Commit 812a1bb3 by Alan Mishchenko

Adding command print_mint.

parent 044c7a07
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ static int Abc_CommandPrintMffc ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, cha
static int Abc_CommandPrintFactor ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandPrintLevel ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandPrintSupport ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandPrintMint ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandPrintSymms ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandPrintUnate ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
static int Abc_CommandPrintAuto ( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv );
......@@ -775,6 +776,7 @@ void Abc_Init( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_factor", Abc_CommandPrintFactor, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_level", Abc_CommandPrintLevel, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_supp", Abc_CommandPrintSupport, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_mint", Abc_CommandPrintMint, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_symm", Abc_CommandPrintSymms, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_unate", Abc_CommandPrintUnate, 0 );
Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "Printing", "print_auto", Abc_CommandPrintAuto, 0 );
......@@ -2013,6 +2015,68 @@ usage:
SeeAlso []
int Abc_CommandPrintMint( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNtk(pAbc);
Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
int c;
int fVerbose;
// set defaults
fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "svwh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
case 'h':
goto usage;
goto usage;
if ( pNtk == NULL )
Abc_Print( -1, "Empty network.\n" );
return 1;
if ( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( -1, "This command works only for logic networks (run \"clp\").\n" );
return 1;
if ( !Abc_NtkHasBdd(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( -1, "This command works only for logic networks with local functions represented by BDDs.\n" );
return 1;
Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pObj, c )
printf( "ObjId %3d : SuppSize = %5d MintCount = %32.0f\n", c, Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj),
Cudd_CountMinterm((DdManager *)pNtk->pManFunc, (DdNode *)pObj->pData, Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) );
return 0;
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: print_mint [-svwh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t prints the number of on-set minterms in the PO functions\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v : enable verbose output [default = %s].\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Abc_CommandPrintSymms( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNtk(pAbc);
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