Commit fcf33350 by Mathias Soeken

Improvements to BMS.

parent ea3836ea
......@@ -53,6 +53,14 @@ static word s_Truths8[32] = {
#define ANSI_COLOR_RED "\x1b[31m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "\x1b[32m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\x1b[33m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_BLUE "\x1b[34m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_MAGENTA "\x1b[35m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_CYAN "\x1b[36m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\x1b[0m"
typedef struct Ses_Man_t_ Ses_Man_t;
struct Ses_Man_t_
......@@ -76,9 +84,12 @@ struct Ses_Man_t_
int fVeryVerbose; /* be very verbose */
int fExtractVerbose; /* be verbose about solution extraction */
int fSatVerbose; /* be verbose about SAT solving */
int fReasonVerbose; /* be verbose about give-up reasons */
int nGates; /* number of gates */
int nStartGates; /* number of gates to start search (-1), i.e., to start from 1 gate, one needs to specify 0 */
int fDecStructure; /* set to 1 or higher if nSpecFunc = 1 and f = x_i OP g(X \ {x_i}), otherwise 0 (determined when solving) */
int pDecVars; /* mask of variables that can be decomposed at top-level */
int nSimVars; /* number of simulation vars x(i, t) */
int nOutputVars; /* number of output variables g(h, i) */
......@@ -311,7 +322,7 @@ static inline void Ses_StorePrintEntry( Ses_TruthEntry_t * pEntry, Ses_TimesEntr
printf( "\n" );
static inline void Ses_StorePrintDebugEntry( Ses_Store_t * pStore, word * pTruth, int nVars, int * pNormalArrTime, int nMaxDepth )
static inline void Ses_StorePrintDebugEntry( Ses_Store_t * pStore, word * pTruth, int nVars, int * pNormalArrTime, int nMaxDepth, char * pSol )
int l;
......@@ -322,7 +333,11 @@ static inline void Ses_StorePrintDebugEntry( Ses_Store_t * pStore, word * pTruth
fprintf( pStore->pDebugEntries, "%c%d", ( l == 0 ? ' ' : ',' ), pNormalArrTime[l] );
fprintf( pStore->pDebugEntries, " " );
Abc_TtPrintHexRev( pStore->pDebugEntries, pTruth, nVars );
fprintf( pStore->pDebugEntries, "\"\n" );
fprintf( pStore->pDebugEntries, "\" # " );
if ( !pSol )
fprintf( pStore->pDebugEntries, "no " );
fprintf( pStore->pDebugEntries, "solution found before\n" );
static void Abc_ExactNormalizeArrivalTimesForNetwork( int nVars, int * pArrTimeProfile, char * pSol )
......@@ -688,6 +703,33 @@ static void Ses_StoreRead( Ses_Store_t * pStore, const char * pFilename, int fSy
printf( "read %lu entries from file\n", nEntries );
// computes top decomposition of variables wrt. to AND and OR
static inline void Ses_ManComputeTopDec( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
int l, i, mask = ~0;
word * pVar;
int fAnd, fAndC, fOr, fOrC;
if ( pSes->nSpecVars < 6u )
mask = Abc_Tt6Mask( 1u << pSes->nSpecVars );
for ( l = 0; l < pSes->nSpecVars; ++l )
pVar = &s_Truths8[l << 2];
fAnd = fAndC = fOr = fOrC = 1;
for ( i = 0; i < pSes->nSpecWords; ++i )
fAnd &= ( pVar[i] & pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) != ( pSes->pSpec[i] & mask );
fAndC &= ( ~pVar[i] & pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) != ( pSes->pSpec[i] & mask );
fOr &= ( pVar[i] & pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) != ( pVar[i] & mask );
fOrC &= ( ~pVar[i] & pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) != ( ~pVar[i] & mask );
pSes->pDecVars |= ( fAnd | fAndC | fOr | fOrC ) << l;
static inline Ses_Man_t * Ses_ManAlloc( word * pTruth, int nVars, int nFunc, int nMaxDepth, int * pArrTimeProfile, int fMakeAIG, int nBTLimit, int fVerbose )
int h, i;
......@@ -720,6 +762,9 @@ static inline Ses_Man_t * Ses_ManAlloc( word * pTruth, int nVars, int nFunc, int
p->fExtractVerbose = 0;
p->fSatVerbose = 0;
if ( p->nSpecFunc == 1 )
Ses_ManComputeTopDec( p );
return p;
......@@ -876,7 +921,7 @@ static int Ses_ManCreateClauses( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
int h, i, j, k, t, ii, jj, kk, p, q;
int pLits[3];
Vec_Int_t * vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( 0u );
Vec_Int_t * vLits = NULL;
for ( t = 0; t < pSes->nRows; ++t )
for ( i = 0; i < pSes->nGates; ++i )
......@@ -895,12 +940,14 @@ static int Ses_ManCreateClauses( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
/* output clauses */
for ( h = 0; h < pSes->nSpecFunc; ++h )
pLits[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Ses_ManOutputVar( pSes, h, i ), 1 );
pLits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( Ses_ManSimVar( pSes, i, t ), 1 - Abc_TtGetBit( &pSes->pSpec[h << 2], t + 1 ) );
