Commit e8cf8415 by Alan Mishchenko

Version abc70909

parent 9be1b076
......@@ -2786,6 +2786,14 @@ SOURCE=.\src\aig\csw\cswTable.c
# PROP Default_Filter ""
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# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
......@@ -2794,6 +2802,10 @@ SOURCE=.\src\aig\kit\kitBdd.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
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# Begin Source File
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# Begin Source File
FileName [cloudCore.c]
PackageName [Fast application-specific BDD package.]
Synopsis [The package core.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko <>]
Affiliation [ECE Department. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 10, 2002.]
Revision [$Id: cloudCore.c,v 1.0 2002/06/10 03:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "cloud.h"
// the number of operators using cache
static int CacheOperNum = 4;
// the ratio of cache size to the unique table size for each operator
static int CacheLogRatioDefault[4] = {
// the ratio of cache size to the unique table size for each operator
static int CacheSize[4] = {
// static functions
static CloudNode * cloudMakeNode( CloudManager * dd, CloudVar v, CloudNode * t, CloudNode * e );
static void cloudCacheAllocate( CloudManager * dd, CloudOper oper );
Synopsis [Starts the cloud manager.]
Description [The first arguments is the number of elementary variables used.
The second arguments is the number of bits of the unsigned integer used to
represent nodes in the unique table. If the second argument is 0, the package
assumes 23 to represent nodes, which is equivalent to 2^23 = 8,388,608 nodes.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudManager * Cloud_Init( int nVars, int nBits )
CloudManager * dd;
int i;
int clk1, clk2;
assert( nVars <= 100000 );
assert( nBits < 32 );
// assign the defaults
if ( nBits == 0 )
// start the manager
dd = CALLOC( CloudManager, 1 );
dd->nMemUsed += sizeof(CloudManager);
// variables
dd->nVars = nVars; // the number of variables allocated
// bits
dd->bitsNode = nBits; // the number of bits used for the node
for ( i = 0; i < CacheOperNum; i++ )
dd->bitsCache[i] = nBits - CacheLogRatioDefault[i];
// shifts
dd->shiftUnique = 8*sizeof(unsigned) - (nBits + 1); // gets node index in the hash table
for ( i = 0; i < CacheOperNum; i++ )
dd->shiftCache[i] = 8*sizeof(unsigned) - dd->bitsCache[i];
// nodes
dd->nNodesAlloc = (1 << (nBits + 1)); // 2 ^ (nBits + 1)
dd->nNodesLimit = (1 << nBits); // 2 ^ nBits
// unique table
clk1 = clock();
dd->tUnique = CALLOC( CloudNode, dd->nNodesAlloc );
dd->nMemUsed += sizeof(CloudNode) * dd->nNodesAlloc;
clk2 = clock();
//PRT( "calloc() time", clk2 - clk1 );
// set up the constant node (the only node that is not in the hash table)
dd->nSignCur = 1;
dd->tUnique[0].s = dd->nSignCur;
dd->tUnique[0].v = CLOUD_CONST_INDEX;
dd->tUnique[0].e = CLOUD_VOID;
dd->tUnique[0].t = CLOUD_VOID;
dd->one = dd->tUnique;
dd->zero = Cloud_Not(dd->one);
dd->nNodesCur = 1;
// special nodes
dd->pNodeStart = dd->tUnique + 1;
dd->pNodeEnd = dd->tUnique + dd->nNodesAlloc;
// set up the elementary variables
dd->vars = ALLOC( CloudNode *, dd->nVars );
dd->nMemUsed += sizeof(CloudNode *) * dd->nVars;
for ( i = 0; i < dd->nVars; i++ )
dd->vars[i] = cloudMakeNode( dd, i, dd->one, dd->zero );
return dd;
Synopsis [Stops the cloud manager.]
Description [The first arguments tells show many elementary variables are used.
The second arguments tells how many bits of the unsigned integer are used
to represent regular nodes in the unique table.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cloud_Quit( CloudManager * dd )
int i;
FREE( dd->ppNodes );
free( dd->tUnique );
free( dd->vars );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
FREE( dd->tCaches[i] );
free( dd );
Synopsis [Prepares the manager for another run.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cloud_Restart( CloudManager * dd )
int i;
assert( dd->one->s == dd->nSignCur );
for ( i = 0; i < dd->nVars; i++ )
dd->nNodesCur = 1 + dd->nVars;
Synopsis [This optional function allocates operation cache of the given size.]
Description [Cache for each operation is allocated independently when the first
operation of the given type is performed. The user can allocate cache of his/her
preferred size by calling Cloud_CacheAllocate before the first operation of the
given type is performed, but this call is optional. Argument "logratio" gives
the binary logarithm of the ratio of the size of the unique table to that of cache.
For example, if "logratio" is equal to 3, and the unique table will be 2^3=8 times
larger than cache; so, if unique table is 2^23 = 8,388,608 nodes, the cache size
will be 2^3=8 times smaller and equal to 2^20 = 1,048,576 entries.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cloud_CacheAllocate( CloudManager * dd, CloudOper oper, int logratio )
assert( logratio > 0 ); // cache cannot be larger than the unique table
assert( logratio < dd->bitsNode ); // cache cannot be smaller than 2 entries
if ( logratio )
dd->bitsCache[oper] = dd->bitsNode - logratio;
dd->shiftCache[oper] = 8*sizeof(unsigned) - dd->bitsCache[oper];
cloudCacheAllocate( dd, oper );
Synopsis [Internal cache allocation.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void cloudCacheAllocate( CloudManager * dd, CloudOper oper )
int nCacheEntries = (1 << dd->bitsCache[oper]);
if ( CacheSize[oper] == 1 )
dd->tCaches[oper] = (CloudCacheEntry2 *)CALLOC( CloudCacheEntry1, nCacheEntries );
dd->nMemUsed += sizeof(CloudCacheEntry1) * nCacheEntries;
else if ( CacheSize[oper] == 2 )
dd->tCaches[oper] = (CloudCacheEntry2 *)CALLOC( CloudCacheEntry2, nCacheEntries );
dd->nMemUsed += sizeof(CloudCacheEntry2) * nCacheEntries;
else if ( CacheSize[oper] == 3 )
dd->tCaches[oper] = (CloudCacheEntry2 *)CALLOC( CloudCacheEntry3, nCacheEntries );
dd->nMemUsed += sizeof(CloudCacheEntry3) * nCacheEntries;
Synopsis [Returns or creates a new node]
Description [Checks the unique table for the existance of the node. If the node is
present, returns the node. If the node is absent, creates a new node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Cloud_MakeNode( CloudManager * dd, CloudVar v, CloudNode * t, CloudNode * e )
CloudNode * pRes;
assert( v < Cloud_V(t) && v < Cloud_V(e) ); // variable should be above in the order
if ( Cloud_IsComplement(t) )
pRes = cloudMakeNode( dd, v, Cloud_Not(t), Cloud_Not(e) );
if ( pRes != CLOUD_VOID )
pRes = Cloud_Not(pRes);
pRes = cloudMakeNode( dd, v, t, e );
return pRes;
Synopsis [Returns or creates a new node]
Description [Checks the unique table for the existance of the node. If the node is
present, returns the node. If the node is absent, creates a new node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * cloudMakeNode( CloudManager * dd, CloudVar v, CloudNode * t, CloudNode * e )
CloudNode * entryUnique;
assert( ((int)v) >= 0 && ((int)v) < dd->nVars ); // the variable must be in the range
assert( v < Cloud_V(t) && v < Cloud_V(e) ); // variable should be above in the order
assert( !Cloud_IsComplement(t) ); // the THEN edge must not be complemented
// make sure we are not searching for the constant node
assert( t && e );
// get the unique entry
entryUnique = dd->tUnique + cloudHashCudd3(v, t, e, dd->shiftUnique);
while ( entryUnique->s == dd->nSignCur )
// compare the node
if ( entryUnique->v == v && entryUnique->t == t && entryUnique->e == e )
{ // the node is found
return entryUnique; // returns the node
// increment the hash value modulus the hash table size
if ( ++entryUnique - dd->tUnique == dd->nNodesAlloc )
entryUnique = dd->tUnique + 1;
// increment the number of steps through the table
// check if the new node can be created
if ( ++dd->nNodesCur == dd->nNodesLimit )
{ // initiate the restart
printf( "Cloud needs restart!\n" );
// fflush( stdout );
// exit(1);
return CLOUD_VOID;
// create the node
entryUnique->s = dd->nSignCur;
entryUnique->v = v;
entryUnique->t = t;
entryUnique->e = e;
return entryUnique; // returns the node
Synopsis [Performs the AND or two BDDs]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * cloudBddAnd( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g )
CloudNode * F, * G, * r;
CloudCacheEntry2 * cacheEntry;
CloudNode * fv, * fnv, * gv, * gnv, * t, * e;
CloudVar var;
assert( f <= g );
// terminal cases
F = Cloud_Regular(f);
G = Cloud_Regular(g);
if ( F == G )
if ( f == g )
return f;
return dd->zero;
if ( F == dd->one )
if ( f == dd->one )
return g;
return f;
// check cache
cacheEntry = dd->tCaches[CLOUD_OPER_AND] + cloudHashCudd2(f, g, dd->shiftCache[CLOUD_OPER_AND]);
// cacheEntry = dd->tCaches[CLOUD_OPER_AND] + cloudHashBuddy2(f, g, dd->shiftCache[CLOUD_OPER_AND]);
r = cloudCacheLookup2( cacheEntry, dd->nSignCur, f, g );
if ( r != CLOUD_VOID )
return r;
// compute cofactors
if ( cloudV(F) <= cloudV(G) )
var = cloudV(F);
if ( Cloud_IsComplement(f) )
fnv = Cloud_Not(cloudE(F));
fv = Cloud_Not(cloudT(F));
fnv = cloudE(F);
fv = cloudT(F);
var = cloudV(G);
fv = fnv = f;
if ( cloudV(G) <= cloudV(F) )
if ( Cloud_IsComplement(g) )
gnv = Cloud_Not(cloudE(G));
gv = Cloud_Not(cloudT(G));
gnv = cloudE(G);
gv = cloudT(G);
gv = gnv = g;
if ( fv <= gv )
t = cloudBddAnd( dd, fv, gv );
t = cloudBddAnd( dd, gv, fv );
if ( t == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
if ( fnv <= gnv )
e = cloudBddAnd( dd, fnv, gnv );
e = cloudBddAnd( dd, gnv, fnv );
if ( e == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
if ( t == e )
r = t;
if ( Cloud_IsComplement(t) )
r = cloudMakeNode( dd, var, Cloud_Not(t), Cloud_Not(e) );
if ( r == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
r = Cloud_Not(r);
r = cloudMakeNode( dd, var, t, e );
if ( r == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
cloudCacheInsert2( cacheEntry, dd->nSignCur, f, g, r );
return r;
Synopsis [Performs the AND or two BDDs]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline CloudNode * cloudBddAnd_gate( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g )
if ( f <= g )
return cloudBddAnd(dd,f,g);
return cloudBddAnd(dd,g,f);
Synopsis [Performs the AND or two BDDs]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Cloud_bddAnd( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g )
if ( Cloud_Regular(f) == CLOUD_VOID || Cloud_Regular(g) == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
if ( dd->tCaches[CLOUD_OPER_AND] == NULL )
cloudCacheAllocate( dd, CLOUD_OPER_AND );
return cloudBddAnd_gate( dd, f, g );
Synopsis [Performs the OR or two BDDs]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Cloud_bddOr( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g )
CloudNode * res;
if ( Cloud_Regular(f) == CLOUD_VOID || Cloud_Regular(g) == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
if ( dd->tCaches[CLOUD_OPER_AND] == NULL )
cloudCacheAllocate( dd, CLOUD_OPER_AND );
res = cloudBddAnd_gate( dd, Cloud_Not(f), Cloud_Not(g) );
res = Cloud_NotCond( res, res != CLOUD_VOID );
return res;
Synopsis [Performs the XOR or two BDDs]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Cloud_bddXor( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g )
CloudNode * t0, * t1, * r;
if ( Cloud_Regular(f) == CLOUD_VOID || Cloud_Regular(g) == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
if ( dd->tCaches[CLOUD_OPER_AND] == NULL )
cloudCacheAllocate( dd, CLOUD_OPER_AND );
t0 = cloudBddAnd_gate( dd, f, Cloud_Not(g) );
if ( t0 == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
t1 = cloudBddAnd_gate( dd, Cloud_Not(f), g );
if ( t1 == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
r = Cloud_bddOr( dd, t0, t1 );
return r;
Synopsis [Performs a DFS from f, clearing the LSB of the next
Description []
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [cloudSupport cloudDagSize]
static void cloudClearMark( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n )
if ( !cloudNodeIsMarked(n) )
// clear visited flag
if ( cloudIsConstant(n) )
cloudClearMark( dd, cloudT(n) );
cloudClearMark( dd, Cloud_Regular(cloudE(n)) );
Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cloud_Support.]
Description [Performs the recursive step of Cloud_Support. Performs a
DFS from f. The support is accumulated in supp as a side effect. Uses
the LSB of the then pointer as visited flag.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso []
static void cloudSupport( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n, int * support )
if ( cloudIsConstant(n) || cloudNodeIsMarked(n) )
// set visited flag
support[cloudV(n)] = 1;
cloudSupport( dd, cloudT(n), support );
cloudSupport( dd, Cloud_Regular(cloudE(n)), support );
Synopsis [Finds the variables on which a DD depends.]
Description [Finds the variables on which a DD depends.
Returns a BDD consisting of the product of the variables if
successful; NULL otherwise.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Cloud_Support( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n )
CloudNode * res;
int * support, i;
// allocate and initialize support array for cloudSupport
support = CALLOC( int, dd->nVars );
// compute support and clean up markers
cloudSupport( dd, Cloud_Regular(n), support );
cloudClearMark( dd, Cloud_Regular(n) );
// transform support from array to cube
res = dd->one;
for ( i = dd->nVars - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) // for each level bottom-up
if ( support[i] == 1 )
res = Cloud_bddAnd( dd, res, dd->vars[i] );
if ( res == CLOUD_VOID )
FREE( support );
return res;
Synopsis [Counts the variables on which a DD depends.]
Description [Counts the variables on which a DD depends.
Returns the number of the variables if successful; Cloud_OUT_OF_MEM
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso []
int Cloud_SupportSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n )
int * support, i, count;
// allocate and initialize support array for cloudSupport
support = CALLOC( int, dd->nVars );
// compute support and clean up markers
cloudSupport( dd, Cloud_Regular(n), support );
cloudClearMark( dd, Cloud_Regular(n) );
// count support variables
count = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < dd->nVars; i++ )
if ( support[i] == 1 )
FREE( support );
return count;
Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cloud_DagSize.]
Description [Performs the recursive step of Cloud_DagSize. Returns the
number of nodes in the graph rooted at n.]
SideEffects [None]
static int cloudDagSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n )
int tval, eval;
if ( cloudNodeIsMarked(n) )
return 0;
// set visited flag
if ( cloudIsConstant(n) )
return 1;
tval = cloudDagSize( dd, cloudT(n) );
eval = cloudDagSize( dd, Cloud_Regular(cloudE(n)) );
return tval + eval + 1;
Synopsis [Counts the number of nodes in a DD.]
Description [Counts the number of nodes in a DD. Returns the number
of nodes in the graph rooted at node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Cloud_DagSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n )
int res;
res = cloudDagSize( dd, Cloud_Regular( n ) );
cloudClearMark( dd, Cloud_Regular( n ) );
return res;
Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cloud_DagSize.]
Description [Performs the recursive step of Cloud_DagSize. Returns the
number of nodes in the graph rooted at n.]
SideEffects [None]
static int Cloud_DagCollect_rec( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n, int * pCounter )
int tval, eval;
if ( cloudNodeIsMarked(n) )
return 0;
// set visited flag
if ( cloudIsConstant(n) )
dd->ppNodes[(*pCounter)++] = n;
return 1;
tval = Cloud_DagCollect_rec( dd, cloudT(n), pCounter );
eval = Cloud_DagCollect_rec( dd, Cloud_Regular(cloudE(n)), pCounter );
dd->ppNodes[(*pCounter)++] = n;
return tval + eval + 1;
Synopsis [Counts the number of nodes in a DD.]
Description [Counts the number of nodes in a DD. Returns the number
of nodes in the graph rooted at node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Cloud_DagCollect( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n )
int res, Counter = 0;
if ( dd->ppNodes == NULL )
dd->ppNodes = ALLOC( CloudNode *, dd->nNodesLimit );
res = Cloud_DagCollect_rec( dd, Cloud_Regular( n ), &Counter );
cloudClearMark( dd, Cloud_Regular( n ) );
assert( res == Counter );
return res;
Synopsis [Counts the number of nodes in an array of DDs.]
Description [Counts the number of nodes in a DD. Returns the number
of nodes in the graph rooted at node.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Cloud_SharingSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode ** pn, int nn )
int res, i;
res = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nn; i++ )
res += cloudDagSize( dd, Cloud_Regular( pn[i] ) );
for ( i = 0; i < nn; i++ )
cloudClearMark( dd, Cloud_Regular( pn[i] ) );
return res;
Synopsis [Returns one cube contained in the given BDD.]
