Commit 78fbd336 by Alan Mishchenko

Version abc51001

parent 0af9acd0
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ RSC=rc.exe
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /I "src\base\abc" /I "src\base\abci" /I "src\base\abcs" /I "src\base\cmd" /I "src\base\io" /I "src\base\main" /I "src\bdd\cudd" /I "src\bdd\epd" /I "src\bdd\mtr" /I "src\bdd\parse" /I "src\bdd\dsd" /I "src\bdd\reo" /I "src\sop\ft" /I "src\sat\asat" /I "src\sat\msat" /I "src\sat\fraig" /I "src\opt\cut" /I "src\opt\dec" /I "src\opt\fxu" /I "src\opt\rwr" /I "src\map\fpga" /I "src\map\pga" /I "src\map\mapper" /I "src\map\mapp" /I "src\map\mio" /I "src\map\super" /I "src\misc\extra" /I "src\misc\st" /I "src\misc\mvc" /I "src\misc\util" /I "src\misc\vec" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "__STDC__" /D "HAVE_ASSERT_H" /FR /YX /FD /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /I "src\base\abc" /I "src\base\abci" /I "src\base\abcs" /I "src\base\cmd" /I "src\base\io" /I "src\base\main" /I "src\bdd\cudd" /I "src\bdd\epd" /I "src\bdd\mtr" /I "src\bdd\parse" /I "src\bdd\dsd" /I "src\bdd\reo" /I "src\sop\ft" /I "src\sat\asat" /I "src\sat\msat" /I "src\sat\fraig" /I "src\opt\cut" /I "src\opt\dec" /I "src\opt\fxu" /I "src\opt\rwr" /I "src\map\fpga" /I "src\map\pga" /I "src\map\mapper" /I "src\map\mapp" /I "src\map\mio" /I "src\map\super" /I "src\misc\extra" /I "src\misc\st" /I "src\misc\mvc" /I "src\misc\util" /I "src\misc\npn" /I "src\misc\vec" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "__STDC__" /D "HAVE_ASSERT_H" /FR /YX /FD /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ LINK32=link.exe
# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "src\base\abc" /I "src\base\abci" /I "src\base\abcs" /I "src\base\cmd" /I "src\base\io" /I "src\base\main" /I "src\bdd\cudd" /I "src\bdd\epd" /I "src\bdd\mtr" /I "src\bdd\parse" /I "src\bdd\dsd" /I "src\bdd\reo" /I "src\sop\ft" /I "src\sat\asat" /I "src\sat\msat" /I "src\sat\fraig" /I "src\opt\cut" /I "src\opt\dec" /I "src\opt\fxu" /I "src\opt\rwr" /I "src\map\fpga" /I "src\map\pga" /I "src\map\mapper" /I "src\map\mapp" /I "src\map\mio" /I "src\map\super" /I "src\misc\extra" /I "src\misc\st" /I "src\misc\mvc" /I "src\misc\util" /I "src\misc\vec" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "__STDC__" /D "HAVE_ASSERT_H" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "src\base\abc" /I "src\base\abci" /I "src\base\abcs" /I "src\base\cmd" /I "src\base\io" /I "src\base\main" /I "src\bdd\cudd" /I "src\bdd\epd" /I "src\bdd\mtr" /I "src\bdd\parse" /I "src\bdd\dsd" /I "src\bdd\reo" /I "src\sop\ft" /I "src\sat\asat" /I "src\sat\msat" /I "src\sat\fraig" /I "src\opt\cut" /I "src\opt\dec" /I "src\opt\fxu" /I "src\opt\rwr" /I "src\map\fpga" /I "src\map\pga" /I "src\map\mapper" /I "src\map\mapp" /I "src\map\mio" /I "src\map\super" /I "src\misc\extra" /I "src\misc\st" /I "src\misc\mvc" /I "src\misc\util" /I "src\misc\npn" /I "src\misc\vec" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "__STDC__" /D "HAVE_ASSERT_H" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
......@@ -1114,6 +1114,10 @@ SOURCE=.\src\opt\cut\cutInt.h
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
......@@ -1661,6 +1665,30 @@ SOURCE=.\src\misc\vec\vecStr.h
# End Source File
# End Group
# Begin Group "npn"
# PROP Default_Filter ""
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# End Group
# End Group
# End Group
# Begin Group "Header Files"
No preview for this file type
......@@ -66,3 +66,5 @@ alias resyn2 "b; rw; rf; b; rw; rwz; b; rfz; rwz; b"
alias thin "rwz; rfz; b; ps"
alias reti "st; seq; ret; unseq; st"
alias retis "st; seq; ret; unseq -s; st"
alias choice "fraig_store; resyn; fraig_store; resyn2; fraig_store; fraig_restore"
......@@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ extern bool Abc_NtkCompareSignals( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t *
extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkCollapse( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
/*=== abcCut.c ==========================================================*/
extern void * Abc_NodeGetCutsRecursive( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj );
extern void * Abc_NodeGetCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj );
extern void * Abc_NodeGetCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fMulti );
extern void Abc_NodeGetCutsSeq( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fFirst );
extern void * Abc_NodeReadCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj );
extern void Abc_NodeFreeCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj );
/*=== abcDfs.c ==========================================================*/
......@@ -1231,7 +1231,6 @@ void Abc_AigCheckFaninOrder( Abc_Aig_t * pMan )
int i0 = Abc_ObjRegular(Abc_ObjChild0(pEnt))->Id;
int i1 = Abc_ObjRegular(Abc_ObjChild1(pEnt))->Id;
int x = 0;
printf( "Node %d has incorrect ordering of fanins.\n", pEnt->Id );
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void Abc_NtkShowAig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pNode, i )
Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, pNode );
// write the DOT file
Io_WriteDot( pNtk, vNodes, NULL, FileNameDot );
Io_WriteDot( pNtk, vNodes, NULL, FileNameDot, 0 );
Vec_PtrFree( vNodes );
// visualize the file
......@@ -120,6 +120,66 @@ void Abc_NtkShowAig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Synopsis [Visualizes AIG with choices.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkShowMulti( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
FILE * pFile;
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes;
char FileNameDot[200];
int i;
extern void Abc_NtkBalanceAttach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkBalanceDetach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkBalanceLevel( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) );
// create the file name
Abc_ShowGetFileName( pNtk->pName, FileNameDot );
// check that the file can be opened
if ( (pFile = fopen( FileNameDot, "w" )) == NULL )
fprintf( stdout, "Cannot open the intermediate file \"%s\".\n", FileNameDot );
// get the implication supergates
Abc_NtkBalanceAttach( pNtk );
// set the levels based on the implication supergates
Abc_NtkBalanceLevel( pNtk );
// collect all nodes that are roots
vNodes = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pNode, i )
Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, pNode );
Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
if ( pNode->pCopy || Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) == 0 )
Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, pNode );
Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pNode, i )
Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, pNode );
// write the DOT file
Io_WriteDot( pNtk, vNodes, NULL, FileNameDot, 1 );
Vec_PtrFree( vNodes );
// undo the supergates
Abc_NtkBalanceDetach( pNtk );
// set the normal levels
Abc_NtkGetLevelNum( pNtk );
// visualize the file
Abc_ShowFile( FileNameDot );
Synopsis [Visualizes a reconvergence driven cut at the node.]