sat_solver_addclause( pSes->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2 );
if ( pSes->nSpecFunc != 1 )
for ( h = 0; h < pSes->nSpecFunc; ++h )
pLits[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Ses_ManOutputVar( pSes, h, i ), 1 );
pLits[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( Ses_ManSimVar( pSes, i, t ), 1 - Abc_TtGetBit( &pSes->pSpec[h << 2], t + 1 ) );
if ( !sat_solver_addclause( pSes->pSat, pLits, pLits + 2 ) )
return 0;
/* if there is only one output, we know it must point to the last gate */
......@@ -921,9 +968,20 @@ static int Ses_ManCreateClauses( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
Vec_IntFree( vLits );
return 0;
for ( t = 0; t < pSes->nRows; ++t )
pLits[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( Ses_ManSimVar( pSes, pSes->nGates - 1, t ), 1 - Abc_TtGetBit( pSes->pSpec, t + 1 ) );
if ( !sat_solver_addclause( pSes->pSat, pLits, pLits + 1 ) )
return 0;
vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( 0u );
vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( 0u );
/* some output is selected */
for ( h = 0; h < pSes->nSpecFunc; ++h )
......@@ -1154,6 +1212,9 @@ static inline int Ses_ManSolve( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
status = sat_solver_solve( pSes->pSat, NULL, NULL, pSes->nBTLimit, 0, 0, 0 );
timeDelta = Abc_Clock() - timeStart;
if ( pSes->fSatVerbose )
Sat_SolverPrintStats( stdout, pSes->pSat );
pSes->timeSat += timeDelta;
if ( status == l_True )
......@@ -1547,7 +1608,7 @@ static int Ses_CheckDepthConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
if ( pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] >= pSes->nMaxDepth )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible arrival time (depth = %d, input = %d, arrival time = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, l, pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] );
return 0;
......@@ -1555,7 +1616,7 @@ static int Ses_CheckDepthConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
if ( ( pSes->fDecStructure == 1 && pSes->nSpecVars > 2 ) || pSes->fDecStructure == 2 )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible decomposition (depth = %d, input = %d, arrival time = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, l, pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] );
return 0;
......@@ -1566,16 +1627,12 @@ static int Ses_CheckDepthConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
mask = Abc_Tt6Mask( 1u << pSes->nSpecVars );
/* A subset B <=> A and B = A */
for ( i = 0; i < pSes->nSpecWords; ++i )
if ( ( ( s_Truths8[(l << 2) + i] & pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) != ( pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) ) &&
( ( ~( s_Truths8[(l << 2) + i] ) & pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) != ( pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) ) &&
( ( ( s_Truths8[(l << 2) + i] | pSes->pSpec[i] ) & mask ) != ( pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) ) &&
( ( ( ~( s_Truths8[(l << 2) + i] ) | pSes->pSpec[i] ) & mask ) != ( pSes->pSpec[i] & mask ) ) )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible decomposition (depth = %d, input = %d, arrival time = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, l, pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] );
return 0;
if ( !( ( pSes->pDecVars >> l ) & 1 ) )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible decomposition (depth = %d, input = %d, arrival time = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, l, pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] );
return 0;
......@@ -1590,7 +1647,7 @@ static int Ses_CheckDepthConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
if ( pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] + 2 == pSes->nMaxDepth )
if ( ++i > fMaxGatesLevel2 )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible decomposition at second level (depth = %d, input = %d, arrival time = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, l, pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] );
return 0;
......@@ -1603,7 +1660,7 @@ static int Ses_CheckDepthConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
if ( pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] + 3 == pSes->nMaxDepth )
if ( ++i > 1 )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible decomposition at third level (depth = %d, input = %d, arrival time = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, l, pSes->pArrTimeProfile[l] );