Description []
SideEffects []
CloudNode * Cloud_GetOneCube( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * bFunc )
CloudNode * bFunc0, * bFunc1, * res;
if ( Cloud_IsConstant(bFunc) )
return bFunc;
// cofactor
if ( Cloud_IsComplement(bFunc) )
bFunc0 = Cloud_Not( cloudE(bFunc) );
bFunc1 = Cloud_Not( cloudT(bFunc) );
bFunc0 = cloudE(bFunc);
bFunc1 = cloudT(bFunc);
// try to find the cube with the negative literal
res = Cloud_GetOneCube( dd, bFunc0 );
if ( res == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
if ( res != dd->zero )
res = Cloud_bddAnd( dd, res, Cloud_Not(dd->vars[Cloud_V(bFunc)]) );
// try to find the cube with the positive literal
res = Cloud_GetOneCube( dd, bFunc1 );
if ( res == CLOUD_VOID )
return CLOUD_VOID;
assert( res != dd->zero );
res = Cloud_bddAnd( dd, res, dd->vars[Cloud_V(bFunc)] );
return res;
Synopsis [Prints the BDD as a set of disjoint cubes to the standard output.]
Description []
SideEffects []
void Cloud_bddPrint( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * Func )
CloudNode * Cube;
int fFirst = 1;
if ( Func == dd->zero )
printf( "Constant 0." );
else if ( Func == dd->one )
printf( "Constant 1." );
while ( 1 )
Cube = Cloud_GetOneCube( dd, Func );
if ( Cube == CLOUD_VOID || Cube == dd->zero )
if ( fFirst ) fFirst = 0;
else printf( " + " );
Cloud_bddPrintCube( dd, Cube );
Func = Cloud_bddAnd( dd, Func, Cloud_Not(Cube) );
printf( "\n" );
Synopsis [Prints one cube.]
Description []
SideEffects []
void Cloud_bddPrintCube( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * bCube )
CloudNode * bCube0, * bCube1;
assert( !Cloud_IsConstant(bCube) );
while ( 1 )
// get the node structure
if ( Cloud_IsConstant(bCube) )
// cofactor the cube
if ( Cloud_IsComplement(bCube) )
bCube0 = Cloud_Not( cloudE(bCube) );
bCube1 = Cloud_Not( cloudT(bCube) );
bCube0 = cloudE(bCube);
bCube1 = cloudT(bCube);
if ( bCube0 != dd->zero )
assert( bCube1 == dd->zero );
printf( "[%d]'", cloudV(bCube) );
bCube = bCube0;
assert( bCube1 != dd->zero );
printf( "[%d]", cloudV(bCube) );
bCube = bCube1;
Synopsis [Prints info.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cloud_PrintInfo( CloudManager * dd )
if ( dd == NULL ) return;
printf( "The number of unique table nodes allocated = %12d.\n", dd->nNodesAlloc );
printf( "The number of unique table nodes present = %12d.\n", dd->nNodesCur );
printf( "The number of unique table hits = %12d.\n", dd->nUniqueHits );
printf( "The number of unique table misses = %12d.\n", dd->nUniqueMisses );
printf( "The number of unique table steps = %12d.\n", dd->nUniqueSteps );
printf( "The number of cache hits = %12d.\n", dd->nCacheHits );
printf( "The number of cache misses = %12d.\n", dd->nCacheMisses );
printf( "The current signature = %12d.\n", dd->nSignCur );
printf( "The total memory in use = %12d.\n", dd->nMemUsed );
Synopsis [Prints the state of the hash table.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cloud_PrintHashTable( CloudManager * dd )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < dd->nNodesAlloc; i++ )
if ( dd->tUnique[i].v == CLOUD_CONST_INDEX )
printf( "-" );
printf( "+" );
printf( "\n" );
/// END OF FILE ///
FileName [cloud.h]
PackageName [Fast application-specific BDD package.]
Synopsis [Interface of the package.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko <>]
Affiliation [ECE Department. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 10, 2002.]
Revision [$Id: cloud.h,v 1.0 2002/06/10 03:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#ifndef __CLOUD_H__
#define __CLOUD_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#define inline __inline // compatible with MS VS 6.0
// n | 2^n || n | 2^n || n | 2^n || n | 2^n //
// 1 | 2 || 9 | 512 || 17 | 131,072 || 25 | 33,554,432 //
// 2 | 4 || 10 | 1,024 || 18 | 262,144 || 26 | 67,108,864 //
// 3 | 8 || 11 | 2,048 || 19 | 524,288 || 27 | 134,217,728 //
// 4 | 16 || 12 | 4,096 || 20 | 1,048,576 || 28 | 268,435,456 //
// 5 | 32 || 13 | 8,192 || 21 | 2,097,152 || 29 | 536,870,912 //
// 6 | 64 || 14 | 16,384 || 22 | 4,194,304 || 30 | 1,073,741,824 //
// 7 | 128 || 15 | 32,768 || 23 | 8,388,608 || 31 | 2,147,483,648 //
// 8 | 256 || 16 | 65,536 || 24 | 16,777,216 || 32 | 4,294,967,296 //
// data structure typedefs
typedef struct cloudManager CloudManager;
typedef unsigned CloudVar;
typedef unsigned CloudSign;
typedef struct cloudNode CloudNode;
typedef struct cloudCacheEntry1 CloudCacheEntry1;
typedef struct cloudCacheEntry2 CloudCacheEntry2;
typedef struct cloudCacheEntry3 CloudCacheEntry3;
// operation codes used to set up the cache
typedef enum {
} CloudOper;
// the number of operators using cache
static int CacheOperNum = 4;
// the ratio of cache size to the unique table size for each operator
static int CacheLogRatioDefault[4] = {
// the ratio of cache size to the unique table size for each operator
static int CacheSize[4] = {
// data structure definitions
struct cloudManager // the fast bdd manager
// variables
int nVars; // the number of variables allocated
// bits
int bitsNode; // the number of bits used for the node
int bitsCache[4]; // default: bitsNode - CacheSizeRatio[i]
// shifts
int shiftUnique; // 8*sizeof(unsigned) - (bitsNode + 1)
int shiftCache[4]; // 8*sizeof(unsigned) - bitsCache[i]
// nodes
int nNodesAlloc; // 2 ^ (bitsNode + 1)
int nNodesLimit; // 2 ^ bitsNode
int nNodesCur; // the current number of nodes (including const1 and vars)
// signature
CloudSign nSignCur;
// statistics
int nMemUsed; // memory usage in bytes
// cache stats
int nUniqueHits; // hits in the unique table
int nUniqueMisses; // misses in the unique table
int nCacheHits; // hits in the caches
int nCacheMisses; // misses in the caches
// the number of steps through the hash table
int nUniqueSteps;
// tables
CloudNode * tUnique; // the unique table to store BDD nodes
// special nodes
CloudNode * pNodeStart; // the pointer to the first node
CloudNode * pNodeEnd; // the pointer to the first node out of the table
// constants and variables
CloudNode * one; // the one function
CloudNode * zero; // the zero function
CloudNode ** vars; // the elementary variables
// temporary storage for nodes
CloudNode ** ppNodes;
// caches
CloudCacheEntry2 * tCaches[20]; // caches
struct cloudNode // representation of the node in the unique table
CloudSign s; // signature
CloudVar v; // variable
CloudNode * e; // negative cofactor
CloudNode * t; // positive cofactor
struct cloudCacheEntry1 // one-argument cache
CloudSign s; // signature
CloudNode * a; // argument 1
CloudNode * r; // result
struct cloudCacheEntry2 // the two-argument cache
CloudSign s; // signature
CloudNode * a;
CloudNode * b;
CloudNode * r;
struct cloudCacheEntry3 // the three-argument cache
CloudSign s; // signature
CloudNode * a;
CloudNode * b;
CloudNode * c;
CloudNode * r;
// parameters
#define CLOUD_NODE_BITS 23
#define CLOUD_ONE ((unsigned)0x00000001)
#define CLOUD_NOT_ONE ((unsigned)0xfffffffe)
#define CLOUD_VOID ((unsigned)0x00000000)
#define CLOUD_CONST_INDEX ((unsigned)0x0fffffff)
#define CLOUD_MARK_ON ((unsigned)0x10000000)
#define CLOUD_MARK_OFF ((unsigned)0xefffffff)
// hash functions a la Buddy
#define cloudHashBuddy2(x,y,s) ((((x)+(y))*((x)+(y)+1)/2) & ((1<<(32-(s)))-1))
#define cloudHashBuddy3(x,y,z,s) (cloudHashBuddy2((cloudHashBuddy2((x),(y),(s))),(z),(s)) & ((1<<(32-(s)))-1))
// hash functions a la Cudd
#define DD_P1 12582917
#define DD_P2 4256249
#define DD_P3 741457
#define DD_P4 1618033999
#define cloudHashCudd2(f,g,s) ((((unsigned)(f) * DD_P1 + (unsigned)(g)) * DD_P2) >> (s))
#define cloudHashCudd3(f,g,h,s) (((((unsigned)(f) * DD_P1 + (unsigned)(g)) * DD_P2 + (unsigned)(h)) * DD_P3) >> (s))
// node complementation (using node)
#define Cloud_Regular(p) ((CloudNode*)(((unsigned)(p)) & CLOUD_NOT_ONE)) // get the regular node (w/o bubble)
#define Cloud_Not(p) ((CloudNode*)(((unsigned)(p)) ^ CLOUD_ONE)) // complement the node
#define Cloud_NotCond(p,c) (((int)(c))? Cloud_Not(p):(p)) // complement the node conditionally
#define Cloud_IsComplement(p) ((int)(((unsigned)(p)) & CLOUD_ONE)) // check if complemented
// checking constants (using node)
#define Cloud_IsConstant(p) (((Cloud_Regular(p))->v & CLOUD_MARK_OFF) == CLOUD_CONST_INDEX)
#define cloudIsConstant(p) (((p)->v & CLOUD_MARK_OFF) == CLOUD_CONST_INDEX)
// retrieving values from the node (using node structure)
#define Cloud_V(p) ((Cloud_Regular(p))->v)
#define Cloud_E(p) ((Cloud_Regular(p))->e)
#define Cloud_T(p) ((Cloud_Regular(p))->t)
// retrieving values from the regular node (using node structure)
#define cloudV(p) ((p)->v)
#define cloudE(p) ((p)->e)
#define cloudT(p) ((p)->t)
// marking/unmarking (using node structure)
#define cloudNodeMark(p) ((p)->v |= CLOUD_MARK_ON)
#define cloudNodeUnmark(p) ((p)->v &= CLOUD_MARK_OFF)
#define cloudNodeIsMarked(p) ((int)((p)->v & CLOUD_MARK_ON))
// cache lookups and inserts (using node)
#define cloudCacheLookup1(p,sign,f) (((p)->s == (sign) && (p)->a == (f))? ((p)->r): (CLOUD_VOID))
#define cloudCacheLookup2(p,sign,f,g) (((p)->s == (sign) && (p)->a == (f) && (p)->b == (g))? ((p)->r): (CLOUD_VOID))
#define cloudCacheLookup3(p,sign,f,g,h) (((p)->s == (sign) && (p)->a == (f) && (p)->b == (g) && (p)->c == (h))? ((p)->r): (CLOUD_VOID))
// cache inserts
#define cloudCacheInsert1(p,sign,f,r) (((p)->s = (sign)), ((p)->a = (f)), ((p)->r = (r)))
#define cloudCacheInsert2(p,sign,f,g,r) (((p)->s = (sign)), ((p)->a = (f)), ((p)->b = (g)), ((p)->r = (r)))
#define cloudCacheInsert3(p,sign,f,g,h,r) (((p)->s = (sign)), ((p)->a = (f)), ((p)->b = (g)), ((p)->c = (h)), ((p)->r = (r)))
//#define CLOUD_ASSERT(p) (assert((p) >= (dd->pNodeStart-1) && (p) < dd->pNodeEnd))
#define CLOUD_ASSERT(p) assert((p) >= dd->tUnique && (p) < dd->tUnique+dd->nNodesAlloc)
// utility macros
#ifndef ALLOC
#define ALLOC(type, num) ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type) * (num)))
#ifndef CALLOC
#define CALLOC(type, num) ((type *) calloc((num), sizeof(type)))
#ifndef FREE
#define FREE(obj) ((obj) ? (free((char *) (obj)), (obj) = 0) : 0)
#ifndef PRT
#define PRT(a,t) fprintf( stdout, "%s = ", (a)); printf( "%.2f sec\n", (float)(t)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) )
// starting/stopping
extern CloudManager * Cloud_Init( int nVars, int nBits );
extern void Cloud_Quit( CloudManager * dd );
extern void Cloud_Restart( CloudManager * dd );
extern void Cloud_CacheAllocate( CloudManager * dd, CloudOper oper, int size );
extern CloudNode * Cloud_MakeNode( CloudManager * dd, CloudVar v, CloudNode * t, CloudNode * e );
// support and node count
extern CloudNode * Cloud_Support( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n );
extern int Cloud_SupportSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n );
extern int Cloud_DagSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n );
extern int Cloud_DagCollect( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n );
extern int Cloud_SharingSize( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * * pn, int nn );
// cubes
extern CloudNode * Cloud_GetOneCube( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * n );
extern void Cloud_bddPrint( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * Func );
extern void Cloud_bddPrintCube( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * Cube );
// operations
extern CloudNode * Cloud_bddAnd( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g );
extern CloudNode * Cloud_bddOr( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * f, CloudNode * g );
// stats
extern void Cloud_PrintInfo( CloudManager * dd );
extern void Cloud_PrintHashTable( CloudManager * dd );
#ifdef __cplusplus
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include <time.h>
#include "vec.h"
#include "extra.h"
#include "cloud.h"
......@@ -133,6 +134,10 @@ struct Kit_DsdMan_t_
int nWords; // the number of words in TTs
Vec_Ptr_t * vTtElems; // elementary truth tables
Vec_Ptr_t * vTtNodes; // the node truth tables
// BDD representation
CloudManager * dd; // BDD package
Vec_Ptr_t * vTtBdds; // the node truth tables
Vec_Int_t * vNodes; // temporary array for BDD nodes
static inline int Kit_DsdVar2Lit( int Var, int fCompl ) { return Var + Var + fCompl; }
......@@ -431,6 +436,16 @@ static inline void Kit_TruthMux( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pI
for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
pOut[w] = (pIn0[w] & ~pCtrl[w]) | (pIn1[w] & pCtrl[w]);
static inline void Kit_TruthMuxPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pCtrl, int nVars, int fComp0 )
int w;
if ( fComp0 )
for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
pOut[w] = (~pIn0[w] & ~pCtrl[w]) | (pIn1[w] & pCtrl[w]);
for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
pOut[w] = (pIn0[w] & ~pCtrl[w]) | (pIn1[w] & pCtrl[w]);
static inline void Kit_TruthIthVar( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar )
unsigned Masks[5] = { 0xAAAAAAAA, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xF0F0F0F0, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFF0000 };
......@@ -473,11 +488,18 @@ static inline void Kit_TruthIthVar( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar )
extern DdNode * Kit_SopToBdd( DdManager * dd, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nVars );
extern DdNode * Kit_GraphToBdd( DdManager * dd, Kit_Graph_t * pGraph );
extern DdNode * Kit_TruthToBdd( DdManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int fMSBonTop );
/*=== kitCloud.c ==========================================================*/
extern CloudNode * Kit_TruthToCloud( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern unsigned * Kit_CloudToTruth( Vec_Int_t * vNodes, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vStore, int fInv );
extern int Kit_CreateCloud( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * pFunc, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
extern int Kit_CreateCloudFromTruth( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
extern unsigned * Kit_TruthCompose( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned ** pInputs, int nVarsAll, Vec_Ptr_t * vStore, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
extern void Kit_TruthCofSupports( Vec_Int_t * vBddDir, Vec_Int_t * vBddInv, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, unsigned * puSupps );
/*=== kitDsd.c ==========================================================*/
extern Kit_DsdMan_t * Kit_DsdManAlloc( int nVars, int nNodes );
extern void Kit_DsdManFree( Kit_DsdMan_t * p );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdDeriveNtk( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nLutSize );
extern unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned uSupp );
extern unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern void Kit_DsdTruth( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruthRes );
extern void Kit_DsdTruthPartial( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruthRes, unsigned uSupp );
extern void Kit_DsdTruthPartialTwo( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned uSupp, int iVar, unsigned * pTruthCo, unsigned * pTruthDec );
......@@ -485,10 +507,12 @@ extern void Kit_DsdPrint( FILE * pFile, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern void Kit_DsdPrintExpanded( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern void Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdDecompose( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdDecomposeExpand( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdDecomposeMux( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nDecMux );
extern void Kit_DsdVerify( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern void Kit_DsdNtkFree( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern int Kit_DsdNonDsdSizeMax( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern unsigned Kit_DsdNonDsdSupports( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern unsigned Kit_DsdGetSupports( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdExpand( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdShrink( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p, int pPrios[] );
......@@ -548,6 +572,7 @@ extern void Kit_TruthForallNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, i
extern void Kit_TruthForallSet( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned uMask );
extern void Kit_TruthUniqueNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
extern void Kit_TruthMuxVar( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int nVars, int iVar );
extern void Kit_TruthMuxVarPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int nVars, int iVar, int fCompl0 );
extern void Kit_TruthChangePhase( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
extern int Kit_TruthMinCofSuppOverlap( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pVarMin );
extern int Kit_TruthBestCofVar( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1 );
FileName [kitCloud.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName [Computation kit.]