Description []
......@@ -170,7 +230,7 @@ void Abc_NodeShowCut( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, int nNodeSizeMax, int nConeSizeMax )
// add the root node to the cone (for visualization)
Vec_PtrPush( vCutSmall, pNode );
// write the DOT file
Io_WriteDot( pNode->pNtk, vInside, vCutSmall, FileNameDot );
Io_WriteDot( pNode->pNtk, vInside, vCutSmall, FileNameDot, 0 );
// stop the cut computation manager
Abc_NtkManCutStop( p );
......@@ -932,20 +932,24 @@ int Abc_CommandShowAig( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
FILE * pOut, * pErr;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk;
int c;
int fMulti;
extern void Abc_NtkShowAig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkShowMulti( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNet(pAbc);
pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
// set defaults
fMulti = 0;
while ( ( c = util_getopt( argc, argv, "h" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = util_getopt( argc, argv, "mh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
case 'h':
goto usage;
case 'm':
fMulti ^= 1;
goto usage;
......@@ -962,7 +966,16 @@ int Abc_CommandShowAig( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
fprintf( pErr, "Visualizing AIG can only be done for AIGs (run \"strash\" or \"seq\").\n" );
return 1;
if ( fMulti && !Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) )
fprintf( pErr, "Visualizing multi-input ANDs cannot be done for sequential network (run \"unseq\").\n" );
return 1;
if ( !fMulti )
Abc_NtkShowAig( pNtk );
Abc_NtkShowMulti( pNtk );
return 0;
......@@ -972,6 +985,7 @@ usage:
fprintf( pErr, " \"dot.exe\" and \"gsview32.exe\" should be set in the paths\n" );
fprintf( pErr, " (\"gsview32.exe\" may be in \"C:\\Program Files\\Ghostgum\\gsview\\\")\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-m : toggles visualization of multi-input ANDs [default = %s].\n", fMulti? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
......@@ -1300,8 +1314,8 @@ usage:
fprintf( pErr, "\t-F num : the maximum fanin size after renoding [default = %d]\n", nFaninMax );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-T num : the threshold for AIG node duplication [default = %d]\n", nThresh );
fprintf( pErr, "\t (an AIG node is the root of a new node after renoding\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t if doing so prevents duplication of more than %d AIG nodes,\n", nThresh );
fprintf( pErr, "\t that is, if [(numFanouts(Node)-1) * size(MFFC(Node))] > %d)\n", nThresh );
fprintf( pErr, "\t if this leads to duplication of no more than %d AIG nodes,\n", nThresh );
fprintf( pErr, "\t that is, if [(numFanouts(Node)-1) * size(MFFC(Node))] <= %d)\n", nThresh );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-m : creates multi-input AND graph [default = %s]\n", fMulti? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-s : creates a simple AIG (no renoding) [default = %s]\n", fSimple? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-c : performs renoding to derive the CNF [default = %s]\n", fCnf? "yes": "no" );
......@@ -2733,13 +2747,14 @@ int Abc_CommandCut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// set defaults
memset( pParams, 0, sizeof(Cut_Params_t) );
pParams->nVarsMax = 5; // the max cut size ("k" of the k-feasible cuts)
pParams->nKeepMax = 250; // the max number of cuts kept at a node
pParams->nKeepMax = 1000; // the max number of cuts kept at a node
pParams->fTruth = 0; // compute truth tables
pParams->fFilter = 1; // filter dominated cuts
pParams->fDrop = 0; // drop cuts on the fly
pParams->fMulti = 0; // use multi-input AND-gates
pParams->fVerbose = 0; // the verbosiness flag
while ( ( c = util_getopt( argc, argv, "KMtfdvh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = util_getopt( argc, argv, "KMtfdmvh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
......@@ -2774,6 +2789,9 @@ int Abc_CommandCut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
case 'd':
pParams->fDrop ^= 1;
case 'm':
pParams->fMulti ^= 1;
case 'v':
pParams->fVerbose ^= 1;
......@@ -2800,13 +2818,14 @@ int Abc_CommandCut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
return 0;
fprintf( pErr, "usage: cut [-K num] [-M num] [-tfdvh]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "usage: cut [-K num] [-M num] [-tfdmvh]\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t computes k-feasible cuts for the AIG\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-K num : max number of leaves (4 <= num <= 6) [default = %d]\n", pParams->nVarsMax );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-M num : max number of cuts stored at a node [default = %d]\n", pParams->nKeepMax );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-t : toggle truth table computation [default = %s]\n", pParams->fTruth? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-f : toggle filtering of duplicated/dominated [default = %s]\n", pParams->fFilter? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-d : toggle dropping when fanouts are done [default = %s]\n", pParams->fDrop? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-m : toggle using multi-input AND-gates [default = %s]\n", pParams->fMulti? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggle printing verbose information [default = %s]\n", pParams->fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;
......@@ -2839,9 +2858,9 @@ int Abc_CommandScut( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// set defaults
memset( pParams, 0, sizeof(Cut_Params_t) );
pParams->nVarsMax = 5; // the max cut size ("k" of the k-feasible cuts)
pParams->nKeepMax = 250; // the max number of cuts kept at a node
pParams->nKeepMax = 1000; // the max number of cuts kept at a node
pParams->fTruth = 0; // compute truth tables
pParams->fFilter = 0; // filter dominated cuts
pParams->fFilter = 1; // filter dominated cuts
pParams->fSeq = 1; // compute sequential cuts
pParams->fVerbose = 0; // the verbosiness flag
......@@ -4347,8 +4366,7 @@ int Abc_CommandRetime( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
int fForward;
int fBackward;
int fInitial;
extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkSuperChoice( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
int fVerbose;
pNtk = Abc_FrameReadNet(pAbc);
pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
......@@ -4358,8 +4376,9 @@ int Abc_CommandRetime( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
fForward = 0;
fBackward = 0;
fInitial = 0;
fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = util_getopt( argc, argv, "fbih" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = util_getopt( argc, argv, "fbivh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
......@@ -4372,6 +4391,9 @@ int Abc_CommandRetime( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
case 'i':
fInitial ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
case 'h':
goto usage;
......@@ -4393,13 +4415,13 @@ int Abc_CommandRetime( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
// get the new network
if ( fForward )
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( pNtk );
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( pNtk, fVerbose );
else if ( fBackward )
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( pNtk );
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( pNtk, fVerbose );
else if ( fInitial )
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeInitial( pNtk );
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeInitial( pNtk, fVerbose );
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( pNtk );
Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( pNtk, fVerbose );
return 0;
......@@ -242,6 +242,167 @@ int Abc_NodeBalanceCone_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vSuper, bool fFirst,
Synopsis [Collects the nodes in the implication supergate.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NodeFindCone_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pNode )
Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes;
Abc_Obj_t * pNodeC, * pNodeT, * pNodeE;
int RetValue, i;
assert( !Abc_ObjIsComplement(pNode) );
if ( Abc_ObjIsCi(pNode) )
return NULL;
// start the new array
vNodes = Vec_PtrAlloc( 4 );
// if the node is the MUX collect its fanins
if ( Abc_NodeIsMuxType(pNode) )
pNodeC = Abc_NodeRecognizeMux( pNode, &pNodeT, &pNodeE );
Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, Abc_ObjRegular(pNodeC) );
Vec_PtrPushUnique( vNodes, Abc_ObjRegular(pNodeT) );
Vec_PtrPushUnique( vNodes, Abc_ObjRegular(pNodeE) );
// collect the nodes in the implication supergate
RetValue = Abc_NodeBalanceCone_rec( pNode, vNodes, 1, 1 );
assert( vNodes->nSize > 1 );
// unmark the visited nodes
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vNodes, pNode, i )
Abc_ObjRegular(pNode)->fMarkB = 0;
// if we found the node and its complement in the same implication supergate,
// return empty set of nodes (meaning that we should use constant-0 node)
if ( RetValue == -1 )
vNodes->nSize = 0;
// call for the fanin
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vNodes, pNode, i )
pNode = Abc_ObjRegular(pNode);
if ( pNode->pCopy )
pNode->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)Abc_NodeFindCone_rec( pNode );
return vNodes;
Synopsis [Attaches the implication supergates to internal nodes.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkBalanceAttach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
int i;
Abc_NtkCleanCopy( pNtk );
Abc_NtkForEachCo( pNtk, pNode, i )
pNode = Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode);
if ( pNode->pCopy )
pNode->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)Abc_NodeFindCone_rec( pNode );
Synopsis [Attaches the implication supergates to internal nodes.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkBalanceDetach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
int i;
Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
if ( pNode->pCopy )
Vec_PtrFree( (Vec_Ptr_t *)pNode->pCopy );
pNode->pCopy = NULL;
Synopsis [Compute levels of implication supergates.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Abc_NtkBalanceLevel_rec( Abc_Obj_t * pNode )
Vec_Ptr_t * vSuper;
Abc_Obj_t * pFanin;
int i, LevelMax;
assert( !Abc_ObjIsComplement(pNode) );
if ( pNode->Level > 0 )
return pNode->Level;
if ( Abc_ObjIsCi(pNode) )
return 0;
vSuper = (Vec_Ptr_t *)pNode->pCopy;
assert( vSuper != NULL );
LevelMax = 0;
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vSuper, pFanin, i )
pFanin = Abc_ObjRegular(pFanin);
if ( LevelMax < (int)pFanin->Level )
LevelMax = pFanin->Level;
pNode->Level = LevelMax + 1;
return pNode->Level;
Synopsis [Compute levels of implication supergates.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkBalanceLevel( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
int i;
Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pNode, i )
pNode->Level = 0;
Abc_NtkForEachCo( pNtk, pNode, i )
Abc_NtkBalanceLevel_rec( Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode) );
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
static void Abc_NtkPrintCuts( void * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fSeq );
static void Abc_NtkPrintCuts_( void * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fSeq );
......@@ -49,7 +52,12 @@ Cut_Man_t * Abc_NtkCuts( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Cut_Params_t * pParams )
int i;
int clk = clock();
extern void Abc_NtkBalanceAttach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkBalanceDetach( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) );
if ( pParams->fMulti )
