Commit aa2f29fa by Alan Mishchenko

Bug fix (accessing unassigned memory).

parent 1c990fc4
......@@ -207,9 +207,15 @@ static inline void Ndr_DataPushArray( Ndr_Data_t * p, int Type, int nArray, int
static inline void Ndr_DataPushString( Ndr_Data_t * p, int Type, char * pFunc )
int nBuffInts;
int * pBuff;
if ( !pFunc )
Ndr_DataPushArray( p, Type, ((int)strlen(pFunc) + 4) / 4, (int *)pFunc );
nBuffInts = ((int)strlen(pFunc) + 4) / 4;
pBuff = (int *)calloc( 1, 4*nBuffInts );
memcpy( pBuff, pFunc, strlen(pFunc) );
Ndr_DataPushArray( p, Type, nBuffInts, pBuff );
free( pBuff );
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