Synopsis [Procedures using BDD package CLOUD.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - Dec 6, 2006.]
Revision [$Id: kitCloud.c,v 1.00 2006/12/06 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "kit.h"
// internal representation of the function to be decomposed
typedef struct Kit_Mux_t_ Kit_Mux_t;
struct Kit_Mux_t_
unsigned v : 5; // variable
unsigned t : 12; // then edge
unsigned e : 12; // else edge
unsigned c : 1; // complemented attr of else edge
unsigned i : 1; // complemented attr of top node
Synopsis [Derive BDD from the truth table for 5 variable functions.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Kit_TruthToCloud5_rec( CloudManager * dd, unsigned uTruth, int nVars, int nVarsAll )
static unsigned uVars[5] = { 0xAAAAAAAA, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xF0F0F0F0, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFF0000 };
CloudNode * pCof0, * pCof1;
unsigned uCof0, uCof1;
assert( nVars <= 5 );
if ( uTruth == 0 )
return dd->zero;
if ( uTruth == ~0 )
return dd->one;
if ( nVars == 1 )
if ( uTruth == uVars[0] )
return dd->vars[nVarsAll-1];
if ( uTruth == ~uVars[0] )
return Cloud_Not(dd->vars[nVarsAll-1]);
assert( 0 );
// Count++;
assert( nVars > 1 );
uCof0 = uTruth & ~uVars[nVars-1];
uCof1 = uTruth & uVars[nVars-1];
uCof0 |= uCof0 << (1<<(nVars-1));
uCof1 |= uCof1 >> (1<<(nVars-1));
if ( uCof0 == uCof1 )
return Kit_TruthToCloud5_rec( dd, uCof0, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
if ( uCof0 == ~uCof1 )
pCof0 = Kit_TruthToCloud5_rec( dd, uCof0, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
pCof1 = Cloud_Not( pCof0 );
pCof0 = Kit_TruthToCloud5_rec( dd, uCof0, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
pCof1 = Kit_TruthToCloud5_rec( dd, uCof1, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
return Cloud_MakeNode( dd, nVarsAll - nVars, pCof1, pCof0 );
Synopsis [Compute BDD for the truth table.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Kit_TruthToCloud_rec( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nVarsAll )
CloudNode * pCof0, * pCof1;
unsigned * pTruth0, * pTruth1;
if ( nVars <= 5 )
return Kit_TruthToCloud5_rec( dd, pTruth[0], nVars, nVarsAll );
if ( Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, nVars) )
return dd->zero;
if ( Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, nVars) )
return dd->one;
// Count++;
pTruth0 = pTruth;
pTruth1 = pTruth + Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars-1);
if ( Kit_TruthIsEqual( pTruth0, pTruth1, nVars - 1 ) )
return Kit_TruthToCloud_rec( dd, pTruth0, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
if ( Kit_TruthIsOpposite( pTruth0, pTruth1, nVars - 1 ) )
pCof0 = Kit_TruthToCloud_rec( dd, pTruth0, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
pCof1 = Cloud_Not( pCof0 );
pCof0 = Kit_TruthToCloud_rec( dd, pTruth0, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
pCof1 = Kit_TruthToCloud_rec( dd, pTruth1, nVars - 1, nVarsAll );
return Cloud_MakeNode( dd, nVarsAll - nVars, pCof1, pCof0 );
Synopsis [Compute BDD for the truth table.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Kit_TruthToCloud( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars )
CloudNode * pRes;
pRes = Kit_TruthToCloud_rec( dd, pTruth, nVars, nVars );
// printf( "%d/%d ", Count, Cloud_DagSize(dd, pRes) );
return pRes;
Synopsis [Transforms the array of BDDs into the integer array.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Kit_CreateCloud( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * pFunc, Vec_Int_t * vNodes )
Kit_Mux_t Mux;
int nNodes, i;
// collect BDD nodes
nNodes = Cloud_DagCollect( dd, pFunc );
if ( nNodes >= (1<<12) ) // because in Kit_Mux_t edge is 12 bit
return 0;
assert( nNodes == Cloud_DagSize( dd, pFunc ) );
assert( nNodes < dd->nNodesLimit );
Vec_IntClear( vNodes );
Vec_IntPush( vNodes, 0 ); // const1 node
dd->ppNodes[0]->s = 0;
for ( i = 1; i < nNodes; i++ )
dd->ppNodes[i]->s = i;
Mux.v = dd->ppNodes[i]->v;
Mux.t = dd->ppNodes[i]->t->s;
Mux.e = Cloud_Regular(dd->ppNodes[i]->e)->s;
Mux.c = Cloud_IsComplement(dd->ppNodes[i]->e);
Mux.i = (i == nNodes - 1)? Cloud_IsComplement(pFunc) : 0;
// put the MUX into the array
Vec_IntPush( vNodes, *((int *)&Mux) );
assert( Vec_IntSize(vNodes) == nNodes );
// reset signatures
for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
dd->ppNodes[i]->s = dd->nSignCur;
return 1;
Synopsis [Transforms the array of BDDs into the integer array.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Kit_CreateCloudFromTruth( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vNodes )
CloudNode * pFunc;
Cloud_Restart( dd );
pFunc = Kit_TruthToCloud( dd, pTruth, nVars );
Vec_IntClear( vNodes );
return Kit_CreateCloud( dd, pFunc, vNodes );
Synopsis [Computes composition of truth tables.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Kit_CloudToTruth( Vec_Int_t * vNodes, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vStore, int fInv )
unsigned * pThis, * pFan0, * pFan1;
Kit_Mux_t Mux;
int i, Entry;
assert( Vec_IntSize(vNodes) <= Vec_PtrSize(vStore) );
pThis = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, 0 );
Kit_TruthFill( pThis, nVars );
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vNodes, Entry, i, 1 )
Mux = *((Kit_Mux_t *)&Entry);
assert( (int)Mux.e < i && (int)Mux.t < i && (int)Mux.v < nVars );
pFan0 = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, Mux.e );
pFan1 = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, Mux.t );
pThis = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, i );
Kit_TruthMuxVarPhase( pThis, pFan0, pFan1, nVars, fInv? Mux.v : nVars-1-Mux.v, Mux.c );
// complement the result
if ( Mux.i )
Kit_TruthNot( pThis, pThis, nVars );
return pThis;
Synopsis [Computes composition of truth tables.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Kit_TruthCompose( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars,
unsigned ** pInputs, int nVarsAll, Vec_Ptr_t * vStore, Vec_Int_t * vNodes )
CloudNode * pFunc;
unsigned * pThis, * pFan0, * pFan1;
Kit_Mux_t Mux;
int i, Entry, RetValue;
// derive BDD from truth table
Cloud_Restart( dd );
pFunc = Kit_TruthToCloud( dd, pTruth, nVars );
// convert it into nodes
RetValue = Kit_CreateCloud( dd, pFunc, vNodes );
if ( RetValue == 0 )
printf( "Kit_TruthCompose(): Internal failure!!!\n" );
// verify the result
// pFan0 = Kit_CloudToTruth( vNodes, nVars, vStore, 0 );
// if ( !Kit_TruthIsEqual( pTruth, pFan0, nVars ) )
// printf( "Failed!\n" );
// compute truth table from the BDD
assert( Vec_IntSize(vNodes) <= Vec_PtrSize(vStore) );
pThis = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, 0 );
Kit_TruthFill( pThis, nVarsAll );
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vNodes, Entry, i, 1 )
Mux = *((Kit_Mux_t *)&Entry);
pFan0 = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, Mux.e );
pFan1 = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, Mux.t );
pThis = Vec_PtrEntry( vStore, i );
Kit_TruthMuxPhase( pThis, pFan0, pFan1, pInputs[nVars-1-Mux.v], nVarsAll, Mux.c );
// complement the result
if ( Mux.i )
Kit_TruthNot( pThis, pThis, nVarsAll );
return pThis;
Synopsis [Compute BDD for the truth table.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Kit_TruthCofSupports( Vec_Int_t * vBddDir, Vec_Int_t * vBddInv, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, unsigned * puSupps )
Kit_Mux_t Mux;
unsigned * puSuppAll, * pThis, * pFan0, * pFan1;
int i, v, Var, Entry, nSupps;
nSupps = 2 * nVars;
// extend storage
if ( Vec_IntSize( vMemory ) < nSupps * Vec_IntSize(vBddDir) )
Vec_IntGrow( vMemory, nSupps * Vec_IntSize(vBddDir) );
puSuppAll = Vec_IntArray( vMemory );
// clear storage for the const node
memset( puSuppAll, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * nSupps );
// compute supports from nodes
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vBddDir, Entry, i, 1 )
Mux = *((Kit_Mux_t *)&Entry);
Var = nVars - 1 - Mux.v;
pFan0 = puSuppAll + nSupps * Mux.e;
pFan1 = puSuppAll + nSupps * Mux.t;
pThis = puSuppAll + nSupps * i;
for ( v = 0; v < nSupps; v++ )
pThis[v] = pFan0[v] | pFan1[v] | (1<<Var);
assert( pFan0[2*Var + 0] == pFan0[2*Var + 1] );
assert( pFan1[2*Var + 0] == pFan1[2*Var + 1] );
pThis[2*Var + 0] = pFan0[2*Var + 0];// | pFan0[2*Var + 1];
pThis[2*Var + 1] = pFan1[2*Var + 0];// | pFan1[2*Var + 1];
// copy the result
memcpy( puSupps, pThis, sizeof(unsigned) * nSupps );
// compute the inverse
// extend storage
if ( Vec_IntSize( vMemory ) < nSupps * Vec_IntSize(vBddInv) )
Vec_IntGrow( vMemory, nSupps * Vec_IntSize(vBddInv) );
puSuppAll = Vec_IntArray( vMemory );
// clear storage for the const node
memset( puSuppAll, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * nSupps );
// compute supports from nodes
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vBddInv, Entry, i, 1 )
Mux = *((Kit_Mux_t *)&Entry);
// Var = nVars - 1 - Mux.v;
Var = Mux.v;
pFan0 = puSuppAll + nSupps * Mux.e;
pFan1 = puSuppAll + nSupps * Mux.t;
pThis = puSuppAll + nSupps * i;
for ( v = 0; v < nSupps; v++ )
pThis[v] = pFan0[v] | pFan1[v] | (1<<Var);
assert( pFan0[2*Var + 0] == pFan0[2*Var + 1] );
assert( pFan1[2*Var + 0] == pFan1[2*Var + 1] );
pThis[2*Var + 0] = pFan0[2*Var + 0];// | pFan0[2*Var + 1];
pThis[2*Var + 1] = pFan1[2*Var + 0];// | pFan1[2*Var + 1];
// merge supports
for ( Var = 0; Var < nSupps; Var++ )
puSupps[Var] = (puSupps[Var] & Kit_BitMask(Var/2)) | (pThis[Var] & ~Kit_BitMask(Var/2));
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -44,10 +44,13 @@ Kit_DsdMan_t * Kit_DsdManAlloc( int nVars, int nNodes )
Kit_DsdMan_t * p;
p = ALLOC( Kit_DsdMan_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Kit_DsdMan_t) );
p->nVars = nVars;
p->nWords = Kit_TruthWordNum( p->nVars );
p->nVars = nVars;
p->nWords = Kit_TruthWordNum( p->nVars );
p->vTtElems = Vec_PtrAllocTruthTables( p->nVars );
p->vTtNodes = Vec_PtrAllocSimInfo( nNodes, p->nWords );
p->dd = Cloud_Init( 16, 13 );
p->vTtBdds = Vec_PtrAllocSimInfo( (1<<12), p->nWords );
p->vNodes = Vec_IntAlloc( 512 );
return p;
......@@ -64,6 +67,9 @@ Kit_DsdMan_t * Kit_DsdManAlloc( int nVars, int nNodes )
void Kit_DsdManFree( Kit_DsdMan_t * p )
Cloud_Quit( p->dd );
Vec_IntFree( p->vNodes );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vTtBdds );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vTtElems );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vTtNodes );
free( p );
......@@ -315,11 +321,140 @@ void Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars )
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Id, unsigned uSupp )
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Id )
Kit_DsdObj_t * pObj;
unsigned * pTruthRes, * pTruthPrime, * pTruthMint, * pTruthFans[16];
unsigned i, m, iLit, nMints, fCompl, nPartial = 0;
unsigned * pTruthRes, * pTruthFans[16], * pTruthTemp;
unsigned i, iLit, fCompl;
// unsigned m, nMints, * pTruthPrime, * pTruthMint;
// get the node with this ID
pObj = Kit_DsdNtkObj( pNtk, Id );
pTruthRes = Vec_PtrEntry( p->vTtNodes, Id );
// special case: literal of an internal node
if ( pObj == NULL )
assert( Id < pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
// constant node
if ( pObj->Type == KIT_DSD_CONST1 )
assert( pObj->nFans == 0 );
Kit_TruthFill( pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
// elementary variable node
if ( pObj->Type == KIT_DSD_VAR )
assert( pObj->nFans == 1 );
iLit = pObj->pFans[0];
pTruthFans[0] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit) );
if ( Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruthRes, pTruthFans[0], pNtk->nVars );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthRes, pTruthFans[0], pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
// collect the truth tables of the fanins
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit) );
// create the truth table
// simple gates
if ( pObj->Type == KIT_DSD_AND )
Kit_TruthFill( pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
Kit_TruthAndPhase( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pTruthFans[i], pNtk->nVars, 0, Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) );
return pTruthRes;
if ( pObj->Type == KIT_DSD_XOR )
Kit_TruthClear( pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
fCompl = 0;
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
Kit_TruthXor( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pTruthFans[i], pNtk->nVars );
fCompl ^= Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit);
if ( fCompl )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
assert( pObj->Type == KIT_DSD_PRIME );
// get the truth table of the prime node
pTruthPrime = Kit_DsdObjTruth( pObj );
// get storage for the temporary minterm
pTruthMint = Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtNodes, pNtk->nVars + pNtk->nNodes);
// go through the minterms
nMints = (1 << pObj->nFans);
Kit_TruthClear( pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
for ( m = 0; m < nMints; m++ )
if ( !Kit_TruthHasBit(pTruthPrime, m) )
Kit_TruthFill( pTruthMint, pNtk->nVars );
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
Kit_TruthAndPhase( pTruthMint, pTruthMint, pTruthFans[i], pNtk->nVars, 0, ((m & (1<<i)) == 0) ^ Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) );
Kit_TruthOr( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pTruthMint, pNtk->nVars );
pTruthTemp = Kit_TruthCompose( p->dd, Kit_DsdObjTruth(pObj), pObj->nFans, pTruthFans, pNtk->nVars, p->vTtBdds, p->vNodes );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthRes, pTruthTemp, pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
Synopsis [Derives the truth table of the DSD network.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk )
unsigned * pTruthRes;
int i;
// assign elementary truth ables
assert( pNtk->nVars <= p->nVars );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pNtk->nVars; i++ )
Kit_TruthCopy( Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtNodes, i), Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtElems, i), p->nVars );
// compute truth table for each node
pTruthRes = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(pNtk->Root) );
// complement the truth table if needed
if ( Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(pNtk->Root) )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
Synopsis [Derives the truth table of the DSD node.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Id, unsigned uSupp )
Kit_DsdObj_t * pObj;
unsigned * pTruthRes, * pTruthFans[16], * pTruthTemp;
unsigned i, iLit, fCompl, nPartial = 0;
// unsigned m, nMints, * pTruthPrime, * pTruthMint;
// get the node with this ID
pObj = Kit_DsdNtkObj( pNtk, Id );
......@@ -347,7 +482,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, i
assert( pObj->nFans == 1 );
iLit = pObj->pFans[0];
assert( Kit_DsdLitIsLeaf( pNtk, iLit ) );
pTruthFans[0] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp );
pTruthFans[0] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp );
if ( Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruthRes, pTruthFans[0], pNtk->nVars );
......@@ -360,7 +495,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, i
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
if ( uSupp != (uSupp & ~Kit_DsdLitSupport(pNtk, iLit)) )
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp );
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp );
pTruthFans[i] = NULL;
......@@ -370,7 +505,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, i
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp );
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp );
// create the truth table
......@@ -410,7 +545,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, i
assert( i < pObj->nFans );
return pTruthFans[i];
// get the truth table of the prime node
pTruthPrime = Kit_DsdObjTruth( pObj );
// get storage for the temporary minterm
......@@ -428,6 +563,9 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, i
Kit_TruthAndPhase( pTruthMint, pTruthMint, pTruthFans[i], pNtk->nVars, 0, ((m & (1<<i)) == 0) ^ Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) );
Kit_TruthOr( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pTruthMint, pNtk->nVars );
pTruthTemp = Kit_TruthCompose( p->dd, Kit_DsdObjTruth(pObj), pObj->nFans, pTruthFans, pNtk->nVars, p->vTtBdds, p->vNodes );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthRes, pTruthTemp, pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
......@@ -442,7 +580,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, i
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned uSupp )
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeOne( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned uSupp )
unsigned * pTruthRes;
int i;
......@@ -454,7 +592,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pNtk->nVars; i++ )