// start the manager
pParams->nIdsMax = Abc_NtkObjNumMax( pNtk );
......@@ -76,7 +84,13 @@ Cut_Man_t * Abc_NtkCuts( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Cut_Params_t * pParams )
if ( Abc_NodeIsConst(pObj) )
// compute the cuts to the internal node
Abc_NodeGetCuts( p, pObj );
Abc_NodeGetCuts( p, pObj, pParams->fMulti );
// consider dropping the fanins cuts
if ( pParams->fDrop )
Cut_NodeTryDroppingCuts( p, Abc_ObjFaninId0(pObj) );
Cut_NodeTryDroppingCuts( p, Abc_ObjFaninId1(pObj) );
// add cuts due to choices
if ( Abc_NodeIsAigChoice(pObj) )
......@@ -88,7 +102,11 @@ Cut_Man_t * Abc_NtkCuts( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Cut_Params_t * pParams )
Vec_PtrFree( vNodes );
Vec_IntFree( vChoices );
if ( pParams->fMulti )
PRT( "Total", clock() - clk );
Abc_NtkPrintCuts_( p, pNtk, 0 );
// Cut_ManPrintStatsToFile( p, pNtk->pSpec, clock() - clk );
return p;
......@@ -105,7 +123,68 @@ PRT( "Total", clock() - clk );
Cut_Man_t * Abc_NtkSeqCuts( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Cut_Params_t * pParams )
return NULL;
Cut_Man_t * p;
Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, nIters, fStatus;
int clk = clock();
assert( Abc_NtkIsSeq(pNtk) );
assert( pParams->fSeq );
// start the manager
pParams->nIdsMax = Abc_NtkObjNumMax( pNtk );
pParams->nCutSet = pNtk->vLats->nSize;
p = Cut_ManStart( pParams );
// set cuts for PIs
Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i )
Cut_NodeSetTriv( p, pObj->Id );
// label the cutset nodes and set their number in the array
// assign the elementary cuts to the cutset nodes
Abc_SeqForEachCutsetNode( pNtk, pObj, i )
assert( pObj->fMarkC == 0 );
pObj->fMarkC = 1;
pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)i;
Cut_NodeSetTriv( p, pObj->Id );
// process the nodes
for ( nIters = 0; nIters < 10; nIters++ )
//printf( "ITERATION %d:\n", nIters );
// compute the cuts for the internal nodes
Abc_AigForEachAnd( pNtk, pObj, i )
Abc_NodeGetCutsSeq( p, pObj, nIters==0 );
Abc_NtkPrintCuts( p, pNtk, 1 );
// merge the new cuts with the old cuts
Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i )
Cut_NodeNewMergeWithOld( p, pObj->Id );
Abc_AigForEachAnd( pNtk, pObj, i )
Cut_NodeNewMergeWithOld( p, pObj->Id );
// for the cutset, merge temp with new
fStatus = 0;
Abc_SeqForEachCutsetNode( pNtk, pObj, i )
fStatus |= Cut_NodeTempTransferToNew( p, pObj->Id, i );
if ( fStatus == 0 )
// if the status is not finished, transfer new to old for the cutset
Abc_SeqForEachCutsetNode( pNtk, pObj, i )
Cut_NodeNewMergeWithOld( p, pObj->Id );
// transfer the old cuts to the new positions
Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i )
Cut_NodeOldTransferToNew( p, pObj->Id );
// unlabel the cutset nodes
Abc_SeqForEachCutsetNode( pNtk, pObj, i )
pObj->fMarkC = 0;
PRT( "Total", clock() - clk );
printf( "Converged after %d iterations.\n", nIters );
Abc_NtkPrintCuts( p, pNtk, 1 );
return p;
......@@ -126,7 +205,7 @@ void * Abc_NodeGetCutsRecursive( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
return pList;
Abc_NodeGetCutsRecursive( p, Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj) );
Abc_NodeGetCutsRecursive( p, Abc_ObjFanin1(pObj) );
return Abc_NodeGetCuts( p, pObj );
return Abc_NodeGetCuts( p, pObj, 0 );
......@@ -140,10 +219,35 @@ void * Abc_NodeGetCutsRecursive( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
void * Abc_NodeGetCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
void * Abc_NodeGetCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fMulti )
int fTriv = (!fMulti) || (pObj->pCopy != NULL);
assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pObj->pNtk) );
assert( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj) == 2 );
return Cut_NodeComputeCuts( p, pObj->Id, Abc_ObjFaninId0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninId1(pObj),
Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninC1(pObj), 1, 1, fTriv );
Synopsis [Computes the cuts for the network.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NodeGetCutsSeq( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int fTriv )
int CutSetNum;
assert( Abc_NtkIsSeq(pObj->pNtk) );
assert( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj) == 2 );
// fTriv = pObj->fMarkC ? 0 : fTriv;
CutSetNum = pObj->fMarkC ? (int)pObj->pCopy : -1;
Cut_NodeComputeCutsSeq( p, pObj->Id, Abc_ObjFaninId0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninId1(pObj),
Abc_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninC1(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninL0(pObj), Abc_ObjFaninL1(pObj), fTriv, CutSetNum );
......@@ -159,7 +263,7 @@ void * Abc_NodeGetCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
void * Abc_NodeReadCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
return Cut_NodeReadCuts( p, pObj->Id );
return Cut_NodeReadCutsNew( p, pObj->Id );
......@@ -178,6 +282,54 @@ void Abc_NodeFreeCuts( void * p, Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
Cut_NodeFreeCuts( p, pObj->Id );
Synopsis [Computes the cuts for the network.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkPrintCuts( void * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fSeq )
Cut_Man_t * pMan = p;
Cut_Cut_t * pList;
Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
printf( "Cuts of the network:\n" );
Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i )
pList = Abc_NodeReadCuts( p, pObj );
printf( "Node %s:\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) );
Cut_CutPrintList( pList, fSeq );
Synopsis [Computes the cuts for the network.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkPrintCuts_( void * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fSeq )
Cut_Man_t * pMan = p;
Cut_Cut_t * pList;
Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
pObj = Abc_NtkObj( pNtk, 2 * Abc_NtkObjNum(pNtk) / 3 );
pList = Abc_NodeReadCuts( p, pObj );
printf( "Node %s:\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj) );
Cut_CutPrintList( pList, fSeq );
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void Abc_NodePrintCuts( Abc_Obj_t * pNode )
Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pCut->uSign, 16 );
printf( " " );
Cut_CutPrint( pCut );
Cut_CutPrint( pCut, 0 );
printf( "\n" );
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves;
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves;
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Vec_PtrForEachEntryReverse( vMoves, pNode, i )
Abc_ObjRetimeForwardTry( pNode, 1 );
// implement this backward retiming
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( pNtk, vMoves );
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( pNtk, vMoves, fVerbose );
Vec_PtrFree( vMoves );
if ( RetValue == 0 )
printf( "Retiming completed but initial state computation has failed.\n" );
......@@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
Vec_Str_t * vLags;
int RetValue;
// get the retiming vector
vLags = Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( pNtk );
vLags = Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( pNtk, fVerbose );
// implement this retiming
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( pNtk, vLags );
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( pNtk, vLags, fVerbose );
Vec_StrFree( vLags );
if ( RetValue == 0 )
printf( "Retiming completed but initial state computation has failed.\n" );
......@@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
SeeAlso []
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeInitial( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeInitial( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
Vec_Str_t * vLags;
int RetValue;
// get the retiming vector
vLags = Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( pNtk );
vLags = Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( pNtk, fVerbose );
// implement this retiming
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( pNtk, vLags );
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( pNtk, vLags, fVerbose );
Vec_StrFree( vLags );
if ( RetValue == 0 )
printf( "Retiming completed but initial state computation has failed.\n" );
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ static inline void Abc_NodeSetLValue( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, int Value ) { Vec_IntW
static inline int Abc_NodeGetLag( int LValue, int Fi ) { return (LValue + 256*Fi)/Fi - 256 - (int)(LValue % Fi == 0); }
// the internal procedures
static int Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int FiMin, int FiMax );
static int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi );
static int Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int FiMin, int FiMax, int fVerbose );
static int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi, int fVerbose );
static int Abc_NodeUpdateLValue( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int Fi );
// node status after updating its arrival time
......@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ static void Abc_RetimingExperiment( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags );
SeeAlso []
Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose )
Vec_Str_t * vLags;
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
int i, FiMax, FiBest;
int i, FiMax, FiBest, RetValue;
assert( Abc_NtkIsSeq( pNtk ) );
// start storage for sequential arrival times
// assert( pNtk->pData == NULL );
assert( pNtk->pData == NULL );
pNtk->pData = Vec_IntAlloc( 0 );
// get the upper bound on the clock period
......@@ -75,11 +75,17 @@ Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
FiMax += 2;
// make sure this clock period is feasible
assert( Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( pNtk, FiMax ) );
assert( Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( pNtk, FiMax, fVerbose ) );
// search for the optimal clock period between 0 and nLevelMax
FiBest = Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( pNtk, 0, FiMax );
FiBest = Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( pNtk, 0, FiMax, fVerbose );
// recompute the best LValues
RetValue = Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( pNtk, FiBest, fVerbose );
assert( RetValue );
// print the result
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "The best clock period is %3d.\n", FiBest );
// convert to lags
......@@ -91,9 +97,6 @@ Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_AigForEachAnd( pNtk, pNode, i )
printf( "%d=%d ", i, Abc_NodeReadLValue(pNode) );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Lags : " );
Abc_AigForEachAnd( pNtk, pNode, i )
if ( Vec_StrEntry(vLags,i) != 0 )
......@@ -101,8 +104,6 @@ Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
printf( "\n" );
// Abc_RetimingExperiment( pNtk, vLags );
// free storage
Vec_IntFree( pNtk->pData );
pNtk->pData = NULL;
......@@ -120,17 +121,17 @@ Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
SeeAlso []
int Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int FiMin, int FiMax )
int Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int FiMin, int FiMax, int fVerbose )
int Median;
assert( FiMin < FiMax );
if ( FiMin + 1 == FiMax )
return FiMax;
Median = FiMin + (FiMax - FiMin)/2;
if ( Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( pNtk, Median ) )
return Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( pNtk, FiMin, Median ); // Median is feasible
if ( Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( pNtk, Median, fVerbose ) )
return Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( pNtk, FiMin, Median, fVerbose ); // Median is feasible
return Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( pNtk, Median, FiMax ); // Median is infeasible
