_Delete( pData );
    return pNtk;
void Wlc_ReadNdrTest()
    Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk = Wlc_ReadNdr( "top.ndr" );
    Wlc_WriteVer( pNtk, "top.v", 0, 0 );
    Wlc_NtkFree( pNtk );

///                       END OF FILE                                ///