Kit_TruthCopy( Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtNodes, i), Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtElems, i), p->nVars );
// compute truth table for each node
pTruthRes = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(pNtk->Root), uSupp );
pTruthRes = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(pNtk->Root), uSupp );
// complement the truth table if needed
if ( Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(pNtk->Root) )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
......@@ -475,9 +613,10 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned
unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Id, unsigned uSupp, int iVar, unsigned * pTruthDec )
Kit_DsdObj_t * pObj;
unsigned * pTruthRes, * pTruthPrime, * pTruthMint, * pTruthFans[16];
unsigned i, m, iLit, nMints, fCompl, uSuppCur, uSuppFan, nPartial;
int pfBoundSet[16];
unsigned * pTruthRes, * pTruthFans[16], * pTruthTemp;
unsigned i, iLit, fCompl, nPartial, uSuppFan, uSuppCur;
// unsigned m, nMints, * pTruthPrime, * pTruthMint;
assert( uSupp > 0 );
// get the node with this ID
......@@ -507,7 +646,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk
// if there is no intersection, or full intersection, use simple procedure
if ( nPartial == 0 || nPartial == pObj->nFans )
return Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Id, 0 );
return Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Id, 0 );
// if support of the component includes some other variables
// we need to continue constructing it as usual by the two-function procedure
......@@ -520,7 +659,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk
if ( uSupp & Kit_DsdLitSupport(pNtk, iLit) )
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), uSupp, iVar, pTruthDec );
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), 0 );
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), 0 );
// create composition/decomposition functions
......@@ -556,7 +695,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk
// solve the fanins and collect info, which components belong to the bound set
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNode_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), 0 );
pTruthFans[i] = Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeOne_rec( p, pNtk, Kit_DsdLit2Var(iLit), 0 );
pfBoundSet[i] = (int)((uSupp & Kit_DsdLitSupport(pNtk, iLit)) > 0);
......@@ -603,7 +742,7 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk
// set the corresponding component to be the new variable
Kit_TruthIthVar( pTruthFans[i], pNtk->nVars, iVar );
// get the truth table of the prime node
pTruthPrime = Kit_DsdObjTruth( pObj );
// get storage for the temporary minterm
......@@ -621,6 +760,11 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeNodeTwo_rec( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk
Kit_TruthAndPhase( pTruthMint, pTruthMint, pTruthFans[i], pNtk->nVars, 0, ((m & (1<<i)) == 0) ^ Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) );
Kit_TruthOr( pTruthRes, pTruthRes, pTruthMint, pNtk->nVars );
Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )
assert( !Kit_DsdLitIsCompl(iLit) );
pTruthTemp = Kit_TruthCompose( p->dd, Kit_DsdObjTruth(pObj), pObj->nFans, pTruthFans, pNtk->nVars, p->vTtBdds, p->vNodes );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthRes, pTruthTemp, pNtk->nVars );
return pTruthRes;
......@@ -647,12 +791,12 @@ unsigned * Kit_DsdTruthComputeTwo( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsign
if ( (uSupp & uSuppAll) == 0 )
Kit_TruthClear( pTruthDec, pNtk->nVars );
return Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
return Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
// consider special case - support is fully contained
if ( (uSupp & uSuppAll) == uSuppAll )
pTruthRes = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
pTruthRes = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthDec, pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars );
Kit_TruthIthVar( pTruthRes, pNtk->nVars, iVar );
return pTruthRes;
......@@ -684,7 +828,7 @@ void Kit_DsdTruth( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruthRes )
Kit_DsdMan_t * p;
unsigned * pTruth;
p = Kit_DsdManAlloc( pNtk->nVars, Kit_DsdNtkObjNum(pNtk) );
pTruth = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
pTruth = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthRes, pTruth, pNtk->nVars );
Kit_DsdManFree( p );
......@@ -720,7 +864,7 @@ void Kit_DsdTruthPartialTwo( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned uSu
void Kit_DsdTruthPartial( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruthRes, unsigned uSupp )
unsigned * pTruth = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, uSupp );
unsigned * pTruth = Kit_DsdTruthComputeOne( p, pNtk, uSupp );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruthRes, pTruth, pNtk->nVars );
// verification
......@@ -836,6 +980,32 @@ int Kit_DsdNonDsdSizeMax( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk )
return nSizeMax;
Synopsis [Finds the union of supports of the non-DSD blocks.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
unsigned Kit_DsdNonDsdSupports( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk )
Kit_DsdObj_t * pObj;
unsigned i, uSupport = 0;
// FREE( pNtk->pSupps );
Kit_DsdGetSupports( pNtk );
Kit_DsdNtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i )
if ( pObj->Type != KIT_DSD_PRIME )
uSupport |= Kit_DsdLitSupport( pNtk, Kit_DsdVar2Lit(pObj->Id,0) );
return uSupport;
......@@ -1759,6 +1929,26 @@ Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdDecompose( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars )
Synopsis [Performs decomposition of the truth table.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Kit_DsdNtk_t * Kit_DsdDecomposeExpand( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars )
Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, * pTemp;
pNtk = Kit_DsdDecomposeInt( pTruth, nVars, 0 );
pNtk = Kit_DsdExpand( pTemp = pNtk );
Kit_DsdNtkFree( pTemp );
return pNtk;
Synopsis [Performs decomposition of the truth table.]
Description [Uses MUXes to break-down large prime nodes.]
SideEffects []
......@@ -1867,7 +2057,7 @@ int Kit_DsdEval( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nLutSize )
// recompute the truth table
p = Kit_DsdManAlloc( nVars, Kit_DsdNtkObjNum(pNtk) );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
if ( !Extra_TruthIsEqual( pTruth, pTruthC, nVars ) )
printf( "Verification failed.\n" );
Kit_DsdManFree( p );
......@@ -1892,7 +2082,7 @@ void Kit_DsdVerify( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars )
Kit_DsdMan_t * p;
unsigned * pTruthC;
p = Kit_DsdManAlloc( nVars, Kit_DsdNtkObjNum(pNtk)+2 );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
if ( !Extra_TruthIsEqual( pTruth, pTruthC, nVars ) )
printf( "Verification failed.\n" );
Kit_DsdManFree( p );
......@@ -1934,7 +2124,7 @@ void Kit_DsdTest( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars )
// recompute the truth table
p = Kit_DsdManAlloc( nVars, Kit_DsdNtkObjNum(pNtk) );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
// Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, pTruth, 1 << nVars ); printf( "\n" );
// Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, pTruthC, 1 << nVars ); printf( "\n" );
if ( Extra_TruthIsEqual( pTruth, pTruthC, nVars ) )
......@@ -2004,7 +2194,7 @@ void Kit_DsdPrecompute4Vars()
p = Kit_DsdManAlloc( 4, Kit_DsdNtkObjNum(pNtk) );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk, 0 );
pTruthC = Kit_DsdTruthCompute( p, pNtk );
if ( !Extra_TruthIsEqual( &uTruth, pTruthC, 4 ) )
printf( "Verification failed.\n" );
Kit_DsdManFree( p );
......@@ -901,6 +901,68 @@ void Kit_TruthMuxVar( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int n
Synopsis [Multiplexes two functions with the given variable.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Kit_TruthMuxVarPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int nVars, int iVar, int fCompl0 )
int nWords = Kit_TruthWordNum( nVars );
int i, k, Step;
if ( fCompl0 == 0 )
Kit_TruthMuxVar( pOut, pCof0, pCof1, nVars, iVar );
assert( iVar < nVars );
switch ( iVar )
case 0:
for ( i = 0; i < nWords; i++ )
pOut[i] = (~pCof0[i] & 0x55555555) | (pCof1[i] & 0xAAAAAAAA);
case 1:
for ( i = 0; i < nWords; i++ )
pOut[i] = (~pCof0[i] & 0x33333333) | (pCof1[i] & 0xCCCCCCCC);
case 2:
for ( i = 0; i < nWords; i++ )
pOut[i] = (~pCof0[i] & 0x0F0F0F0F) | (pCof1[i] & 0xF0F0F0F0);
case 3:
for ( i = 0; i < nWords; i++ )
pOut[i] = (~pCof0[i] & 0x00FF00FF) | (pCof1[i] & 0xFF00FF00);
case 4:
for ( i = 0; i < nWords; i++ )
pOut[i] = (~pCof0[i] & 0x0000FFFF) | (pCof1[i] & 0xFFFF0000);
Step = (1 << (iVar - 5));
for ( k = 0; k < nWords; k += 2*Step )
for ( i = 0; i < Step; i++ )
pOut[i] = ~pCof0[i];
pOut[Step+i] = pCof1[Step+i];
pOut += 2*Step;
pCof0 += 2*Step;
pCof1 += 2*Step;
Synopsis [Checks symmetry of two variables.]
Description []
......@@ -1623,7 +1685,7 @@ char * Kit_TruthDumpToFile( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nFile )
static char pFileName[100];
FILE * pFile;
sprintf( pFileName, "s%03d", nFile );
sprintf( pFileName, "tt\\s%04d", nFile );
pFile = fopen( pFileName, "w" );
fprintf( pFile, "rt " );
Extra_PrintHexadecimal( pFile, pTruth, nVars );
SRC += src/aig/kit/kitBdd.c \
src/aig/kit/kitCloud.c src/aig/kit/cloud.c \
src/aig/kit/kitDsd.c \
src/aig/kit/kitFactor.c \
src/aig/kit/kitGraph.c \
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ static int Abc_NodeRefDerefStop( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, bool fReference );
int Abc_NodeMffcSize( Abc_Obj_t * pNode )
int nConeSize1, nConeSize2;
assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNode->pNtk) );
assert( !Abc_ObjIsComplement( pNode ) );
// assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNode->pNtk) );
// assert( !Abc_ObjIsComplement( pNode ) );
assert( Abc_ObjIsNode( pNode ) );
if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) == 0 )
return 0;
......@@ -2979,22 +2979,20 @@ int Abc_CommandLutpack( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
// printf("This command will be available soon\n");
// return 0;
// set defaults
memset( pPars, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Par_t) );
pPars->nLutsMax = 4; // (N) the maximum number of LUTs in the structure
pPars->nLutsOver = 3; // (Q) the maximum number of LUTs not in the MFFC
pPars->nVarsShared = 0; // (S) the maximum number of shared variables (crossbars)
pPars->nGrowthLevel = 1; // (L) the maximum number of increased levels
pPars->nGrowthLevel = 0; // (L) the maximum number of increased levels
pPars->fSatur = 1;
pPars->fZeroCost = 0;
pPars->fFirst = 0;
pPars->fOldAlgo = 0;
pPars->fVerbose = 0;
pPars->fVeryVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "NQSLszfvwh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "NQSLszfovwh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
......@@ -3051,6 +3049,9 @@ int Abc_CommandLutpack( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
case 'f':
pPars->fFirst ^= 1;
case 'o':
pPars->fOldAlgo ^= 1;
case 'v':
pPars->fVerbose ^= 1;
......@@ -3074,6 +3075,11 @@ int Abc_CommandLutpack( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
fprintf( pErr, "This command can only be applied to a logic network.\n" );
return 1;
if ( pPars->nVarsShared < 0 || pPars->nVarsShared > 3 )
fprintf( pErr, "The number of shared variables (%d) is not in the range 0 <= S <= 3.\n", pPars->nVarsShared );
return 1;
// modify the current network
if ( !Lpk_Resynthesize( pNtk, pPars ) )
......@@ -3084,17 +3090,18 @@ int Abc_CommandLutpack( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
return 0;
fprintf( pErr, "usage: lutpack [-N <num>] [-Q <num>] [-S <num>] [-L <num>] [-szfvwh]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "usage: lutpack [-N <num>] [-Q <num>] [-S <num>] [-L <num>] [-szfovwh]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t performs \"rewriting\" for LUT networks\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-N <num> : the max number of LUTs in the structure (2 <= num) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nLutsMax );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-Q <num> : the max number of LUTs not in MFFC (0 <= num) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nLutsOver );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-S <num> : the max number of LUT inputs shared (0 <= num) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nVarsShared );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-S <num> : the max number of LUT inputs shared (0 <= num <= 3) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nVarsShared );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-L <num> : the largest increase in node level after resynthesis (0 <= num) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nGrowthLevel );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-s : toggle iteration till saturation [default = %s]\n", pPars->fSatur? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-z : toggle zero-cost replacements [default = %s]\n", pPars->fZeroCost? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-f : toggle using only first node and first cut [default = %s]\n", pPars->fFirst? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-o : toggle using old implementation [default = %s]\n", pPars->fOldAlgo? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggle verbose printout [default = %s]\n", pPars->fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-w : toggle printout subgraph statistics [default = %s]\n", pPars->fVeryVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-w : toggle detailed printout of decomposed functions [default = %s]\n", pPars->fVeryVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ static inline void Vec_StrPush( Vec_Str_t * p, char Entry )
SeeAlso []
static inline Vec_StrBase10Log( unsigned Num )
static inline int Vec_StrBase10Log( unsigned Num )
int Res;
assert( Num >= 0 );
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ struct Lpk_Par_t_
int fSatur; // iterate till saturation
int fZeroCost; // accept zero-cost replacements
int fFirst; // use root node and first cut only
int fOldAlgo; // use old algorithm
int fVerbose; // the verbosiness flag
int fVeryVerbose; // additional verbose info printout
// internal parameters
......@@ -39,17 +39,21 @@
SeeAlso []
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_ImplementFun( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, Lpk_Fun_t * p )
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_ImplementFun( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, Lpk_Fun_t * p )
extern Hop_Obj_t * Kit_TruthToHop( Hop_Man_t * pMan, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
unsigned * pTruth;
Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew;
int i;
if ( p->fMark )
// create the new node
pObjNew = Abc_NtkCreateNode( pNtk );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)p->nVars; i++ )
Abc_ObjAddFanin( pObjNew, Vec_PtrEntry(vLeaves, p->pFanins[i]) );
Abc_ObjLevelNew( pObjNew );
Abc_ObjAddFanin( pObjNew, Abc_ObjRegular(Vec_PtrEntry(vLeaves, p->pFanins[i])) );
Abc_ObjSetLevel( pObjNew, Abc_ObjLevelNew(pObjNew) );
// assign the node's function
pTruth = Lpk_FunTruth(p, 0);
if ( p->nVars == 0 )
......@@ -78,18 +82,48 @@ Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_ImplementFun( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, Lpk_Fun_t *
SeeAlso []
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Implement( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, int nLeavesOld )
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Implement_rec( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, Lpk_Fun_t * pFun )
Lpk_Fun_t * pFun;
Abc_Obj_t * pRes;
Abc_Obj_t * pFanin, * pRes;
int i;
for ( i = Vec_PtrSize(vLeaves) - 1; i >= nLeavesOld; i-- )
// prepare the leaves of the function
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pFun->nVars; i++ )
pFun = Vec_PtrEntry( vLeaves, i );
pRes = Lpk_ImplementFun( pNtk, vLeaves, pFun );
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vLeaves, i, pRes );
Lpk_FunFree( pFun );
pFanin = Vec_PtrEntry( vLeaves, pFun->pFanins[i] );
if ( !Abc_ObjIsComplement(pFanin) )
Lpk_Implement_rec( pMan, pNtk, vLeaves, (Lpk_Fun_t *)pFanin );
pFanin = Vec_PtrEntry( vLeaves, pFun->pFanins[i] );
assert( Abc_ObjIsComplement(pFanin) );
// construct the function
pRes = Lpk_ImplementFun( pMan, pNtk, vLeaves, pFun );
// replace the function
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vLeaves, pFun->Id, Abc_ObjNot(pRes) );
Lpk_FunFree( pFun );
return pRes;
Synopsis [Implements the function.]