return Abc_NtkRetimeSearch_rec( pNtk, Median, FiMax, fVerbose ); // Median is infeasible
......@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod2( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi )
printf( "Period = %3d. Updated nodes = %6d. Infeasible %s\n", Fi, vFrontier->nSize, pReason );
printf( "Period = %3d. Updated nodes = %6d. Feasible\n", Fi, vFrontier->nSize );
// Vec_PtrFree( vFrontier );
Vec_PtrFree( vFrontier );
return RetValue != ABC_UPDATE_FAIL;
......@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod2( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi )
SeeAlso []
int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi )
int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi, int fVerbose )
Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, c, RetValue, fChange, Counter;
......@@ -237,11 +238,13 @@ int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi )
// set l-values of all nodes to be minus infinity
Vec_IntFill( pNtk->pData, Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk), -ABC_INFINITY );
// set l-values for the constant and PIs
pObj = Abc_NtkObj( pNtk, 0 );
Abc_NodeSetLValue( pObj, 0 );
Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i )
Abc_NodeSetLValue( pObj, 0 );
// update all values iteratively
Counter = 0;
for ( c = 0; c < 20; c++ )
......@@ -272,10 +275,13 @@ int Abc_NtkRetimeForPeriod( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int Fi )
// report the results
if ( fVerbose )
if ( RetValue == ABC_UPDATE_FAIL )
printf( "Period = %3d. Iterations = %3d. Updates = %6d. Infeasible %s\n", Fi, c, Counter, pReason );
printf( "Period = %3d. Iterations = %3d. Updates = %6d. Feasible\n", Fi, c, Counter );
return RetValue != ABC_UPDATE_FAIL;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static void Abc_NtkRetimeSetInitialValues( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, stmm_table * tTable
SeeAlso []
int Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags )
int Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags, int fVerbose )
Vec_Int_t * vSteps;
Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves;
......@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ int Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags )
// forward retiming
vSteps = Abc_NtkUtilRetimingSplit( vLags, 1 );
// translate each set of steps into moves
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "The number of forward steps = %6d.\n", Vec_IntSize(vSteps) );
vMoves = Abc_NtkUtilRetimingGetMoves( pNtk, vSteps, 1 );
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "The number of forward moves = %6d.\n", Vec_PtrSize(vMoves) );
// implement this retiming
Abc_NtkImplementRetimingForward( pNtk, vMoves );
......@@ -64,11 +66,13 @@ int Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags )
// backward retiming
vSteps = Abc_NtkUtilRetimingSplit( vLags, 0 );
// translate each set of steps into moves
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "The number of backward steps = %6d.\n", Vec_IntSize(vSteps) );
vMoves = Abc_NtkUtilRetimingGetMoves( pNtk, vSteps, 0 );
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "The number of backward moves = %6d.\n", Vec_PtrSize(vMoves) );
// implement this retiming
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( pNtk, vMoves );
RetValue = Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( pNtk, vMoves, fVerbose );
Vec_IntFree( vSteps );
Vec_PtrFree( vMoves );
return RetValue;
......@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ void Abc_ObjRetimeForward( Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
int Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves )
int Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves, int fVerbose )
Abc_RetEdge_t RetEdge;
stmm_table * tTable;
......@@ -216,6 +220,7 @@ int Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves )
Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkProb );
Vec_IntFree( vValues );
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "The number of ANDs in the AIG = %5d.\n", Abc_NtkNodeNum(pNtkMiter) );
// transform the miter into a logic network for efficient CNF construction
......@@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ int Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves )
// solve the miter
clk = clock();
RetValue = Abc_NtkMiterSat( pNtkCnf, 30, 0 );
if ( fVerbose )
if ( clock() - clk > 500 )
PRT( "SAT solving time", clock() - clk );
......@@ -175,6 +175,14 @@ Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkUtilRetimingGetMoves( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Int_t * vSteps, b
if ( !fChange )
printf( "Warning: %d strange steps.\n", Vec_IntSize(vSteps) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vSteps, Number, i )
RetStep = Abc_Int2RetStep( Number );
printf( "%d(%d) ", RetStep.iNode, RetStep.nLatches );
printf( "\n" );
......@@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ static inline void Abc_ObjFaninLInsertLast( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int Edge, Abc_Init
unsigned EntryNew = EntryCur | (Init << (2 * Abc_ObjFaninL(pObj, Edge)));
assert( Init >= 0 && Init < 4 );
assert( Abc_ObjFaninL(pObj, Edge) < ABC_MAX_EDGE_LATCH );
if ( Abc_ObjFaninL(pObj, Edge) >= ABC_MAX_EDGE_LATCH )
printf( "The limit on latched on the edge (%d) is exceeded.\n", ABC_MAX_EDGE_LATCH );
Abc_ObjFaninLSetInit( pObj, Edge, EntryNew );
Abc_ObjAddFaninL( pObj, Edge, 1 );
......@@ -293,16 +295,16 @@ static inline void Abc_ObjRetimeBackwardTry( Abc_Obj_t * pObj, int nLatches )
/*=== abcRetCore.c ===========================================================*/
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeInitial( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeForward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeInitial( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
extern void Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelay( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
/*=== abcRetDelay.c ==========================================================*/
extern Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern Vec_Str_t * Abc_NtkSeqRetimeDelayLags( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
/*=== abcRetImpl.c ===========================================================*/
extern int Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags );
extern int Abc_NtkImplementRetiming( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Str_t * vLags, int fVerbose );
extern void Abc_NtkImplementRetimingForward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves );
extern int Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves );
extern int Abc_NtkImplementRetimingBackward( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vMoves, int fVerbose );
/*=== abcRetUtil.c ===========================================================*/
extern Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkUtilRetimingTry( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, bool fForward );
extern Vec_Ptr_t * Abc_NtkUtilRetimingGetMoves( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Int_t * vNodes, bool fForward );
......@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ int IoCommandWriteDot( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
FileName = argv[util_optind];
// write the file
vNodes = Abc_NtkCollectObjects( pAbc->pNtkCur );
Io_WriteDot( pAbc->pNtkCur, vNodes, NULL, FileName );
Io_WriteDot( pAbc->pNtkCur, vNodes, NULL, FileName, 0 );
Vec_PtrFree( vNodes );
return 0;
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ extern int Io_WriteBench( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * FileName );
/*=== abcWriteCnf.c ==========================================================*/
extern int Io_WriteCnf( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * FileName );
/*=== abcWriteDot.c ==========================================================*/
extern void Io_WriteDot( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodesShow, char * pFileName );
extern void Io_WriteDot( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodesShow, char * pFileName, int fMulti );
/*=== abcWriteEqn.c ==========================================================*/
extern void Io_WriteEqn( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pFileName );
/*=== abcWriteGml.c ==========================================================*/
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
Synopsis [Writes the graph structure of AIG in DOT.]
Synopsis [Writes the graph structure of AIG for DOT.]
Description [Useful for graph visualization using tools such as GraphViz:]
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
SeeAlso []
void Io_WriteDot( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodesShow, char * pFileName )
void Io_WriteDot( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodesShow, char * pFileName, int fMulti )
FILE * pFile;
Abc_Obj_t * pNode, * pTemp, * pPrev;
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void Io_WriteDot( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodesShow,
fprintf( pFile, " fontsize=18,\n" );
fprintf( pFile, " fontname = \"Times-Roman\",\n" );
fprintf( pFile, " label=\"" );
fprintf( pFile, "The set contains %d nodes and spans %d levels.", vNodes->nSize, LevelMax - LevelMin );
fprintf( pFile, "The set contains %d nodes and spans %d levels.", vNodes->nSize, LevelMax - LevelMin + 1 );
fprintf( pFile, "\\n" );
fprintf( pFile, "\"\n" );
fprintf( pFile, " ];\n" );
......@@ -284,6 +284,29 @@ void Io_WriteDot( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodesShow,
if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) == 0 )
if ( fMulti && Abc_ObjIsNode(pNode) )
Vec_Ptr_t * vSuper;
Abc_Obj_t * pFanin;
int k, fCompl;
vSuper = (Vec_Ptr_t *)pNode->pCopy;
assert( vSuper != NULL );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vSuper, pFanin, k )
fCompl = Abc_ObjIsComplement(pFanin);
pFanin = Abc_ObjRegular(pFanin);
if ( !pFanin->fMarkC )
fprintf( pFile, "Node%d", pNode->Id );
fprintf( pFile, " -> " );
fprintf( pFile, "Node%d%s", pFanin->Id, (Abc_ObjIsLatch(pFanin)? "_out":"") );
fprintf( pFile, " [" );
fprintf( pFile, "style = %s", fCompl? "dotted" : "bold" );
fprintf( pFile, "]" );
fprintf( pFile, ";\n" );
// generate the edge from this node to the next
if ( Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode)->fMarkC )
......@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
// Npn_Experiment();
// Npn_Generate();
// get global frame (singleton pattern)
// will be initialized on first call
pAbc = Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame();
......@@ -261,6 +261,8 @@ extern int Extra_Power3( int Num );
/* the number of combinations of k elements out of n */
extern int Extra_NumCombinations( int k, int n );
extern int * Extra_DeriveRadixCode( int Number, int Radix, int nDigits );
/* counts the number of 1s in the bitstring */
extern int Extra_CountOnes( unsigned char * pBytes, int nBytes );
/* the factorial of number */
extern int Extra_Factorial( int n );
/* the permutation of the given number of elements */
......@@ -209,6 +209,37 @@ int * Extra_DeriveRadixCode( int Number, int Radix, int nDigits )
return Code;
Synopsis [Counts the number of ones in the bitstring.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Extra_CountOnes( unsigned char * pBytes, int nBytes )
static int bit_count[256] = {
int i, Counter;
Counter = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nBytes; i++ )
Counter += bit_count[ *(pBytes+i) ];
return Counter;
Synopsis [Computes the factorial.]