return 0;
......@@ -1618,14 +1675,14 @@ static int Ses_CheckGatesConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes, int nGates )
/* give up if number of gates is impossible for given depth */
if ( pSes->nMaxDepth != -1 && nGates >= (1 << pSes->nMaxDepth ) )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible depth (depth = %d, gates = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, nGates );
return 0;
if ( pSes->fDecStructure && nGates >= ( 1 << ( pSes->nMaxDepth - 1 ) ) + 1 )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible depth in AND-dec structure (depth = %d, gates = %d)", pSes->nMaxDepth, nGates );
return 0;
......@@ -1633,7 +1690,7 @@ static int Ses_CheckGatesConsistency( Ses_Man_t * pSes, int nGates )
/* give up if number of gates gets practically too large */
if ( nGates >= ( 1 << pSes->nSpecVars ) )
if ( pSes->fVeryVerbose )
if ( pSes->fReasonVerbose )
printf( "give up due to impossible number of gates" );
return 0;
......@@ -1678,7 +1735,7 @@ static void Ses_AdjustDepthAndArrivalTimes( Ses_Man_t * pSes, int nGates )
static int Ses_ManFindMinimumSize( Ses_Man_t * pSes )
int nGates = 0, f, fRes, fSat;
int nGates = pSes->nStartGates, f, fRes, fSat;
abctime timeStart;
/* store whether call was unsuccessful due to resource limit and not due to impossible constraint */
......@@ -2094,41 +2151,32 @@ int Abc_ExactDelayCost( word * pTruth, int nVars, int * pArrTimeProfile, char *
return pArrTimeProfile[0];
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( "arrival times input:" );
for ( l = 0; l < nVars; ++l )
printf( " %d", pArrTimeProfile[l] );
printf( "\n" );
for ( l = 0; l < nVars; ++l )
pNormalArrTime[l] = pArrTimeProfile[l];
nDelta = Abc_NormalizeArrivalTimes( pNormalArrTime, nVars, &nMaxArrival );
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( "compute delay for nontrivial truth table " );
Abc_TtPrintHexRev( stdout, pTruth, nVars );
printf( " with arrival times" );
for ( l = 0; l < nVars; ++l )
printf( " %d", pNormalArrTime[l] );
printf( " at level %d\n", AigLevel );
if ( Ses_StoreGetEntry( s_pSesStore, pTruth, nVars, pNormalArrTime, &pSol ) )
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( " truth table already in store\n" );
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( ANSI_COLOR_CYAN );
Abc_TtPrintHexRev( stdout, pTruth, nVars );
printf( " [%d", pNormalArrTime[0] );
for ( l = 1; l < nVars; ++l )
printf( " %d", pNormalArrTime[l] );
printf( "]@%d:", AigLevel );
fflush( stdout );
nMaxDepth = pNormalArrTime[0];
for ( i = 1; i < nVars; ++i )
nMaxDepth = Abc_MaxInt( nMaxDepth, pNormalArrTime[i] );
......@@ -2141,19 +2189,23 @@ int Abc_ExactDelayCost( word * pTruth, int nVars, int * pArrTimeProfile, char *
pSes = Ses_ManAlloc( pTruth, nVars, 1 /* nSpecFunc */, nMaxDepth, pNormalArrTime, s_pSesStore->fMakeAIG, s_pSesStore->nBTLimit, s_pSesStore->fVerbose );
pSes->fVeryVerbose = s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose;
pSes->pSat = s_pSesStore->pSat;
pSes->nStartGates = nVars - 2;
while ( pSes->nMaxDepth ) /* there is improvement */
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( " try to compute network starting with depth %d ", pSes->nMaxDepth );
printf( " %d", pSes->nMaxDepth );
fflush( stdout );
if ( Ses_ManFindMinimumSize( pSes ) )
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( " FOUND\n" );
if ( pSes->nMaxDepth >= 10 ) printf( "\b" );
printf( "\b" ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "%d" ANSI_COLOR_RESET, pSes->nMaxDepth );
if ( pSol )
ABC_FREE( pSol );
pSol = Ses_ManExtractSolution( pSes );
......@@ -2162,14 +2214,20 @@ int Abc_ExactDelayCost( word * pTruth, int nVars, int * pArrTimeProfile, char *
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( " NOT FOUND (%d)\n", pSes->fHitResLimit );
if ( pSes->nMaxDepth >= 10 ) printf( "\b" );
printf( "\b%s%d" ANSI_COLOR_RESET, pSes->fHitResLimit ? ANSI_COLOR_RED : ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW, pSes->nMaxDepth );
if ( s_pSesStore->fVeryVerbose )
printf( "\n" );
/* log unsuccessful case for debugging */
if ( s_pSesStore->pDebugEntries && pSes->fHitResLimit )
Ses_StorePrintDebugEntry( s_pSesStore, pTruth, nVars, pNormalArrTime, pSes->nMaxDepth );
Ses_StorePrintDebugEntry( s_pSesStore, pTruth, nVars, pNormalArrTime, pSes->nMaxDepth, pSol );
pSes->timeTotal = Abc_Clock() - timeStartExact;
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