Description [Returns the node implementing this function.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Implement( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, int nLeavesOld )
Abc_Obj_t * pFanin, * pRes;
int i;
assert( nLeavesOld < Vec_PtrSize(vLeaves) );
// mark implemented nodes
Vec_PtrForEachEntryStop( vLeaves, pFanin, i, nLeavesOld )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vLeaves, i, Abc_ObjNot(pFanin) );
// recursively construct starting from the first entry
pRes = Lpk_Implement_rec( pMan, pNtk, vLeaves, Vec_PtrEntry( vLeaves, nLeavesOld ) );
Vec_PtrShrink( vLeaves, nLeavesOld );
return pRes;
......@@ -107,10 +141,13 @@ Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Implement( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, int nLeavesOld
SeeAlso []
int Lpk_Decompose_rec( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
int Lpk_Decompose_rec( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p )
static Lpk_Res_t Res0, * pRes0 = &Res0;
Lpk_Res_t * pResMux, * pResDsd;
Lpk_Fun_t * p2;
int clk;
// is only called for non-trivial blocks
assert( p->nLutK >= 3 && p->nLutK <= 6 );
assert( p->nVars > p->nLutK );
......@@ -120,18 +157,37 @@ int Lpk_Decompose_rec( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
// skip if delay bound is exceeded
if ( Lpk_SuppDelay(p->uSupp, p->pDelays) > (int)p->nDelayLim )
return 0;
// compute supports if needed
if ( !p->fSupports )
Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( p );
// check DSD decomposition
clk = clock();
pResDsd = Lpk_DsdAnalize( pMan, p, pMan->pPars->nVarsShared );
pMan->timeEvalDsdAn += clock() - clk;
if ( pResDsd && (pResDsd->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK || pResDsd->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 1) &&
pResDsd->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim && pResDsd->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim )
clk = clock();
p2 = Lpk_DsdSplit( pMan, p, pResDsd->pCofVars, pResDsd->nCofVars, pResDsd->BSVars );
pMan->timeEvalDsdSp += clock() - clk;
assert( p2->nVars <= (int)p->nLutK );
if ( p->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( pMan, p ) )
return 0;
return 1;
// check MUX decomposition
pResMux = Lpk_MuxAnalize( p );
clk = clock();
pResMux = Lpk_MuxAnalize( pMan, p );
pMan->timeEvalMuxAn += clock() - clk;
// pResMux = NULL;
assert( !pResMux || (pResMux->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim && pResMux->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim) );
// accept MUX decomposition if it is "good"
if ( pResMux && pResMux->nSuppSizeS <= (int)p->nLutK && pResMux->nSuppSizeL <= (int)p->nLutK )
pResDsd = NULL;
pResDsd = Lpk_DsdAnalize( p );
assert( !pResDsd || (pResDsd->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim && pResDsd->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim) );
if ( pResMux && pResDsd )
else if ( pResMux && pResDsd )
// compare two decompositions
if ( pResMux->AreaEst < pResDsd->AreaEst ||
......@@ -144,18 +200,22 @@ int Lpk_Decompose_rec( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
assert( pResMux == NULL || pResDsd == NULL );
if ( pResMux )
p2 = Lpk_MuxSplit( p, pResMux->pCofVars[0], pResMux->Polarity );
if ( p2->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( p2 ) )
clk = clock();
p2 = Lpk_MuxSplit( pMan, p, pResMux->Variable, pResMux->Polarity );
pMan->timeEvalMuxSp += clock() - clk;
if ( p2->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( pMan, p2 ) )
return 0;
if ( p->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( p ) )
if ( p->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( pMan, p ) )
return 0;
return 1;
if ( pResDsd )
p2 = Lpk_DsdSplit( p, pResDsd->pCofVars, pResDsd->nCofVars, pResDsd->BSVars );
clk = clock();
p2 = Lpk_DsdSplit( pMan, p, pResDsd->pCofVars, pResDsd->nCofVars, pResDsd->BSVars );
pMan->timeEvalDsdSp += clock() - clk;
assert( p2->nVars <= (int)p->nLutK );
if ( p->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( p ) )
if ( p->nVars > p->nLutK && !Lpk_Decompose_rec( pMan, p ) )
return 0;
return 1;
......@@ -193,17 +253,31 @@ void Lpk_DecomposeClean( Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, int nLeavesOld )
SeeAlso []
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Decompose( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, unsigned * pTruth, int nLutK, int AreaLim, int DelayLim )
Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Decompose( Lpk_Man_t * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, unsigned * pTruth, unsigned * puSupps, int nLutK, int AreaLim, int DelayLim )
Lpk_Fun_t * pFun;
Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew = NULL;
int nLeaves = Vec_PtrSize( vLeaves );
pFun = Lpk_FunCreate( pNtk, vLeaves, pTruth, nLutK, AreaLim, DelayLim );
if ( puSupps[0] || puSupps[1] )
int i;
Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( pFun );
for ( i = 0; i < nLeaves; i++ )
assert( pFun->puSupps[2*i+0] == puSupps[2*i+0] );
assert( pFun->puSupps[2*i+1] == puSupps[2*i+1] );
memcpy( pFun->puSupps, puSupps, sizeof(unsigned) * 2 * nLeaves );
pFun->fSupports = 1;
Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( pFun );
if ( pFun->nVars <= pFun->nLutK )
pObjNew = Lpk_ImplementFun( pNtk, vLeaves, pFun );
else if ( Lpk_Decompose_rec(pFun) )
pObjNew = Lpk_Implement( pNtk, vLeaves, nLeaves );
pObjNew = Lpk_ImplementFun( p, pNtk, vLeaves, pFun );
else if ( Lpk_Decompose_rec(p, pFun) )
pObjNew = Lpk_Implement( p, pNtk, vLeaves, nLeaves );
Lpk_DecomposeClean( vLeaves, nLeaves );
return pObjNew;
......@@ -41,27 +41,37 @@
SeeAlso []
int Lpk_FunComputeMinSuppSizeVar( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned ** ppTruths, int nTruths, unsigned ** ppCofs )
int Lpk_FunComputeMinSuppSizeVar( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned ** ppTruths, int nTruths, unsigned ** ppCofs, unsigned uNonDecSupp )
int i, Var, VarBest, nSuppSize0, nSuppSize1, nSuppTotalMin, nSuppTotalCur, nSuppMaxMin, nSuppMaxCur;
assert( nTruths > 0 );
VarBest = -1;
Lpk_SuppForEachVar( p->uSupp, Var )
if ( (uNonDecSupp & (1 << Var)) == 0 )
nSuppMaxCur = 0;
nSuppTotalCur = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nTruths; i++ )
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( ppCofs[2*i+0], ppTruths[i], p->nVars, Var );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( ppCofs[2*i+1], ppTruths[i], p->nVars, Var );
nSuppSize0 = Kit_TruthSupportSize( ppCofs[2*i+0], p->nVars );
nSuppSize1 = Kit_TruthSupportSize( ppCofs[2*i+1], p->nVars );
if ( nTruths == 1 )
nSuppSize0 = Kit_WordCountOnes( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] );
nSuppSize1 = Kit_WordCountOnes( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] );
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( ppCofs[2*i+0], ppTruths[i], p->nVars, Var );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( ppCofs[2*i+1], ppTruths[i], p->nVars, Var );
nSuppSize0 = Kit_TruthSupportSize( ppCofs[2*i+0], p->nVars );
nSuppSize1 = Kit_TruthSupportSize( ppCofs[2*i+1], p->nVars );
nSuppMaxCur = ABC_MAX( nSuppMaxCur, nSuppSize0 );
nSuppMaxCur = ABC_MAX( nSuppMaxCur, nSuppSize1 );
nSuppTotalCur += nSuppSize0 + nSuppSize1;
if ( VarBest == -1 || nSuppTotalMin > nSuppTotalCur ||
(nSuppTotalMin == nSuppTotalCur && nSuppMaxMin > nSuppMaxCur) )
if ( VarBest == -1 || nSuppMaxMin > nSuppMaxCur ||
(nSuppMaxMin == nSuppMaxCur && nSuppTotalMin > nSuppTotalCur) )
VarBest = Var;
nSuppMaxMin = nSuppMaxCur;
......@@ -175,6 +185,49 @@ Vec_Int_t * Lpk_ComputeBoundSets( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p, int nSizeMax )
Synopsis [Prints the sets of subsets.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static void Lpk_PrintSetOne( int uSupport )
unsigned k;
for ( k = 0; k < 16; k++ )
if ( uSupport & (1<<k) )
printf( "%c", 'a'+k );
printf( " " );
Synopsis [Prints the sets of subsets.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static void Lpk_PrintSets( Vec_Int_t * vSets )
unsigned uSupport;
int Number, i;
printf( "Subsets(%d): ", Vec_IntSize(vSets) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vSets, Number, i )
uSupport = Number;
Lpk_PrintSetOne( uSupport );
printf( "\n" );
Synopsis [Merges two bound sets.]
Description []
......@@ -196,7 +249,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Lpk_MergeBoundSets( Vec_Int_t * vSets0, Vec_Int_t * vSets1, int nSiz
Entry = Entry0 | Entry1;
if ( (Entry & (Entry >> 16)) )
if ( Kit_WordCountOnes(Entry) <= nSizeMax )
if ( Kit_WordCountOnes(Entry & 0xffff) <= nSizeMax )
Vec_IntPush( vSets, Entry );
return vSets;
......@@ -204,7 +257,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Lpk_MergeBoundSets( Vec_Int_t * vSets0, Vec_Int_t * vSets1, int nSiz
Synopsis [Allocates truth tables for cofactors.]
Synopsis [Performs DSD-based decomposition of the function.]
Description []
......@@ -213,39 +266,69 @@ Vec_Int_t * Lpk_MergeBoundSets( Vec_Int_t * vSets0, Vec_Int_t * vSets1, int nSiz
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_FunAllocTruthTables( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nCofDepth, unsigned * ppTruths[5][16] )
void Lpk_FunCompareBoundSets( Lpk_Fun_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vBSets, int nCofDepth, unsigned uNonDecSupp, unsigned uLateArrSupp, Lpk_Res_t * pRes )
int i;
assert( nCofDepth <= 4 );
ppTruths[0][0] = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 );
if ( nCofDepth >= 1 )
ppTruths[1][0] = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 1 );
ppTruths[1][1] = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 2 );
if ( nCofDepth >= 2 )
ppTruths[2][0] = ALLOC( unsigned, Kit_TruthWordNum(p->nVars) * 4 );
for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
ppTruths[2][i] = ppTruths[2][0] + Kit_TruthWordNum(p->nVars) * i;
if ( nCofDepth >= 3 )
int fVerbose = 0;
unsigned uBoundSet;
int i, nVarsBS, nVarsRem, Delay, Area;
// compare the resulting boundsets
memset( pRes, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vBSets, uBoundSet, i )
ppTruths[3][0] = ALLOC( unsigned, Kit_TruthWordNum(p->nVars) * 8 );
for ( i = 1; i < 8; i++ )
ppTruths[3][i] = ppTruths[3][0] + Kit_TruthWordNum(p->nVars) * i;
if ( (uBoundSet & 0xFFFF) == 0 ) // skip empty boundset
if ( (uBoundSet & uNonDecSupp) == 0 ) // skip those boundsets that are not in the domain of interest
if ( (uBoundSet & uLateArrSupp) ) // skip those boundsets that are late arriving
if ( fVerbose )
Lpk_PrintSetOne( uBoundSet );
assert( (uBoundSet & (uBoundSet >> 16)) == 0 );
nVarsBS = Kit_WordCountOnes( uBoundSet & 0xFFFF );
if ( nVarsBS == 1 )
assert( nVarsBS <= (int)p->nLutK - nCofDepth );
nVarsRem = p->nVars - nVarsBS + 1;
Area = 1 + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nVarsRem, p->nLutK );
Delay = 1 + Lpk_SuppDelay( uBoundSet & 0xFFFF, p->pDelays );
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "area = %d limit = %d delay = %d limit = %d\n", Area, (int)p->nAreaLim, Delay, (int)p->nDelayLim );
if ( Area > (int)p->nAreaLim || Delay > (int)p->nDelayLim )
if ( pRes->BSVars == 0 || pRes->nSuppSizeL > nVarsRem || (pRes->nSuppSizeL == nVarsRem && pRes->DelayEst > Delay) )
pRes->nBSVars = nVarsBS;
pRes->BSVars = (uBoundSet & 0xFFFF);
pRes->nSuppSizeS = nVarsBS + nCofDepth;
pRes->nSuppSizeL = nVarsRem;
pRes->DelayEst = Delay;
pRes->AreaEst = Area;
if ( nCofDepth >= 4 )
if ( fVerbose )
if ( pRes->BSVars )
printf( "Found bound set " );
Lpk_PrintSetOne( pRes->BSVars );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Did not find boundsets.\n" );
printf( "\n" );
if ( pRes->BSVars )
ppTruths[4][0] = ALLOC( unsigned, Kit_TruthWordNum(p->nVars) * 16 );
for ( i = 1; i < 16; i++ )
ppTruths[4][i] = ppTruths[4][0] + Kit_TruthWordNum(p->nVars) * i;
assert( pRes->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim );
assert( pRes->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim );
Synopsis [Allocates truth tables for cofactors.]
Synopsis [Finds late arriving inputs, which cannot be in the bound set.]
Description []
......@@ -254,14 +337,13 @@ void Lpk_FunAllocTruthTables( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nCofDepth, unsigned * ppTruths[
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_FunFreeTruthTables( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nCofDepth, unsigned * ppTruths[5][16] )
unsigned Lpk_DsdLateArriving( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
if ( nCofDepth >= 2 )
free( ppTruths[2][0] );
if ( nCofDepth >= 3 )
free( ppTruths[3][0] );
if ( nCofDepth >= 4 )
free( ppTruths[4][0] );
unsigned i, uLateArrSupp = 0;
Lpk_SuppForEachVar( p->uSupp, i )
if ( p->pDelays[i] > (int)p->nDelayLim - 2 )
uLateArrSupp |= (1 << i);
return uLateArrSupp;
......@@ -275,58 +357,73 @@ void Lpk_FunFreeTruthTables( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nCofDepth, unsigned * ppTruths[5
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nCofDepth, Lpk_Res_t * pRes )
int Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned * ppTruths[5][16], Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtks[], char pCofVars[], int nCofDepth, Lpk_Res_t * pRes )
unsigned * ppTruths[5][16];
int fVerbose = 0;
Vec_Int_t * pvBSets[4][8];
Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtkDec, * pTemp;
unsigned uBoundSet;
int i, k, nVarsBS, nVarsRem, Delay, Area;
assert( nCofDepth >= 0 && nCofDepth < 4 );
unsigned uNonDecSupp, uLateArrSupp;
int i, k, nNonDecSize, nNonDecSizeMax;
assert( nCofDepth >= 1 && nCofDepth <= 3 );
assert( nCofDepth < (int)p->nLutK - 1 );
Lpk_FunAllocTruthTables( p, nCofDepth, ppTruths );
// find the best cofactors
memset( pRes, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
pRes->nCofVars = nCofDepth;
for ( i = 0; i < nCofDepth; i++ )
pRes->pCofVars[i] = Lpk_FunComputeMinSuppSizeVar( p, ppTruths[i], 1<<i, ppTruths[i+1] );
assert( p->fSupports );
// find the support of the largest non-DSD block
nNonDecSizeMax = 0;
uNonDecSupp = p->uSupp;
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<(nCofDepth-1)); i++ )
nNonDecSize = Kit_DsdNonDsdSizeMax( pNtks[i] );
if ( nNonDecSizeMax < nNonDecSize )
nNonDecSizeMax = nNonDecSize;
uNonDecSupp = Kit_DsdNonDsdSupports( pNtks[i] );
else if ( nNonDecSizeMax == nNonDecSize )
uNonDecSupp |= Kit_DsdNonDsdSupports( pNtks[i] );
// remove those variables that cannot be used because of delay constraints
// if variables arrival time is more than p->DelayLim - 2, it cannot be used
uLateArrSupp = Lpk_DsdLateArriving( p );
if ( (uNonDecSupp & ~uLateArrSupp) == 0 )
memset( pRes, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
return 0;
// find the next cofactoring variable
pCofVars[nCofDepth-1] = Lpk_FunComputeMinSuppSizeVar( p, ppTruths[nCofDepth-1], 1<<(nCofDepth-1), ppTruths[nCofDepth], uNonDecSupp & ~uLateArrSupp );
// derive decomposed networks
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<nCofDepth); i++ )
pNtkDec = Kit_DsdDecompose( ppTruths[nCofDepth][i], p->nVars );
pNtkDec = Kit_DsdExpand( pTemp = pNtkDec ); Kit_DsdNtkFree( pTemp );
pvBSets[nCofDepth][i] = Lpk_ComputeBoundSets( pNtkDec, p->nLutK - nCofDepth );
Kit_DsdNtkFree( pNtkDec );
if ( pNtks[i] )
Kit_DsdNtkFree( pNtks[i] );
pNtks[i] = Kit_DsdDecomposeExpand( ppTruths[nCofDepth][i], p->nVars );
if ( fVerbose )
Kit_DsdPrint( stdout, pNtks[i] );
pvBSets[nCofDepth][i] = Lpk_ComputeBoundSets( pNtks[i], p->nLutK - nCofDepth ); // try restricting to those in uNonDecSupp!!!