FileName [npn.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName []
Synopsis []
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
Revision [$Id: npn.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "extra.h"
#include "npn.h"
#include "vec.h"
static int Npn_CompareVecs( void ** p0, void ** p1 );
static Vec_Int_t * Npn_GetSignature( unsigned uTruth, int nVars );
static void Npn_VecPrint( FILE * pFile, Vec_Int_t * vVec );
static int Npn_VecProperty( Vec_Int_t * vVec );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Npn_Experiment()
Vec_Int_t ** pVecs;
FILE * pFile;
int nFuncs, Num, i;
pFile = fopen( "npn5.txt", "r" );
pVecs = ALLOC( Vec_Int_t *, 1000000 );
for ( i = 0; ; i++ )
if ( fscanf( pFile, "%x", &Num ) != 1 )
pVecs[i] = Npn_GetSignature( Num, 5 );
if ( Npn_VecProperty( pVecs[i] ) )
printf( "1s = %2d. ", Extra_CountOnes((unsigned char *)&Num, (1 << 5) / 8) );
Extra_PrintHex( stdout, Num, 5 ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
nFuncs = i;
printf( "Read %d numbers.\n", nFuncs );
fclose( pFile );
// sort the vectors
qsort( (void *)pVecs, nFuncs, sizeof(void *),
(int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Npn_CompareVecs );
pFile = fopen( "npn5ar.txt", "w" );
for ( i = 0; i < nFuncs; i++ )
Npn_VecPrint( pFile, pVecs[i] );
Vec_IntFree( pVecs[i] );
fclose( pFile );
free( pVecs );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Vec_Int_t * Npn_GetSignature( unsigned uTruth, int nVars )
// elementary truth tables
static unsigned Signs[5] = {
0xAAAAAAAA, // 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
0xCCCCCCCC, // 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
0xF0F0F0F0, // 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000
0xFF00FF00, // 1111 1111 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000
0xFFFF0000 // 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000
Vec_Int_t * vVec;
unsigned uCofactor;
int Count0, Count1, i;
int nBytes = (1 << nVars) / 8;
// collect the number of 1s in each cofactor
vVec = Vec_IntAlloc( 5 );
for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
uCofactor = uTruth & ~Signs[i];
Count0 = Extra_CountOnes( (unsigned char *)&uCofactor, nBytes );
uCofactor = uTruth & Signs[i];
Count1 = Extra_CountOnes( (unsigned char *)&uCofactor, nBytes );
if ( Count0 < Count1 )
Vec_IntPush( vVec, Count0 );
Vec_IntPush( vVec, Count1 );
// sort them
Vec_IntSort( vVec, 0 );
return vVec;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Npn_CompareVecs( void ** p0, void ** p1 )
Vec_Int_t * vVec0 = *p0;
Vec_Int_t * vVec1 = *p1;
int i;
assert( vVec0->nSize == vVec1->nSize );
for ( i = 0; i < vVec0->nSize; i++ )
if ( vVec0->pArray[i] < vVec1->pArray[i] )
return -1;
else if ( vVec0->pArray[i] > vVec1->pArray[i] )
return 1;
return 0;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Npn_VecPrint( FILE * pFile, Vec_Int_t * vVec )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < vVec->nSize; i++ )
fprintf( pFile, "%2d ", vVec->pArray[i] );
fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Npn_VecProperty( Vec_Int_t * vVec )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < vVec->nSize; i++ )
if ( vVec->pArray[i] != i + 1 )
return 0;
return 1;
/// END OF FILE ///
FileName [npn.h]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName []
Synopsis [External declarations.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
Revision [$Id: npn.h,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#ifndef __NPN_H__
#define __NPN_H__
/// INCLUDES ///
static inline int Extra_BitCharNum( int nVars ) { if ( nVars <= 3 ) return 1; return 1 << (nVars - 3); }
static inline int Extra_BitWordNum( int nVars ) { if ( nVars <= EXTRA_WORD_VARS ) return 1; return 1 << (nVars - EXTRA_WORD_VARS); }
static inline int Extra_BitRead( uint8 * pBits, int iBit ) { return ( (pBits[iBit/8] & (1 << (iBit%8))) > 0 ); }
static inline void Extra_BitSet( uint8 * pBits, int iBit ) { pBits[iBit/8] |= (1 << (iBit%8)); }
static inline void Extra_BitXor( uint8 * pBits, int iBit ) { pBits[iBit/8] ^= (1 << (iBit%8)); }
static inline void Extra_BitClean( int nVars, uint8 * pBits )
unsigned * pWords = (unsigned *)pBits;
int i;
for ( i = Extra_BitWordNum(nVars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
pWords[i] = 0;
static inline void Extra_BitNot( int nVars, uint8 * pBits )
unsigned * pWords = (unsigned *)pBits;
int i;
for ( i = Extra_BitWordNum(nVars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
pWords[i] = ~pWords[i];
static inline void Extra_BitCopy( int nVars, uint8 * pBits1, uint8 * pBits )
unsigned * pWords = (unsigned *)pBits;
unsigned * pWords1 = (unsigned *)pBits1;
int i;
for ( i = Extra_BitWordNum(nVars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
pWords[i] = pWords1[i];
static inline void Extra_BitAnd( int nVars, uint8 * pBits1, uint8 * pBits2, uint8 * pBits )
unsigned * pWords = (unsigned *)pBits;
unsigned * pWords1 = (unsigned *)pBits1;
unsigned * pWords2 = (unsigned *)pBits2;
int i;
for ( i = Extra_BitWordNum(nVars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
pWords[i] = pWords1[i] & pWords2[i];
static inline void Extra_BitSharp( int nVars, uint8 * pBits1, uint8 * pBits2, uint8 * pBits )
unsigned * pWords = (unsigned *)pBits;
unsigned * pWords1 = (unsigned *)pBits1;
unsigned * pWords2 = (unsigned *)pBits2;
int i;
for ( i = Extra_BitWordNum(nVars) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
pWords[i] = pWords1[i] & ~pWords2[i];
/*=== zzz.c ==========================================================*/
/// END OF FILE ///
FileName [npnUtil.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName []
Synopsis []
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
Revision [$Id: npnUtil.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "extra.h"
#include "npn.h"
#include "vec.h"
Synopsis [Checks if the variable belongs to the support.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Extra_TruthCofactors( int nVars, uint8 * puTruth, uint8 * puElem[][32],
uint8 * puTruthCofs0[][32], uint8 * puTruthCofs1[][32] )
int v;
for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
Extra_BitSharp( nVars, puTruth, puElem[v], (uint8 *)puTruthCofs0[v] );
Extra_BitAnd ( nVars, puTruth, puElem[v], (uint8 *)puTruthCofs1[v] );
Synopsis [Checks if the variable belongs to the support.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Extra_TruthCountCofactorOnes( int nVars, uint8 * puTruthCofs[][32], int * pCounts )
int v, nBytes;
nBytes = Extra_BitCharNum( nVars );
for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
pCounts[v] = Extra_CountOnes( puTruthCofs[v], nBytes );
Synopsis [Checks if the variable belongs to the support.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Extra_TruthHasVar( int nVars, uint8 * puTruth, int iVar )
// elementary truth tables
static uint8 Signs[3] = {
0xAA, // 1010 1010
0xCC, // 1100 1100
0xF0 // 1111 0000
int nChars, nShift, i;
assert( iVar < nVars );
nChars = Extra_BitCharNum( nVars );
if ( iVar < 3 )
nShift = (1 << iVar);
for ( i = 0; i < nChars; i++ )
if ( ((puTruth[i] & Signs[iVar]) >> nShift) != (puTruth[i] & ~Signs[iVar]) )
return 1;
nShift = (1 << (iVar-3));
for ( i = 0; i < nChars; i++, i = (i % nShift)? i : i + nShift )
if ( puTruth[i] != puTruth[i+nShift] )
return 1;
return 0;
Synopsis [Checks if the variable belongs to the support.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Npn_VarsTest( int nVars, uint8 * puTruth )
int v;
int Counter = 0;
for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
Counter += Extra_TruthHasVar( nVars, puTruth, v );
return Counter;
/// END OF FILE ///
FileName [npnUtil.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName []
Synopsis []
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
Revision [$Id: npnUtil.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "extra.h"
#include "npn.h"
#include "vec.h"
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Npn_StartTruth8( uint8 uTruths[][32] )
// elementary truth tables
static uint8 Signs[3] = {
0xAA, // 1010 1010
0xCC, // 1100 1100
0xF0 // 1111 0000
int v, i, nShift;
for ( v = 0; v < 3; v++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
uTruths[v][i] = Signs[v];
for ( v = 3; v < 8; v++ )
nShift = (1 << (v-3));
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++, i = (i % nShift)? i : i + nShift )
uTruths[v][i] = 0;
uTruths[v][i + nShift] = 0xFF;
for ( v = 0; v < 8; v++ )
Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned int*)uTruths[v], 90 );
printf( "\n" );
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -42,21 +42,23 @@ struct Cut_ParamsStruct_t_
int nVarsMax; // the max cut size ("k" of the k-feasible cuts)
int nKeepMax; // the max number of cuts kept at a node
int nIdsMax; // the max number of IDs of cut objects
int nCutSet; // the number of nodes in the cut set
int fTruth; // compute truth tables
int fFilter; // filter dominated cuts
int fSeq; // compute sequential cuts
int fDrop; // drop cuts on the fly
int fMulti; // compute cuts in multi-input AND gate graph
int fVerbose; // the verbosiness flag
struct Cut_CutStruct_t_
unsigned uTruth : 16; // truth table for 4-input cuts
unsigned uPhase : 8; // the phase when mapping into a canonical form
unsigned uPhase : 6; // the phase when mapping into a canonical form
unsigned fSimul : 1; // the value of cut's output at 000.. pattern
unsigned fCompl : 1; // the cut is complemented
unsigned nVarsMax : 3; // the max number of vars [4-6]
unsigned nLeaves : 3; // the number of leaves [4-6]
