Commit f657d9a7 by Alan Mishchenko

Fixing several other type conversion warnings.

parent 01569b8f
......@@ -676,17 +676,17 @@ static inline int Gia_ManAppendAnd( Gia_Man_t * p, int iLit0, int iLit1 )
assert( p->fGiaSimple || Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0) != Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1) );
if ( iLit0 < iLit1 )
pObj->iDiff0 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0);
pObj->fCompl0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0);
pObj->iDiff1 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1);
pObj->fCompl1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1);
pObj->iDiff0 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0));
pObj->fCompl0 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0));
pObj->iDiff1 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1));
pObj->fCompl1 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1));
pObj->iDiff1 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0);
pObj->fCompl1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0);
pObj->iDiff0 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1);
pObj->fCompl0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1);
pObj->iDiff1 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0));
pObj->fCompl1 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0));
pObj->iDiff0 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1));
pObj->fCompl0 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1));
if ( p->pFanData )
......@@ -722,17 +722,17 @@ static inline int Gia_ManAppendXorReal( Gia_Man_t * p, int iLit0, int iLit1 )
assert( !Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1) );
if ( Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0) > Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1) )
pObj->iDiff0 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0);
pObj->fCompl0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0);
pObj->iDiff1 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1);
pObj->fCompl1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1);
pObj->iDiff0 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0));
pObj->fCompl0 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0));
pObj->iDiff1 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1));
pObj->fCompl1 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1));
pObj->iDiff1 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0);
pObj->fCompl1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0);
pObj->iDiff0 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1);
pObj->fCompl0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1);
pObj->iDiff1 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0));
pObj->fCompl1 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0));
pObj->iDiff0 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1));
pObj->fCompl0 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1));
return Gia_ObjId( p, pObj ) << 1;
......@@ -750,18 +750,18 @@ static inline int Gia_ManAppendMuxReal( Gia_Man_t * p, int iLitC, int iLit1, int
assert( !Vec_IntSize(&p->vHTable) || !Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1) );
if ( Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0) < Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1) )
pObj->iDiff0 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0);
pObj->fCompl0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0);
pObj->iDiff1 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1);
pObj->fCompl1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1);
pObj->iDiff0 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0));
pObj->fCompl0 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0));
pObj->iDiff1 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1));
pObj->fCompl1 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1));
p->pMuxes[Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)] = iLitC;
pObj->iDiff1 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0);
pObj->fCompl1 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0);
pObj->iDiff0 = Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1);
pObj->fCompl0 = Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1);
pObj->iDiff1 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit0));
pObj->fCompl1 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit0));
pObj->iDiff0 = (unsigned)(Gia_ObjId(p, pObj) - Abc_Lit2Var(iLit1));
pObj->fCompl0 = (unsigned)(Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit1));
p->pMuxes[Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)] = Abc_LitNot(iLitC);
......@@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ typedef ABC_INT64_T iword;
#define ABC_SWAP(Type, a, b) { Type t = a; a = b; b = t; }
#define ABC_PRT(a,t) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec\n", 1.0*(t)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)))
#define ABC_PRTr(a,t) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec\r", 1.0*(t)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)))
#define ABC_PRTn(a,t) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec ", 1.0*(t)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)))
#define ABC_PRTP(a,t,T) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec (%6.2f %%)\n", 1.0*(t)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC), (T)? 100.0*(t)/(T) : 0.0))
#define ABC_PRM(a,f) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB\n", 1.0*(f)/(1<<20)))
#define ABC_PRMr(a,f) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB\r", 1.0*(f)/(1<<20)))
#define ABC_PRMn(a,f) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB ", 1.0*(f)/(1<<20)))
#define ABC_PRMP(a,f,F) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB (%6.2f %%)\n", (1.0*(f)/(1<<20)), ((F)? 100.0*(f)/(F) : 0.0) ) )
#define ABC_PRT(a,t) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec\n", 1.0*((double)(t))/((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)))
#define ABC_PRTr(a,t) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec\r", 1.0*((double)(t))/((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)))
#define ABC_PRTn(a,t) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec ", 1.0*((double)(t))/((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)))
#define ABC_PRTP(a,t,T) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%9.2f sec (%6.2f %%)\n", 1.0*((double)(t))/((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC), ((double)(T))? 100.0*((double)(t))/((double)(T)) : 0.0))
#define ABC_PRM(a,f) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB\n", 1.0*((double)(f))/(1<<20)))
#define ABC_PRMr(a,f) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB\r", 1.0*((double)(f))/(1<<20)))
#define ABC_PRMn(a,f) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB ", 1.0*((double)(f))/(1<<20)))
#define ABC_PRMP(a,f,F) (Abc_Print(1, "%s =", (a)), Abc_Print(1, "%10.3f MB (%6.2f %%)\n", (1.0*((double)(f))/(1<<20)), (((double)(F))? 100.0*((double)(f))/((double)(F)) : 0.0) ) )
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num) ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type) * (size_t)(num)))
#define ABC_CALLOC(type, num) ((type *) calloc((size_t)(num), sizeof(type)))
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