// derive the set of feasible boundsets
for ( i = nCofDepth - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( k = 0; k < (1<<i); k++ )
pvBSets[i][k] = Lpk_MergeBoundSets( pvBSets[i+1][2*k+0], pvBSets[i+1][2*k+1], p->nLutK - nCofDepth );
// compare the resulting boundsets
Vec_IntForEachEntry( pvBSets[0][0], uBoundSet, i )
// compare bound-sets
Lpk_FunCompareBoundSets( p, pvBSets[0][0], nCofDepth, uNonDecSupp, uLateArrSupp, pRes );
// free the bound sets
for ( i = nCofDepth; i >= 0; i-- )
for ( k = 0; k < (1<<i); k++ )
Vec_IntFree( pvBSets[i][k] );
// copy the cofactoring variables
if ( pRes->BSVars )
if ( uBoundSet == 0 )
assert( (uBoundSet & (uBoundSet >> 16)) == 0 );
nVarsBS = Kit_WordCountOnes( uBoundSet & 0xFFFF );
assert( nVarsBS <= (int)p->nLutK - nCofDepth );
nVarsRem = p->nVars - nVarsBS + nCofDepth + 1;
Area = 1 + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nVarsRem, p->nLutK );
Delay = 1 + Lpk_SuppDelay( uBoundSet & 0xFFFF, p->pDelays );
if ( Area > (int)p->nAreaLim || Delay > (int)p->nDelayLim )
if ( pRes->BSVars == 0 || pRes->DelayEst > Delay || pRes->DelayEst == Delay && pRes->nSuppSizeL > nVarsRem )
pRes->nBSVars = nVarsBS;
pRes->BSVars = uBoundSet;
pRes->nSuppSizeS = nVarsBS;
pRes->nSuppSizeL = nVarsRem;
pRes->DelayEst = Delay;
pRes->AreaEst = Area;
pRes->nCofVars = nCofDepth;
for ( i = 0; i < nCofDepth; i++ )
pRes->pCofVars[i] = pCofVars[i];
// free cofactor storage
Lpk_FunFreeTruthTables( p, nCofDepth, ppTruths );
return 1;
......@@ -340,47 +437,105 @@ void Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nCofDepth, Lpk_Res_t * pRes )
SeeAlso []
Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_DsdAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_DsdAnalize( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nShared )
static Lpk_Res_t Res0, * pRes0 = &Res0;
static Lpk_Res_t Res1, * pRes1 = &Res1;
static Lpk_Res_t Res2, * pRes2 = &Res2;
static Lpk_Res_t Res3, * pRes3 = &Res3;
memset( pRes0, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
memset( pRes1, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
memset( pRes2, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
memset( pRes3, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
int fUseBackLooking = 1;
Lpk_Res_t * pRes = NULL;
Vec_Int_t * vBSets;
Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtks[8] = {NULL};
char pCofVars[5];
int i;
assert( p->nLutK >= 3 );
assert( nShared >= 0 && nShared <= 3 );
assert( p->uSupp == Kit_BitMask(p->nVars) );
// try decomposition without cofactoring
Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, 0, pRes0 );
if ( pRes0->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK && pRes0->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim && pRes0->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim )
return pRes0;
pNtks[0] = Kit_DsdDecomposeExpand( Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 ), p->nVars );
if ( pMan->pPars->fVerbose )
pMan->nBlocks[ Kit_DsdNonDsdSizeMax(pNtks[0]) ]++;
vBSets = Lpk_ComputeBoundSets( pNtks[0], p->nLutK );
Lpk_FunCompareBoundSets( p, vBSets, 0, 0xFFFF, Lpk_DsdLateArriving(p), pRes0 );
Vec_IntFree( vBSets );
// check the result
if ( pRes0->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK )
{ pRes = pRes0; goto finish; }
if ( pRes0->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 1 )
{ pRes = pRes0; goto finish; }
if ( nShared == 0 )
goto finish;
// prepare storage
Kit_TruthCopy( pMan->ppTruths[0][0], Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 ), p->nVars );
// cofactor 1 time
if ( p->nLutK >= 3 )
Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, 1, pRes1 );
if ( !Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, pMan->ppTruths, pNtks, pCofVars, 1, pRes1 ) )
goto finish;
assert( pRes1->nBSVars <= (int)p->nLutK - 1 );
if ( pRes1->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 1 && pRes1->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim && pRes1->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim )
return pRes1;
if ( pRes1->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 1 )
{ pRes = pRes1; goto finish; }
if ( pRes0->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 2 )
{ pRes = pRes0; goto finish; }
if ( pRes1->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 2 )
{ pRes = pRes1; goto finish; }
if ( nShared == 1 )
goto finish;
// cofactor 2 times
if ( p->nLutK >= 4 )
Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, 2, pRes2 );
assert( pRes2->nBSVars <= (int)p->nLutK - 2 );
if ( pRes2->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 2 && pRes2->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim && pRes2->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim )
return pRes2;
if ( !Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, pMan->ppTruths, pNtks, pCofVars, 2, pRes2 ) )
goto finish;
assert( pRes2->nBSVars <= (int)p->nLutK - 2 );
if ( pRes2->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 2 )
{ pRes = pRes2; goto finish; }
if ( fUseBackLooking )
if ( pRes0->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 3 )
{ pRes = pRes0; goto finish; }
if ( pRes1->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 3 )
{ pRes = pRes1; goto finish; }
if ( pRes2->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 3 )
{ pRes = pRes2; goto finish; }
if ( nShared == 2 )
goto finish;
assert( nShared == 3 );
// cofactor 3 times
if ( p->nLutK >= 5 )
Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, 3, pRes3 );
assert( pRes3->nBSVars <= (int)p->nLutK - 3 );
if ( pRes3->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 3 && pRes3->AreaEst <= (int)p->nAreaLim && pRes3->DelayEst <= (int)p->nDelayLim )
return pRes3;
if ( !Lpk_DsdAnalizeOne( p, pMan->ppTruths, pNtks, pCofVars, 3, pRes3 ) )
goto finish;
assert( pRes3->nBSVars <= (int)p->nLutK - 3 );
if ( pRes3->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 3 )
{ pRes = pRes3; goto finish; }
if ( fUseBackLooking )
if ( pRes0->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 4 )
{ pRes = pRes0; goto finish; }
if ( pRes1->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 4 )
{ pRes = pRes1; goto finish; }
if ( pRes2->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 4 )
{ pRes = pRes2; goto finish; }
if ( pRes3->nBSVars == (int)p->nLutK - 4 )
{ pRes = pRes3; goto finish; }
// free the networks
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<nShared); i++ )
if ( pNtks[i] )
Kit_DsdNtkFree( pNtks[i] );
// choose the best under these conditions
return NULL;
return pRes;
......@@ -394,62 +549,50 @@ Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_DsdAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
SeeAlso []
Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_DsdSplit( Lpk_Fun_t * p, char * pCofVars, int nCofVars, unsigned uBoundSet )
Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_DsdSplit( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p, char * pCofVars, int nCofVars, unsigned uBoundSet )
Lpk_Fun_t * pNew;
Kit_DsdMan_t * pDsdMan;
Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtkDec, * pTemp;
unsigned * pTruth = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 );
unsigned * pTruth0 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 1 );
unsigned * pTruth1 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 2 );
unsigned * ppTruths[5][16];
char pBSVars[5];
int i, k, nVars, iVacVar, nCofs;
// get the bound set variables
nVars = Lpk_SuppToVars( uBoundSet, pBSVars );
Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtkDec;
int i, k, iVacVar, nCofs;
// prepare storage
Kit_TruthCopy( pMan->ppTruths[0][0], Lpk_FunTruth(p, 0), p->nVars );
// get the vacuous variable
iVacVar = pBSVars[0];
iVacVar = Kit_WordFindFirstBit( uBoundSet );
// compute the cofactors
Lpk_FunAllocTruthTables( p, nCofVars + 1, ppTruths );
for ( i = 0; i < nCofVars; i++ )
for ( k = 0; k < (1<<i); k++ )
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( ppTruths[i+1][2*k+0], ppTruths[i][k], p->nVars, pCofVars[i] );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( ppTruths[i+1][2*k+1], ppTruths[i][k], p->nVars, pCofVars[i] );
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( pMan->ppTruths[i+1][2*k+0], pMan->ppTruths[i][k], p->nVars, pCofVars[i] );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( pMan->ppTruths[i+1][2*k+1], pMan->ppTruths[i][k], p->nVars, pCofVars[i] );
// decompose each cofactor w.r.t. the bound set
nCofs = (1<<nCofVars);
pDsdMan = Kit_DsdManAlloc( p->nVars, p->nVars * 2 );
for ( k = 0; k < nCofs; k++ )
pNtkDec = Kit_DsdDecompose( ppTruths[nCofVars][k], p->nVars );
pNtkDec = Kit_DsdExpand( pTemp = pNtkDec ); Kit_DsdNtkFree( pTemp );
Kit_DsdTruthPartialTwo( pDsdMan, pNtkDec, uBoundSet, iVacVar, ppTruths[nCofVars+1][k], ppTruths[nCofVars+1][nCofs+k] );
pNtkDec = Kit_DsdDecomposeExpand( pMan->ppTruths[nCofVars][k], p->nVars );
Kit_DsdTruthPartialTwo( pMan->pDsdMan, pNtkDec, uBoundSet, iVacVar, pMan->ppTruths[nCofVars+1][k], pMan->ppTruths[nCofVars+1][nCofs+k] );
Kit_DsdNtkFree( pNtkDec );
Kit_DsdManFree( pDsdMan );
// compute the composition/decomposition functions (they will be in pTruth0/pTruth1)
// compute the composition/decomposition functions (they will be in pMan->ppTruths[1][0]/pMan->ppTruths[1][1])
for ( i = nCofVars; i >= 1; i-- )
for ( k = 0; k < (1<<i); k++ )
Kit_TruthMuxVar( ppTruths[i][k], ppTruths[i+1][2*k+0], ppTruths[i+1][2*k+1], nVars, pCofVars[i-1] );
Kit_TruthMuxVar( pMan->ppTruths[i][k], pMan->ppTruths[i+1][2*k+0], pMan->ppTruths[i+1][2*k+1], p->nVars, pCofVars[i-1] );
// derive the new component
pNew = Lpk_FunDup( p, pTruth1 );
// update the old component
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruth, pTruth0, p->nVars );
p->uSupp = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth0, p->nVars );
// derive the new component (decomposition function)
pNew = Lpk_FunDup( p, pMan->ppTruths[1][1] );
// update the old component (composition function)
Kit_TruthCopy( Lpk_FunTruth(p, 0), pMan->ppTruths[1][0], p->nVars );
p->uSupp = Kit_TruthSupport( Lpk_FunTruth(p, 0), p->nVars );
p->pFanins[iVacVar] = pNew->Id;
p->pDelays[iVacVar] = Lpk_SuppDelay( pNew->uSupp, pNew->pDelays );
// support minimize both
p->fSupports = 0;
Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( p );
Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( pNew );
// update delay and area requirements
pNew->nDelayLim = p->pDelays[iVacVar];
pNew->nAreaLim = 1;
p->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim - 1;
// free cofactor storage
Lpk_FunFreeTruthTables( p, nCofVars + 1, ppTruths );
return pNew;
......@@ -30,51 +30,6 @@
Synopsis [Computes cofactors w.r.t. the given var.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_FunComputeCofs( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int iVar )
unsigned * pTruth = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 );
unsigned * pTruth0 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 1 );
unsigned * pTruth1 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 2 );
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( pTruth0, pTruth, p->nVars, iVar );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( pTruth1, pTruth, p->nVars, iVar );
Synopsis [Computes cofactors w.r.t. each variable.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned * puSupps )
unsigned * pTruth = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 );
unsigned * pTruth0 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 1 );
unsigned * pTruth1 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 2 );
int Var;
Lpk_SuppForEachVar( p->uSupp, Var )
Lpk_FunComputeCofs( p, Var );
puSupps[2*Var+0] = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth0, p->nVars );
puSupps[2*Var+1] = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth1, p->nVars );
Synopsis [Checks the possibility of MUX decomposition.]
Description [Returns the best variable to use for MUX decomposition.]
......@@ -84,65 +39,68 @@ void Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned * puSupps )
SeeAlso []
Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p )
static Lpk_Res_t Res, * pRes = &Res;
unsigned puSupps[32];
int nSuppSize0, nSuppSize1, nSuppSizeBest;
int nSuppSize0, nSuppSize1, nSuppSizeS, nSuppSizeL;
int Var, Area, Polarity, Delay, Delay0, Delay1, DelayA, DelayB;
memset( pRes, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Res_t) );
assert( p->uSupp == Kit_BitMask(p->nVars) );
// get cofactor supports for each variable
Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( p, puSupps );
assert( p->fSupports );
// derive the delay and area after MUX-decomp with each var - and find the best var
pRes->Variable = -1;
Lpk_SuppForEachVar( p->uSupp, Var )
nSuppSize0 = Kit_WordCountOnes(puSupps[2*Var+0]);
nSuppSize1 = Kit_WordCountOnes(puSupps[2*Var+1]);
nSuppSize0 = Kit_WordCountOnes(p->puSupps[2*Var+0]);
nSuppSize1 = Kit_WordCountOnes(p->puSupps[2*Var+1]);
assert( nSuppSize0 < (int)p->nVars );
assert( nSuppSize1 < (int)p->nVars );
if ( nSuppSize0 < 1 || nSuppSize1 < 1 )
//printf( "%d %d ", nSuppSize0, nSuppSize1 );
if ( nSuppSize0 <= (int)p->nLutK - 2 && nSuppSize1 <= (int)p->nLutK - 2 )
// include cof var into 0-block
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
Delay0 = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
// include cof var into 1-block
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
Delay1 = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
// get the best delay
Delay = ABC_MIN( Delay0, Delay1 );
Area = 2;
Polarity = (int)(Delay1 == Delay);
Polarity = (int)(Delay == Delay1);
else if ( nSuppSize0 <= (int)p->nLutK - 2 )
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
Delay = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
Area = 1 + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize1, p->nLutK );
Polarity = 0;
else if ( nSuppSize1 <= (int)p->nLutK - 2 )
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
Delay = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
Area = 1 + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize0, p->nLutK );
Polarity = 1;
else if ( nSuppSize0 <= (int)p->nLutK )
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
Delay = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
Area = 1 + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize1+2, p->nLutK );
Polarity = 1;
else if ( nSuppSize1 <= (int)p->nLutK )
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
Delay = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
Area = 1 + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize0+2, p->nLutK );
Polarity = 0;
......@@ -150,12 +108,12 @@ Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
// include cof var into 0-block
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] , p->pDelays );
Delay0 = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
// include cof var into 1-block
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
DelayA = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+1] | (1<<Var), p->pDelays );
DelayB = Lpk_SuppDelay( p->puSupps[2*Var+0] , p->pDelays );
Delay1 = ABC_MAX( DelayA, DelayB + 1 );
// get the best delay
Delay = ABC_MIN( Delay0, Delay1 );
......@@ -163,20 +121,27 @@ Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
Area = Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize0+2, p->nLutK ) + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize1, p->nLutK );
Area = Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize1+2, p->nLutK ) + Lpk_LutNumLuts( nSuppSize0, p->nLutK );
Polarity = (int)(Delay1 == Delay);
Polarity = (int)(Delay == Delay1);
// find the best variable
if ( Delay > (int)p->nDelayLim )
if ( Area > (int)p->nAreaLim )
if ( pRes->Variable == -1 || pRes->AreaEst > Area || (pRes->AreaEst == Area && nSuppSizeBest > nSuppSize0+nSuppSize1) )
nSuppSizeS = ABC_MIN( nSuppSize0 + 2 *!Polarity, nSuppSize1 + 2 * Polarity );
nSuppSizeL = ABC_MAX( nSuppSize0 + 2 *!Polarity, nSuppSize1 + 2 * Polarity );
if ( nSuppSizeL > (int)p->nVars )
if ( pRes->Variable == -1 || pRes->AreaEst > Area ||
(pRes->AreaEst == Area && pRes->nSuppSizeS + pRes->nSuppSizeL > nSuppSizeS + nSuppSizeL) ||
(pRes->AreaEst == Area && pRes->nSuppSizeS + pRes->nSuppSizeL == nSuppSizeS + nSuppSizeL && pRes->DelayEst > Delay) )
pRes->Variable = Var;
pRes->Polarity = Polarity;
pRes->AreaEst = Area;