unsigned nVarsMax : 4; // the max number of vars [4-6]
unsigned nLeaves : 4; // the number of leaves [4-6]
unsigned uSign; // the signature
Cut_Cut_t * pNext; // the next cut in the list
int pLeaves[0]; // the array of leaves
......@@ -82,22 +84,34 @@ static inline void Cut_CutWriteTruth( Cut_Cut_t * p, unsigned * puTruth )
/*=== cutApi.c ==========================================================*/
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern void Cut_NodeWriteCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCutsNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCutsOld( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCutsTemp( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern void Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList );
extern void Cut_NodeWriteCutsOld( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList );
extern void Cut_NodeWriteCutsTemp( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList );
extern void Cut_NodeSetTriv( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern void Cut_NodeTryDroppingCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern void Cut_NodeFreeCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
/*=== cutCut.c ==========================================================*/
extern void Cut_CutPrint( Cut_Cut_t * pCut );
extern void Cut_CutPrint( Cut_Cut_t * pCut, int fSeq );
extern void Cut_CutPrintList( Cut_Cut_t * pList, int fSeq );
/*=== cutMan.c ==========================================================*/
extern Cut_Man_t * Cut_ManStart( Cut_Params_t * pParams );
extern void Cut_ManStop( Cut_Man_t * p );
extern void Cut_ManPrintStats( Cut_Man_t * p );
extern void Cut_ManPrintStatsToFile( Cut_Man_t * p, char * pFileName, int TimeTotal );
extern void Cut_ManSetFanoutCounts( Cut_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vFanCounts );
extern int Cut_ManReadVarsMax( Cut_Man_t * p );
/*=== cutNode.c ==========================================================*/
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeComputeCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int Node0, int Node1, int fCompl0, int fCompl1 );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeComputeCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int Node0, int Node1, int fCompl0, int fCompl1, int fNew0, int fNew1, int fTriv );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeDoComputeCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int Node0, int Node1, int fCompl0, int fCompl1, int fNew0, int fNew1, int fTriv );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeUnionCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
/*=== cutSeq.c ==========================================================*/
extern void Cut_NodeComputeCutsSeq( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int Node0, int Node1, int fCompl0, int fCompl1, int nLat0, int nLat1, int fTriv, int CutSetNum );
extern void Cut_NodeNewMergeWithOld( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern int Cut_NodeTempTransferToNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int CutSetNum );
extern void Cut_NodeOldTransferToNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
SeeAlso []
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCutsNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
if ( Node >= p->vCuts->nSize )
if ( Node >= p->vCutsNew->nSize )
return NULL;
return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCuts, Node );
return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCutsNew, Node );
......@@ -57,9 +57,75 @@ Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeWriteCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList )
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCutsOld( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( p->vCuts, Node, pList );
assert( Node < p->vCutsOld->nSize );
return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCutsOld, Node );
Synopsis [Returns the pointer to the linked list of cuts.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_NodeReadCutsTemp( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
assert( Node < p->vCutsTemp->nSize );
return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCutsTemp, Node );
Synopsis [Returns the pointer to the linked list of cuts.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( p->vCutsNew, Node, pList );
Synopsis [Returns the pointer to the linked list of cuts.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeWriteCutsOld( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( p->vCutsOld, Node, pList );
Synopsis [Returns the pointer to the linked list of cuts.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeWriteCutsTemp( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( p->vCutsTemp, Node, pList );
......@@ -75,8 +141,8 @@ void Cut_NodeWriteCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, Cut_Cut_t * pList )
void Cut_NodeSetTriv( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
assert( Cut_NodeReadCuts(p, Node) == NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCuts( p, Node, Cut_CutCreateTriv(p, Node) );
assert( Cut_NodeReadCutsNew(p, Node) == NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( p, Node, Cut_CutCreateTriv(p, Node) );
......@@ -115,12 +181,12 @@ void Cut_NodeTryDroppingCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
void Cut_NodeFreeCuts( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
Cut_Cut_t * pList, * pCut, * pCut2;
pList = Cut_NodeReadCuts( p, Node );
pList = Cut_NodeReadCutsNew( p, Node );
if ( pList == NULL )
Cut_ListForEachCutSafe( pList, pCut, pCut2 )
Cut_CutRecycle( p, pCut );
Cut_NodeWriteCuts( p, Node, NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( p, Node, NULL );
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "cutInt.h"
#include "npn.h"
......@@ -69,12 +70,19 @@ Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutAlloc( Cut_Man_t * p )
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutCreateTriv( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
Cut_Cut_t * pCut;
if ( p->pParams->fSeq )
Node <<= 8;
pCut = Cut_CutAlloc( p );
pCut->nLeaves = 1;
pCut->pLeaves[0] = Node;
pCut->uSign = (1 << (Node % 32));
pCut->uSign = Cut_NodeSign( Node );
if ( p->pParams->fTruth )
if ( pCut->nVarsMax == 4 )
Cut_CutWriteTruth( pCut, p->uTruthVars[0] );
Extra_BitCopy( pCut->nLeaves, p->uTruths[0], (uint8*)Cut_CutReadTruth(pCut) );
return pCut;
......@@ -111,14 +119,43 @@ void Cut_CutRecycle( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut )
SeeAlso []
void Cut_CutPrint( Cut_Cut_t * pCut )
void Cut_CutPrint( Cut_Cut_t * pCut, int fSeq )
int i;
assert( pCut->nLeaves > 0 );
printf( "%d : {", pCut->nLeaves );
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
if ( fSeq )
printf( " %d", pCut->pLeaves[i] >> 8 );
if ( pCut->pLeaves[i] & 0xFF )
printf( "(%d)", pCut->pLeaves[i] & 0xFF );
printf( " %d", pCut->pLeaves[i] );
printf( " }" );
// printf( "\nSign = " );
// Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, &pCut->uSign, 32 );
Synopsis [Print the cut.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_CutPrintList( Cut_Cut_t * pList, int fSeq )
Cut_Cut_t * pCut;
for ( pCut = pList; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
Cut_CutPrint( pCut, fSeq ), printf( "\n" );
......@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
#define CUT_SIZE_MAX 8
#include "cutList.h"
......@@ -46,8 +49,9 @@ struct Cut_ManStruct_t_
Cut_Params_t * pParams; // computation parameters
Vec_Int_t * vFanCounts; // the array of fanout counters
// storage for cuts
Vec_Ptr_t * vCuts; // cuts by ID
Vec_Ptr_t * vCutsNew; // cuts by ID
Vec_Ptr_t * vCutsNew; // new cuts by node ID
Vec_Ptr_t * vCutsOld; // old cuts by node ID
Vec_Ptr_t * vCutsTemp; // temp cuts for cutset nodes by cutset node number
// memory management
Extra_MmFixed_t * pMmCuts;
int EntrySize;
......@@ -59,12 +63,14 @@ struct Cut_ManStruct_t_
int fSimul;
int nNodeCuts;
// precomputations
uint8 uTruths[8][32];
unsigned uTruthVars[6][2];
unsigned short ** pPerms43;
unsigned ** pPerms53;
unsigned ** pPerms54;
// statistics
int nCutsCur;
int nCutsMulti;
int nCutsAlloc;
int nCutsDealloc;
int nCutsPeak;
......@@ -72,6 +78,7 @@ struct Cut_ManStruct_t_
int nCutsFilter;
int nCutsLimit;
int nNodes;
int nNodesMulti;
// runtime
int timeMerge;
int timeUnion;
......@@ -100,6 +107,9 @@ struct Cut_ManStruct_t_
// computes signature of the node
static inline unsigned Cut_NodeSign( int Node ) { return (1 << (Node % 31)); }
......@@ -108,7 +118,6 @@ struct Cut_ManStruct_t_
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutAlloc( Cut_Man_t * p );
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutCreateTriv( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node );
extern void Cut_CutRecycle( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut );
extern void Cut_CutPrint( Cut_Cut_t * pCut );
extern void Cut_CutPrintMerge( Cut_Cut_t * pCut, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 );
/*=== cutMerge.c ==========================================================*/
extern Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 );
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
typedef struct Cut_ListStruct_t_ Cut_List_t;
struct Cut_ListStruct_t_
Cut_Cut_t * pHead[7];
Cut_Cut_t ** ppTail[7];
Cut_Cut_t * pHead[CUT_SIZE_MAX+1];
Cut_Cut_t ** ppTail[CUT_SIZE_MAX+1];
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct Cut_ListStruct_t_
Synopsis []
Synopsis [Start the cut list.]
