Commit 7da6ef1c by Niklas Een

Removed CEX communication through bridge in Abc_FrameReplaceCex

parent e353c4b7
......@@ -399,12 +399,6 @@ extern int Abc_CommandAbcLivenessToSafetyWithLTL( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc,
void Abc_FrameReplaceCex( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, Abc_Cex_t ** ppCex )
// update bridge
if ( Abc_FrameIsBridgeMode() )
extern int Gia_ManToBridgeResult( FILE * pFile, int Result, Abc_Cex_t * pCex );
Gia_ManToBridgeResult( stdout, pAbc->Status, *ppCex );
// update CEX
ABC_FREE( pAbc->pCex );
pAbc->pCex = *ppCex;
......@@ -29721,4 +29715,3 @@ usage:
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