pRes->DelayEst = Delay;
nSuppSizeBest = nSuppSize0+nSuppSize1;
pRes->nSuppSizeS = nSuppSizeS;
pRes->nSuppSizeL = nSuppSizeL;
return pRes->Variable == -1 ? NULL : pRes;
......@@ -193,16 +158,27 @@ Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
SeeAlso []
Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_MuxSplit( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Var, int Pol )
Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_MuxSplit( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Var, int Pol )
Lpk_Fun_t * pNew;
unsigned * pTruth = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 );
unsigned * pTruth0 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 1 );
unsigned * pTruth1 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 2 );
int iVarVac;
// unsigned uSupp;
int iVarVac;
assert( Var >= 0 && Var < (int)p->nVars );
assert( p->nAreaLim >= 2 );
Lpk_FunComputeCofs( p, Var );
assert( p->uSupp == Kit_BitMask(p->nVars) );
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( pTruth0, pTruth, p->nVars, Var );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( pTruth1, pTruth, p->nVars, Var );
uSupp = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth, p->nVars );
Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, &uSupp, 16 ); printf( "\n" );
uSupp = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth0, p->nVars );
Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, &uSupp, 16 ); printf( "\n" );
uSupp = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth1, p->nVars );
Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, &uSupp, 16 ); printf( "\n\n" );
// derive the new component
pNew = Lpk_FunDup( p, Pol ? pTruth0 : pTruth1 );
// update the support of the old component
......@@ -211,29 +187,32 @@ Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_MuxSplit( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Var, int Pol )
// update the truth table of the old component
iVarVac = Kit_WordFindFirstBit( ~p->uSupp );
assert( iVarVac < (int)p->nVars );
Kit_TruthIthVar( pTruth, p->nVars, Var );
p->uSupp |= (1 << iVarVac);
Kit_TruthIthVar( pTruth, p->nVars, iVarVac );
if ( Pol )
Kit_TruthMuxVar( pTruth, pTruth, pTruth1, p->nVars, iVarVac );
Kit_TruthMuxVar( pTruth, pTruth, pTruth1, p->nVars, Var );
Kit_TruthMuxVar( pTruth, pTruth0, pTruth, p->nVars, iVarVac );
Kit_TruthMuxVar( pTruth, pTruth0, pTruth, p->nVars, Var );
assert( p->uSupp == Kit_TruthSupport(pTruth, p->nVars) );
// set the decomposed variable
p->pFanins[iVarVac] = pNew->Id;
p->pDelays[iVarVac] = p->nDelayLim - 1;
// support minimize both
p->fSupports = 0;
Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( p );
Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( pNew );
// update delay and area requirements
pNew->nDelayLim = p->nDelayLim - 1;
if ( p->nVars <= p->nLutK )
pNew->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim - 1;
p->nAreaLim = 1;
else if ( pNew->nVars <= pNew->nLutK )
if ( pNew->nVars <= pNew->nLutK )
pNew->nAreaLim = 1;
p->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim - 1;
else if ( p->nVars <= p->nLutK )
pNew->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim - 1;
p->nAreaLim = 1;
else if ( p->nVars < pNew->nVars )
pNew->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim / 2 + p->nAreaLim % 2;
......@@ -244,7 +223,8 @@ Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_MuxSplit( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Var, int Pol )
pNew->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim / 2 - p->nAreaLim % 2;
p->nAreaLim = p->nAreaLim / 2 + p->nAreaLim % 2;
return p;
pNew->fMark = 1;
return pNew;
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_FunDup( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned * pTruth )
memcpy( pNew->pFanins, p->pFanins, 16 );
memcpy( pNew->pDelays, p->pDelays, 16 );
Vec_PtrPush( p->vNodes, pNew );
return p;
return pNew;
......@@ -137,12 +137,15 @@ Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_FunDup( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned * pTruth )
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
int Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
int i, k, nVarsNew;
// compress the truth table
if ( p->uSupp == Kit_BitMask(p->nVars) )
return 0;
// invalidate support info
p->fSupports = 0;
//Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, &p->uSupp, p->nVars ); printf( "\n" );
// minimize support
nVarsNew = Kit_WordCountOnes(p->uSupp);
Kit_TruthShrink( Lpk_FunTruth(p, 1), Lpk_FunTruth(p, 0), nVarsNew, p->nVars, p->uSupp, 1 );
......@@ -151,11 +154,48 @@ void Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
p->pFanins[k] = p->pFanins[i];
p->pDelays[k] = p->pDelays[i];
if ( p->fSupports )
p->puSupps[2*k+0] = p->puSupps[2*i+0];
p->puSupps[2*k+1] = p->puSupps[2*i+1];
assert( k == nVarsNew );
p->nVars = k;
p->uSupp = Kit_BitMask(p->nVars);
return 1;
Synopsis [Computes cofactors w.r.t. each variable.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( Lpk_Fun_t * p )
unsigned * pTruth = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 0 );
unsigned * pTruth0 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 1 );
unsigned * pTruth1 = Lpk_FunTruth( p, 2 );
int Var;
assert( p->fSupports == 0 );
// Lpk_SuppForEachVar( p->uSupp, Var )
for ( Var = 0; Var < (int)p->nVars; Var++ )
Kit_TruthCofactor0New( pTruth0, pTruth, p->nVars, Var );
Kit_TruthCofactor1New( pTruth1, pTruth, p->nVars, Var );
p->puSupps[2*Var+0] = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth0, p->nVars );
p->puSupps[2*Var+1] = Kit_TruthSupport( pTruth1, p->nVars );
p->fSupports = 1;
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "lpkInt.h"
#include "cloud.h"
......@@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ int Lpk_ExploreCut( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk )
If_Obj_t * pDriver, * ppLeaves[16];
Abc_Obj_t * pLeaf, * pObjNew;
int nGain, i, clk;
int nNodesBef;
// int nOldShared;
// check special cases
......@@ -201,6 +203,7 @@ p->timeMap += clock() - clk;
if ( p->nCalledSRed )
nNodesBef = Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk);
// prepare the mapping manager
If_ManCleanNodeCopy( p->pIfMan );
If_ManCleanCutData( p->pIfMan );
......@@ -212,6 +215,7 @@ p->timeMap += clock() - clk;
pObjNew->pData = Hop_NotCond( pObjNew->pData, If_IsComplement(pDriver) );
// perform replacement
Abc_NtkUpdate( p->pObj, pObjNew, p->vLevels );
//printf( "%3d : %d-%d=%d(%d) \n", p->nChanges, nNodesBef, Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk), nNodesBef-Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk), nGain );
return 1;
......@@ -232,8 +236,7 @@ int Lpk_ResynthesizeNode( Lpk_Man_t * p )
Kit_DsdNtk_t * pDsdNtk;
Lpk_Cut_t * pCut;
unsigned * pTruth;
void * pDsd = NULL;
int i, nSuppSize, RetValue, clk;
int i, k, nSuppSize, nCutNodes, RetValue, clk;
// compute the cuts
clk = clock();
......@@ -258,9 +261,22 @@ p->timeCuts += clock() - clk;
if ( p->pPars->fFirst && i == 1 )
// skip bad cuts
// printf( "Mffc size = %d. ", Abc_NodeMffcLabel(p->pObj) );
for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut->nLeaves; k++ )
Abc_NtkObj(p->pNtk, pCut->pLeaves[k])->vFanouts.nSize++;
nCutNodes = Abc_NodeMffcLabel(p->pObj);
// printf( "Mffc with cut = %d. ", nCutNodes );
for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut->nLeaves; k++ )
Abc_NtkObj(p->pNtk, pCut->pLeaves[k])->vFanouts.nSize--;
// printf( "Mffc cut = %d. ", (int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup );
// printf( "\n" );
if ( nCutNodes != (int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup )
// compute the truth table
clk = clock();
pTruth = Lpk_CutTruth( p, pCut );
pTruth = Lpk_CutTruth( p, pCut, 0 );
nSuppSize = Extra_TruthSupportSize(pTruth, pCut->nLeaves);
p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
......@@ -289,7 +305,7 @@ p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
printf( " C%02d: L= %2d/%2d V= %2d/%d N= %d W= %4.2f ",
i, pCut->nLeaves, nSuppSize, pCut->nNodes, pCut->nNodesDup, pCut->nLuts, pCut->Weight );
Kit_DsdPrint( stdout, pDsdNtk );
// Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
// pFileName = Kit_TruthDumpToFile( pTruth, pCut->nLeaves, Count++ );
// printf( "Saved truth table in file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
......@@ -305,6 +321,32 @@ p->timeEval += clock() - clk;
return 1;
Synopsis [Computes supports of the cofactors of the function.]
Description [This procedure should be called after Lpk_CutTruth(p,pCut,0)]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_ComputeSupports( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut, unsigned * pTruth )
unsigned * pTruthInv;
int RetValue1, RetValue2;
pTruthInv = Lpk_CutTruth( p, pCut, 1 );
RetValue1 = Kit_CreateCloudFromTruth( p->pDsdMan->dd, pTruth, pCut->nLeaves, p->vBddDir );
RetValue2 = Kit_CreateCloudFromTruth( p->pDsdMan->dd, pTruthInv, pCut->nLeaves, p->vBddInv );
if ( RetValue1 && RetValue2 )
Kit_TruthCofSupports( p->vBddDir, p->vBddInv, pCut->nLeaves, p->vMemory, p->puSupps );
p->puSupps[0] = p->puSupps[1] = 0;
Synopsis [Performs resynthesis for one node.]
......@@ -319,12 +361,13 @@ p->timeEval += clock() - clk;
int Lpk_ResynthesizeNodeNew( Lpk_Man_t * p )
static int Count = 0;
Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves;
Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew;
Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew, * pLeaf;
Lpk_Cut_t * pCut;
unsigned * pTruth;
void * pDsd = NULL;
int nNodesBef, nNodesAft, nCutNodes;
int i, k, clk;
int Required = Abc_ObjRequiredLevel(p->pObj);
// CloudNode * pFun2;//, * pFun1;
// compute the cuts
clk = clock();
......@@ -336,8 +379,8 @@ p->timeCuts += clock() - clk;
p->timeCuts += clock() - clk;
if ( p->pPars->fVeryVerbose )
printf( "Node %5d : Mffc size = %5d. Cuts = %5d.\n", p->pObj->Id, p->nMffc, p->nEvals );
vLeaves = Vec_PtrAlloc( 32 );
printf( "Node %5d : Mffc size = %5d. Cuts = %5d. Level = %2d. Req = %2d.\n",
p->pObj->Id, p->nMffc, p->nEvals, p->pObj->Level, Required );
// try the good cuts
p->nCutsTotal += p->nCuts;
p->nCutsUseful += p->nEvals;
......@@ -347,16 +390,48 @@ p->timeCuts += clock() - clk;
pCut = p->pCuts + p->pEvals[i];
if ( p->pPars->fFirst && i == 1 )
// if ( pCut->Weight < 1.05 )
// continue;
// skip bad cuts
// printf( "Mffc size = %d. ", Abc_NodeMffcLabel(p->pObj) );
for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut->nLeaves; k++ )
Abc_NtkObj(p->pNtk, pCut->pLeaves[k])->vFanouts.nSize++;
nCutNodes = Abc_NodeMffcLabel(p->pObj);
// printf( "Mffc with cut = %d. ", nCutNodes );
for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut->nLeaves; k++ )
Abc_NtkObj(p->pNtk, pCut->pLeaves[k])->vFanouts.nSize--;
// printf( "Mffc cut = %d. ", (int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup );
// printf( "\n" );
if ( nCutNodes != (int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup )
// collect nodes into the array
Vec_PtrClear( vLeaves );
Vec_PtrClear( p->vLeaves );
for ( k = 0; k < (int)pCut->nLeaves; k++ )
Vec_PtrPush( vLeaves, Abc_NtkObj(p->pNtk, pCut->pLeaves[i]) );
Vec_PtrPush( p->vLeaves, Abc_NtkObj(p->pNtk, pCut->pLeaves[k]) );
// compute the truth table
clk = clock();
pTruth = Lpk_CutTruth( p, pCut );
pTruth = Lpk_CutTruth( p, pCut, 0 );
p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
clk = clock();
Lpk_ComputeSupports( p, pCut, pTruth );
p->timeSupps += clock() - clk;
//clk = clock();
// pFun1 = Lpk_CutTruthBdd( p, pCut );
//p->timeTruth2 += clock() - clk;
clk = clock();
Cloud_Restart( p->pDsdMan->dd );
pFun2 = Kit_TruthToCloud( p->pDsdMan->dd, pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
RetValue = Kit_CreateCloud( p->pDsdMan->dd, pFun2, p->vBddNodes );
p->timeTruth3 += clock() - clk;
// if ( pFun1 != pFun2 )
// printf( "Truth tables do not agree!\n" );
// else
// printf( "Fine!\n" );
if ( p->pPars->fVeryVerbose )
......@@ -364,22 +439,51 @@ p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
int nSuppSize = Extra_TruthSupportSize( pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
printf( " C%02d: L= %2d/%2d V= %2d/%d N= %d W= %4.2f ",
i, pCut->nLeaves, nSuppSize, pCut->nNodes, pCut->nNodesDup, pCut->nLuts, pCut->Weight );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vLeaves, pLeaf, k )
printf( "%c=%d ", 'a'+k, Abc_ObjLevel(pLeaf) );
printf( "\n" );
Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
// pFileName = Kit_TruthDumpToFile( pTruth, pCut->nLeaves, Count++ );
// printf( "Saved truth table in file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
if ( p->pObj->Id == 33 && i == 0 )
int x = 0;
// update the network
nNodesBef = Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk);
clk = clock();
pObjNew = Lpk_Decompose( p->pNtk, vLeaves, pTruth, p->pPars->nLutSize,
(int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup - 1, Abc_ObjRequiredLevel(p->pObj) );
pObjNew = Lpk_Decompose( p, p->pNtk, p->vLeaves, pTruth, p->puSupps, p->pPars->nLutSize,
(int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup - 1 + (int)(p->pPars->fZeroCost > 0), Required );
p->timeEval += clock() - clk;
nNodesAft = Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk);
// perform replacement
if ( pObjNew )
int nGain = (int)pCut->nNodes - (int)pCut->nNodesDup - (nNodesAft - nNodesBef);
assert( nGain >= 1 - p->pPars->fZeroCost );
assert( Abc_ObjLevel(pObjNew) <= Required );
if ( nGain <= 0 )
int x = 0;
if ( Abc_ObjLevel(pObjNew) > Required )
int x = 0;
p->nGainTotal += nGain;
if ( p->pPars->fVeryVerbose )
printf( "Performed resynthesis: Gain = %2d. Level = %2d. Req = %2d.\n", nGain, Abc_ObjLevel(pObjNew), Required );
Abc_NtkUpdate( p->pObj, pObjNew, p->vLevels );
//printf( "%3d : %d-%d=%d(%d) \n", p->nChanges, nNodesBef, Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk), nNodesBef-Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk), nGain );
Vec_PtrFree( vLeaves );
return 1;
......@@ -443,7 +547,10 @@ int Lpk_Resynthesize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
if ( p->pPars->fSatur )
p->vVisited = Vec_VecStart( 0 );
if ( pPars->fVerbose )
p->nTotalNets = Abc_NtkGetTotalFanins(pNtk);
p->nTotalNodes = Abc_NtkNodeNum(pNtk);
// iterate over the network
nNodesPrev = p->nNodesTotal;
......@@ -465,7 +572,6 @@ int Lpk_Resynthesize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
if ( !Abc_ObjIsCo(Abc_ObjFanout0(pObj)) )
if ( i >= nNodes )
if ( !pPars->fVeryVerbose )
......@@ -475,10 +581,10 @@ int Lpk_Resynthesize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
// resynthesize
p->pObj = pObj;
Lpk_ResynthesizeNode( p );
// if ( p->nChanges == 3 )
// break;
if ( p->pPars->fOldAlgo )
Lpk_ResynthesizeNode( p );
Lpk_ResynthesizeNodeNew( p );
if ( !pPars->fVeryVerbose )
Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
......@@ -498,15 +604,18 @@ int Lpk_Resynthesize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
if ( pPars->fVerbose )
// Cloud_PrintInfo( p->pDsdMan->dd );
p->nTotalNets2 = Abc_NtkGetTotalFanins(pNtk);
printf( "Reduction in nodes = %5d. (%.2f %%) ",
p->nGainTotal, 100.0 * p->nGainTotal / p->nNodesTotal );
printf( "Reduction in edges = %5d. (%.2f %%) ",
p->nTotalNodes2 = Abc_NtkNodeNum(pNtk);
printf( "Node gain = %5d. (%.2f %%) ",
p->nTotalNodes-p->nTotalNodes2, 100.0*(p->nTotalNodes-p->nTotalNodes2)/p->nTotalNodes );
printf( "Edge gain = %5d. (%.2f %%) ",
p->nTotalNets-p->nTotalNets2, 100.0*(p->nTotalNets-p->nTotalNets2)/p->nTotalNets );
printf( "Muxes = %4d. Dsds = %4d.", p->nMuxes, p->nDsds );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Nodes = %5d (%3d) Cuts = %5d (%4d) Changes = %5d Iter = %2d Benefit = %d.\n",
p->nNodesTotal, p->nNodesOver, p->nCutsTotal, p->nCutsUseful, p->nChanges, Iter, p->nBenefited );
printf( "Non-DSD:" );
for ( i = 3; i <= pPars->nVarsMax; i++ )
if ( p->nBlocks[i] )
......@@ -518,7 +627,13 @@ int Lpk_Resynthesize( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
p->timeOther = p->timeTotal - p->timeCuts - p->timeTruth - p->timeEval - p->timeMap;
PRTP( "Cuts ", p->timeCuts, p->timeTotal );
PRTP( "Truth ", p->timeTruth, p->timeTotal );
PRTP( "CSupps", p->timeSupps, p->timeTotal );
PRTP( "Eval ", p->timeEval, p->timeTotal );
PRTP( " MuxAn", p->timeEvalMuxAn, p->timeEval );
PRTP( " MuxSp", p->timeEvalMuxSp, p->timeEval );
PRTP( " DsdAn", p->timeEvalDsdAn, p->timeEval );
PRTP( " DsdSp", p->timeEvalDsdSp, p->timeEval );