Description []
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ struct Cut_ListStruct_t_
static inline void Cut_ListStart( Cut_List_t * p )
int i;
for ( i = 1; i <= 6; i++ )
for ( i = 1; i <= CUT_SIZE_MAX; i++ )
p->pHead[i] = 0;
p->ppTail[i] = &p->pHead[i];
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static inline void Cut_ListStart( Cut_List_t * p )
Synopsis []
Synopsis [Adds one cut to the cut list.]
Description []
......@@ -82,14 +82,65 @@ static inline void Cut_ListStart( Cut_List_t * p )
static inline void Cut_ListAdd( Cut_List_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut )
assert( pCut->nLeaves > 0 && pCut->nLeaves < 7 );
assert( pCut->nLeaves > 0 && pCut->nLeaves <= CUT_SIZE_MAX );
*p->ppTail[pCut->nLeaves] = pCut;
p->ppTail[pCut->nLeaves] = &pCut->pNext;
Synopsis []
Synopsis [Adds one cut to the cut list.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline void Cut_ListDerive( Cut_List_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pList )
Cut_Cut_t * pPrev;
int nLeaves;
Cut_ListStart( p );
while ( pList != NULL )
nLeaves = pList->nLeaves;
p->pHead[nLeaves] = pList;
for ( pPrev = pList, pList = pList->pNext; pList; pPrev = pList, pList = pList->pNext )
if ( nLeaves < (int)pList->nLeaves )
p->ppTail[nLeaves] = &pPrev->pNext;
pPrev->pNext = NULL;
Synopsis [Adds the second list to the first list.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static inline void Cut_ListAddList( Cut_List_t * pOld, Cut_List_t * pNew )
int i;
for ( i = 1; i <= CUT_SIZE_MAX; i++ )
if ( pNew->pHead[i] == NULL )
*pOld->ppTail[i] = pNew->pHead[i];
pOld->ppTail[i] = pNew->ppTail[i];
Synopsis [Returns the cut list linked into one sequence of cuts.]
Description []
......@@ -100,11 +151,17 @@ static inline void Cut_ListAdd( Cut_List_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut )
static inline Cut_Cut_t * Cut_ListFinish( Cut_List_t * p )
Cut_Cut_t * pHead = NULL, ** ppTail = &pHead;
int i;
for ( i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
*p->ppTail[i] = p->pHead[i+1];
*p->ppTail[6] = NULL;
return p->pHead[1];
for ( i = 1; i < CUT_SIZE_MAX; i++ )
if ( p->pHead[i] == NULL )
*ppTail = p->pHead[i];
ppTail = p->ppTail[i];
*ppTail = NULL;
return pHead;
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
extern void Npn_StartTruth8( uint8 uTruths[][32] );
......@@ -43,32 +45,32 @@ Cut_Man_t * Cut_ManStart( Cut_Params_t * pParams )
Cut_Man_t * p;
int clk = clock();
assert( pParams->nVarsMax >= 4 && pParams->nVarsMax <= 6 );
assert( pParams->nVarsMax >= 4 && pParams->nVarsMax <= CUT_SIZE_MAX );
p = ALLOC( Cut_Man_t, 1 );
memset( p, 0, sizeof(Cut_Man_t) );
// set and correct parameters
p->pParams = pParams;
if ( p->pParams->fSeq )
p->pParams->fFilter = 1;
// space for cuts
p->vCuts = Vec_PtrAlloc( pParams->nIdsMax );
Vec_PtrFill( p->vCuts, pParams->nIdsMax, NULL );
// prepare storage for cuts
p->vCutsNew = Vec_PtrAlloc( pParams->nIdsMax );
Vec_PtrFill( p->vCutsNew, pParams->nIdsMax, NULL );
// prepare storage for sequential cuts
if ( pParams->fSeq )
p->vCutsNew = Vec_PtrAlloc( pParams->nIdsMax );
Vec_PtrFill( p->vCuts, pParams->nIdsMax, NULL );
p->pParams->fFilter = 1;
p->vCutsOld = Vec_PtrAlloc( pParams->nIdsMax );
Vec_PtrFill( p->vCutsOld, pParams->nIdsMax, NULL );
p->vCutsTemp = Vec_PtrAlloc( pParams->nCutSet );
Vec_PtrFill( p->vCutsTemp, pParams->nCutSet, NULL );
assert( !pParams->fTruth || pParams->nVarsMax <= 5 );
// entry size
p->EntrySize = sizeof(Cut_Cut_t) + (pParams->nVarsMax + pParams->fSeq) * sizeof(int);
if ( pParams->fTruth )
if ( pParams->nVarsMax == 5 )
p->EntrySize += sizeof(unsigned);
else if ( pParams->nVarsMax == 6 )
p->EntrySize += 2 * sizeof(unsigned);
p->EntrySize = sizeof(Cut_Cut_t) + pParams->nVarsMax * sizeof(int);
if ( pParams->fTruth && pParams->nVarsMax >= 5 && pParams->nVarsMax <= 8 )
p->EntrySize += (1 << (pParams->nVarsMax - 5)) * sizeof(unsigned);
// memory for cuts
p->pMmCuts = Extra_MmFixedStart( p->EntrySize );
// elementary truth tables
Npn_StartTruth8( p->uTruths );
p->uTruthVars[0][1] = p->uTruthVars[0][0] = 0xAAAAAAAA; // 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
p->uTruthVars[1][1] = p->uTruthVars[1][0] = 0xCCCCCCCC; // 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
p->uTruthVars[2][1] = p->uTruthVars[2][0] = 0xF0F0F0F0; // 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000
......@@ -95,13 +97,14 @@ void Cut_ManStop( Cut_Man_t * p )
Cut_Cut_t * pCut;
int i;
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vCuts, pCut, i )
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vCutsNew, pCut, i )
if ( pCut != NULL )
int k = 0;
if ( p->vCutsNew ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vCutsNew );
if ( p->vCuts ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vCuts );
if ( p->vCutsOld ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vCutsOld );
if ( p->vCutsTemp ) Vec_PtrFree( p->vCutsTemp );
if ( p->vFanCounts ) Vec_IntFree( p->vFanCounts );
if ( p->pPerms43 ) free( p->pPerms43 );
if ( p->pPerms53 ) free( p->pPerms53 );
......@@ -124,13 +127,18 @@ void Cut_ManStop( Cut_Man_t * p )
void Cut_ManPrintStats( Cut_Man_t * p )
if ( p->pReady )
Cut_CutRecycle( p, p->pReady );
p->pReady = NULL;
printf( "Cut computation statistics:\n" );
printf( "Current cuts = %8d. (Trivial = %d.)\n", p->nCutsCur-p->nCutsTriv, p->nCutsTriv );
printf( "Peak cuts = %8d.\n", p->nCutsPeak );
printf( "Total allocated = %8d.\n", p->nCutsAlloc );
printf( "Total deallocated = %8d.\n", p->nCutsDealloc );
printf( "Cuts filtered = %8d.\n", p->nCutsFilter );
printf( "Nodes with limit = %8d.\n", p->nCutsLimit );
printf( "Nodes saturated = %8d. (Max cuts = %d.)\n", p->nCutsLimit, p->pParams->nKeepMax );
printf( "Cuts per node = %8.1f\n", ((float)(p->nCutsCur-p->nCutsTriv))/p->nNodes );
printf( "The cut size = %8d bytes.\n", p->EntrySize );
printf( "Peak memory = %8.2f Mb.\n", (float)p->nCutsPeak * p->EntrySize / (1<<20) );
......@@ -138,11 +146,38 @@ void Cut_ManPrintStats( Cut_Man_t * p )
PRT( "Union ", p->timeUnion );
PRT( "Filter", p->timeFilter );
PRT( "Truth ", p->timeTruth );
printf( "Nodes = %d. Multi = %d. Cuts = %d. Multi = %d.\n",
p->nNodes, p->nNodesMulti, p->nCutsCur-p->nCutsTriv, p->nCutsMulti );
Synopsis [Prints some interesting stats.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_ManPrintStatsToFile( Cut_Man_t * p, char * pFileName, int TimeTotal )
FILE * pTable;
pTable = fopen( "cut_stats.txt", "a+" );
fprintf( pTable, "%-20s ", pFileName );
fprintf( pTable, "%8d ", p->nNodes );
fprintf( pTable, "%6.1f ", ((float)(p->nCutsCur))/p->nNodes );
fprintf( pTable, "%6.2f ", ((float)(100.0 * p->nCutsLimit))/p->nNodes );
fprintf( pTable, "%6.2f ", (float)p->nCutsPeak * p->EntrySize / (1<<20) );
fprintf( pTable, "%6.2f ", (float)(TimeTotal)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) );
fprintf( pTable, "\n" );
fclose( pTable );
Synopsis []
Description []
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
SeeAlso []
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo2( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
static int M[7][3] = {{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0}};
Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1
SeeAlso []
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo2( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
Cut_Cut_t * Cut_CutMergeTwo( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
Cut_Cut_t * pRes;
int * pLeaves;