PRTP( " Other", p->timeEval-p->timeEvalMuxAn-p->timeEvalMuxSp-p->timeEvalDsdAn-p->timeEvalDsdSp, p->timeEval );
PRTP( "Map ", p->timeMap, p->timeTotal );
PRTP( "Other ", p->timeOther, p->timeTotal );
PRTP( "TOTAL ", p->timeTotal, p->timeTotal );
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "lpkInt.h"
#include "cloud.h"
......@@ -39,7 +40,99 @@
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth_rec( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Hop_Obj_t * pObj, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vTtNodes, int * iCount )
CloudNode * Lpk_CutTruthBdd_rec( CloudManager * dd, Hop_Man_t * pMan, Hop_Obj_t * pObj, int nVars )
CloudNode * pTruth, * pTruth0, * pTruth1;
assert( !Hop_IsComplement(pObj) );
if ( pObj->pData )
assert( ((unsigned)pObj->pData) & 0xffff0000 );
return pObj->pData;
// get the plan for a new truth table
if ( Hop_ObjIsConst1(pObj) )
pTruth = dd->one;
assert( Hop_ObjIsAnd(pObj) );
// compute the truth tables of the fanins
pTruth0 = Lpk_CutTruthBdd_rec( dd, pMan, Hop_ObjFanin0(pObj), nVars );
pTruth1 = Lpk_CutTruthBdd_rec( dd, pMan, Hop_ObjFanin1(pObj), nVars );
pTruth0 = Cloud_NotCond( pTruth0, Hop_ObjFaninC0(pObj) );
pTruth1 = Cloud_NotCond( pTruth1, Hop_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
// creat the truth table of the node
pTruth = Cloud_bddAnd( dd, pTruth0, pTruth1 );
pObj->pData = pTruth;
return pTruth;
Synopsis [Verifies that the factoring is correct.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
CloudNode * Lpk_CutTruthBdd( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut )
CloudManager * dd = p->pDsdMan->dd;
Hop_Man_t * pManHop = p->pNtk->pManFunc;
Hop_Obj_t * pObjHop;
Abc_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin;
CloudNode * pTruth;
int i, k, iCount = 0;
// return NULL;
// Lpk_NodePrintCut( p, pCut );
// initialize the leaves
Lpk_CutForEachLeaf( p->pNtk, pCut, pObj, i )
pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)dd->vars[pCut->nLeaves-1-i];
// construct truth table in the topological order
Lpk_CutForEachNodeReverse( p->pNtk, pCut, pObj, i )
// get the local AIG
pObjHop = Hop_Regular(pObj->pData);
// clean the data field of the nodes in the AIG subgraph
Hop_ObjCleanData_rec( pObjHop );
// set the initial truth tables at the fanins
Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, k )
assert( ((unsigned)pFanin->pCopy) & 0xffff0000 );
Hop_ManPi( pManHop, k )->pData = pFanin->pCopy;
// compute the truth table of internal nodes
pTruth = Lpk_CutTruthBdd_rec( dd, pManHop, pObjHop, pCut->nLeaves );
if ( Hop_IsComplement(pObj->pData) )
pTruth = Cloud_Not(pTruth);
// set the truth table at the node
pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)pTruth;
// Cloud_bddPrint( dd, pTruth );
// printf( "Bdd size = %d. Total nodes = %d.\n", Cloud_DagSize( dd, pTruth ), dd->nNodesCur-dd->nVars-1 );
return pTruth;
Synopsis [Computes the truth table of one cut.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth_rec( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Hop_Obj_t * pObj, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vTtNodes, int * piCount )
unsigned * pTruth, * pTruth0, * pTruth1;
assert( !Hop_IsComplement(pObj) );
......@@ -49,17 +142,17 @@ unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth_rec( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Hop_Obj_t * pObj, int nVars, Vec_
return pObj->pData;
// get the plan for a new truth table
pTruth = Vec_PtrEntry( vTtNodes, (*iCount)++ );
pTruth = Vec_PtrEntry( vTtNodes, (*piCount)++ );
if ( Hop_ObjIsConst1(pObj) )
Extra_TruthFill( pTruth, nVars );
Kit_TruthFill( pTruth, nVars );
assert( Hop_ObjIsAnd(pObj) );
// compute the truth tables of the fanins
pTruth0 = Lpk_CutTruth_rec( pMan, Hop_ObjFanin0(pObj), nVars, vTtNodes, iCount );
pTruth1 = Lpk_CutTruth_rec( pMan, Hop_ObjFanin1(pObj), nVars, vTtNodes, iCount );
pTruth0 = Lpk_CutTruth_rec( pMan, Hop_ObjFanin0(pObj), nVars, vTtNodes, piCount );
pTruth1 = Lpk_CutTruth_rec( pMan, Hop_ObjFanin1(pObj), nVars, vTtNodes, piCount );
// creat the truth table of the node
Extra_TruthAndPhase( pTruth, pTruth0, pTruth1, nVars, Hop_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Hop_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
Kit_TruthAndPhase( pTruth, pTruth0, pTruth1, nVars, Hop_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Hop_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
pObj->pData = pTruth;
return pTruth;
......@@ -76,7 +169,7 @@ unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth_rec( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Hop_Obj_t * pObj, int nVars, Vec_
SeeAlso []
unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut )
unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut, int fInv )
Hop_Man_t * pManHop = p->pNtk->pManFunc;
Hop_Obj_t * pObjHop;
......@@ -84,10 +177,11 @@ unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut )
unsigned * pTruth;
int i, k, iCount = 0;
// Lpk_NodePrintCut( p, pCut );
assert( pCut->nNodes > 0 );
// initialize the leaves
Lpk_CutForEachLeaf( p->pNtk, pCut, pObj, i )
pObj->pCopy = Vec_PtrEntry( p->vTtElems, i );
pObj->pCopy = Vec_PtrEntry( p->vTtElems, fInv? pCut->nLeaves-1-i : i );
// construct truth table in the topological order
Lpk_CutForEachNodeReverse( p->pNtk, pCut, pObj, i )
......@@ -105,14 +199,22 @@ unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut )
// compute the truth table of internal nodes
pTruth = Lpk_CutTruth_rec( pManHop, pObjHop, pCut->nLeaves, p->vTtNodes, &iCount );
if ( Hop_IsComplement(pObj->pData) )
Extra_TruthNot( pTruth, pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
Kit_TruthNot( pTruth, pTruth, pCut->nLeaves );
// set the truth table at the node
pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)pTruth;
// make sure direct truth table is stored elsewhere (assuming the first call for direct truth!!!)
if ( fInv == 0 )
pTruth = Vec_PtrEntry( p->vTtNodes, iCount++ );
Kit_TruthCopy( pTruth, (unsigned *)pObj->pCopy, pCut->nLeaves );
assert( iCount <= Vec_PtrSize(p->vTtNodes) );
return pTruth;
Synopsis [Returns 1 if at least one entry has changed.]
......@@ -535,8 +637,10 @@ int Lpk_NodeCuts( Lpk_Man_t * p )
// compute the minimum number of LUTs needed to implement this cut
// V = N * (K-1) + 1 ~~~~~ N = Ceiling[(V-1)/(K-1)] = (V-1)/(K-1) + [(V-1)%(K-1) > 0]
pCut->nLuts = Lpk_LutNumLuts( pCut->nLeaves, p->pPars->nLutSize );
// pCut->Weight = (float)1.0 * (pCut->nNodes - pCut->nNodesDup - 1) / pCut->nLuts; //p->pPars->nLutsMax;
pCut->Weight = (float)1.0 * (pCut->nNodes - pCut->nNodesDup) / pCut->nLuts; //p->pPars->nLutsMax;
if ( pCut->Weight <= 1.001 )
// if ( pCut->Weight <= 0.999 )
pCut->fHasDsd = Lpk_NodeCutsCheckDsd( p, pCut );
if ( pCut->fHasDsd )
......@@ -90,12 +90,18 @@ struct Lpk_Man_t_
int nCalledSRed; // the number of called to SRed
int pRefs[LPK_SIZE_MAX]; // fanin reference counters
int pCands[LPK_SIZE_MAX]; // internal nodes pointing only to the leaves
Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves;
// truth table representation
Vec_Ptr_t * vTtElems; // elementary truth tables
Vec_Ptr_t * vTtNodes; // storage for temporary truth tables of the nodes
Vec_Int_t * vMemory;
Vec_Int_t * vBddDir;
Vec_Int_t * vBddInv;
unsigned puSupps[32]; // the supports of the cofactors
unsigned * ppTruths[5][16];
// variable sets
Vec_Int_t * vSets[8];
Kit_DsdMan_t * pDsdMan;
Kit_DsdMan_t* pDsdMan;
// statistics
int nNodesTotal; // total number of nodes
int nNodesOver; // nodes with cuts over the limit
......@@ -104,17 +110,30 @@ struct Lpk_Man_t_
int nGainTotal; // the gain in LUTs
int nChanges; // the number of changed nodes
int nBenefited; // the number of gainful that benefited from decomposition
int nMuxes;
int nDsds;
int nTotalNets;
int nTotalNets2;
int nTotalNodes;
int nTotalNodes2;
// counter of non-DSD blocks
int nBlocks[17];
// rutime
// runtime
int timeCuts;
int timeTruth;
int timeSupps;
int timeTruth2;
int timeTruth3;
int timeEval;
int timeMap;
int timeOther;
int timeTotal;
// runtime of eval
int timeEvalMuxAn;
int timeEvalMuxSp;
int timeEvalDsdAn;
int timeEvalDsdSp;
......@@ -122,32 +141,35 @@ struct Lpk_Man_t_
typedef struct Lpk_Fun_t_ Lpk_Fun_t;
struct Lpk_Fun_t_
Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes; // the array of leaves and decomposition nodes
unsigned int Id : 8; // the ID of this node
unsigned int nVars : 5; // the number of variables
unsigned int nLutK : 4; // the number of LUT inputs
unsigned int nAreaLim : 5; // the area limit (the largest allowed)
unsigned int nDelayLim : 10; // the delay limit (the largest allowed)
char pDelays[16]; // the delays of the inputs
char pFanins[16]; // the fanins of this function
unsigned uSupp; // the support of this component
unsigned pTruth[0]; // the truth table (contains room for three truth tables)
Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes; // the array of leaves and decomposition nodes
unsigned Id : 7; // the ID of this node
unsigned nVars : 5; // the number of variables
unsigned nLutK : 4; // the number of LUT inputs
unsigned nAreaLim : 5; // the area limit (the largest allowed)
unsigned nDelayLim : 9; // the delay limit (the largest allowed)
unsigned fSupports : 1; // supports of cofactors were precomputed
unsigned fMark : 1; // marks the MUX-based dec
unsigned uSupp; // the support of this component
unsigned puSupps[32]; // the supports of the cofactors
char pDelays[16]; // the delays of the inputs
char pFanins[16]; // the fanins of this function
unsigned pTruth[0]; // the truth table (contains room for three truth tables)
// preliminary decomposition result
typedef struct Lpk_Res_t_ Lpk_Res_t;
struct Lpk_Res_t_
int nBSVars; // the number of bound set variables
unsigned BSVars; // the bound set
int nCofVars; // the number of cofactoring variables
char pCofVars[4]; // the cofactoring variables
int nSuppSizeS; // support size of the smaller (decomposed) function
int nSuppSizeL; // support size of the larger (composition) function
int DelayEst; // estimated delay of the decomposition
int AreaEst; // estimated area of the decomposition
int Variable; // variable in MUX decomposition
int Polarity; // polarity in MUX decomposition
int nBSVars; // the number of bound set variables
unsigned BSVars; // the bound set
int nCofVars; // the number of cofactoring variables
char pCofVars[4]; // the cofactoring variables
int nSuppSizeS; // support size of the smaller (decomposed) function
int nSuppSizeL; // support size of the larger (composition) function
int DelayEst; // estimated delay of the decomposition
int AreaEst; // estimated area of the decomposition
int Variable; // variable in MUX decomposition
int Polarity; // polarity in MUX decomposition
static inline int Lpk_LutNumVars( int nLutsLim, int nLutK ) { return nLutsLim * (nLutK - 1) + 1; }
......@@ -177,25 +199,26 @@ static inline unsigned * Lpk_FunTruth( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Num ) { assert( Num
/*=== lpkAbcDec.c ============================================================*/
extern Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Decompose( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, unsigned * pTruth, int nLutK, int AreaLim, int DelayLim );
extern Abc_Obj_t * Lpk_Decompose( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, unsigned * pTruth, unsigned * puSupps, int nLutK, int AreaLim, int DelayLim );
/*=== lpkAbcDsd.c ============================================================*/
extern Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_DsdAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_DsdSplit( Lpk_Fun_t * p, char * pCofVars, int nCofVars, unsigned uBoundSet );
extern Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_DsdAnalize( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p, int nShared );
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_DsdSplit( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p, char * pCofVars, int nCofVars, unsigned uBoundSet );
/*=== lpkAbcMux.c ============================================================*/
extern Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_MuxSplit( Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Var, int Pol );
extern Lpk_Res_t * Lpk_MuxAnalize( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_MuxSplit( Lpk_Man_t * pMan, Lpk_Fun_t * p, int Var, int Pol );
/*=== lpkAbcUtil.c ============================================================*/
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_FunAlloc( int nVars );
extern void Lpk_FunFree( Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_FunCreate( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vLeaves, unsigned * pTruth, int nLutK, int AreaLim, int DelayLim );
extern Lpk_Fun_t * Lpk_FunDup( Lpk_Fun_t * p, unsigned * pTruth );
extern void Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern int Lpk_FunSuppMinimize( Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern void Lpk_FunComputeCofSupps( Lpk_Fun_t * p );
extern int Lpk_SuppDelay( unsigned uSupp, char * pDelays );
extern int Lpk_SuppToVars( unsigned uBoundSet, char * pVars );
/*=== lpkCut.c =========================================================*/
extern unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut );
extern unsigned * Lpk_CutTruth( Lpk_Man_t * p, Lpk_Cut_t * pCut, int fInv );
extern int Lpk_NodeCuts( Lpk_Man_t * p );
/*=== lpkMap.c =========================================================*/
extern Lpk_Man_t * Lpk_ManStart( Lpk_Par_t * pPars );
......@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
Lpk_Man_t * Lpk_ManStart( Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
Lpk_Man_t * p;
int i;
int i, nWords;
assert( pPars->nLutsMax <= 16 );
assert( pPars->nVarsMax > 0 );
assert( pPars->nVarsMax > 0 && pPars->nVarsMax <= 16 );
p = ALLOC( Lpk_Man_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Lpk_Man_t) );
p->pPars = pPars;
......@@ -52,9 +52,28 @@ Lpk_Man_t * Lpk_ManStart( Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
p->vTtElems = Vec_PtrAllocTruthTables( pPars->nVarsMax );
p->vTtNodes = Vec_PtrAllocSimInfo( 1024, Abc_TruthWordNum(pPars->nVarsMax) );
p->vCover = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 12 );
p->vLeaves = Vec_PtrAlloc( 32 );
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
p->vSets[i] = Vec_IntAlloc(100);
p->pDsdMan = Kit_DsdManAlloc( pPars->nVarsMax, 64 );
p->vMemory = Vec_IntAlloc( 1024 * 32 );
p->vBddDir = Vec_IntAlloc( 256 );
p->vBddInv = Vec_IntAlloc( 256 );
// allocate temporary storage for truth tables
nWords = Kit_TruthWordNum(pPars->nVarsMax);
p->ppTruths[0][0] = ALLOC( unsigned, 32 * nWords );
p->ppTruths[1][0] = p->ppTruths[0][0] + 1 * nWords;
for ( i = 1; i < 2; i++ )
p->ppTruths[1][i] = p->ppTruths[1][0] + i * nWords;
p->ppTruths[2][0] = p->ppTruths[1][0] + 2 * nWords;
for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
p->ppTruths[2][i] = p->ppTruths[2][0] + i * nWords;
p->ppTruths[3][0] = p->ppTruths[2][0] + 4 * nWords;
for ( i = 1; i < 8; i++ )
p->ppTruths[3][i] = p->ppTruths[3][0] + i * nWords;
p->ppTruths[4][0] = p->ppTruths[3][0] + 8 * nWords;
for ( i = 1; i < 16; i++ )
p->ppTruths[4][i] = p->ppTruths[4][0] + i * nWords;
return p;
......@@ -72,6 +91,10 @@ Lpk_Man_t * Lpk_ManStart( Lpk_Par_t * pPars )
void Lpk_ManStop( Lpk_Man_t * p )
int i;
free( p->ppTruths[0][0] );
Vec_IntFree( p->vBddDir );
Vec_IntFree( p->vBddInv );
Vec_IntFree( p->vMemory );
Kit_DsdManFree( p->pDsdMan );
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
......@@ -85,6 +108,7 @@ void Lpk_ManStop( Lpk_Man_t * p )
Vec_VecFree( p->vLevels );
if ( p->vVisited )
Vec_VecFree( p->vVisited );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vLeaves );
Vec_IntFree( p->vCover );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vTtElems );
Vec_PtrFree( p->vTtNodes );
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ unsigned Lpk_ComputeSets( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vSets )
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_PrintSetOne( int uSupport )
static void Lpk_PrintSetOne( int uSupport )
unsigned k;
for ( k = 0; k < 16; k++ )
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ void Lpk_PrintSetOne( int uSupport )
SeeAlso []
void Lpk_PrintSets( Vec_Int_t * vSets )
static void Lpk_PrintSets( Vec_Int_t * vSets )
unsigned uSupport;
int Number, i;
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