......@@ -24,12 +24,195 @@
static void Cut_NodeShiftLat( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int nLat );
static int Cut_ListCount( Cut_Cut_t * pList );
Synopsis [Computes sequential cuts for the node from its fanins.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeComputeCutsSeq( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int Node0, int Node1, int fCompl0, int fCompl1, int nLat0, int nLat1, int fTriv, int CutSetNum )
Cut_List_t List1, List2, List3;
Cut_Cut_t * pList1, * pList2, * pList3, * pListNew;
int clk = clock();
// assert( Node != Node0 );
// assert( Node != Node1 );
// get the number of cuts at the node
p->nNodeCuts = Cut_ListCount( Cut_NodeReadCutsOld(p, Node) );
if ( p->nNodeCuts >= p->pParams->nKeepMax )
// count only the first visit
if ( p->nNodeCuts == 0 )
// shift the cuts by as many latches
if ( nLat0 ) Cut_NodeShiftLat( p, Node0, nLat0 );
if ( nLat1 ) Cut_NodeShiftLat( p, Node1, nLat1 );
// merge the old and new
pList1 = Cut_NodeDoComputeCuts( p, Node, Node0, Node1, fCompl0, fCompl1, 0, 1, 0 );
// merge the new and old
pList2 = Cut_NodeDoComputeCuts( p, Node, Node0, Node1, fCompl0, fCompl1, 1, 0, 0 );
// merge the new and new
pList3 = Cut_NodeDoComputeCuts( p, Node, Node0, Node1, fCompl0, fCompl1, 1, 1, fTriv );
p->timeMerge += clock() - clk;
// merge all lists
Cut_ListDerive( &List1, pList1 );
Cut_ListDerive( &List2, pList2 );
Cut_ListDerive( &List3, pList3 );
Cut_ListAddList( &List1, &List2 );
Cut_ListAddList( &List1, &List3 );
// set the lists at the node
pListNew = Cut_ListFinish( &List1 );
if ( CutSetNum >= 0 )
assert( Cut_NodeReadCutsTemp(p, CutSetNum) == NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsTemp( p, CutSetNum, pListNew );
assert( Cut_NodeReadCutsNew(p, Node) == NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( p, Node, pListNew );
// shift the cuts by as many latches back
if ( nLat0 ) Cut_NodeShiftLat( p, Node0, -nLat0 );
if ( nLat1 ) Cut_NodeShiftLat( p, Node1, -nLat1 );
if ( p->nNodeCuts >= p->pParams->nKeepMax )
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeNewMergeWithOld( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
Cut_List_t Old, New;
Cut_Cut_t * pListOld, * pListNew;
// get the new cuts
pListNew = Cut_NodeReadCutsNew( p, Node );
if ( pListNew == NULL )
Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( p, Node, NULL );
// get the old cuts
pListOld = Cut_NodeReadCutsOld( p, Node );
if ( pListOld == NULL )
Cut_NodeWriteCutsOld( p, Node, pListNew );
// merge the lists
Cut_ListDerive( &Old, pListOld );
Cut_ListDerive( &New, pListNew );
Cut_ListAddList( &Old, &New );
pListOld = Cut_ListFinish( &Old );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsOld( p, Node, pListOld );
Synopsis [Returns 1 if something was transferred.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Cut_NodeTempTransferToNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int CutSetNum )
Cut_Cut_t * pCut;
pCut = Cut_NodeReadCutsTemp( p, CutSetNum );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsTemp( p, CutSetNum, NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( p, Node, pCut );
return pCut != NULL;
Synopsis [Returns 1 if something was transferred.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeOldTransferToNew( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node )
Cut_Cut_t * pCut;
pCut = Cut_NodeReadCutsOld( p, Node );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsOld( p, Node, NULL );
Cut_NodeWriteCutsNew( p, Node, pCut );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_NodeShiftLat( Cut_Man_t * p, int Node, int nLat )
Cut_Cut_t * pTemp;
int i;
// shift the cuts by as many latches
Cut_ListForEachCut( Cut_NodeReadCutsOld(p, Node), pTemp )
pTemp->uSign = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pTemp->nLeaves; i++ )
pTemp->pLeaves[i] += nLat;
pTemp->uSign |= Cut_NodeSign( pTemp->pLeaves[i] );
Cut_ListForEachCut( Cut_NodeReadCutsNew(p, Node), pTemp )
pTemp->uSign = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < (int)pTemp->nLeaves; i++ )
pTemp->pLeaves[i] += nLat;
pTemp->uSign |= Cut_NodeSign( pTemp->pLeaves[i] );
Synopsis []
Description []
......@@ -39,6 +222,13 @@
SeeAlso []
int Cut_ListCount( Cut_Cut_t * pList )
int Counter = 0;
Cut_ListForEachCut( pList, pList )
return Counter;
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "cutInt.h"
#include "npn.h"
......@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ int clk = clock();
Cut_TruthCompute5( p, pCut, pCut0, pCut1 );
else // if ( pCut->nVarsMax == 6 )
Cut_TruthCompute6( p, pCut, pCut0, pCut1 );
// Npn_VarsTest( pCut->nVarsMax, Cut_CutReadTruth(pCut) );
p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
......@@ -316,6 +319,93 @@ p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
Synopsis [Expands the truth table according to the phase.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Extra_TruthExpand( int nVars, uint8 * puTruth, unsigned uPhase, uint8 * puTruthR )
int i, k, m, m1;
assert( nVars <= 8 );
Extra_BitClean( nVars, puTruthR );
for ( m = (1 << nVars) - 1; m >= 0; m-- )
m1 = 0;
for ( i = k = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
if ( uPhase & (1 << i) )
if ( m & (1 << i) )
m1 |= (1 << k);
if ( Extra_BitRead( puTruth, m1 ) )
Extra_BitSet( puTruthR, m );
Synopsis [Performs truth table computation.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Cut_TruthCompute1( Cut_Man_t * p, Cut_Cut_t * pCut, Cut_Cut_t * pCut0, Cut_Cut_t * pCut1 )
uint8 uTruth0[32], uTruth1[32];
unsigned * puTruthCut0, * puTruthCut1, * puTruthCut;
unsigned uPhase;
int clk = clock();
assert( pCut->nLeaves >= 2 );
assert( pCut->nLeaves <= 8 );
if ( pCut->nVarsMax == 4 )
Cut_TruthCompute4( p, pCut, pCut0, pCut1 );
puTruthCut0 = Cut_CutReadTruth(pCut0);
puTruthCut1 = Cut_CutReadTruth(pCut1);
puTruthCut = Cut_CutReadTruth(pCut);
uPhase = Cut_TruthPhase( pCut, pCut0 );
Extra_TruthExpand( pCut->nVarsMax, (uint8*)puTruthCut0, uPhase, uTruth0 );
if ( p->fCompl0 )
Extra_BitNot( pCut->nVarsMax, uTruth0 );
uPhase = Cut_TruthPhase( pCut, pCut1 );
Extra_TruthExpand( pCut->nVarsMax, (uint8*)puTruthCut1, uPhase, uTruth1 );
if ( p->fCompl1 )
Extra_BitNot( pCut->nVarsMax, uTruth1 );
Extra_BitAnd( pCut->nVarsMax, (uint8*)uTruth0, (uint8*)uTruth1, (uint8*)puTruthCut );
if ( pCut->fCompl )
Extra_BitNot( pCut->nVarsMax, (uint8*)puTruthCut );
p->timeTruth += clock() - clk;
//Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned*)uTruth0, 32 ); printf( "\n" );
//Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned*)uTruth1, 32 ); printf( "\n" );
//Extra_PrintBinary( stdout, puTruthCut , 32 ); printf( "\n" );
//uPhase = 0;
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ void Rwr_ManPrintStats( Rwr_Man_t * p )
PRT( "Update ", p->timeUpdate );
PRT( "TOTAL ", p->timeTotal );
printf( "The scores are:\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < 222; i++ )
if ( p->nScores[i] > 0 )
printf( "%3d = %8d canon = %5d\n", i, p->nScores[i], p->pMapInv[i] );
printf( "\n" );
......@@ -586,10 +586,6 @@ int Sim_SolveSuppModelVerify( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int * pModel, int Input, int Out
// perform the traversal
RetValue = 3 & Sim_NtkSimTwoPats_rec( Abc_ObjFanin0( Abc_NtkCo(pNtk,Output) ) );
if ( RetValue == 0 || RetValue == 3 )
int x = 0;
// assert( RetValue == 1 || RetValue == 2 );
return RetValue == 1 || RetValue == 2;
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